Rimfire Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:RFM) reports results from the drill
program concluded on the Grizzly property last fall. The program, totalling 2128
metres in 11 holes, targeted two areas: the Grizzly Showing and the Mirko Grid.
Drilling confirmed the presence of weak porphyry-style copper-gold
mineralization and alteration at the Grizzly Showing and wide intervals of
anomalous molybdenum-bearing mineralization at the Mirko Grid.

The 2008 program was funded by Inmet Mining Corporation under the terms of an
Option agreement announced January 2008.

Eight holes were collared in the Grizzly Showing area targeting Induced
Polarization (IP) chargeability anomalies coincident with copper-gold-molybdenum
soil geochemical anomalies and copper-gold surface showings. Previously reported
mineralization from trenches at the Grizzly Showing returned results including
38 metres averaging 0.74% copper and 1.1 g/t gold from continuous chip sampling.
Three holes were completed in the immediate vicinity of the showing; one tested
the down-dip extent of the Grizzly Showing (GRIZ08-02) and two holes were
drilled to test the inferred strike extent 100 metres to the NE and SW of the
showing (GRIZ08-11 and -05, respectively). These holes intersected numerous
zones of potassium feldspar+biotite+carbonate alteration with trace chalcopyrite
disseminations and calcite-chalcopyrite veins in mafic volcanic rocks. Results
include 53.73 metres of 0.11% copper and 0.19 g/t gold including 17.38 metres of
0.21% copper and 0.28 g/t gold in GRZ08-11. Drilling confirms that this
high-temperature, porphyry-style alteration and mineralization is spatially
associated with syenitic feldspar-porphyry dykes and sills. Two holes drilled
200 metres east-northeast (GRIZ08-01) and 350 metres northeast (GRZ08-03), that
targeted IP chargeabilitiy highs intersected moderately to strongly
chlorite+sericite+/-carbonate+/-biotite+/-potassium feldspar altered volcanic
and intrusive rocks with abundant pyrite but yielded no significant results. The
abundance of pyrite encountered in drilling explains the IP chargeability
anomalies; however, the areal extent of the copper-gold-molybdenum soil
anomalies remains unexplained.

A sixth hole 700 metres to the south of the Grizzly Showing intersected
graphitic mudstones and disseminated pyrite with trace chalcopyrite yielding no
significant results. The remaining two holes in the Grizzly Showing area were
lost due to poor drilling conditions.

The Mirko Grid drill program targeted IP chargeability anomalies and coincident
molybdenum-in-soil geochemical anomalies in an area of scarce outcrop exposure.
Three holes were completed to test two targets. GRZ08-08 and -09 intersected
anomalous molybdenum mineralization with an intersection of 94.44 metres that
averaged 0.02% molybdenum in GRZ08-09. Molybdenum-bearing mineralization in this
interval consisted of molybdenite fracture coatings and disseminations within
carbonate veins and breccias hosted by moderately
potassium-feldspar+sericite+chlorite+carbonate altered volcaniclastic rocks.

GRZ08-10 was drilled 400 metres to the north of holes GRZ08-08 and -09 on the
inferred continuation of the Mirko IP anomaly targeted in the previous holes.
This hole intersected a broad zone of propylitically-altered volcanic rocks that
did not return any significant mineralization.

Inmet has indicated that it does not intend to proceed with further exploration
at the Grizzly.

"On behalf of the Rimfire team, I would like to thank Inmet for their commitment
in testing the Grizzly Property," said Jason Weber, Rimfire President and CEO.
"We are pleased that our relationship with Inmet will continue through our
recent agreement regarding the Barmedman Property in the Lachlan Fold Belt, New
South Wales, Australia. A drilling program funded by Inmet targeting copper-gold
mineralization is currently underway at Barmedman."

This news release has been reviewed by Mark Baknes, M.Sc., P.Geo., VP
Exploration for Rimfire Minerals Corporation, a Qualified Person for the purpose
of National Instrument 43-101.

About Rimfire

Rimfire Minerals Corporation is an aggressive, well-financed mineral exploration
company with a portfolio of highly prospective gold and copper properties in
western North America and Australia. Rimfire currently has in excess of two
years of operating capital, and finances approximately 80% of its exploration
through option and joint venture agreements. Current and former partners include
AngloGold Ashanti Limited, Barrick Gold Corporation, Newmont Mining Company,
Inmet Mining Corporation, Northgate Minerals Corporation, Fronteer Development
Group Inc., Rubicon Minerals Corporation, American Creek Resources Ltd., Island
Arc Exploration Corporation, Jaguar Minerals Limited and BWG.

On behalf of Rimfire Minerals Corporation

Jason Weber, P.Geo., President & CEO

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: This News Release includes certain "forward-looking
statements". Other than statements of historical fact, all statements included
in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding future
plans and objectives of Rimfire Minerals Corporation, are forward-looking
statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no
assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
Rimfire's expectations are the risks detailed herein and from time to time in
the filings made by Rimfire Minerals Corporation with securities regulators.
Those filings can be found on the Internet at http://www.sedar.com and

Rimfire Minerals Corp Com Npv (TSXV:RFM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Rimfire Minerals Corp Com Npv 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Rimfire Minerals Corp Com Npv (TSXV:RFM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Rimfire Minerals Corp Com Npv 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.