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Official List 24 June 2009 ? NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF LISTING FROM THE OFFICIAL LIST 24/06/2009 8:00am CANCELLATION Inion Oy ? The Financial...
Inion Oy 23 June 2009 ? Inion Oy ("Inion" or the "Company") Final Day Trading Tampere, Finland and Guildford, UK. 23 June 2009, Inion (LSE:...
Inion Oy 22 June 2009 A second and final Price Monitoring Extension has been activated in this security. The closing auction call period is...
Inion Oy 22 June 2009 Today's closing auction call period has been extended in this security by 5 minutes. Auction call extensions give London...
Inion Oy 28 May 2009 ? Inion Oy ("Inion or the "Company") Notice of AGM Tampere, Finland and Guildford, UK. 28 May 2009. The shareholders of...
Inion Oy 27 May 2009 ? Standard form TR-1 Shares and voting rights attached to shares - Chapter 2, Section 9 of the SMA Agreement or other...
Inion Oy 26 May 2009 ? Inion Oy ("Inion" or the "Company") Inion shareholders approve proposal to cancel admission of Ordinary Shares to the...
Inion Oy 19 May 2009 ? Inion Oy ("Inion or the "Company") Interim Management Statement Tampere, Finland and Guildford, UK.19 May 2009, Inion...
Inion Oy 18 May 2009 ? TR-1:notification of major interests in shares + + + + | 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying | Inion OY | |...
Inion Oy 18 May 2009 ? Standard form TR-1 Shares and voting rights attached to shares - Chapter 2, Section 9 of the SMA Agreement or other...
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