RNS Number:7853X
Northam Platinum Ld
25 January 2001

  Registration number 1977/003282/06
  Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

Interim report and dividend declaration
for the six months ended 31 December 2000

Sales revenue up 77% to R741 million
Headline earnings increase by 292% to R257 million
Interim dividend increases by 400% to 100 cents
UG2 plant commissioned on time and within budget

Income statement
                                        Six months   Six months   Year
                                        ended        ended        ended
                                        31 December  31 December  30 June
                                        2000         1999         2000
                                        R000         R000         R000

Sales revenue                           741 579      419 892      1 051 953
Cost of sales                           390 747      331 299      691 925
- Operating costs                       365 029      274 397      586 938
- Refining and other costs              12 650       18 521       32 068
- Depreciation                          43 560       29 737       59 474
- Change in metal stocks                (30 492)     8 644        13 445
Operating profit                        350 832      88 593       360 028
Net investment income                   17 130       10 929       27 199
Sundry revenue                          299          305          3 780
Sundry expenditure                      (313)        (2 019)      (5 371)
Profit before tax                       367 948      97 808       385 636
Tax                                     110 385      32 030       148 134
Net income                              257 563      65 778       237 502
Headline earnings                       257 563      65 778       237 502
Headline earnings per share -cents      111,9        35,7         116,8
Fully diluted earnings per share -cents 111,3        35,5         116,2
Dividends per share -cents              100,0        20,0         120,0
Weighted average number of shares
in issue                                230 166 103  184 086 583  203 283 458
Number of shares in issue               230 197 000  184 147 000  230 147 000

Cash flow statement
Cash flow from operations               121 714      102 832      349 460
- Profit before tax                     367 948      97 808       385 636
- Depreciation                          43 560       29 737       59 474
- Change in working capital             (30 832)     6 110        (13 278)
- Tax paid                              (28 768)     (3 451)      (9 205)
- Dividends paid                        (230 157)    (27 609)     (73 638)
- Other                                 (37)         237          471
Cash utilised in investing activities   (84 964)     (18 982)     (343 389)
Cash from/(utilised in)
financing activities                    (5 947)      (15 219)     216 412
Net cash flow                           30 803       68 631       222 483
Cash at beginning of period             378 425      155 942      155 942
Cash at end of period                   409 228      224 573      378 425
Statement of changes in equity
Equity at beginning of period           1 641 286    1 446 802    1 446 802
Issue of new shares                     190          400          233 158
Net income for period                   257 563      65 778       237 502
Dividends distributed                   (10)         (36 829)     (276 176)
Equity at end of period                 1 899 029    1 476 151    1 641 286

Balance sheet
Fixed assets                            1 226 272    890 164      1 184 868
Unlisted investments                    181          214          181
Deferred tax                            61 545       247 317      166 485
Northam Platinum Restoration Trust Fund 6 148        5 021        5 859
Current assets                          723 162      470 776      661 781
- Consumable stores                     43 066       21 571       34 859
- Metals on hand                        208 229      182 538      177 737
- Accounts receivable                   62 639       42 094       70 760
- Cash and cash equivalents             409 228      224 573      378 425
                                        2 017 308    1 613 492    2 019 174
Share capital                           2 287 892    2 054 944    2 287 702
Accumulated loss                        388 863      578 793      646 416
Shareholders' equity                    1 899 029    1 476 151    1 641 286
Long-term liabilities                   -            7 815        -
Long-term provisions                    7 087        6 599        6 835
Current liabilities                     111 192      122 927      371 053
- Accounts payable                      95 774       78 262       96 028
- Dividends                             -            36 829       230 147
- Tax                                   14 031       7 836        37 354
- Current portion of
  long-term liabilities                 1 387        -            7 524
                                        2 017 308    1 613 492    2 019 174

Operating statistics

                                        Six months   Six months   Year
                                        ended        ended        ended
                                        31 December  31 December  30 June
                                        2000         1999         2000

Development metres                      9 450        4 974        11 466
Square metres mined                     190 025      168 053      323 274
Tons milled                             905 000      860 000      1 660 000
Head grade - 3 PGEs + Au         g/ton  5,7          6,1          6,0
Precious metals in concentrates
produced - 3 PGEs + Au           kg     4 249        4 316        8 372
                                 oz     136 613      138 760      269 165
Precious metals sold
- 3 PGEs + Au                    kg     4 233        4 752        9 331
                                 oz     136 094      152 788      299 997
Average price realised
- 3 PGEs + Au                    R/kg   161 391      79 038       100 701
                                 $/oz   688          402          492
Operating costs - 3 PGEs + Au    R/kg   96 158       70 362       77 214
                                 $/oz   410          358          378
Cash costs - 3 PGEs + Au         R/kg   85 847       61 994       69 403
                                 $/oz   366          315          339
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure incurred
during the period                R000   84 984       18 982       343 389
Capital commitments at
end of period Contracted         R000   31 743       7 811        37 965
Authorised but not contracted    R000   14 838       7 272        -
                                 R000   46 581       15 083       37 965

Accounting policies
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis in
accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and incorporate the
accounting policies which are consistent with those adopted in the previous
year. The comparative figures for the six months ended 31 December 1999 have
been restated to comply with the above.

Comment on results
It is with deep regret that the board records that three employees lost their
lives as a result of mine accidents. Management is committed to reducing the
incidence of mine accidents, and notes that the number of lost time and
reportable injuries continued on a downward trend and is currently at the
lowest level in two years.

Financial results
A combination of sustained higher metal prices and the weak Rand resulted in
an improvement in sales revenues. As anticipated, costs associated with the
accelerated development programme and the commencement of stoping operations
on the UG2 reef horizon contributed to an increase in operating costs.

The profit attributable to shareholders of R257,6 million increased by 292%
compared to the six months ended 31 December 1999.

The company's policy is to distribute earnings in full after provision for
increases in working capital and capital investments.

The interim dividend of 100 cents per share recognises the sound financial
position of the company.

Operating performance
The accelerated development programme has maintained the face length available
for mining as planned. Expenditure of R33,2 million on this project is
included in operating costs and contributed R7 812/kg and $33/oz to the cash
costs of R85 847/kg and $366/oz respectively.

Despite a drop in the average head grade, an increase in mill throughput
resulted in only a marginal decline in metals output.

Capital expenditure
Total capital expenditure for the period under review was R85,0 million, which
includes R64,4 million spent on the UG2 Project. It is anticipated that
expenditure for the year will be marginally lower than the forecast of R131,6

UG2 Project
This project has progressed exceptionally well, with the concentrator plant
commissioned ahead of schedule and slightly below budgeted cost. The
establishment of stoping infrastructure continues as planned. By December 2000
a surface stockpile of 53 000 tons had been built up and 45 000 tons of ore
had been processed. It is anticipated that the planned milling rate of 75 000
tons per month will be achieved in February 2001.

The operation is poised for an overall improvement in performance. With an
increase in metals produced, a reduction in unit costs will be achieved.
Provided that rand metal prices remain at their present levels, operating
profits for the second half of the year will exceed those of the first half.

Cautionary announcement
Shareholders are referred to the cautionary announcement dated 18 January 2001
concerning the possible acquisition of Kroondal Platinum Mines Limited. A
further announcement in this regard will be made in due course.

Dividend number 5 of 100 cents per share has been declared in South African
currency, payable to members registered at the close of business on 16
February 2001.

Dividends will be electronically transferred to members' accounts on 7 March
2001, or where this method of payment has not been mandated, dividend warrants
will be posted to members on 6 March 2001.

The standard conditions relating to the payment of dividends are obtainable
from the transfer secretaries, Computershare Services Limited, Edura House, 41
Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, 2001, or the United Kingdom secretaries, St
James's Corporate Services Limited, 6 St James's Place, London, SW1A 1NP.

On behalf of the Board

T M G Sexwale                           I C Watson
Chairman                                Managing Director

24 January 2001

Registered Office
Kenilworth House      PO Box 61525
Rutherford Estate     Marshalltown
1 Scott Street        2107
Waverley 2090         Republic of South Africa

Directors: T M G Sexwale (Chairman), I C Watson (Managing Director), M E
Beckett (British), B E Davison, E Ford (British), (Alternate: B E Ngubane), A
S Malone, E Molobi, R H H van Kerckhoven (Belgian), B R van Rooyen, M J
Company Secretary: S J van der Spuy.

These results are available on our website at www.northam.co.za

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Sg Issuer 27 (LSE:61CK)
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부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Sg Issuer 27 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.