7.00 AM


                               AVID HOLDINGS PLC                               

                           ("Avid" or the "Company")                           

              INTERIM STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2008              

                          LOSS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED                           

Business Highlights in the Period

  * Turnover including acquisitions increased by 166.5% from �679,356 to 
  * Gross profit increased 157.6% from �228,951 to �589,849
  * Group loss before tax reduced by 49.8% to �186,292 from �370,937
  * Loss per share reduced by 66.7% to 0.04p from 0.12p
  * Acquisition of Alpha Anodising completed in March
  * An order for the first 12 electropacTM feeders to Boots received via a
    German OEM
  * All operating companies operating profitably before central overheads
  * Confident of a further improved trading performance for the full year
For further information contact:

Jonathan Bobbett, Chief Executive

Avid Holdings Plc

Tel: +44 (0)1622 872 022

Ross Andrews, Nominated Adviser

Zeus Capital Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 161 831 1512

Stephen Goschalk, Stockbroker

Newland Stockbrokers Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7290 2400

Brian Coleman-Smith / James Verstringhe, Financial Public Relations

Cubitt Consulting Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7367 5100

Background note

Avid focuses on acquiring stable and profitable businesses within the precision
engineering sector. As the target sector is highly fragmented the Company
strongly believes that value can be added through consolidation.

The Group came into being through the acquisition of 3 Point Blue, which was
founded by Jonathan Bobbett, the Group's Chief Executive, and was reversed into
Euro Investment Fund plc in June 2006 and changed its name to Avid Holdings plc
on being admitted to trading on AIM in June 2006. Since then the Company has
made two further acquisitions.

Pill Protect

3 Point Blue became the first operating company in the emerging Group changing
its name to Pill Protect which provides pharmaceutical companies with child
resistant and senior friendly packaging solutions for their blister pack drugs.


Electro-Mec, founded in 1969, is a precision engineering business producing
high quality blister pack change tooling for the pharmaceutical industry (from
which it generates the majority of its revenues) as well as offering some
machining and assembly for the defence industry. It was acquired in February
2007 for a total consideration of �1.55 million of which �759,000 is dependent
on future profits.

Alpha Anodising

Alpha was established in 1972 and is a high quality metal finishing business
based in Buckinghamshire. It has developed a highly diversified customer base
due to its specialised expertise and reputation. Its offerings include a wide
range of production techniques such as mechanical and chemical finishes, high
quality surface and sub-surface printing, as well as professional design and
prototyping services. The company supplies the medical, scientific, defence and
audio industries. It was acquired for �799,813 of which �120,000 is deferred.

                               AVID HOLDINGS PLC                               
                           ("Avid" or the "Company")                           

              INTERIM STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2008              

Chairman's Statement

During the period under review Avid has achieved a significant increase in
turnover and gross profit through the acquisition of Alpha Anodising and
through sustainable organic growth. The results include three months trading
from Alpha Anodising, which was acquired in March of this year.

The Group continues to develop as a consolidator in the precision engineering
sector and, subject to the availability of funding, will seek further
acquisitions to contribute to overall group profitability and enhanced
long-term shareholder value.

I was delighted to welcome Bob Dover, former Chairman and Chief Executive of
Jaguar and Land Rover, as a Non Executive Director at the AGM and I am sure
that his sector expertise will be invaluable to the Group.

Results for the period ended 30 June 2008

The loss before taxation for the period and loss per share amounted to �186,292
(2007: �370,937) and 0.04 pence per share (2007: 0.12 pence per share)
respectively. As at 30th June 2008, net assets were �2,843,787 (2007: �
3,259,066). The Directors do not propose a dividend at this time.

In March 2008, as part of the acquisition of Alpha Anodising Ltd, the Group
negotiated new banking facilities with HBOS. These arrangements include
extensive drawdown facilities and an overdraft which are utilised as required.
For this reason, good Treasury Management resulted in a nil cash position on
the Balance Sheet at the period end.

Operating Review

Electro-mec (Reading) Limited

Electro-mec is near to completing the industrial version of the electropacTM, a
fully automated system for the production of patient packs that can be used for
all solid and semi-solid formulations.

The electropacTM system uses innovative technology that enables the fully
automated filling, in the pharmacy, of weekly dose packs for elderly patients.
The equipment has been designed to handle a full range of formulated drugs
including tablets, capsules, caplets and gels in varying shapes and sizes.
Electro-mec's existing vibration tray technology has been adapted to allow
automated filling through seven channels into each day's unit tray.

International Patents have been filed and an order received for the first 12
units to be installed at Boots.

A smaller desktop machine designed for individual pharmacists is under
development with DTI support.

Alpha Anodising Limited

The acquisition of Alpha Anodising was completed in March adding a valuable
income and profit stream to the group. Early indicators are that it is
performing slightly above our expectations returning a �40,187 operating profit
for the 3 months to 30 June 2008.

Factory production is forecast to increase by over 60% with the introduction of
an additional shift in the second half of 2008. The anodising work from
Electro-mec will take up much of the increased capacity absorbing development
costs leading to increased profitability in 2009.

Alpha Anodising was selected to anodise a series of tables designed by
BarberOsgerby, UK Designers of The Year 2007. The complex design featured up to
60 individual sections of aluminium that Alpha anodised in different colours to
the exact specification of the designer. The tables are being exhibited and
sold through Established & Sons in Duke Street, London.

Pill protect

The pharmaceutical industry has been slow to adopt the BS EN14375 regulations.
Pill protect continues to supply Reckitt Benkiser with child-resistant blister
packaging solutions for a number of their well known brands and revenue
continues to grow slowly and make a small contribution to the group.


With the three trading companies successfully integrated and now operating
profitably before holding company overheads, I remain confident that the Group
will show a further improvement in trading performance at the year end.

Michael Walter


CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT              Six months  Six months    Year end
For the period to 30 June 2008                  Ended       Ended 31 December
                                              30 June     30 June        2007
                                                 2008        2007            
                                          (Unaudited) (Unaudited)            
                                                    �           �           �
Revenue                                     1,810,723     679,356   1,746,105
Cost of sales                             (1,220,874)   (450,405) (1,336,499)
Gross profit                                  589,849     228,951     409,606
Administrative expenses                     (751,455)   (593,174) (1,234,709)
Operating loss                              (161,606)   (364,223)   (825,103)
Finance income                                 15,236      18,866      33,162
Finance expenses                             (39,922)    (25,580)    (56,684)
Loss before tax                             (186,292)   (370,937)   (848,625)
Income taxes (note 6)                               -           -      60,058
Loss for the period                         (186,292)   (370,937)   (788,567)
Basic and diluted loss per share from         (0.04)p     (0.12)p     (0.25)p
continuing and total operations (note 2)                                     

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                               
For the period to 30 June 2008                                               
                                            Six months  Six months   Year end
                                                 Ended       Ended         31
                                               30 June     30 June           
                                                  2008        2007       2007
                                           (Unaudited) (Unaudited)    Audited
                                                     �           �          �
Loss for the financial period                (186,292)   (370,937)  (788,567)
Issue of share capital                          32,000   1,395,470  1,545,470
Increase in reserve for potential share              -      11,244     17,887
Net increase in shareholders' equity         (154,292)   1,035,777    774,790
Equity at the start of the period            2,998,079   2,223,289  2,223,289
Equity at the end of the period              2,843,787   3,259,066  2,998,079

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                    
As at 30 June 2008                                                            
                                                 As at       As at       As at
                                               30 June     30 June 31 December
                                                  2008        2007        2007
                                           (Unaudited) (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                                     �           �           �
ASSETS Non-current assets                                                     
Property, plant and equipment                  579,204     505,333     477,557
Goodwill                                     2,419,106   2,268,745   2,270,544
Other intangible assets                        606,803     508,579     521,924
                                             3,605,113   3,282,657   3,270,025
Current assets                                                                
Inventories                                    612,255     352,127     407,064
Trade receivables                              856,755     331,161     391,330
Other current assets                           303,928     129,210      73,333
Cash and cash equivalents                            -     226,676      96,113
                                             1,772,938   1,039,174     967,840
Total assets                                 5,378,051   4,321,831   4,237,865
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                        
Equity attributable to equity holders of                                      
the parent                                                                    
Share capital                                2,110,334   1,903,334   2,078,334
Share premium                                2,383,736   2,408,736   2,383,736
Share to be issued reserve                      17,887      11,244      17,887
Retained earnings                          (1,668,170) (1,064,248) (1,481,878)
Total equity                                 2,843,787   3,259,066   2,998,079
Non-current liabilities                                                       
Long-term borrowings                           517,356     311,570     248,140
Deferred tax                                    20,496           -       7,452
Total non-current liabilities                  537,852     311,570     255,592
Current liabilities                                                           
Cash and cash equivalents                      121,733           -           -
Trade and other payables                     1,190,246     628,318     644,255
Short term borrowings                          420,777           -     224,931
Current portion of long-term borrowings        263,656     122,877     115,008
Total current liabilities                    1,996,412     751,195     984,194
Total liabilities                            2,534,264   1,062,765   1,239,786
Total equity and liabilities                 5,378,051   4,321,831   4,237,865

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                             
For the period to 30 June 2008                                               
                                           Six months  Six months    Year end
                                                Ended       Ended 31 December
                                              30 June     30 June        2007
                                                 2008        2007            
                                          (Unaudited) (Unaudited)            
                                                    �           �            
Cash flows from operating activities                                         
Operating loss                              (161,606)   (364,223)   (825,103)
Adjustments for:                                                             
Depreciation                                   41,227      39,002      63,142
Loss on disposal                                2,007           -       7,797
Amortisation                                   16,574           -      20,077
Equity-settled share-based payment                  -      11,244           -
Increase in trade and other receivables     (474,967)      14,961      10,669
Increase in inventories                      (98,949)   (118,205)   (173,142)
Increase in trade payables                    621,043   (212,187)      79,845
Income taxes                                        -           -      14,547
Net cash flows used in operating             (54,671)   (629,408)   (802,168)
Cash flows from investing activities                                         
Acquisition of subsidiary net of cash       (410,221)   (554,557)   (554,557)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment    (45,679)   (254,421)    (60,631)
Purchase of intangible assets               (101,453)           -    (28,267)
Proceeds from sale of equipment                 1,000     224,880      21,774
Net cash used in investing activities       (556,353)   (584,098)   (621,681)
Cash flows from financing activities                                         
Proceeds from issue of share capital                -     995,470   1,163,357
Proceeds from long-term borrowings            417,863     215,809     165,066
Payment of debt                                     -           -    (20,556)
Interest received                              15,237      18,866      33,162
Interest paid                                (39,922)    (25,580)    (56,684)
Net cash used in financing activities         393,178   1,204,565   1,284,345
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents   (217,846)     (8,941)   (139,504)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of      96,113     235,617     235,617
Cash and cash equivalents/(debt) at end     (121,733)     226,676      96,113
of period                                                                    

Note A. Acquisition of subsidiary

During the period the Group acquired Alpha Anodising Limited. The fair value of
assets acquired and liabilities assumed were as follows:

Property, plant and equipment                        100,202
Inventories                                          106,242
Accounts receivable                                  221,054
Cash                                                 431,015
Trade payables                                     (120,795)
Long-term debt                                      (13,044)
Goodwill                                             148,562
Total acquisition cost                               873,236
Cash and cash equivalents acquired                 (431,015)
Non-cash consideration                              (32,000)
Cash outflow on acquisition                          410,221

Notes to the unaudited interim report

 1. Basis of preparation
While the financial information included in this interim announcement has been
computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with
IFRS. The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Company's statutory accounts to 31 December
2007 which were prepared in accordance with IFRS, International Accounting
Standards and their interpretations issued or adopted by the International
Accounting Standards Board as adopted for use in the European Union. The
interim figures have not been audited. The interim financial statement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985 (the "Act"). Comparative financial information for the 12
months ended 31 December 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts
for the period which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and upon
which the auditors gave an unqualified report, with no statement under Section
237(2) or (3) of Act.

 2. Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the result for
the period, for continuing operations as well as total acquisitions, and the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

                                       Six months   Six months    Year ended
                                               to           to              
                                                                 31 December
                                          30 June      30 June          2007
                                             2008         2007              
Weighted average number of ordinary   418,848,985  309,203,702   345,108,057
shares in issue                                                             
Dilutive potential ordinary shares:             -   10,104,545     4,480,812
Employee share options                                                      
Loss after tax (�)                      (186,292)    (370,937)     (848,625)
Basic earnings per share - pence per      (0.04p)      (0.12p)       (0.39p)
share (p)                                                                   

There are no potentially dilutive employee share options in existence at 30
June 2008 (30 June 2007: 10,104,545) which relate to share options granted to
employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the
Company's ordinary shares during the period.

 3. Business Combination
On 27th March 2008 Avid Holdings plc completed the purchase of the entire share
capital of Alpha Anodising Limited for initial consideration of �679,813. This
consisted of a cash payment of �647,813 and the issue of 6,400,000 new Ordinary
Shares in Avid Holdings plc at a price of 0.5 pence.

Deferred cash consideration of up to �120,000 will be due dependent on the
future profits of Alpha Anodising. The Board of Directors have considered the
likelihood that the future profits of Alpha Anodising will reach the necessary
levels for this to become payable and have made a provision of �80,000 based on
expected results. It is anticipated that profits will not reach the necessary
levels for the full deferred consideration to be payable and no provision,
therefore, for the additional �40,000 has been made.

The book value of the acquisition can be found in Note A of this report.

In addition, directly attributable costs of �193,423 were incurred in relation
to the business combination.

 4. Segmental Reporting
The Group's core activities are the supply of specialist packaging solutions
and the production of precision tooling both for the pharmaceutical industry as
carried out by the subsidiary companies. There are no geographical segments.

                              Six months ended      Six months             Year
                                       30 June           ended            ended
                                          2008         30 June      31 December
                                             �            2007             2007
                                                             �                �
Packaging solutions                    155,740          18,945          121,148
Precision tooling                    1,328,361         656,861        1,620,757
Metal finishing                        326,222               -                -
Group activities                           400           3,550            4,200
                                     1,810,723         679,356        1,746,105
Packaging solutions                      7,461       (183,723)        (215,305)
Precision tooling                      113,113         (1,312)        (219,761)
Metal finishing                         40,187               -                -
Group activities                     (322,367)       (179,188)        (390,037)
Underlying operating loss            (161,606)       (364,223)        (825,103)
Finance income                          15,236          18,866           33,162
Finance expenses                      (39,922)        (25,580)         (56,684)
Loss for the period                  (186,292)       (370,937)        (848,625)

 5. Due to the Company's losses, no taxation charge has arisen for the period.
 6. The Directors have not declared an interim dividend.
 7. The financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008 were
    approved by the Board of Directors on 24 September 2008.
These financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of the Companies Act 1985 and are neither reviewed nor audited.

 8. Copies of this statement are available to shareholders and members of the
    public, free of charge, from the Company's registered office at Unit 10
    Woodfalls Farm, Gravelly Way, Laddingford, Kent, ME18 6DA.

Michael Walter



Avid (LSE:AVD)
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Avid (LSE:AVD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Avid 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.