# | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 거래량 | 가격 x 거래량 | 거래량 (%) | 업데이트됨 | |||||
104998.54 | Binance | 4972.40395 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | $ 521,513,230.85 | 1737906507 | BTC/USDT | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 1 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | 47.1184366368 | 최근에 |
105001.4 | OKX | 1432.63481759 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | $ 150,212,083.19 | 1737906502 | BTC/USDT | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | USDT | 2 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | 13.5756293244 | 최근에 |
104987.92 | Coinbase | 1299.45586522 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | US$ 136,260,340.18 | 1737906508 | BTC/USD | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | USD | 3 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | 12.3136272643 | 최근에 |
104973.61 | Crypto.com | 615.74705 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | $ 64,548,383.40 | 1737906400 | BTC/USDT | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 4 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | 5.83481122038 | 최근에 |
104972 | Crypto.com | 400.91912 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | US$ 42,038,830.93 | 1737906500 | BTC/USD | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | USD | 5 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | 3.79910448591 | 최근에 |
104981.69 | DigiFinex | 393.1236532 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | $ 41,217,085.30 | 1737906427 | BTC/USDT | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | USDT | 6 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | 3.72523474158 | 최근에 |
104983 | Bitstamp | 275.60960113 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | US$ 28,909,960.69 | 1737906506 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | USD | 7 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | 2.61167307763 | 최근에 |
16392168 | bitFlyer | 182.19241927 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | ¥ 2,983,788,006.33 | 1737906506 | BTC/JPY | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | JPY | 8 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | 1.72645304955 | 최근에 |
105015.99 | LATOKEN | 134.9793736 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | $ 14,156,954.70 | 1737905720 | BTC/USDT | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | USDT | 9 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | 1.2790628288 | 13 분s 전 |
104973.4 | LBank | 133.2027 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | $ 13,961,182.86 | 1737906504 | BTC/USDT | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | USDT | 10 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | 1.26222709235 | 최근에 |
100120 | Bitvavo | 121.72957719 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | € 12,173,468.64 | 1737906507 | BTC/EUR | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | EUR | 11 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | 1.15350792641 | 최근에 |
104976.4 | Kraken | 106.75383044 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | US$ 11,183,818.60 | 1737906197 | XBT/USD | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | USD | 12 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | 1.01159794053 | 5 분s 전 |
100090.46 | Coinbase | 89.86076866 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | € 8,986,621.60 | 1737906507 | BTC/EUR | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | EUR | 13 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | 0.851519501797 | 최근에 |
100090.81 | Binance | 68.81686 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | € 6,881,264.87 | 1737906506 | BTC/EUR | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | EUR | 14 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | 0.652107690778 | 최근에 |
104982.91 | Coinbase | 54.09351229 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | $ 5,673,515.20 | 1737906507 | BTC/USDT | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | USDT | 15 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | 0.512589434995 | 최근에 |
105262.05 | EXMO | 43.77405383 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | US$ 4,602,182.62 | 1737906486 | BTC/USD | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | USD | 16 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | 0.414802377776 | 최근에 |
100048.8 | Kraken | 39.70335942 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | € 3,970,672.04 | 1737906195 | XBT/EUR | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | EUR | 17 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | 0.376228529281 | 5 분s 전 |
100088 | Bitstamp | 33.99591342 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | € 3,399,854.61 | 1737906507 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | EUR | 18 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | 0.32214484352 | 최근에 |
105000 | Bitfinex | 33.71723809 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | US$ 3,534,442.22 | 1737906413 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | USD | 19 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | 0.319504119634 | 최근에 |
83985.43 | Coinbase | 27.39029052 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | £ 2,299,214.06 | 1737906507 | BTC/GBP | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | GBP | 20 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | 0.259550044869 | 최근에 |
105025.1 | Kucoin | 24.97074704 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | $ 2,616,680.90 | 1737905608 | BTC/USDT | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | USDT | 21 | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | 0.236622481602 | 15 분s 전 |
105034.7 | Gate.io | 20.47321 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | $ 2,146,614.86 | 1737906086 | BTC/USDT | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 22 | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | 0.194003877769 | 7 분s 전 |
105110.9 | Gemini | 13.64343227 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | US$ 1,429,021.14 | 1737847266 | BTC/USD | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | USD | 23 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | 0.129284990798 | 16 시간s 전 |
83983 | Bitstamp | 8.13173496 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | £ 681,277.40 | 1737906507 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | GBP | 24 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | 0.0770562171361 | 최근에 |
100339.81 | EXMO | 6.63065649 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | € 664,604.75 | 1737906486 | BTC/EUR | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | EUR | 25 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | 0.0628320166314 | 최근에 |
104959.11 | HTX | 5.54373721 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | $ 581,294.86 | 1737906497 | BTC/USDT | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | USDT | 26 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | 0.0525323833475 | 최근에 |
84007.9 | Kraken | 4.95615886 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | £ 416,206.80 | 1737906196 | XBT/GBP | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | GBP | 27 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | 0.0469644983704 | 5 분s 전 |
104991.41 | EXMO | 4.63508074 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | $ 486,001.10 | 1737906485 | BTC/USDT | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | USDT | 28 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | 0.0439219661858 | 최근에 |
104954 | Bitstamp | 1.59704981 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | $ 167,426.60 | 1737906501 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | USDT | 29 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | 0.0151336237029 | 최근에 |
100200 | Bitfinex | 1.4865253 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | € 148,613.65 | 1737906506 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | EUR | 30 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | 0.0140862948508 | 최근에 |
104579.4 | Upbit | 0.76392433 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | $ 79,997.77 | 1737906308 | BTC/USDT | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | USDT | 31 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | 0.0072389372425 | 최근에 |
84082 | Bitfinex | 0.022891 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | £ 1,923.04 | 1737906396 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | GBP | 32 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | 0.000216914825082 | 최근에 |
96845.39 | Mercatox | 0.02238634 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/MRTX.png | $ 2,144.18 | 1733386286 | BTC/USDT | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 33 | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 0.000212132673336 | 2 월s 전 |
99717.05 | Gemini | 0.00518051 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | € 516.59 | 1737834822 | BTC/EUR | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | EUR | 34 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | 4.90904469218E-5 | 20 시간s 전 |
83818.86 | Gemini | 0.00292852 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | £ 245.97 | 1737824815 | BTC/GBP | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | GBP | 35 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | 2.77506183019E-5 | 23 시간s 전 |
16381000 | Kraken | 0.00049521 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ¥ 8,108.18 | 1737906196 | XBT/JPY | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | JPY | 36 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | 4.69260366646E-6 | 5 분s 전 |
16612000 | Bitfinex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | ¥ 0.00000000 | 1737906497 | BTC/JPY | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | JPY | 37 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | 0 | 최근에 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | € - | BTC/EUR | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | EUR | 38 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | 0 | - | |||
SouthXchange | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/SOTX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | USDT | 39 | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | 0 | - | |||
85000.1 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1737906505 | BTC/GBP | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | GBP | 40 | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | 0 | 최근에 |
101000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1737906501 | BTC/USDT | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | USDT | 41 | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | 0 | 최근에 |
35986.75 | Binance | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1737849737 | BTC/GBP | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | GBP | 42 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
100098.1 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | € 0.00000000 | 1737906502 | BTC/EUR | https://cex.io/btc-eur | EUR | 43 | https://cex.io/btc-eur | 0 | 최근에 |
104667.9 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1737906506 | BTC/USD | https://cex.io/btc-usd | USD | 44 | https://cex.io/btc-usd | 0 | 최근에 |
102828.5 | bitFlyer | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1737905725 | BTC/USD | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | USD | 45 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | 0 | 13 분s 전 |
Kraken | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | $ - | XBT/USDT | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | USDT | 46 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | 0 | - | |||
86888.1 | EXMO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1737906386 | BTC/GBP | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | GBP | 47 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | 0 | 최근에 |
23560.85 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | € 0.00000000 | 1737849729 | BTC/EUR | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | EUR | 48 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
91333.4 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | € 0.00000000 | 1737849720 | BTC/EUR | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | EUR | 49 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | USDT | 50 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | 0 | - | |||
95202.98 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1737849720 | BTC/USDT | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 51 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
104730.74 | HitBTC | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1737849720 | BTC/USD | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | USD | 52 | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
54455.3 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1737849729 | BTC/GBP | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | GBP | 53 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | 0 | 16 시간s 전 |
16838.2 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1737906021 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | USDT | 54 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | 0 | 8 분s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | US$ - | BTC/USD | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | USD | 55 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | 0 | - |
Date | Price | 변동 | 변동 % | 저가 | 고가 | 평균 일일 거래량 | |
1 | 104335.91 | 652.01 | 0.624914279274 | 99460.67 | 109356 | 20949.1705412 | CX |
4 | 95080.01 | 9907.91 | 10.4206026062 | 89713.25 | 109356 | 16298.6841695 | CX |
12 | 69321.82 | 35666.1 | 51.4500340585 | 66783.77 | 109356 | 19612.0756162 | CX |
26 | 65782.26 | 39205.66 | 59.5991381263 | 49050.01 | 109356 | 16334.6942385 | CX |
52 | 39924.1 | 65063.82 | 162.968783266 | 39805.95 | 109356 | 16901.9228902 | CX |
156 | 36883.09 | 68104.83 | 184.650553953 | 15500 | 109356 | 20654.2045461 | CX |
260 | 8331 | 96656.92 | 1160.20789821 | 3596 | 109356 | 29535.3825131 | CX |
BTC에 대해
The one that started the cryptocurrency revolution. Bitcoin was the first electronic currency with a trust-less decentralised ledger. Bitcoin is open-source: its design is public and nobody owns or controls Bitcoin.
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게시물 보기
“Traditional banks will now be able to offer crypto custody services without facing de facto penalties.” https://www.ft.com/content/24854c53-98ef-42b5-96ed-efd6f5b70271
Little bit slow outta the gate but....... https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=175714541 .
Question 🙋♀️, Larry Fink is calling for a $700,000 Bitcoin price. Is Larry talking about Bitcoin hitting $700K in 2025?? https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/blackrock-ceo-larry-fink-forecasts-700k-bitcoin-price-amid-inflation-worries
"BlackRock CEO Larry Fink-"I want the SEC to rapidly approve the tokenization of bonds and stocks." https://old.bitchute.com/video/L0kB9kXLm5L7/
Start at the 3 minute mark here fellas and you'll see what i've been saying HERE https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=175710514 There currently appears to exist a complete Sector-Wide Resistance . . . . . WHY ? Answer ?........Because SO much has already now been "priced...
Start at the 3 minute mark here fellas and you'll see what i've been saying HERE https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=175710514 There currently appears to exist a complete Sector-Wide Resistance . . . . . WHY ? Answer ?........Because SO much has already now been "priced in" ! Example(s) ?........HBar / XRP - Why are we seeing "resistance" in them ???? The Election, the inauguration and before that the ETF's........ And now we've got everyone just WAITING to hear, just whether or not there'll exist a Strategic Reserve..... With a government that's yet to say anything about it ! I'm figuring that unless the freaking govt. comes out right pronto and freaking starts talking about what's ahead ?...... That everything going to freaking enter a tailspin ! What we're witnessing is a goverment that is stepping on a rake ! .
Over 16,000 brand new tokens created daily...... https://www.stockwatch.com/News/Item/Z-C!DEFI-3632795/C/DEFI Over 9,000 blockchains now suddenly available ! It's The Great Alaska Gold Rush where every shovel is needed ! Don't get in thier way !
Years ago I made a bad decision cause I didn't know anything about digital coin and I'll never forget when a friend said to me if you have any money to gamble with I should invest it in btc.... that was when it was around 30 40k but it's never to late
Crypto market don’t need no more these stupid coins Trump coin, Melania coin Throw them in the trash Every new coin is stupid. we had enough coins five years ago.
LoL...ridiculous... https://slate.com/technology/2025/01/donald-trump-meme-coin-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-scam.html
Actually, since the feds didn't loan out any money upfront to get those seized coins, the term "naked shorting" would probably be a more accurate phrase to describe their selling of those "digital assets" for pure profit. I apologize to all the toxic🤮otc convertible note holders I may have...
Actually, since the feds didn't loan out any money upfront to get those seized coins, the term "naked shorting" would probably be a more accurate phrase to describe their selling of those "digital assets" for pure profit. I apologize to all the toxic🤮otc convertible note holders I may have insulted.
There is no chance that Congress will ever approve that unless they all have a crypto investment.
Pumping crypto as a "Digital Asset" is an interesting way of defining the vast array of crypto scams. Meanwhile, that executive order defines a CBDC as a "liability"... -"For the purpose of this order, the term “digital asset” refers to any digital representation of value that is recorded on a...
Pumping crypto as a "Digital Asset" is an interesting way of defining the vast array of crypto scams. Meanwhile, that executive order defines a CBDC as a "liability"... -"For the purpose of this order, the term “digital asset” refers to any digital representation of value that is recorded on a distributed ledger, including cryptocurrencies, digital tokens, and stablecoins." -"“Central Bank Digital Currency” means a form of digital money or monetary value, denominated in the national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the central bank." https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/strengthening-american-leadership-in-digital-financial-technology/ Why would they "buy" bitcoins or altcoins when they already can just seize them for free and dump them whenever they want?...In the old days, we would call this a convertible note... "Powell says Fed cannot hold bitcoin, not seeking to change that": December 19, 2024 "The incoming president has not provided details on what such a reserve would entail, beyond saying its initial holdings could include bitcoin seized from criminals, a stockpile of about 200,000 tokens worth about $21 billion at current prices." https://www.reuters.com/technology/fed-cant-hold-bitcoin-not-seeking-change-that-powell-says-2024-12-18/
Can Bitcoin hit $1 Million this year in 2025?? This article says yes, and it looks like a US strategic reserve is going to happen!! Buckle up people it’s gonna be a fun ride💰💰 https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/will-bitcoin-hit-1-million-btc-price-prediction-for-2025/amp/
Super exciting stuff is happening! What are the chances that Bitcoin is not taxed for short or long term gains?
Trump signed an Executive order to create a cryptocurrency working group. The crypto advisory council is expected to advise on digital asset policy, work with Congress on crypto legislation, help establish Trump's promised bitcoin reserve and coordinate between agencies including the Securities...
Trump signed an Executive order to create a cryptocurrency working group. The crypto advisory council is expected to advise on digital asset policy, work with Congress on crypto legislation, help establish Trump's promised bitcoin reserve and coordinate between agencies including the Securities and Exchange Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Treasury, Reuters previously reported. While presidential advisory councils are not a new concept, there has never been one dedicated to cryptocurrencies. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-signs-order-create-cryptocurrency-202314713.html
날짜 | 종가 | 변동 | 변동 % | 시가 | 고가 | 저가 | 거래량 |
1737849000 | 104866.41 | 110.63 | 0.11 | 104798.67 | 105294 | 104104 | 4315 |
1737762600 | 104755.78 | 732.4 | 0.70 | 103835.33 | 107200 | 102751.92 | 15095 |
1737676200 | 104023.38 | 223.38 | 0.22 | 103600.47 | 106870.87 | 101200.01 | 28380 |
1737589800 | 103800 | -2 | -1.99 | 106132.23 | 106431.34 | 103100 | 12345 |
1737503400 | 105909.87 | 3 | 3.72 | 101640.76 | 107291.1 | 100017.49 | 38027 |
1737417000 | 102112.69 | 465.72 | 0.46 | 106900 | 109356 | 99460.67 | 33830 |
1737330600 | 101646.97 | -2 | -2.57 | 104335.91 | 106314.44 | 99529.01 | 14651 |
1737244200 | 104327.96 | 109.59 | 0.11 | 104151.7 | 104933.15 | 102233.45 | 9536 |
1737157800 | 104218.37 | 4 | 4.17 | 99966.53 | 105970 | 99937.81 | 24459 |
1737071400 | 100041.71 | -131.14 | -0.13 | 100513.67 | 100828.44 | 97277.58 | 14267 |
1736985000 | 100172.85 | 3 | 3.75 | 96494.18 | 100716.45 | 96400 | 15780 |
1736898600 | 96550.7 | 2 | 2.38 | 94469.86 | 97353.29 | 94311.36 | 19803 |
1736812200 | 94306.94 | -123.88 | -0.13 | 94572.06 | 95900 | 89713.25 | 25561 |
1736725800 | 94430.82 | -152.38 | -0.16 | 94557.14 | 95383.84 | 93670.3 | 2684 |
1736639400 | 94583.2 | -155.43 | -0.16 | 94692.7 | 94983.65 | 93804.05 | 4759 |
1736553000 | 94738.63 | 2 | 2.65 | 92523.5 | 95862.92 | 92209.25 | 23788 |
1736466600 | 92289.62 | -2 | -2.97 | 94979.98 | 95363.26 | 91187 | 12058 |
1736380200 | 95111.55 | -1 | -1.83 | 96827.52 | 97254.35 | 92500 | 16512 |
1736293800 | 96888.92 | -5 | -5.23 | 102195 | 102735.99 | 96105.11 | 24918 |
1736207400 | 102235.95 | 3 | 3.84 | 98479 | 102500 | 97900 | 22480 |
1736121000 | 98459.92 | 210.42 | 0.21 | 98177.44 | 98814 | 97250 | 2957 |
1736034600 | 98249.5 | 177.6 | 0.18 | 98151.78 | 98761.02 | 97516.65 | 3354 |
1735948200 | 98071.9 | 1 | 1.29 | 96937.86 | 98969.92 | 96016.63 | 13906 |
1735861800 | 96821.89 | 2 | 2.53 | 94342.79 | 97776.99 | 94177 | 16559 |
1735775400 | 94435.58 | 1 | 1.17 | 93455.87 | 94960.91 | 92743.63 | 7798 |
1735689000 | 93344.69 | 788.73 | 0.85 | 92618.16 | 96148.94 | 91887.13 | 18485 |
1735602600 | 92555.96 | -1 | -1.18 | 93378.01 | 94910.48 | 91271.19 | 25524 |
1735516200 | 93660.99 | -1 | -1.59 | 95080.01 | 95149 | 92841.48 | 4522 |
1735429800 | 95171.05 | 865.18 | 0.92 | 94271.75 | 95534.17 | 94002.72 | 3724 |
1735343400 | 94305.87 | -1 | -1.47 | 95696.2 | 97340.47 | 93234.31 | 16367 |
1735257000 | 95712.26 | -3 | -3.49 | 99600 | 99887 | 95083.93 | 13269 |
1735170600 | 99173.43 | 634.17 | 0.64 | 98528.1 | 99472 | 97557.48 | 6194 |
1735084200 | 98539.26 | 3 | 4.10 | 94666.33 | 99444 | 93426.25 | 21453 |
1734997800 | 94660.41 | -565.26 | -0.59 | 95050 | 96430.08 | 92360.91 | 25763 |
1734911400 | 95225.67 | -1 | -1.93 | 97010.76 | 97387.98 | 94182.98 | 7176 |
1734825000 | 97102.83 | -504.7 | -0.52 | 97688.23 | 99596.57 | 96368 | 8396 |
1734738600 | 97607.53 | -191.32 | -0.20 | 97491.91 | 98132.47 | 92115.66 | 24493 |
1734652200 | 97798.85 | -2 | -2.33 | 100448.3 | 102796.22 | 95539.67 | 25338 |
1734565800 | 100135.72 | -6 | -5.69 | 106114.74 | 106528.13 | 100080 | 22483 |
1734479400 | 106174.47 | 148.89 | 0.14 | 106007.96 | 108388.88 | 105337.97 | 20655 |
1734393000 | 106025.58 | 1 | 1.21 | 104335.55 | 107857.79 | 103289.21 | 26004 |
1734306600 | 104755.98 | 3 | 3.32 | 101430.22 | 105100 | 101221.34 | 9508 |
1734220200 | 101394.28 | 103.8 | 0.10 | 101444.82 | 102650 | 100600 | 4945 |
1734133800 | 101290.48 | 1 | 1.27 | 100036 | 101959.13 | 99220.81 | 13792 |
1734047400 | 100018.66 | -1 | -1.25 | 101151.3 | 102595 | 99298.39 | 16468 |
1733961000 | 101288.17 | 4 | 4.76 | 96638.43 | 101984.98 | 95722.79 | 24042 |
1733874600 | 96686.75 | -733.12 | -0.75 | 97225.99 | 98338.17 | 94273.38 | 32448 |
1733788200 | 97419.87 | -3 | -3.63 | 101061.68 | 101116.55 | 94077.51 | 30694 |
1733701800 | 101089.15 | 1 | 1.13 | 99919.33 | 101104.53 | 98729.66 | 5379 |
1733615400 | 99957.36 | 8.53 | 0.01 | 99723.41 | 100583.27 | 99012.73 | 5600 |
1733529000 | 99948.83 | 2 | 3.01 | 96794.06 | 102104.12 | 96424.2 | 20635 |
1733442600 | 97024.94 | -1 | -1.93 | 98731.99 | 104000 | 92984.51 | 37845 |
1733356200 | 98930.12 | 2 | 2.98 | 95992.36 | 99260.33 | 94634.85 | 19600 |
1733269800 | 96067.41 | 378.96 | 0.40 | 95727.14 | 96310.1 | 93592.59 | 20275 |
1733183400 | 95688.45 | -1 | -1.67 | 97198.93 | 98200 | 94400.63 | 18859 |
1733097000 | 97313.48 | 814.03 | 0.84 | 96457.17 | 97895.9 | 95753.42 | 4930 |
1733010600 | 96499.45 | -832.01 | -0.85 | 97362.58 | 97400 | 96129.73 | 4304 |
1732924200 | 97331.46 | 1 | 1.75 | 95653.23 | 98750 | 95383.46 | 15897 |
1732837800 | 95657.05 | -293.3 | -0.31 | 95857.08 | 96676.31 | 94671.59 | 7884 |
1732751400 | 95950.35 | 4 | 4.42 | 91833.14 | 97386.06 | 91747.46 | 19183 |
1732665000 | 91892.57 | -981.6 | -1.06 | 92862.05 | 95004.92 | 90682.58 | 33032 |
1732578600 | 92874.17 | -5 | -5.15 | 98054.97 | 98999 | 92534.93 | 41048 |
1732492200 | 97918.07 | 287.74 | 0.29 | 97848.87 | 98700 | 95780.77 | 10784 |
1732405800 | 97630.33 | -1 | -1.40 | 98947.16 | 99044.11 | 97215.01 | 14260 |
1732319400 | 99011.56 | 549.76 | 0.56 | 98387.15 | 99860 | 97209.52 | 35291 |
1732233000 | 98461.8 | 4 | 4.53 | 94301.06 | 99073.53 | 94127.2 | 39671 |
1732146600 | 94198.37 | 1 | 2.05 | 92396.7 | 94989.99 | 91600 | 30667 |
1732060200 | 92306.09 | 1 | 1.94 | 90407.87 | 94105.84 | 90403.24 | 31897 |
1731973800 | 90545.3 | 744 | 0.83 | 89859.08 | 92674.8 | 89372.65 | 22587 |
1731887400 | 89801.3 | -655.44 | -0.72 | 90714.56 | 91439.82 | 88713.64 | 7938 |
1731801000 | 90456.74 | -475.69 | -0.52 | 90957.76 | 91820.73 | 90069.21 | 8530 |
1731714600 | 90932.43 | 3 | 4.16 | 87526.76 | 91934.62 | 87100.83 | 25653 |
1731628200 | 87296.55 | -3 | -3.48 | 90323.81 | 91831.25 | 86672.07 | 28220 |
1731541800 | 90446.06 | 2 | 2.68 | 88200.6 | 93495 | 86220.5 | 48559 |
1731455400 | 88086.26 | -628.24 | -0.71 | 88482.23 | 90100 | 85010 | 49436 |
1731369000 | 88714.5 | 8 | 10.35 | 80499.21 | 89666 | 80277.34 | 44095 |
1731282600 | 80390.19 | 3 | 4.56 | 76597.25 | 81534.28 | 76535.33 | 21073 |
1731196200 | 76887.61 | 335.31 | 0.44 | 76517.98 | 76952.67 | 75758.58 | 5926 |
1731109800 | 76552.3 | 548.93 | 0.72 | 75968.61 | 77312.18 | 75654.26 | 21473 |
1731023400 | 76003.37 | 354.16 | 0.47 | 75664.25 | 76999 | 74463.96 | 26114 |
1730937000 | 75649.21 | 6 | 8.88 | 69416.55 | 76509.56 | 69285.82 | 55790 |
1730850600 | 69480.32 | 1 | 2.60 | 67852.74 | 70557.67 | 67427.53 | 23726 |
1730764200 | 67721.91 | -1 | -1.65 | 68688.67 | 69466.2 | 66783.77 | 22526 |
1730677800 | 68856.09 | -435.47 | -0.63 | 69321.82 | 69364.65 | 67444 | 9125 |
1730591400 | 69291.56 | -160.36 | -0.23 | 69555.89 | 69891.92 | 69000 | 3347 |
1730505000 | 69451.92 | -878.31 | -1.25 | 70225.39 | 71620 | 68720 | 18691 |
1730418600 | 70330.23 | -2 | -2.85 | 72362.42 | 72684.02 | 69559.33 | 17085 |
1730332200 | 72394.14 | -227.97 | -0.31 | 72670.61 | 72948.6 | 71400.01 | 16332 |
1730245800 | 72622.11 | 2 | 3.96 | 69860.15 | 73624.98 | 69705.76 | 33331 |
1730159400 | 69854.84 | 1 | 2.77 | 67972.11 | 70235.98 | 67532.48 | 24509 |
1730073000 | 67972.94 | 965.29 | 1.44 | 66995.23 | 68261.37 | 66836.78 | 3765 |
1729986600 | 67007.65 | 731.99 | 1.10 | 66512.58 | 67365.18 | 66331.95 | 3548 |