Gold Fields Reports Increase in Mineral Resources and Reserves

Johannesburg, 2 October 2003: Gold Fields Limited (GFI - NYSE and JSE)
announces increases in both its Mineral Resources and Reserves for fiscal year
ending 30 June, 2003.

Attributable Resources have increased from 186.0 to 195.3 million ounces,
including the Arctic Platinum Project in Finland. Attributable Reserves have
increased by 3.0 million ounces to 81.5 million ounces.

Ian Cockerill, Chief Executive Officer of Gold Fields said: "To end the year
with a net gain of 3 million reserve ounces, and to offset the 4.7 million
ounces we depleted, means that we actually found 7.7 million ounces of new
reserves during the year. This reflects well on the increased focus on organic
growth and exploration within Gold Fields."

Gold Fields spends approximately US$70 million a year on exploration worldwide.
Of this, approximately US$30 million is spent on brownfields exploration on or
near existing mining properties, where the new reserves were found.

Gold Fields reports its Mineral Resources and Reserves in accordance with the
South African Code for the Reporting of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
(SAMREC Code). The code has been incorporated into the rules of the JSE
Securities Exchange South Africa regarding listing requirements and continuing
obligations. In addition Gold Fields has written and implemented an additional
internal code of practice that takes cognisance of the diverse nature of its
operations and considers the requirements of all internationally recognised
codes, including industry Guide 7 as interpreted by the Staff of the US
Securities Exchange Commission.

A comprehensive Resources and Reserves Statement can be found on the Company's
website at or in its recently published annual report for
2003 which was mailed to all shareholders and is available upon request.


South Africa

Willie Jacobsz

Tel       +27 11 644-2460

Fax      +27 11 484-0639

North America

Cheryl A Martin

Tel       +303 796-8683

Fax      +303 796-8293


                      Resource                                    Reserve              
GOLD             Mill    Grade    Gold    Gold Attributable  Mill    Head   Gold   Gold
                 Tons                                        Tons                      
                 (Mt)    (g/t)    (000    (000       %       (Mt)   Grade   (000   (000
                                   oz)     oz)                               oz)    oz)
                                 F2003   F2002                      (g/t)  F2003  F2002
Driefontein     148.5     11.0  52,616  49,623     100      108.8     7.7 27,102 27,651
Kloof           207.9     13.0  86,979  84,261     100      106.0     9.1 31,092 29,974
Beatrix         132.4      5.4  23,069  21,539     100       77.2     4.9 12,186 12,496
SA Operations*  488.8     10.4 162,664 155,423              292.0     7.5 70,380 70,121
Tarkwa          471.9      1.5  22,309  18,890    71.1      232.0     1.3  9,828  6,530
Damang           27.9      1.7   1,516   1,765    71.1       17.3     1.7    919  1,189
St Ives          87.0      2.6   7,295   6,742     100       28.2     3.3  2,989  2,336
Agnew            12.7      5.4   2,198   1,810     100        2.6     6.4    535    601
Operations      599.4      1.7  33,318  29,207              280.1     1.6 14,271 10,656
Gold Fields   1,088.1      5.6 195,982 184,630              572.1     4.6 84,650 80,777
PLATINUM         Tons   2 PGE2     PGE                                                 
                           +Au     +Au                                                 
(000 oz)                                                                               
Arctic          156.7      2.4  12,213  14 400      51                            
Precious      1,244.8           208,195 199,030              572.1         84,650 80,777
to Gold        1023.6           195,325 186,005              500.1         81,544 78,546

Statement excludes St Helena which was sold on the 29 October 2002.
