# | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 거래량 | 가격 x 거래량 | 거래량 (%) | 업데이트됨 | |||||
96252.87 | Binance | 15187.62768 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | $ 1,456,076,994.43 | 1739999676 | BTC/USDT | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 1 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_USDT | 44.2250648611 | 최근에 |
96244.63 | Coinbase | 6187.96524119 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | US$ 594,041,099.85 | 1739999677 | BTC/USD | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | USD | 2 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USD | 18.0188222885 | 최근에 |
96257.9 | OKX | 4954.80977945 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | $ 475,623,542.02 | 1739999677 | BTC/USDT | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | USDT | 3 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/BTC-USDT | 14.4279797008 | 최근에 |
96266.98 | Crypto.com | 1732.32084 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | $ 166,252,478.84 | 1739999677 | BTC/USDT | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 4 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USDT | 5.04436921443 | 최근에 |
96244 | Bitstamp | 1314.03172021 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | US$ 126,127,543.09 | 1739999655 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | USD | 5 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usd | 3.8263472927 | 최근에 |
96157.05 | DigiFinex | 966.0267534 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | $ 92,611,675.13 | 1739999361 | BTC/USDT | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | USDT | 6 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/BTC | 2.81298677627 | 5 분s 전 |
96243.24 | Crypto.com | 633.55459 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | US$ 60,830,742.58 | 1739999636 | BTC/USD | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | USD | 7 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/BTC_USD | 1.84485644672 | 최근에 |
14608507 | bitFlyer | 506.90252357 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | ¥ 7,379,734,678.85 | 1739999676 | BTC/JPY | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | JPY | 8 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/JPY | 1.47605652808 | 최근에 |
92305 | Bitvavo | 471.94234581 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | € 43,405,482.28 | 1739999678 | BTC/EUR | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | EUR | 9 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/BTC-EUR | 1.37425549888 | 최근에 |
96453 | Bitfinex | 461.81790779 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | US$ 44,342,568.35 | 1739999675 | BTC/USD | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | USD | 10 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD | 1.3447740066 | 최근에 |
96073.9 | Kraken | 302.96006474 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | US$ 29,031,860.20 | 1739999176 | XBT/USD | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | USD | 11 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USD | 0.882193637858 | 8 분s 전 |
96175.55 | LATOKEN | 291.4813354 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | $ 27,951,680.22 | 1739998972 | BTC/USDT | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | USDT | 12 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/BTC-USDT | 0.848768565801 | 12 분s 전 |
95627.45 | LBank | 190.0387 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | $ 18,230,958.65 | 1739993204 | BTC/USDT | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | USDT | 13 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/btc/usdt | 0.553376340973 | 2 시간s 전 |
92234.16 | Binance | 173.58034 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | € 15,963,815.79 | 1739999677 | BTC/EUR | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | EUR | 14 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_EUR | 0.505451012947 | 최근에 |
92273.03 | Coinbase | 157.67005382 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | € 14,503,098.75 | 1739999677 | BTC/EUR | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | EUR | 15 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-EUR | 0.459121628721 | 최근에 |
92287 | Bitstamp | 133.19924175 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | € 12,265,390.18 | 1739999675 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | EUR | 16 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/eur | 0.387864729763 | 최근에 |
92086.2 | Kraken | 117.50913327 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | € 10,811,220.10 | 1739999174 | XBT/EUR | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | EUR | 17 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/EUR | 0.342176484052 | 8 분s 전 |
96252.05 | Coinbase | 113.40867412 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | $ 10,880,185.55 | 1739999676 | BTC/USDT | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | USDT | 18 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-USDT | 0.330236299865 | 최근에 |
76421.7 | Coinbase | 95.89096172 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | £ 7,298,108.92 | 1739999677 | BTC/GBP | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | GBP | 19 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/BTC-GBP | 0.27922622881 | 최근에 |
97065.04 | EXMO | 58.94422669 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | US$ 5,698,277.77 | 1739999669 | BTC/USD | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | USD | 20 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USD | 0.171640515785 | 최근에 |
96097.3 | Kucoin | 58.69982752 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | $ 5,631,788.97 | 1739999303 | BTC/USDT | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | USDT | 21 | https://trade.kucoin.com/BTC-USDT | 0.170928846434 | 6 분s 전 |
92268 | Bitfinex | 54.68158152 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | € 2,985,665.34 | 1739999668 | BTC/EUR | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | EUR | 22 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:EUR | 0.159228059864 | 최근에 |
96266.02 | Gemini | 48.91795698 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | US$ 4,697,138.36 | 1739922223 | BTC/USD | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | USD | 23 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCUSD | 0.142444881182 | 22 시간s 전 |
96167.5 | Gate.io | 45.71354 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | $ 4,376,201.93 | 1739998651 | BTC/USDT | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | USDT | 24 | https://gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT | 0.133113894686 | 17 분s 전 |
76447 | Bitstamp | 19.39779416 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | £ 1,480,939.03 | 1739999676 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | GBP | 25 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/gbp | 0.0564847073528 | 최근에 |
96403.58 | HTX | 17.00751976 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | $ 1,633,964.41 | 1739996188 | BTC/USDT | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | USDT | 26 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_usdt | 0.0495244339906 | 58 분s 전 |
96231.91 | EXMO | 16.80881388 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | $ 1,612,819.66 | 1739999668 | BTC/USDT | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | USDT | 27 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_USDT | 0.0489458195673 | 최근에 |
76339.4 | Kraken | 13.06641332 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | £ 996,775.94 | 1739999175 | XBT/GBP | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | GBP | 28 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/GBP | 0.0380482711819 | 8 분s 전 |
92275.89 | EXMO | 9.44704 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | € 868,065.65 | 1739999669 | BTC/EUR | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | EUR | 29 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_EUR | 0.0275089675325 | 최근에 |
96339 | Bitstamp | 2.70884695 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | $ 260,226.00 | 1739999677 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | USDT | 30 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/btc/usdt | 0.00788792921361 | 최근에 |
96200 | Upbit | 2.09923285 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | $ 199,477.72 | 1739999228 | BTC/USDT | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | USDT | 31 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-BTC | 0.00611278541362 | 8 분s 전 |
76441 | Bitfinex | 1.35504301 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | £ 103,512.13 | 1739999678 | BTC/GBP | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | GBP | 32 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:GBP | 0.00394576863941 | 최근에 |
14593800 | Kraken | 0.04393224 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ¥ 641,678.56 | 1739999175 | XBT/JPY | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | JPY | 33 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/JPY | 0.000127926902373 | 8 분s 전 |
96845.39 | Mercatox | 0.02238634 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/MRTX.png | $ 2,144.18 | 1733386286 | BTC/USDT | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 34 | https://mercatox.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 6.51870956651E-5 | 3 월s 전 |
89628.2 | Gemini | 0.01704955 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | € 1,552.77 | 1739921763 | BTC/EUR | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | EUR | 35 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCEUR | 4.96468224327E-5 | 22 시간s 전 |
75505.42 | Gemini | 0.00508787 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | £ 386.36 | 1739911212 | BTC/GBP | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | GBP | 36 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=BTCGBP | 1.48154396128E-5 | 1 일 전 |
14348000 | Bitfinex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | ¥ 0.00000000 | 1739999671 | BTC/JPY | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | JPY | 37 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/BTC:JPY | 0 | 최근에 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | € - | BTC/EUR | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | EUR | 38 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-BTC | 0 | - | |||
SouthXchange | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/SOTX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | USDT | 39 | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/BTC/USDT | 0 | - | |||
92000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1739999677 | BTC/GBP | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | GBP | 40 | https://cex.io/btc-gbp | 0 | 최근에 |
95905.2 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1739999676 | BTC/USDT | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | USDT | 41 | https://cex.io/btc-usdt | 0 | 최근에 |
35986.75 | Binance | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1739923364 | BTC/GBP | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | GBP | 42 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/BTC_GBP | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
91000 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | € 0.00000000 | 1739999674 | BTC/EUR | https://cex.io/btc-eur | EUR | 43 | https://cex.io/btc-eur | 0 | 최근에 |
93800 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1739999676 | BTC/USD | https://cex.io/btc-usd | USD | 44 | https://cex.io/btc-usd | 0 | 최근에 |
97588.07 | bitFlyer | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1739999490 | BTC/USD | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | USD | 45 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/BTC/USD | 0 | 최근에 |
Kraken | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | $ - | XBT/USDT | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | USDT | 46 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XBT/USDT | 0 | - | |||
78803 | EXMO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1739999670 | BTC/GBP | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | GBP | 47 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=BTC_GBP | 0 | 최근에 |
23560.85 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | € 0.00000000 | 1739923328 | BTC/EUR | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | EUR | 48 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_eur | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
91333.4 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | € 0.00000000 | 1739923321 | BTC/EUR | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | EUR | 49 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/EUR | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | $ - | BTC/USDT | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | USDT | 50 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-BTC | 0 | - | |||
95197.2 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1739923321 | BTC/USDT | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | USDT | 51 | https://tidex.com/exchange/BTC/USDT | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
95483.79 | HitBTC | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1739923320 | BTC/USD | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | USD | 52 | https://hitbtc.com/BTC-to-USD | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
54455.3 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1739923328 | BTC/GBP | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | GBP | 53 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/btc_gbp | 0 | 21 시간s 전 |
16838.2 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1739999510 | BTC/USDT | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | USDT | 54 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/BTC_USDT | 0 | 최근에 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | US$ - | BTC/USD | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | USD | 55 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-BTC | 0 | - |
Date | Price | 변동 | 변동 % | 저가 | 고가 | 평균 일일 거래량 | |
1 | 95805.04 | 434.15 | 0.453159875514 | 93333 | 98890.11 | 7427.8741154 | CX |
4 | 106132.23 | -9893.04 | -9.32142856133 | 91260 | 107200 | 13425.3469829 | CX |
12 | 91833.14 | 4406.05 | 4.79788668884 | 89713.25 | 109356 | 15544.7363161 | CX |
26 | 58530.33 | 37708.86 | 64.4261872434 | 52530 | 109356 | 15818.8795387 | CX |
52 | 52145.62 | 44093.57 | 84.5585305151 | 49050.01 | 109356 | 16787.5378103 | CX |
156 | 39991.69 | 56247.5 | 140.647969616 | 15500 | 109356 | 20534.7155707 | CX |
260 | 10189 | 86050.19 | 844.540092256 | 3596 | 109356 | 25599.8910466 | CX |
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Back above 95 y'say ?....... Well, we'll just have to see how long THAT freaking lasts ! Man......One's just gotta keep thier eyes on this chit like a freaking hawk ! I certainly do "frown" upon it all ! With crystal-clear vision - We just take it all in..... Like, look at that eh...
Back above 95 y'say ?....... Well, we'll just have to see how long THAT freaking lasts ! Man......One's just gotta keep thier eyes on this chit like a freaking hawk ! I certainly do "frown" upon it all ! With crystal-clear vision - We just take it all in..... Like, look at that eh ?.......Holy deuce !.....Instant short term switcheroo ! Circumstances can reverse in the blink of a hawks' eye ! Go USA Go ! .
XRP = Sub 2.50 Cautiously long but not if the diagonals start giving completely away !...... Just 8 or 10 hours ago, it was...........Do Or Die ! Wouldn;t wanna HODL tghru one pf those . .
back above 95k. So what are your thoughts now? It still seems to be in a channel to me but getting wider. On the historical 4 year cycles, it usually had a pretty decent pull back before doing the substantial spikes up. This may be what is occurring now but I am still not expect to get to this...
back above 95k. So what are your thoughts now? It still seems to be in a channel to me but getting wider. On the historical 4 year cycles, it usually had a pretty decent pull back before doing the substantial spikes up. This may be what is occurring now but I am still not expect to get to this cycles top for another few months at least. Maybe June.
It's all very suspect, I know, but hey........ Do Or Die ?.......That's when ya' buy ! Do Or Dies ?.......They're when ya' buy ! And I've NAILED this freaking spike-down here perfectly too ! "At least your wager was done in the 93's and not in the 96's " ! 93000
Do Or Die Zone XRP 2,57 Down 3% https://investorshub.advfn.com/secure/post_reply.aspx?message_id=175819555 Laughable ; Sure wouldn't trust anyone whose not monitoring (and reporting on) this stuff like a hawk. Be wary of their vested interest bogus little narratives
Question please: is the banning of official digital currency in the US good for bitcoin investors? THANK YOU
Why is Trump going up 40% today and all top coins are up maybe 2% to 10% bullshit XRP should be up 200% today
날짜 | 종가 | 변동 | 변동 % | 시가 | 고가 | 저가 | 거래량 |
1739922600 | 95355.09 | -420.13 | -0.44 | 95862.38 | 96730 | 93333 | 13331 |
1739836200 | 95775.22 | -378.57 | -0.39 | 96144.1 | 97050.64 | 95200 | 5177 |
1739749800 | 96153.79 | -1 | -1.44 | 97605.31 | 97738.22 | 96057.68 | 2658 |
1739663400 | 97558.39 | 113.88 | 0.12 | 97395.13 | 97997.85 | 97225.01 | 2050 |
1739577000 | 97444.51 | 882.5 | 0.91 | 96679.63 | 98890.11 | 96268.56 | 9666 |
1739490600 | 96562.01 | -1 | -1.12 | 97694.48 | 98100 | 95220 | 8149 |
1739404200 | 97655.59 | 1 | 1.96 | 95805.04 | 98119.98 | 94066.92 | 10961 |
1739317800 | 95780.83 | -1 | -1.62 | 97446.75 | 98500 | 94831.07 | 13284 |
1739231400 | 97356.22 | 945.72 | 0.98 | 96608.61 | 98367.23 | 95257.2 | 11453 |
1739145000 | 96410.5 | -164.55 | -0.17 | 96489.9 | 97342.28 | 94730.67 | 4625 |
1739058600 | 96575.05 | 121.17 | 0.13 | 96442.5 | 96919.05 | 95682.33 | 3659 |
1738972200 | 96453.88 | 7.82 | 0.01 | 96712.24 | 100235.79 | 95614.96 | 14767 |
1738885800 | 96446.06 | -61.64 | -0.06 | 96620.48 | 99182.15 | 95674.96 | 11432 |
1738799400 | 96507.7 | -1 | -1.50 | 97899.99 | 99230.49 | 96161.01 | 11252 |
1738713000 | 97980 | -3 | -3.52 | 101573.8 | 101812.23 | 96145.76 | 24781 |
1738626600 | 101558.92 | 4 | 4.18 | 97538.5 | 102599.85 | 91260 | 46813 |
1738540200 | 97479.77 | -3 | -3.32 | 100504.94 | 101459.84 | 96179 | 12010 |
1738453800 | 100827.25 | -1 | -1.48 | 102302.41 | 102781.65 | 100250 | 4453 |
1738367400 | 102340.79 | -2 | -2.47 | 104816.34 | 106090 | 101506 | 15647 |
1738281000 | 104932.5 | 1 | 1.08 | 103725.62 | 106484.77 | 103289.74 | 15128 |
1738194600 | 103815.61 | 2 | 2.63 | 101318.32 | 104829.64 | 101275.6 | 13122 |
1738108200 | 101158.38 | -715.24 | -0.70 | 102313.11 | 103770.85 | 100213.8 | 16900 |
1738021800 | 101873.62 | -1 | -1.14 | 104667.9 | 104667.9 | 97777 | 38963 |
1737935400 | 103044.94 | -1 | -1.74 | 104826.37 | 105478.8 | 102646.74 | 5480 |
1737849000 | 104866.41 | 110.63 | 0.11 | 104798.67 | 105294 | 104104 | 4315 |
1737762600 | 104755.78 | 732.4 | 0.70 | 103835.33 | 107200 | 102751.92 | 15095 |
1737676200 | 104023.38 | 223.38 | 0.22 | 103600.47 | 106870.87 | 101200.01 | 28380 |
1737589800 | 103800 | -2 | -1.99 | 106132.23 | 106431.34 | 103100 | 12345 |
1737503400 | 105909.87 | 3 | 3.72 | 101640.76 | 107291.1 | 100017.49 | 38027 |
1737417000 | 102112.69 | 465.72 | 0.46 | 106900 | 109356 | 99460.67 | 33830 |
1737330600 | 101646.97 | -2 | -2.57 | 104335.91 | 106314.44 | 99529.01 | 14651 |
1737244200 | 104327.96 | 109.59 | 0.11 | 104151.7 | 104933.15 | 102233.45 | 9536 |
1737157800 | 104218.37 | 4 | 4.17 | 99966.53 | 105970 | 99937.81 | 24459 |
1737071400 | 100041.71 | -131.14 | -0.13 | 100513.67 | 100828.44 | 97277.58 | 14267 |
1736985000 | 100172.85 | 3 | 3.75 | 96494.18 | 100716.45 | 96400 | 15780 |
1736898600 | 96550.7 | 2 | 2.38 | 94469.86 | 97353.29 | 94311.36 | 19803 |
1736812200 | 94306.94 | -123.88 | -0.13 | 94572.06 | 95900 | 89713.25 | 25561 |
1736725800 | 94430.82 | -152.38 | -0.16 | 94557.14 | 95383.84 | 93670.3 | 2684 |
1736639400 | 94583.2 | -155.43 | -0.16 | 94692.7 | 94983.65 | 93804.05 | 4759 |
1736553000 | 94738.63 | 2 | 2.65 | 92523.5 | 95862.92 | 92209.25 | 23788 |
1736466600 | 92289.62 | -2 | -2.97 | 94979.98 | 95363.26 | 91187 | 12058 |
1736380200 | 95111.55 | -1 | -1.83 | 96827.52 | 97254.35 | 92500 | 16512 |
1736293800 | 96888.92 | -5 | -5.23 | 102195 | 102735.99 | 96105.11 | 24918 |
1736207400 | 102235.95 | 3 | 3.84 | 98479 | 102500 | 97900 | 22480 |
1736121000 | 98459.92 | 210.42 | 0.21 | 98177.44 | 98814 | 97250 | 2957 |
1736034600 | 98249.5 | 177.6 | 0.18 | 98151.78 | 98761.02 | 97516.65 | 3354 |
1735948200 | 98071.9 | 1 | 1.29 | 96937.86 | 98969.92 | 96016.63 | 13906 |
1735861800 | 96821.89 | 2 | 2.53 | 94342.79 | 97776.99 | 94177 | 16559 |
1735775400 | 94435.58 | 1 | 1.17 | 93455.87 | 94960.91 | 92743.63 | 7798 |
1735689000 | 93344.69 | 788.73 | 0.85 | 92618.16 | 96148.94 | 91887.13 | 18485 |
1735602600 | 92555.96 | -1 | -1.18 | 93378.01 | 94910.48 | 91271.19 | 25524 |
1735516200 | 93660.99 | -1 | -1.59 | 95080.01 | 95149 | 92841.48 | 4522 |
1735429800 | 95171.05 | 865.18 | 0.92 | 94271.75 | 95534.17 | 94002.72 | 3724 |
1735343400 | 94305.87 | -1 | -1.47 | 95696.2 | 97340.47 | 93234.31 | 16367 |
1735257000 | 95712.26 | -3 | -3.49 | 99600 | 99887 | 95083.93 | 13269 |
1735170600 | 99173.43 | 634.17 | 0.64 | 98528.1 | 99472 | 97557.48 | 6194 |
1735084200 | 98539.26 | 3 | 4.10 | 94666.33 | 99444 | 93426.25 | 21453 |
1734997800 | 94660.41 | -565.26 | -0.59 | 95050 | 96430.08 | 92360.91 | 25763 |
1734911400 | 95225.67 | -1 | -1.93 | 97010.76 | 97387.98 | 94182.98 | 7176 |
1734825000 | 97102.83 | -504.7 | -0.52 | 97688.23 | 99596.57 | 96368 | 8396 |
1734738600 | 97607.53 | -191.32 | -0.20 | 97491.91 | 98132.47 | 92115.66 | 24493 |
1734652200 | 97798.85 | -2 | -2.33 | 100448.3 | 102796.22 | 95539.67 | 25338 |
1734565800 | 100135.72 | -6 | -5.69 | 106114.74 | 106528.13 | 100080 | 22483 |
1734479400 | 106174.47 | 148.89 | 0.14 | 106007.96 | 108388.88 | 105337.97 | 20655 |
1734393000 | 106025.58 | 1 | 1.21 | 104335.55 | 107857.79 | 103289.21 | 26004 |
1734306600 | 104755.98 | 3 | 3.32 | 101430.22 | 105100 | 101221.34 | 9508 |
1734220200 | 101394.28 | 103.8 | 0.10 | 101444.82 | 102650 | 100600 | 4945 |
1734133800 | 101290.48 | 1 | 1.27 | 100036 | 101959.13 | 99220.81 | 13792 |
1734047400 | 100018.66 | -1 | -1.25 | 101151.3 | 102595 | 99298.39 | 16468 |
1733961000 | 101288.17 | 4 | 4.76 | 96638.43 | 101984.98 | 95722.79 | 24042 |
1733874600 | 96686.75 | -733.12 | -0.75 | 97225.99 | 98338.17 | 94273.38 | 32448 |
1733788200 | 97419.87 | -3 | -3.63 | 101061.68 | 101116.55 | 94077.51 | 30694 |
1733701800 | 101089.15 | 1 | 1.13 | 99919.33 | 101104.53 | 98729.66 | 5379 |
1733615400 | 99957.36 | 8.53 | 0.01 | 99723.41 | 100583.27 | 99012.73 | 5600 |
1733529000 | 99948.83 | 2 | 3.01 | 96794.06 | 102104.12 | 96424.2 | 20635 |
1733442600 | 97024.94 | -1 | -1.93 | 98731.99 | 104000 | 92984.51 | 37845 |
1733356200 | 98930.12 | 2 | 2.98 | 95992.36 | 99260.33 | 94634.85 | 19600 |
1733269800 | 96067.41 | 378.96 | 0.40 | 95727.14 | 96310.1 | 93592.59 | 20275 |
1733183400 | 95688.45 | -1 | -1.67 | 97198.93 | 98200 | 94400.63 | 18859 |
1733097000 | 97313.48 | 814.03 | 0.84 | 96457.17 | 97895.9 | 95753.42 | 4930 |
1733010600 | 96499.45 | -832.01 | -0.85 | 97362.58 | 97400 | 96129.73 | 4304 |
1732924200 | 97331.46 | 1 | 1.75 | 95653.23 | 98750 | 95383.46 | 15897 |
1732837800 | 95657.05 | -293.3 | -0.31 | 95857.08 | 96676.31 | 94671.59 | 7884 |
1732751400 | 95950.35 | 4 | 4.42 | 91833.14 | 97386.06 | 91747.46 | 19183 |
1732665000 | 91892.57 | -981.6 | -1.06 | 92862.05 | 95004.92 | 90682.58 | 33032 |
1732578600 | 92874.17 | -5 | -5.15 | 98054.97 | 98999 | 92534.93 | 41048 |
1732492200 | 97918.07 | 287.74 | 0.29 | 97848.87 | 98700 | 95780.77 | 10784 |
1732405800 | 97630.33 | -1 | -1.40 | 98947.16 | 99044.11 | 97215.01 | 14260 |
1732319400 | 99011.56 | 549.76 | 0.56 | 98387.15 | 99860 | 97209.52 | 35291 |
1732233000 | 98461.8 | 4 | 4.53 | 94301.06 | 99073.53 | 94127.2 | 39671 |
1732146600 | 94198.37 | 1 | 2.05 | 92396.7 | 94989.99 | 91600 | 30667 |
1732060200 | 92306.09 | 1 | 1.94 | 90407.87 | 94105.84 | 90403.24 | 31897 |