RNS Number : 9239R

Alternative Income REIT PLC

06 March 2023


6 March 2023

Alternative Income REIT plc

(the "Company" or the "Group")


Resilient portfolio providing secure, inflation-linked long-term income

Remain on track to deliver target annual dividend of at least 5.7 pence per share for the financial year ending 30 June 2023

The Board of Directors of Alternative Income REIT plc (ticker: AIRE), the owner of a diversified portfolio of UK commercial property assets predominantly let on long leases with index-linked rent reviews, is pleased to announce its interim report and financial statements for the half year ended 31 December 2022.

Simon Bennett, Non-Executive Chairman of Alternative Income REIT plc, comments:

"The half year results reflect the resilience of the Company's portfolio, and the Company remains on track to deliver the Board's previously announced target annual dividend of at least 5.7 pence per share(1) ("pps"), which is expected to be fully covered.

Whilst not immune from the headwinds affecting the UK and wider global economy at the present time, 96% of the Group's portfolio benefits from index-linked rent reviews. Combining this with a strong balance sheet, modest overheads and low fixed borrowing costs until 2025, helps ensure the Company is well positioned to ride-out successfully the current economic storm and to continue to deliver attractive, secure and progressive income to our shareholders."

Financial Highlights

At 31 December 2022 (the 'Period End')

                                 31 December 2022       30 June 2022 
                                      (unaudited)          (audited)     Change 
 Net Asset Value ('NAV')          GBP67.9 million    GBP77.6 million     -12.5% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 NAV per share                             84.34p             96.40p     -12.5% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Share price                               66.70p             82.10p     -18.8% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Share price discount to NAV 
  (A)                                       20.9%              14.8%      +6.1% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Investment property fair 
  value (based on external 
  valuation)                     GBP107.4 million   GBP117.9 million      -8.9% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Loan to gross asset value 
  ('GAV') (A)                               36.8%              33.7% 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Loan facility (2)                GBP41.0 million    GBP41.0 million          - 
                               ------------------  -----------------  --------- 

For the half year ended 31 December 2022 (the 'Period')

                                                2022             2021 
                                         (unaudited)      (unaudited)    Change 
 EPRA earnings per share ('EPS') 
  (A)                                          3.45p            3.28p     +5.2% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Adjusted EPS (A)                              3.35p            2.79p    +20.1% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Dividend cover (A)                           121.8%           107.3%    +14.5% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Dividends per share                           2.75p            2.60p     +5.8% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Dividend yield (annual) (A)                    8.3%             7.6%     +0.7% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Operating profit (including 
  gain on sale of investment 
  property but excluding fair 
  value changes)                      GBP3.5 million   GBP3.4 million     +2.9% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 (Loss)/profit before tax           (GBP7.3 million)   GBP6.2 million   -217.3% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 EPS (loss)/profit                           (9.08p)            7.74p   -217.3% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Share price total return 
  (A)                                         -15.4%            +5.8% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 NAV total return (A)                          -9.6%            +9.7% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Annualised gross passing 
  rent (A)                            GBP7.5 million   GBP6.6 million    +13.6% 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Ongoing charges (A)                           1.42%            1.44%    -2 bps 
                                   -----------------  ---------------  -------- 

-- The NAV decreased in aggregate by GBP9.7 million to GBP67.9 million, equivalent to 84.34pps as at 31 December 2022 (30 June 2022: GBP77.6 million, equivalent to 96.40pps). The majority of the decrease is due to a GBP10.1 million reduction in the fair value of the investment properties impacted by upward yield movement across the wider real estate sector, driven primarily from rises in interest rates and inflation during 2022.

-- Dividends in respect of the Period totalled 2.75pps, a 5.8% increase on the first six months to 31 December 2021 and in line with the Board's target annual dividend of at least 5.7pps(1) , which is expected to be fully covered. Dividends in respect of the period were covered 121.8% by earnings.

-- EPS amounted to a loss of 9.08pps for the Period (half year ended 31 December 2021: profit of 7.74p). The majority of this arose from the GBP10.1 million reduction in the fair value of the investment properties in the Period.

-- The Group's loan matures in October 2025 and is fixed at a weighted average interest cost of 3.19%. The loan continues to have significant headroom to the lender's loan to value covenant of 60% and remains comfortably within the Group's stated borrowing limit of not exceeding 40% of GAV (measured at drawdown).

(A) Considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. Further details can be found at the end of this section and full calculations are set out following the financial statements.

(1) This is a target only and not a profit forecast. There can be no assurance that the target will be met and it should not be taken as an indicator of the Company's expected or actual results.

(2) The loan facility at 31 December 2022 of GBP41.0 million (30 June 2022: same) is with Canada Life Investments, matures on 20 October 2025 and has a weighted average interest cost of 3.19%.

Operational Highlights

At the Group's Period End of 31 December 2022:

-- The Group's property portfolio had a fair value of GBP107.4 million across 19 properties (30 June 2022: GBP117.9 million across 19 properties). There were no property transactions in the Period.

-- The EPRA Net Initial Yield (A) ('NIY') increased to 6.5% at 31 December 2022 (30 June 2022: 5.7%).

-- 96% of the Group's income is inflation linked to the Retail Price Index ('RPI') or the Consumer Price Index ('CPI').

   --    The assets were fully let at the Period End and throughout the Period. 

-- The weighted average unexpired lease term ('WAULT') at the Period End was 17.0 years to the earlier of break and expiry (30 June 2022:17.5 years) and 18.8 years to expiry (30 June 2022: 19.4 years).

Income and expense during the Period

-- Rent recognised during the Period was GBP3.9 million (half year to 31 December 2021: GBP3.7 million), of which GBP0.2 million (31 December 2021: GBP0.3 million) was accrued debtors for the combination of minimum uplifts and rent-free period. The number of tenants at the half year was 21 (31 December 2021: 20).

   --    All of the rent due in 2022 has been collected. 

-- The portfolio had annualised gross passing rent(A) of GBP7.5 million across 19 properties (31 December 2021: GBP6.6 million across 18 properties), increasing by 13.6% due t o the acquisition of Volvo, Slough in Q1 2022 and various rent reviews during the 12 months to 31 December 2022.

-- A total of 7 rent reviews took place during the Period with a combined uplift of GBP247,000 representing an average of 8.38% growth in contracted rent across those properties affected and 3.43% across the portfolio.

-- Ongoing charges at the Period end was 1.42% a slight decrease from the comparable prior period.

-- The Group received GBP825,000 in the Period, in full and final settlement of litigation to recover costs incurred on work to replace defective cladding on the Travelodge Hotel, Swindon. This one-off receipt has been proportionally allocated as GBP606,000 to capital, as a reduction in acquisition costs and GBP219,000 to revenue, as other property income. Further detail is contained in Note 15.3 of the financial statements.

Post balance sheet highlights

-- On 1 February 2023, the Board declared an interim dividend of 1.375pps in respect of the quarter ended 31 December 2022. This was paid on 24 February 2023 to shareholders on the register as at 10 February 2023. The ex-dividend date was 9 February 2023.

-- A lease renewal for a further 5 years from 14 January 2023 has been agreed with Pets at Home for the Group's unit in Droitwich. Negotiations are in progress with Mears Group, in respect of Bramall Court, Salford, to change the use of the property from student accommodation to social housing, whilst entering a nomination agreement with Salford City Council.

-- Over the six month period to 30 June 2023, 26% of the Group's income will be reviewed ( five annual index-lin k ed rent reviews and three periodic index-linked rent reviews (5 years since the previous reviews)).


  Alternative Income REIT plc 
  Simon Bennett - Chairman                via H/Advisors Maitland below 
  M7 Real Estate Ltd 
   Richard Croft                          +44 (0)20 3657 5500 
  Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited             +44 (0)20 7886 2500 
  Alex Collins 
  Tom Scrivens 
  Chloe Ponsonby 
  H/Advisors Maitland (Communications 
   Adviser)                               +44(0) 7747 113 930 
  James Benjamin                          Aire-maitland@h-advisors.global 

The Company's LEI is 213800MPBIJS12Q88F71.

Further information on Alternative Income REIT plc is available at www.alternativeincomereit.com (3)


Alternative Income REIT plc aims to generate a sustainable, secure and attractive income return for shareholders from a diversified portfolio of UK property investments, predominately in alternative and specialist sectors. The majority of the assets in the Group's portfolio are let on long leases which contain inflation linked rent review provisions.

The Company's investment adviser is M7 Real Estate Limited ("M7"). M7 is a leading specialist in the pan-European, regional, multi-tenanted real estate market. The company has 225 employees in 14 countries and territories. The team manages over 590 properties with a value of circa EUR5.9 billion.

(3) Neither the content of the Company's website, nor the content on any website accessible from hyperlinks on its website or any other website, is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement nor, unless previously published on a Regulatory Information Service, should any such content be relied upon in reaching a decision as to whether or not to acquire, continue to hold, or dispose of, securities in the Company.

Chairman's Statement


I am pleased to present the unaudited half-yearly report of Alternative Income REIT plc (the "Company") together with its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the half year ended 31 December 2022.

During the period under review the real estate sector as a whole has seen an upward movement in property yields, which therefore results in a downward movement in valuations. The Company's portfolio was not immune to this adverse movement and for the half year ended 31 December 2022 the Group's net asset value showed a fall of GBP9.7 million to GBP67.9 million (30 June 2022: GBP77.6 million). That said, the portfolio has shown some resilience as the valuation fall has, in the main part, been materially lower than the benchmark property indices and the Company's peer group.

Whilst not immune from the headwinds affecting the UK economy at the present time, 96% of the Group's portfolio benefits from index-linked rent reviews. Combining this with a strong balance sheet, modest overheads and low fixed borrowing costs until 2025, helps ensure the Company is well positioned to ride-out successfully the current economic storm and to continue to deliver attractive, secure and progressive income to our shareholders.

Dividends & Earnings

The Company declared interim dividends of 2.75pps in respect of the half year ended 31 December 2022, an increase of 5.8% on the dividends declared for the half year ended 31 December 2021 of 2.60pps. Dividends declared for the Period are in line with the Board's target annual dividend of at least 5.7pps(1) , which is expected to be fully covered.

As set out in Note 8 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, these dividends were well-covered by both EPRA Earnings(A) of 3.45pps (31 December 2021: 3.28pps), and the Group's Adjusted EPS(A) (representing cash) of 3.35pps (31 December 2021: 2.79pps).


At 31 December 2022, the Group had fully utilised its GBP41.0 million loan facility with Canada Life Investments. The weighted average interest cost of the Group's facility is 3.19% and the loan is repayable on 20 October 2025. If repayment is made prior to this date, and the corresponding Gilt rate is lower than the contracted rate of interest, then the loan terms provide for an early redemption fee, which at 31 December 2022 would have been a GBPnil cost (31 December 2021: GBP2,551,803).

Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG")

The Board recognises the importance of ESG to sustainable investment and to the wider business and investor community. In order to meet these expectations, the Group's Investment Adviser has adopted a number of strategies to maintain a conscientious approach to ESG in respect of the Group's property portfolio. With increasing energy costs there has been a renewed focus on sustainability and the Board will continue to maintain its focus on this and seek opportunities, wherever possible to reduce the Group's carbon footprint.

Future Growth and Outlook

Investment performance in the foreseeable future may be impacted by the headwinds currently effecting the UK and wider global economy which is experiencing high levels of inflation and low growth, with the UK economy teetering on the brink of a potential recession.

The Group's portfolio of 19 investment properties is resilient and continues to provide long-dated high-yielding rental income. Consequently, the Board remains confident, subject to any tenant defaults, that the Company continues to be on track to deliver its target annual dividend of at least 5.7pps(1) for the year ending 30 June 2023. This dividend is expected to be fully covered and takes account of the fact that over the six month period to 30 June 2023, 26% of the Group's income will be reviewed ( five annual index-lin k ed rent reviews and three periodic index-linked rent reviews (5 years since the previous reviews)). Over the next 12-month financial period, 63% of the Group's income will be reviewed (45% annual index-linked rent reviews, 16% periodic index-linked rent reviews, namely 5 years since the previous reviews with 2% on fixed uplifts).

I would like to thank our shareholders, my fellow Directors, the Investment Adviser and our other advisers and service providers who have provided professional support and services to the Group during the Period.

Finally, I would like to thank Alan Sippetts, my predecessor as Chairman, for his contribution to the success of the Company in recent years.

Simon Bennett


6 March 2023

K ey Performance Indicators ('KPIs')

   1. Net Initial Yield                 The NIY is an indicator              6.47% 
   ('NIY') (A)                          of the ability of the Company        at 31 December 2022 
   Annualised rental income             to meet its target dividend 
   based on the cash rents              after adjusting for the              (30 June 2022: 5.70%; 
   passing at the balance               impacts of leverage and              31 December 2021: 5.71%) 
   sheet date, less non-recoverable     deducting operating costs. 
   property operating expenses, 
   divided by the market 
   value of the property, 
   increased with purchasers' 
   costs estimated by the 
   Group's External Valuers. 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   2. Weighted Average Unexpired        The WAULT is a key measure           17.0 years to break and 
   Lease Term ('WAULT') to              of the quality of the portfolio.     18.8 years to expiry 
   break and expiry                     Long leases underpin the             at 31 December 2022 
   The average lease term               security of our future 
   remaining to expiry across           income.                              (30 June 2022: 17.5 years 
   the portfolio, weighted                                                   to break and 19.4 years 
   by contracted rent.                                                       to expiry; 31 December 
                                                                             2021: 18.1 years to break 
                                                                             and 20.2 years to expiry) 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   3. Net Asset Value ('NAV')           Provides stakeholders with           GBP 67.90 million/ 84.34pps 
   per share (4)                        the most relevant information        at 31 December 2022 
   NAV is the value of an               on the fair value of the 
   entity's assets minus                assets and liabilities               (30 June 2022: GBP77.60 
   the value of its liabilities.        of the Group.                        million, 96.40pps and 
                                                                             31 December 2021: GBP72.75 
                                                                             million, 90.38pps) 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   4. Dividend per share                The Company seeks to deliver         2.75 pps 
   Dividends declared in                a sustainable income stream          for the half year ended 
   relation to the period               from its portfolio, which            31 December 2022 
   are in line with the stated          it distributes as dividends. 
   dividend target as set                                                    (year ended 30 June 2022: 
   out in the Prospectus                                                     5.50pps; half year ended 
   at IPO. The Company targets                                               31 December 2021: 2.60pps) 
   a dividend of 5.50 pence 
   per Ordinary Share per 
   annum once fully invested 
   and leveraged(1) . 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   5. Adjusted EPS (A)                  This reflects the Company's          3.35 pps 
   Adjusted EPS from core               ability to generate earnings         for the half year ended 
   operational activities,              from the portfolio which             31 December 2022 
   as adjusted for non-cash             underpins dividends. 
   items. A key measure of                                                   (year ended 30 June 2022: 
   a company's underlying                                                    5.57pps; half year to 
   operating results from                                                    31 December 2021: 2.79pps) 
   its property rental business 
   and an indication of the 
   extent to which current 
   dividend payments are 
   supported by earnings. 
   See Note 7 to the Consolidated 
   Condensed Financial Statements. 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   6. Leverage (Loan-to-GAV)            The Group utilises borrowings        36.78 % 
   (A)                                  to enhance returns over              at 31 December 2022 
   The proportion of the                the medium term. Borrowings 
   Group's assets that is               will not exceed 40% of               (30 June 2022: 33.69% 
   funded by borrowings.                GAV (measured at drawdown).          and 31 December 2021: 
                                     -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 

EPRA Performance Measures

Detailed below is a summary table showing EPRA performance measures (which are all alternative performance measures) of the Group.

 MEASURE AND DEFINITION               PURPOSE                             PERFORMANCE 
   EPRA NIY (5)                         A comparable measure for            6.47 % 
   Annualised rental income             portfolio valuations. This          at 31 December 2022 
   based on the cash rents              measure should make it 
   passing at the balance               easier for investors to             (30 June 2022: 5.70 % 
   sheet date, less non-recoverable     judge themselves, how the           and 31 December 2021: 
   property operating expenses,         valuation of two portfolios         5.72%) 
   divided by the market                compare. 
   value of the property, 
   increased with (estimated) 
   purchasers' costs. 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA 'Topped-Up' NIY                 A comparable measure for            7.08 % 
   (5)                                  portfolio valuations. This          at 31 December 2022 
   This measure incorporates            measure should make it              (30 June 2022: 6.41 % 
   an adjustment to the EPRA            easier for investors to             and 31 December 2021: 
   NIY in respect of the                judge themselves, how the           6.68%) 
   expiration of rent-free              valuation of two portfolios 
   periods (or other unexpired          compare. 
   lease incentives such 
   as discounted rent periods 
   and step rents). 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA NAV (4)                         Makes adjustments to IFRS           GBP67.90 million / 84.34pps 
   Net asset value adjusted             NAV to provide stakeholders         at 31 December 2022 
   to include properties                with the most relevant 
   and other investment interests       information on the fair             (30 June 2022: GBP77.60 
   at fair value and to exclude         value of the assets and             million, 96.40pps and 
   certain items not expected           liabilities within a real           31 December 2021: 72.75 
   to crystallise in a long-term        estate investment company           million, 90.38pps) 
   investment property business.        with a long-term investment 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Net Reinstatement               A measure that highlights           GBP74.88 million/ 93.02pps 
   Value (4)                            the value of net assets             EPRA NRV for the half 
   The EPRA NRV adds back               on a long-term basis.               year ended 31 December 
   the purchasers' costs                                                    2022 
   deducted from the EPRA 
   NAV and deducts the break                                                (30 June 2022: GBP84.78 
   cost of bank borrowings.                                                 million/105.31pps and 
                                                                            31 December 2021: GBP77.20 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Net Tangible Assets             A measure that assumes              GBP67.90 million/ 84.34pps 
   (4)                                  entities buy and sell assets,       EPRA NTA for the half 
   The EPRA NTA deducts the             thereby crystallising certain       year ended 31 December 
   break cost of bank borrowings        levels of deferred tax              2022 
   from the EPRA NAV.                   liability. The Group has 
                                        UK REIT status and as such          (30 June 2022: GBP77.11 
   As break costs were nil              no deferred tax is required         million/95.79pps and 31 
   at the period end, the               to be recognised in the             December 2021: GBP70.20 
   EPRA NTA is the same as              accounts.                           million/87.21pps) 
   the EPRA NAV. 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Net Disposal Value              A measure that shows the            GBP67.90 million/ 84.34pps 
   (4)                                  shareholder value if assets         EPRA NDV for the half 
   The EPRA NDV deducts the             and liabilities are not             year ended 31 December 
   break cost of bank borrowings        held until maturity.                2022 
   from the EPRA NAV. 
                                                                            (30 June 2022: GBP77.11 
                                                                            million/95.79pps and 31 
                                                                            December 2021: GBP70.20 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Earnings/EPS (4)                A key measure of a company's        GBP2.78 million/ 3.45pps 
   Earnings from operational            underlying operating results        EPRA earnings for the 
   activities.                          and an indication of the            half year ended 31 December 
                                        extent to which current             2022 
                                        dividend payments are supported 
                                        by earnings.                        (30 June 2022: GBP 5.05 
                                                                            million/ 6.27pps and 31 
                                                                            December 2021: GBP2.64 
                                                                            million/ 3.28pps) 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Vacancy (5)                     A 'pure' percentage measure         0.00 % 
   Estimated Rental Value               of investment property              EPRA vacancy as at 31 
   ('ERV') of vacant space              space that is vacant, based         December 2022 
   divided by ERV of the                on ERV. 
   whole portfolio.                                                         (30 June 2022: 0.00 % 
                                                                            and 31 December 2021: 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   EPRA Cost Ratio (5)                  A key measure to enable             15.17 % 
   Administrative and operating         meaningful measurement              EPRA Cost Ratio as at 
   costs (including and excluding       of the changes in a company's       31 December 2022. The 
   costs of direct vacancy)             operating costs.                    ratio is the same both 
   divided by gross rental                                                  including and excluding 
   income.                                                                  the vacancy costs. 
                                                                            (30 June 2022: 13.79 % 
                                                                            and 31 December 2021: 
                                     ----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 

(4) The reconciliation of this APM is set out in Note 8 of the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

(5) The reconciliation of this APM is set out in the EPRA Performance Measures Calculations section following the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Investment Adviser's Report

Market Outlook

UK Economic Outlook

The outlook for the UK economy has improved since the beginning of the year and many economists are now predicting that interest rates may now be at, or close to, their peak.

The February 2023 Bank of England base rate increase to 4% was the 10(th) consecutive hike in as many Monetary Policy Committee meetings and took rates to a 14-year high with a cumulative rise of 3.9%. This represents the fastest and largest rise in rates since the late 1980s and is a response to the fastest and largest rise in inflation since the early 1980s. Expectations are that any further rises are likely to be more measured 0.25% increases rather than the 0.5% hikes to which we have recently become accustomed although Capital Economics forecast that lingering domestic inflation pressures will force the Bank to keep interest rates at their peak for all of 2023 before falling to circa. 3.7% by the end of 2024. The impact on commercial property of this rapid change in the interest rate environment is considered further below.

It remains a matter of debate as to whether the economy is currently in recession with the National Institute of Economic and Social Research forecasting mild growth of 0.2% in 2023 and the economy therefore avoiding a technical recession. In contrast, the Bank of England are still predicting a shallow but protracted recession, with a 1% contraction over five quarters, highlighting that most of the drag from higher interest rates has yet to be felt. However, the IMF have recently weighed in with a more gloomy prediction - that Britain will be the only leading economy to suffer a contraction this year.

The significant increase in energy prices as a consequence of the Ukraine war and the emergence of the global economy from the Covid pandemic is now reversing with petrol prices approximately 25% lower than at their peak and average household bills predicted by both The Resolution Foundation and Cornwall Insight to fall below the government's GBP2,500 p.a. price cap by the summer.

The principal risks to the UK economy appear to be from the squeeze on disposable income, as a result of the increases in the cost of living, and the speed with which inflation will fall. Low-income households are estimated to have seen their disposable income fall by nearly 20% since the onset of Covid according to the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. With respect to inflation, the latest forecasts from the Bank of England have inflation falling from 10.5% to 3.9% by the end of this year, and to 1.4% by the end of 2024, albeit the Bank note that the "risks to inflation are skewed significantly to the upside".

However, the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee in its most recent assessment judges that "households are more resilient now than in the run-up to the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2007 and that households are, in aggregate, less indebted compared to the peak that preceded the GFC.

UK Real Estate Outlook

The challenging economic circumstances in the UK are unsurprisingly impacting the commercial property sector and particularly the investment market at the present time. The occupier market will inevitably also be influenced by any recession although the extent of this will, of course, depend upon the length and depth of any period of economic decline.

Inflation and rising interest rates have brought about an increase in property yields as investors seek an appropriate yield gap between the risk-free rate and commercial property returns. Lower, and less certain expectations about future rental growth also add to pressure on the lowest yields, with the greatest impact seen so far on the industrial and warehouse sector. The ongoing yield shift has reduced values and returns for property investors particularly those with debt for whom the cost is increasing although not necessarily until expiration of their debt term.

In their outlook for the UK Real Estate Market in 2023, CBRE reached five key conclusions.

-- First, that real estate prices will stabilise in 2023. They suggest that the spread over gilt yields going forward will be tighter than in the last decade. CBRE argue that as a result of quantitative easing, implemented after the Global Financial Crisis, the spread between commercial real estate yields and those of UK government bonds was abnormally high in a historical context.

-- Income returns, rather than capital growth, will drive commercial real estate returns in the year ahead. The financial performance of occupiers and the success of asset management initiatives will be key.

-- The performance of other asset classes relative to real estate will affect investor demand particularly as institutions seek to rebalance portfolios as a consequence of the changes in investment performance and outlook in 2022.

-- Transaction volumes will fall although the impact of this will be limited on established portfolios.

-- Finally, CBRE forecast that the debt market will remain resilient as UK real estate is less leveraged than in the Global Financial Crisis. However, CBRE note that higher debt costs, together with lower asset values, will pose challenges for investors that need to refinance this year and that will inevitably lead to forced, or at least "lender-led", sales particularly by highly leveraged investors and those owning sub-prime assets particularly.

In some of the first analysis of actual transactions in 2023, it has been reported that capital values declined by 0.4% across all UK commercial property in January 2023 according to the latest CBRE Monthly Index. On a sector specific basis, CBRE report that the decline was higher for the Industrial sector across the UK at -0.7% whereas Retail Warehouse sector posted a fall of only -0.2% along with positive rental growth of 0.3% in the month.

In our opinion, as a further consideration, we see no let-up in the value placed by both occupiers and investors on assets and portfolios meeting sustainability criteria as global warming is increasingly being seen to impact upon our climate. Furthermore, more mandatory disclosure requirements are to be introduced in the UK and high energy prices will incentivise investment by reducing the payback period of energy saving measures.

It is worth noting that the fall in the share price of UK REITs in 2022 was some time ahead of the subsequent fall in values in the conventionally traded property market. Investors will be looking to see if an improvement in listed property prices acts again as an indicator of change in market traded values.

Portfolio Activity

The following asset management initiatives were undertaken during the Period:

-- Rent Reviews: A total of 7 rent reviews took place during the Period with a combined uplift of GBP247,330 representing an average of 8.38% growth in contracted rent across those properties affected and 3.43% across the portfolio.

-- Travelodge, Swindon: Litigation, lodged with the Court on 12 November 2021, in respect of cladding replacement works carried out by the Group to the top floors of the asset, was concluded with the GBP825,000 settlement received in the Period.

The following asset management initiatives were undertaken between the half year and the date of this report:

-- A lease renewal for a further 5 years from 14 January 2023 has been agreed with Pets at Home and is currently being documented.

-- Negotiations are in progress with Mears Group, in respect of Bramall Court, Salford, to change the use of the property from student accommodation to social housing, whilst entering a nomination agreement with Salford City Council.

NAV Movements

                                                Half year ended        Half year ended             Year ended 
                                               31 December 2022            31 December           30 June 2022 
                                                                   Pence                  Pence 
                                            Pence                    per                    per 
                                        per share   GBP million    share   GBP million    share   GBP million 
                                      -----------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------ 
 NAV as at beginning of period/ 
  year                                      96.40         77.60    85.58         68.89    85.58         68.89 
 Change in fair value of investment 
  property                                (12.53)       (10.09)     4.34          3.49     9.97          8.02 
 Income earned for the period/year           5.41          4.36     4.75          3.83     9.81          7.90 
 Gain on sale of property                       -             -     0.12          0.10     0.12          0.10 
 Finance costs for the period/year         (0.88)        (0.71)   (0.88)        (0.71)   (1.77)        (1.42) 
 Other expenses for the period/year        (1.08)        (0.86)   (0.59)        (0.48)   (1.77)        (1.43) 
 Dividends paid during the 
  period/year                              (2.98)        (2.40)   (2.94)        (2.37)   (5.54)        (4.46) 
 NAV as at the end of the 
  year                                      84.34         67.90    90.38         72.75    96.40         77.60 
                                      -----------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------ 


At 31 December 2022 the Group owned 19 assets (30 June 2022: 19 assets). The 19 properties held for the Period were valued at GBP107.4 million at 31 December 2022 (30 June 2022: GBP117.9 million).

Summary by Sector at 31 December 2022

                                                     Market   Occupancy   WAULT to      passing 
                            Number of   Valuation     Value      by ERV      break         rent      ERV       ERV 
 Sector                    Properties      (GBPm)       (%)         (%)    (years)       (GBPm)   (GBPm)       (%) 
------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 
 Industrial                         4        24.0     22.3%      100.0%       23.3         1.55     1.56     22.3% 
 Hotel                              3        20.7     19.3%      100.0%       13.4         1.69     1.45     20.7% 
 Healthcare                         3        17.9     16.7%      100.0%       26.0         1.17     1.10     15.7% 
 Automotive & Petroleum             3        15.3     14.2%      100.0%       13.4         1.04     0.99     14.1% 
 Student Accommodation              1        12.0     11.2%      100.0%       18.6         0.73     0.67      9.6% 
 Leisure                            2         5.4      5.0%      100.0%        6.8         0.42     0.39      5.5% 
 Power Station                      1         4.8      4.5%      100.0%        9.2         0.33     0.33      4.8% 
 Retail                             1         5.4      5.0%      100.0%        4.5         0.40     0.38      5.4% 
 Education                          1         1.9      1.8%      100.0%       21.1         0.13     0.12      1.9% 
                          -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 
 Total/Average                     19       107.4    100.0%      100.0%       17.0         7.46     6.99    100.0% 
                          -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 

Summary by Geographical Area at 31 December 2022

                                                         Market   Occupancy   WAULT to      passing 
 Geographical                   Number of   Valuation     Value      by ERV      break         rent      ERV       ERV 
 Area                          Properties      (GBPm)       (%)         (%)    (years)       (GBPm)   (GBPm)       (%) 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 
 West Midlands                          4        26.1     24.3%      100.0%       11.9         1.91     1.85     26.5% 
 The North West & Merseyside            2        23.1     21.5%      100.0%       34.6         1.30     1.23     17.6% 
 Rest of South East                     5        22.2     20.7%      100.0%       10.9         1.43     1.34     19.2% 
 South West                             2        12.7     11.9%      100.0%       22.0         0.87     0.81     11.7% 
 Yorkshire and the 
  Humber                                2         6.2      5.7%      100.0%       19.2         0.44     0.42      6.0% 
 Scotland                               1         6.9      6.5%      100.0%       13.7         0.76     0.61      8.7% 
 London                                 2         5.4      5.0%      100.0%        6.8         0.42     0.39      5.6% 
 Eastern                                1         4.8      4.4%      100.0%        9.2         0.33     0.34      4.7% 
                              -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 
 Total/Average                         19       107.4    100.0%      100.0%       17.0         7.46     6.99    100.0% 
                              -----------  ----------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------- 
Top Ten Occupiers at 31 December 2022 
 Tenant                Property                               Annualised      % of Portfolio 
                                                           gross passing    Total Annualised 
                                                          rent (GBP'000)       gross passing 
 Jupiter Hotels Ltd    Mercure City Hotel, Glasgow                   761               10.2% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Mears Group Plc       Bramall Court, Salford                        735                9.8% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
                       Lyndon Croft Care Centre, 
                        Solihull and Westerlands Care 
 Prime Life Ltd         Village, Brough                              729                9.8% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
                       Grazebrook Industrial Estate, 
                        Dudley and Provincial Park, 
 Meridian Steel Ltd     Sheffield                                    716                9.6% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Premier Inn Hotels 
  Ltd                  Premier Inn, Camberley                        504                6.8% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Motorpoint Ltd        Motorpoint, Birmingham                        500                6.7% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Handsale Ltd          Silver Trees, Bristol                         438                5.9% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Travelodge Hotels 
  Ltd                  Duke House, Swindon                           403                5.4% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Hoddesdon Energy 
  Ltd                  Hoddesdon Energy, Hoddesdon                   333                4.5% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Pure Gym Ltd          Pure Gym, London                              287                3.8% 
                      --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Top Ten Total                                                     5,406               72.5% 
                                                        ----------------  ------------------ 

Lease Expiry Portfolio at 31 December 2022 - to the earlier of break or lease expiry

 Year       Expiring passing   Cumulative (GBP'000) 
           rent pa (GBP'000) 
 2023                    131                    131 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2024                     50                    181 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2025                     97                    278 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2026                      -                    278 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2027                  1,003                  1,280 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2028                    262                  1,542 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2029                    272                  1,815 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2030                      -                  1,815 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2031                      -                  1,815 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2032                    863                  2,678 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2033                    540                  3,218 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2034                      -                  3,218 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2035                      -                  3,218 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2036                    761                  3,979 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2037                    781                  4,761 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2038                      -                  4,761 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
 2039+                 2,701                  7,462 
         -------------------  --------------------- 
   Interim Management Report and     Directors' Responsibility Statement 

Interim Management Report

The important events that have occurred during the period under review, the key factors influencing the financial statements and the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining half year of the financial year are set out in the Chairman's Statement and the Investment Adviser's Report above.

The principal risks and uncertainties of the Company are set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2022 (the '2022 Annual Report') on pages 24 to 29 and in Note 18. Having reviewed these at the half-yearly meeting, the Board considers the principal risks to be unchanged at the period end, with the Board's perception of heightened uncertainty for many factors (for example changes to interest rates, inflation and costs, and probable UK recession) remaining.

Risks faced by the Company include, but are not limited to, tenant default, portfolio concentration, property defects, the rate of inflation, the property market, property valuation, illiquid investments, environment, breach of borrowing covenants, failure of service providers, dependence on the Investment Adviser, ability to meet objectives, Group REIT status, political and macroeconomic events, disclosure risk, regulatory change(including in relation to climate change).

The Board is of the opinion that these principal risks are equally applicable to the remaining six months of the Group's financial year, as they were to the six months being reported on.

Related Party Transactions

There have been no changes to the related parties shown in Note 20 of the 2022 Annual Report that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Company or Group. Amounts payable to the Investment Adviser in the six months being reported are shown in the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Going Concern

This report has been prepared on a going concern basis. Note 2 sets out the Board's considerations in coming to this conclusion.

Directors' Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed consolidated set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the UK-adopted IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting';

   --       the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by: 

a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed consolidated of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining half of the year; and

b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the 2022 Annual Report that could do so.

As at the date of this report the Directors of the Company are Simon Bennett, Stephanie Eastment and Adam Smith all of whom are non-executive Directors.

For and on behalf of the Board

Simon Bennett


6 March 2023

  Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 For the half year ended 31 December 2022 
                                                                Half year                  Half year 
                                                                    ended                      ended             30 June 
                                                              31 December                31 December                2022 
                                                         2022 (unaudited)           2021 (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                         Notes                    GBP'000                    GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Rental and other income                     3                      4,350                      3,826               7,901 
 Property operating (expense)/ 
  income                                     4                      (357)                         48               (330) 
 Net rental and other income                                        3,993                      3,874               7,571 
 Other operating expenses                    4                      (499)                      (526)             (1,101) 
 Operating profit before 
  fair value change                                                 3,494                      3,348               6,470 
 Change in fair value of 
  properties                              10                     (10,088)                      3,494               8,023 
 Gain on disposal of investment 
  property                                10                            -                         97                  96 
 Operating (loss)/ profit                                         (6,594)                      6,939              14,589 
 Finance expense                           6                        (714)                      (711)             (1,423) 
 (Loss)/ profit before 
  tax                                                             (7,308)                      6,228              13,166 
 Taxation                                  7                            -                          -                   - 
 (Loss)/ profit and total 
  comprehensive income attributable 
  to shareholders                                                 (7,308)                      6,228              13,166 
                                                     --------------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 (Loss)/ earnings per share 
  (basic and diluted)                      8                      (9.08p)                      7.74p              16.36p 
                                                     --------------------       --------------------       ------------- 
  EPRA EPS (pence) 
   (basic and diluted)                     8                        3.45p                      3.28p               6.27p 
                                                     --------------------       --------------------       ------------- 
  Adjusted EPS (pence) 
   (basic and diluted)                     8                        3.35p                      2.79p               5.57p 
                                                     --------------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
  The accompanying notes 1 to 19 form an integral part of these Condensed 
  Consolidated Financial Statements. 
  Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
 As at 31 December 2022 
                                                                                                                 As at 
                                                                  As at                      As at             30 June 
                                                            31 December 
                                                                   2022                31 December                2022 
                                                            (unaudited)           2021 (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                            Notes               GBP'000                    GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Non-current Assets 
 Investment properties                       10                 104,430                    105,220             115,124 
                                                                104,430                    105,220             115,124 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Current Assets 
 Receivables and prepayments                 11                   4,185                      8,962               4,034 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                        2,854                      2,243               2,542 
                                                                  7,039                     11,205               6,576 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Total Assets                                                   111,469                    116,425             121,700 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Non-current Liabilities: 
 Interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                             13                (40,672)                   (40,568)            (40,620) 
 Lease obligations                           14                   (282)                      (317)               (299) 
                                                               (40,954)                   (40,885)            (40,919) 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Current Liabilities 
 Payables and accrued expenses               12                 (2,585)                    (2,749)             (3,146) 
 Lease obligations                           14                    (34)                       (37)                (36) 
                                                                (2,619)                    (2,786)             (3,182) 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Total Liabilities                                             (43,573)                   (43,671)            (44,101) 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Net Assets                                                      67,896                     72,754              77,599 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Share capital                               17                     805                        805                 805 
 Capital reserve                                                 75,417                     75,417              75,417 
 (Deficit)/ retained earnings                                   (8,326)                    (3,468)               1,377 
 Total equity                                                    67,896                     72,754              77,599 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 Net Asset Value per share 
  (pence)                                     8                  84.34p                     90.38p              96.40p 
                                                        ---------------       --------------------       ------------- 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 19 form an integral part of these Condensed 
  Consolidated Financial Statements. 
 The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 2 
  March 2023 and were signed on its behalf by: 
 Simon Bennett 
 Company number: 10727886 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
 For the half year ended 31 December 2022 
                                             Share    Capital    Retained     Total 
                                           capital    reserve    earnings    equity 
                                  Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 For the half year ended 
  31 December 2022 (unaudited) 
 Balance as at 30 June 
  2022                                         805     75,417       1,377    77,599 
 Total comprehensive loss                        -          -     (7,308)   (7,308) 
 Dividends declared                 9            -          -     (2,395)   (2,395) 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 31 December 
  2022                                         805     75,417     (8,326)    67,896 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 For the half year ended 
  31 December 2021 (unaudited) 
 Balance as at 30 June 
  2021                                         805     75,417     (7,329)    68,893 
 Total comprehensive income                      -          -       6,228     6,228 
 Dividends declared                 9            -          -     (2,367)   (2,367) 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 31 December 
  2021                                         805     75,417     (3,468)    72,754 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 For the year ended 30 
  June 2022 (audited) 
 Balance as at 30 June 
  2021                                         805     75,417     (7,329)    68,893 
 Total comprehensive income                      -          -      13,166    13,166 
 Dividends declared                 9            -          -     (4,460)   (4,460) 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 
  2022                                         805     75,417       1,377    77,599 
                                         ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 19 form an integral part of these Condensed 
  Consolidated Financial Statements. 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
 For the half year ended 31 December 2022 
                                                                                     Half year                Year 
                                                         Half year 
                                                             ended                       ended               ended 
                                                       31 December                 31 December             30 June 
                                                              2022                        2021                2022 
                                                       (unaudited)                 (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                                           GBP'000                     GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                                  (7,308)                       6,228              13,166 
 Adjustment for: 
 Finance expenses                                              714                         711               1,423 
 Gain on sale of investment property                             -                        (97)                (96) 
 Change in fair value of investment 
  properties                                                10,088                     (3,494)             (8,023) 
                                                    --------------       ---------------------       ------------- 
 Operating results before working 
  capital changes                                            3,494                       3,348               6,470 
 Change in working capital 
 Increase in other receivables 
  and prepayments                                            (151)                     (5,280)               (352) 
 (Decrease)/increase in other 
  payables and accrued expenses                              (561)                       (297)                 100 
 Net cash from / (used in) operating 
  activities                                                 2,782                     (2,229)               6,218 
                                                    --------------       ---------------------       ------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of investment property                                 -                           -             (5,375) 
 Disposal of investment property                                 -                       5,397               5,396 
 Reduction in acquisition costs 
  - note 15.3                                                  606                           -                   - 
 Net cash from / (used in) investing 
  activities                                                   606                       5,397                  21 
                                                    --------------       ---------------------       ------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Finance costs paid                                          (662)                       (659)             (1,319) 
 Dividends paid                                            (2,395)                     (2,362)             (4,455) 
 Payment of lease obligations                                 (19)                        (19)                (38) 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                                               (3,076)                     (3,040)             (5,812) 
                                                    --------------       ---------------------       ------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                  312                         128                 427 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period/year                                   2,542                       2,115               2,115 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period/ year                                        2,854                       2,243               2,542 
                                                    --------------       ---------------------       ------------- 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 19 form an integral part of these Condensed 
  Consolidated Financial Statements. 

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the half year ended 31 December 2022

      1.Corporate Information 
       Alternative Income REIT plc (the "Company") is a public limited company 
       and a closed ended Real Estate Investment Trust ('REIT') incorporated on 
       18 April 2017 and domiciled in the UK and registered in England and Wales. 
       The registered office of the Company is located at 1 King William Street, 
       London, United Kingdom, EC4N 7AF. 
 The Company's Ordinary Shares were listed on the Official List of the FCA 
  and admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange 
  on 6 June 2017. 
 2. Accounting policies 
   2.1   Basis of preparation 
         These condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the 
          half year ended 31 December 2022 have been prepared in accordance 
          with International Accounting Standard ('IAS') 34 'Interim Financial 
          Reporting'. They do not include all the information required for 
          annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with 
          the Group's last annual consolidated financial statements for the 
          year ended 30 June 2022 (the '2022 Annual Financial Report'). 
         These condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared 
          under the historical cost convention, except for investment properties 
          that have been measured at fair value. The condensed consolidated 
          financial statements are presented in Sterling, which is the Group's 
          presentational and functional currency, and all values are rounded 
          to the nearest thousand pounds, except where otherwise shown. 
         The financial information in this report does not constitute statutory 
          accounts within the meaning of sections 434-436 of the Companies 
          Act 2006 and has not been audited nor reviewed by the Company's 
          auditor. The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2022 
          has been extracted from the published accounts that have been delivered 
          to the Registrar of Companies, and the report of the auditor was 
          unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) 
          or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
         Basis of consolidation 
         The condensed consolidated financial statements incorporate the 
           financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the 'Group'). 
           Subsidiaries are the entities controlled by the Company, being Alternative 
           Income Limited and Alternative Income REIT Holdco Limited. IFRS 
           10 outlines the requirements for the preparation of consolidated 
           financial statements, requiring an entity to consolidate the results 
           of all investees it is considered to control. Control exists where 
           an entity is exposed to variable returns and has the ability to 
           affect those returns through its power over the investee. 
          All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are 
           eliminated on consolidation. Accounting policies of the subsidiaries 
           are consistent with the policies adopted by the Company. 
         New standards, amendments and interpretations 
          Standards effective from 1 July 2022 
          The Group has applied the following new standards and amendments 
          in this set of condensed consolidated financial statements: 
          -- Onerous contracts - Cost of Fulfilling a Contract (Amendments 
          to IAS 37) (effective 1 January 2022) 
          -- Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 (effective 1 
          January 2022) 
          -- Property, Plant and Equipment: Proceeds before intended use (Amendments 
          to IAS 16) (effective 1 January 2022) 
          -- Reference to the Conceptual Framework (Amendments to IFRS 3) 
          (effective 1 January 2022) 
          The new standards and amendments listed above did not have any impact 
          on the amounts recognised in prior periods and are not expected 
          to significantly affect the current or future periods. 
          Forthcoming requirements 
          The following are new standards, interpretations and amendments, 
          which are not yet effective, and have not been early adopted in 
          this financial information, that will or may have an effect on the 
          Group's future financial statements: 
          -- Amendments to IAS 1 which clarifies the criteria used to determine 
          whether liabilities are classified as current or non-current (effective 
          1 January 2024). These amendments clarify that current or non-current 
          classification is based on whether an entity has a right at the 
          end of the reporting period to defer settlement of the liability 
          for at least twelve months after the reporting period. The amendment 
          is not expected to have an impact on the presentation or classification 
          of the liabilities in the Group based on rights that are in existence 
          at the end of the reporting period. 
          There are other new standards and amendments to standards and interpretations 
          which have been issued that are effective in future accounting periods, 
          and which the Group has decided not to adopt early. None of these 
          are expected to have a material impact on the condensed consolidated 
          financial statements of the Group. 
          Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published 
          that are not mandatory for annual periods beginning after 1 July 
          2022 and early application is permitted; however the Group has not 
          early adopted the new or amended standards in preparing these condensed 
          consolidated financial statements: 
          -- Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a 
          Single Transaction (Amendments to IAS 12) (effective 1 January 2023) 
          -- IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts and amendments to IFRS 17 Insurance 
          Contracts (effective 1 January 2023) 
          -- Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS 
          Practice Statement 2) (effective 1 January 2023) 
          -- Definition of Accounting Estimates (Amendments to IAS 8) (effective 
          1 January 2023) 
          -- Initial Application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 - Comparative Information 
          (Amendments to IFRS 17) (effective 1 January 2023) 
          -- Classification of liabilities as current or non-current (Amendments 
          to IAS 1) (effective 1 January 2024) 
          -- Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback (Amendments to IFRS 16) 
          (effective 1 January 2024) 
          -- Non-current Liabilities with Covenants (Amendments to IAS 1) 
          (effective 1 January 2024) 
          -- Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate 
          or Joint Venture (Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28) (Optional) 
          These standards, amendments or interpretations are not expected 
          to have a material impact on the entity in the current or future 
          reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions. 
   2.2   Significant accounting judgements and estimates 
         The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared 
          on the basis of the accounting policies, significant judgements, 
          estimates and key assumptions as set out in the notes to the 2022 
          Annual Financial Report, and are expected to be applied consistently 
          for the year ending 30 June 2023. 
         No changes have been made to the Group's accounting policies as 
          a result of the amendments and interpretations which became effective 
          in the period as they do not have a material impact on the Group. 
          Full details can be found in the 2022 Annual Financial Report. 
   2.3   Segmental information 
         Each property held by the Group is reported to the chief operating 
          decision maker. In the case of the Group, the chief operating decision 
          maker is considered to be the Board of Directors. The review process 
          for segmental information includes the monitoring of key performance 
          indicators applicable across all properties. These key performance 
          indicators include Net Asset Value, Earnings per Share and valuation 
          of properties. All asset cost and rental allocations are also reported 
          by property. The internal financial reports received by the Directors 
          cover the Group and all its properties and do not differ from amounts 
          reported in the financial statements. The Directors have considered 
          that each property has similar economic characteristics and have 
          therefore aggregated the portfolio into one reportable segment under 
          the provisions of IFRS 8. 
   2.4   Going concern 
         The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared 
          on a going concern basis. 
         The robust financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity 
          position and borrowing facilities are described in the financial 
          statements and the accompanying notes. 
         The Investment Adviser on behalf of the Board has projected the 
          Group's cash flows for the period up to 30 September 2023, challenging 
          and sensitising inputs and assumptions to ensure that the cash forecast 
          reflects a realistic outcome given the uncertainties associated 
          with the current economic environment. The scenarios applied were 
          designed to be severe but plausible, and to take account of the 
          availability of mitigating actions that could be taken to avoid 
          or reduce the impact or probability of the underlying risks. 
         The Group's debt of GBP41 million does not mature until 2025 and 
          the Group has reported full compliance with its loan covenants to 
          date. Based on cash flow projections, the Directors expect the Group 
          to continue to remain compliant. The headroom of the loan to value 
          covenant is significant and any reduction in property values that 
          would cause a breach would be significantly more than any reduction 
          currently envisaged. 
          Based on the above, the Board believes that the Group has the ability 
          and adequate resources to continue in operational existence for 
          the foreseeable future, being at least twelve months from the date 
          of approval of the financial statements. 
 3. Rental and other income 
                                                                 Half year                    Half year 
                                                                     ended                        ended                         ended 
                                                               31 December                  31 December                       30 June 
                                                                      2022                         2021                          2022 
                                                               (unaudited)                  (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                                   GBP'000                      GBP'000                       GBP'000 
 Gross rental income                                                 3,696                        3,484                         7,036 
 Spreading of minimum contracted future 
  - rent indexation                                                    209                          291                           541 
 Spreading of tenant incentives - rent 
  free periods                                                        (49)                         (44)                          (73) 
 Other property income                                                 223                            -                             1 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 Gross rental income (adjusted)                                      4,079                        3,731                         7,505 
 Service charges and direct recharges 
  (see note 4)                                                         271                           95                           396 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 Total rental and other income                                       4,350                        3,826                         7,901 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 All rental, service charges and direct recharges and other income are derived 
  from the United Kingdom. 
  Other property income for the half year ended 31 December 2022 mainly relates 
  to the allocation to revenue of GBP219,000 arising from a settlement of the 
  litigation in respect of replacement of defective cladding for Travelodge, 
  Swindon. Further detail is provided in Note 15.3. 
 4. Operating expenses 
                                                                 Half year                    Half year                          Year 
                                                                     ended                        ended                         ended 
                                                               31 December                  31 December                       30 June 
                                                                      2022                         2021                          2022 
                                                               (unaudited)                  (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                                   GBP'000                      GBP'000                       GBP'000 
 Service charges and direct recharges 
  (see note 3)                                                         271                           95                     396 
 Property operating expenses                                            80                           54                           136 
 Reversal of provision for impairment 
  of trade receivables *                                                 6                        (197)                   (202) 
 Property operating expenses /(income)                                 357                         (48)                           330 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 Operating costs **/***                                                210                          270                           588 
 Investment management fee                                             191                          180                           368 
 Directors' remuneration 
  (note 5) ***                                                          55                           43                            82 
 Auditor remuneration                                                   43                           33                            63 
 Other operating expenses                                              499                          526                         1,101 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 Total operating expenses                                              856                          478                         1,431 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 
 Total operating expenses (excluding 
  service charges and direct recharges)                                585                          383                         1,035 
                                                           ---------------       ----------------------        ---------------------- 

*Reversal of provision for impairment of trade receivables has been reclassed from other operating expenses to property operating (income)/expenses for the half year ended 31 December 2021.

**Included in the operating costs for the year ended 30 June 2022 is GBP1,250 of fees paid to Stephanie Eastment for due diligence incurred in advance of her appointment as a Director.

***Tax and social security costs have been reclassed from operating costs to directors' remuneration for the half year ended 31 December 2021.

                                                              Half year            Half year 
                                                                  ended                ended             30 June 
                                                            31 December          31 December 
                                                                   2022                 2021                2022 
                                                            (unaudited)          (unaudited)           (audited) 
                                                                GBP'000              GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Statutory audit of Annual Report and 
  Accounts                                                           38                   28                  53 
 Statutory audit of Subsidiary Accounts                               5                    5                  10 
 Total fees due to auditor                                           43                   33                  63 
                                                        ---------------      ---------------      -------------- 

Moore Kingston Smith LLP has not provided any non-audit services to the Group.

5. Directors' remuneration

                                                  Half year             Half year 
                                                      ended                 ended                 30 June 
                                                31 December           31 December 
                                                       2022                  2021                    2022 
                                                (unaudited)           (unaudited)               (audited) 
                                                    GBP'000               GBP'000                 GBP'000 
 Directors' fees                                         50                    39                      75 
 Tax and social security *                                5                     4                       7 
 Total directors remuneration                            55                    43                      82 
                                            ---------------      ----------------      ------------------ 

*Tax and social security has been reclassed from operating costs to directors remuneration for the half year ended 31 December 2021.

The Group had no employees during the period/ year.

 6. Finance 
                                                                            Half year                    Half year 
                                                                                ended                        ended                                   30 June 
                                                                          31 December                  31 December 
                                                                                 2022                         2021                                      2022 
                                                                          (unaudited)                  (unaudited)                                 (audited) 
                                                                              GBP'000                      GBP'000                                   GBP'000 
 Interest payable on 
  loan                                                                            653                          653                                     1,307 
 Amortisation of loan arrangement fee 
  (note 13)                                                                        52                           52                                       104 
 Other finance costs                                                                9                            6                                        12 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Total                                                                            714                          711                                     1,423 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 7. Taxation 
                                                                                                                                                     30 June 
                                                                            Half year                    Half year 
                                                                                ended                        ended                                      2022 
                                                                          31 December                  31 December 
                                                                     2022 (unaudited)             2021 (unaudited)                                 (audited) 
                                                                              GBP'000                      GBP'000                                   GBP'000 
 Tax charge 
 Analysis of tax charge in 
  the period 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  tax                                                                         (7,308)                        6,228                                    13,166 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Theoretical tax charge at UK corporation 
  average tax rate of 20.50% (31 December 
  21 and 30 June 2022: 19.00%)                                                (1,498)                        1,183                                     2,502 
 Effects of tax-exempt items under REIT 
  regime                                                                        1,498                      (1,183)                                   (2,502) 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Total                                                                              -                            -                                         - 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 The Group maintained its REIT status and as such, no deferred tax asset 
  or liability has been recognised in the current period. 
 Factors that may affect future tax charges 
 Due to the Group's status as a REIT and the intention to continue meeting 
  the conditions required to retain approval as a REIT in the foreseeable 
  future, the Group has not provided deferred tax on any capital gains or 
  losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments. 
 8. (Loss)/ earnings per share (EPS) 
  and Net Asset Value (NAV) per share 
                                                                                                                                                     30 June 
                                                                            Half year                    Half year 
                                                                                ended                        ended                                      2022 
                                                                          31 December                  31 December 
                                                                     2022 (unaudited)             2021 (unaudited)                                 (audited) 
 (Loss)/ earnings per 
 Total comprehensive 
  income (GBP'000)                                                            (7,308)                        6,228                                    13,166 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Weighted average number of 
  shares (number)                                                          80,500,000                   80,500,000                                80,500,000 
 (Loss)/ earnings per share (basic 
  and diluted)                                                                (9.08p)                        7.74p                                    16.36p 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income (GBP'000)                                                            (7,308)                        6,228                                    13,166 
 Adjustment to total comprehensive 
  (loss)/ income: 
 Change in fair value of investment 
  properties (GBP'000)                                                         10,088                      (3,494)                                   (8,023) 
  Gain on disposal of investment 
   property (GBP'000)                                                               -                         (97)                                      (96) 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 EPRA earnings (basic and 
  diluted) (GBP'000)                                                            2,780                        2,637                                     5,047 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 EPRA EPS (basic and diluted)                                                   3.45p                        3.28p                                     6.27p 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Adjusted EPS: 
 EPRA earnings (basic and diluted) (GBP'000) 
  - as above                                                                    2,780                        2,637                                     5,047 
 Rental income recognised in respect 
  of guaranteed fixed rental uplifts 
  (GBP'000) (Note 3)                                                            (209)                        (291)                                     (541) 
 Rental income recognised in respect 
  of rent free periods (GBP'000) (Note 
  3)                                                                               49                           44                                        73 
  Amortisation of loan arrangement fee 
   (GBP'000) (Note 6)                                                              52                           52                                       104 
 Write-off of receivables                                                          16                            -                                         4 
 Reversal of provision for impairment 
  of trade receivables (Note 4)                                                     6                        (197)                                     (202) 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Adjusted earnings (basic and diluted) 
  (GBP'000)                                                                     2,694                        2,245                                     4,485 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 Adjusted EPS (basic and diluted)**                                             3.35p                        2.79p                                     5.57p 
                                                                  -------------------      -----------------------      ------------------------------------ 
 ** Adjusted EPS is a measure used by the Board to assess the level of the 
  Group's dividend payments. This metric adjusts EPRA earnings for non-cash 
  items in arriving at an adjusted EPS as supported by cash flows. 
 Earnings per share are calculated by dividing profit/(loss) for the period/year 
  attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by the weighted average 
  number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period/year. 
                                                                            Half year                        Half year 
                                                                                ended                            ended                               30 June 
                                                                          31 December                      31 December                                  2022 
                                                                     2022 (unaudited)                 2021 (unaudited)                             (audited) 
NAV per share: 
Net assets (GBP'000)                                                           67,896                           72,754                                77,599 
Ordinary Shares (Number)                                                   80,500,000                       80,500,000                            80,500,000 
NAV per share                                                                  84.34p                           90.38p                                96.40p 
EPRA NAV and EPRA NNNAV (refer to Glossary) are equal to the NAV presented 
 in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position under IFRS 
 and there are no adjusting items. Accordingly, a reconciliation between 
 these measures does not need to be provided. 
EPRA Net Reinvestment Value (NRV), EPRA Net Tangible Assets (NTA) and EPRA 
 Net Disposal Value (NDV) 
                                                                                                                                           EPRA NTA and EPRA 
                                                                                 EPRA NRV                                                                NDV 
At 31 December 2022 
Net assets value (GBP'000)                                                         67,896                                                             67,896 
Purchasers' cost (GBP'000)                                                          6,983                                                                  - 
Break cost on bank borrowings 
 (GBP'000)                                                                              -                                                                  - 
                                                                                   74,879                                                             67,896 
  Ordinary Shares (Number)                                                     80,500,000                                                         80,500,000 
Per share measure                                                                  93.02p                                                             84.34p 
                                                                                                                                           EPRA NTA and EPRA 
                                                                                 EPRA NRV                                                                NDV 
At 31 December 2021 
Net assets value (GBP'000)                                                         72,754                                                             72,754 
Purchasers' cost (GBP'000)                                                          7,002                                                                  - 
Break cost on bank borrowings 
 (GBP'000)                                                                        (2,552)                                                            (2,552) 
                                                                                   77,204                                                             70,202 
  Ordinary Shares (Number)                                                     80,500,000                                                         80,500,000 
Per share measure                                                                  95.91p                                                             87.21p 
                                                                                                                                           EPRA NTA and EPRA 
                                                                                 EPRA NRV                                                                NDV 
At 30 June 2022 
Net assets value (GBP'000)                                                         77,599                                                             77,599 
Purchasers' cost (GBP'000)                                                          7,664                                                                  - 
Break cost on bank borrowings 
 (GBP'000)                                                                          (486)                                                              (486) 
                                                                                   84,777                                                             77,113 
  Ordinary Shares (Number)                                                     80,500,000                                                         80,500,000 
Per share measure                                                                 105.31p                                                             95.79p 
9. Dividends 
All dividends are interim dividends 
                                                                                                Year ended 
                                                                   Half year      Half year 
                                                                       ended          ended         30 Jun 
                                                                      31 Dec         31 Dec 
                                                                        2022           2021           2022 
                                                                 (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                   Quarter Ended     Dividend 
                                                         Rate        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Dividends in respect of year ended 30 June 2021 
4th dividend                         30 Jun 2021       1.640p              -          1,320          1,320 
Dividends in respect of year ended 30 June 2022 
1st dividend                         30 Sep 2021       1.300p              -          1,047          1,047 
2nd dividend                         31 Dec 2021       1.300p              -              -          1,046 
3rd dividend                         31 Mar 2022       1.300p              -              -          1,047 
4th dividend                         30 Jun 2022       1.600p         1, 288              -              - 
Dividends in respect of year ending 30 June 
1st dividend                         30 Sep 2022       1.375p          1,107              -              - 
Total dividends paid                                                   2,395          2,367          4,460 
4th dividend for quarter 
 ended                               30 Jun 2021       1.640p              -        (1,320)        (1,320) 
2nd dividend for quarter 
 ended                               31 Dec 2021       1.300p              -          1,047              - 
4th dividend for quarter 
 ended                               30 Jun 2022       1.600p        (1,288)              -          1,288 
2nd dividend for quarter 
 ended                               31 Dec 2022       1.375p          1,107              -              - 
Total dividends payable in respect of the period/year                  2,214          2,094          4,428 
Total dividends payable in respect of the period/year                  2.75p          2.60p          5.50p 
Dividends declared after the period/year end are not included in the Condensed 
 Consolidated Financial Statements as a liability. 
Dividends paid as shown in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
 amount to GBP2,395,000 (31 December 2021: GBP2,367.000 and 30 June 2022: 
 GBP4,460,000), any difference to the amount disclosed above is due to withholding 
10. Investment properties 
                                                           Half year 
                                                                                                      Year ended 
                                                         31 December                                     30 June 
                                                                2022                                        2022 
                                                                                   Half year 
                                                                                    ended 31 
                                                         (unaudited)        2021 (unaudited)           (audited) 
                           Investment    Investment 
                           properties    properties 
                             freehold     leasehold            Total                   Total               Total 
                              GBP'000       GBP'000          GBP'000                 GBP'000             GBP'000 
UK Investment 
At the beginning of 
 period/year                   80,980        36,925          117,905                 109,230             109,230 
Acquisitions                        -             -                -                       -               5,375 
Reduction in 
 costs - see note 15.3          (606)             -            (606)                       -                   - 
Disposals                                                                            (5,300)             (5,300) 
Change in value of 
 properties                   (7,449)       (2,425)          (9,874)                   3,800               8,600 
Valuation provided by 
 Knight Frank LLP              72,925        34,500          107,425                 107,730             117,905 
Adjustment to fair value for 
 minimum rent indexation of lease 
 income (note 10)                                            (3,367)                 (2,956)             (3,177) 
Adjustment for lease obligation                                  372                     446                 396 
Total investment 
 properties                                                  104,430                 105,220             115,124 
Change in fair value of investment properties 
Change in fair value before adjustments 
 for lease incentives and lease obligations                  (9,874)                   3,800               8,600 
Movement in lease obligations                                   (24)                    (59)               (109) 
Adjustment to spreading of contracted future 
 rent indexation and tenant incentives                         (190)                   (247)               (468) 
                                                            (10,088)                   3,494               8,023 
There were no disposals of properties in the period being reported. The property 
 known as Audi, Huddersfield was disposed of in August 2021 for GBP5.5 million 
 as shown in the reconciliation below of the gain recognised on disposal through 
 the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and the realised 
 gain on disposal in the period/ year; the latter includes changes in fair 
 value of the investment property and minimum rent indexation spreading recognised 
 in previous periods. 
                                                                                                                                                      Year ended 
                                                                                                                                                         30 June 
                                                                                                   Half year               Half year 
                                                                                                       ended                   ended                        2022 
                                                                                                 31 December             31 December 
                                                                                            2022 (unaudited)         2021 (unaudited)                    (audited) 
                                                                                                     GBP'000                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Gross proceeds on disposal                                                                                 -                   5,500                       5,500 
Selling costs                                                                                              -                   (103)                       (104) 
Net proceeds on disposal                                                                                   -                   5,397                       5,396 
Carrying value                                                                                             -                 (5,300)                     (5,300) 
Gain on disposal of investment property                                                                    -                      97                          96 
Valuation of investment properties 
Valuation of investment property is performed by Knight Frank LLP, an accredited 
 external valuer with recognised and relevant professional qualifications 
 and recent experience of the location and category of the investment property 
 being valued. The valuation of the Group's investment property at fair value 
 is determined by the external valuer on the basis of market value in accordance 
 with the internationally accepted RICS Valuation - Professional Standards 
 (incorporating the International Valuation Standards). 
The determination of the fair value of investment property requires the use 
 of estimates such as future cash flows from assets (such as lettings, tenants' 
 profiles, future revenue streams, capital values of fixtures and fittings, 
 plant and machinery, any environmental matters and the overall repair and 
 condition of the property) and yield applicable to those cash flows. 
 Fair value measurement hierarchy 
 IFRS13 'Fair Value Measurement' specifies the fair value hierarchy and as 
 explained in Note 2.6 of the Company's 2022 Audited Financial Statements, 
 the Directors have classified the Company's property portfolio as Level 3. 
 This reflects the fact that inputs to the valuation are not based on observable 
 market data. 
11. Receivables and prepayments 
                                                                                                 31 December             31 December                     30 June 
                                                                                            2022 (unaudited)        2021 (unaudited)              2022 (audited) 
                                                                                                     GBP'000                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Rent debtor                                                                                              301                     279                         284 
Less: Provision for impairment of trade 
 receivables                                                                                             (2)                    (16)                        (11) 
Other debtors*                                                                                           327                   5,591                         244 
Sub total                                                                                                626                   5,854                         517 
Spreading of minimum contracted future 
 rent indexation                                                                                       2,919                   2,414                       2,709 
Spreading of tenant incentives - rent free 
 periods                                                                                                 448                     542                         468 
Tenant deposit asset (note 12)                                                                           118                      79                         118 
Other prepayments                                                                                         74                      73                         222 
Total                                                                                                  4,185                   8,962                       4,034 
* Other debtors at 31 December 2021 mainly represent net proceeds from the 
 sale of Trident Business Park, Huddersfield being held by the external lender, 
 Canada Life Investments. 
The aged debtor analysis of receivables which are past due but not impaired 
 is as follows: 
                                                                                                 31 December             31 December                     30 June 
                                                                                            2022 (unaudited)        2021 (unaudited)              2022 (audited) 
                                                                                                     GBP'000                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Less than three months due                                                                               597                   5,816                         515 
Between three and six months due                                                                          29                      38                           2 
Between six and twelve months due                                                                          -                       -                           - 
Total                                                                                                    626                   5,854                         517 
12. Payables and accrued expenses 
                                                                                                 31 December              31 December                    30 June 
                                                                                            2022 (unaudited)         2021 (unaudited)             2022 (audited) 
                                                                                                     GBP'000                  GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Deferred income                                                                                        1,542                    1,406                      1,501 
Other creditors                                                                                          396                      453                        642 
Accruals                                                                                                 269                      523                        576 
Bank interest payable                                                                                    258                      258                        258 
Tenant deposit liability (note 11)                                                                       118                       79                        118 
Trade creditors                                                                                            2                       30                         51 
                                                                                                       2,585                    2,749                      3,146 
13. Interest bearing loans and borrowings 
                                                                                                  31 December             31 December                    30 June 
                                                                                             2022 (unaudited)        2021 (unaudited)             2022 (audited) 
                                                                                                      GBP'000                 GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Facility drawn at the beginning of the 
 period/ year                                                                                          41,000                  41,000                     41,000 
Unamortised finance costs brought forward                                                               (380)                   (484)                      (484) 
Amortisation of finance costs in the 
 period/year                                                                                               52                      52                        104 
At end of period/ year                                                                                 40,672                  40,568                     40,620 
Repayable between 1 and 2 years                                                                             -                       -                          - 
Repayable between 2 and 5 years                                                                        41,000                  41,000                     41,000 
Repayable in over 5 years                                                                                   -                       -                          - 
Total at end of the period/ 
 year                                                                                                  41,000                  41,000                     41,000 
As at 31 December 2022, the Group had utilised all of its GBP41 million fixed 
 interest loan facility with Canada Life Investments and was geared at a loan 
 to Gross Asset Value ('GAV') of 36.78% (31 December 2021: 35.22%, 30 June 
 2022: 33.73%). The weighted average interest cost of the Group's facility 
 is 3.19% and the facility is repayable on 20 October 2025. 
                                                                                                  31 December             31 December                    30 June 
                                                                                             2022 (unaudited)        2021 (unaudited)             2022 (audited) 
                                                                                                      GBP'000                 GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Reconciliation to cash flows from financing 
At beginning of the period/ year                                                                       40,620                  40,516                     40,516 
Non-cash changes 
Amortisation of loan issue costs                                                                           52                      52                        104 
Total at end of the period/ year                                                                       40,672                  40,568                     40,620 
14. Lease obligations 
At the commencement date, the lease liability is measured at the present 
 value of the lease payments that are not paid on that date. 
  The following table analyses the minimum lease payments under 
  non-cancellable leases: 
                                                            31 December         31 December              30 June 
                                                       2022 (unaudited)    2021 (unaudited)       2022 (audited) 
                                                                GBP'000             GBP'000              GBP'000 
Within one year                                                      50                  50                   50 
After one year but less than five years                             150                 150                  150 
More than five years                                                488                 538                  513 
Total undiscounted lease liabilities 
 :                                                                  688                 738                  713 
Less: Future finance charge on lease 
 obligations                                                      (372)               (384)                (378) 
Present value of lease liabilities:                                 316                 354                  335 
Lease liabilities included in the 
 statement of financial position: 
Current                                                              34                  37                   36 
Non-current                                                         282                 317                  299 
Total:                                                              316                 354                  335 
15. Commitments 
Operating lease commitments - as lessor 
The Group has 19 commercial properties with 33 units in its investment property portfolio 
 as set out above. These non-cancellable leases have a remaining term of between 1 month and 
 112 years, excluding ground leases. 
Future minimum rentals receivable under non-cancellable operating leases as at 31 December 
 2022 are as follows: 
                                                                                                       30 June 
                                                             31 December           31 December            2022 
                                                        2022 (unaudited)      2021 (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                                                 GBP'000               GBP'000         GBP'000 
Within one year                                                    7,094                 7,039           7,071 
After one year, but not more than two 
 years                                                             6,838                 7,723           7,015 
After two years, but not more than three 
 years                                                             6,558                 7,341           6,754 
After three years, but not more than 
 four years                                                        7,023                 7,279           7,011 
After four years, but not more than five 
 years                                                             6,685                 7,307           7,045 
After five years, but not more than 
 ten years                                                        28,730                32,323          29,896 
After ten years, but not more than 
 fifteen years                                                    24,905                26,872          25,935 
More than fifteen years                                           52,563                56,370          55,472 
Total                                                            140,396               152,254         146,199 
During the period there were no (2021: nil) material contingent rents recognised as income. 

15.2. Capital commitments

There were no capital commitments at the period end (2021: nil).

15.3. Financial commitments

In the 2022 Annual Report, it was disclosed that the Company was involved in litigation against two parties to recover GBP1.1 million of costs. The costs were incurred for work in the period September to December 2020 to replace defective cladding elements uncovered in the external walls of the top floors and rear lift core of the Travelodge Hotel, Swindon. The defective cladding was installed when the property was extended in 2007 and the Company's claims were against the architect and cladding sub-contractor involved. During the period, the Board engaged in mediation with both parties and agreed a full and final settlement of GBP825,000. Consequent to the resolution of that litigation, the Group have no financial commitments other than those arising from its normal business operations.

The settlement was in respect of the Group's costs to replace the defective cladding, which had been charged to capital, and the professional fees incurred by the Group to undertake the litigation, which had been charged to revenue. Accordingly, the settlement has been proportionally allocated GBP606,000 to capital, as a reduction in acquisition costs (see Note 10), and GBP219,000 to revenue, as other property income (see Note 3).

There are no other commitments other than those shown above at the period end (2021: nil).

16. Investments in subsidiaries 
The Company has two wholly owned subsidiaries as disclosed below: 
                                                            Country of 
                                                            registration and             Date of                                               Ordinary Shares 
Name and company number                                     incorporation                incorporation               Principal activity           of GBP1 held 
Alternative Income REIT Holdco Limited (Company         England and                                          Real Estate 
 number 11052186)                                        Wales                   7 November 2017              Company                               73,158,502 
Alternative Income Limited                              England and                                          Real Estate 
 (Company number 10754641)                               Wales                   4 May 2017                   Company                               73,158,501 
Alternative Income REIT plc at 31 December 2022 owns 100% controlling stake of Alternative 
 Income REIT Holdco Limited. 
Alternative Income REIT Holdco Limited holds 100% of Alternative Income Limited. 
 Both Alternative Income REIT Holdco Limited and Alternative Income Limited are registered 
 at 1 King William Street, London, United Kingdom, EC4N 7AF. 
17. Issued share capital 
Ordinary Shares issued and fully paid of 80,500,000 shares at a nominal value of GBP0.01 per 
 share. This remains unchanged for all period presented. 
18. Transactions with related parties 
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party 
 or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational 
Directors of the Group are considered to be related parties. Directors' remuneration is disclosed 
 in note 5. 
Investment Adviser 
M7 Real Estate Ltd 
M7 Real Estate Ltd was appointed as Investment Adviser on 14 May 2020. The Interim Investment 
 Advisory agreement (amended with Deed of Variation dated 21 February 2021) specifies that 
 there were fees payable up to 30 September 2020. From 1 October 2020, the annual management 
 fee is calculated at a rate equivalent of 0.50% per annum of NAV (subject to a minimum fee 
 of GBP90,000 per quarter), payable quarterly in advance. During the period 1 July 2022 to 
 31 December 2022, the Group incurred GBP191,000 of which GBPnil was outstanding at period 
 end (2021: GBP180,000 of which GBP90,000 was outstanding at period end). 
19. Events after reporting date 
On 1 February 2023, the Board declared an interim dividend of 1.375p in respect of the period 
 from 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022. This will be paid on 24 February 2023 to shareholders 
 on the register as at 10 February 2023. The ex-dividend date was 9 February 2023. 

EPRA Performance Measures Calculations

                                                         At 31 December                                             At 30 June 
                                                                                     At 31 December 
                                                                   2022                        2021                       2022 
                                                            (unaudited)                 (unaudited)                  (audited) 
 EPRA Yield calculations                                        GBP'000                     GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Investment properties wholly 
   *    by Company                                                1,950                       2,100                      2,200 
   *    by Alternative Income Limited                           105,475                     105,630                    115,705 
Total - note 10                                                 107,425                     107,730                    117,905 
Allowance for estimated purchasers' 
 costs                                                            6,983                       7,002                      7,665 
Gross up completed property 
 portfolio valuation                    B                       114,408                     114,732                    125,570 
Annualised gross passing rent                                     7,462                       6,620                      7,217 
Annualised property outgoings                                      (55)                        (55)                       (55) 
Annualised net rents                    A                         7,407                       6,565                      7,162 
Add: notional rent expiration 
 of rent-free periods or other 
 lease incentives                                                   688                       1,100                        893 
Topped-up net annualised rent           C                         8,095                       7,665                      8,055 
EPRA NIY *                             A/B                        6.47%                       5.72%                      5.70% 
EPRA "topped-up" NIY                   C/B                        7.08%                       6.68%                      6.41% 
  *The NIY calculation is the same calculation as that for EPRA NIY 
                                                                                          Half year 
                                                                                              ended                 Year ended 
                                                              Half year 
                                                                  ended                 31 December                    30 June 
                                                            31 December 
                                                                   2022                        2021                       2022 
                                                            (unaudited)                 (unaudited)                  (audited) 
 EPRA Cost Ratios                                               GBP'000                     GBP'000                    GBP'000 
EPRA Costs (including direct 
 vacancy costs) 
 - note 4                               A                           585                         383                      1,035 
Direct vacancy costs                                                  -                           -                          - 
EPRA Costs (excluding direct 
 vacancy costs)                         B                           585                         383                      1,035 
Gross rental income - note 3            C                         3,856                       3,731                      7,504 
EPRA Cost Ratio 
 (including direct vacancy costs)      A/C                       15.17%                      10.27%                     13.79% 
EPRA Cost Ratio 
 (excluding direct vacancy costs)      B/C                       15.17%                      10.27%                     13.79% 
                                                                                          Half year 
                                                                                              ended                 Year ended 
                                                              Half year 
                                                                  ended                 31 December                    30 June 
                                                            31 December 
                                                                   2022                        2021                       2022 
                                                            (unaudited)                 (unaudited)                  (audited) 
 EPRA Vacancy rate                                              GBP'000                     GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Annualised potential rental value 
 of vacant premises                     A                             -                          40                          - 
Annualised potential rental value 
 for the completed property portfolio   B                         6,998                       6,609                      6,987 
EPRA Vacancy rate                      A/B                        0.00%                       0.60%                      0.00% 
Alternative Performance Measure (APM) Calculations 
APMs are numerical measures of the Group's current, historical or future 
 performance, financial position or cash flows, other than financial measures 
 defined or specified in the applicable financial framework. The Group's applicable 
 financial framework is IFRS. The Directors assess the Group's performance 
 against a range of criteria which are reviewed as particularly relevant for 
 a closed-end REIT. 
Share Price and Net Asset Value (NAV) Total Return 
 Share price and NAV total returns show how the NAV and share price has performed 
 over a period of time in percentage terms, taking into account both capital 
 returns and dividends paid to shareholders. Share price and NAV total returns 
 are monitored against FTSE EPRA Nareit UK and FTSE Small Cap, respectively. 
                                                                               Share price                   NAV 
Opening at 30 June 2022                                        A                    82.10p                96.40p 
Closing at 31 December 2022                                    B                    66.70p                84.34p 
Return                                                 C=(B/A)-1                  (18.76%)              (12.51%) 
Dividend reinvestment *                                        D                     3.38%                 2.88% 
Total shareholder return                                     C+D                  (15.38%)               (9.63%) 
Opening at 1 June 2021                                         A                    71.00p                85.58p 
Closing at 31 December 2021                                    B                    72.20p                90.38p 
Return                                                 C=(B/A)-1                     1.69%                 5.61% 
Dividend reinvestment*                                         D                     4.15%                 4.04% 
Total shareholder return                                     C+D                     5.84%                 9.65% 
Opening at 1 June 2021                                         A                    71.00p                85.58p 
Closing at 30 June 2022                                        B                    82.10p                96.40p 
Return                                                 C=(B/A)-1                    15.63%                12.64% 
Dividend reinvestment*                                         D                     8.70%                 9.88% 
Total shareholder return                                     C+D                    24.33%                22.52% 
* Share price total return involves reinvesting the net dividend in the share 
 price of the Company on the date on which that dividend goes ex-dividend. 
 NAV total return involves investing the net dividend in the NAV of the Company 
 with debt at fair value on the date on which that dividend goes ex-dividend. 
 The discount is the amount by which the share price is lower than the net 
 asset value per share, expressed as a percentage of the net asset value per 
                                                     31 December               31 December 
                                                            2022                      2021          30 June 2022 
NAV per Ordinary share                      A            84.34pp                    90.38p                96.40p 
Share price                                 B             66.70p                    72.20p                82.10p 
Discount                               (B-A)/A             20.92%                    20.12%                14.80% 
Dividend Cover 
 The ratio of Group's Adjusted EPS divided by the Group's dividends payable 
 for the relevant period/ year. 
                                                     31 December               31 December 
                                                            2022                      2021          30 June 2022 
 EPS                                         A              3.35p                    2.79 p                 5.57p 
Dividend per share                          B              2.75p                     2.60p                 5.50p 
 cover                                     A/B            121.82%                   107.31%               101.27% 
Loan to GAV 
 Loan to GAV measures the value of loans and borrowings utilised (excluding 
 amounts held as restricted cash and before adjustments for issue costs) expressed 
 as a percentage of the Group's property portfolio (as provided by the valuer) 
 and the fair value of other assets. 
                                                     31 December               31 December 
                                                            2022                      2021          30 June 2022 
Borrowings (GBP'000)                        A             41,000                    41,000                41,000 
Total assets (GBP'000)                      B            111,469                   116,425               121,700 
Loan to GAV                              (A/B)             36.78%                    35.22%                33.69% 
Ongoing Charges 
 The ongoing charges ratio is the total for all operating costs expected to 
 be regularly incurred expressed as a percentage of the average quarterly 
 NAVs of the Group for the financial period. Note that the ratio for 31 December 
 is based on actual ongoing charges to 31 December and forecast ongoing charges 
 to the following June (shown as annualised in the below calculation). 
                                                     31 December               31 December 
                                                            2022                      2021          30 June 2022 
Other operating expenses 
 for the half year 
 / year (GBP'000)                           A                499                       526                 1,101 
Ongoing charges- annualised 
 where required (GBP'000)                   B              1,034                      1012                 1,037 
Average net assets 
 (GBP'000)                                  C             72,747                    70,214                73,246 
Ongoing charges ratio                     B/C              1.42%                     1.44%                 1.42% 
  Non-recurring legal and professional costs have been excluded in the annualised 
  amount for the period/year presented. 
  Annualised gross passing rent 
  The annualised gross passing rent is the rent roll at the reporting date, 
  taking account of any in-place rent free incentives or step rents annualised 
  on a straight-line basis over the following 12-month period. 
Dividend Yield 
 The percentage ratio of the Company's declared dividends for the financial 
 year (or historic declared dividends if dividends are yet to be declared 
 for a year) per share divided by the Company's share price at the period/year 
                                                   31 December  31 December 
                                                          2022         2021   30 June 2022 
Annual dividend target/payable               A           5.50p        5.50p          5.50p 
Share price                                    B        66.70p       72.20p         82.10p 
Dividend yield                                A/B          8.2%         7.6%           6.7% 

Company Information

Share Register Enquiries

The register for the Ordinary Shares is maintained by Computershare Investor Services PLC. In the event of queries regarding your holding, please contact the Registrar on 0370 707 1874 or email: web.queries@computershare.co.uk.

Changes of name and/or address must be notified in writing to the Registrar, at the address shown below. You can check your shareholding and find practical help on transferring shares or updating your details at www.investorcentre.co.uk. Shareholders eligible to receive dividend payments gross of tax may also download declaration forms from that website.

Share Information

   Ordinary GBP0.01 shares    80,500,000 
   SEDOL Number            BDVK708 
   ISIN Number                  GB00BDVK7088 
   Ticker/TIDM                   AIRE 

Share Prices

The Company's Ordinary Shares are traded on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Frequency of NAV publication

The Group's NAV is released to the London Stock Exchange on a quarterly basis and is published on the Company's website www.alternativeincomereit.com .

Annual and Interim Reports

Copies of the Annual and Half-Yearly Reports are available from the Group's website.

Financial Calendar 2022

   30 June 2023                 Year end 
   September 2023            Announcement of annual results 
   November 2023             Annual General Meeting 
   31 December 2023        Half year end 
   March 2024                   Announcement of interim results 


Alternative Investment      Langham Hall Fund Management LLP. 
 Fund Manager or AIFM or 
 Investment Manager 
Company                     Alternative Income REIT plc. 
Contracted rent             The annualised rent adjusting for the inclusion 
                             of rent subject to rent-free periods. 
Earnings Per Share ('EPS')  Profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders 
                             divided by the weighted average number of Ordinary 
                             Shares in issue during the period. 
EPRA                        European Public Real Estate Association, the industry 
                             body representing listed companies in the real 
                             estate sector. 
Equivalent Yield            The internal rate of return of the cash flow from 
                             the property, assuming a rise to Estimated Rental 
                             Value at the next review or lease expiry. No future 
                             growth is allowed for. 
Estimated Rental Value      The external valuer's opinion as to the open market 
 ('ERV')                     rent which, on the date of the valuation, could 
                             reasonably be expected to be obtained on a new 
                             letting or rent review of a property. 
 External Valuer            An independent external valuer of a property. 
                             The Group's External Valuer is Knight Frank LLP. 
Fair value                  The estimated amount for which a property should 
                             exchange on the valuation date between a willing 
                             buyer and a willing seller in an arm's length 
                             transaction after proper marketing and where parties 
                             had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without 
Fair value movement         An accounting adjustment to change the book value 
                             of an asset or liability to its fair value. 
FCA                         The Financial Conduct Authority. 
Gross Asset Value ('GAV')   The aggregate value of the total assets of the 
                             Group as determined in accordance with IFRS. 
IASB                        International Accounting Standards Board. 
IFRS                        International financial reporting standards adopted 
                             pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it 
                             applies in the European Union. On 31 December 
                             2020 EU-adopted IFRS was brought into UK law and 
                             became UK-adopted international accounting standards, 
                             with future changes to IFRS being subject to endorsement 
                             by the UK Endorsement Board. 
Investment Adviser          M7 Real Estate Limited. 
IPO                         The admission to trading on the London Stock Exchange's 
                             Main Market of the share capital of the Company 
                             and admission of Ordinary Shares to the premium 
                             listing segment of the Official List on 6 June 
Lease incentives            Incentives offered to occupiers to enter into 
                             a lease. Typically this will be an initial rent-free 
                             period, or a cash contribution to fit-out. Under 
                             accounting rules the value of the lease incentive 
                             is amortised through the Consolidated Statement 
                             of Comprehensive Income on a straight-line basis 
                             until the lease expiry. 
Net Asset Value ('NAV')     Net Asset Value is the equity attributable to 
                             shareholders calculated under IFRS. 
Net Asset Value per share   Equity shareholders' funds divided by the number 
                             of Ordinary Shares in issue. 
Net equivalent yield        Calculated by the Group's External Valuers, net 
                             equivalent yield is the internal rate of return 
                             from an investment property, based on the gross 
                             outlays for the purchase of a property (including 
                             purchase costs), reflecting reversions to current 
                             market rent and items as voids and non-recoverable 
                             expenditure but ignoring future changes in capital 
                             value. The calculation assumes rent is received 
                             annually in arrears. 
Net Initial Yield ('NIY')   The initial net rental income from a property 
                             at the date of purchase, expressed as a percentage 
                             of the gross purchase price including the costs 
                             of purchase. 
Net rental income           Rental income receivable in the period after payment 
                             of ground rents and net property outgoings. 
Ordinary Shares             The main type of equity capital issued by conventional 
                             Investment Companies. Shareholders are entitled 
                             to their share of both income, in the form of 
                             dividends paid by the Company, and any capital 
pps                         Pence per share. 
REIT                        A Real Estate Investment Trust. A company which 
                             complies with Part 12 of the Corporation Tax Act 
                             2010. Subject to the continuing relevant UK REIT 
                             criteria being met, the profits from the property 
                             business of a REIT, arising from both income and 
                             capital gains, are exempt from corporation tax. 
Reversion                   Increase in rent estimated by the Company's External 
                             Valuers, where the passing rent is below the ERV. 
Share price                 The value of a share at a point in time as quoted 
                             on a stock exchange. The Company's Ordinary Shares 
                             are quoted on the Main Market of the London Stock 
Weighted Average Unexpired  The average lease term remaining for first break, 
 Lease Term ('WAULT')        or expiry, across the portfolio weighted by contracted 
                             rental income (including rent-frees). 

Shareholder Information


Simon Bennett (Independent non-executive Chairman)

Stephanie Eastment (Independent non-executive Director)

Adam C Smith (Non-executive Director)

Company Website


Registered Office

1 King William Street




Langham Hall Fund Management LLP

1 Fleet Place

8(th) Floor



Investment Adviser and Administrator ('Investment Adviser')

M7 Real Estate Limited

3(rd) Floor

The Monument Building

11 Monument Street



Property Manager

Mason Owen and Partners Limited

7(th) Floor

20 Chapel Street


L3 9AG


Langham Hall UK Depositary LLP

8th Floor

1 Fleet Place



Consultant Portfolio Manager

King Capital Consulting Limited

140a Tachbrook Street



Company Secretary

Hanway Advisory Limited

1 King William Street




Computershare Investor Services PLC

The Pavilions

Bridgwater Road


BS13 8AE


Moore Kingston Smith LLP

Devonshire House

60 Goswell Road





Knight Frank LLP

55 Baker Street



Corporate Broker

Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited

40 Gracechurch Street



Legal Adviser to the Company

Travers Smith LLP

10 Snow Hill



Communications Adviser

H/Advisors Maitland

3 Pancras Square



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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 06, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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부터 1월(1) 2025 으로 2월(2) 2025 Aew Uk Long Lease Reit 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Aew Uk Long Lease Reit (LSE:AEWL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2024 으로 2월(2) 2025 Aew Uk Long Lease Reit 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.