LAS VEGAS, March 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Security
First International Holdings (OTC: SCFR.PK) — announced today that
it has applied for a name change from Security First International
Holdings, Inc. to GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc.
("GamesGamesGames") and plans to apply for a change in the
company's stock symbol. The name and symbol change reflects the
company's new business focus in the development and marketing of
video games and mobile "smartphone" applications.
The company is also proud to introduce a new website: Management felt the new site to
be more consistent with the business plan which is to develop,
market and sell popular technologies in the growing technology
space, especially gaming. The renaming and change of identity
is meant to convey to shareholders and investors this new focus.
Mr. Scheltema stated, "this is another advance in the right
direction. I am delighted with the direction of the
company. We have a lot of exciting things going on which I
hope to share with the shareholders and the public very soon and
not just in gaming but in other technologies."
About GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc.
GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc. is a holding company
implementing a new business plan to develop, acquire and market
software applications, client-side and mobile software
applications, as well as video game titles for the major platforms
including Microsoft's Xbox, Sony Playstation and PC/Apple
platforms, and the Android and iPhone mobile systems. The
company is currently in the process of building management and a
web presence to continue with its plans to attract and market video
games for the above mentioned platforms.
This press release may contain forward-looking statements,
including statements about the business plan and prospective
financial condition of GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc. The
forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties,
including that the parties may not complete the transaction or that
when completed, the transaction might be different than presently
contemplated. Readers should not place undue reliance on the
forward-looking statements. GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc . does
not undertake any obligation to publicly revise these
forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or
circumstances. In addition, any forward-looking statements
regarding expected industry patterns and other financial and
business results that involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors may cause our actual results,
levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ
materially from results expressed or implied by this press release.
Such risk factors include, among others: whether GamesGamesGames
Technology, Inc. can successfully execute its operating plan; its
ability to integrate acquired companies and technology; its ability
to retain key employees; its ability to successfully combine
product offerings and customer acceptance of combined products;
general market conditions; and whether GamesGamesGames Technology,
Inc. can successfully develop new products and the degree to which
these gain market acceptance. Actual results may differ materially
from those contained in the forward-looking statements in this
press release.
CONTACT: GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc.,
SOURCE Security First International Holdings; GamesGamesGames
Technology, Inc.