Aguia Resources Limited ABN 94 128 256 888 (ASX: AGR, TSXV: AGRL)
Aguia or
Company) is pleased to
provide the Company's shareholders with the following update.
The Company is awaiting the granting of the
Preliminary License (LP), being the environmental
and social license at its Tres Estradas Phosphate Project.
Meanwhile, the exploration team has had additional success across
existing copper tenements. Corporate changes and recent spend have
exceeded the forecasts provided to shareholders in the Quarterly
Report dated 30 April 2019 by approximately A$800,000 and the
Company has recently identified likely recurrent savings
approaching A$1.0 million pa outside the core operational focus in
Quote by Managing Director – Mr Justin
Reid“The focus of our entire Board and Management team is
setting the path for a strong pipeline of value creation within the
Company. The Tres Estradas phosphate project is now well advanced,
and we expect the LP to be approved soon which will be a major step
towards building the mine and going into production. Our copper
expansion strategy is already laying the foundation of significant
value creation for our shareholders due to the large tenement
holding and discovery of numerous copper occurrences. Our
geological assets are ideally located in a region which has
significant infrastructure including; rail, power, road and
workforce within mining skills.”
Quote by Technical Director – Mr
Fernando Tallarico“The team on the ground are extremely
excited with recent progress across the copper exploration program.
The Rio Grande area has the potential to deliver multiple
discoveries and we believe it has the potential to be an important
copper belt in Brazil. With respect to the phosphate we believe the
approval of the LP is imminent and we are preparing for our team to
advance as quickly as we can towards the next stage of permitting
and then construction. The copper exploration will be split between
identification of new copper occurrences and selective drilling of
targets which offer simple and low-cost opportunities to deliver
Tres Estradas Phosphate Project
UpdateFollowing the March 2019 Community Consultation
meeting the Company has been required to liaise on a small number
of matters with the majority now complete. The final request has
involved a small number of additional environmental water samples
be taken, with independent results to be passed to government.
The Company expects this is the final step
before granting of the LP.
This then paves the way for advancement to the
next stage of development, which includes the following:
- Ordering of long-lead time items of
plant and equipment;
- Signing off-take agreements with
phosphate customers;
- Debt financing;
- Final detailed engineering, key
contractors appointed;
- Granting of the Installation
License (LI);
- Equity financing
The Company is extremely grateful for the
community’s strong support over so many years and looks forward to
moving towards construction soon.
Exploration BackgroundThe
Company now has an exploration portfolio totalling 861km2 in
Southern Brazil in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.
Originally the early tenements were focused on
phosphate exploration and after the discovery of the Tres Estradas
Phosphate Project (TEPP) additional efforts were
focused on identifying additional phosphate occurrences within
100km radius of the TEPP, with discoveries (now owned or optioned)
made at 6 sites:
- Santa Clara,
- Terra Santa,
- Mato Grande;
- Joca Tavares,
- Porteira and
- Santa Ines.
We are hopeful that the above discoveries will
add to the feedstock and life of the TEPP.
Knowledge of a now exhausted copper mine located
in the eastern portion of the Rio Grande Copper Belt coupled with
information searches which identified smaller ancient copper
workings closer by (near the recently acquired Andrade and
Primavera prospects) led to a decision to do more detailed desktop
analysis. Mineralization in the belt seemed to be associated with
fractured volcanic and sedimentary rocks adjacent or on top of more
recently emplaced large granite bodies (plutons). It was postulated
that the granite provided a heat source which also liberated metals
and caused widespread fracturing of nearby rock layers whereby
metals could move to fractures created and in some cases in
quantities enough to support economic exploitation.
The Company’s technical director, Fernando
Tallarico, is credited with recognising a similar geological
setting west of the granite ranges (which are located to the east
and north east of the TEPP).
Copper Exploration
UpdateBecause of the number of copper showings discovered
over a large area, as well as the advanced exploration assets
obtained with the Andrade acquisition reported in February 2019,
the Company now has a large tenement position in a Copper
There are signs of copper at 6 locations, which
have been elevated to Targets, along with the Andrade deposit which
already has a modest resource as follows:
- Andrade and
- Canhada
- Carlota
- Big Ranch
- Seival
- Passo Feio
The Company has amassed hundreds of samples
across other tenements, other than those above, awaiting assay.
It is now thought after observing similar
geological features over a large area that there are some common
factors in what is now being observed on the ground. To put these
in context we provide details of the major features of the Rio
Grande Copper Belt below:
- The area is host to ancient layers
of sedimentary rocks, at deeper levels these are of marine origin
(sandstones, shales, limestone, etc) and at higher (younger) levels
there are volcanic rock layers (volcanic lava and ash) as well as
younger layers of sandstone.
- Also, long ago the area was torn by
major faults generally trending NNE with frequent cross faults
which provide zones of weakness.
- More recently, a very large granite
system has risen from deep within the crust and now stands as
mountain plateaus and in other areas sits buried beneath.
The granite provided a heat source and lifted
sometimes near vertical the rock layers adjacent to it and acted to
lift rock layers above it.
Volcanic rocks (lava and ash) are typically of
low porosity (fluids do not easily flow through them) and very
brittle. Hence the tectonic forces acted to flex, twist and in many
places shatter these rock layers.
The granite as it cooled has a change in
chemistry because those minerals that become solid first leave the
remaining fluid with a changed chemistry, in a process known as
differentiation. As this process continues, sometimes metals are
concentrated in the residual components of the differentiated
hydrothermal system, and these can circulate under high pressure
into surrounding rocks and even interact with other meteoric fluids
(predominately water).
Metal bearing fluids under pressure will find
the line of least resistance, for example travelling up faults and
contacts between rocks of different competency and entering more
porous rock layers or acting to fracture further already brittle
and fractured rocks.
All of the above 6 targets, are hosted within
near shattered volcanic rocks and are located either adjacent or
above granites.
Target DetailsThe following map
highlights the location of the current tenements and targets which
are up to 80km distant along with the location of regional granite
outcrops (shown in pink), and the major faults which have been
Figure 1. Map of Aguia’s current mining claims
Andrade – PrimaveraThe Andrade
deposit is located on the west flank of the Caçapava Granite and
consists of a larger envelope of low-grade copper-silver
mineralization with higher grade panels that appear structurally
controlled by sub-vertical, northwest trending fault structures.
Mineralization is hosted by the metavolcanic rocks and forms below
the contact with the overlying conglomerate. Mineralization occurs
both as disseminated sulphides and on the selvages of carbonate
stringer veins. The principal minerals of economic interest are
bornite, chalcocite, and lesser chalcopyrite.
Drilling conducted by Aguia earlier this year
combined with 38 historical drill holes by the previous owner
between 2009 and 2010 defined an NI 43-101/JORC compliant Inferred
Mineral Resource of 10.8 Mt at average grades of 0.56 % Cu and 2.56
ppm Ag (see Table 1 below). The Andrade deposit is open along
strike to the north, south, and at depth.
The immediate surrounds of the deposit have good
exploration potential. Within the deposit, the high-grade lenses
show the potential for future economic extraction; additional
drilling is required for their further expansion and delineation.
This has the potential to upgrade and expand the existing resource
estimates in both open pit and underground mining scenarios.
Tonnes (kt) |
Cu Grade(%) |
Ag Grade(g/t) |
Cu (kLb) |
Ag (kOz) |
Oxide |
Open Pit |
1,337 |
0.43 |
2.54 |
12,778 |
109 |
Sulphide |
Open Pit |
8,796 |
0.51 |
2.15 |
98,525 |
607 |
Underground |
675 |
1.42 |
8.06 |
21,185 |
175 |
10,807 |
0.56 |
2.56 |
132,488 |
891 |
- Mineral Resources conform to the
standards set out by CIM (2014) and JORC Code (2012)
- Open pit resources are stated
within a Whittle pit shell, above a cut-off grade of 0.2% Cu
- Underground resources are reported
above a cut-off grade of 1% Cu
- Cut-off grades were calculated
using a copper price of US$3.50/lb and a silver price of
- Average bulk densities of 2.68 t/m3
for high grade domains and 2.6 t/m3 for low grade and waste domains
were applied
- Resources are reported on a 100%
basis. No mining loss or mining dilution factors have been applied
to the reported figures.
- Mineral Resources are not Ore
Reserves and should not be considered as such. They do not have
demonstrated economic viability
- Totals may not sum due to
Figure 2. Geological map of the Andrade
Table 2. Summary of mineralized intercepts at
PrimaveraThe Primavera Target
is located 3.8 km South of Andrade in a similar context, where
mineralization is located primarily along the contact between
sedimentary and volcanic rocks (see Figure 3). Historical trenching
in Primavera has returned up to 52 metres grading 1.03% Cu and 6.20
gpt Ag (TRPR11) and 11 metres grading 1.16% Cu and 25.16 gpt Ag
Figure 3. Geological map of the Andrade –
CanhadaLocated in gently
undulating farmland (adjacent to a road with power), Canhada has
historic rock samples with copper assays of over 4% and a historic
trench (below) which the Company intends to sample. The copper
exists as veins within highly fractured volcanic rock and in places
has weathered to intense green and blue shades from the original
veins. Airborne geophysics shows Canhada as a magnetic low, caused
by near surface weathering of associated magnetic iron (magnetite)
to non-magnetic iron (hematite).
Figure 4. Historical Trench with copper showings
at Canhada
Figure 5. Map of the Canhada Target, with the
copper-in-soil geochemical grid on the background. Small dark blue
square indicates the historical trench area and the larger light
blue square a zone of very intense airborne potash anomaly where
the IP survey was
The Company intends to sample this trench,
located in the south west, its entire distance (currently 150m) and
if confirmed by geophysics to lengthen the trench. Should trench
sampling confirm copper grades identified to date, shallow drilling
may be undertaken.
The Canhada anomaly is 27km2 in size and
measures approximately 9x3km.
Geophysics (on ground – dipole:dipole) in the
north east has mapped conductors (thought to show sulphur bearing
minerals) down to 200m and 13 drill holes have been planned.
Figure 6. Area of detailed IP geophysics at
Canhada Target
CarlotaLocated on the eastern
edge and adjacent to a granite plateau. Rock sampling and soil
sampling have identified anomalous zones of elevated copper and
gold, including visible free gold. As reported on May 6,
2019, results from rock samples collected at Carlota included
Sample 99987 which returned 48 g/t Au and 1.63% Cu and Sample 99994
which returned 13.4 g/t Au 0.16% Cu.
Figure 7. Visible gold in quartz
Figure 8. Rock assays and geological map of the
Big RanchThe Big Ranch Target
is located immediately north of the Caçapava Granite and consists
of several copper-in-soils anomalies associated to a strong IP
chargeability anomaly in the northern portion of the target as
shown in the map below. Ten dipole-dipole radial lines were
surveyed along the target and guided the first pass exploration
drilling completed in late 2018.
Figure 9. Map of the Big Ranch Target,
IP-Chargeability map and drill hole
Drilling was used to map the different
alteration zones and to test the bulk of the ring-shaped IP
chargeability anomaly, that revealed to be primarily associated
with iron sulfides minerals (such as pyrite). Minor copper and lead
sulfides were intercepted by drilling but so far in very narrow
zones (see table below). Further drilling will be necessary to test
second scale EW-trending IP anomalies.
Table 3. Assay results from Big Ranch
drill campaign
Hole |
From(m) |
To (m) |
Length(m) |
Cu% |
Zn% |
Pb% |
Au gpt |
Ag gpt |
RGD-18-002 |
34.30 |
37.60 |
3.30 |
0.29 |
Including |
0.60 |
0.13 |
0.70 |
0.34 |
50.45 |
51.70 |
1.25 |
0.36 |
0.12 |
80.40 |
81.55 |
1.15 |
1.21 |
0.56 |
Including |
0.55 |
1.72 |
1.06 |
89.50 |
90.20 |
0.70 |
1.48 |
114.00 |
115.00 |
1.00 |
0.46 |
138.25 |
140.25 |
2.00 |
0.55 |
0.11 |
138.25 |
140.25 |
2.00 |
0.55 |
0.11 |
RGD-18-006 |
151.72 |
152.70 |
0.98 |
0.72 |
RGD-18-007 |
0.00 |
1.40 |
1.40 |
17.00 |
24.05 |
27.00 |
2.95 |
0.88 |
Including |
0.95 |
2.04 |
118.55 |
119.10 |
0.55 |
0.83 |
0.28 |
5.60 |
RGD-18-008 |
4.95 |
5.60 |
0.65 |
0.11 |
5.60 |
10.90 |
5.30 |
0.14 |
29.29 |
30.00 |
0.71 |
0.32 |
91.37 |
92.14 |
0.77 |
0.15 |
RGD-18-009 |
132.00 |
133.00 |
1.00 |
0.27 |
135.00 |
136.00 |
1.00 |
0.13 |
138.00 |
139.00 |
1.00 |
0.26 |
RGD-18-010 |
47.15 |
47.65 |
0.50 |
0.19 |
0.43 |
0.20 |
8.10 |
55.50 |
57.00 |
1.50 |
0.17 |
RGD-19-011 |
9.85 |
12.40 |
2.55 |
0.22 |
0.15 |
2.54 |
SeivalThe Seival Target is
located some 30 km to the southwest of the City of Caçapava and is
interpreted to be associated to the same structural corridor (a
major fault) that controlled the Andrade and Primavera trend.
Initial rock sampling included a sample which returned 2.3% copper
in volcanic rocks (see Table 4 below).
Figure 10. Geological map of the southern
portion of the Caçapava Granite, highlighting the location of the
Seival Target and the potential structural corridor of connecting
to Andrade and
Sample |
Cu_ppm |
Cu% |
96232 |
248427 |
6596617 |
23013 |
2.30 |
96233 |
248427 |
6596617 |
6764 |
0.68 |
96234 |
248150 |
6596454 |
65 |
0.01 |
96235 |
247212 |
6596136 |
118 |
0.01 |
96236 |
247583 |
6596253 |
37 |
0.00 |
96237 |
247924 |
6596347 |
887 |
0.09 |
Table 4. Rock sampling results from the Seival Target |
Passo FeioThe Passo Feio target
was selected because of a large low-magnetic airborne geophysical
anomaly, interpreted to be related to the hydrothermal oxidation of
magnetite to hematite. Further field follow-up resulted in the
identification of many copper showings hosted by heavily fractured
volcanic rocks, very similar to what is seen at the Canhada target.
The next steps of the program will be to conduct an initial soil
sampling program followed by systematic mapping and rock sampling,
followed by ground geophysics.
Figure 11. Airborne magnetic map of the Passo
Feio Target, highlighting the low-magnetic zone where several
copper showings were found in the center of the anomaly.
Geochemical lines are planned to follow-up these
Financial ReviewThe Board of
the Company has recently initiated a review of the Company's
financial and operating situation and prospects with the view of
determining how best to optimise the value of the Company and its
assets (Review).
The initial phases of the Review will
- the Company's current financial position, obligations and
ongoing working capital requirements to determine the Company's
immediate and medium-term cash needs;
- recurrent and non-recurrent cost savings possible outside the
core focus of the Company’s efforts in Brazil so that funding
available is predominately directed towards development of the Tres
Estradas Phosphate Project and to copper exploration.
- a review of the Company's portfolio of assets to determine how
best to maximise the value of each of these assets for the benefit
of the Company as a whole;
The Company can report that the spend forecasts
provided in the March Quarterly Cashflow Report dated 30 April 2019
understate the position now estimated at 30 June 2019 by
approximately A$800,000.
Pleasingly efforts to identify recurrent savings
have identified approximately A$1.0 million pa outside the core
focus of the Company being Brazil.
The Board and Management is aiming to maximise
spend on efforts pertaining to the phosphate and copper assets
whilst limiting corporate overheads.
Over the coming weeks, we expect to be able to
provide all shareholders with updates in relation to the progress
and results of the Review, generally, as well as in relation to
each of the above noted areas of the Review, specifically.
The Company also reports that Chief Financial
Officer Ryan Ptolemy has resigned. Aguia wishes Mr. Ptolemy
well in his future endeavours and thanks him for his service to the
The Board and Management looks forward to
providing all shareholders with fulsome details of how our
genuinely held belief that the Company could become a valuable
mineral exploration and production company may become a
For more information in relation to the Review
or about Aguia, please contact Justin Reid, Managing Director on or visit's Aguia's website at
Qualified PersonThe technical
information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by
Dr. Fernando Tallarico, who is a member of the Association of
Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, Technical Director for Aguia
and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument
43-101. Dr. Tallarico consents to the inclusion of his name
in this release. Dr. Tallarico verified the data disclosed in this
press release in accordance with industry standard best practices,
including sampling, analytical, and test data underlying the
information or opinions contained
JORC Code Competent Person
Statements:The information in this report that relates to
Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore
Reserves is based on information compiled by Dr Fernando Tallarico,
who is a member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of
Ontario. Dr Tallarico is a full-time employee of the company. Dr
Tallarico has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style
of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to
the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting
of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Dr
Tallarico consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters
based on his information in the form and context in which it
About Aguia:
Aguia Resources Limited, (“Aguia”) is an ASX and
TSX Venture listed company whose primary focus is on the
exploration and development of mineral resource projects in Brazil.
Aguia has an established and highly experienced in-country team
based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil with corporate offices in Sydney,
Australia. Aguia’s key projects are located in Rio Grande do
Sul, a prime farming area which is 100% dependent on phosphate
imports. The Rio Grande phosphate deposits exhibit high
quality and low cost production characteristics, and are ideally
located with proximity to road, rail, and port
infrastructure. Aguia’s experienced management team has a
proven track record of advancing high quality mining assets to
production in Brazil.
Cautionary Statement on Forward Looking
This press release contains "forward-looking
information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian and
Australian securities legislation. Forward-looking information
includes, without limitation, statements regarding the results of
the Mineral Resource Statement, the mineral resource estimates,
production targets, the anticipated timetable, permitting, forecast
financial information, bankable feasibility study and ability to
finance the project, and the prospectivity and potential of the
Trȇs Estradas Phosphate Project and Rio Grande Copper
Generally, forward-looking information can be
identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget",
"scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or
"does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words
and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may",
"could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be
achieved". The material factors and assumptions underlying the
forward‑looking information of the Mineral Resource Statement
results have been outlined above and will be detailed in the
associated technical report.
Forward-looking information is subject to known
and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause
the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements
of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or
implied by such forward-looking information, including risks
inherent in the mining industry and risks described in the public
disclosure of the Company which is available under the profile of
the Company on SEDAR at, on the ASX website at and on the Company's website at These risks should be considered
Although the Company has attempted to identify
important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those contained in forward-looking information,
there may be other factors that cause results not to be as
anticipated, estimated or intended. Persons reading this news
release are cautioned that such statements are only predictions and
there can be no assurance that such information will prove to be
accurate, as actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly,
readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
information. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to
update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result
of new information, estimates, options, future events, results or
otherwise and does not undertake to update any forward-looking
information, except in accordance with applicable securities
Aguia Resources (TSXV:AGRL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025
Aguia Resources (TSXV:AGRL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025