28 April 2023

Final results

31 December 2022

Foresight Enterprise VCT plc, managed by Foresight Group LLP, today announces the final results for the year ended 31 December 2022.

These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 28 April 2023.

The Annual Report will shortly be available in full at https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=fhW6Jz-KJsa24mQSjKJc0RKWRExWAmrMDUT3BfH1107KzRH2bNrQiwxv0I5cQUGshJq9MCDEagt3TGYwyTUHQCfiDcHDlN3R_z0wBZTQqnDixg_hx1f6Z_uE8LzNeM-Q www.foresightenterprisevct.com. All other statutory information can also be found there.


   -- After adding back the payments of a 3.5p dividend made on 30 June 2022 
      and a 3.8p dividend made on 30 December 2022, NAV Total Return per share 
      at 31 December 2022 was 72.2p, representing a positive total return of 
      4.5% in the year 
   -- Four new investments costing GBP6.9 million and three follow-on 
      investments costing GBP2.1 million were made during the year 
   -- The Company fully exited its investments in TFC Europe Limited and 
      Codeplay Software Limited, realising gains of GBP17.3 million in the year 
      and returning proceeds of GBP19.7 million to the Company 
   -- In the year, the valuation of investments increased by GBP8.7 million 
      (2021: GBP22.3 million) 
   -- An interim dividend of 3.5p per share was paid on 30 June 2022, returning 
      GBP6.9 million to Shareholders 
   -- A special interim dividend of 3.8p per share was paid on 30 December 2022 
      following successful realisations of TFC Europe and Codeplay Software, 
      returning GBP8.1 million to Shareholders 
   -- The offer for subscription launched in October 2022 was closed on 26 
      April 2023 and raised a total of GBP21.7 million after expenses 

Chair's statement

I am pleased to present the audited Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 and to report a Net Asset Value Total Return of 4.5% for the year including a dividend yield of 12.5%.

Overview of 2022

The business environment remains challenging after the substantial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic receded, with the war in Ukraine, supply chain issues, rapidly rising inflation and energy prices, and the threat of recession the new economic reality. I believe that the careful planning, help and advice the Manager provided the portfolio companies during the pandemic will continue to be relevant to the current and future economic situations. While there will be bumps in the road, the Board believes that the portfolio is in good shape to withstand what we currently see ahead.

The Company's portfolio in aggregate has remained resilient amid economic and political turmoil that has plagued 2022. Many of the portfolio companies have successfully adapted to the new economic landscape, with some performing extremely well and demonstrating the strength of their management teams. A minority struggled as a result of a fall in consumer demand, inflationary pressures and a surge in the cost of energy prices. However, these businesses are now beginning to show signs of recovery.

In the year ended 31 December 2022, 23 companies in the portfolio recorded a combined increase in valuation of GBP20.0 million, offset by 14 companies recording an aggregate fall in valuation of GBP11.3 million.


The Board believes that it is in the best interests of Shareholders to continue to pursue a strategy of:

   -- Growth in Net Asset Value Total Return above a 5% target while continuing 
      to grow the Company's assets 
   -- Payment of annual dividends of at least 5% of the NAV per share per annum 
      based on the opening NAV of that financial year 
   -- Implementation of a significant number of new and follow-on qualifying 
      investments every year, exceeding deployment requirements to maintain VCT 
   -- Maintaining a programme of regular share buybacks at a discount of 7.5% 

Central to the Company being able to achieve these objectives is the ability of the Manager to source and complete attractive new qualifying investment opportunities.

Whilst this task has not been made easier by the changes to VCT legislation since 2015, which (amongst other requirements) place greater emphasis on growth or development capital investment into younger companies, the Company is fortunate in that it has pursued a policy of seeking growth capital investments for several years prior to the rule changes and the Manager has an established track record in this area.

Performance and portfolio activity

During the year Net Asset Value per share decreased by 6.1% from 69.1p at 31 December 2021 to 64.9p at 31 December 2022. After adding back the payments of a 3.5p dividend made on 30 June 2022 and a 3.8p dividend made on 30 December 2022, NAV Total Return per share at 31 December 2022 was 72.2p, representing a positive total return of 4.5%. This positive movement is a result of the strategy and business changes throughout the portfolio alluded to above.

During the year the Manager completed four new investments and three follow-on investments costing GBP6.9 million and GBP2.1 million respectively. The Manager also fully disposed of two investments, generating proceeds of GBP19.7 million with a further GBP0.4 million of deferred consideration included within debtors at the year end, representing a combined return multiple of 13.0x.

After the year end, the Company made four new investments totalling GBP5.0 million in Sprintroom Limited (GBP1.0 million), Firefish Software Limited (GBP1.5 million), Five Wealth Limited (GBP0.7 million) and Red Flag Alert Limited (GBP1.8 million). The Company also completed four follow-on investments with an aggregate cost of GBP2.7 million in IMMJ Systems Limited (GBP0.7 million), NorthWest EHealth Limited (GBP1.5 million), Ten Health & Fitness Limited (GBP0.4 million) and Additive Manufacturing Technologies Ltd (GBP0.1 million). Furthermore, the Company realised its holdings in Innovation Consulting Group Limited and Datapath Group Limited. The two exits combined generated proceeds of GBP17.0 million at completion with a further GBP2.3 million of deferred consideration due over the next 24 months. Including cash returned to the date of this report, the exits have delivered an impressive aggregate return multiple of 8.4 times the original investment. Further details of these investments and realisations can be found in the Manager's Report.

The Board and the Manager are confident that a number of new and follow--on investments can be achieved this year, particularly with the increased investment activity noted above. Details of each of these new, existing and former portfolio companies can be found in the Manager's Review.

The Manager continues to see a strong pipeline of potential investments sourced through its regional networks and well-developed relationships with advisers and the SME community; however, it is also focused on supporting the existing portfolio through the current economic climate. Following the successful fundraise launched in October 2022, the Company is in a position to fully support the portfolio, where appropriate, and exploit potential attractive investment opportunities.

The offer was closed on 26 April 2023 having raised gross proceeds of GBP22.6 million, GBP21.7 million after expenses, as detailed in the post-balance sheet events in note 20 of the Annual Report and Accounts. The Board would like to thank those existing Shareholders who have already supported this offer and welcome all new Shareholders to the Company.

Responsible investing

The analysis of environmental, social and governance ("ESG") issues is embedded in the Manager's investment process and these factors are considered key in determining the quality of a business and its long-term success. Central to the Manager's responsible investment approach are five ESG principles that are applied to evaluate investee companies, acquired since May 2018, throughout the lifecycle of their investment, from their initial review and acquisition to their final sale. Every year, these portfolio companies are assessed and progress measured against these principles. More detailed information about the process can be found on pages 42 to 44 of the Manager's Review of the Annual Report and Accounts.


An interim dividend of 3.5p per share was declared on 27 May 2022 based on an ex-dividend date of 16 June 2022 and a record date of 17 June 2022. The dividend was paid on 30 June 2022, returning GBP6.9 million to Shareholders.

Following the successful realisations of TFC Europe and Codeplay Software, a special interim dividend of 3.8p per share was declared on 8 November 2022 based on an ex-dividend date of 15 December 2022 and a record date of 16 December 2022. The dividend was paid on 30 December 2022, returning GBP8.1 million to Shareholders.

As noted in the prior Annual Report and Accounts and in light of the change in portfolio towards earlier-stage, higher-risk companies as required by the VCT rules, the Board felt it prudent to adjust the dividend policy towards a targeted annual dividend yield of 5% of NAV per annum. The Board and the Manager continue to hope that this may be enhanced by additional "special" dividends as and when particularly successful portfolio exits are made.


The Board is pleased to have achieved an average discount across all buybacks of 7.5% to the Net Asset Value per share in the year, but continues to have an objective of achieving and maintaining buybacks at a discount of 5% over the medium term, subject to market conditions.

Management charges and performance incentive

The annual management fee is an amount equal to 2.0% of net assets. This has resulted in ongoing charges for the period ended 31 December 2022 of 2.30% after adding back special dividends paid during the year to the year end net assets and adding back the performance incentive accrual to total expenses for the year, which is at the lower end of the range when compared to competitor VCTs.

As explained in note 13 of the Annual Report and Accounts, the Directors have prepared a calculation incorporating estimated future dividends over the vesting period and expect a performance incentive fee to become payable during the vesting period. Therefore, a liability of GBP280,000 has been recognised as at 31 December 2022 (2021: GBPnil).

Shareholder communication

We were delighted to meet once again with some Shareholders in person at the AGM on 9 June 2022, having long been unable to do so as a result of the travel restrictions due to COVID-19. Following the disappointing remote attendance at the hybrid event, the Board will be reverting to an in-person event only in the future. Additionally, the Manager once again reintroduced in-person investor forum events in the year which have proven popular with our Shareholders in the past.

Board composition

The Board continues to review its own performance and undertakes succession planning to maintain an appropriate level of independence, experience, diversity and skills in order to be in a position to discharge all its responsibilities. We are in the process of adding new Board members in view of the retirement of Simon Jamieson at the AGM and we hope to be able to make an announcement at that time.

I thank Simon for his dedication to the Company and the Board over the last nine years, having overseen a transformation of the Company strategy through previously difficult times. I wish him all the best for the future.

Annual General Meeting

The Company's Annual General Meeting will take place on 8 June 2023 at 1.00pm and we look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in person. Please refer to the formal notice on pages 96 to 99 of the Annual Report and Accounts for further details in relation to the format of this year's meeting. We would encourage you to submit your votes by proxy ahead of the deadline of 1.00pm on 6 June 2023 and to forward any questions by email to InvestorRelations@foresightgroup.eu in advance of the meeting.

Sunset clause

The "Sunset Clause" for EIS and VCT reliefs has to be reviewed by the government by 6 April 2025. The clause provides that income tax relief will no longer be given to subscriptions made on or after 6 April 2025, unless the legislation is amended to make the scheme permanent, or the "sunset clause" is extended. The government has the power to extend or remove the sunset clause through secondary legislation, which would allow the VCT & EIS schemes to operate in their current form beyond the current expiry date of the scheme. The then Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng announced during his mini-budget of 23 September 2022 that venture capital schemes will be safeguarded beyond 2025 but no further details were given as to how this will be implemented. To date, the now Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has yet to clarify. However, through correspondence with the Treasury Select Committee, the Chancellor has stated that it is the government's firm intention to extend the VCT and EIS schemes beyond the sunset on 6 April 2025 and that further details will be provided in due course. The Treasury Select Committee also notes that the UK should be able to extend the scheme without European Commission approval, clarified by the recently announced Northern Ireland Protocol, the Windsor Framework.


As mentioned in my introduction, while the impact of the pandemic has lessened, other economic impacts are being seen after Russia invaded Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the significant rise in energy prices, rapid inflation, the cost of living crisis and the potential for a global recession. Supply chains remain under pressure post-Brexit and pandemic, and after the Russian invasion, such issues are unlikely to be resolved soon. While the Company's portfolio has not been materially exposed to either Russia or Ukraine, it is very likely that the economic impacts we are currently experiencing will raise issues and concerns for the individual investee company management teams and the Manager.

However, the portfolio is showing signs of resilience and the Manager has been working with management teams to assess business plans, consider funding requirements and help navigate through these difficult times. The portfolio is well diversified in terms of sector, size and number and the Manager's approach through the pandemic will continue to be valuable to tackle the challenges ahead.

The Company is well positioned to continue to support the portfolio and the fundraising that we are making will also provide the opportunity to seek new investments and take advantage of the opportunities that will emerge from the current economic situation.

Raymond Abbott


28 April 2023

Manager's review

As at 31 December 2022 the Company's portfolio comprised 41 investments with a total cost of GBP69.9 million and a valuation of GBP112.0 million.

Portfolio summary

The portfolio is diversified by sector, transaction type and maturity profile. Details of the ten largest investments by valuation, including an update on their performance, are provided on pages 26 to 30 of the Annual Report and Accounts.

In the year, the valuation of investments increased by GBP8.7 million. Overall, the portfolio has performed well despite uncertainty in the markets following the impact of COVID-19 and subsequent geopolitical uncertainty and price inflation.

In line with the Board's strategic objectives, the Investment Manager remains focused on growing the Company through further development of NAV whilst paying an annual dividend to Shareholders of at least 5% of the NAV per share. In the year, net assets increased 3.9% to GBP138.5 million and an annual dividend of at least 5% of the NAV per share as at 31 December 2021 was paid, meaning that the Company successfully met these objectives.

New investments

2022 was a mixed year in the markets, with the technology sector in particular performing strongly early in 2022 but then seeing a significant softening. Many investee management teams have successfully steered their businesses through the uncertainty of 2022, whilst developing clearer medium and longer-term growth plans. The Manager has invested further in its origination capabilities and identified a large number of potentially attractive investment opportunities during the year.

Over the course of 2022, four new investments were completed; a total investment of GBP6.9 million. New investments were across compliance technology, health services, advanced materials and insure-tech. Behind these, there continues to be a strong pipeline of opportunities that the Manager expects to convert during the next 12 months. Follow-on investments totalling GBP2.1 million were also made

Homelink Healthcare Limited

In March 2022, the Company invested GBP1.1 million in Homelink Healthcare, a specialist provider of hospital--at--home and virtual ward services. The business employs highly qualified and experienced nurses and rehabilitation teams to provide services to patients in their own homes through contracts with the NHS. These services deliver a range of clinical interventions, including wound care, intravenous therapies, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The nurses are paid in-line with NHS remuneration and the clinical services offered alleviate pressure on the NHS by freeing up vital bed space, saving time and reducing costs.

So-Sure Limited

In May 2022, the Company invested GBP1.6 million in So--Sure, a digital tech platform that operates across the entire insurance supply chain, automating much of the process from distribution and policy administration to fraud detection and claim management. The investment will be used to scale up the business by investing into marketing, technology and to improve platform automation.

Strategic Software Applications Ltd

In August 2022, the Company invested GBP1.7 million in Strategic Software Applications, which trades under the name Ruleguard, a London-based SaaS technology provider supporting financial institutions in meeting their regulatory compliance obligations. The platform enables customers to navigate the ever--growing challenges of increasing regulatory compliance requirements with efficiency, reduced risk and lower audit compliance costs. The investment will help the company to develop additional platform capabilities while scaling up sales and marketing functions to capitalise on a large and growing market opportunity.

Copptech UK Limited

In August 2022, the Company made a GBP2.5 million investment in Copptech, a developer of environmentally friendly antimicrobial technologies that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Applications for the technology are wide ranging and include diminishing the transmission of viruses in medical facilities, extending the shelf life of perishable goods, reducing discolouration and odour in clothing and providing mould, fungi and termite--resistant properties to building materials. The business has proven itself to be highly scalable across Latin America and is already seeing meaningful traction in the large North American and European markets, where it is expanding its sales teams and operations. The investment will enable Copptech to scale the business and operate globally.

Follow-on investments

The Manager had expected that more portfolio companies would need additional capital to support them through continued difficult trading conditions resulting from macroeconomic challenges and political uncertainty affecting energy and supply prices. However, the portfolio has remained relatively resilient.

The Company made follow-on investments in three companies during 2022, totalling GBP2.1 million. Further details of each of these are provided below.

The additional equity injections in the year were mainly used to support each company's further growth plans, such as launching new products or to expand into new markets. In view of the difficult economic outlook, the Manager remains vigilant about the health of the rest of the portfolio and the need for follow-on funding over the coming months.

Rovco Ltd

In March 2022, Rovco, a leading provider of autonomous and cloud-managed robotics for subsea surveys in offshore wind and oil field decommissioning, received a GBP0.5 million follow-on investment from the Company as part of a larger round with various new institutional investors. The investment will be used to further develop Rovco's technical capabilities and alleviate pressure on working capital requirements.

Hexarad Group Limited

In August 2022, a GBP0.7 million follow-on investment was made in Hexarad Group, an early-stage, high-growth healthcare technology company, providing teleradiology services to NHS Trusts and UK private healthcare customers. The investment will be used to accelerate the company's growth plans in response to significant market demand.

Spektrix Limited

In November 2022, a follow-on investment of GBP0.9 million was made in Spektrix, alongside a US institutional investor. Spektrix is an enterprise software company providing ticketing, CRM, marketing and fundraising software to companies in the performing arts sector. The investment will be used to support growth plans for the business.


The M&A climate was robust, particularly in the first half of 2022 and the Manager was pleased to report some particularly strong realisations. The Manager continues to engage with a range of potential acquirers of several portfolio companies, with demand for these high-growth businesses demonstrated by both private equity and trade buyers.

TFC Europe Limited

In June 2022, the Company sold its holding in TFC, a market-leading manufacturing operations services provider, to AFC, an Ohio-based distributor of fasteners backed by Bertram Capital, a California--based mid--market private equity house. This resulted in proceeds of GBP15.4 million at completion, representing a particularly strong return of 12.4x the original investment made by the Company and Foresight 3 VCT plc, which merged in June 2017.

With offices in the UK and Germany, TFC is predominantly a supplier of technical fasteners across Europe. Since the original investment, the Manager had taken a proactive approach to supporting TFC, helping to extend its network in the UK and Germany. TFC rapidly expanded its vendor managed inventory service, grew its customer base, and became a market-leading service provider to SMEs and international global brands operating across a range of industries. The Manager supported three acquisitions as well as considerable investment in new and existing facilities, opening new sites in England, Northern Ireland and Czechia.

Codeplay Software Limited

In June 2022, the Company completed the sale of Codeplay, one of the UK's leading providers of solutions for the semiconductor industry, to a leading US chip manufacturer.

Since the Manager's investment in 2018, Codeplay continued to develop a suite of high-performance software assets and is positioned at the centre of an increasingly important ecosystem that improves the performance of chips, used in high-performance and low-power environments, from supercomputers to self-driving cars. It has also developed new routes to market, selling its solutions to chip companies and downstream users, such as manufacturers of diagnostic healthcare equipment.

This transaction generated proceeds of GBP4.3 million, representing an exceptional return of 15.9x and an IRR

of nearly 100%.

Realisations in the year ended 31 December 2022

                              Accounting                            Valuation 
                               cost at                                at 31 
                               date of                 Realised     December 
                               disposal    Proceeds      gain         2021 
Company               Detail    (GBP)       (GBP)        (GBP)        (GBP) 
TFC Europe      Full 
 Limited         disposal      2,149,307  15,407,883   13,258,576   10,330,550 
 Software       Full 
 Limited(1)      disposal        300,000   4,300,599    4,000,599    1,697,425 
Spektrix        Loan 
 Limited         repayment       618,000     618,000           --      618,000 
 International  Loan 
 Limited         repayment       500,000     500,000           --      500,000 
 Corporation            Loan 
 Ltd               repayment     125,000     125,000           --      125,000 
Total disposals                3,692,307  20,951,482   17,259,175   13,270,975 
   1. A further GBP418,000 of deferred consideration has been reflected in the 


At 31 December 2022, the Company had cash reserves of GBP24.8 million, which will be used to fund new and follow--on investments, buybacks and running expenses. The Manager is seeing its pipeline of potential investments grow and has a number of opportunities under exclusivity or in due diligence, which continue to progress.

The volatility caused by political uncertainty, rising energy costs and broader price inflation resulted in a challenging period for many companies, with staff retention and exaggerated wage expectations causing concern for many. This does, however, create opportunities, and the Manager is well placed to consider these as they arise, whilst supporting existing portfolio companies with follow-on investments as needed.

In the medium term and long term, the Manager expects that current unpredictability will present attractive investment opportunities. It is able to access these opportunities through its wide and proprietary network of contacts around the country, and considers the Company's strategy to be well-suited to market volatility, due to its balanced mix of companies across sectors and stages, experienced investment team and network of high--quality chairs.

Post-year end activity

Sprintroom Limited

In January 2023, GBP1.0 million of growth capital was invested in Sprintroom, which trades as Sprint Electric. The business designs and manufactures drives for controlling electric motors in light and heavy industrial applications, as well as recovering and reusing otherwise lost energy. The investment will be used to further develop and commercialise novel alternating current variable speed drive technology.

IMMJ Systems Limited

In February 2023, GBP0.7 million was invested in IMMJ, a clinical electronic document management solution supplier to the NHS. The investment will be used to grow the leadership team and bolster the business' abilities to support the digitisation of records, providing easy and efficient access to patient records for clinical care across the NHS.

Firefish Software Limited

In March 2023, the Company invested GBP1.5 million in Firefish Software Limited, a Glasgow based customer relationship management and marketing software platform targeting the recruitment sector. The funding will be used to further develop the platform in order to attract a larger enterprise level customer base and expand its outbound sales team.

NorthWest EHealth Limited

In March 2023, the Company invested GBP1.5 million in NorthWest EHealth, which provides software and services to the clinical trials market, allowing pharmaceutical companies and contract research organisations to conduct feasibility studies, recruit patients and run trials. The investment will be used to support the delivery of a 100% growth in real world trial delivery in FY23, while completing building the company's Connexon platform; to be compatible with all UK healthcare data sources by year end.

Ten Health & Fitness Limited

In March 2023, Ten Health, a multi-site operator in the boutique health, wellbeing and fitness market, received an additional investment of GBP0.4 million. The funding will enable the company to complete its new flagship Kings Cross site and support the company's transition to profitability from Q1 2023.

Five Wealth Limited

In March 2023, the Company invested GBP0.7 million in Five Wealth, an established boutique financial planning business operating across the North West of England, headquartered in Manchester. This growth capital investment will be used to support increased marketing and advertising to drive top line growth and greater regulatory and compliance costs which are forecast to increase commensurately with AUM.

Red Flag Alert Limited

In March 2023, the Company invested GBP1.8 million in Reg Flag Alert, a Manchester based proprietary SaaS intelligence platform with modular capabilities spanning compliance, prospecting, risk management and financial health assessments. The growth capital will be used to expand the sales team and alongside an increased marketing budget is expected to accelerate new client acquisition.

Additive Manufacturing Technologies Ltd ("AMT")

In April 2023, the Company invested GBP0.1 million in AMT, which manufactures systems that automate the post-processing of 3D printed parts. The investment will be used to cover short-term working capital requirements, as the business continues to grow sales and pushes towards sustainable profitability.

Innovation Consulting Group Limited ("GovGrant")

In March 2023, the Company announced the impressive exit of GovGrant to Source Advisors, a US corporate buyer backed by BV Investment Partners. GovGrant is one of the UK's leading providers of R&D tax relief, patent box relief and other innovation services. The transaction generated proceeds of GBP6.8 million at completion. When added to GBP0.7 million of cash returned to date, this implies a total cash-on-cash return of 4.5 times the capital of GBP1.65 million invested in October 2015, equivalent to an IRR of 25%.

Since the original investment in 2015, the Manager had helped GovGrant through a period of material growth during which it supported the R&D activities of a growing number of customers. GovGrant's high levels of service and innovative products, such as the growing patent box offering, have contributed to driving innovation in the UK economy. The Manager had taken a proactive approach to supporting the exceptional senior management team, all of whom were introduced to the business during the investment period.

Datapath Group Limited

In March 2023, the Company announced the notable exit of Datapath, a global leader in the provision of visual solutions. The transaction generated proceeds of GBP10.2 million at completion with an additional GBP2.3 million payable over the next 24 months. When added to GBP10.8 million of cash returned to date, this implies a total cash-on-cash return of 11.7 times the original investment, equivalent to an IRR of 38% since the initial investment in 2007.

Since the original investment, the Manager had supported Datapath through a period of material growth with revenues growing from approximately GBP7 million to GBP25 million. Datapath has developed a market leading hardware and software product suite for the delivery of multi-screen displays and video walls which are sold globally to a diverse customer base across a range of sectors.

Key portfolio developments

In the year, the valuation of investments increased by GBP8.7 million.

Material changes in valuation, defined as increasing or decreasing by GBP1.0 million or more since 31 December 2021, are detailed below. Updates on these companies are included below, or in the Top Ten Investments section on pages 26 to 30 of the Annual Report and Accounts.

Key valuation changes in the year

Company                          Valuation methodology  Valuation change (GBP) 
Callen-Lenz Associates      Discounted revenue 
 Limited                     multiple                                2,865,819 
Hospital Services Group     Discounted earnings 
 Limited                     multiple                                1,174,683 
                            Price of last funding 
Spektrix Limited             round                                   1,047,483 
Innovation Consulting 
 Group Limited(1)           Discounted offer received              (1,702,886) 
                            Discounted revenue 
Biofortuna Ltd               multiple                              (1,845,281) 
Biotherapy Services 
 Limited                    Nil value                              (2,378,376) 
Datapath Group Limited(2)    Discounted offer received             (3,672,136) 
   1. GBP904,000 of this valuation decrease was recovered upon final exit in 
      March 2023. 
   2. GBP1,941,000 of this valuation decrease was recovered upon final exit in 
      March 2023. 

Biotherapy Services Limited

Biotherapy Services is an early-stage biopharma company that has developed a platform treatment for use in wound healing, initially for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers but with additional use in cardiac issues and lung treatments. The company had been progressing a clinical trial.

31 December 2022 update

Recruitment into the RAPID gel trial has now been stopped as a result of continued slow progress. The trial will be formally closed to allow the publication of positive interim data. The company is still attempting to raise funds; however, despite several positive meetings, no heads of terms have been received and there is a substantial risk that no additional funding can be secured. If no funding is received, the company will pursue a sale.


2022 has been a year of volatility for most asset classes, as rising inflation, increased energy costs and higher interest rates impacted business performance, particularly in the second half of the year. In global equity markets, the MSCI World Index fell by 10% over the 12 months, while the tech-heavy NASDAQ fell by more than 30%.

In the UK, business and consumer confidence was dented by political uncertainty and broader price inflation. Russia's invasion of Ukraine had a particularly acute effect on the UK economy as the price of electricity rose sharply due to the country's reliance on natural gas for power generation. In many markets, businesses began to invest in growth after an uncertain COVID-19 period at the same time that global supply chain issues resulted in long lead times for products, weighing on sales and increasing working capital requirements. Many businesses in the Company's portfolio faced challenges with both staff retention and hiring, as the number of vacancies and wage inflation drove staff churn. This required careful attention from management teams and the Manager's board members, but often presented an opportunity to focus on efficiency by retaining the best talent.

Despite this backdrop, the Company's portfolio performed strongly in the year, achieving a 4.5% NAV Total Return for its Shareholders, with exceptional exits from the likes of TFC and Codeplay contributing in the Company's dividend of 7.3p per share for the year, representing an attractive 12.5% dividend yield. The Company's strategy is well-suited to market volatility, given its diverse sector allocation and the mix of later and earlier--stage growth companies in the portfolio, many of which are profitable and so typically more resilient in a downturn.

Looking forward to 2023, the UK market is likely to remain unpredictable. While some forecasters are expecting interest rates to peak in the summer, the labour market remains stubbornly tight and inflation persistent, meaning that rates may remain elevated for a longer period. While a recession has been avoided to date, balancing rate increases with current low growth and productivity rates is a difficult task for politicians and rate-setters. The range of outcomes for SMEs is likely to be wide, and so a balanced approach to portfolio construction is prudent, alongside providing hands-on support for management teams as they navigate this environment.

This is not a reason to be pessimistic. The UK remains a dynamic economy, attracting some of the best global talent in technology, life sciences, engineering and financial services among many others, while its cities remain a destination for workers and tourists alike. The Manager believes that the UK has great potential in the medium and long term with many competitive advantages over its neighbours and more distant trading partners, and this temporary pullback is already presenting unique investment opportunities, which we are able to access through our wide and proprietary network of contacts around the country. A weaker sterling also attracts overseas acquirers to the UK, such as the US trade buyers for Codeplay, TFC and other exits.

The Manager is pleased with the overall performance of the portfolio over the past 12 months, especially in these challenging times, and looks forward to a further improvement as labour markets loosen, inflation reduces and interest rates peak and reverse. While the market remains uncertain, the Manager expects to see a sustained high level of activity from UK companies seeking growth capital and expects VCTs to remain an attractive source of capital for entrepreneurs. This is driven by good relative performance of the Company, supported by its diverse portfolio and high-touch approach to supporting management teams and SMEs in achieving their full potential.

James Livingston

on behalf of Foresight Group LLP

Co-Head of Private Equity

28 April 2023

Income statement

for the year ended 31 December 2022

                                                      Year ended 31 December 
                     Year ended 31 December 2022               2021 
                    Revenue    Capital     Total    Revenue   Capital   Total 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
Realised gains on 
 investments              --     17,493     17,493        --    5,763    5,763 
 (losses)/gains           --    (8,465)    (8,465)        --   17,449   17,449 
Income                   871         --        871     1,408       --    1,408 
 management fees       (681)    (2,323)    (3,004)     (604)  (1,812)  (2,416) 
Other expenses         (673)         --      (673)     (627)       --    (627) 
(Loss)/return on 
 before taxation       (483)      6,705      6,222       177   21,400   21,577 
Taxation                  --         --         --        --       --       -- 
(Loss)/return on 
 activities after 
 taxation              (483)      6,705      6,222       177   21,400   21,577 
(Loss)/return per     (0.2)p       3.3p       3.1p      0.1p    11.1p    11.2p 

The total columns of this statement are the profit and loss account of the Company and the revenue and capital columns represent supplementary information.

All revenue and capital items in the above Income Statement are derived from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those shown above, therefore no separate statement of total comprehensive income has been presented.

The Company has only one class of business and one reportable segment, the results of which are set out in the Income Statement and Balance Sheet.

There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, therefore, no diluted earnings per share figures are relevant. The basic and diluted earnings per share are, therefore, identical.

The notes on pages 80 to 95 of the Annual Report and Accounts form part of these financial statements.

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

Year ended          Called-up     Share premium   redemption  Distributable    Capital    Revaluation 
 31 December       share capital     account       reserve      reserve(1)    reserve(1)    reserve     Total 
2022                 GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 1 
 2022                      1,928         52,996          549         74,246     (47,963)       51,490   133,246 
Share issues 
 in the 
 year(2)                     229         15,681           --             --           --           --    15,910 
 in relation 
 to share 
 issues(3)                    --          (474)           --             --           --           --     (474) 
 of shares                  (24)             --           24        (1,471)           --           --   (1,471) 
 gains on 
 of investments               --             --           --             --       17,493           --    17,493 
 losses                       --             --           --             --           --      (8,465)   (8,465) 
 paid                         --             --           --       (14,983)           --           --  (14,983) 
 to capital                   --             --           --             --      (2,323)           --   (2,323) 
 loss for 
 the year                     --             --           --          (483)           --           --     (483) 
As at 31 
 2022                      2,133         68,203          573         57,309     (32,793)       43,025   138,450 
Year ended          Called-up     Share premium   redemption  Distributable    Capital    Revaluation 
 31 December       share capital     account       reserve      reserve(1)    reserve(1)    reserve     Total 
2021                 GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 1 
 2021                      1,939         67,458          523         68,307     (51,914)       34,041  120,354 
Share issues 
 in the 
 year(2)                      15            918           --             --           --           --      933 
 in relation 
 to share 
 issues(3)                    --           (51)           --             --           --           --     (51) 
 of shares                  (26)             --           26        (1,481)           --           --  (1,481) 
 of share 
 premium                      --       (15,329)           --         15,329           --           --       -- 
 gains on 
 of investments               --             --           --             --        5,763           --    5,763 
 gains                        --             --           --             --           --       17,449   17,449 
 paid                         --             --           --        (8,086)           --           --  (8,086) 
 fees charged 
 to capital                   --             --           --             --      (1,812)           --  (1,812) 
 for the 
 year                         --             --           --            177           --           --      177 
As at 31 
 2021                      1,928         52,996          549         74,246     (47,963)       51,490  133,246 
   1. Reserve is available for distribution; total distributable reserves at 31 
      December 2022 total GBP24,516,000 (2021: GBP26,283,000). 
   2. Includes the dividend reinvestment scheme. 
   3. Expenses in relation to share issues includes trail commission for prior 
      years' fundraising. 

The notes on pages 80 to 95 of the Annual Report and Accounts form part of these financial statements.

Balance sheet

At 31 December 2022

Registered number: 03506579

                                                        As at 31   As at 31 
                                                         December   December 
                                                           2022       2021 
                                                         GBP'000    GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss     111,966    115,238 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                     2,152      1,028 
Cash and cash equivalents                                  24,814     17,113 
                                                           26,966     18,141 
Amounts falling due within one year                         (482)      (133) 
Net current assets                                         26,484     18,008 
Net assets                                                138,450    133,246 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                                     2,133      1,928 
Share premium account                                      68,203     52,996 
Capital redemption reserve                                    573        549 
Distributable reserve                                      57,309     74,246 
Capital reserve                                          (32,793)   (47,963) 
Revaluation reserve                                        43,025     51,490 
Equity Shareholders' funds                                138,450    133,246 
Net Asset Value per share                                   64.9p      69.1p 

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 28 April 2023 and were signed on its behalf by:

Raymond Abbott


28 April 2023

The notes on pages 80 to 95 of the Annual Report and Accounts form part of these financial statements.

Cash flow statement

For the year ended 31 December 2022

                                                        Year ended    Year ended 
                                                        31 December   31 December 
                                                           2022          2021 
                                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Loan interest received from investments                         653           346 
Dividends received from investments                              38         1,022 
Deposit and similar interest received                           202             2 
Investment management fees paid                             (2,766)       (2,416) 
Secretarial fees paid                                         (178)         (161) 
Other cash payments                                           (433)         (447) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                  (2,484)       (1,654) 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of investments                                     (9,987)      (13,163) 
Proceeds on sale of investments                              20,951        12,700 
Proceeds on deferred consideration                              234            -- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities          11,198         (463) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Proceeds of fundraising                                      13,987            -- 
Expenses of fundraising                                       (361)          (36) 
Repurchase of own shares                                    (1,467)       (1,444) 
Equity dividends paid                                      (13,172)       (7,152) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                  (1,013)       (8,632) 
Net inflow/(outflow) of cash for the year                     7,701      (10,749) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net 
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents for 
 the year                                                     7,701      (10,749) 
Net cash and cash equivalents at start of year               17,113        27,862 
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 24,814        17,113 

Analysis of changes in net debt

                            At 1 January             At 31 December 
                                2022      Cash flow       2022 
                              GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash and cash equivalents         17,113      7,701          24,814 

The notes on pages 80 to 95 of the Annual Report and Accounts form part of these financial statements.


   1. These are not statutory accounts in accordance with S436 of the Companies 
      Act 2006. The full audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022, 
      which were unqualified and did not contain statements under S498(2) of 
      the Companies Act 2006 or S498(3) of the Companies Act 2006, will be 
      lodged with the Registrar of Companies. Statutory accounts for the year 
      ended 31 December 2022 including an unqualified audit report and 
      containing no statements under the Companies Act 2006 will be delivered 
      to the Registrar of Companies in due course. 
   1. The audited Annual Financial Report has been prepared on the basis of 
      accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for 
      the year ended 31 December 2022. All investments held by the Company are 
      classified as 'fair value through the profit and loss'. Unquoted 
      investments have been valued in accordance with IPEV guidelines. Quoted 
      investments are stated at bid prices in accordance with the IPEV 
      guidelines and Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. 
   1. Copies of the Annual Report will be sent to shareholders and can be 
      accessed on the following website: http://www.foresightenterprisevct.com 
   1. Net Asset Value per share 

The Net Asset Value per share is based on net assets at the end of the year and on the number of shares in issue at that date.

                             31 December     31 December 
                                 2022            2021 
Net assets                  GBP138,450,000  GBP133,246,000 
No. of shares at year end      213,316,422     192,806,963 
Net Asset Value per share            64.9p           69.1p 
   1. Return per share 
                                                       Year ended   Year ended 
                                                       31 December  31 December 
                                                          2022         2021 
                                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 
Total return after taxation                                  6,222       21,577 
Total return per share (note a)                               3.1p        11.2p 
Revenue (loss)/profit from ordinary activities after 
 taxation                                                    (483)          177 
Revenue (loss)/profit per share (note b)                    (0.2)p         0.1p 
Capital profit from ordinary activities after 
 taxation                                                    6,705       21,400 
Capital profit per share (note c)                             3.3p        11.1p 
Weighted average number of shares in issue in the 
 year (note d)                                         198,639,819  193,445,500 


   1. Total profit per share is total profit after taxation divided by the 
      weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. 
   2. Revenue (loss)/profit per share is revenue (loss)/profit after taxation 
      divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
   3. Capital profit per share is capital profit after taxation divided by the 
      weighted average number of shares in issue during the year 
   4. The weighted average number of shares is calculated by taking the number 
      of shares issued and bought back during the year, multiplying each by the 
      percentage of the year for which that share number applies and then 
      totalling with the number of shares in issue at the beginning of the 
   1. Annual General Meeting 

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Foresight Group LLP, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, SE1 9SG on 8 June 2023 at 1.00pm. Details will be published on both the Company's and the Manager's website at https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=fhW6Jz-KJsa24mQSjKJc0RKWRExWAmrMDUT3BfH1105xEBrkCKwPd_hdPNdsYkL6Kq--NJAAASj7Wlc5UvlUcyMZsYV-eGe5avcSI8f0HiVEXCA7GzfbkJmHZ_DmGiFY www.foresightenterprisevct.com.

   1. Income 
                                        Year ended   Year ended 
                                        31 December  31 December 
                                           2022         2021 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000 
Loan stock interest                             631          381 
Deposit and similar interest received           202            2 
Dividends receivable                             38        1,025 
                                                871        1,408 
   1. Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
                       31 December  31 December 
                          2022         2021 
                         GBP'000      GBP'000 
Unquoted investments       111,966      115,238 
Book cost at 1 January 2022          64,626 
Investment holding gains             50,612 
Valuation at 1 January 2022         115,238 
Movements in the year: 
    Purchases at cost                 8,987 
    Disposal proceeds(1)           (20,951) 
    Realised gains(2)                17,259 
    Investment holding losses(3)    (8,567) 
Valuation at 31 December 2022       111,966 
Book cost at 31 December 2022        69,921 
Investment holding gains             42,045 
Valuation at 31 December 2022       111,966 
   1. The Company received GBP20,951,000 (2021: GBP12,700,000) from the 
      disposal of investments during the year. The book cost of these 
      investments when they were purchased was GBP3,692,000 (2021: 
      GBP6,937,000). These investments have been revalued over time and until 
      they were sold any unrealised gains or losses were included in the fair 
      value of the investments. 
   2. Realised gains in the Income Statement include deferred consideration 
      receipts from Hallmarq Limited (GBP1,000), Accrosoft Limited (GBP23,000), 
      FFX Group Limited (GBP79,000) and Ixaris Systems Ltd (GBP131,000). 
   3. Investment holding losses in the Income Statement include the deferred 
      consideration debtor increase of GBP102,000. The debtor movement reflects 
      the recognition of amounts receivable in respect of Codeplay Software 
      Limited (GBP418,000) and FFX Group Limited (GBP79,000), offset by 
      receipts in respect of Accrosoft Limited (GBP23,000), FFX Group Limited 
      (GBP79,000) and Ixaris Systems Ltd (GBP131,000) and provisions made 
      against balances in respect of Mologic Ltd. (GBP157,000) and Accrosoft 
      Limited (GBP5,000). 
   1. Related party transactions 

No Director has an interest in any contract to which the Company is a party other than their appointment and remuneration as Directors.

   1. Transactions with the Manager 

Foresight Group LLP was appointed as Manager in January 2020 and earned fees of GBP2,724,000 in the year ended 31 December 2022 (2021: GBP2,416,000). Although no performance fee was paid in the year (2021: GBPnil), a liability of GBP280,000 has been recognised as at the year end (2021: GBPnil).

Foresight Group LLP is the Company Secretary (appointed in November 2017) and received accounting and company secretarial services fees of GBP178,000 during the year (2021: GBP161,000).

At 31 December 2022, the amount due to Foresight Group LLP was GBPnil (2021: GBPnil).

No amounts have been written off in the year in respect of debts due to or from the Manager.


For further information please contact:

Gary Fraser, Foresight Group: 020 3667 8181


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 28, 2023 11:05 ET (15:05 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Foresight Enterprise Vct (LSE:FTF)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Foresight Enterprise Vct 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Foresight Enterprise Vct (LSE:FTF)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Foresight Enterprise Vct 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.