Iberian Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IZN) today announced financial and operating
results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2010, with comparative figures for
the second quarter ended June 30, 2009. The Q2 2010 interim consolidated
financial statements and related notes, and Management Discussion and Analysis
may be found on www.sedar.com. Unless stated otherwise, all reported figures are
in U.S. dollars. The Company reported net income of $90.5 million for Q2 2010,
representing $0.27 per share, and net income of $80.6 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2010.

Effective April 1, 2010, Iberian changed its reporting currency to U.S. dollars.
All comparative figures have been re-stated from Canadian dollars to U.S.
dollars using prevailing exchange rates in the comparative periods.

Summarized results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2010:


Three months ended June 30, 2010

- Recorded net income of $90.52 million or $0.27 per registered share which
  - Sales of $51.70 million and gross margin of $(13.72) million; 
  - A realized loss of $24.39 million on commodity hedges in the period
    (included in sales); 
  - An unrealized non-cash gain of $131.11 million on derivative financial
    instruments outstanding, as a result of the reduction of metal prices
    over the period. 
- Cash flow provided by operations before changes in non-cash working
  capital was $1.49 million. Cash flow used in operations after changes in
  non-cash working capital was $16.59 million. 
Six months ended June 30, 2010

- Recorded net income of $80.61 million or $0.24 per registered share which
  - Sales of $107.49 million and gross margin of $(20.99) million; 
  - A realized loss of $45.23 million on commodity hedges in the period
    (included in sales); 
  - An unrealized non-cash gain of $118.96 million on derivative financial
    instruments outstanding, as a result of the reduction of metal prices
    over the period. 
- Cash flow from operations before changes in non-cash working capital was
  $12.56 million. Cash flow used in operations after changes in non-cash
  working capital was $15.77 million. 
Operational - CMC:

Three months ended June 30, 2010

- Condestable Mine continued to process copper ore at budgeted rates. The
  copper ore grade was slightly lower than expected at 1.18% versus 1.23% in
  the second quarter of 2009. The copper ore grade of 1.18% in the second
  quarter of 2010 improved from the first quarter 2010 copper ore grade of
- CMC processed 550,708 tonnes of ore in the period versus 530,201 tonnes
  for the same period of the prior year (increase of 4%). 
- Copper concentrate shipments in the period were 23,014 DMT versus 24,309
  DMT in the prior year (decrease of 5%). 
- Contained copper production in the period was 5,829 tonnes versus 5,973
  tonnes in the prior year (decrease of 2%). 
- The Cash Operating Cost (non-GAAP measure; see Note 1) for the period was
  $1.02 per payable pound of copper versus prior year of $0.90. This was an
  improvement from the first quarter 2010 Cash Operating Cost of $1.06. 
Six months ended June 30, 2010

- Copper ore grade was lower than expected at 1.14% versus 1.23% in 2009. 
- CMC processed 1,102,391 tonnes of ore in the period versus 1,064,839
  tonnes for the same period of the prior year (increase of 4%). 
- Copper concentrate shipments in the period were 44,296 DMT versus 48,649
  DMT in the prior year (decrease of 9%). 
- Contained copper production in the period was 11,164 tonnes versus 12,087
  tonnes in the prior year (decrease of 8%). 
- The Cash Operating Cost for the period was $1.04 per payable pound of
  copper versus prior year of $0.85. 

- Completed the previously announced purchase from Corianta S.A. of all
  remaining interest in the Raul Mine, which forms part of the Condestable
  operation (the "Raul Transaction"). The purchase price was $28.00 million.
  As such, CMC is no longer obligated to make royalty payments that it was
  previously required to pay in connection with the lease of the Raul Mine. 
- Completed the closing of a $55.00 million senior secured debt facility
  which ultimately funded the Raul Transaction (the "CMC Facility"). 
Operational - MATSA (no comparables for the same period in 2009):

Three months ended June 30, 2010

- MATSA processed 381,795 tonnes of ore in the period. 
- Produced 20,659 DMT of copper concentrate and 9,718 DMT of zinc
  concentrate. Contained metal was 4,465 tonnes of copper and 4,633 tonnes
  of zinc. 
- The Cash Operating Cost was $2.38 per payable pound of copper. It was
  higher than anticipated for steady state as the production rate in the
  period was below current design capacity of 1.7 Mtpa at an average of 90%.
  The copper circuit operated on target while the poly-metallic circuit
  realized improvements and produced a separate copper concentrate in the
  second quarter. 
Six months ended June 30, 2010

- MATSA processed 739,357 tonnes of ore in the period. 
- Produced 40,062 DMT of copper concentrate and 15,677 DMT of zinc
  concentrate. Contained metal was 9,631 tonnes of copper and 7,566 tonnes
  of zinc. 
- The Cash Operating Cost was $2.30 per payable pound of copper. It was
  higher than anticipated for steady state as the production rate in the
  period was below current design capacity of 1.7 Mtpa at 87%. 

- Received from the relevant authority of the Junta de Andalucia in Spain,
  the environmental authorization which permits the use of six new reagents
  for the operation of the new modular copper/lead flotation separation
  circuit at the Aguas Tenidas Mine. The reagents have been received on site
  and the bulk copper/lead separation circuit started in early April. 
- Completed the closing of a $50.00 million senior secured, revolving debt
  facility which has resolved the previously announced funding shortfall. 
- Received the EUR10.09 million grant from Junta de Andalucia in Spain (the
  "Grant"). The Grant, which was finalized in February this year, relates to
  the "Programa de Incentivos para el Fomento de la Innovacion y el
  Desarollo Empresarial en Andalucia" (Incentive Program for the Promotion
  of Innovation and Business Development in Andalucia) and was awarded based
  on satisfying certain employment and financial conditions, which Iberian
  has completed. 

Summarized Financial Results

For accounting purposes, to September 30, 2009, MATSA was in a pre-production
phase. As such, sales and costs and expenses of mining operations incurred in
this phase were not recognized in the operating statement for the comparative
periods (three and six months ended June 30, 2009). Commercial production at
MATSA was declared with effect from October 1, 2009. Sales and costs of expenses
of mining operations for MATSA have been recognized in the operating statement
of the Company in the current periods (three and six months ended June 30,

                            Three months ended June   Six months ended June 
                                                30,                     30, 
                                   2010        2009        2010        2009 
                                      $           $           $           $ 
Sales                            51,695      25,482     107,494      50,581 
Costs and expenses of mining                                                
 operations                      46,411      13,432      90,685      25,936 
Mine site amortization           19,002       6,128      37,799      12,227 
Gross margin                    (13,718)      5,922     (20,990)     12,418 
Administrative expenses and                                                 
 other                            3,832       2,710       7,705       5,260 
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss      5,856      (4,117)     (7,222)     (2,954)
Unrealized loss (gain) on                                                   
 derivative financial                                                       
 instruments                   (131,114)     58,890    (118,955)    128,374 
Total expenses                 (121,426)     57,483    (118,472)    130,680 

Net income (loss) before                                                    
 income taxes                   107,708     (51,561)     97,482    (118,262)
Non-controlling interest             92        (345)         92        (685)

Income tax expense                1,256       2,732       2,678       6,052 
Future income tax recovery       15,844     (14,665)     14,100     (36,681)
Net income (loss)                90,516     (39,283)     80,612     (86,948)
Basic earnings (loss) per                                                   
 share ($)                         0.27       (0.13)       0.24       (0.31)
Diluted earnings (loss) per                                                 
 share ($)                         0.22       (0.13)       0.20       (0.31)

Key operating statistics 


CMC operating statistics                                                    
                                          Three months            Six months
Periods ended June 30,      Unit       2010       2009       2010       2009
Ore mined                      t    552,706    530,883  1,104,033  1,058,210
Ore processed                  t    550,708    530,201  1,102,391  1,064,839
Copper ore grade               %       1.18       1.23       1.14       1.23
Concentrate grade              %         25         25         25         25
Copper recovery rate           %         90         91         89         92
Copper concentrate           DMT     23,014     24,309     44,296     48,649
Copper contained in                                                         
 concentrate                   t      5,829      5,973     11,164     12,087
Gold contained in                                                           
 concentrate                  oz      4,020      4,414      7,279      9,100
Silver contained in                                                         
 concentrate                  oz     65,662     59,502    131,708    119,988
Payable copper contained                                                    
 in concentrate                t      5,571      5,684     10,668     11,507
Payable gold contained in                                                   
 concentrate                  oz      3,318      3,984      6,269      8,189
Payable silver contained                                                    
 in concentrate               oz     63,821     53,123    122,966    108,206
Cash Operating Cost per lb                                                  
 of payable copper           USD $     1.02 $     0.90 $     1.04 $     0.85


MATSA operating statistics                                                  
                                                  Three months    Six months
Periods ended June 30,                      Unit          2010          2010
Copper ore                                                                  
Ore mined                                      t       293,732       578,944
Ore processed                                  t       276,580       558,266
Copper ore grade                               %          1.79          1.84
Concentrate grade                              %            21            22
Copper recovery rate                           %            82            84
Copper concentrate                           DMT        18,322        37,725
Copper contained in concentrate                t         3,949         8,487
Silver contained in concentrate               oz        58,337       122,808
Payable copper contained in concentrate        t         3,766         8,110
Payable silver contained in concentrate       oz        40,664        86,420
Polymetallic ore                                                            
Ore mined                                      t       114,392       176,051
Ore processed                                  t       105,215       181,091
Copper ore grade                               %          1.38          1.30
Copper concentrate grade                       %            22            22
Copper recovery rate                           %            41            41
Zinc ore grade                                 %          7.02          6.68
Zinc concentrate grade                         %            48            48
Zinc recovery rate                             %            60            62
Copper concentrate                           DMT         2,337         2,337
Copper/lead bulk concentrate                 DMT             -         6,071
Zinc concentrate                             DMT         9,718        15,677
Copper contained in concentrate                t           516         1,144
Zinc contained in concentrate                  t         4,633         7,566
Silver contained in concentrate               oz       138,607       211,702
Payable copper contained in concentrate        t           502         1,070
Payable zinc contained in concentrate          t         3,856         6,312
Payable silver contained in concentrate       oz        71,088       125,999
Cash Operating Cost per lb of payable                                       
 copper                                      USD          2.38          2.30

Outlook and updated 2010 guidance


CMC set two priorities entering 2010. The first priority was to complete the
Raul Transaction, which occurred on March 31, 2010. The purchase of the Raul
mine lease and royalty provides Iberian with greater control over the mining
operation at CMC and eliminates the Raul royalty payments. In connection with
the completion of the Raul Transaction, CMC successfully completed the CMC
Facility. The second priority was to improve reliability of the mining
operations by investing approximately $3.30 million in capital costs to improve
the secondary crushing. This project is progressing on target, with secondary
crushing expected to be operational in Q2 2011.

It is expected that CMC will process 2.2 million tonnes of ore in 2010, in line
with Iberian's 2010 guidance. The projected contained copper production for 2010
is now expected to be 23,500 t, approximately 5% lower than prior 2010 guidance
of 24,500 t, primarily due to lower than expected copper ore grade realized in
the first quarter. It is expected, for the balance of 2010, that CMC will have
access to higher copper ore grades from the Karina vein and will thus achieve an
average copper ore grade for the second half of 2010 of 1.20%. The forecast
copper ore grade for 2010 is now expected to be approximately 1.17%. Cash
Operating cost guidance for 2010 is forecast to be $1.03 per payable pound of
copper for 2010 as compared to guidance previously issued of $0.85. The increase
reflects lower than expected copper production and higher operating costs
realized during the year.


At MATSA, having successfully dealt with financing needs in the second quarter,
the immediate priority is the completion of the 30% plant expansion. It is
expected that the expansion will be completed by the end of Q3 2010. The Company
expects that MATSA will operate at the expanded production rate in Q4 of 6,000
tpd of processed ore (equivalent of 2.2 Mtpa of processed ore). The expansion
required the presentation of a revised Study and Unified Environmental Report to
local Spanish authorities. This was presented in April 2010. It is expected that
the local authorities will complete the review and authorization process in time
for the planned start-up in Q3. While the Company does not anticipate any issues
obtaining such authorization from local authorities, the impact of any negative
developments in this regard would be a delay in the ability to operate the
processing plant at the forecasted expanded rate.

As previously reported, the copper/lead bulk separation circuit was started in
early April following completion of enhancements and after receiving permits for
the use of six new reagents for the operation of the new modular copper/lead
flotation separation circuit at the Aguas Tenidas Mine. As a result of the
enhancements MATSA has been able to produce copper concentrate and low quality
lead concentrate from the poly-metallic circuit. Due to lead concentrate quality
issues, the lead concentrate produced was not saleable. MATSA has undertaken
further enhancements as part of the plant expansion project with the expectation
that the lead concentrate will be commercially saleable by the end of 2010.
However, for purposes of the revised 2010 guidance issued below, the Company is
not expecting any credit for such lead concentrate.

The Company issues the following updated 2010 guidance for MATSA:

                       Unit                                    Year       Q4
Ore processed          MT                        1.7 to 1.8 million  550,000
Copper concentrate     DMT                                   92,000   26,000
Zinc concentrate       DMT                                   52,000   25,000
Lead concentrate       DMT                                        -        -
Contained copper       t                                     21,000    5,500
Contained zinc         t                                     25,000   12,000
Contained lead         t                                          -        -
Fine silver            oz                                   580,000  100,000
Cash Operating Cost    $ per lb of payable copper              2.05     1.70

About Iberian Minerals Corp.

Iberian Minerals Corp. is a Canadian listed global base metals company with
interests in Spain and Peru. The Condestable Mine, located in Peru approximately
90 km south of Lima, operates at 2.2 million tonnes per year producing copper,
and associated silver and gold in a concentrate. The Aguas Tenidas Mine is in
the Andalucia region of Spain approximately 110 km north-west of Seville and
operates a 1.7 million tonnes per year underground mine and concentrator that
produces copper, zinc and lead concentrates that also contain gold and silver.
Plans are underway for a plant expansion resulting in a capacity of 2.2 Mtpa at
Aguas Tenidas.

Note 1 - The Cash Operating Cost per pound of payable copper is a non-GAAP
performance measure. It includes cash operating costs, including treatment and
refining charges ("TC/RC"), freight and distribution costs, and is net of
by-product metal credits (zinc, gold and silver). The Cash Operating Cost per
pound of payable copper indicator is consistent with the widely accepted
industry standard established by Brook Hunt and is also known as the C1 cash


This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" and
"forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws. Except for
statements of historical fact, certain information contained herein constitutes
forward- looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently
characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe",
"anticipate", "estimate", and other similar words, or statements that certain
events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward looking information may
include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the future financial
or operating performances of the Corporation, its subsidiaries and their
respective projects, the timing and amount of estimated future production,
estimated costs of future production, capital, operating and exploration
expenditures, the future price of copper, gold and zinc, the estimation of
mineral reserves and resources, the realization of mineral reserve estimates,
the costs and timing of future exploration, requirements for additional capital,
government regulation of exploration, development and mining operations,
environmental risks, reclamation and rehabilitation expenses, title disputes or
claims, and limitations of insurance coverage. Forward-looking statements are
based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are
made, and are based on a number of assumptions and subject to a variety of risks
and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to
differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Many
of these assumptions are based on factors and events that are not within the
control of the Corporation and there is no assurance they will prove to be
correct. Factors that could cause actual results to vary materially from results
anticipated by such forward-looking statements include changes in market
conditions and other risk factors discussed or referred to in the section
entitled "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's annual information form dated March
29, 2010. Although the Corporation has attempted to identify important factors
that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from
those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that
cause actions, events or results not to be anticipated, estimated or intended.
There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be
accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated in such statements. The Corporation undertakes no obligation to
update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or
opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws. The
reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

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