RNS No 3933w
13 September 1999

Nortel Networks to Provide U.S. and Canadian GAAP Reporting effective    
January 1, 2000 and provides Outlook for Performance in 2000.

BRAMPTON, Ontario - In anticipation of providing financial reporting in
accordance with both U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and
Canadian GAAP for periods beginning after January 1, 2000, Nortel Networks*
(NYSE/TSE: NT) today issued reported and supplementary financial information
prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

"The decision to provide U.S. GAAP financial reporting in addition to Canadian
GAAP financial reporting was driven by a desire to make it easier for our
shareholders and the investment community to assess our financial performance"
said Frank Dunn, Nortel Networks'senior vice-president and chief financial
officer. "Given that Canadian GAAP is harmonizing with U.S. GAAP in a number of
areas starting in 2000, it makes sense for us to provide complete U.S. GAAP
financial reporting at that time."

Focusing on anticipated U.S. GAAP financial results for 2000, Dunn stated, "We
expect our revenue growth will exceed the market growth rate of 14 to 15 percent
by about 3 percentage points and anticipate growth in our earnings per share
from operations** to be faster than our revenue growth."

Nortel Networks delivers value to customers around the world through Unified
Networks* solutions, spanning mission-critical telephony and IP-optimized
networks. Customers include public and private enterprises and institutions;
Internet service providers; local, long-distance, cellular and PCS
communications companies; cable television carriers; and utilities.

Nortel Networks'common shares are listed on the New York, Toronto, Montreal and
London stock exchanges. Nortel Networks had 1998 Canadian GAAP revenues of
US$17.6 billion and has approximately 70,000 employees worldwide.

Certain information included in this press release is forward-looking and is
subject to important risks and uncertainties. The results or events predicted in
these statements may differ materially from actual results or events. Factors
which could cause results or events to differ from current expectations
include, among other things: the impact of price and product competition; the
dependence on new product development; the impact of rapid technological and
market change; the ability of Nortel Networks to integrate the operations and
technologies of acquired businesses in an effective manner; general industry and
market conditions and growth rates; international growth and global economic
conditions, particularly in emerging markets and including interest rate and
currency exchange rate fluctuations; unanticipated impact of Year 2000 issues;
and the impact of consolidations in the telecommunications industry. For
additional information with respect to certain of these and other factors, see
the reports filed by Nortel Networks with the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission. Nortel Networks disclaims any intention or obligation to
update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.

* Nortel Networks, the Nortel Networks logo, the Globemark, Unified Networks,
and How the world shares ideas are trademarks of Nortel Networks.

** Net earnings from operations applicable to common shares is defined as
reported net earnings applicable to common shares before "Acquisition Related
Costs" (the amortization of intangible assets from the acquisition of Bay
Networks, Inc., and all subsequent acquisitions, and the amortization of any
purchased in-process research and development from prior acquisitions) and
one-time gains and charges.

For more information:
Angela McMonagle                     Jeff Ferry
Nortel Networks                      Nortel Networks
(905) 863-6044                       (703) 712-8339
McMonagle@nortelnetworks.com         jferry@nortelnetworks.com

Or visit Nortel Networks' website at www.nortelnetworks.com

                           NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
                        Canadian/U.S. GAAP Reconciliation
     Supplementary Earnings Per Common Share(*) (unaudited, except as noted)
           (in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share information)

                 Six months ended     Three months ended    Fiscal periods ended
                          June 30,    June 30,   March 31,      December 31, 
                             1999        1999        1999      1998      1997
Earnings per common
Canadian GAAP - basic         .44        .27         .17       .93        .77
Income taxes (1)             (.01)      (.01)          -      (.02)      (.06)
Stock option benefit(2)      (.07)      (.04)       (.03)     (.02)      (.03)
Post employment and post
 retirement benefits (3)     (.01)         -        (0.1)     (.02)      (.02)
Financial Instruments (4)       -          -           -      (.01)         -
U. S. GAAP - basic (6)        .35        .22         .13       .86        .66

U.S. GAAP - diluted           .34        .22         .12       .83        .64

Canadian GAAP             $ 9,831    $ 5,413    $ 4,418   $ 17,575 v  $15,449 v
Joint venture revenue (5)    (332)      (180)      (152)      (841)v     (868)v 

U.S. GAAP                 $ 9,499    $ 5,233    $ 4,266    $16,734    $14,581

(*)  Reflects the impact of the stock dividend of one common share paid on each
     of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Corporation as at the
     close of business on August 17, 1999 (the "Stock Dividend'). 
(**) Excludes the impact of "Acquisition Related Costs" (the amortization of
     Intangible assets from the acquisition of Bay Networks Inc., and all
     subsequent acquisitions, and the amortization of any purchased in-process
     research and development from prior acquisitions) and one-time gains and
v    Audited information.

(1)  Under Canadian GAAP, the deferral method is used to record tax expense
     whereas U.S. GAAP follows the liability method. The primary difference is
     that under the deferral method, tax liabilities are recorded at historical
     tax rates and not subsequently readjusted if tax rates change. Under U.S.
     GAAP, tax liabilities are restated to reflect current tax rates.

(2)  An income tax benefit associated with deductible stock option compensation
     is available in connection with the exercise of stock options by U.S.
     employees. The income tax benefit is equal to the difference between the
     market price on the date of exercise and the grant price. Under Canadian
     GAAP, the income tax benefit can be treated as a reduction to the income
     tax provision if the stock option compensation costs are not recorded.
     Under U.S. GAAP, the income tax benefit associated with the stock option
     compensation is treated as an increase in share capital.

(3)  Under Canadian GAAP, companies may use a pay-as-you-go method (that is,
     expenses charged to the income statement as incurred). Under U.S. GAAP,
     expenses related to these benefits must be accrued during the years that
     employees provide services to the company.

(4)  Under U.S. GAAP, companies are required to record mark-to-market
     adjustments on financial instruments that do not meet the specific criteria
     for hedge accounting. The adjustment represents the difference between
     hedge accounting for cross currency coupon swap contracts under Canadian
     GAAP, and the recognition of the mark-to-market differential through the
     income statement for this specific type of financial instrument.

(5)  Under Canadian GAAP, investments in joint ventures are recognized in the
     financial statements of the venturer by applying the proportionate
     consolidation method of accounting. Under U.S. GAAP, investments in joint
     ventures are recognized in the financial statements of the venturer under
     the equity method of accounting.

(6)  There are other U.S./Canadian GAAP differences which do not effect the
     above earnings per share amounts.  Under Canadian GAAP, investment tax
     credits are accounted for on a cost reduction method and are therefore
     treated as a reduction to the research and development expense. Under U.S.
     GAAP, investment tax credits are accounted for on a flow-through method
     via the tax provision.

                       NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
   Consolidated Statements of Operations and Reconciliation to Supplementary
   Net Earnings (1) (audited, except as noted)
           (millions of U.S. dollars, except per share figures)

                                 Fiscal periods ended December 31,
                                 1998                         1997
                                 As Reported                  As Reported  
                                 Cdn GAAP    U.S.GAAP(2)  Cdn GAAP  U.S.GAAP(2)

Revenues                          $ 17,575     $ 16,734   $ 15,449    $ 14,581
Cost of Revenues                    10,050        9,447      9,111       8,499

Gross profit                         7,525        7,287      6,338       6,082

Selling, general and 
 administrative expense              3,093        2,961      2,714       2,564
Research and development expense     2,453        2,532      2,147       2,221
Amortization of intangibles     
 Purchased in-process research
  and development                    1,241        1,756         -           -
 Acquired technology                   228          228         -           -
 Goodwill                              240          423         48         32
Special charges                        447          431         95         65

Operating earnings (loss)             (177)      (1,044)     1,334      1,200  
Equity in net earnings (loss) of 
 associated companies                  (19)         (48)        14        (54)
Investment and other income (expense)  234          226        (14)         2
Interest expense
  Long-term debt                      (117)        (107)      (131)      (119) 
  Other                               (115)        (115)       (38)       (38)
Gain on sale of businesses             258          258        102        102

                                        64         (830)     1,267      1,093
Income tax provision                   601          420        438        381

Net earnings (loss)                   (537)      (1,250)       829        712
Dividends on preferred shares           32           32         17         17

Net earnings (loss) applicable to 
 common shares                      $ (569)    $ (1,282)    $  812      $ 695   
Add back:
Acquisition related amortization
  Purchased in-process research 
   and development                $  1,241      $ 1,756      $    -      $   -
  Acquired technology                  228          228           -          -
  Goodwill                             161          357           -          -
Amortization of deferred taxes
  on acquired technology                 -          (83)          -          -
One-time gains                        (441)        (441)      (102)       (102)
One-time charges (3)                   447          447         95          95
Net tax impact                          (2)          (2)        (1)         (1)

Supplementary net earnings 
 applicable to common shares (4)  $  1,065      $   980      $ 804      $  687
Supplementary earnings per 
 common share
- basic                               .93 (2)      .86 (2)    .77 (2)    .66 (2)
- diluted                                          .83 (2)               .64 (2)
Dividends declared per common share   .15 (2)      .15 (2)    .15 (2)    .15 (2)
Weighted average number of common
 shares outstanding  
 (millions) - basic                 1,144 (2)    1,144 (2)   1,044 (2)  1,044(2)

(1) Reflects the impact of the Stock Dividend
(2) Unaudited information
(3) Under Canadian GAAP, includes special charges related to joint ventures.  
    Under U.S. GAAP, these amounts are included in equity in net earnings (loss)
    of associated companies.
(4) Excludes the impact of Acquisition Related Costs and one-time gains and

                       NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
   Consolidated Statements of Operations and Reconciliation to Supplementary
   Net Earnings (1) (unaudited)
                   (millions of U.S. dollars, except per share figures)

                                           Three months ended         
                                 June 30, 1999                March 31, 1999
                                 As Reported                  As Reported  
                                 Cdn GAAP      U.S.GAAP     Cdn GAAP   U.S.GAAP

Revenues                          $  5,413     $  5,233   $  4,418    $  4,266
Cost of Revenues                     3,075        2,951      2,495       2,395

Gross profit                         2,338        2,282      1,923       1,871

Selling, general and 
 administrative expense              1,038        1,007        856         823
Research and development expense       701          728        666         683
Amortization of intangibles     
 Purchased in-process research
 and development                       203          184        398         -
 Acquired technology                   171          171        171         171
 Goodwill                              157          300        143         287
Special charges                         62           62          -           -

Operating earnings (loss)                6         (170)      (311)       (93) 
Investment and other income             63           60         16          1
Interest expense                                  
  Long term debt                       (22)         (20)       (28)       (27)
  Other                                (14)         (14)       (15)       (15)
Gain on sale of businesses               -            -          -          -

                                        33         (144)      (338)      (134)
Income tax provision                   171          124        125         67

Net earnings (loss)                   (138)        (268)      (463)      (201)
Dividends on preferred shares            7            7          7          7

Net earnings (loss)                  
applicable to common shares       $   (145)    $   (275)    $ (470)    $ (208) 
Add back:
Acquisition related amortization
  Purchased in-process research 
   and development                $    203     $    184     $  398      $   -
  Acquired technology                  171          171        171         171
  Goodwill                             135          282        123         270
Amortization of deferred taxes
  on acquired technology                 -          (63)         -         (62)
One-time gains                        ( 57)        ( 57)         -           - 
One-time charges                        62           62          -           -
Net tax impact                          (1)          (1)         -           - 

Supplementary net earnings 
applicable to common shares (2)   $    368      $   303      $ 222      $  171
Supplementary earnings per 
 common share
- basic                               .27          .22        .17        .13    
- diluted                                          .22                   .12    
Dividends declared per common share   .0375        .0375      .0375      .0375  
Weighted average number of common
 shares outstanding   
            (millions) - basic       1,350        1,350      1,331      1,331   

(1) Reflects the impact of the Stock Dividend
(2) Excludes the impact of Acquisition Related Costs and one-time gains and

                       NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
       Consolidated Statements of Operations and Reconciliation to
             Supplementary Net Earnings (1) (unaudited)
         (millions of U.S. dollars, except per share figures)

                                            Three months ended
                              June 30, 1998           March 31, 1998
                           As Reported              As Reported
                           Cdn GAAP     U.S. GAAP   Cdn GAAP     U.S. GAAP

Revenues                   $  4,156     $  3,971    $  3,510     $  3,320
Cost of revenues              2,419        2,281       2,046        1,908

Gross profit                  1,737        1,690       1,464        1,412

Selling, general and
 administrative expense         723          692         613          581
Research and development
 expense                        610          622         575          580
Amortization of intangibles
  Purchased in-progress
  research and development      220          223         172          329
  Acquired technology             -            -           -            -
  Goodwill                       22           18          15           12
Special charges                  32           28           -            -

Operating earnings (loss)       130          107          89          (90)
Investment and other income      51           34          14            5
Interest expense
  Long-term debt                (28)         (26)        (31)         (29)
  Other                         (30)         (30)        (15)         (15)
Loss on sale of businesses       (2)          (2)          -            -
                                121           83          57         (129)
Income tax provision            121          114          81           68
Net loss                          -          (31)        (24)        (197)
Dividends on preferred
 shares                           7            7           8            8
Net loss applicable to
 common shares             $     (7)    $    (38)   $    (32)    $   (205)
Add back:
  Acquisition related
     Purchased in-process
     research and
     development           $    220     $     223   $    172     $    329
     Acquired technology          -             -          -            -
     Goodwill                     -             -          -            -
  Amortization of deferred
   taxes on acquired
   technology                     -             -          -            -
  One-time gains                (34)          (34)         -            -
  One-time charges (2)           32            32          -            -
  Net tax impact                  1             1          -            -
Supplementary net earnings
 applicable to common
 shares (3)                $    212     $     184   $    140     $    124
Supplementary earnings 
 per common share
   - basic                      .20           .17        .13          .12
   - diluted                                  .17                     .11
Dividends declared per
 common share                 .0375         .0375      .0375        .0375
Weighted average number
 of common shares
 outstanding (millions)
 - basic                      1,054         1,054      1,048        1,048

(1) Reflects the impact of the Stock Dividend.
(2) Under Canadian GAAP, includes special charges related to joint ventures.
    Under U.S. GAAP, these amounts are included in investment and other income.
(3) Excludes the impact of Acquisition Related Costs and one-time gains and

                       NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
       Consolidated Statements of Operations and Reconciliation to
             Supplementary Net Earnings (1) (unaudited)
         (millions of U.S. dollars, except per share figures)

                                            Three months ended
                            December 31 1998        September 30, 1998
                           As Reported              As Reported
                           Cdn GAAP     U.S. GAAP   Cdn GAAP     U.S. GAAP

Revenues                   $  5,768     $  5,483    $  4,141     $  3,960
Cost of revenues              3,239        3,043       2,346        2,215
Gross profit                  2,529        2,440       1,795        1,745

Selling, general and
 administrative expense       1,029          990         728          698
Research and development
 expense                        652          703         616          627
Amortization of intangibles
  Purchased in-progress
   research and 
   development                  528          209         321          995
  Acquired technology           171          171          57           57
  Goodwill                      141          287          62          106
Special charges                  27           26         388          377
Operating earnings (loss)       (19)          54        (377)      (1,115)
Investment and other income      20           24         130          115
Interest expense
  Long-term debt                (30)         (26)        (28)         (26)
  Other                         (34)         (34)        (36)         (36)
Gain on sale of businesses        -            -         260          260 
                                (63)          18         (51)        (802)
Income tax provision            269          142         130           96
Net loss                       (332)        (124)       (181)        (898)
Dividends on preferred
 shares                           9            9           8            8
Net loss applicable to
 common shares             $   (341)    $   (133)   $   (189)    $   (906)

Add back:
  Acquisition related
     Purchased in-process
      research and
      devlopment           $    528     $     209   $    321     $    995
     Acquired technology        171           171         57           57
     Goodwill                   121           270         40           87
  Amortization of deferred
   taxes on acquired
   technology                     -           (62)         -          (21)
  One-time gains                (30)          (30)      (377)        (377)
  One-time charges (2)           27            27        388          388
  Net tax impact                  1             1         (4)          (4)
Supplementary net earnings
 applicable to common
 shares (3)                $    477     $     453   $    236     $    219

Supplementary earnings 
 per common share
   - basic                      .36           .34        .21          .19
   - diluted                                  .33                     .19
Dividends declared per
 common shares                .0375         .0375      .0375        .0375
Weighted average number
 of common shares
 outstanding (millions)
 - basic                      1,327         1,327      1,144        1,144

(1) Reflects the impact of the Stock Dividend.
(2) Under Canadian GAAP, includes special charges related to joint ventures.
    Under U.S. GAAP, these amounts are included in investment and other income.
(3) Excludes the Impact of Acquisition Related Costs and one-time gains and

                       NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION
           Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited, except as noted)
                      (in millions of U.S. dollars)

                   June 30,1999      March 31,1999        December 31,1998
               As Reported        As Reported           As Reported

               Cdn GAAP  U.S.GAAP Cdn GAAP  U.S.GAAP    Cdn GAAP    U.S.GAAP

Current assets
Cash and cash 
equivalents   $    927  $   898  $   1,520  $   1,504   $   2,281   $  2,230

receivable       6,463    6,153      5,596      5,315       5,462      5,150

Inventories      2,212    2,109      1,995      1,896       1,687      1,595

expenses           238      228        252        243         223        214

Deferred income
taxes              658      657        629        633         664        672
                ------    -----      -----      -----       -----      ------
               10,498    10,045      9,992      9,591      10,317      9,861

receivables       922       877        720        669         573        519

Investments at
cost and
companies at
equity            890     1,212        523        826         521        877

Plant and
- net           2,258     2,154      2,239      2,141       2,263      2,161

deferred taxes      -       418        -          335         -          342

Intangible assets
Purchased in-process
research and
- net              96        -         114         -          509         -

- net           1,481    1,481       1,651     1,651        1,822      1,822

Goodwill - net  3,116    5,379       3,104     5,504        3,289      5,802
                -----    -----       -----     -----        -----      -----
                4,693    6,860       4,869     7,155        5,620      7,624

Other assets      416      406         420       412          438        429

Total assets  $19,677  $21,972     $18,763   $21,129      $19,732    $21,813


Current liabilities
Notes payable $   200   $  176     $   203   $   178      $   186    $   168

Accounts payable
and accrued
liabilities     5,671    5,345       5,113     4,803        5,435      5,116

Income taxes
payable           204      207          11        13          253        255

Long-term debt
due within one
year               15       15          17        15           19         15

Deferred income
taxes              -         2         -           2            -          2
              -------   ------     -------    ------       ------     ------
                6,090    5,745       5,344     5,011        5,893      5,556


Deferred income    57       40          61        59           77         58

debt            1,513    1,412       1,596     1,504        1,648      1,514

income taxes      114      893         212       958           94        893

liabilities       384      922         402       930          366        914
                ------   -----        ------    -----      ------      ------
                8,158    9,012       7,615     8,462        8,078      8,935

Minority interest
in subsidiary
companies          87       87          87        87           89         89

Shareholders equity
shares            609      609         609       609          609        609

Common shares   9,278   11,465       8,732    10,919        8,553     10,740

earnings        1,841      938       2,037     1,264        2,568      1,533

capital           143      298         172       274          199        265

adjustment       (439)    (437)       (489)     (486)        (364)      (358)
              -------   ------       ------     ------     -------     ------
               11,432   12,873      11,061      12,580      11,565     12,789

Total liabilities and
equity        $19,677  $21,972     $18,763     $21,129     $19,732    $21,813



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