RNS Number : 0055H

Castillo Copper Limited

25 July 2023

25 July 2023


("Castillo", or the "Company")

Cangai MRE: 4.6Mt @ 2.45% Cu for 114kt copper

Castillo Copper Limited (LSE and ASX: CCZ), a base metal explorer primarily focused on copper across Australia and Zambia, is pleased to report the updated JORC (2012) compliant total Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for Cangai Copper Mine which came in at 4.6Mt @ 2.5% Cu for 114kt contained copper metal (Figure 1). In addition, reflected in the overall MRE are zinc, gold and silver credits that modestly boost the result (15.3g/t Ag; 0.29g/t Au and 0.57% Zn).


-- Castillo's geology team, working in conjunction with a specialist geological consultancy, have produced an updated JORC (2012) compliant Mineral Resource Estimate for Cangai Copper Mine at:

o 4.4Mt @ 2.5% Cu inferred insitu and 0.2Mt @ 1.35% Cu indicated from historic stockpiles for 114kt contained copper metal; augmented further by zinc, gold, and silver credits

-- In calculating the updated MRE from the 2017 work (MRE: 3.3Mt @ 3.35% Cu for 108,000t(1) ), the geology team factored in reverse circulation and diamond core drilling campaigns undertaken across 2017-18 and used more conservative assumptions to boost the confidence in the revised 2023 MRE

-- The geology team noted several encouraging observations that underpins significant exploration potential for Cangai Copper Mine, including:

o The underlying orebody - which commences from surface - is not fully defined, as it remains open to the east, south-east and down dip

o There are several sizeable downhole electromagnetic ("DHEM") conductors, proximal to the line of lode, that can potentially extend known mineralisation along strike

-- With the revised 2023 MRE enhancing Cangai Copper Mine's fundamentals, the Board is highly optimistic Castillo can align with a strategic partner to fully develop the copper potential and map out a viable path to market

Ged Hall, Chairman of Castillo Copper, said: "Having a high-grade MRE for circa 114kt copper metal plus significant exploration potential is an excellent value add outcome. Moreover, when reconciling Cangai Copper Mine's favourable fundamentals with long-term global demand trends for copper, the Board believes it has a compelling business case to leverage and align with a strategic development partner."


In calculating the updated MRE, the geology team primarily used data from prior drilling campaigns (including RC & diamond core work across 2017-18) and surface channel sampling programmes to model the outcome (refer to Appendix A).

Further, the reporting contains a small indicated MRE based on assessing historical stockpiles which were accurately mapped by drone survey and channel sampling (Appendix C).

  Category    Inferred     Cu     Co     Zn     Au      Ag        Cu         Co         Zn       Au       Ag 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ====== 
              (Tonnes)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (g/t)   (g/t)   (Tonnes)   (Tonnes)   (Tonnes)   (Kg)     (Kg) 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
  Insitu       634,000    2.65   0.01   0.65   0.15    16.1     16,801       63       4,121      95     10,207 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
 Fresh        3,773,000   2.48   0.01   0.55   0.31    15.2     93,570      226       20,752    1,170   57,350 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
  Dumps        29,000     2.10   0.02   0.3    0.58    14.5      609         5          87       17      421 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
 Total        4,436,000   2.5    0.01   0.6    0.29    15.3    110,980      294       24,960    1,282   67,978 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
  Category    Indicated    Cu     Co     Zn     Au      Ag        Cu         Co         Zn       Au       Ag 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
              (Tonnes)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (g/t)   (g/t)   (Tonnes)   (Tonnes)   (Tonnes)   (Kg)     (Kg) 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
  Slag and 
  Dumps        199,000    1.35   0.02   1.9     0.1     4.6     2,687        48       3,781      20      915 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
                199,000   1.35   0.02   1.9     0.1     4.6     2,687        48       3,781      20      915 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 
              4,635,000   2.45   0.01   0.6    0.28    14.9    113,667      342       28,741    1,301   68,893 
             ==========  =====  =====  =====  ======  ======  =========  =========  =========  ======  ======= 



   1.             All Resource tonnages rounded to nearest 1,000 tonnes. 
   2.             Refer to JORC Table 1 for details on data and estimation. 

3. Insitu tonnages calculated as a guide only, no recovery factor, loss or dilution considered.

Source: CCZ geology team

Exploration potential

A key positive for Cangai Copper Mine is the copper orebody commences from surface. More encouragingly, the full extent of the underlying copper orebody remains undetermined, as it remains open to the east, south-east and down dip.

As shown in Figure 2, there are several sizeable DHEM conductors(2) , which are north and south of the line of lode, that can potentially extend known mineralisation along strike.


Source: CCZ geology team

Reconciling Historical Mining with Known Facts

Mined out shapes of the various named lenses at Cangai Copper Mine represent, according to Carne (1908)(3) , mining of material >13% Cu. However, the actual mined limit must have been lower than this, or there was some dilution, as total copper produced was 5,080t reportedly @ 8% Cu(4) . Note, this equates to 63,500t although McQueen (2019)(4) quotes 74,600t).

Figure 3 presents an attempt to reconcile mined and remaining surficial material from Cangai Copper Mine, based on available records.


    Description        Mass                      Comments 
 Total material       307,000   GSNSW mining records based on information 
  mined                          supplied by Grafton Copper Mining Company 
                     ========  =========================================== 
 Material presented   235,900   Product shipped and stockpile 
  for smelting 
                     ========  =========================================== 
 Ex-Mine dumps        49,000    Estimates and mapping not complete 
                     ========  =========================================== 
 Unaccounted          22,000    Wasted or used for construction and other 
  for                            projects 
                     ========  =========================================== 

Source: CCZ geology team

In Figure 4 and Figure 5 below, blocks show copper values in % (red >5% Cu) and wireframes used to constrain the mineral resource estimate.



Legend and Notes:

1. Modelled 10m x 10m x 4m blocks sub-celled to 5m x 5m x 2m blocks showing copper content, as per legend.

2. Vertical to horizontal exaggeration 2:1.

3. View is looking from south toward the north.

Source: CCZ geology team



   1.             Wireframes used for mineral resource estimate. 
   2.             Threshold for wireframes was 0.1%Cu. 
   3.             Vertical to horizontal exaggeration 3:1. 
   4.             View is looking from south toward the north. 

Source: CCZ geology team

Cangai Copper Mine's Exploration History

Cangai Copper Mine is within Castillo's tenements - EL8625 and EL8635 - which cover an area of 314 sq km. Since 2017, all Castillo's exploration effort has been directed toward Cangai Copper Mine and associated stockpiles. In 1901, the Cangai Copper Mine was discovered, with production materializing between 1904-17 and 1934-37 - initially only ore greater than 13% Cu was extracted using manual techniques(5) .

During its lifecycle, Cangai Copper Mine (Figure 6) produced 5,080t of copper (mentioned above), 1,035kg of silver and 527kg of gold from a total underground extraction of 307,000t(4.6) . Of this, circa 63,500t was ore (which equates to 8% Cu, 1.5g/t Au and 15g/t Ag according to GSNSW's Minview portal(4,6) ).


Source: CCZ geology team

During the last century, two groups undertook geological work at the Cangai Copper Mine(5) :

-- Western Mining conducted geological tests in the early 1980s and drilled one unsuccessful drill-hole before relinquishing the tenement in 1984.

-- CRA Exploration (CRAE; now part of Rio Tinto) conducted geological tests in 1990-92 and concluded Western Mining drilled in the wrong location. Interestingly, CRAE stated "that there is potential for further economic mineralisation" but relinquished the tenement in 1992, as Australia was in a deep recession and base metal prices were depressed.

In geological terms, structurally controlled epigenetic copper mineralisation is found in multiple breccia zones in an otherwise monotonous dacitic tuff, associated with felsic dykes. There are hints of similar, en-echelon structures nearby. A high-grade supergene zone is dominated by malachite and azurite. Below the base of complete oxidization, there is fresh mineralised rock dominated by chalcopyrite, bornite, and minor sphalerite(6) .

After an extensive surface mapping exercise, old mine workings have been resurveyed and georeferenced to the MGA94 Z56 datum, shifting the previously estimated (early 2017) locations of mine plans 40 to 60m to the north and north-east.

Figure 7 highlights all drilling undertaking historically and by Castillo across 2017-18.


Source: CCZ geology team


ROM Resources has completed a MRE for Cangai Copper Mine, located in northern New South Wales, using all available historic assay data as of 31 May 2023. The MRE was classified in accordance with the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 2012). Castillo's Competent Person has consented to the release of the attached mineral resource statement and has provided the following Appendices as required under the JORC 2012 code:

Appendix A: Cangai Copper Mine Drill-hole Data

Appendix B: Geological Model Report

Appendix C: Ex-Mine and Stockpile Resource Inventory

Appendix D: JORC Table 1


This MRE for Cangai Copper Mine is based upon several factors and assumptions:

-- All the available historical drilling data as of 31 May 2023 was used for the MRE. The data was restricted to surface drilling and underground face sampling as recorded on historical copper mining records (specifically, Carne 1908). The drilling data was collected between 1972 -2018 by numerous operating companies as detailed in Appendix D - JORC Table 1.

-- Mineralisation outlines were interpreted using historical mine plans, geological interpretations, and sectional views of the downhole assays above a grade threshold of 0.1% Cu (refer to Figure 5).

-- Inverse Distance Squared (IVD2) estimation was used to estimate Ag (ppm), Au (ppm), Cu (ppm), Co (ppm), In (ppm), and Zn (ppm), using variogram parameters defined from the drilling and historical mine workings data.

-- Top cuts were applied only to mine channel samples during the estimation to Cu (15%) to remove skewing of the grade estimations in the supergene zone.

-- The Mineral Resource has been depleted using a 3D void model of recorded historical underground development and stopes dated 1917.

   --    The MRE parameters do not assume any mining methods at this stage. 
   --    Mineral Resource classification was based principally on historical mine records, geological re-interpretation of the mineralised lodes, geological confidence, drill-hole spacing and grade continuity from available drilling data. 


Mineralisation in the Coffs Harbour Block is generally associated with fine grained, siliceous metasediment, quartz magnetite or jasper. At Cangai Copper Mine, mineralisation is associated with Silurian-Devonian andesite, cherty tuff, mudstone, siltstones, lithic wackes and conglomerates of the Willowie Creek Beds(7) .

Mineralisation in other deposits in the region is interpreted to be associated with tholeiitic volcanism in a submarine environment. However, at Cangai Copper Mine, lead isotope studies indicate the mineralising fluids might be related to the Towgon Grange Granodiorite intrusion(7) .

The Cangai copper load was discovered accidently by J. Sellars in August 1901 whilst hunting. He identified blue-green carbonates outcropping on the highest point of a large rock. The first shaft was sunk near this point of discovery and 80t of oxidised ore was raised yielding from 22-34% copper grades. Further lodes and mining took place and was sold to the Cangai Copper Mining Company who initially extracted 300 tons of ore, which was despatched to Newcastle and Melbourne (Wikipedia 2023; McQueen 2019)(7) .


Analysing surface samples was all historical from the period 1967-2018. The data was a combination of NSW Geological Survey surface sampling database, historical annual / relinquishment reports revisited, and additional data extracted. Further analyses were encoded from a 1991 UNSW Honours Thesis (Brauhart 1991)(7) , while nearly 1,140 sample analyses from stream sediment, soil, and rock chip sources were collated and combined.

All the analyses bar a few (<75 out of 5,498) samples were laboratory tested in various NATA registered laboratories throughout Australia. Many of the earlier CRA Exploration stream sediment and soil samples were analysed by CRA internal laboratories7.

Many of the sampling programmes, especially from the 1990s did include reference samples and duplicate analyses and other forms of QA/QC checking. However, sampling prior to 1985 generally has higher "below detection limits" and less QA/QC checks(7) .

Regarding historical cores from holes held by the NSW Geological Survey at the Cangai Copper Mine (closed), selected sections were re-analysed for check sampling purposes using pXRF in June 2017. The grades quoted for historically cored intervals described in various ASX releases have been measured using a handheld pXRF Analyser. These grades are indicative grades only as the pXRF Analyser does not have the same degree of accuracy as laboratory generated results. During the period 14-15 August 2017, samples subjected to the pXRF testing and some additional intervals where sulphide mineralisation was recognised were selected and the remaining core cut for laboratory testing(7) .

Samples from the 2017-2018 Cangai drilling programme were collected using the reverse circulation method of drilling on a 1m basis. Initially 20-25kg of chips and dust was collected and riffled down to a 1-2kg sample for further lab analysis(7) .

All samples were delivered to ALS Laboratory in either Orange NSW or Brisbane QLD where the laboratory undertook the splitting and compositing of the 5m composite samples and undertakes multi-element analysis on the 1m and 5m composite samples. The 1m samples were sent to ALS Brisbane for a suite of major oxide and trace element determinations as described in later sections(7) .


Historical drilling was a combination of RC with limited diamond cored holes. A total of nine holes were completed by three different explorers for a total of 2,075m, of which 1,991m was diamond cored at NQ and HQ diameters(7) .

The two-stage drilling programme started in December 2017 and completed in August 2018. A total of thirty-six drill-holes were completed, with all but two were drilled using reverse circulation methods. A total of 5,257.5m was drilled of which 178.22m was cored at a HQ diameter (61mm) in two diamond holes (CC0035D and CC0036D). The holes were surveyed by the drilling company (Budd Drilling) using an Eastman downhole survey camera. Post drilling the hole collars were surveyed by DGPS survey methods by a local surveyor with errors between the initial GPS coordinates and the final survey of +/- 7m(7) .


Complementing the RC and diamond-cored holes was the use of 78 surface and underground channel samples. The surface samples were taken by either CRAE or Castillo by hand sampling across the width of adit or tunnel entries, collecting a minimum of 10kg, up to 25kg.

The second dataset of underground mine channel samples was digitised off mine plans provided by the Grafton Copper Mining Company Limited between 1908-1914. This data represents hand sampled intervals perpendicular to the width of mined ore at the limits of the mining for the Sellars and Greenberg Lenses, but because of geo-referencing errors, a locational accuracy of only +/- 5-10m is estimated making these only suited to be reported to Inferred Resources. Carne (1908) noted that this sampling on the footwall and endwall faces was the accepted method to test for possible further extensions to mining, in the absence of exploration drilling. Sample widths were the full horizontal width of mineralisation at that location, ranging from 0.39-5.2m.

Short search radii in the Y direction have been used in an attempt to limit extrapolation and smearing of these high-grade copper values (mostly between 1-12% Cu) across the mineralised lodes where channel samples have not covered any lower grade regions.


Resources were classified in accordance with the Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 2012 Edition).

The classification of Mineral Resources was completed by ROM Resources based on geological confidence, drill hole spacing, data density and grade continuity. The Competent Person is satisfied that the result appropriately reflects his view of the deposit.

Continuous zones meeting the following criteria were used to define the resource class:

Measured Resource

Measured Mineral Resources consist of the high confidence material which has been grade control drilled (10x15m) with a high proportion of diamond-cored holes. However, no material is categorised as Measured in this resource estimation.

Indicated Resource

Indicated Mineral Resources reflects moderate confidence material with good data density. It reflects a nominal drill spacing of less than 25m x 25m resource definition drilling, through to grade control drilling (10 x 15m spacing). No insitu material was classified as Indicated but small tonnages have been ascribed to the Smelter slag and McDonough's stockpiles, both of which have drone survey, extensive channel sampling, and favourable metallurgical testing.

Inferred Resource

The Inferred Mineral Resource reflects the ongoing uncertainty in the location of mined adits, stopes, and shafts (possibly errors of +/- 5 - 10m), with the amount of undocumented mining unknown at this stage. There is reasonable continuity of the massive sulphides between each modelled lens, and mineralisation outside mined strata, as confirmed by drill intersection with mostly RC drilling.


All the analyses bar a few (<75 out) samples were laboratory tested in various NATA registered laboratories throughout Australia. Many of the earlier CRA Exploration stream sediment and soil samples were analysed by CRA internal laboratories.

Portable XRF

XRF geochemical data taken from field portable XRF Olympus.

Duration of sampling 30 seconds per filter (3 filters).

Calibration of the unit was carried out on the unit at the start of the sampling at the core library.

The following elements were analysed; Ag, As, Se, Ca, K, S, Ba, Sb, Sn, Cd, Pd, Zr, Sr, Rb, Pb, Hg, Zn, W, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Ti, Au, Fe, Mn, Cr, Sc, Mo, Th, U, Ta.

Over 220 surface samples have had their assays duplicated.

Laboratory testing

Laboratory testing consisted of a multi-suite analysis methodology (ME-MS61) which involves a four-acid digestion, were completed by ALS in Orange and/ or Brisbane QLD, for the following elements ; Ag, As, Se, Ca, K, S, Ba, Sb, Sn, Cd, Pd, Zr, Sr, Rb, Pb, Hg, Zn, W, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Ti, Au, Ga, Ge, LI, La, Fe, Mn, Cr, Sc, Mo, Th, U, Ta.

Samples containing >10,000ppm Cu are being tested by method CU-OG62 (Four acid digestion and ICP finish, 0.4g sample). Any samples containing >10,000ppm Zn were treated in a similar manner.

Gold was tested by Fire Assay methods at ALS using method Au-AA25.

None of the historical data has been adjusted.


For grade estimation and interpolation into the block model inverse distance to a power of 2 with the polygonal method was used as a check estimate. At this stage of the evaluation of the resource, enough data has been collected to undertake a preliminary 3D geostatistical study, but for this update the ID2 method is still deemed acceptable.

To inhibit bleed of the higher-grade ore below the oxidation boundary a transition surface was created, and the blocks coded differently above and below this surface as "OXID" or "FRESH", with different search ellipses being employed for each domain.

It was noted that unsampled intervals were present within the mineralisation domains. These intervals represent internal waste zones, which were too narrow and not able to be wireframed separately. It should be noted, that given the current drill spacing, these may smear the overall interpolation to blocks. This may be attributed, in part, to data spacing, and may not be a true reflection of grade continuity. No assumptions have been made regarding by-products, although the copper mineralised zones contain considerable secondary mineralisation, being Au, Ag, Co, and Zn.

A single block model for Cangai Copper Mine was constructed using a 10 mE by 10 mN by 4 mRL parent block size with sub-celling to 5 mE by 5 mN by 2 mRL for domain volume resolution. This block size is adequate for the mineralisation style. The size of the search ellipse for inverse distance was set to X= 90m Y=35m Z =24m rotated 126 degrees in X, 0 degrees in Y and 85 degrees in Z. Octants were established with a minimum of 3 octants to be filled for a valid estimate.


The resource model is constrained by assumptions about potential economic cut-off grades. The Mineral Resource wireframes were generated using a 0.1% Cu wireframe threshold and reported using a reporting cut-off grade of 0.2% Cu.


Since the 2017 maiden MRE, some metallurgical testing has taken place. Two composites formed from bulk samples taken in April 2018 from McDonough's Portal and Shaft stockpiles along the line of lode(7) have been the focal point of metallurgical test-work. The test-work in the laboratory has demonstrated the ore has beneficiated materially. Furthermore, results to date have confirmed solid copper concentrate recoveries that exceeded 80%, while the grade was up to 22% Cu and Co 300ppm(7) .

In September 2019 assay results for samples collected from legacy stockpiles at Smelter Creek Slag stockpile and another composite along the line of lode (Marks and McDonough's dumps) were received back from the Peacocke & Simpson Laboratory in Zimbabwe, with average head grades at 1.23% and 2.03% Cu respectively(7) .

Further work completed in December 2019, using a representative insitu massive sulphide ore sample extracted from drillhole CC0023R completed in August 2018, reported a commercial grade concentrate of 22.2% Cu & 7.4% Zn with a recovery of 79.3% of total contained copper was achieved, which is in line with previous investigations(7) . The following observations were made:

   --    This result was derived from using standard metallurgical flotation methods. 

-- The result is highly encouraging as it provides first-hand insight on a potential final copper concentrate product from using high-grade CCM ore, and

-- The composite sample utilised in the metallurgical test-work process comprised high-grade massive sulphide RC chips with a head grade of 8.18% Cu and 4.36% Zn(7) .

For further information, please contact:

Castillo Copper Limited                                       +61 8 6558 0886 
Dr Dennis Jensen (Australia), Managing Director 
 Gerrard Hall (UK), Chairman 
SI Capital Limited (Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker)   +44 (0)1483 413500 
Nick Emerson 
Gracechurch Group (Financial PR)                              +44 (0)20 4582 3500 
Harry Chathli, Alexis Gore, Henry Gamble 

About Castillo Copper

Castillo Copper Limited is an Australian-based explorer primarily focused on copper across Australia and Zambia. The group is embarking on a strategic transformation to morph into a mid-tier copper group underpinned by its core projects:

-- A large footprint in the Mt Isa copper-belt district, north-west Queensland, which delivers significant exploration upside through having several high-grade targets and a sizeable untested anomaly within its boundaries in a copper-rich region.

-- Four high-quality prospective assets across Zambia's copper-belt which is the second largest copper producer in Africa.

-- A large tenure footprint proximal to Broken Hill's world-class deposit that is prospective for zinc-silver-lead-copper-gold and platinoids.

-- Cangai Copper Mine in northern New South Wales, which is one of Australia's highest grading historic copper mines.

The group is listed on the LSE and ASX under the ticker "CCZ."

Competent Person's Statement

The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mark Biggs, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (see Table below). Mr Mark Biggs is the Managing Director of ROM Resources and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. These Resource Estimations have been carried out in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the Australian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves published in December 2012 (JORC Code) and are reported as of the 30th of June 2023. It should be noted that where Exploration Target tonnages are calculated in the report, they are considered conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource.

Mr Biggs is a director of ROM Resources, a company which is a shareholder of Castillo Copper Limited. ROM Resources provides ad-hoc geological consultancy services to Castillo Copper Limited.


   1)     CCZ ASX Release - 6 September 2017 
   2)     CCZ ASX Release - 24 September 2018 

3) Carne, J.E., 1908, The Copper Mining Industry and the Distribution of Copper Ores in New South Wales, 2nd Edition, New South Wales Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Mineral Resources No. 6, 1908, pp. 180-186.

4) McQueen, K., 2019, Cangai copper: History of 'a good little earner', Journal of Australasian Mining History, Vol. 17. October 2019, 96, 24pp

5) Honours thesis by Carl Brauhart UNSW (1991) "The Geology & Mineralisation of the Cangai Copper Mine, Coffs Harbour Block Northeastern New South Wales," CRAE Report No: 17739

   6)     Geological Survey of New South Wales Minview Portal. Available at: https://minview.geoscience.nsw.gov.au/#/?lon=148.5&lat=-32.5&z=7&l= 
   7)     References relating to MRE: 

a. Biggs M.S. and Nowland M.L., 2017, EL 8562 and 8635 Jackadgery North Project, Geological Overview Report, prepared by ROM Resources for Total Minerals Pty Ltd, unpublished, July 17, 13pp.

b. Biggs, M.S., and Miniailo, K., 2017, EL 8625 & EL 8635 Jackaderry South, Resource Model Report, Cangai Mine Project, Grafton NSW, prepared by ROM Resources for Castillo Copper Limited, unpublished, Sep 17, 48pp.

c. Brauhart, C., 1991, "The Geology & Mineralisation of the Cangai Copper Mine, Coffs Harbour Block Northeastern New South Wales," University of New South Wales Honours Thesis and CRAE Report No: 17739

d. Castillo Copper Limited, 2018a, ASX Release - Stockpile tests produce high recoveries and grades up to 22% Copper, 2(nd) August 2018, 25pp.

e. Castillo Copper Limited, 2018b, ASX Release - Cangai update: Down-hole electromagnetic surveys completed at Volkhardt's Lode, 24(th) September 2018, 26pp.

f. Nowland, M. L. (2022). EL 8625 Cangai Mine Project Annual Report for 12-month period ending 17 July 2022. Prepared by ROM Resources for Castillo Copper Limited.

g. Wikipedia, 2023, Cangai Copper Mine, accessed 5/7/2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cangai_Copper_Mine



   Hole       MGA56       MGA56       AHD     Depth    INC     Grid     Source   Type 
             Easting     Northing                             Azimuth 
 CC0019R    450913.69   6736268.50   329.30    37.00   -55       56.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0020R    450918.72   6736266.50   327.20   149.87   -60       93.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0021R    450910.63   6736272.00   331.50   106.00   -50      356.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0022R    450910.59   6736271.00   331.05   144.97   -65      356.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0023R    450912.03   6736270.50   330.57   121.09   -64       26.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0024R    450912.41   6736271.50   331.10    84.07   -51       28.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0025R    450914.28   6736269.50   329.70   115.00   -65       51.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0026R    450914.78   6736270.00   329.90   102.08   -53       48.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0027R    450912.16   6736270.00   330.30   145.19   -81       26.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0028R    450907.19   6736271.50   331.50   150.10   -59      328.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0029R    450582.31   6736501.50   265.30    84.04   -55       74.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0030R    450583.19   6736499.50   266.60   103.02   -75       87.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0031R    450582.41   6736498.00   267.60   127.01   -75      111.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0032R    450583.31   6736498.00   267.60   118.02   -55      111.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0033R    450581.69   6736500.00   266.30   147.02   -85       81.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0034R    450540.59   6736546.50   242.00    79.06   -85       26.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0035D    450909.00   6736270.00   330.60   116.22   -77       23.6   CCZ      DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0036D    450911.59   6736269.00   329.80    62.00   -62       17.6   CCZ      DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC001     450791.84   6736331.00   358.10   174.07   -45       53.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC002     450792.25   6736329.00   358.00    57.93   -50       66.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC003     450791.09   6736328.50   358.00    71.18   -60       66.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC004     450776.63   6736324.00   357.00   132.16   -60       67.1   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC005     450775.75   6736324.00   356.90   252.30   -60       93.1   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC006     450776.31   6736328.50   356.50   120.11   -50        9.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC007     450765.75   6736322.50   356.20   111.14   -65       63.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC008     450765.16   6736322.00   356.20   240.08   -70       67.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC009     450751.31   6736318.00   355.20   174.16   -55       22.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC010     450751.84   6736317.00   355.30   228.18   -70       29.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC011     450670.28   6736464.00   283.60   201.15   -90      359.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC012     450665.28   6736467.50   281.40   198.26   -55      270.0   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC013     450668.50   6736471.50   280.50   250.12   -55      315.1   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC014     450677.91   6736466.00   285.10   262.37   -55      127.1   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC015     450464.84   6736639.50   202.89   198.13   -55      149.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC016     450463.28   6736649.00   198.10   198.11   -55      164.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC017     450460.09   6736650.00   199.10   198.21   -55      226.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC018     450457.13   6736655.50   198.50   198.07   -55      263.6   CCZ      RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 BJAC1      450002.90   6736007.80   317.00   226.70   -60      226.7   WMC      DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 BJAC2      449672.90   6735545.80   318.90   193.50   -60       21.7   WMC      DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG1    450687.10   6736294.70   362.00    15.00   -70       46.7   CRAE     DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG2    450686.12   6736294.71   362.00   421.10   -70       46.7   CRAE     DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG3    450432.50   6736371.71   316.00   402.40   -28       42.7   CRAE     DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG4    450644.90   6736943.80   278.00   180.00   -45       53.7   CRAE     DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG5    451171.57   6736064.02   226.00   275.00   -45       13.7   CRAE     DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DDH2       450557.93   6736414.93   330.00   228.60   -70       37.7   UNION    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DDH5       451080.00   6736155.00   268.00   132.70   -60       26.7   UNION    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 

Source: CCZ geology team


            From   To (m)   App       True      Cu %   Zn %   Ag g/t 
             (m)             Thick.    Thick. 
 CRC001     40     45       5         3.1       0.17   0.06   0.52 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC002     Mining void 
 CRC003     67     68       1         0.62      1.56   0.26   3.71 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC004     92     97       5         3.1       2.25   0.61   6.52 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            99     100      1         0.62      0.44   0.11   2.19 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC005     221    225      4         2.48      1.54   1.17   11.49 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC006     69     71       2         1.24      0.81   0.67   4.88 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            72     73       1         0.62      0.47   0.14   3.15 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC007     Mining void 
 CRC008     210    213      3         1.86      0.42   0.15   2.81 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            216    217      1         0.62      0.56   0.21   3.84 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            228    232      4         2.48      0.88   0.27   5.4 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC009     100    102      2         1.24      0.73   0.16   3.26 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC010     145    147      2         1.24      0.63   0.18   13.14 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC011     8      9        1         0.62      0.21   0.06   2.26 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC012     9      11       2         1.24      0.34   0.08   6.17 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC013     1      7        6         3.72      2.69   0.39   9.22 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC014     232    233      1         0.62      0.75   0.13   1.93 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC016     0      1        1         0.62      1.14   0.18   7.9 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC017     4      7        3         1.86      0.71   0.11   2.22 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CRC018     0      1        1         0.62      0.69   0.11   1.93 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            7      8        1         0.62      0.55   0.21   1.85 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            13     14       1         0.62      1.43   0.17   2.32 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            34     35       1         0.62      0.68   0.22   1.94 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            39     41       2         1.24      2.17   0.71   3.73 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0020R    14     15       1         0.62      0.39   0.04   0.11 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0021R    51     52       1         0.62      0.91   0.21   8.74 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0022R    92     94       2         1.24      2.56   0.38   9.78 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            98     99       1         0.62      0.81   0.54   5.55 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            109    114      5         3.1       1.53   0.37   6.9 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0023R    40     53       13        8.06      4.72   2.04   17.15 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            56     58       2         1.24      2.27   2.78   10.88 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            72     74       2         1.24      0.53   0.1    1.32 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            77     78       1         0.62      0.41   0.07   1.81 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            85     87       2         1.24      1.19   0.35   11.22 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0024R    Mining void 
 CC0025R    90     93       3         1.86      2.66   0.5    7.38 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            103    106      3         1.86      1.26   0.37   6.36 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0026R    53     54       1         0.62      0.46   0.17   1.54 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0026R    57     60       3         1.86      0.63   0.19   3.44 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0027R    125    126      1         0.62      0.55   0.39   2.57 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0028R    109    110      1         0.62      0.54   0.13   3.05 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            119    120      1         0.62      0.28   0.06   2.22 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0029R    36     38       2         1.24      2.66   0.78   10.33 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0030R    56     59       3         1.86      2.74   0.63   10.33 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0031R    70     73       3         1.86      0.5    0.11   1.91 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0032R    56     62       6         3.9       0.63   0.18   1.47 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0033R    74     75       1         0.6       0.21   0.06   1.06 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0034R    41     42       1         0.62      0.98   0.26   5.55 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0035D    9      14       5         3.1       0.26   0.05   0.25 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
 CC0036D    10     14       4         2.48      0.23   0.03   0.05 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 
            49.2   55.1     5.9       3.66      3.79   1.9    15 
           =====  =======  ========  ========  =====  =====  ======= 


At Cangai Copper Mine structurally controlled epigenetic copper mineralisation is found in multiple breccia zones in an otherwise monotonous dacitic tuff, associated with felsic dykes. There are hints from FLEM interpreted anomalies of similar, en-echelon structures nearby, one of these being the Smelter Creek Copper Prospect. At Cangai Copper Mine, a high-grade supergene zone is dominated by malachite and azurite. Below the base of complete oxidization, fresh mineralised rock dominated by chalcopyrite, bornite, and minor sphalerite.

Workings have been resurveyed and georeferenced to MGA94 Z56, shifting the previously estimated (early 2017) locations of mine plans 40m to 60m to the north and north-east. The 2017 to 18 Stage and 2 drilling programmes were hampered by very steep topography, changes in site staff, tight environmental conditions for access and pads, and the fact that seven holes hit workings which either terminated the holes abruptly or caused sample loss in deeper sections if the drilling continued.

The current block model was updated with the 2017-2018 drilling, surface channel sampling, and historical mine channel sampling (only assayed for Cu). The drilling and ground mapping programme has allowed geo-referencing of the mine workings to be completed. Some of the original 2017 wireframes were too wide and have been discarded. Surface FLEM, DHEM, and soil surveys identified several anomalies on and off the main line of lode and these are subject to current field planning.

Since December 2017 Castillo has completed:

   --    Drone topographic survey. 
   --    Re-survey collars of historical holes. 

-- 34 new RC holes and 2 HQ diamond cored holes, with detailed assay and XRF and DHEM survey on selected holes. Further, the cored holes have magnetic susceptibility readings taken.

   --    FLEM ground survey completed. 
   --    Channel sampling and survey of mine reject dumps and smelter slag reject dump. 

-- Geo-referencing of underground channel sampling at Sellars and Greenberg's lenses undertaken by the Grafton Copper Mining Company in the early nineteen hundreds.

   --    More geological mapping carried out. 
   --    Accurate survey on mine portals, adits, and opencast pit locations. 

The biggest shortfall on the two-stage drilling programme was that once the drilling hit significant workings the hole was lost due to a loss of circulation, so no samples from the actual mined/mining oxidized zone were available to confirm the higher grades that should remain.

Modelling notes are summarised as follows:

-- Topography was from a drone survey with accuracies about +/- 0.05m on the Australian map grid 1994 -Zone 56.

-- Drillhole samples were loaded, validated, and then processed using a fixed length compositing tool in Datamine to 1m.

-- A preliminary geostatistical study was completed using the Lidenbrock software. Short ranges (<50m) for copper were noted.

-- Datamine Block model software was used to generate 10m x 10m x 4m blocks, sub-celled to half that size, where data criteria were met.

   --    Inverse Distance squared and ordinary kriging interpolation algorithms were used. 

-- The database contains all surface drillhole samples analysed using ALS Methods ME-MS61, MS-ME61R, and AAU25, AAU26. The database also contains assays for all ex-mine dumps, and current and historical surface sampling.

-- Assay parameters modelled included a subset of Ag, As, Au, Co, Cu, Fe, In, Mn, Pb, S, Zn and RDI (insitu relative density).

Drift plots show the distribution of the copper by easting and northing in Figures B1 and B2, below.


Source: CCZ geology team


Source: CCZ geology team

All relevant diagrams and tables for the full complements of assays results (Figures B3 to B4) follow.


Source: CCZ geology team


Source: CCZ geology team




   1.     Only Lenses 7 & 8 currently have wireframes and metallurgical testing (Figure C-1). 
   2.     A five (5) hole drilling programme is planned for the Smelter Creek Slag dump, in Q4 2023. 

Source: CCZ geology team


           Dump_Name        Classification      Type      Wireframe   Drone    Channel   Metallurgy   Typical    Area     Average    Volume   Density     Mass        Mass       Ag      Au      Co      Cu     In      Zn    Contained       Comments 
 IDX                                                                  Survey   Samples                 Sample            Thickness             (@10%       (t)         (t)      (g/t)   (g/t)   (ppm)    (%)   (ppm)    (%)    Cu @100% 
                                                                                                        ID's                                   void)    Indicated   Inferred 
                                                                                                      O5;                                                                                                                                 More work 
  1    Melbourne_DDS_Dump      Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       NO          NO        1012538    200        2        400      2.75         0         1,100      55      0.2     183    2.39    13     0.29      26       required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          More work 
  2    Melbourne_Dump_Y        Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       NO          NO       1012532     100        3        300      2.75         0          825       3.1    0.05     75     2.04     2     0.23      17       required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          More work 
  3    BO_Dump_X               Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       NO          NO       1012539     300        3        900      2.75         0         2,475     10.9    0.01     18     2.64     3     0.47      65       required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          More work 
  4    Greenberg               Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       NO          NO       O8          500        3        1500     2.75         0         4,125      49      2.3     330    1.98    nd     0.95      82       required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                      1012528;                                                                                                                            More work 
  5    Volkhaardt's            Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       YES         NO        O3         400        5        2000     2.75         0         5,500      6.8     0.8     31     1.89     3     0.08      104      required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          30-50% destroyed 
  6    Mark's                  Inferred       Ex-Mine        NO        YES       YES         NO       G1         1,700       3        5100     2.75         0        14,025       6     0.18     190    2.15    nd     0.18      302      amelioration 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          20-30% destroyed 
       A Level Hopper                                                                                 1012501;                                                                                                                            Environmental 
  7     & McDonough's         Indicated       Ex-Mine        YES       YES       YES        YES        P&S2      1,900       4       7,600     2.75      20,900       1,000      7.1    0.27     61     2.03     2     0.17      445      amelioration 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
       Smelter Ck                                                                                                                                                                                                                         More work 
  8     Slag Dump             Indicated      Ex-Smelter      YES       YES       YES        YES       P&S1       7,600       7       53,200    3.35      178,220        0        4.3    0.08     240    1.23     7     2.1      2,192     required 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                         199,120     29,050                                                     3,232 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                     Inferred    14.5    0.58     157    2.1     1.4    0.3 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 
                                                                                                                                                                    Indicated     4.6    0.10     221    1.3     6.5    1.9 
      ===================  ===============  ===========  ==========  =======  ========  ===========  =========  ======  ==========  =======  ========  ==========  ==========  ======  ======  ======  =====  ======  =====  ==========  ================= 

Source: CCZ geology team




        Criteria                                 JORC Code explanation                                         Commentary 
 Sampling techniques                                                                            Samples from the 2017-2018 Cangai 
                             *    Nature and quality of sampling (e.g., cut channels,           drilling programme 
                                  random chips, or specific specialised industry                were collected using the reverse 
                                  standard measurement tools appropriate to the                 circulation method 
                                  minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma         of drilling on a 1 metre basis. 
                                  sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc.). These             Initially 20-25kg 
                                  examples should not be taken as limiting the broad            of chips and dust was collected and 
                                  meaning of sampling.                                          riffled down 
                                                                                                to a 2-3kg sample for further lab 
                             *    Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample 
                                  representivity and the appropriate calibration of any         Field samples were firstly analysed with 
                                  measurement tools or systems used.                            a Niton 
                                                                                                portable XRF device to determine 
                                                                                                compositing rules. 
                             *    Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that 
                                  are Material to the Public Report.                            Subsequently, sample advice forms were 
                                                                                                coded with 
                                                                                                all samples were delivered, initially to 
                            In cases where 'industry standard'                                  ALS Orange 
                            work has been done this would be relatively                         laboratory and in Stage 2 to ALS 
                            simple (e.g., 'reverse circulation                                  Laboratory in Brisbane 
                            drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples                             QLD where the lab undertook the 
                            from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce                           splitting and compositing 
                            a 30-g charge for fire assay'). In                                  of the 5m composite samples and 
                            other cases, more explanation may be                                completed multi-element 
                            required, such as where there is coarse                             analysis on the 5m composite and 1m 
                            gold that has inherent sampling problems.                           selected samples. 
                            Unusual commodities or mineralisation 
                            types (e.g., submarine nodules) may 
                            warrant disclosure of detailed information. 
                          ===================================================================  ========================================= 
 Drilling techniques                                                                            Drilling was provided by Budd Drilling 
                             *    Drill type (e.g., core, reverse circulation, open             using a modified 
                                  hole hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic,          track mounted UDH RC rig as illustrated 
                                  etc.) and details (e.g. core diameter, triple or              below by 
                                  standard tube, depth of diamond tails, face sampling          Figure D1-1. Both reverse circulation 
                                  bit or other type, whether core is oriented and if so,        and diamond 
                                  by what method, etc.).                                        coring techniques were employed during 
                                                                                                the drilling 
                                                                                                FIGURE D1-1 BUDD DRILLING AT CANGAI 
                          ===================================================================  ========================================= 
   Drill sample            Method of recording and assessing                                    Sample recovery was generally 90-100% 
    recovery                core and chip sample recoveries and                                 for each metre 
                            results assessed.                                                   except when mining cavities (workings 
                            Measures taken to maximise sample                                   >1m wide) 
                            recovery and ensure representative                                  were intersected. Intersecting these 
                            nature of the samples. Whether a relationship                       mining voids 
                            exists between sample recovery and                                  generally stopped drilling due to a loss 
                            grade and whether sample bias may have                              of circulation 
                            occurred due to preferential loss/gain                              and uncontrolled hole deviation. 
                            of fine/coarse material. 
                          ===================================================================  ========================================= 
   Logging                 Whether core and chip samples have                                   All drilling has been completed to high 
                            been geologically and geotechnically                                               modern-day 
                            logged to a level of detail to support                               standard by a competent field teams & 
                            appropriate Mineral Resource estimation,                                          drill crew. 
                            mining studies and metallurgical studies. 
                            Whether logging is qualitative or                                     Logging of the lithology has been to 
                            quantitative in nature. Core (or costean,                                         coded sheets 
                            channel, etc.) photography.                                          for data entry into Excel and added to 
                            -- The total length and percentage                                               the geological 
                            of the relevant                                                      database. Plastic chip trays were used 
                            intersections logged                                                                to store 
                                                                                                   sample on 1m intervals for future 
                                                                                                        reference as illustrated 
                                                                                                         below in Figure D1-2. 
                                                                                                FIGURE D1-2 1M SAMPLE CHIPS PRESERVED IN 
                                                                                                              SAMPLE TRAYS 
                                                                                                Budd Drilling provided an Eastman single 
                                                                                                               shot tool 
                                                                                                for determining hole deviation. Readings 
                                                                                                               were taken 
                                                                                                every 30m downhole. Hole deviations are 
                                                                                                 with expectations and follow the trend 
                                                                                                           of the geological 
                                                                                                   features. It should be noted that 
                                                                                                            drillhole CRC013 
                                                                                                   was planned as a vertical hole but 
                                                                                                            deviated to the 
                          ===================================================================  ========================================= 
   Subsampling             If core, whether cut or sawn and whether                              RC samples are collected in 1m samples 
    techniques and          quarter, half or all core taken.                                     and riffle 
    sample preparation      If non-core, whether riffled, tube                                   split into calico bags at the rig. The 
                            sampled, rotary split, etc. and whether                              samples are 
                            sampled wet or dry. For all sample                                   weighed details recorded. A pXRF unit 
                            types, the nature, quality, and appropriateness                      is utilized 
                            of the sample preparation technique.                                 to test the samples for mineralisation 
                            Quality control procedures adopted                                   to determine 
                            for all sub-sampling stages to maximise                              which samples are tested as individual 
                            representivity of samples.                                           metres and 
                            Measures taken to ensure that the                                    which samples are to be composited into 
                            sampling is representative of the in-situ                            5m samples. 
                            material collected, including for instance                           Composite samples were homogenized, and 
                            results for field                                                    riffle split 
                            duplicate/second-half sampling. Whether                              at the labs prior to assaying. 
                            sample sizes are appropriate to the 
                            grain size of the material being sampled.                            Industry acceptable standards and 
                                                                                                 blanks were used 
                                                                                                 as certified reference material to 
                                                                                                 ensure satisfactory 
                                                                                                 performance of the laboratory. 
                                                                                                 Duplicates were inserted 
                                                                                                 in at a ratio of 1:20 of normal 
                                                                                                 HQ Cored holes were sawed in half with 
                                                                                                 one half 
                                                                                                 retained, and the other being submitted 
                                                                                                 for assay. 
                                                                                                 Hole CC0035D was not previously 
                                                                                                 analysed, with laboratory 
                                                                                                 assay revealing some high copper 
                          ===================================================================  ========================================= 
   Quality of            The nature, quality and appropriateness                                Multi-suite analysis methodology 
    assay data            of the assaying and laboratory procedures                             (ME-MS61) which 
    and laboratory        used and whether the technique is considered                          involves a four-acid digestion, is being 
    tests                 partial or total.                                                     completed 
                          For geophysical tools, spectrometers,                                 by ALS in Orange and Brisbane QLD, for 
                          handheld XRF instruments, etc, the                                    the following 
                          parameters used in determining the                                    elements ; Ag, As, Se, Ca, K, S, Ba, Sb, 
                          analysis including instrument make                                    Sn, Cd, 
                          and model, reading times, calibrations                                Pd, Zr, Sr, Rb, Pb, Hg, Zn, W, Cu, Ni, 
                          factors applied and their derivation,                                 Co, V, Ti, 
                          etc. Nature of quality control procedures                             Au, Ga, Ge, LI, La, Fe, Mn, Cr, Sc, Mo, 
                          adopted (e.g., standards, blanks, duplicates,                         Th, U, Ta. 
                          external laboratory checks) and whether 
                          acceptable levels of accuracy (i.e.,                                  Samples containing >1000ppm Cu are being 
                          lack of bias) and precision have been                                 tested 
                          established.                                                          for Au by fire assay method CU-OG62. 
                                                                                                Gold was tested 
                                                                                                by Fire Assay methods at ALS (Au-AA25). 
                        =====================================================================  ========================================= 
   Verification          The verification of significant intersections                          All significant intercepts have been 
    of sampling           by either independent or alternative                                  verified by 
    and assaying          company personnel.                                                    two people, one ROM and one from 
                          The use of twinned holes.                                             FieldCrew. Additionally, 
                          Documentation of primary data, data                                   field reading of multi-elements were 
                          entry procedures, data verification,                                  estimated using 
                          data storage (physical and electronic)                                a Niton and in Stage 2 an Olympus Vanta 
                          protocols.                                                            M Portable 
                          Discuss any adjustment to assay data.                                 XRF analyser as conducted as in internal 
                                                                                                check prior 
                                                                                                to sending samples for laboratory 
                                                                                                analysis. Reading 
                                                                                                times using 2 beam "Geochem Mode" was 
                                                                                                employed via 
                                                                                                30sec/beam for a total of 60 sec. 
                                                                                                All logging and sampling data is 
                                                                                                collected, and 
                                                                                                data entered onto Excel spreadsheets. 
                                                                                                These sheets 
                                                                                                were loaded into a Datamine GDB Database 
                                                                                                and further 
                                                                                                validation steps were taken. 
                                                                                                The responsible field geologist makes 
                                                                                                the modelling 
                                                                                                geologist aware of any errors and/or 
                                                                                                omissions to 
                                                                                                the database and the corrections (if 
                                                                                                required) are 
                                                                                                corrected in the database immediately. 
                                                                                                No adjustments or calibrations are made 
                                                                                                to any of 
                                                                                                the assay data recorded in the database. 
                                                                                                No holes were deliberately twinned; 
                                                                                                however, two 
                                                                                                cored holes (CC0035D and CC0036D) were 
                                                                                                drilled about 
                                                                                                the site of the CC0023R, which was 
                                                                                                treated as the 
                                                                                                pilot hole. 
                                                                                                Comparison of duplicate analyses did not 
                                                                                                any major variances (most element values 
                                                                                                <10% variance). 
                        =====================================================================  ========================================= 
   Location of           Accuracy and quality of surveys used                                   Drill pads were initial located using an 
    data points           to locate drill holes (collar and down-hole                           RTK differential 
                          surveys), trenches, mine workings and                                 GPS. Drillholes collar locations have 
                          other locations used in Mineral Resource                              been picked 
                          estimation.                                                           using a Garmin handheld GPS to +4m. At 
                          Specification of the grid system used.                                completion, 
                          Quality and adequacy of topographic                                   all drillholes were accurately surveyed. 
                          control.                                                              Collars 
                                                                                                RLs were corrected and tagged to a 
                                                                                                recently completed 
                                                                                                Drone DTM topography model which has 
                                                                                                for AHD of +/-0.2m. 
                        =====================================================================  ========================================= 
 Data spacing                                                                                    Drillholes CC0019R was abandoned after 
  and distribution          *    Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results.                            36m due to 
                                                                                                Rig problems. Drillhole CC0020R deviated 
                                                                                                                too much 
                            *    Whether the data spacing, and distribution is                  from the original plan and was abandoned 
                                 sufficient to establish the degree of geological and                           at 155m. 
                                 grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource 
                                 and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and                    All other drillholes in the Stage 1 & 2 
                                 classifications applied.                                                      programme 
                                                                                                (Figure D1-3) were drilled at a nominal 
                            *    Whether sample compositing has been applied.                   spacing of 180m. Drilling then proceeded 
                                                                                                                on each 
                                                                                                of the four (4) pads in a 180-degree fan 
                                                                                                  on 4 nominal sections. It should be 
                                                                                                            noted that this 
                                                                                                 methodology was necessary due to very 
                                                                                                            steep topography 
                                                                                                          and ESF4 conditions. 
                                                                                                Whether the original samples were 1m or 
                                                                                                             5m in length, 
                                                                                                 in the Datamine Block model module the 
                                                                                                              samples have 
                                                                                                been converted to a fixed length of 1m. 
                                                                                                    FIGURE D1-3: 2017-2018 DRILLHOLE 
                                                                                                            PROGRAMME COLLAR 
                        =====================================================================  ========================================= 
 Orientation                   Whether the orientation of sampling                               The drilling was originally planned to 
  of data in relation           achieves unbiased sampling of                                              intersect workings 
  to geological                 possible structures and the extent                             and drill into data gaps between orebodies 
  structure                     to which this is known, considering                                            such that 
                                the deposit type.                                                in general the intersections are where 
                                If the relationship between the                                              possible (due 
                                drilling orientation and the orientation                        to restricted access) perpendicular to a 
                                of key mineralised structures                                                  strike of 
                                is considered to have introduced                                     126 degrees (see Table D1-1). 
                                a sampling bias, this should be                                 Additional surface bedding and foliation 
                                assessed and reported if material.                                             data, and 
                                                                                              that from some of the accessible underground 
                                                                                                               mine adits 
                                                                                                was compiled from a UNSW Honours thesis 
                                                                                                            (Brauhart 1991). 
                                                                                               Information is available from underground 
                                                                                                open cut(s), shaft(s), adit(s), shallow 
                                                                                                          pits, and scrapings. 
                                                                                                 The Lode is sub-vertical to vertical, 
                                                                                                              striking 126 
                                                                                                 degrees true north and pitching at 60 
                                                                                                             degrees to the 
                                                                                               west. The high-grade ore as mined, varies 
                                                                                                              from 0.3m-8m 
                                                                                                           wide, true width. 
                                                                                              The known copper-gold mineralisation around 
                                                                                               strikes from 290-330 degrees, It should be 
                                                                                                               noted that 
                                                                                               these orebody shapes were drawn at >13% Cu 
                                                                                                                so that 
                                                                                               the with the major orebody shapes shown by 
                                                                                                              Figure D1-4, 
                                                                                                FIGURE D1-4: ORIENTATION OF COPPER-GOLD 
                                                                                                           AT THE CANGAI MINE 
                                                                                              modelled wireframes in this current resource 
                                                                                                               have been 
                                                                                               enlarged to try to capture mineralisation 
                                                                                                              down to 0.1% 
                              =============================================================  ============================================= 
 Sample security             -- The measures taken to ensure                                  Samples were bagged and sample advice for 
                              sample security.                                                each hole 
                                                                                              was coded. Split samples were delivered by 
                                                                                              Gnomic Exploration 
                                                                                              personnel to ALS Laboratories in Orange 
                                                                                              (Stage 1) or 
                                                                                              by Mick Bavea to ALS Brisbane (Stage 2). 
                            ===============================================================  ============================================= 
 Audits or reviews                                                                            No audits or reviews have yet been 
                                *    The results of any audits or reviews of sampling         undertaken of sampling 
                                     techniques and data.                                     techniques and data. A review of the 
                                                                                              modelling process 
                                                                                              was received. 
                            ===============================================================  ============================================= 


   Hole         MGA56        MGA56      AHD    Depth   INC       Grid   Source   Type 
              Easting     Northing                            Azimuth 
 CC0019R    450913.69   6736268.50   329.30    37.00   -55       56.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0020R    450918.72   6736266.50   327.20   149.87   -60       93.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0021R    450910.63   6736272.00   331.50   106.00   -50      356.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0022R    450910.59   6736271.00   331.05   144.97   -65      356.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0023R    450912.03   6736270.50   330.57   121.09   -64       26.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0024R    450912.41   6736271.50   331.10    84.07   -51       28.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0025R    450914.28   6736269.50   329.70   115.00   -65       51.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0026R    450914.78   6736270.00   329.90   102.08   -53       48.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0027R    450912.16   6736270.00   330.30   145.19   -81       26.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0028R    450907.19   6736271.50   331.50   150.10   -59      328.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0029R    450582.31   6736501.50   265.30    84.04   -55       74.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0030R    450583.19   6736499.50   266.60   103.02   -75       87.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0031R    450582.41   6736498.00   267.60   127.01   -75      111.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0032R    450583.31   6736498.00   267.60   118.02   -55      111.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0033R    450581.69   6736500.00   266.30   147.02   -85       81.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0034R    450540.59   6736546.50   242.00    79.06   -85       26.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0035D    450909.00   6736270.00   330.60   116.22   -77       23.6      CCZ    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CC0036D    450911.59   6736269.00   329.80    62.00   -62       17.6      CCZ    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC001     450791.84   6736331.00   358.10   174.07   -45       53.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC002     450792.25   6736329.00   358.00    57.93   -50       66.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC003     450791.09   6736328.50   358.00    71.18   -60       66.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC004     450776.63   6736324.00   357.00   132.16   -60       67.1      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC005     450775.75   6736324.00   356.90   252.30   -60       93.1      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC006     450776.31   6736328.50   356.50   120.11   -50        9.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC007     450765.75   6736322.50   356.20   111.14   -65       63.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC008     450765.16   6736322.00   356.20   240.08   -70       67.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC009     450751.31   6736318.00   355.20   174.16   -55       22.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC010     450751.84   6736317.00   355.30   228.18   -70       29.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC011     450670.28   6736464.00   283.60   201.15   -90      359.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC012     450665.28   6736467.50   281.40   198.26   -55      270.0      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC013     450668.50   6736471.50   280.50   250.12   -55      315.1      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC014     450677.91   6736466.00   285.10   262.37   -55      127.1      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC015     450464.84   6736639.50   202.89   198.13   -55      149.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC016     450463.28   6736649.00   198.10   198.11   -55      164.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC017     450460.09   6736650.00   199.10   198.21   -55      226.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 CRC018     450457.13   6736655.50   198.50   198.07   -55      263.6      CCZ     RC 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 BJAC1      450002.90   6736007.80   317.00   226.70   -60      226.7      WMC    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 BJAC2      449672.90   6735545.80   318.90   193.50   -60       21.7      WMC    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG1    450687.10   6736294.70   362.00    15.00   -70       46.7     CRAE    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG2    450686.12   6736294.71   362.00   421.10   -70       46.7     CRAE    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG3    450432.50   6736371.71   316.00   402.40   -28       42.7     CRAE    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG4    450644.90   6736943.80   278.00   180.00   -45       53.7     CRAE    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DD91CG5    451171.57   6736064.02   226.00   275.00   -45       13.7     CRAE    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DDH2       450557.93   6736414.93   330.00   228.60   -70       37.7    UNION    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 
 DDH5       451080.00   6736155.00   268.00   132.70   -60       26.7    UNION    DDH 
           ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ====  =========  =======  ===== 

Source: CCZ geology team



 Criteria         JORC Code explanation                                      Commentary 
 Mineral                                                                     -- Castillo Copper holds 100% of EL 8625 
  tenement         *    Type, reference name/number, location and ownershi   & EL 8635. 
  and land        p                                                          The tenure has been granted for a period 
  tenure status         including agreements or material issues with third   of thirty-six 
                        parties such as joint ventures, partnerships,        months until 17(th) July 2020, for Group 
                        overriding royalties, native title interests,        1 minerals. 
                        historical sites, wilderness or national park and    The location of the tenure is shown in 
                        environmental settings.                              Figure D2-1 
                                                                             FIGURE D2-1: LOCATION OF EL 8625 AND 
                   *    The security of the tenure held at the time of       EL8635 JACKADERRY 
                        reporting along with any known impediments to        SOUTH 
                        obtaining a licence to operate in the area. 
                                                                             The current drilling has all been 
                                                                             completed on EL 8625 
                                                                             and EL 8635 Jackaderry South only. 
                 =========================================================  ========================================== 
 Exploration                 -- Acknowledgment and appraisal of                   Some mining history and discovery 
  done by other               exploration by other parties.                       information provided 
  parties                                                                         by North Broken Hill Ltd (1970) is 
                                                                                  as follows: 
                                                                                  Previous explorers (Brownlow, 1989; 
                                                                                  Abraham-Jones, 2012) 
                                                                                  have noted that a 'basement window' 
                                                                                  of exposed magmatic 
                                                                                  hydrothermal alteration and 
                                                                                  historical copper workings 
                                                                                  may represent the western and upper 
                                                                                  extent of a much 
                                                                                  larger hydrothermal system concealed 
                                                                                  under Mesozoic 
                                                                                  cover to the east, prospective for: 
                                                                                  breccia hosted 
                                                                                  -- Concealed porphyry 
                                                                                  (Cu-Au-Mo-Co) ore body associated 
                                                                                  with quartz diorite 
                                                                                  to tonalitic porphyry apophyses 
                                                                                  proximal to the tourmaline-sulphide 
                                                                                  cemented breccia's. 
                                                                                  -- Potential also exists for 
                                                                                  copper-gold (Cu-Au) skarn. 
                                                                                  Considerable exploration has taken 
                                                                                  place in and around 
                                                                                  the Cangai Copper Mine (closed) by 
                                                                                  several large explorers 
                                                                                  such as Western Mining and CRA 
                                                                                  Exploration, the results 
                                                                                  of which are covered in the Local 
                                                                                  Geology section 
Geology                     Deposit type, geological setting            Regional Geology 
                             and style of mineralisation.               The underlying geology is contained within the 
                                                                        Coffs Harbour 
                                                                        Block, east of the Demon Fault. The major 
                                                                        basement unit is 
                                                                        the Silurian-Devonian Silverwood Group 
                                                                        (locally the Willowie 
                                                                        Creek Beds), a mixed sequence of tuffaceous 
                                                                        mudstones, intermediate 
                                                                        to basic igneous rocks, slates, and phyllites, 
                                                                        a low stage 
                                                                        of regional metamorphism. 
                                                                        Overlying this rock formation is a younger 
                                                                        tectonic melange 
                                                                        of Early Carboniferous age - the Gundahl 
                                                                        Complex of slates, 
                                                                        phyllites and schist, with chert, greenstone, 
                                                                        and massive 
                                                                        lithic greywackes. 
                                                                        These rocks are intruded by the Early Permian 
                                                                        Kaloe Granodiorite 
                                                                        (tonalite), which also in turn is intruded by 
                                                                        numerous later-stage 
                                                                        mafic (lamprophyre) dykes. 
                                                                        Local Geology 
                                                                        The local geology is well understood as 
                                                                        considerable exploration 
                                                                        has taken place in and around the Cangai 
                                                                        Copper Mine (closed) 
                                                                        by several major explorers such as Western 
                                                                        Mining and CRA 
                                                                        Exploration, the results of which are covered 
                                                                        in the section 
                                                                        below. The mineralisation is controlled by the 
                                                                        presence of 
                                                                        shear zones within the country rock and 
                                                                        persistent jointing. 
                                                                        Chloritic alteration is pervasive, with the 
                                                                        major minerals 
                                                                        identified (Henley and Barnes 1990) as: 
                                                                         *    Azurite major ore 
                                                                         *    Chalcocite major ore 
                                                                         *    Chalcopyrite major ore 
                                                                         *    Copper major ore 
                                                                         *    Malachite major ore 
                                                                         *    Pyrite major ore 
                                                                         *    Pyrrhotite major ore 
                                                                         *    Arsenopyrite minor ore 
                                                                         *    Sphalerite minor ore 
                                                                         *    Cuprite minor ore 
                                                                         *    Gold minor ore 
                                                                         *    Limonite minor ore 
                                                                         *    Chlorite major gangue 
                                                                         *    Calcite major gangue 
                                                                         *    Quartz major gangue 
                                                                         *    Sericite minor gangue 
                                                                        The structurally controlled epigenetic copper 
                                                                        is found in multiple breccia zones in an 
                                                                        otherwise monotonous 
                                                                        dacitic tuff, associated with felsic dykes. 
                                                                        There are hints 
                                                                        of similar, en-echelon structures nearby. A 
                                                                        high-grade supergene 
                                                                        zone is dominated by malachite and azurite. 
                                                                        Below the base 
                                                                        of complete oxidization, there is fresh 
                                                                        mineralised rock 
                                                                        dominated by chalcopyrite (see Figure A2-2), 
                                                                        bornite, and 
                                                                        minor sphalerite. 
                                                                        After an extensive major surface mapping 
                                                                        exercise, old mine 
                                                                        workings have been resurveyed and 
                                                                        georeferenced to the MGA94 
                                                                        Z56 datum, shifting the previously estimated 
                                                                        (early 2017) 
                                                                        locations of mine plans 40 to 60m to the north 
                                                                        and northeast. 
                                                                        FIGURE D2-2 COPPER MINERALISATION IN HQ 
                                                                        DRILLHOLE CC0036D 
                            -----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                                                                      Western Mining 1982-1984 
                                                                      Western Mining found that the recognition of 
                                                                      amounts of pyrrhotite in high grade ore 
                                                                      collected from 
                                                                      mine dumps led to the reappraisal of previous 
                                                                      ground magnetics (Brown, 1984). Two soil 
                                                                      anomalies were 
                                                                      identified @ +60ppm Cu (max 1100ppm) and several 
                                                                      linear magnetic anomalies (=250nT above 
                                                                      Soil sampling and detailed ground inspections 
                                                                      over the linear magnetic high failed to identify 
                                                                      anomalous geochemistry or a possible source 
                                                                      A 180m diamond drill hole was drilled to test 
                                                                      the anomaly. 
                                                                      Given the poor results of both the drilling and 
                                                                      follow-up stream sediment sampling, no further 
                                                                      was recommended. The decision was made to 
                                                                      the licence in 1984. 
                                                                      CRA Exploration 1991-1992 
                                                                      CRA Exploration examined the geological form, 
                                                                      and genesis of the mineralisation at the Cangai 
                                                                      Mine over several years. The work carried out 
                                                                      of geological mapping, collection of rock chip 
                                                                      and underground investigations at the mine site. 
                                                                      core from a CRA exploration programme and mine 
                                                                      were also inspected. They concluded that the 
                                                                      Copper Mine is hosted by sedimentary rocks of 
                                                                      the Siluro-Devonian 
                                                                      Willowie Creek Beds of tuffaceous mudstones, 
                                                                      sandstones, and conglomerates. Mineralisation 
                                                                      to be associated with steeply plunging ore 
                                                                      shoots in 
                                                                      and adjacent to the main shear zone (Figure 
                                                                      A2-2). Massive 
                                                                      primary ore consists of chalcopyrite, pyrite and 
                                                                      with lesser sphalerite and minor arsenopyrite 
                                                                      and galena. 
                                                                      A detailed, well documented report was produced, 
                                                                      no reasons were given for the relinquishment of 
                                                                      FIGURE A2.2: ROCK CHIP SAMPLING AT CANGAI COPPER 
                            ---------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
        Drill hole                A summary of all information      All historical holes were used except BJAC1 and 2, 
        Information               material                          which 
                                  to the understanding of the       were drilled outside the block model boundaries. 
                                  exploration                       Drill 
                                  results including a tabulation    hole collar summary and intersection summary 
                                  of                                tables are 
                                  the following information for     included as Appendix A in this report and 
                                  all                               progressively 
                                  Material drill holes:             in various Castillo Copper ASX release throughout 
                                  -- easting and northing of the    2018. 
                                  drill                             Mineralised zones are identified by the field 
                                  hole collar                       geologist 
                                  -- elevation or RL (Reduced       and flagged as geological/mineralised zones as 
                                  Level                             shown in 
                                  - elevation above sea level in    Table D2-1 at the end of this section. 
                                  of the drill hole collar 
                                  -- dip and azimuth of the hole 
                                  -- down hole length and 
                                  -- hole length. 
                                  If the exclusion of this 
                                  is justified on the basis that 
                                  information is not Material and 
                                  this exclusion does not detract 
                                  from the understanding of the 
                                  the Competent Person should 
                                  explain why this is the case 
                            -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
Data aggregation            In reporting Exploration Results,             No top cuts have been applied to reporting 
 methods                    weighting averaging techniques,               of the significant 
                            maximum and/or minimum grade                  Intersections and lower cut of 0.2% 
                            truncations                                   (2,000ppm) Cu has generally 
                            (e.g., cutting of high grades) and            been used. Full detailed assay intervals for 
                            cut-off grades are usually Material           the key elements 
                            and should be stated. Where aggregate         are included in the Appendices of the Cangai 
                            intercepts incorporate short lengths          CP report. 
                            of high-grade results and longer 
                            lengths of low-grade results, the             Summary Intersections per 2017 to 2018 
                            procedure used for such aggregation           drillhole have been 
                            should be stated and some typical             reported based on estimated laboratory 
                            examples of such aggregations should          assays in Appendix 
                            be shown in detail.                           A of this release, with a minimum criteria = 
                            The assumptions used for any                  0.5% Cu or 
                            reporting                                     0.2% Zn or 2 g/t Ag if assays. For visual 
                            of metal equivalent values should             sulphide estimates 
                            be clearly stated.                            ranges given the following criteria apply: 
                                                                          1. Disseminated sulphides > 5%-10% 
                                                                          2. Semi-Massive 10% - 30% sulphides 
                                                                          3. Massive over 30% sulphides 
                                                                          There has been no reporting of metal 
                                                                          equivalent values 
                                                                          in this mineral resource estimate. 
                            -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Relationship              These relationships are              All intersections are reported as downhole widths. 
  between mineralisation   particularly                         Once 
  widths and               important in the reporting of        assays are returned and the geological controls are 
  intercept                Exploration Results.                 fully 
  lengths                  If the geometry of the               established, the 3D modelling package will determine 
                           mineralisation                       true 
                           with respect to the drill hole       widths. 
                           angle is known, its nature should    The Lode is currently modelled to be sub-vertical to 
                           be reported. If it is not known      vertical, 
                           and only the down hole lengths       striking 126 degrees and pitching at 60 degrees west. 
                           are reported, there should be        Varies 
                           a clear statement to this effect     from 0.3m-5.2m wide. The main mining was from 
                           (e.g. 'down hole length, true        Volkhardt's, 
                           width not known').                   Melbourne, Mark's, Sellar's, Volkhardt's and 
                                                                lens. The secondary supergene zone grades averaged 
                                                                Cu. The sulphide zone decreased to 8-10% Cu at depth. 
                                                                Lode was largest at structural intersections. Breccia 
                                                                recorded at D level. 
                                                                The host rock is massive fine-grained intermediate 
                                                                and bedding is difficult to define. The deposit is 
                                                                controlled with lodes following or adjacent to the 
                                                                zone. A temperature of formation is suggested to be 
                                                                380 degrees centigrade (Brauhart 1991). The NSW 
                                                                Survey has characterized Cangai as a meta-hydrothermal 
                                                                controlled deposit. Figure D2-3 below is a 
                                                                showing the four (4) main near vertical mineralised 
                                                                at the Cangai Mine. 
                                                                FIGURE D2-3: NW TO SE CROSS-SECTION OF WORKINGS AT 
                                                                Geo-registering was undertaken in June 2018, 
                                                                the anomalous zones (which are in the process of being 
                                                                off the 1908,1912, and 1914 mine plans (Brauhart 
                                                                which become priority targets for geological mapping, 
                                                                magnetic and EM surveys. Data has also been extracted 
                                                                a thorough UNSW Honours Thesis as referenced below: 
                                                                C. (1991). The Geology & Mineralisation of the Cangai 
                                                                Mine, Coffs Harbour Block Northeastern New South 
                                                                CRAE Report No: 17739. University of NSW. 
                          -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Diagrams                  Appropriate maps and sections        Appropriate diagrams have been included in the body 
                          (with scales) and tabulations of     text 
                          intercepts should be                 (Appendix B) of this announcement and previous ASX 
                          included for any significant         announcements 
                          discovery                            (see references). 
                          being reported These should 
                          but not be limited to a plan view 
                          of drill hole collar locations 
                          and appropriate sectional views. 
                          -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Balanced reporting        Where comprehensive reporting        All drillholes completed to date have been reported in 
                          of all Exploration Results is not    various 
                          practicable, representative          Castillo Copper ASX releases. 
                          of both low and high grades and/or 
                          widths should be practiced avoiding 
                          misleading reporting of Exploration 
                          -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Other substantive         Other exploration data, if           Historical explorers have also conducted airborne and 
 exploration              meaningful                           ground 
 data                     and material, should be reported     gravity, magnetic, EM, and resistivity surveys over 
                          including (but not limited to):      parts 
                          geological observations;             of the tenure area but this is yet to be collated. A 
                          geophysical                          surface 
                          survey results; geochemical          EM Survey has been undertaken and has been previously 
                          survey results; bulk samples -       reported 
                          size and                             (multiple conductors discovered from FLEM survey 
                          method of treatment; metallurgical   (Castillo 
                          test results; bulk density,          Copper 8(th) January 2018 ASX Release). 
                          groundwater,                         Castillo Copper also conducted DHEM surveys on eight 
                          geotechnical and rock                (8) 
                          characteristics;                     drillholes, two of which produced EM anomalies modelled 
                          potential deleterious or             as 
                          contaminating                        plates by the Maxwell software 
                          -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Future Work               The nature and scale of planned       CCZ's geology team have mapped out the next drilling 
                          further work (e.g., tests for         campaign 
                          lateral                               that will specifically target extending the known 
                          extensions or depth extensions        copper 
                          or large-scale step-out drilling).    orebody (Figure A2-4) through the following actions, 
                          Diagrams clearly highlighting         Targeting 
                          the areas of possible extensions,     the following locations: 
                          including the main geological 
                          interpretations                       -- Smelter Creek Copper Smelter Dumps 
                          and future drilling areas, provided   -- Along strike and under the McDonough's workings 
                          this information is not               -- Proximal to Marks' workings 
                          commercially                          -- Underneath Volkhardt's' workings 
                          sensitive.                            -- DHEM anomaly located along strike from CRC005. 
                                                                FIGURE A2-4 POTENTIAL EXPLORATION DRILLING AREAS 
                          -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 


   Hole     From   To (m)   Cu (ppm)   Zn (ppm)   Ag (g/t)   Au (g/t)   Sulphide mineral (%)    Geology comments 
    ID       (m) 
 CC0020R     14      15       3860       402        0.11       0.01     -                       - 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0021R     51      52       9060       2070       8.74       0.11     chalcopyrite            - 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0022R     92      93      40100       5750      15.45       0.12     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0022R     93      94       6510       1370       2.86       0.02     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0022R     98      99       8080       5380       5.55       0.05     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0022R    109     110       6270       1600       5.52       0.12     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0022R    109     110       5410       1380       5.20       0.10     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0022R    110     111      14650       3280       9.01       0.22     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0022R    111     112      27800       6780      12.55       0.23     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
                                                                        < 5% sphalerite 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0022R    112     113      23200       6310       6.60       0.19     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
                                                                        < 5% sphalerite 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0022R    113     114      12350       2840       3.22       0.07     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     40      41       7430       1720       2.29       0.06     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     41      42      89900      22900      23.40       1.31     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     42      43      81300      38800      24.30       0.83     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     43      44      67400      22800      22.30       1.37     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     44      45      18600       6240       6.75       0.17     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
                                                                        < 5% sphalerite 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     45      46      41800       8210      17.45       0.56     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     46      47      11650       3850       5.40       0.13     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     47      48      36900      17850      21.30       0.33     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     48      49      102500     16750      32.50       0.73     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     49      50      43300      26400      20.70       0.53     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        Duplicate of previous 
 CC0023R     49      50      34400      26200      17.70       0.55     sample                  Massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     50      51      75200      60400      30.60       0.38     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     51      52       3030       9010       2.00       0.05     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     52      53       2300       5840       1.39       0.03     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     56      57      23700      17700       9.41       0.30     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
                                                                        < 5% sphalerite 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     57      58      22000      34000      11.80       0.38     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
                                                                        < 5% sphalerite 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     72      73       4540       789        1.35       0.03     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     73      74       5830       1240       1.27       0.04     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0023R     77      78       4050       732        1.81       0.03     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     85      86      12650       2980      12.60       0.31     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0023R     86      87      11150       3900      10.00       0.25     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0025R     90      91      45300       4050       9.71       0.40     10-15% chalcopyrite,    Massive sulphide 
                                                                        10-15% pyrite, 5-10% 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0025R     91      92      20700       5960       6.80       0.13     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0025R     92      93      15000       4700       5.75       0.08     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
                                                                        < 5% pyrite and 
 CC0025R    103     104       8460       2400      11.80       0.13     chalcopyrite            Disseminated sulphides 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0025R    104     105      12600       2940       3.62       0.09     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 
 CC0025R    105     106      15400       5350       4.93       0.15     5-10% pyrite and        Semi-massive sulphide 
           =====  =======  =========  =========  =========  =========  ======================  ======================= 


  Hole     From    To    Significant Intersections       Significant Intersections 
    ID      (m)    (m)          pXRF Result               Lab Result (ALS Brisbane) 
                         5m @ 0.17% Cu & 0.06%       5m @ 0.16% Cu & 0.99g/t Ag 
 CRC001    40     45      Zn                          (Composite sample*) 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
 CRC002    52     58     MINING VOID                 MINING VOID 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                                                     1m @ 1.56% Cu, 3.71g/t Ag & 0.26% 
 CRC003    67     68     1m @ 3.1% Cu & 0.5% Zn       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
           68     71     MINING VOID                 MINING VOID 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         5m @ 1.3% Cu & 0.59%        5m @ 1.56% Cu, 4.43g/t Ag & 0.4% 
 CRC004    92     97      Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 3m @ 1.6% Cu &        Incl. 3m @ 2.22% Cu, 6.38g/t Ag 
           94     97      0.75% Zn                    & 0.60% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
           97     98     MINING VOID                 MINING VOID 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         7m @ 0.45% Cu & 0.15%       7m @ 0.29% Cu, 1.00g/t Ag & 0.20% 
           98     105     Zn                          Zn (Composite sample*) 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                                                     3m @ 1.76% Cu, 13.08g/t Ag & 1.33% 
 CRC005    221    224    3m @ 1.7% Cu & 1.4% Zn       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 1m @ 2.6% Cu &        incl. 1m @ 2.66% Cu, 20.70g/t Ag 
           221    222     2.5% Zn                     & 2.35% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         4m @ 0.63% Cu & 0.46%       4m @ 0.57% Cu, 3.34g/t Ag & 0.38% 
 CRC006    69     73      Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
 CRC007    107    111    MINING VOID                 MINING VOID 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         3m @ 0.8% Cu & 0.36%        3m @ 1.01% Cu, 6.60g/t Ag & 0.34% 
 CRC008    210    213     Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         1m @ 0.4% Cu & 0.19%        1m @ 0.56% Cu, 3.84g/t Ag & 0.21% 
           216    217     Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         4m @ 0.74% Cu & 0.29%       4m @ 0.88% Cu, 5.43g/t Ag & 0.27% 
           228    232     Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.69% Cu & 0.18%       2m @ 0.72% Cu, 3.32g/t Ag & 0.16% 
 CRC009    100    102     Zn                          Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.65% Cu & 0.19% 
 CRC010    145    147     Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         1m @ 0.15% Cu & 0.06% 
 CRC011    8      9       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         1m @ 0.09% Cu & 0.02% 
           13     14      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.35% Cu & 0.08% 
 CRC012    9      11      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         6m @ 1.90% Cu & 0.24% 
 CRC013    1      7       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 4m @ 2.2% Cu & 
           2      6       0.27% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         5m @ 0.31% Cu & 0.12% 
 CRC014    232    237     Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 1m @ 0.7% Cu & 
           232    233     0.12% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 1m @ 0.3% Cu & 
           234    235     0.24% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         13m @ 0.04% Cu & 0.05% 
 CRC015    0      13      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         1m @ 0.72% Cu & 0.14% 
 CRC016    0      1       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.11% Cu & 0.06% 
           12     14      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         3m @ 0.86% Cu & 0.13% 
 CRC017    4      7       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.73% Cu & 0.21% 
 CRC018    6      8       Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 1.17% Cu & 0.18% 
           13     15      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 1m @ 1.77% Cu & 
           13     14      0.2% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         2m @ 0.74% Cu & 0.31% 
           33     35      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         4m @ 1.25% Cu & 0.62% 
           38     42      Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 
                         Incl. 1m @ 3.7% Cu & 
           39     40      2.0% Zn 
          =====  =====  ==========================  =================================== 


   1.     * = Required 1m resampling 

Source: CCZ geology team


Source: CCZ geology team


(Criteria listed in section 1, and where relevant in section 2, also apply to this section.)

 Criteria / JORC Code Explanation                              Commentary 
 Database integrity                                            Historical data from hard copy reports and electronic 
   *    Measures taken to ensure that data has not been        files such as excel and word, have been 
        corrupted by, for example, transcription or keying     captured within a Datamine GDB database. Historical 
        errors, between its initial collection and its use     data has been reviewed by ROM Resources 
        for Mineral Resource estimation purposes.              Geologists before entered, and cross referenced with 
                                                               recent data. Data base checks have been 
                                                               run by ROM Resources geologists before resource 
   *    Data validation procedures used.                       estimation commenced. Where the location of 
                                                               historical drill holes was in question they have been 
                                                               removed from the model. Reported collars 
                                                               have been adjusted to the topography model (drone) 
                                                               where the discrepancy is +/-0.2m. 
 Site visits                                                   Mr Mark Biggs visited site three times during 2017-2018 
   *    Comment on any site visits undertaken by the           to observe the geology and the initial 
        Competent Person and the outcome of those visits.      exploration programme, as well as drilling and sampling 
                                                               procedures (Biggs, 2021). Recommendations 
                                                               to: (1) collect additional bulk density data from 
   *    If no site visits have been undertaken indicate why    mineralised lodes; and (2) employ triple 
        this is the case.                                      tube diamond drilling methods and in split logging for 
                                                               geotechnical holes have since been 
                                                               implemented. No other material issues were noted. 
 Geological interpretation                                     The deposits have been interpreted on vertical oblique 
  *    Confidence in (or conversely, the uncertainty of) the   sections at variable spacing by reviewing 
       geological interpretation of the mineral deposit.       geological logging and copper grades, as well as 
                                                               considering interpretations from historic 
                                                               mining reports and previously mined voids. Confidence 
  *    Nature of the data used and of any assumptions made.    is moderate in areas of close-spaced 
                                                               Data has been supplied as a drill hole database, 
  *    The effect, if any, of alternative interpretations on   including collar, survey, lithology, weathering, 
       Mineral Resource estimation.                            and assay data. 
                                                               Magnetic susceptibility readings completed on the RC 
                                                               chips have not uniquely characterised 
  *    The use of geology in guiding and controlling Mineral   mineralised zones, either within or outside the named 
       Resource estimation.                                    lenses' wireframes. The felsic dyke 
                                                               is characterised by 3x higher Ca assay values. 
                                                               Alternate correlations of lodes between drill holes are 
  *    The factors affecting continuity both of grade and      possible in some places but would 
       geology.                                                not materially affect the Mineral Resource estimate. 
                                                               Mineralised lodes have been interpreted using a 0.1% 
                                                               nominal copper cut off and aided with 
                                                               the use of lithology, veining, and structure to help 
                                                               identify the key shear structures. 
                                                               Potentially economic mineralisation not always 
                                                               restricted to an easily identifiable sheared, 
                                                               porphyritic syenite or diorite. Within the lodes higher 
                                                               grade copper (>2%) is erratically 
                                                               The main lode wireframe includes some barren material 
                                                               between copper mineralisation. 
                                                               Due to its narrow nature the orientation of interpreted 
                                                               lode wireframes can be influenced 
                                                               locally due to the accuracy of down-hole surveys. 
 Dimensions                                                    The extent of mineralisation with Cu >500ppm below the 
  *    The extent and variability of the Mineral Resource      original topography is: 
       expressed as length (along strike or otherwise), plan   Main Strike = 955m, Depth = 290m, Width = 1 to 35m. 
       width, and depth below surface to the upper and lower   Mineralisation extends significantly downdip from the 
       limits of the Mineral Resource.                         historical pit floor for the main lode. 
 Estimation and modelling techniques                           Block grade estimation for Cu was by inverse distance 
  *    The nature and appropriateness of the estimation        squared methods (ID2). ID2 was considered 
       technique(s) applied and key assumptions, including     suitable for the style of mineralisation, size of 
       treatment of extreme grade values, domaining,           blocks relative to the drill hole spacing, 
       interpolation parameters and maximum distance of        and the assumed open pit and underground mining 
       extrapolation from data points. If a computer           selectivity. 
       assisted estimation method was chosen include a         Drill holes were composited to 1m, and data was 
       description of computer software and parameters used.   interpolated using Datamine Minescape Block 
                                                               Model software. 
                                                               Hard boundaries were adopted for lode wireframes, with 
  *    The availability of check estimates, previous           each lode estimated independently. 
       estimates and/or mine production records and whether    No blocks outside the line of lode mask were estimated. 
       the Mineral Resource estimate takes appropriate         Blocks were estimated using 1 - 8 samples with a 
       account of such data.                                   maximum of 2 samples from any one drill hole. 
                                                               A two-pass search strategy was employed with search 
                                                               ellipsoids orientated in accordance with 
  *    The assumptions made regarding recovery of              the average lode orientation. 
       by-products.                                            Main Lode: 
                                                               Maximum search distance of 45m by 25m by 2m for search 
                                                               pass 1. 
  *    Estimation of deleterious elements or other non-grade   Maximum search distance of 90m by 65m by 8m for search 
       variables of economic significance (eg sulphur for      pass 2. 
       acid mine drainage characterisation). 
  *    In the case of block model interpolation, the block 
       size in relation to the average sample spacing and 
       the search employed. 
  *    Any assumptions behind modelling of selective mining 
  *    Any assumptions about correlation between variables. 
  *    Description of how the geological interpretation was 
       used to control the resource estimates. 
  *    Discussion of basis for using or not using grade 
       cutting or capping. 
  *    The process of validation, the checking process used, 
       the comparison of model data to drill hole data, and 
       use of reconciliation data if available. 
 Moisture                                                      Resource tonnages are estimated on a dry in situ basis 
   *    Whether the tonnages are estimated on a dry basis or   (air-dried). 
        with natural moisture, and the method of 
        determination of the moisture content. 
 Cut-off parameters                                            Reporting cut-off grades of 0.2% Cu for open pit and 
   *    The basis of the adopted cut-off grade(s) or quality   will require confirmation through feasibility 
        parameters applied.                                    work. For the channel samples in the oxidized zone a 
                                                               top-cut of 15% Cu was applied, whereas 
                                                               for fresh mineralisation no top-cut was applied. 
 Mining factors or assumptions                                 Cangai has previously been selectively mined by open 
  *    Assumptions made regarding possible mining methods,     cut mining methods. A total of 5,080t 
       minimum mining dimensions and internal (or, if          of ore @ 8% Cu has been deducted from the resource 
       applicable, external) mining dilution. It is always     estimate to reflect this. 
       necessary as part of the process of determining         Portions of the remaining resources are considered to 
       reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction   have sufficient grade and continuity 
       to consider potential mining methods, but the           to be considered for both selective open cut and 
       assumptions made regarding mining methods and           underground mining but will require confirmation 
       parameters when estimating Mineral Resources may not    through feasibility work. 
       always be rigorous. Where this is the case, this        No mining parameters or modifying factors have been 
       should be reported with an explanation of the basis     applied to the Mineral Resources. 
       of the mining assumptions made. 
 Metallurgical factors or assumptions                          Since the 2017 maiden mineral resource estimate, some 
  *    The basis for assumptions or predictions regarding      metallurgical testing has taken place. 
       metallurgical amenability. It is always necessary as    Two composites formed from bulk samples taken in April 
       part of the process of determining reasonable           2018 from McDonough's Portal and Shaft 
       prospects for eventual economic extraction to           stockpiles along the line of lode (Castillo Copper 
       consider potential metallurgical methods, but the       2018a) have been the focal point of metallurgical 
       assumptions regarding metallurgical treatment           test-work. The test-work in the laboratory has 
       processes and parameters made when reporting Mineral    demonstrated the ore has beneficiated materially. 
       Resources may not always be rigorous. Where this is     Furthermore, results to date have confirmed solid 
       the case, this should be reported with an explanation   copper concentrate recoveries that exceeded 
       of the basis of the metallurgical assumptions made.     80%, while the grade was up to 22% Cu and Co 300ppm. 
                                                               In September 2019 assay results for samples collected 
                                                               from legacy stockpiles at Smelter Creek 
                                                               Slag stockpile and another composite along the line of 
                                                               lode (Marks and McDonough's dumps) 
                                                               were received back from the Peacocke & Simpson 
                                                               Laboratory in Zimbabwe, with average head grades 
                                                               at 1.23% and 2.03% Cu respectively. 
                                                               Further work completed in December 2019, using a 
                                                               representative insitu massive sulphide ore 
                                                               sample extracted from drillhole CC0023R completed in 
                                                               August 2018, reported a commercial grade 
                                                               concentrate of 22.2% Cu & 7.4% Zn with a recovery of 
                                                               79.3% of total contained copper was achieved, 
                                                               which is in line with previous investigations. The 
                                                               following observations were made: 
                                                               -- This result was derived from using standard 
                                                               metallurgical flotation methods; and 
                                                               -- The result is highly encouraging as it provides 
                                                               first-hand insight on a potential final 
                                                               copper concentrate product from using high-grade CCM 
                                                               -- The composite sample utilised in the metallurgical 
                                                               test-work process comprised high-grade 
                                                               massive sulphide RC chips with a head grade of 8.18% Cu 
                                                               and 4.36% Zn. 
 Environmental factors or assumptions                          The historical Cangai Mine is a series of lapsed Mining 
  *    Assumptions made regarding possible waste and process   Licenses with an EA in place (only 
       residue disposal options. It is always necessary as     on the EL). 
       part of the process of determining reasonable           Historically, ore processing and tailings storage has 
       prospects for eventual economic extraction to           been conducted off-site, various third-party 
       consider the potential environmental impacts of the     options are available for offsite ore processing and 
       mining and processing operation. While at this stage    tailings storage. 
       the determination of potential environmental impacts,   Mining has previously taken place at Cangai with no 
       particularly for a greenfields project, may not         significant environmental impediments. 
       always be well advanced, the status of early 
       consideration of these potential environmental 
       impacts should be reported. Where these aspects have 
       not been considered this should be reported with an 
       explanation of the environmental assumptions made. 
 Bulk density                                                  During the modelling exercise discrepancies were found 
  *    Whether assumed or determined. If assumed, the basis    where the existing specific gravity 
       for the assumptions. If determined, the method used,    water displacement testing undertaken on site in 2018 
       whether wet or dry, the frequency of the measurements   were at odds with detailed density analysis 
 ,                                                             conducted on slag and ex-mine dump bulk samples 
       the nature, size and representativeness of the          collected for the purpose of metallurgical 
       samples.                                                recovery testing. 
                                                               A new programme of specific gravity testing was 
                                                               undertaken on stored HQ diamond core from 
  *    The bulk density for bulk material must have been       CC0035D and CC0036D focusing on dual water (Fieldcrew) 
       measured by methods that adequately account for void    and alcohol methods (ALS Brisbane). 
       spaces (vugs, porosity, etc), moisture and              Comparisons were also made to lithology, state of 
       differences between rock and alteration zones within    weathering, and copper content. 
       the deposit.                                            Specific gravity (SG) for rock and pulp samples can be 
                                                               measured by different methods. A rock 
                                                               sample can be submersed in water, either as submitted 
  *    Discuss assumptions for bulk density estimates used     or covered with paraffin wax. As a pulp 
       in the evaluation process of the different materials.   sample can't be submerged in water, specific gravity 
                                                               measurements are taken by using a pycnometer. 
                                                               For 25 HQ core samples (CC0035D and 36D) good 
                                                               correlation was found between the two SG methodologies, 
                                                               one conducted on site by Fieldcrew personnel and the 
                                                               other at ALS Brisbane using method "OA-GRA08b" 
                                                               (see attached graph). 
                                                               Comparison of the ALS SG results, and trace copper (in 
                                                               ppm) showed a very strong logarithmic 
                                                               correlation (see attached graph) 
 Classification                                                The insitu resources were classified on a 
  *    The basis for the classification of the Mineral         block-by-block basis using estimation outputs. Inferred 
       Resources into varying confidence categories.           Resource blocks required the closest sample within 45m, 
                                                               an average sample distance <90m, and 
                                                               a minimum of 2 drill holes, with the remaining blocks 
  *    Whether appropriate account has been taken of all       assigned to Exploration Target ranges 
       relevant factors (ie relative confidence in             (not reported here). 
       tonnage/grade estimations, reliability of input data,   The resource classification appropriately reflects the 
       confidence in continuity of geology and metal values,   Competent Person's view of the deposit. 
       quality, quantity and distribution of the data). 
  *    Whether the result appropriately reflects the 
       Competent Person's view of the deposit. 
 Audits or reviews                                             The Cangai Mineral Resource estimate was reviewed by a 
   *    The results of any audits or reviews of Mineral        specialist consultant. Their report 
        Resource estimates.                                    found agreement in some of the modelling assumptions, 
                                                               but disagreed with the use of channel 
                                                               samples and the modelled width of various ore lenses. 
 Discussion of relative accuracy/ confidence                   The relative accuracy of the Mineral Resource estimate 
  *    Where appropriate a statement of the relative           is reflected in the reporting of the 
       accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource   Mineral Resource as per the guidelines of the 2012 JORC 
       estimate using an approach or procedure deemed          Code. 
       appropriate by the Competent Person. For example, the   Detailed statistical and geostatistical methods to 
       application of statistical or geostatistical            quantify the relative accuracy of the resource 
       procedures to quantify the relative accuracy of the     have not been undertaken. However, preliminary 
       resource within stated confidence limits, or, if such   statistical analysis suggests the relative 
       an approach is not deemed appropriate, a qualitative    error of this estimate to be +/-20-30% 
       discussion of the factors that could affect the         Lode geometry and grade can vary significantly over 
       relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate.       short distances, but continuity of mineralisation 
                                                               and grade is supported by close-spaced drilling in 
                                                               areas classified as Inferred. 
  *    The statement should specify whether it relates to      Drill hole data was collected and analysed using 
       global or local estimates, and, if local, state the     prevailing industry practices but a small 
       relevant tonnages, which should be relevant to          amount of drilling pre-dates 1990. There is a small 
       technical and economic evaluation. Documentation        possibility of the resource including 
       should include assumptions made and the procedures      minor amounts of undocumented underground voids from 
       used.                                                   historical mining, as post mining drilling 
                                                               did intersect underground voids in seven (7) instances. 
                                                               The resource statement relates to the global resource 
  *    These statements of relative accuracy and confidence    estimate. The grade cut-offs and depth 
       of the estimate should be compared with production      of potential open pit material used to determine the 
       data, where available.                                  Mineral Resource were assumed and require 
                                                               confirmation through feasibility work. 
                                                               The deposit is not currently being mined, but the 
                                                               resource estimate has a lower average grade 
                                                               than production records for the same mineralisation 
                                                               zone that was mined at higher elevations 
                                                               from 1903 - 1917 and 1934 - 1937. 
                                                               During its lifecycle, the Cangai Copper Mine produced 
                                                               5,080 tonnes of copper, 1,035kg of silver 
                                                               and 527kg of gold from a total underground extraction 
                                                               of 307,000t of which approximately 63,500t 
                                                               was ore (this equates to 8% Cu, 1.5g/t Au and 15g/t Ag 
                                                               as provided by GSNSW MinView portal). 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 25, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

Castillo Copper (LSE:CCZ)
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부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Castillo Copper 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Castillo Copper (LSE:CCZ)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Castillo Copper 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.