RNS Number:7047P
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd
10 March 2008

Standard Bank Group Limited, listed on the JSE Limited ("JSE"), whose major
subsidiary is The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, audited results and
dividend announcement in relation to its group earnings as required by the
Listings Requirements of the JSE.
The text of the announcement is as follows:

SBK - Standard Bank Group - Audited results and dividend announcement
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Standard Bank Group Limited
Registration No. 1969/017128/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
JSE Share code: SBK
NSX Share code: SNB
ISIN: ZAE000109815
Audited results and dividend announcement
For the year ended 31 December 2007
For Standard Bank, 2007 was a momentous year in which we:
weathered global financial market stresses not seen in the last decade;
finalised acquisitions in the important emerging markets of Argentina, Turkey
and Nigeria;
negotiated and gained the necessary approvals for the historic transaction
between Standard Bank and ICBC which resulted in us gaining a valuable
strategic partner and a significant injection of tier one capital in a cost
effective manner; and
achieved financial results that met our published objectives for growth in
headline earnings per share and return on equity.
Overview of financial results
Operating conditions in local and international markets in the second half of
the year contrasted starkly with the more favourable conditions in the six
months to June 2007. Despite the worsening environment, Standard Bank Group
continued to perform strongly, building on the excellent financial results
achieved in the first half of the year. For the full year to 31 December 2007,
headline earnings per share grew by 23,4% to 1 033,4 cents per share and the
group achieved a return on equity of 26,7% on an IFRS basis.
Key financial highlights:
                                     Normalised     Objectives        IFRS
                                      Unaudited        2007(1)     Audited
Return on equity (%)                      24,8           24,0        26,7
Headline earnings growth (%)                22                         25
Headline earnings per share (cents)      960,6                    1 033,4
Headline earnings per share growth (%)      21        16,5(2)          23
Cost-to-income ratio(3) (%)               52,0          =53,5        52,4
Credit loss ratio (%)                     0,78          100)      (246)        126
Central and other  IFRS                                   (572)      (208)
Tutuwa adjustments                                (2)        326        334
Banking activities                                 22     12 180      9 975
Liberty Life                                       15        973        843
Liberty Life  IFRS                                59        867        547
Policyholders' deemed treasury shares
and Tutuwa adjustment                            (64)        106        296
Standard Bank Group                                22     13 153     10 818
Standard Bank Group results for the year ended 31 December 2007
Abridged audited results prepared in accordance with IFRS
Consolidated income statement
for the year ended 31 December
Rm                                            change        2007       2006
Income from banking activities                    32      47 296     35 819
Net interest income                               35      22 549     16 654
Non-interest revenue                              29      24 747     19 165
Income from investment management
and life insurance activities                   (16)      49 834     59 344
Total income                                       2      97 130     95 163
Credit impairment charges                         68       4 590      2 733
Benefits due to policyholders                   (22)      37 153     47 896
Income after credit impairment charges
and policyholders' benefits                       24      55 387     44 534
Operating expenses in banking activities          29      24 706     19 105
Operating expenses in investment management
and life insurance activities                     14       7 423      6 486
Net income before goodwill                        23      23 258     18 943
Goodwill (gain)/impairment                    (>100)       (376)         15
Net income before associates and
joint ventures                                    25      23 634     18 928
Share of profit from associates and joint
ventures                                          29         355        275
Net income before indirect taxation               25      23 989     19 203
Indirect taxation                                 41       1 185        841
Profit before direct taxation                     24      22 804     18 362
Direct taxation                                    6       6 232      5 852
Profit for the year                               32      16 572     12 510
Attributable to minorities                        43       2 471      1 723
Attributable to preference shareholders           67         450        269
Attributable to ordinary shareholders             30      13 651     10 518
Basic earnings per share (cents)                  28     1 109,0      864,5
Diluted earnings per share (cents)                27     1 044,1      820,1
Headline earnings
for the year ended 31 December
Rm                                                  %
                                              change       2007       2006
Group profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders                                       30     13 651     10 518
Headline earnings adjustable items
added back or reversed(1)                                  (966)      (601)
Goodwill (gain)/impairment  IFRS 3                        (376)         15
Profit on sale of property and equipment  IAS 16           (61)       (53)
Impairment of property and equipment  IAS 16                 10          9
Gains on disposal of businesses and
divisions  IAS 27                                           (6)      (374)
Impairment of intangibles  IAS 38                            26          -
Investment gains on available-for-sale
assets  IAS 39                                            (559)      (198)
Taxation on headline earnings adjustable items                32         14
Minority share of headline earnings
adjustable items                                               4        257
Headline earnings                                  25     12 721     10 188
1 These headline earnings adjustable items have been included in the
calculation of normalised headline earnings disclosed above.
Segment report
for the year ended 31 December
Revenue contribution by business unit
Rm                                            change       2007        2006
Personal & Business Banking                       29     27 075      20 911
Corporate & Investment Banking                    37     19 756      14 452
Central and other                                  1        812         803
Banking activities                                32     47 643      36 166
Liberty Life                                    (17)     50 320      60 410
Standard Bank Group  Normalised                   1     97 963      96 576
Adjustments for IFRS                            (41)      (833)     (1 413)
Standard Bank Group  IFRS                         2     97 130      95 163
Profit and loss attributable to ordinary
Personal & Business Banking                       18      5 710       4 844
Corporate & Investment Banking                    35      6 805       5 029
Central and other                                 88        593         315
Banking activities                                29     13 108      10 188
Liberty Life                                       2        975         960
Standard Bank Group  Normalised                  26     14 083      11 148
Adjustments for IFRS                            (31)      (432)       (630)
Standard Bank Group  IFRS                        30     13 651      10 518
Statement of changes in equity
for the year ended 31 December
                              Ordinary       share
                                 share     capital
holders'         and     Minority      Total
                            funds     premium     interest     equity
Balance at 1 January 2006        32 931       2 991         5 770        41 692
Change in accounting policy       (276)                    (126)     (402)
Restated balance at
1 January 2006                   32 655       2 991         5 644     41 290
Total recognised income
and expenses                     13 619         269         1 968     15 856
Profit for the year              10 518         269        1 723     12 510
Items accounted for directly
in reserves                       3 101                      245      3 346
Currency translation movement
and hedging                       2 173                       10      2 183
Cash flow hedging and
revaluations                        965                                965
Change in shareholding of
subsidiaries                      (133)                    (315)     (448)
Other reserve movements              96                      550        646
Issue of share capital and
premium                             299       2 512           57      2 868
Share buy-backs                   (102)                               (102)
Net dividends paid              (3 555)       (269)      (1 380)    (5 204)
Balance at 31 December 2006      42 916       5 503        6 289     54 708
Balance at 1 January 2007        42 916       5 503        6 289     54 708
Total recognised income and
expenses                         14 293         450         3 896     18 639
Profit for the year              13 651         450         2 471     16 572
Items accounted for directly
in reserves                         642                    1 425      2 067
Currency translation movement
and hedging                         155                     (52)        103
Cash flow hedging and
revaluations                        194                                 194
Change in shareholding of
subsidiaries                        665                    1 384      2 049
Other reserve movements           (372)                       93      (279)
Issue of share capital
and premium                         300                       73        373
Share buy-backs                     626                    (455)        171
Net distributions paid          (4 464)       (450)        (541)    (5 455)
Balance at 31 December 2007      53 671       5 503        9 262     68 436
Consolidated balance sheet
as at 31 December
Rm                                         change          2007        2006
Cash and balances with central banks           44        20 618      14 343
Financial investments, trading and pledged
assets                                          9       331 596     303 343
Loans and advances                             29       646 781     502 519
Loans and advances to banks                    10        98 631      89 785
Loans and advances to customers                33       548 150     412 734
Investment property                            13        14 937      13 200
Derivative and other assets                    19       141 968     118 850
Interest in associates and joint ventures      43        12 293       8 584
Goodwill and other intangible assets         >100         6 666       2 374
Property and equipment                         38         7 216       5 242
Total assets                                   22     1 182 075     968 455
Equity and liabilities
Equity                                         25        68 436      54 708
Equity attributable to ordinary
shareholders                                   25        53 671      42 916
Ordinary share capital                          1           137         136
Ordinary share premium                       (47)         1 231       2 303
Reserves                                       29        52 303      40 477
Preference share capital and premium                      5 503       5 503
Minority interest                              47         9 262       6 289
Liabilities                                    22     1 113 639     913 747
Deposit and current accounts                   29       705 843     545 164
Deposits from banks                            42        72 372      51 093
Deposits from customers                        28       633 471     494 071
Derivative, trading and other liabilities      10       200 691     182 115
Policyholders' liabilities                     10       186 137     168 898
Subordinated debt                              19        20 968      17 570
Total equity and liabilities                   22     1 182 075     968 455
Contingent liabilities and capital commitments
as at 31 December
Rm                                                          2007       2006
Letters of credit                                         14 299      9 133
Guarantees                                                31 916     23 367
Irrevocable unutilised facilities                         47 172     51 436
93 387     83 936
Capital commitments
Contracted capital expenditure                               161        309
Capital expenditure authorised but not yet contracted      4 156      1 682
4 317      1 991
Consolidated cash flow information
for the year ended 31 December
Rm                                                          2007       2006
Net cash from operating activities                        32 694     23 763
Net cash used in operating funds                        (14 956)   (14 048)
Net cash used in investing activities                   (14 001)   (13 511)
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities             (1 115)      2 187
Private equity associates and joint ventures(1)
Rm                                                            2007     2006
Cost                                                           198       99
Carrying value                                                 317      254
Fair value                                                     383      274
Loans to associates and joint ventures                         442      204
Equity accounted income                                        144       72
Other income from associates and joint ventures
Profit or loss on disposal of associates and joint
1 These associates and joint ventures are accounted
for using the equity method and are subject to the
headline earnings exemption for listed banks.
Major business acquisitions
Rm                                               Argentina     IBTC Nigeria
Date of acquisition                                1 April     24 September
                                                     2007             2007
Percentage of voting equity instruments acquired(%)  76,68            50,10
Contribution to revenue if acquisition occurred
on 1 January 2007                                    1 378            1 099
Contribution to net profit if acquisition
occurred on 1 January 2007(1)                          177              227
The details of the fair value of the assets and
liabilities acquired and goodwill arising
are as follows(2):
Cash and balances with central banks                 1 796            1 514
Trading assets and financial investments             1 839            3 255
Loans and advances                                   9 865            3 922
Property, equipment, intangibles and other assets      690            1 263
Deposit and current accounts                      (12 589)          (4 171)
Derivatives and other liabilities                    (835)          (3 388)
Net asset value                                        766            2 395
Less: minority interest                              (355)          (1 195)
Goodwill/(excess)(3)                                 (382)            2 998
Cost of acquisition                                     29            4 198
Less: fair value of 49,9% of subsidiary effectively
disposed to minorities(4)                                           (1 377)
Cash consideration paid                                 29            2 821
1 Excludes excess recognised as a goodwill gain.
2 Carrying amounts approximate fair values.
3 Goodwill represents the premium paid for control and excess represents
negative goodwill on acquisition.
4 Fair value of the equity instruments of the subsidiary was determined with
reference to the listed share price of IBTC Nigeria.
Financial statistics
for the year ended 31 December
change          2007           2006
Standard Bank Group
Number of ordinary shares in issue
end of period                                    1 256 916      1 224 856
weighted average                                 1 230 961      1 216 687
diluted weighted average                         1 307 414      1 282 478
Cents per ordinary share
Headline earnings                           23       1 033,4          837,4
Diluted headline earnings                   22         973,0          794,4
Total distributions                         21         386,0          320,0
Basic earnings                              28       1 109,0          864,5
Diluted earnings                            27       1 044,1          820,1
Net asset value                             22         4 270          3 504
Financial performance (%)
ROE                                                     26,7           27,4
Net interest margin                                     2,94           2,74
Credit loss ratio                                       0,79           0,60
Cost-to-income ratio                                    51,9           53,0
Cost-to-income ratio excluding capital
profit on MasterCard                                    52,4           53,2
Capital adequacy (%)
Capital ratio
Tier I capital                                        10,4           10,8
total capital                                         14,4           14,8
Declaration of dividends
Notice is hereby given that the following final dividends have been
Ordinary dividend No. 77 of 205 cents per ordinary share (share codes:
SBK and SNB, ISIN: ZAE000109815), payable on Monday, 14 April 2008, to ordinary
shareholders recorded in the books of the company at the close of business on
the record date, Friday, 11 April 2008. The last day to trade to participate in
the dividend is Friday, 4 April 2008. Ordinary shares will commence trading
ex-dividend from Monday, 7 April 2008.
6,5% first cumulative preference shares (first preference shares) dividend
No. 77 of 3,25 cents per first preference share (share code: SBKP, ISIN:
ZAE000038881), payable on Monday, 7 April 2008, to holders of first preference
shares recorded in the books of the company at the close of business on the
record date, Friday, 4 April 2008. The last day to trade to participate in the
dividend is Friday, 28 March 2008. First preference shares will commence
trading ex-dividend from Monday, 31 March 2008.
Non-redeemable, non-cumulative, non-participating preference shares (second
preference shares) dividend No. 7 of 482,03 cents per second preference share
(share code: SBPP, ISIN: ZAE000056339), payable on Monday, 7 April 2008, to
holders of second preference shares recorded in the books of the company at the
close of business on the record date, Friday, 4 April 2008. The last day to
trade to participate in the dividend is Friday, 28 March 2008. Second
preference shares will commence trading ex-dividend from Monday,
31 March 2008.
The relevant dates for the payment of the dividends are as follows:
preference shares
                                    Ordinary shares     preference shares)
JSE Limited (JSE)
Share code                                       SBK                   SBKP
ISIN                                    ZAE000109815           ZAE000038881
Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX)
Share code                                       SNB
ISIN                                    ZAE000109815
Dividend number                                   77                     77
Dividend per share (cents)                       205                   3,25
Dividend payment dates
Last day to trade                             Friday                 Friday
"CUM" dividend                          4 April 2008          28 March 2008
Shares trade                                  Monday                 Monday
"EX" dividend                           7 April 2008          31 March 2008
Record date                                   Friday                 Friday
                                      11 April 2008           4 April 2008
Payment date                                  Monday                 Monday
                                      14 April 2008           7 April 2008
                                                         preference shares
                                                        preference shares)
JSE Limited (JSE)
Share code                                                             SBPP
ISIN                                                           ZAE000056339
Dividend number                                                           7
Dividend per share (cents)                                           482,03
Dividend payment dates
Last day to trade                                                    Friday
"CUM" dividend                                                28 March 2008
Shares trade                                                         Monday
"EX" dividend                                                 31 March 2008
Record date                                                          Friday
                                                              4 April 2008
Payment date                                                         Monday
                                                              7 April 2008
Ordinary share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between
Monday, 7 April 2008 and Friday, 11 April 2008, both days inclusive.
Preference share certificates (first and second) may not be dematerialised or
rematerialised between Monday, 31 March 2008 and Friday, 4 April 2008, both
days inclusive.
Where applicable, dividends in respect of certificated shares will be
transferred electronically to shareholders' bank accounts on the payment date.
In the absence of specific mandates, dividend cheques will be posted to
shareholders. Preference shareholders who have dematerialised their share
certificates will have their accounts at their CSDP or broker credited on
Monday, 7 April 2008. Ordinary shareholders who have dematerialised their share
certificates will have their accounts at their CSDP or broker credited on
Monday, 14 April 2008.
On behalf of the board
Loren Wulfsohn
Group secretary
Accounting policies
Basis of preparation
The abridged consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with,
and comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the
South African Companies Act. The consolidated financial statements are prepared
in accordance with the going concern principle under the historical cost basis
as modified by the revaluation of certain assets and liabilities where required
or elected in terms of IFRS.
Changes in accounting policies
The accounting policies are consistent with those adopted in the previous year
except for:
The adoption of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. This new standard
has not changed the recognition of financial instruments but has resulted in
the reclassification of certain financial assets and fee expenses.
The adoption of other accounting standards and interpretations issued with an
effective date of 1 January 2007. The adoption of these standards and
interpretations has not had a material effect on the results, nor has it
required any restatements of the results.
The early adoption of IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The standard has no impact
on the group's results but has impacted the format of disclosure and
measurement of the results of reportable segments.
The early adoption of IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 Group and Treasury Share Transactions.
The group's accounting treatment already complies with this interpretation and
it has therefore not impacted the group's results or position.
The group changing its accounting policies relating to:
transactions with minority shareholders where the group purchases an
additional interest from minority shareholders or sells a portion of its
interest to minority shareholders, while the group controls the entities both
before and after the transaction. Any excess of the purchase consideration over
the group's proportionate share of the additional net asset value of a
subsidiary acquired is now accounted for directly in equity. Previously, the
group accounted for the excess as goodwill. Any profit or loss on the partial
disposal of the group's interest in a subsidiary is also accounted for directly
in equity. Previously, the group accounted for the profit or loss on partial
disposal in the income statement;
the measurement of investment guarantees, in terms of actuarial Practice
Guidance Note 110, on certain insurance contracts. The new model will more
accurately reflect fair value. The cumulative impact is not material to the
group's results; and
certain modelling (valuation) changes in respect of insurance contracts.
These changes have influenced expected cash flows and ultimately liability
determined values as well as timing of profit recognition on the individual
insurance policies. The cumulative financial impact is not material.
Other reclassifications
Following a review of interest rate swap transactions, interest income has now
been set-off against corresponding interest expense amounts.
Audit opinion on the annual financial statements
These abridged financial statements have been extracted from the audited
financial statements on which KPMG Inc. and PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. have
issued an unmodified audit report. This report is available for inspection at
the company's registered office.
Standard Bank Group Limited
Registration No. 1969/017128/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
DE Cooper (Chairman), SJ Macozoma (Deputy chairman), JH Maree*
(Chief executive), DDB Band, E Bradley, TS Gcabashe, DA Hawton,
SE Jonah KBE##, Sir Paul Judge#, KP Kalyan, RP Menell, Adv KD Moroka,
AC Nissen, MC Ramaphosa, MJD Ruck, MJ Shaw, Sir Robert Smith#, EM Woods
*Executive director            #British               ##Ghanaian
Group secretary:
L Wulfsohn
Registered office:
9th floor, Standard Bank Centre, 5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001
PO Box 7725, Johannesburg 2000
Share transfer secretaries in:
South Africa
Computershare Investor Services (Proprietary) Limited
70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg 2001
PO Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107
Transfer Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited
Shop 8, Kaiserkrone Centre, Post Street Mall, Windhoek
PO Box 2401, Windhoek
Standard Bank
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