NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES                   

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1. Name of company                   2. Name of shareholder having a major     
   KELDA GROUP PLC                                                             
                                        LEGAL & GENERAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT  

3.  Please state whether notification indicates that it is in respect of       
    holding of the shareholder named in 2 above or in respect of a             
    non-beneficial interest or in the case of an individual holder if it is a  
    holding of that person's spouse or children under the age of 18            
    NOT DISCLOSED                                                              
4    Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than one holder, the number 
     of shares held by each of them                                            
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 914945                    143,592
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 886603                    412,562
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 775245                  1,794,908
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 357206                  8,216,591
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 866203                    537,300
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 916681                     20,600
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 754612                    136,000
     HSBC GLOBAL CUSTODY NOMINEE (UK) LTD A/C 360509                    434,774

5. Number of      6. Percentage of  7. Number of shares 8. Percentage of      
   shares/amount     issued class      /amount of stock    issued class       
   of stock                            disposed                               
   acquired          N/A                                   NOT DISCLOSED      

9. Class of security                10. Date of          11. Date company      
                                        transaction          informed          
   ORDINARY SHARES OF 15 5/9 PENCE                                             
                                        14 AUGUST 2003       19 AUGUST 2003    

12. Total holding following this     13. Total percentage holding of issued    
    notification                         class following this notification     
    11,696,327                           2.97%                                 

14. Any additional information       15. Name of contact and telephone number  
                                         for queries                           
                                         LESLEY BRYENTON - 01274 804133        

16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making   
    this notification                                                          
    LESLEY BRYENTON                                                            
Date of notification 19 AUGUST 2003