RNS Number:1485G
Den Danske Bank A/S
24 February 2000

         Den Danske Bank reports net profit of DKr5,028m - up 27%

Den Danske Bank Group has today published its 1999 financial statements.
Highlights are shown below:

-  Den Danske Bank Group had a strong year in 1999. Earnings surpassed the
level the Group had expected at the beginning of the year. Core earnings
before provisions rose by 13% to DKr5,648m. Earnings from investment
portfolios were DKr459m, against DKr738m the year before.

-  The Group reinforced its position on its Nordic home markets by
acquisitions and organic growth. Moreover, non-core insurance operations
were sold off, which contributed DKr703m in one-off income to profit.

-  Pre-tax profit on ordinary operations was DKr6,321m, against DKr5,242m in
1998. Net profit rose by DKrl,078m to DKr5,028m. 

-  The Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of DKr25 per share. In 1998,
the dividend pay-out was DKr18 per share.

-  Return on equity increased from 13.6% to 16.5%.
-  The Group raised core income by 17% to DKr14,821m in 1999. Much of the
improvement came from an increase in net interest and commission income of
DKr1,447m and from higher trading income.

-  Expenses rose by 20% to DKr9,173m, mainly because Den Danske Bank
expanded activities and acquired new businesses. Expenses rose by 10% not
counting the cost increases related to acquisitions, including Fokus Bank, which
has been included in the Accounts since June 1, 1999.

-  The charge for bad and doubtful debts, at DKr489m, was at a similar level
to the year before.

-  Den Danske Bank Group expects business volume to show generally good
growth in 2000. Core earnings are forecast to exceed their 1999 level of

-  As from the autumn of 2000, Den Danske Bank will adopt a unified identity
for all its products on all markets. The unified corporate identity will
be signalled by a new design and extensive use of the name "Danske". A
proposal to change Den Danske Bank's name into Danske Bank will be
submitted for the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

-  The 1999 financial statements are the first segmental accounts to be
published by Den Danske Bank Group. Moreover, the Group will release
quarterly reports as from the first quarter of 2000.

                             DEN DANSKE BANK

                               Steen Reeslev

For further details, phone Peter Straarup, Chief Executive,
Thursday, February 24, from 2pm on +45 33 44 01 07

For information on accounting issues (also before 2pm), phone
Jesper Ovesen, Chief Financial Officer, on +45 33 44 25 00
Inge Beicher, Senior Vice President, Finance Department, on +45 33 44 14 01

See also www.danskebank-dk:

Announcement of 1999 Financial Results
1999 Annual Report
Press conference transmission at 2pm (in Danish)
Presentation of suggested new design - available from about 2pm

                    Announcement of Financial Results 1999
                           Den Danske Bank Group

Den Danske Bank Group Highlights

Core earnings and net profit for the year
(DKr million)                           1999     1998     1997    1996    1995
Net interest income,
excluding income from
investment portfolios                  8,593     7,911    7,085  6,543   7,312
Fee and commission income (net)        3,749     2,984    2,443  2,035   1,694
Trading income                           967       366     -413    559   1,048
Other core income                        537       479      383    313     247
Core insurance income                    975       920      698    594     213
Total core income                     14,821    12,660   10,196 10,044  10,514
Operating expenses and depreciation    9,173     7,645    7,081  6,960   7,258
Core earnings before provisions        5,648     5,015    3,115  3,084   3,256
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts    489       511      614    637   1,254
Core earnings                          5,159     4,504    2,501  2,447   2,002
Profit on sale of subsidiaries           703         0        0      0   1,132
Earnings from investment portfolios      459       738    2,133  2,195   1,954
Profit on ordinary operations 
before tax                            6,321      5,242    4,634 4,642    5,088
Tax                                   1,293      1,292      429   989    1,457
Net profit for the year               5,028      3,950    4,205 3,653    3,631

The division between core earnings and earnings from investment portfolios is
based in part on estimates for the period from 1995 up to and including 1997

Balance Sheet Highlights
at December 31 (DKr billion)             1999     1998    1997    1996    1995

Loans and advances                      381.0    303.1   290.7   232.5   194.4
Bonds and shares, etc.                  147.1    140.0   136.2   117.6   110.3
Due to credit institutions 
and central banks                       157.6    140.4   138.5   130.6   114.8
Deposits                                266.1    213.5   225.2   195.9   172.4
Issued bonds                            149.7    107.5    78.6    54.0    44.2
Subordinated debt                        21.4     16.6    18.4    13.4    11.3
Shareholders' equity                     30.5     30.4    27.5    25.9    23.1
Total assets                            701.4    592.8   554.8   451.8   390.0

Ratios and key figures,

Net profit for the year 
per share, DKr                           95.0     74.6    79.5    69.0    68.6
Net profit for the year as % of average
shareholders' equity                     16.5     13.6    15.7    14.9    16.7
Core earnings as % of average 
shareholders' equity                     16.9     15.6     9.4    10.0     9.2
Cost/core income ratio, %                61.9     60.4    69.4    69.3    69.0
Solvency ratio, %                        11.0     10.4    10.2     9.8    10.0
Core (tier 1) capital ratio, %            7.4      7.7     7.2     7.7     8.7
Dividend per share, DKr                    25       18      18      16      16
Share price at December 31, DKr           809      857     914     473     383
Book value per share, DKr                 577      574     520     489     436
Number of full-time employees 
at December 31:
Den Danske Bank and 
consolidated subsidiaries              12,397   11,691  11,365  11,111  11,514
Non-consolidated subsidiaries 
(insurance companies)                   1,128    1,451   1,442   1,642   1,620 

Den Danske Bank Group had a strong year in 1999. Earnings surpassed the
level the Group had expected at the beginning of the year. Core earnings
before provisions rose by 13% to DKr5,648m. Provisions for bad and doubtful
debts remained low. After-tax profit was up by DKrl,078m to DKr5,028m. The
return on equity increased to 16.5%.

The Group reinforced its position on its Nordic home markets by
acquisitions and organic growth. Moreover, non-core insurance operations
were sold off, which contributed DKr703m in one-off income to profit.
Although the Group invested heavily in expanding its activities in the
Nordic financial markets. It had a core (tier 1) capital ratio of 7.4% at
the end of the year.

Den Danske Bank Group raised core income by DKr2,161m to DKr14,821m
in 1999. Much of the improvement came from an increase in net interest and
commission income of DKr1,447m and from higher trading income.

Expenses in 1999 mirrored the continuing expansion of chosen business
areas. Moreover, the Group incurred substantial IT costs as it continued
to enhance information technology, including Internet services.
Expenses rose by 20% to DKr9,173m. Expenses rose by 10% not counting the
cost increases related to the acquisition of new operations, including
Fokus Bank, which has been included in the Accounts since June 1, 1999.

The total charge for bad and doubtful debts was virtually unchanged, at
DKr489m for 1999, against DKr511m the year before. Provisioning  needs
remained modest because of the Bank's continuing efforts to maintain the
high  quality  of its loan portfolio and because of generally favourable
economic conditions. The international economy, in particular, proved in
better shape than had been expected at the beginning of the year.

Investment portfolios generated earnings of DKr459m for 1999, against
DKr738m the year before.

Den Danske Bank Group's total risk-weighted items amounted to DKr411bn
at the end of 1999, up DKr21bn on a year earlier. Fokus Bank accounted
for DKr30bn.

Den Danske Bank spent a total of DKr5.6bn on acquiring financial services
firms in 1999 as it continued to expand activities in its  Nordic  home
markets. Of this amount, goodwill accounted for  DKr3.6bn, which was
written off  against equity capital in accordance with Group accounting

At the year-end, the Group had a solvency ratio of 11.0%, of which core
capital accounted for 7.4%, against 7.7% a year earlier. Hence, the
core capital ratio was consistent with the Bank's long-term objective
despite the substantial acquisitions made during the year.

The Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of DKr25 per share. In
1998, the dividend payout was DKr18 per share. Subject to the approval of
the Annual General Meeting, DKr3,705m will be allocated to shareholders'
equity, bringing equity capital to DKr30.5bn.

Expansion of business areas and sale of operations
Den Danske Bank works continually to strengthen its position on the Nordic
financial markets. Therefore, the Bank welcomed the permission granted by the
Norwegian authorities on May 7 to take over Fokus Bank. Norway's fourth-largest

In June, the Group entered into an agreement to take over the Swedish
mortgage finance company, Bokredit AB. This acquisition will support Den
Danske Bank's activities on the Swedish residential mortgage finance

Den Danske Bank significantly reinforced its position on the Danish
credit and payment cards market in 1999, when it bought the franchising
rights for the American Express card in Denmark.

In November, the Bank sold its non-life insurance operation to
Topdanmark, a Danish insurer. The sales proceeds of DKrl.3bn produced a
net gain of DKr703m after providing for restructuring associated with the
sale. It was agreed at the same time that the Bank would market non-life
products on behalf of Topdanmark under the brand name of Danske
Forsikring, for which it will charge a commission. Den Danske Bank's life
and pensions activities will continue without any changes.

The reasons for the sale were that Den Danske Bank does not consider
non-life insurance a core activity and that quality and competitiveness
in non-life insurance require operations of scale and market share beyond
what the Bank could reasonably expect to attain. Therefore, the non-life
business could not be expected to yield a satisfactory long-term return
on allocated capital.

After its expansion in recent years, Den Danske Bank Group now conducts
business under a number of separate corporate identities, even when the
Group's products are marketed to the same group of customers. As from the
autumn of 2000, Den Danske Bank will adopt a unified identity for all its
products on all markets.

The unified corporate identity will be signalled by a new design and
extensive use of the name "Danske", which is what the Bank is called for
short in the international financial markets. Consequently, a proposal to
change Den Danske Bank's name into Danske Bank will be submitted for the
approval of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Some operations,
such as Danica, Fokus Bank, Ostgota Enskilda and Provinsbanken, will
retain their present names but their affiliation to the Group will be
signalled by overall branding and the new design.

The year 2000
Ahead of the turn from 1999 to 2000, financial market participants were
uncertain about whether IT systems could cope with the millennium change.
Den Danske Bank's IT and other systems completed the turn of the year
without problems.

Core earnings and earnings from investment portfolios

Core earnings and net profit for the year
(DKr m)

                                                  1999            1998
Net interest income, excluding
income from investment portfolios                8,593           7,911
Share dividends                                     90              87
Fee and commission income (net)                  3,749           2,984
Trading income                                     967             366
Other operating income                             447             392
Core insurance income                              975             920

Total core income                               14,821          12,660
Operating expenses and depreciation              9,173           7,645

Core earnings before provisions                  5,648           5,015
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts              489             511

Core earnings                                    5,159           4,504
Profit on sale of subsidiaries                     703               -
Earnings from investment portfolios                459             738

Profit before tax                                6,321           5,242
Tax                                              1,293           1,292

Net profit for the year                          5,028           3,950

Core earnings are presented in the same way as in the Interim Report;
core earnings hence include trading income, but exclude gains on
investment portfolios. The table later in this report provides an overview of
core earnings, earnings from investment portfolios and the statutory
presentation of accounting figures in accordance with the guidelines of the
Danish Financial  Supervisory Authority. Group accounting policies are unchanged
from previous years.

Core earnings were influenced by the following trends:

-  Net interest income rose by DKr682m to DKr8,593m.
-  Fees and commissions grew by DKr765m to DKr3,749m.
-  Trading income was up by DKr601m.
-  Other operating income increased from DKr392m to DKr447m  in  1999.  In
   1998, this  item  included  DKr121m in one-off income relating  to  an
   exceptional refund of value-added tax.
-  Core insurance income included DKr273m of income relating  to  changes
   in the method whereby taxes are allocated among   jointly-taxed
-  Expenses rose by DKr1,528m to DKr9,173m. The cost/core  income  ratio
   increased from 60.4% to 61.9%.
-  The charge for bad and doubtful debts, at DKr489m, was at a similar
   level to 1998.
-  Fokus  Bank's  core earnings were DKr227m from June 1 to  December 31
   before accounting for the cost of funding the acquisition.

Higher fee and commission income stemmed mainly from the expansion in the
Nordic  financial  markets, which raised securities trading  activity  at
Retail  Banking. Moreover, the expansion of investment banking activities
at  Danske  Securities brought a higher volume of  equity  trading  with
institutional   clients.  There  was  significant  mortgage  refinancing
activity, particularly in the first half of the year.

The  increase  in  expenses and depreciation had  been  anticipated.  The
acquisition  of Fokus Bank added DKr587m to costs. Moreover, higher  costs
were incurred from IT, expansion at Danske Securities and the enlargement
of  the  Swedish  operation.  In addition,  the  cost  of  acquiring  the
franchising rights for the American Express card in Denmark was  written
off  on acquisition. Expenses rose by 10% not counting the cost increases
associated with new acquisitions. The Group's total IT costs were in  the
region of DKrl.8bn.

The cost/core income ratio rose from 60.4% to 61.9%. The cost/core income
ratio stayed in the 60% region not counting the acquisition of the franchising
rights for the  American  Express card and costs associated with the creation 
of  a unified corporate identity for the Group, a significant share of  which
was expensed in 1999.

In 1999, Den Danske Bank continued to organise its  activities  into
business areas around the needs of customers.

The Group allocates its capital to the various business areas to be able
to measure profitability. This is done on the basis of each area's
average share in risk-weighted items, calculated according to the Capital
Adequacy Executive Order issued by the Danish Financial Supervisory

The table below specifies core earnings before provisions by business area:

Core earnings before provisions
(DKr m)                   1999     1998

Retail Banking            2,077    1,661
Wholesale Banking         2,178    2,217
Danske Securities           122       51
Asset Management            506      277
Life and Pensions           832      755
Other areas                 -67       54

Total Group                5,648   5,015

The charge for bad and doubtful debts remained low owing to the general economic

Earning from investment portfolios, which comprise  the  gains  on  the
investment  portfolios  of  the banking group  and  securities  valuation
adjustments at non-life companies, showed a decline from DKr738m in  1998
to DKr459m in 1999.

The total interest rate risk of the Group increased  in 1999. This meant that a
one percentage point rise in interest rates across the yield curve would have
caused a valuation loss of DKrl,135m at the end of 1999, against DKr941m a year

The  sale  of  the non-life insurance business produced a net gain of
DKr703m after provision for restructuring.

Pre-tax profit rose from DKr5,242m to DKr6,321m.

The  tax  charge of the Group, including the insurance business, totalled
DKr1,293m, against DKr1,292m for 1998. The main reason why the realised tax
rate,  at 20%, was lower than the expected one of 32% was that net  gains
on  the sale of a number of equity holdings, including Danica Forsikring,
were not taxable.

Net profit was DKr5,028m for 1999, against DKr3,950m for 1998.

The table  below  shows  the  statutory  presentation  of  accounts in
accordance with the guidelines of the Danish Financial Supervisory

Summary Profit and Loss Account
(DKr m)                              1999       1998

Net interest income                 9,738      8,512
Dividends from shares, etc.           195        175
Fee and commission income (net)     3,731      2,972

Net interest and fee income        13,664     11,659
Securities and foreign exchange
income                                255        294
Other operating income              1,206        392
Operating expenses and depreciation 9,255      7,702
Other operating expenses                2          2
Provisions for bad and 
doubtful debts                        489        511
Income from associated and
subsidiary undertakings               942      1,112

Profit before tax                   6,321      5,242
Tax                                 1,293      1,292

Net profit for the year             5,028      3,950

Group balance sheet solvency and equity
The total assets of the consolidated Group were DKr701bn at the  end  of
1999, against DKr593bn a year earlier. Fokus Bank accounted for  DKr39bn
of  Group  assets  at  the  1999 year-end. The assets  of  the  insurance
companies, which are not consolidated in the Group accounts, amounted  to
DKr163bn. Hence, the Group held total assets worth DKr864bn.

Loans  and advances grew by DKr78bn to DKr381bn. while deposits rose  by
DKr52bn to DKr266bn. DKr34bn of the increase in loans and  advances and DKr21bn
of that in deposits could be attributed to the consolidation of Fokus Bank.
Mortgage lending grew by DKrl1bn.

The shareholders' equity of Den Danske Bank Group amounted to DKr30.5bn
at the end of 1999, against DKr30.4bn a year earlier. The write-off  of
goodwill on acquisitions during the year reduced equity capital by

The Group's solvency ratio stood at 11.0% at the end of 1999, of which
7.4 percentage points came from core capital. At the end of 1998, the
solvency ratio was 10.4% and the core capital ratio 7.7%.

The acquisition of Fokus Bank cut the core capital ratio to the 5.9%
region. Since then, the Group has increased its core capital ratio to the
level  mentioned above. The Group has mainly done so by  way  of  current
earnings  and by reducing business volume at Corporate Banking. Moreover,
Den  Danske Bank Group has taken advantage of credit derivatives to  transfer 
the credit risk inherent in a credit portfolio of DKr27bn to another
bank, which reduced the related capital requirement to 20%.

Subordinated debt rose from DKrl6.7bn to DKr21.4bn. On May 10, 1999,  Den
Danske Bank  raised #100m nominal value of supplementary capital  by  an
issue of six-year notes.

Transactions with related parties
No related parties exercise significant influence over Den Danske  Bank.
Apart from intragroup restructuring at market prices, no unusual transactions
took place with associated or subsidiary undertakings in 1999.

Outlook for 2000 
The Group expects the international economic climate to be generally favourable
in 2000 although it is uncertain whether the buoyant American economy will begin
to run out of steam. The economic recovery in Europe is forecast to gather
further momentum. On its Nordic home markets, the Group expects strong economic
growth in Sweden and - if oil prices remain high - also in Norway. In Denmark,
the slowdown that hit the domestic economy in the second half of 1999 may make
itself felt also in 2000.

Core income is expected to show continued improvement.

Fokus Bank will be included for a full year in the 2000 Accounts, against
seven months in 1999. Nonetheless, expenses and depreciation are forecast
to rise only slightly from 1999.

Hence, the cost/core income ratio should decline from its 1999 level  of

The  Group  expects the charge for bad and doubtful debts to be at a
similar level to 1999.

Against this background, core earnings are forecast to exceed their 1999
level of DKr5,159m.

The  ratio of core earnings to equity capital is expected to go up. The
Group will continue its efforts to optimise capital allocation.

Earnings  from  investment  portfolios in 2000  will,  as  usual,  depend
significantly on the level of securities prices at the year-end.

The Group expects its tax charge for 2000 to increase to a level equal
to the Danish corporation tax rate.

The Group will publish quarterly financial reports as from the first
quarter of 2000.  Financial data are expected to be released on the
following dates:

- Quarterly Report, First Quarter, May 11, 2000
- Half-Year Report, August 17, 2000
- Quarterly Report, Third Quarter, November 16, 2000

Annual General Meeting 
The Bank's Annual General Meeting will be held at 2pm on March 28, 2000, at the
Bella Center, 5 Center Boulevard, Copenhagen.

The Board of Directors is proposing that Den Danske Bank should change
its name into Danske Bank A/S.

Copenhagen, February 24, 2000

This Announcement and Den Danske Bank's 1999 Annual Report are available
on the Internet at www.danskebank.dk

The English version of the printed Annual Report is expected to be
available on March 10, 2000

Profit and Loss Account for Den Danske Bank Group

                                           DEN DANSKE BANK GROUP

                                             1999       1998
                                            DKr m      DKr m

Interest income                            34,594     32,883
Interest expense                           24,856     24,371

Net interest income                         9,738      8,512

Dividends from shares, etc.                  195         175
Fee and commission income                  4,369       3,454
Fees and commissions paid                    638         482

Net Interest and fee income               13,664      11,659

Securities and foreign exchange income       255         294
Other operating income                     1,206         392
Staff costs and administrative expenses    8,566       7,167
Depreciation                                 689         535
Other operating expenses                       2           2
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts        489         511
Income from associated and
subsidiary undertakings                      942       1,112

Profit on ordinary operations before tax   6,321       5,242
Tax                                        1,293       1,292

Net profit for the year                    5,028       3,950

Attributable to minority interests            43          -1
Attributable to shareholders of 
Den Danske Bank                            4,985       3,951

Balance Sheet for Den Danske Bank Group

                                           DEN DANSKE BANK GROUP

                                              1999       1998
                                             DKr m      DKr m


Cash in hand and demand deposits with 
central banks                               5,498        2,788
Due from credit institutions and 
deposits with central banks                88,499       64,738
Loans and advances                        380,956      303,132
Bonds                                     134,105      129,149
Shares, etc.                               12,773       10,673
Holdings in associated undertakings, etc.     723          675
Holdings in subsidiary undertakings         7,934        9,509
Tangible assets                             4,293        4,179
Own shares                                    239          237
Other assets                               65,867       67,283
Prepayments and accrued income                529          472

Total assets                              701,416      592,835


Due to credit institutions and 
central banks                             157,617      140,383
Deposits                                  266,095      213,560
Issued bonds                              149,651      107,473
Other liabilities                          75,213       82,964
Accruals and deferred income                  391          309
Provisions for obligations                    494        1,126
Subordinated debt                          21,413       16,654
Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                             5,293        5,293
  Revaluation reserve                          52           52
  Reserves                                      -            -
  Brought forward from prior years         21,492       22,023
  Appropriated from net profit for the year 3,705        2,998

Total shareholders' equity                 30,542       30,366

   Attributable to minority interests         130           54
   Attributable to shareholders of 
   Den Danske Bank                         30,412       30,312

Total liabilities                         701,416      592,835

Guaranteee, etc                            69,069       58,218
Other commitments                          93,330       93,970

Total off-balance-sheet items             162,399      152,188

Movements in capital

     Movements in the capital of Den Danske Bank in 1999

                                    Beginning      Other     Other     End of
(DKr m)                               of year    additions disposals    year

Share capital                          5,293         -         -       5,293
Revaluation reserve                       52         -         -          52
Non-distributable reserve relating 
to subsidiaries                        1,090         -       1,090         -
Profit brought forward                23,877       4,752     3,562    25,067

Total shareholders' equity            30,312       4,752     4,652    30,412

Shareholders' equity
The share capital is made up of 52,925,000 shares, totalling DKr5,293m. All
shares carry the same rights. Consequently, there is, only one class of shares.

                                                         1999        1998
Movementes in Den Danske Bank Group's shareholders' 
equity                                                   DKr m       DKr m
Shareholders' equity at January 1                        30,312     27,524
Net profit for the year                                   4,985      3,951
Dividends                                                 1,323        953
Goodwill fully written off at the time of acquisition     3,562        210

Shareholders' equity, Den Danske Bank, at December 31    30,412     30,312

Minority interests at January 1                              54         14
Foreign exchange revaluation                                  3          -
Net profit for the year                                      43         -1
Addition of minority interests                               74         41
Redemption of minority interests                             44          -

Minority interests at December 31                           130         54

Shareholders' equity, Den Danske Bank Group, 
at December 31                                           30,542     30,366


                                           DEN DANSKE BANK
                                           1999             1998
                                           DKr m            Dkr m

Capital base and solvency ratio
Capital base
  Core capital, less statutory deduction 
  for own shares                          30,252           30,078

  Eligible subordinated debt and 
  revaluation reserve                     20,341           16,040
  Statutory deduction for insurance 
  subsidiaries                            -5,374           -5,313
  Other statutory deductions                -100             -100
  Supplementary capital, less statutory 
  deductions                              14,867           10,627

Total capital base, less statutory 
deductions                                45,119           40,705

Weighted items outside trading portfolio 364,527          335,796
Weighted items with market risk included 
in trading portfolio                      46,819           54,736

Total weighted items                     411,346          390,532

Solvency ratio (%)                         10.97            10.42
- based on core (tier 1) capital alone (%)  7.35             7.70
The solvency ratio is subject to a statutory
minimum requirement of (%)                  8.00             8.00

The solvency ratio is calculated in accordance with the rules on
capital adequacy for banks and certain credit institutions.

The rules also stipulate that the Group's insurance subsidiaries are not to be
consolidated into the Group accounts. Hence, the solvency margin of these
companies is deducted from the Bank's capital base before the capital base is
included in the calculation of the Group's solvency ratio. The consequent
reduction in the solvency ratio is 1.3 percentage points for 1999, and it was
1.4 percentage points at the end of 1998.

Cash flow statement

                                               DEN DANSKE BANK
                                                   1999             1998
                                                   DKr m            DKr m

Net profit for the year                             5,028          3,950
Adjustment for non-cash items in the
Profit and Loss Account                               -13          1,242

Net profit for the year adjusted for 
non-cash items in the Profit and Loss Account       5,015          5,192

Increase/decrease in working capital
Loans and advances and amounts due from 
credit institutions                               -51,135        -26,368
Deposits and amounts due to credit institutions    51,273         -9,768
Mortgage bonds and other bonds issued              42,177         28,870
Other working capital                              -8,124         -6,337

Total                                              34,191        -13,603

Cash flow from operations                          39,206         -8,411

Cash flow from investing activities
Financial fixed assets                              1,181           -122
Acquisition of business                            -5,613           -252
Sale of business                                    1,325              -
Tangible assets                                      -491           -474
Total                                              -3,598           -848

Cash flow from financing
Subordinated debt                                   3,153         -1,736
Dividends                                            -953           -953

Total                                               2,200         -2,689

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year      123,131        134,942
Cash and cash equivalents of business acquired      1,358            137
Increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents     37,808        -11,948

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year            162,297        123,131

Core earnings and earnings from investment portfolios

of Den Danske Bank Group and the statutory presentation of accounts

                                                      Earnings from             
                                 Core      Profit    investment         
(DKr m)                         earnings  on sale(1)  portfolios     Total*  
Net interest income              8,593                  1,145        9,738
Dividends from shares, etc.         90                    105          195   
Fee and commission income        3,749                    -18        3,731

Net interest and fee income     12,432                  1,232       13,664  
Securities and foreign exchange 
income                             967                   -712          255
Other operating income             447      703            56        1,206 Staff
costs and administrative 
expenses                         8,482                     84        8,566
Depreciation                       689                     -           689  
Other operating expenses             2                     -             2  
Provisions for bad and 
doubtful debts                     489                     -           489
Income from associated and
subsidiary undertakings            975                    -33          942  

Profit before tax                5,159       703          459        6,321

                                            Earnings from                       
                                 Core      investment         
(DKr m)                         earnings    portfolios      Total*  
Net interest income              7,911       601            8,512
Dividends from shares, etc.         87        88              175
Fee and commission income        2,984       -12            2,972

Net interest and fee income     10,982       677           11,659
Securities and foreign exchange 
income                             366       -72              294
Other operating income             392         -              392
Staff costs and administrative 
expenses                         7,108        59            7,167
Depreciation                       535         -              535
Other operating expenses             2         -                2  
Provisions for bad and 
doubtful debts                     511         -              511
Income from associated and
subsidiary undertakings            920       192            1,112

Profit before tax                4,504       738            5,242

*The statutory presentation of accounts of the Danish Financial Supervisory
(1) Profit on sale of subsidiary undertakings

Core earnings comprise the result of customer-related activities,
including the trading portfolio and life and non-life insurance
business. Earnings from investment portfolios comprise the profits on
the investment portfolios of the banking group and the non-life business.
Shareholders' equity is allocated to core earnings and earnings from
investment portfolios in proportion to their capital requirement.

The Group's business areas

In  1999,  Den Danske Bank continued to organise its activities  into
business areas around the needs of customers.

Retail Banking provides services to personal customers and small  and
medium-sized business customers served by the Nordic branch  network.
Retail  Banking  offers a  range of  standardised  and  competitive
financial  products of high quality. This business  area  encompasses
the Group's leasing and factoring operations.

Wholesale   Banking   serves   the  Group's   large   corporate   and
institutional clients. This division is responsible for  the  Group's
global  trading  activities  on interest rate  and  foreign  exchange

Danske  Securities,  the  Group's  investment  banking  division,  is
responsible  for  corporate  finance activities  and  the  sales  and
trading  of  equities and equity-related products. Danske  Securities
is active on four Nordic stock exchanges.

Asset   Management   provides  investment   portfolio   services   to
institutional  clients and other large investors,  primarily  in  the
Nordic  region.  Moreover, Asset Management provides private  banking
services  and  unit trust products in the Nordic and  other  European

Life  and  Pensions  services are provided by Danica,  which  targets
personal  and  business  customers  and  also  markets  its  products
through Retail Banking's outlets.

The  Group allocates its capital to the various business areas to  be
able  to  measure profitability. This is done on the  basis  of  each
area's average share in risk-weighted items, calculated according  to
the  Capital Adequacy Executive Order issued by the Danish  Financial
Supervisory Authority.

The  table  shows  financial highlights for the five business  areas.
Transactions  among the business areas are settled at market  prices.
The  costs  of  support functions are allocated  to  the  individual
business   areas   according  to  an  assessment   based   on   their
proportionate share in the Group's activities.

                                      Core earnings
                                    before provisions
(DKr m)                                   1999   1998
Retail Banking                          2,077   1,661
Wholesale Banking                       2,178   2,217
Danske Securities                         122      51
Asset Management                          506     277
Life and Pensions                         832     755
Other areas                               -67      54

Total core earnings                     5,648   5,015

The breakdown of comparative figures for 1998 is based in part on estimates.


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