RNS Number : 0966L

Petrol AD

03 September 2019




(This document is a translation of the original Bulgarian document,

in case of divergence the Bulgarian original text shall prevail)



For the period ended June 30

                                            Note         2019       2018 
                                                      BGN'000    BGN'000 
Revenue                                      2        253,613    238,185 
Other income                                 3            874      4,149 
Cost of goods sold                                  (224,776)  (211,569) 
Materials and consumables                    4        (1,809)    (1,836) 
Hired services                               5       (18,511)   (17,271) 
Employee benefits                            6       (10,412)    (9,162) 
Depreciation and amortisation             10,11,12    (1,924)      (471) 
Impairment losses                                          67          5 
Other expenses                               7          (412)      (649) 
Finance income                               8          1,437     55,410 
Finance costs                                8        (5,186)    (1,662) 
Profit (loss) before income tax                       (7,039)     55,129 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
Tax income                                   9             32         70 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
Profit (loss) for the period:                         (7,007)     55,199 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                               (7,007)     55,199 
                                                    =========  ========= 
Profit (loss) attributable to: 
     Owners of the Parent company                     (7,007)     55,199 
     Non-controlling interest                               -          - 
Profit (loss) for the period                          (7,007)     55,199 
                                                    =========  ========= 
Total comprehensive income attributable 
     Owners of the Parent company                     (7,007)     55,199 
     Non-controlling interest                               -          - 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                               (7,007)     55,199 
                                                    =========  ========= 
Profit (loss) per share (BGN)                19        (0.26)       0.51 


                                           Note    June 30        Dec. 31 
                                                      2019           2018 
                                                   BGN'000        BGN'000 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment and 
     intangible assets                      10      12,941         13,498 
    Right-of-use asset                      11      11,092              - 
    Investment properties                   12       1,770          1,793 
    Goodwill                                13      19,817         19,827 
    Deferred tax assets                     9        4,173          4,186 
    Trade and other receivables             17           -             95 
Total non-current assets                            49,793         39,399 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Current assets 
    Inventories                             14      23,185         23,977 
    Loans granted                           16      19,084         22,124 
    Trade and other receivables             17      39,640         36,948 
    Non-current assets held-for-sale        15       3,459          3,459 
    Cash and cash equivalents               18       5,668          4,265 
Total current assets                                91,036         90,773 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total assets                                       140,829        130,172 
                                                 =========      ========= 
    Registered capital                      19     109,250        109,250 
    General reserves                                18,864         18,864 
    Accumulated loss                             (115,564)      (108,557) 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total equity attributable to the 
 owners of the Parent company                       12,550         19,557 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Non-controlling interests                                -              9 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total equity                                        12,550         19,566 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Non-current liabilities 
    Loans and borrowings                    20      44,812         45,471 
    Lease liabilities                                9,529              - 
    Employee defined benefit obligations    21         533            533 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total non-current liabilities                       54,874         46,004 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                22      70,091         61,844 
    Loans and borrowings                    20       1,588          2,758 
    Lease liabilities                                1,726              - 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total current liabilities                           73,405         64,602 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total liabilities                                  128,279        110,606 
                                                 ---------      --------- 
Total equity and liabilities                       140,829        130,172 
                                                 =========      ========= 


                                          Equity attributable to the              Non-controlling      Total 
                                          owners of the Parent company                  interests     equity 
                                Registered     General   Accumulated      Total 
                                   capital    reserves        profit 
                                   BGN'000     BGN'000       BGN'000    BGN'000           BGN'000    BGN'000 
 Balance at January 
  1, 2018                          109,250      18,864     (164,473)   (36,359)                10   (36,349) 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Profit for the period                   -           -        55,199     55,199                 -     55,199 
                               -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                 -           -        55,199     55,199                 -     55,199 
                               -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Balance at June 30, 
  2018                             109,250      18,864     (109,274)     18,840                10     18,850 
                               ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  ========= 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Profit for the period                   -           -           731        731               (1)        730 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                                 -           -          (14)       (14)                 -       (14) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                 -           -           717        717               (1)        716 
                               -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
   Balance at December 
   31, 2018                        109,250      18,864     (108,557)     19,557                 9     19,566 
                               ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  ========= 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Loss for the period                     -           -       (7,007)    (7,007)                 -    (7,007) 
                               -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                 -           -       (7,007)    (7,007)                 -    (7,007) 
                               -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Transactions with 
 recognized directly 
 in equity 
 Sale of a subsidiary 
  with a non-controlling 
  interest                               -           -             -          -               (9)        (9) 
 Total transactions 
  with shareholders                      -           -             -          -               (9)        (9) 
 Balance at June 30, 
  2019                             109,250      18,864     (115,564)     12,550                 -     12,550 
                               ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  ========= 


For the period ended June 30

                                                           2019      2018 
                                                        BGN'000   BGN'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net profit (loss) before taxes                          (7,039)    55,129 
Adjustments for: 
     Depreciation/amortization of property, plant 
      and equipment and intangible assets                 1,924       471 
     Interest expense and bank commissions, net           4,319       905 
     Shortages and normal loss, net of excess 
      assets                                              (583)      (91) 
     Provisions for unused paid leave and retirement 
      benefits                                              432       315 
     Reversed impairment loss                              (67)       (5) 
     Payables written-off                                     -     (120) 
     Gain on sale of subsidiaries                         (562)  (54,621) 
     Profit on sale of assets                             (123)   (3,831) 
                                                        (1,699)   (1,848) 
     Change in trade payables                            14,546    24,397 
     Change in inventories                                1,326   (3,367) 
     Change in trade and other receivables              (6,361)  (18,616) 
Cash flows generated from operating activities            7,812       566 
      Interest, bank fees and commissions paid          (2,746)   (2,289) 
      Income tax paid                                         -      (56) 
                                                       --------  -------- 
Net cash from operating activities                        5,066   (1,779) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
     Payments for purchase of property, plant 
      and equipment                                       (359)     (950) 
     Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 
      equipment                                             235     3,545 
     Payments for loans granted, net                    (4,558)   (4,360) 
     Proceeds from loans granted, net                     7,823       147 
     Interest received on loans granted                      87        10 
     Payments for acquisition of subsidiary and 
      other investments, net of cash acquired                 -        16 
     Disposals cash from the sale of subsidiaries, 
      net of proceeds from sale                             173      (47) 
     Proceed (payments) for acquisitions of other 
      investments                                       (5,156)       530 
                                                       --------  -------- 
Net cash flows used in investing activities             (1,755)   (1,109) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from loans and borrowings                           19       166 
Payments of loans and borrowings                          (923)     (262) 
Lease payments                                          (1,585)         - 
     Proceed for acquisitions of other investments          589         - 
                                                       --------  -------- 
Net cash flows from financing activities                (1,900)      (96) 
Net decrease in cash flows during the period              1,411   (2,984) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
 of the period                                            4,265     7,085 
      Effect of movements in exchange rates                 (8)      (32) 
                                                       --------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
 period                                                   5,668     4,069 
                                                       ========  ======== 


to the interim consolidated financial report

for the period ended June 30, 2019

   1.         Segments reporting 

The Group has identified the following operating segments, based on the reports presented to the Group's Management, which are used in the process of strategic decision-making:

   --    Wholesale of fuels - wholesale of petroleum products in Bulgaria; 

-- Retail of fuels - retail of petroleum and other products through a network of petrol stations.

-- Other activities - financial and accounting services, consultancy, rental income and other activities.

The segment information, presented to the Group's Management for the years ended as of June 30, 2019 and 2018 is as follows:

 June 30                      Wholesale           Retail        All other         Total for 
                               of fuels         of fuels         segments         the Group 
                                BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue           11,749          242,247            1,221           255,217 
 Intra-group revenue                  5                9              716               730 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                      11,744          242,238              505           254,487 
 Adjusted EBITDA                  2,747          (4,662)              482           (1,433) 
 Depreciation/amortization          563            1,273               88             1,924 
 Impairment                           -             (67)                -              (67) 
 June 30                      Wholesale           Retail        All other         Total for 
                               of fuels         of fuels         segments         the Group 
                                BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue            6,095          235,868            1,125           243,088 
 Intra-group revenue                  -               11              743               754 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                       6,095          235,857              382           242,334 
 Adjusted EBITDA                    224            1,322              301             1,847 
 Depreciation/amortization            2              396               73               471 
 Impairment                                          (5)                -               (5) 

The policies for recognition of revenue from intra-group sales and sales to external clients for the purposes of the reporting by segments do not differ from these applied by the Group for revenue recognition in the consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income.

The Management of the Group evaluates the results of the performance of the segments based on the adjusted EBITDA. In the calculation of the adjusted EBITDA the effect of the impairment of assets is not taken into account. The reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA and the profit (loss) before tax is presented in the table below:

                                          June 30         June 30 
                                             2019            2018 
                                          BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Adjusted EBITDA - reporting segments     (1,915)           1,546 
 Adjusted EBITDA - all other segments         482             301 
 Depreciation/amortization                (1,924)           (471) 
 Impairment of assets                          67               5 
 Finance income (costs), net              (3,749)          53,748 
 Profit (loss) before tax                 (7,039)          55,129 
                                        =========       ========= 
   2.         Revenue from sales 
                       June 30         June 30 
                          2019            2018 
                       BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Sales of goods        248,567         234,954 
 Sales of services       5,046           3,231 
                     ---------       --------- 
                       253,613         238,185 
                     =========       ========= 
   3.         Other income 
                                                June 30         June 30 
                                                   2019            2018 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Surpluses of assets                                618             141 
 Gain on sale of property, plant, equipment 
  and materials including:                          123           3,831 
   Income from sales                                213           4,729 
  Carrying amount                                  (90)           (898) 
 Penalties and indemnities                           19              25 
 Insurance claims                                     6              32 
 Payables written off                                 -             120 
 Other                                              108               - 
                                              ---------       --------- 
                                                    874           4,149 
                                              =========       ========= 
    4.         Materials and consumables 
                             June 30         June 30 
                                2019            2018 
                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Electricity and heating       1,049           1,035 
 Fuels and lubricants            233             209 
 Office consumables              210             170 
 Spare parts                     147             170 
 Water supply                     46              52 
 Working clothes                  38             101 
 Advertising materials            23              42 
 Other                            63              57 
                           ---------       --------- 
                               1,809           1,836 
                           =========       ========= 
   5.         Hired services 
                                           June 30         June 30 
                                              2019            2018 
                                           BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Rents                                       7,907           6,856 
 Dealer and other commissions                5,792           5,526 
 Maintenance and repairs                     1,775           1,565 
 Consulting, training and audit                805             911 
 Communications                                420             409 
 Cash collection expense                       363             371 
 Security                                      331             410 
 State, municipal fees and other costs         278             261 
 Insurances                                    215             214 
 Advertising                                   130             264 
 Software licenses                             128             127 
 Transport                                      58              70 
 Other                                         309             287 
                                         ---------       --------- 
                                            18,511          17,271 
                                         =========       ========= 
   6.         Employee benefits 
                                                June 30         June 30 
                                                   2019            2018 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Wages and salaries                               8,856           7,804 
 Social security contributions and benefits       1,556           1,358 
                                              ---------       --------- 
                                                 10,412           9,162 
                                              =========       ========= 
   7.         Other expenses 
                                             June 30         June 30 
                                                2019            2018 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Local taxes and taxes on expenses               153             177 
 Entertainment expenses and sponsorship          133             139 
 Penalties and indemnities                        61             199 
 Scrap, shortages and written-off assets          35              50 
 Business trips                                   19              17 
 Other                                            11              67 
                                           ---------       --------- 
                                                 412             649 
                                           =========       ========= 
   8.         Finance income and costs 
                                                       June 30         June 30 
                                                          2019            2018 
                                                       BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Finance income 
 Interest income, including                                867             757 
     Interest income on loans granted                      789             706 
     Interest income on trade receivables                   78              51 
 Gain on sale of subsidiaries, incl.:                      562          54,621 
     Revenue from sales                                    950              25 
     Carrying amount of the Group's interest 
      in the net assets of the subsidiaries              (388)          54,596 
 Net foreign exchange gain                                   8              32 
                                                         1,437          55,410 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Finance costs 
 Interest costs, including:                            (1,904)         (1,374) 
     Interest expenses on debenture loans              (1,268)         (1,251) 
     Interest expenses on the lease                      (331)               - 
     Interest expenses on bank loans                     (272)            (55) 
     Interest expenses to the state budget                (21)            (45) 
     Interest expenses on trade and other payables         (9)             (8) 
     Interest expenses on trade loans                      (3)            (15) 
 Loss from cession contracts                           (3,056)               - 
 Bank fees, commissions and other financial 
  expenses                                               (226)           (288) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                       (5,186)         (1,662) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Finance income (costs), net                           (3,749)          53,748 
                                                     =========       ========= 
   9.         Taxation 
   9.1.      Tax expenses 

Tax expense recognised in profit or loss includes the amount of current and deferred income tax expenses in accordance with IAS 12 Income taxes.

                                                  June 30         June 30 
                                                     2019            2018 
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Current tax expense                                    -               - 
 Change in deferred tax, including:                  (32)            (70) 
     Temporary differences recognised during 
      the period                                      121              71 
     Temporary differences arising during the 
      period                                        (108)           (141) 
     Adjustments                                     (45)               - 
 Tax income                                          (32)            (70) 
                                                =========       ========= 
   9.2.      Effective tax rate 

The reconciliation between the accounting profit (loss) and tax expense, as well as calculation of the effective tax rate as of June 30, 2019 and June 30, 2018 is presented in the table below:

                                                    June 30         June 30 
                                                       2019            2018 
                                                    BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Profit (loss) before tax for the period            (7,039)          55,129 
 Applicable tax rate                                    10%             10% 
 Tax expense at the applicable tax rate               (704)           5,513 
 Tax effect of permanent differences                     55              40 
 Tax effect of a tax asset recognized in 
  the current year that arose but was not 
  recognized in previous reporting periods            (201)         (4,588) 
 Tax effect of a tax asset not recognised 
  in the current year that arose in the current 
  period                                                719          11,182 
 Tax effect from consolidation adjustments               99        (12,217) 
                                                  ---------       --------- 
 Tax income                                            (32)            (70) 
                                                  =========       ========= 
 Effective tax rate                                       -               - 
                                                  =========       ========= 

The respective tax periods of the Group may be subject to inspection by the tax authorities until the expiration of 5 years from the end of the year in which a declaration was submitted, or should have been submitted. Consequently additional taxes or penalties may be imposed in accordance with the interpretation of the tax legislation. The Group's management is not aware of any circumstances, which may give rise to a contingent additional liability in this respect.

In January 2017, the Parent company received a tax audit assessment on corporate tax revision for 2013 and VAT until October 2014 amounting to BGN 222 thousand principal and BGN 68 thousand interest. In order to cease the enforcement of the appealed tax assessment in January 2017, a bank guarantee of BGN 350 thousand was issued. In order to secure the additionally calculated interest liabilities on this tax assessment, in February 2019 was issued an additional bank guarantee for BGN 60 thousand. In April 2019 the Administrative Court - Sofia city enacted a decision, which entirely repealed the obligation for VAT amounting to BGN 112 thousand principal and BGN 37 thousand interest and considerably reduced the corporate tax liability from BGN 110 principal and BGN 31 thousand interest to BGN 24 thousand principal and BGN 2 thousand interest.

In March 2017, the Parent company received a tax assessment due to an tax audit of corporate income tax for 2014 and VAT until June 2015 for BGN 663 thousand principal and BGN 138 thousand interest. The tax assessment is in process of being appealed. In order to suspend the enforcement of the appealed tax assessment, ordered by the Parent company, a bank guarantee in favor of National Revenue Agency for BGN 940 thousand was issued. The bank guarantee is partly secured by BGN 300 thousand cash. In August 2017 the Director of "Appealing and tax-security practice" department issued a decision, which changed the appealed tax assessment of the Parent company on corporate income tax for 2014 and VAT until June 2015 and reduced the additional tax liabilities from BGN 663 thousand to BGN 65 thousand principal and from BGN 138 thousand to BGN 15 thousand interest. The issued bank guarantee, to suspend the enforcement of the appealed tax audit assessment in favor of the National Revenue Agency of BGN 940 thousand, partly secured by BGN 300 thousand blocked cash, was replaced with new bank guarantee of BGN 94 thousand and the blocked cash was released. The rest of the decreased tax liabilities was appealed in court in higher judicial body. As a result in February 2019, following the final decision of Supreme

Administrative Court (SAC) the court proceeding was partly won and the liabilities according to tax assessment reduced to BGN 13 thousand principal, related to an additionally accrued VAT and BGN 5 thousand accrued interest. As at the date of preparation of these consolidated financial statements the liability is fully paid and the bank guarantee released and given back by National Revenue Agency (NRA). The liabilities are accounted as correcting events as at December 31, 2018 and are recognised in the result for 2018.

In November 2017 the issued tax assessment from March 2016 on the security contributions tax audit for BGN 543 thousand principal and BGN 248 thousand interest, appealed entirely by the Parent company as unjustified and secured by a bank guarantee of BGN 800 thousand, was entirely repealed due to decision of Administrative Court - Sofia city. The tax administration appealed the decision and SAC repealed the decision of AC - Sofia city and returned the court proceeding to the initial judicial body for new examination. In order to secure the additionally calculated interest liabilities on this tax assessment, an additional bank guarantee for BGN 255 thousand was issued in February 2019.

   9.3.      Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities 
                                        Asset   Recognised   Recognised          Asset   Recognised          Asset 
                                  (liability)    in equity    in profit    (liability)    in profit    (liability) 
                                        as at                  and loss          as at     and loss          as at 
                                      January                                 December                        June 
                                      1, 2018                                 31, 2018                    30, 2019 
                                      BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000        BGN'000      BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                             (284)            -           86          (198)            -          (198) 
 Impairment of assets                   3,819          242          131          4,192          (7)          4,185 
 Tax loss carry-forwards                   24            -           15             39         (34)              5 
 Provisions for unused 
  paid leave and other 
  provisions                               89            -           16            105           15            120 
 Excess of interest 
  payments in accordance 
  with CITA                                 1            -            2              3          (3)              - 
 Other temporary differences, 
  including unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                           43            -            2             45           16             61 
                                -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  ------------- 
                                        3,692          242          252          4,186         (13)          4,173 
                                =============  ===========  ===========  =============  ===========  ============= 

The Company has the right to carry forward deferred tax assets on tax losses until 2024

   9.4.      Unrecognized deferred tax assets 

As of June 30, 2019 the Group's Management reviews the recoverability of deductible temporary differences and tax loss carry forward, forming tax assets. Because of this review, the Group's Management estimates that there might be no sufficient taxable profits in the near future against which the assets will be utilized. Consequently, the Group does not recognize tax assets on the following deductible temporary differences and tax loss carry forward and impairment of assets, incurred during the current and previous reporting periods.

   10.       Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 
                    Land   Buildings     Plant     Vehicles     Other     Assets   Intangible      Total 
                                          and                              under       assets 
                                       equipment                         constr. 
                 BGN'000     BGN'000                BGN'000   BGN'000    BGN'000      BGN'000    BGN'000 
  Balance at 
  1, 2018          7,636       6,664      11,157        572     1,754         93        3,483     31,359 
 Additions             -           -          68          -         6        208           93        375 
 Transfers             -          29          54          -        24      (107)            -          - 
 Disposals             -           -        (25)          -      (20)          -            -       (45) 
 Balance at 
  30, 2018         7,636       6,693      11,254        572     1,764        194        3,576     31,689 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Additions            26           -         295          -        65        219           70        675 
 Transfers             -           3          67          -       158      (228)            -          - 
 Disposals         (704)       (665)       (868)          -     (182)          -         (86)    (2,505) 
 Balance at 
  31, 2018         6,958       6,031      10,748        572     1,805        185        3,560     29,859 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Additions             2          79          53          -        44        279            3        460 
 Transfers             -          61           9          -       169      (239)            -          - 
 Disposals          (40)        (46)        (81)          -      (65)          -          (6)      (238) 
 Disposals on 
  subsidiaries      (99)       (218)     (1,018)          -      (40)          -      (3,011)    (4,386) 
 Balance at 
  30, 2019         6,821       5,907       9,711        572     1,913        225          546     25,695 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  1, 2018              -       4,076       7,946        560       970          -        3,409     16,961 
 Accumulated           -         105         249          -        69          -           25        448 
 Disposals for 
  period               -           -        (20)          -      (15)          -            -       (35) 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  30, 2018             -       4,181       8,175        560     1,024          -        3,434     17,374 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Accumulated           -          96         242          -        72          -           30        440 
 Disposals for 
  period               -       (506)       (761)          -     (154)          -         (32)    (1,453) 
 Balance at 
  31, 2018             -       3,771       7,656        560       942          -        3,432     16,361 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Additions             -          88         232          -        87          -           15        422 
 Transfers             -           1         (1)          -         -          -            -          - 
 Disposals             -        (16)        (66)          -      (30)          -          (6)      (118) 
 Disposals on 
  subsidiaries         -        (36)       (937)          -      (38)          -      (2,900)    (3,911) 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  30, 2019             -       3,808       6,884        560       961          -          541     12,754 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
  January 1, 
  2018             7,636       2,588       3,211         12       784         93           74     14,398 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  June 30, 
  2018             7,636       2,512       3,079         12       740        194          142     14,315 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  December 31, 
  2018             6,958       2,260       3,092         12       863        185          128     13,498 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  June 30, 
  2019             6,821       2,099       2,827         12       952        225            5     12,941 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 

As at June 30, 2019 property, plant and equipment with carrying amount of BGN 7,332 thousand are mortgaged or pledged as collaterals under bank loans, granted to the Group and to unrelated parties, under credit limit agreements for issuance of bank guarantees.

The assets under construction include mainly incurred expenses for reconstruction of trade sites.

Management's impairment tests on property, plant and equipment, confirm that there is no evidence or circumstances indicating a sustained decline in the carrying amounts of assets, which recoverable amount significantly differs from their carrying amount.

   11.       Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities 

The following items and amounts related to leasing agreements are presented in the statement of financial position as of June 30, 2019

                                    June 30 
 Right-of-use assets 
 Property, plant and equipment       11,092 
 Liabilities                       (11,255) 
  Lease liabilities: 
   Current liabilities              (1,726) 
   Non-current liabilities          (9,529) 
 Net effect on equity                 (163) 

Costs recognized in the statement of comprehensive income:

                                                           June 30 
 Depreciation and amortisation of right-of-use 
 Property, plant and equipment                               1,479 
 Interest expense 
 Interest expense on lease agreements for right-of-use 
  assets                                                       331 
 Total                                                       1,810 
    12.       Investment property 
                                              June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                 2019            2018 
                                              BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the period         1,883           1,859 
 Additions                                          -              24 
 Balance at the end of the period               1,883           1,883 
                                            ---------       --------- 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 Balance at the beginning of the period            90              47 
 Depreciation for the period                       23              43 
 Balance at the end of the period                 113              90 
                                            ---------       --------- 
 Carrying amount at the beginning of the 
  period                                        1,793           1,812 
                                            =========       ========= 
 Carrying amount at the end of the period       1,770           1,793 
                                            =========       ========= 

Investment property representing land and building were acquired through business combination in December 2016. The carrying amount of the investment property as at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 is a maximum approximation of their fair value. The Group determines the fair value of the investment property for reporting purposes, using a valuation report of independent appraiser, which is calculated by method of net assets value and discounted free cash flows.

   13.       Goodwill 

The carrying amount of the goodwill as at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 is BGN 19,817 thousand and BGN 19,827 thousand, respectively.

In April 2019, the Group sold its investments in Petrol Technologies OOD and Store Oil EAD and wrote off the goodwill arising from their acquisition of BGN 3 thousand and BGN 7 thousand, respectively.

A goodwill was recognised in previous periods for the acquisition of Varna Storage EOOD - BGN 19,787 thousand, Storage Invest EOOD- BGN 1 thousand and Lozen Asset AD - BGN 29 thousand.

   14.       Inventory 
                                June 30         Dec. 31 
                                   2019            2018 
                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Goods, including:               22,514          23,374 
 Fuels                           14,680          15,324 
 Lubricants and other goods       7,834           8,050 
 Materials                          671             603 
                                 23,185          23,977 
                              =========       ========= 

In 2018 the Group pledged goods in turnover, representing oil products with carrying amount of BGN 1,768 thousand as at June 30, 2019.

   15.       Non-current assets held for sale 
                                             June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                2019            2018 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current assets held for sale incl.:       3,459           3,459 
 Land                                          2,379           2,379 
 Buildings                                       695             695 
 Plants and equipment                            381             381 
 Other                                             4               4 
                                               3,459           3,459 
                                           =========       ========= 

As at June 30, 2019 non-current assets held for sale with a carrying amount of BGN 3,417 thousand are mortgaged or pledged as collaterals under bank loans, granted to the Group and to unrelated parties, under credit limit agreements for issuance of bank guarantees.

   16.       Loans granted 
                                                   June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                      2019            2018 
                                                   BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Loans granted to unrelated parties, including      19,084          22,124 
 Initial value                                      31,154          66,500 
 Allowance for impairment                         (12,070)        (44,376) 
                                                    19,084          22,124 
                                                 =========       ========= 

In January 2019 the Group granted a cash loan to an unrelated party with a credit limit up to BGN 5,500 thousand, in tranches for the period until December 31, 2019 at 6.7% interest rate. As at June 30, 2019 the Group has receivables at the amount of BGN 2,920 thousand principal and BGN 119 thousand interest.

In April 2019 the Group granted a cash loan to an unrelated party with a credit limit up to BGN 1,300 thousand, in tranches for the period until December 31, 2019 at 6.7% interest rate. As at June 30, 2019 the Group has receivables at the amount of BGN 1,291 thousand principal and BGN 18 thousand interest.

In May 2019 the Group granted a cash loan to an unrelated party with a credit limit up to BGN 10 thousand, in tranches for the period until December 31, 2019 at 6.7% interest rate. As at June 30, 2019 the Group has receivables at the amount of BGN 3 thousand.

In March 2018 the Group entered into an agreement for granting a loan to unrelated party at the amount of BGN 1,961 thousand at 5.5% annual interest and repayment period until December 31, 2018. At the end of 2018, according to a signed trade agreement between the parties, the loan was partially offset with outstanding opposite trade liabilities under an agreement for goods supplies. With an additional agreement from December 2018 the term of loan agreement was prolonged until December 31, 2019. In 2019 the Group continues to offset the receivables with due trade liabilities under the agreement for goods supplies. The loan is fully repaid in June 2019.

The receivables on loans granted and interest due on them from a controlled company until November 2013 at the amount of BGN 32,063 thousand were completely impaired in previous periods due to an open bankruptcy procedure and their difficult collection. In April 2019, the claims were transferred to an unrelated party through a cession agreement.

In April 2019, the balance of the loan granted, amounting to BGN 393 thousand principal, net of impairment, granted in previous periods to a subsidiary until March 2018, was transferred to an unrelated party through a cession agreement.

In March 2018 the Group entered into an agreement for granting a cash loan to an unrelated party with a credit limit up to BGN 300 thousand at 6.7% annual interest and repayment period until December 31, 2018. With an annex from the end of 2018 the term of the loan was prolonged until December 31, 2019. In 2019 the loan limit was increased, and as at June 30, 2019 the granted funds under this contract were BGN 408 thousand principal and BGN 18 thousand interest.

In August 2017, the Group signed two cash loan agreements, according to which the Group has a liability to grant to unrelated parties interest bearing loans up to BGN 4,000 thousand and up to BGN 500 thousand at 6.7% annual interest. Subsequently the terms of contracts are annexed. The initially contracted repayment period was extended to December 31, 2019. As of June 30, 2019, the loans are fully repaid.

   17.       Trade and other receivables 
                                                       June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                          2019            2018 
                                                       BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current receivables 
            Guarantees granted                               -              95 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                             -              95 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Current receivables 
 Receivables from clients, including                    30,888          25,527 
 Initial value                                          31,822          26,664 
 Allowance for impairment                                (934)         (1,137) 
 Receivables under cession agreements, assumption 
  of debt and regress                                    3,578           6,725 
 Initial value                                           4,688           8,129 
 Allowance for impairment                              (1,110)         (1,404) 
 Financial assets, measured at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                 2,285           2,285 
 Deferred expenses                                       1,099             411 
 Guarantees for participation in tender procedures         964             921 
 Advances granted, including                               208              92 
 Initial value                                             278             168 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (70)            (76) 
 Litigations and writs                                       -               - 
 Initial value                                              10              10 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (10)            (10) 
 Tax refundable, incl.:                                      -              93 
 VAT                                                         -              93 
 Other taxes                                                 -               - 
 Other                                                     618             894 
 Initial value                                             675             951 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (57)            (57) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                        39,640          36,948 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                        39,640          37,043 
                                                     =========       ========= 

The Management has performed an analysis of the trade receivables in order to determine their fair values and their level in the fair value hierarchy. The Management considers that the carrying values of the trade and other receivables in the consolidated statement of financial position are reasonable approximations of their fair value as at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 within Level 3 category.

The Group considers that unimpaired overdue receivables are collectible based on historical information about payments, guarantees received and a detailed analysis of the credit risk and collaterals of its customers.

   18.       Cash and cash equivalents 
                     June 30         Dec. 31 
                        2019            2018 
                     BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Cash in transit       4,695           2,713 
 Cash at banks           907           1,476 
 Cash on hand             66              76 
                       5,668           4,265 
                   =========       ========= 

Cash in transit comprises cash collected from fuel stations as at the end of the reporting period, but actually received in the bank accounts of the Group in the beginning of the next reporting period.

   19.       Registered capital 

The Group's registered capital is presented at its nominal value. The registered capital of the Group represents the registered capital of the Parent company Petrol AD. As at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 the fully paid registered capital at the amount of BGN 109,250 thousand is distributed in 27 312 403 personal shares with a nominal value of BGN 4 each.

As at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 the shareholders in the Parent company are as follows:

 Shareholder                                 June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                2019            2018 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Alfa Capital AD                              28.85%          28.85% 
 Yulinor EOOD                                 23.11%          23.11% 
 Perfeto consulting EOOD                      16.43%          16.43% 
 Correct Pharm EOOD                           10.98%          10.98% 
 Trans Express Oil EOOD                        9.86%           9.86% 
 Corporate Commercial Bank AD                  5.51%           5.51% 
 VIP Properties EOOD                           2.26%           2.26% 
 The Ministry of Economy of the Republic 
  of Bulgaria                                  0.65%           0.65% 
 Other minority shareholders                   2.35%           2.35% 
                                           ---------       --------- 
                                             100.00%         100.00% 
                                           =========       ========= 

The Management of the Parent company has undertaken series of measures in order to optimize the capital adequacy of the company. As a result of the several General Meetings of Shareholders held during the period 2016 - 2017 was voted a decision for reverse split procedure for merging 4 old shares with nominal of BGN 1 into 1 new share with nominal of BGN 4 and subsequent decrease of capital of the Parent company in order to cover losses by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1. In March 2018 following a decision of the Lovech Regional Court, which cancelled the refusal of the Commercial Register (CR) to register the decision taken on EGMS for merging of 4 old shares with BGN 1 nominal in 1 new share with BGN 4 nominal. The submitted change was registered in Commercial Register and the registered capital of the Parent company of BGN 109,249,612 was distributed in 27,312,403 shares with nominal of BGN 4 each. The change in capital structure was registered also in the register of Central Depository AD. The Commercial Register enacted a refusal on the submitted in April 2018 application for registration of the decision of EGMS for the second stage of the procedure reducing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 in order to cover losses.

On EGMS of Petrol AD held on November 8, 2018 the decision to decrease the capital of the Parent company in order to cover losses by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 was voted again. A refusal of the application for registration of the decision in CR was enacted, which was appealed by the Parent company within the legal term. The minority shareholders disputed the decision of the EGMS and additionally to the refusal the application proceeding was postponed until the pronouncing of the Lovech Regional Court on the court proceedings, initiated on minority shareholders' request. In March 2019 the RC - Lovech enacted a decision, which rules the CR to register the decrease of capital after the resumption of the registration proceedings after the adjudication on the proceedings, created on minority shareholders' request.

In February 2019 was held a new EGMS, where the decision for reduction of capital was voted again and a decision for substitution of the deceased member of Supervisory Board Ivan Voynovski with Rumen Konstantinov was taken. A refusal on the application for registration of these circumstances in the file of the Parent company was enacted, which was appealed by the Parent company within the statutory term. In addition to the refusal, the registration proceeding was ceased on request of minority shareholders until the RC - Lovech rules on.

Profit (loss) per share

The profit (loss) per share is calculated by dividing the net profit (loss) for the period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares held during the reporting period.

                                                   June 30         June 30 
                                                      2019            2018 
                                                   BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Weighted average number of shares                  27,312         109,250 
 Profit (loss) (BGN'000)                           (7,007)          55,199 
                                                 ---------       --------- 
 Profit (loss) per share (BGN)                      (0.26)            0.51 
                                                 =========       ========= 
   20.       Loans and borrowings 
                                        June 30         Dec. 31 
                                           2019            2018 
                                        BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Debenture loans                         36,808          36,704 
 Loans from financial institutions        8,004           8,767 
                                         44,812          45,471 
                                      =========       ========= 
 Current liabilities 
 Debenture loans                          1,013           2,040 
 Loans from financial institutions          575             524 
 Trade loans from unrelated parties           -             194 
                                          1,588           2,758 
                                      =========       ========= 
                                         46,400          48,229 
                                      =========       ========= 
   20.1.    Debenture loans 

In October 2006, the Parent company issued 2,000 registered transferable bonds with fixed annual interest rate of 8.375% and issue value 99.507% of the face value, which is determined at EUR 50,000 per bond. The principal is due in one payment at the maturity date. The bond term is 5 years and the maturity date is in October 2011. At the general meetings of the bondholders conducted in October and December 2011, it was decided to extend the term of the issue until January 26, 2017. On December 23, 2016, a procedure of extension of the bond issue to 2022 and reduction of the interest rate in the range from 5.5% to 8% was successfully completed.

After the prolongation of the debenture loan, the annual effective interest rate is 6.79%. The purpose of the bond issue is to provide funds for working capital, investment projects financing and restructuring of the previous debt of the Group.

The debenture loan liabilities are presented in the statement of financial position at amortised cost.

As at the date of these financial statements the nominal value of the debenture loan is EUR 18,659 thousand.

   20.2.    Loans from financial institutions 

In July 2016, the Parent company entered into an investment loan agreement, prepaying the liabilities on finance lease contract from November 2015. Collateral of the loan is mortgage of property, acquired through finance lease and pledge of receivables. The term of the contract is May 2022 and the contracted interest rate is 3mEuribor+5.25%. As at June 30, 2019 the liabilities under the bank loan amounting to BGN 575 thousand current liabilities and BGN 1,004 thousand non-current liabilities.

In September 2018 the Group entered into a credit-overdraft agreement on current account in commercial bank, intended for working capital with maximum allowed amount of BGN 2,000 thousand and repayment period until January 31, 2019 and contracted interest rate as Savings-based interest rate (SIR) plus added amount of 6,1872 points, but cumulatively not less than 6.5% annually. The credit is secured with a special pledge of its goods in turnover, representing oil products and with pledge of receivables on bank accounts. In December 2018, as a result of a signed annex to an agreement from 2016 for revolving credit line with the same bank, the Group negotiated an increase of the amount of the credit line of BGN 9,500 thousand with an additional amount of BGN 11,500 thousand, by which the total amount of credit line rose to BGN 21,000 thousand. The line is separated in total limit of BGN 13,500 thousand for issuance of bank guarantees and BGN 7,500 thousand for refinancing of the received credit-overdraft of BGN 2,000 thousand and the rest for working capital. The increased amount of the credit limit on the revolving credit line is covered additionally with establishment of mortgages and pledges of properties, plants and equipment with a carrying amount of BGN 1,063 thousand as at June 30, 2019 and a special pledge on goods in turnover, representing oil products with a book value of BGN 1,768 thousand as at June 30, 2019. In June 2019 the limit for working capital, granted under this credit line was partially repaid and as at June 30, 2019 its amount decreased from BGN 7,500 thousand to BGN 7,000 thousand.

In December 2018 the Group entered into an agreement for sale of receivables with a commercial bank under a contract for sale of receivables (standard factoring) with a total limit of advance payment up to BGN 550 thousand and Saving-based Interest Rate (SIR) for BGN plus added amount of 3,7157 points, but not less than 4% annually on the received advance payment. As at December 31 2018 the Group received an advance payment of BGN 280 thousand on this factoring agreement. In January 2019 the factoring agreement was ceased and the Group has no utilized limits on it.

In February 2019 the Group entered into a factoring agreement with a commercial bank with no right of regress special terms for transferring approved in advance receivables with maximum repayment period of 120 days from the date of invoice issuance with advance payment of 90% of the amount of the transferred receivables with added VAT. The commission consideration for factoring services is 0.35% on the total amount of the transferred invoices plus additional annual fees. The interest price for the advance payments is Basis Deposit Index for Entities + 1,95%, daily accrued and monthly withdrawn at the end of each calendar month. As at June 30, 2019 the Group has transferred receivables upon this factoring contract at the amount of BGN 490 thousand.

   21.       Obligation for defined benefit retirement compensations 

As at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Group accrued obligation for defined benefit retirement compensations amounting to BGN 553 thousand. The amount of the liability is determined based on an actuarial valuation, based on assumptions for mortality, disability, employment turnover, salary increases, etc. The present value of the liability is calculated using a discount factor of 1.25% and increase of the expected salary by 4%.

The demographic assumptions are related to the likelihood individuals to leave the plan before retirement due to various reasons: withdrawal, staff reduction, illness, death, disability, etc. They are based on a statistical information about the population and are attached to the staff structure by gender and age at the time of the assessment.

   22.       Trade and other payables 
                                               June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                  2019            2018 
                                               BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Payables to suppliers                          58,740          44,680 
 Tax payables, including                         6,842           6,858 
 Excise duty and other taxes                     6,149           6,740 
 VAT                                               693             118 
 Payables to personnel and social security 
  funds                                          2,522           2,360 
 Advances received and deferred income             860           1,339 
 Payables to related parties                        12              12 
 Obligations under cession agreements and 
  regress                                            -           5,606 
 Other                                           1,115             989 
                                             ---------       --------- 
                                                70,091          61,844 
                                             =========       ========= 

The Group accrues unused paid leave provision of employees in compliance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The movement of these provisions for the period is as follows:

                                                June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                   2019            2018 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the year               500             429 
 Accrued during the year                            432             415 
 Utilised during the year                         (278)           (344) 
 Balance at the end of the year, including:         654             500 
                                              =========       ========= 
 Paid leaves                                        551             422 
 Social security on paid leaves                     103              78 

The balance at the end of the year is presented in the consolidated statement of financial position together with current payable to personnel.

The Management performed an analysis of trade payables in order to determine their fair values and their level in the fair value hierarchy. The Management of the Group considers that the carrying amounts of the current payables in the consolidated statement of financial position are reasonable approximations of their fair value as at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 within Level 3 category.

   23.       Subsidiaries 

The subsidiaries, included in the consolidation, over which the Group has control as of June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 are as follows:

 Subsidiary              Main activity                    Investment   Investment 
                                                             at June      at Dec. 
                                                             30 2019      31 2018 
 Petrol Properties       Trading movable and immovable 
  EOOD                    property                              100%         100% 
                         Trade with oil and oil 
 Varna Storage EOOD       products                              100%         100% 
 Petrol Finance          Financial and accounting 
  EOOD                    services                              100%         100% 
 Elit Petrol - Lovech    Trade with oil and oil 
  AD                      products                              100%         100% 
                         Acquisition, management 
 Lozen Asset AD           and exploitation of property          100%         100% 
                         Production and trading 
                          with goods and services, 
 Storage Invest           investments and intermediary 
  EOOD                    activities                            100%         100% 
 Kremikovtsi Oil         Processing, import, export 
  EOOD                    and trading with oil and 
                          oil products                          100%            - 
 Shumen Storage          Processing, import, export 
  EOOD                    and trading with oil and 
                          oil products                          100%            - 
 Petrol Finances         Financial and accounting 
  OOD                     services                               99%          99% 
                         Processing and trading 
 Storage Oil EAD          with oil and oil products                -         100% 
 Petrol Technologies 
  OOD                    IT services and consultancy               -       98,80% 

In June 2019 two new subsidiaries - Kremikovtsi Oil EOOD and Shumen Storage EOOD - were established and entered in the Commercial Register through an in-kind contribution of land, buildings, machinery and equipment. The capital of Kremikovtsi Oil EOOD is divided into 1,740,397 company shares, with nominal value of BGN 1 each, and the capital of Shumen Storage EOOD is divided into 1,650,000 company shares, with nominal value of BGN 1 each.

Disposal of interest in subsidiaries in 2019:

In April 2019 the Group sold to unrelated party its interest in Petrol Technologies OOD for a consideration amounting to BGN 900 thousand. As at the transaction date, the Group's share in the consolidated net assets of the sold company were at the amount of BGN 641 thousand, and the goodwill written off at the amount of BGN 3 thousand. Pursuant to the sale, the Group has reported BGN 256 thousand profit.

In April 2019 the Group sold 5,940,000 shares, representing 100% of the capital of Storage Oil EAD for a total price of BGN 50 thousand. As at the transaction date, the consolidated net assets of the sold company were negative at the amount of BGN 263 thousand. and the goodwill written off at the amount of BGN 7 thousand. Pursuant to the sale, the Group reported BGN 306 thousand profit.

Disposal of interest in subsidiaries during previous years

In December 2015 a contract with notarized signatures, whereby Petrol AD transferred to a company outside the Group 100% of Naftex Petrol EOOD's equity shares against BGN 1. Changing the sole owner of Naftex Petrol EOOD is filed timely for entry in the Commercial register at the Registry Agency, but has not been recorded because of incompleteness in the documents attached to the application. However, since the contract, as at December 2015, has been concluded properly according to the prescribed by the Commercial Code form, it raises legal action between the parties involved, due to which Petrol AD is no longer the sole shareholder of Naftex Petrol EOOD. Consequently, it is accepted that the Group has lost control and assets and liabilities of the subsidiary were written off and the gain was recognized resulting from the loss of control in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. As at the transaction date the consolidated net assets of the subsidiary amounted to BGN (314,452) thousand. The result of the sale of the Group was a profit amounted to BGN 314,452 thousand.

In March 2016, the change of the sole owner of Naftex Petrol EOOD has been repeatedly applied for registration with the Commercial Register when a completed set of documents as instructed by the officials has been submitted. The registration was suspended by the court because of a request by a shareholder of the Parent company, on the grounds that the sale contract was challenged in court because executives were not authorized to conclude the agreement by the general meeting of the company contrary to the provisions of Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA). Before the conclusion of the transaction, it was thoroughly checked for compliance with the law and that fall below the thresholds for convening the General Meeting pursuant to Art. 114 of the POSA as documents proving this circumstance are duly implemented in the Commercial Register with the application for registration of the change of the sole owner of the company. For these reasons, the Management of Petrol AD considers that the claim was unfounded and after a judgment in favor of Petrol AD, a sale of shares will be recorded in the register.

During the period until June 30, 2019 the Group has no purchases and sales with related parties.

The total amount of the accrued remunerations of the members of Management and Supervisory Board of the Parent company for the period ended June 30, 2019, included in the personnel expenses, amounted to BGN 728 thousand (June 30, 2018: 665 thousand) and unsettled liabilities of BGN 115 thousand (December 31, 2018: 116 thousand).

   24.       Capital management 

In order to ensure the going concern functioning of the Group, the Management has undertaken series of purely procedural and business oriented measures, aimed to bring the capital of the Parent company in consistence with the requirements of Art. 252, par. 1, item 5 of the Commercial Act (CA) and overall improvement of the financial position of the Group.

Some of the measures include the reduction of the registered capital bellow the net assets of the Parent company. Holding of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) in November 2016, where a proposal for reverse split (merging) of 4 old shares with nominal value of BGN 1 to 1 share with nominal value of BGN 4 was voted, is the first step in this direction. As a result the number of the issued shares will decrease from 109,249,612 shares to 27,312,403 new shares maintaining the value of the registered capital to BGN 109,249,612. The registration of the decision of the EGMS in the Commercial Register of the Parent company's account was suspended by the court upon request of a shareholder.

In February 2017, continuing the measures for capital adequacy of the Group, the Management Board of the Parent company convened new Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) with a decision agenda for reverse split of shares. EGMS was held with 77,951,767 presenting shares, representing 71,36% of the registered capital, where 71,937,309 shares representing 65,85% (over 2/3 of the presenting shares) were voted "For" the reverse split procedure.

In May 2017 was hold next EGMS when decision for reduction of capital from BGN 109,249,612 to BGN 27,312,403 by decrease of nominal value of the issued shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 was voted. The decision is conditional upon the decision of the EGMS concerning the procedure of reverse split, which should be confirmed by final entered into force court decision.

In October 2017 was hold a new EGMS where a decision repealing the decisions taken on meetings hold in February and May 2017 was voted. On the same meeting, a new decision for reverse split procedure by merging 4 old shares with nominal of BGN 1 in 1 new share with nominal of BGN 4 and consequently decreasing of the Parent company's capital in order to cover losses by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1. In December 2017, an application for registration in Commercial Register of the change in nominal value and number of shares was applied, which was refused by the CR. The Parent company appealed the refusal. In March 2018, following the decision of Lovech Regional Court, which cancelled the refusal of the Commercial Register for registration of the decision taken on EGMS for merging 4 old shares with nominal of BGN 1 into 1 new share with nominal of BGN 4, the applied change was registered in Commercial Register. As a result of that the registered capital of the Parent company amounting to BGN 109,249,612, distributed in 27,312,403 shares with nominal of BGN 4 each. The change in the structure of capital was registered in the register of Central Depository AD. The Commercial Register enacted a refusal on the applied in April 2018 application for registration of the decision of EGMS for the second stage of the procedure, which to decrease the capital of the Parent company by reducing the nominal value from BGN 4 to BGN 1 in order to cover losses.

On EGMS of Petrol AD held on November 8, 2018 the decision to decrease the capital of the Parent company in order to cover losses by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 was voted again. A refusal was given on the application for registration of the decision in CR, which was appealed by the Parent company within the legal term. The minority shareholders disputed the decision. In March 2019 the RC - Lovech enacted a decision, which rules the CR to register the decrease of capital after the resumption of the registtration proceedings after the adjudicatation on the proceedings, created on minority shareholders request.

In February 2019 was held a new EGMS, where the decision for reduction of capital was voted again and a decision for substitution of the deceased member of Supervisory Board Ivan Voynovski with Rumen Konstantinov was taken. A refusal on the application for registration of these circumstances in the file of the Parent company was enacted, which was appealed by the Parent company within the statutory term. In addition to the refusal, the registration proceeding was ceased on request of minority shareholders until the RC - Lovech rules on. In May 2019, the Lovech District Court ruled a decision, which repealed the enacted refusal and returned the case file to the Registry Agency to make the requested entry after resuming the suspended registry proceedings. At present, the legal proceedings on the claims for annulment of the decisions of the EGMS from February 2019 are pending.

To carry out its business activity the Group needs a free capital to provide the necessary working capital, to pay its obligations on timely manner and to follow its investment intentions. Major sources of liquidity are cash and its equivalents, long-term and short-term loans, the decrease of receivables collection period and extension of the liabilities paying period.

The Group's management expectations are that in the coming years, as a result of a growing competition mainly in retail market, part of the small independent players would be forced out gradually of fuel business. At the same time, the expectations in terms of the levels of trade margins, in particular on the retail market, are the margins to stabilize around the average European levels.

The plans for the future development of the Group are closely related with the stated expectations for changes in the market environment, in particular, sector of trading with fuels. The Management continues to follow the program outlined and started in the beginning of 2014 for restructuring the activities of Petrol Group, aiming to concentrate the efforts to optimize and develop the core business - wholesale and retail trading with fuels. In order to improve the financial position, the Management continues to analyze actively all expenses in demanding of hidden reserves for optimization.

In 2019 the Management will continue the active action for expansion of Group's market share that has been taken since mid-2016, by securing the long-term use of storage facilities - licensed fuel storage facilities strategically located in the country. The Management is in the process of analyzing and exploring the possibilities of increasing wholesale trading, including by import of petroleum products.

In the coming years the results of the Group will also depend on the possibilities to carry out the investments and the successful delivering of new projects. The investments of the Group will be focused predominantly on the development of new sites and increasing the sales and market share of Petrol AD, mainly through transformation of the trade sites managed by the Parent - company into modern places for complex customer service.

Following the strategy of expanding the market share in retail market, the Group plans to attract new sites under Petrol brand through the franchise program.

In 2019 year the Management of the Group will direct its effort towards conducting an active marketing campaign. In terms of the clients, the direction of development is the attraction of new groups of clients, which were not seriously covered by the current marketing plans and development of a group of loyal corporate clients, which to increase their share in the total volume of sales in trade sites. The Group's strategy for 2019 is focused on the final customer. It is provided marketing activities - games, promotions and other, supported by enough media appearances to increase the sales of fuels. The Management will continue to develop its card system and plans to create a loyalty clients system.

The Group's Management activities are directed to validation of the principles and traditions of good corporate governance, increasing the trust of the interested parties, namely shareholders, investors and counterparties, and to disclosure of timely and precise information in accordance with the legal requirements.

   25.       Contingent liabilities 

As at June 30, 2019 the Group has contingent liabilities, including issued mortgages and pledges of property, plant and equipment, which serve as a collateral for bank loans granted to the Group and unrelated parties and credit limits for issuance of bank guarantees with total carrying amount of BGN 10,749 thousand. The Group is a joint co-debtor under loan agreement of unrelated supplier, including limit for overdraft for BGN 25,000 thousand and stand-by credit for issuance of bank guarantees in favour of Customs Agency amounted to BGN 20,000 thousand. The total amount of the utilized funds and issued bank guarantees of all borrower's exposures to the Bank shall not exceed BGN 45,000 thousand. In relation to this credit agreement, the Group has established a special pledge on its cash in the bank account opened in the bank-creditor with total amount of BGN 17 thousand as at June 30, 2019 and a special pledge on receivables from contractors for BGN 4,000 thousand average monthly turnover.

The Group bears a contingent liability, covering the execution of an agreement for storage of third-party fuels up to BGN 30,000 thousand.

The Group bears a joint obligation according to a contract for debt from January 2017 on an obligation of a subsidiary until February 2018 for BGN 2,346 thousand as at June 30, 2019

Under a bank agreement for revolving credit line signed in 2016, bank guarantees were issued for a total amount of BGN 9,902 thousand as at June 30, 2019, including BGN 6,450 thousand in favor of third parties - Group's suppliers, BGN 1,465 thousand in favor of National Revenue Agency, for issuance of appealed by the Parent company revision acts and BGN 1,987 thousand to secure own liabilities related to contracts under the Public Procurement Act. The bank agreement is secured by mortgages of property, pledge of plants and equipment, pledge of all receivables on bank accounts of the Parent company and a subsidiary. In July 2017 the credit limit under the revolving credit line was increased from BGN 8,500 thousand to BGN 9,500 thousand. Assets amounted to BGN 1,500 thousand, owned by a subsidiary, additionally secured the credit limit. With annex from December 2018 the limit is increased to BGN 21,000 thousand and is additionally secured with mortgages and pledge of property, plants and equipment, and special pledge of goods in turnover, namely oil products with book value of BGN 1,768 thousand as at June 30, 2019. In June 2019 the limit for working capital granted under this credit line was partially repaid and as of June 30, 2019 its amount decreased from BGN 7,500 thousand to BGN 7,000 thousand.

In December 2018 the Group entered into an agreement for sale of receivables with a commercial bank under a contract for sale of receivables (standard factoring) with a total limit of advance payment up to BGN 550 thousand and withdrawn amount as at December 31, 2018 of BGN 280 thousand, secured with a pledge of receivables on bank accounts. In January 2019, the factoring contract was terminated and the Group has no unused limits on it.

As a collateral of an investment bank loan signed in July 2016, a mortgage of property, acquired through the investment loan and a pledge of receivables, arising from opened bank accounts of the Parent company to the amount of the outstanding balance of the loan, which as at the June 30, 2019 amounting to BGN 1,573 thousand.

There is a pending litigation in relation to a signed in 2015 guarantee contract of the liabilities of a subsidiary until February 2018, arising of a cession contract with outstanding book value as at June 30, 2019 of BGN 245 thousand. The cash granted as a collateral under Art. 180 and Art. 181 of Law on Obligations and Contracts (LOC) amounting to BGN 245 thousand is disclosed as other receivables on guarantees. A request to release the cash was deposited, but the court dismissed the appeal.

In the previous reporting periods companies from the Group have entered into the debt under two loan agreements of a subsidiary with a bank-creditor (until December 2015) for USD 15,000 thousand and USD 20,000 thousand, respectively. In 2015 the bank -creditor acquired court orders for immediate execution and receiving orders against the subsidiaries - joint debtors. In relation to the complains filed by the subsidiaries, the competent court has revoked the immediate enforcement orders and has invalidated the receiving orders. In October and December 2015 the creditor has filed claims under Art. 422 of Civil Procedure Code (CPC) against the subsidiaries for the existence of the receivables under each loan agreement. The court proceedings of the creditor are still pending.

In December 2016 the first instance court decreed a decision (the Decision) which admit for established that the bank has a receivable amounted to USD 15,527 thousand from the subsidiaries - joint debtors, arising from a signed loan agreement for USD 15,000 thousand. With the same decision the court has ordered the joint-debtors to pay BGN 411 thousand to the bank - creditor for legal advisory fees and court dispute expenses and BGN 538 thousand state fee in favor of the judiciary state for the ordered proceedings and BGN 538 thousand state fee for claim proceedings. In January 2017, the co-debtors have filed in time appeals against the court decision, because of that the decision did not come into force. As at the date of the preparation of these explanatory notes, the dispute is pending in the appeal court. The Group's Management considers that there are grounded chances the Decision to be entirely repealed.

As at the date of the preparation of these explanatory notes, the filed proceedings against the subsidiaries - joint debtors for estimation of the bank receivables due to the loan agreement for USD 20,000 thousand is pending before the first-instance court. The Management expects favorable decision by the competent court. In the current reporting period the Parent company sold its interest in one of co-debtor subsidiaries and the potential risk for the Group is reduced to the court proceedings against the second subsidiary.

A creditor of a subsidiary (until December 2015) unreasonably claimed in court the responsibility of the Parent company under a contract of guarantee for liabilities arising from a contract for a framework credit limit as a result of that the bank accounts of the Parent company amounting to USD 29,983 thousand were garnished. This claim was disputed in court by Petrol AD because the liability as guarantor has not occurred and / or extinguished pursuant to Art. 147, par. 2 of the LOC. At the time of conclusion of the guarantee deadline of the arrangements between the lender and subsidiary contractual framework for credit limit was July 1, 2014. The term of the framework credit limit was extended without the consent of the customer, therefore the responsibility of the latter has fallen by six months after initially agreed period, during which the creditor has brought an action against the principal debtor. The term of Art. 147, par. 1 of the LOC is final and upon its expiration the company's guarantee has been terminated, so the objection of the Parent company was granted by the court and imposed liens on bank accounts lifted.

After the writ of execution, pursuant to order proceedings, was canceled on which were imposed liens on bank accounts of the Parent company, the creditor has initiated legal claim proceedings under Art. 422 of the CPC to establish the same claims against the subsidiary (until December 2015) and the guarantor Petrol AD. In these proceedings the objections are repeated, that liability as guarantor has not occurred and / or extinguished pursuant to Art. 147, par. 2 of the LOC, and therefore the Management expects that the claim of the creditor against the Parent company will be dismissed permanently by a court decision on those cases. At present the claim proceedings are pending.

   26.       Events after the reporting date 

On July 19, 2019, a newly established subsidiary named Office Estate EOOD was registered in the Commercial Register. The capital of the company amounts to BGN 1,541 thousand and is distributed in 1 541 000 shares with nominal value of BGN 1 each.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 03, 2019 11:01 ET (15:01 GMT)

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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Petrol 4.24% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Petrol 4.24% (LSE:74JJ)
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부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Petrol 4.24% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.