RNS Number:3102Z
Xceldiam Limited
29 June 2007

                                Xceldiam Limited
                         ("Xceldiam" or the "Company")

                        Preliminary Statement of Results
                      For the Year Ended 31 December 2006



Group turnover for the year ended 31 December 2006 was #nil with the continued
focus on Kimberlite and Alluvial exploration on Projecto Luangue and the
associated spend.  The Group's loss after tax for this period was US$4.2 million
(2005: US$4,3million).

The only income generated by the Group for the period was interest of US$297,648
accrued on the surplus funds on deposit.

There were no borrowings as at 31 December 2006.

Subsequent events - Disposal of Frannor Investments and Finance Ltd ("Frannor

In February 2007, Xceldiam announced that it was in advanced stage negotiations
which could potentially lead to an offer for the Company or one of its
subsidiaries. On 19 March 2007, following shareholder approval at an
Extraordinary Meeting of Xceldiam shareholder's, the entire issued share capital
of Xceldiam's subsidiary, Frannor BVI, was sold to Petra Diamonds Limited ("
Petra"). Petra issued 19,674,584 new shares ("the Consideration Shares") to
Xceldiam, representing 12.18% of Petra's current issued share capital in
consideration of the deal. The Consideration Shares were, in turn, distributed
to shareholders of Xceldiam on record as at 9 March 2007 (excluding Petra) by
way of a dividend in specie ("the Dividend"). Through the deal Xceldiam
shareholders maintained their interest in Frannor BVI's Luangue project, as well
as having an interest in Petra's other operations.

Xceldiam Investing Strategy

Xceldiam's shares continued to trade on AIM following the disposal. The
directors of Xceldiam continue to pursue new investment opportunities in the
mining sector in accordance with Xceldiam's investing strategy.

For further information please contact:

Mark Summers, Xceldiam Limited                               +27 113 173 746
David Youngman, WH Ireland Limited                           +44 161 832 2174


At 31 December 2006

                                               Group             Group            Company           Company
                                Notes           USD               USD               USD               USD
Assets                                         2006              2005              2006              2005

Non-current assets                              6 793 206         2 754 562        14 620 030         6 227 780

Plant and equipment               2             6 296 139         2 247 489             6 546             6 752
Intangible asset                  3               497 067           507 073                                   -
Loans receivable                  4                     -                 -        14 613 384         6 220 913
Investments in subsidiaries       5                     -                 -               100               115

Current assets                                  5 841 861        13 979 832         4 995 189        12 983 203

Trade and other receivables                       323 858            46 401            70 403                 -
Cash and cash equivalents         6             5 518 003        13 933 431         4 924 786        12 983 203

Total assets                                   12 635 067        16 734 394        19 615 219        19 210 983

Equity and liabilities

Capital and reserves                           12 243 583        16 414 278        19 559 795        19 091 659

Issued share capital              7                32 955            32 955            32 955            32 955
Share premium                     8            20 515 841        20 515 841        20 515 841        20 515 841
Other reserves                                    194 850           179 242           105 330            79 716
Accumulated loss                              (8 500 063)       (4 313 760)       (1 094 331)       (1 536 853)

Non-current liability

Interest bearing liability        9                     -            26 541                 -                 -

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables                          391 484           293 575            55 424           119 324

Total equity and liabilities                   12 635 067        16 734 394        19 615 219        19 210 983


Year ended 31 December 2006

                                               Group             Group            Company           Company
                                 Note           USD               USD               USD               USD
                                               2006              2005              2006              2005

Interest received                                 297 648            72 657           297 648            72 657

Interest paid                                           -          (35 345)                 -                 -

Operating costs                   10          (4 473 281)       (4 351 072)           144 873       (1 609 510)

(Loss)/gain for the year                      (4 175 633)       (4 313 760)           442 521       (1 536 853)


Year ended 31 December 2006

                            Share          Share        Revaluation        Share       Accumulated        Total
                           capital        premium         reserve         options          loss
                             USD            USD             USD             USD            USD             USD


Issue of share capital        32 955     20 515 841                -              -               -     20 548 796

Revaluation of                     -              -           89 520              -               -         89 520
intangible asset

Share based payments               -              -                -        105 330               -        105 330

Loss for the year                  -              -                -              -     (4 175 633)    (8 862 455)

Balances at 31 December       32 955     20 515 841           89 520        105 330     (8 500 063)     12 243 583


Issue of share capital        32 955     20 515 841                -              -               -     20 548 796

Share based payments               -              -                -        105 330               -        105 330

Loss for the year                  -              -                -              -     (1 094 331)    (1 094 331)

Balances at 31 December       32 955     20 515 841                -        105 330     (1 094 331)     19 559 795


Year ended 31 December 2006

                                                   Company           Group           Company          Company
                                       Note          USD              USD              USD              USD
                                                     2006             2005             2006             2005

Cash flows from operating activities               (3 489 225)      (3 630 812)          336 600      (1 052 085)

Cash absorbed by operations             12         (3 786 873)      (3 668 124)           38 952      (1 124 742)
Net interest received                                  297 648           37 312          297 648           72 657

Cash flows from investing activities                                (2 726 094)      (8 395 017)      (6 228 508)

Acquisition of plant and equipment                 (4 899 642)      (2 318 547)          (2 562)          (7 480)
Acquisition of intangible asset                              -        (407 547)                -                -
Increase in loan receivable                                  -                -      (8 392 470)      (6 220 913)
Acquisition of investment                                    -                -               15            (115)

Cash flows from financing activities                  (26 561)       20 290 337                -       20 263 796

Issue of share capital                                       -       20 263 796                -       20 263 796
Increase in interest bearing                          (26 561)           26 541                -                -

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and                (8 415 428)       13 933 431      (8 058 417)       12 983 203
cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at                        13 933 431                -       12 983 203                -
beginning of year

Cash and cash equivalents at end of                  5 518 003       13 933 431        4 924 786       12 983 203


Year ended 31 December 2006

1.         Accounting policies

The financial statements are prepared in conformity with International Financial
Reporting Standards on the historical cost basis except where otherwise stated.

1.1       Plant and equipment

Plant and equipment are reflected at cost less accumulated depreciation.  Direct
costs and pre-production expenses relating to the erection, commissioning and
installation of major capital projects are capitalised until the projects are in
commercial operation.

Depreciation is charged on the straight-line basis over the estimated useful
lives of the assets.  The estimated maximum useful lives of items of plant and
equipment are :

Computer equipment                          3 years

Furniture and fittings                      5 years

Motor vehicles                              5 years

Earthmoving equipment, and                  over the life of exploration licence
Sampling equipment                          which is approximately 3 years

Carrying amounts of plant and equipment are impaired to the higher of value in
use or recoverable amount, where this is lower than the carrying amount.  The
expected future cash flows attributable to such assets are considered in
determining the recoverable amount.

The assets residual values and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted if
appropriate at each balance sheet date.

1.2       Provisions

            Provisions are recognised when the company has a present legal or
constructive obligation as a result of a past event and when it is probable that
an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a
reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

1.3       Taxation

            Where taxation is payable by the nature or situation of the
company's operations, the charge for current tax is based on the results for the
year adjusted for items which are tax exempt or are not tax deductible.  Tax is
calculated using rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the
balance sheet date.



Year ended 31 December 2006

1.4       Deferred taxation

            Deferred taxation is provided on the comprehensive basis and is
calculated at current rates using the balance sheet liability method.  The
deferred taxation liability represents the amount of income tax payable in
future periods in respect of items of income and expenditure which are
recognised for income tax purposes in periods different from those in which they
are brought to account in the financial statements, allowing for the effect of
tax losses carried forward.  A deferred tax asset is recognised when it is
probable that the related tax benefit will be realised.

            Deferred tax is calculated at current tax rates and is charged or
credited in the income statement, except when it relates to items credited or
charged directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in

1.5       Foreign currency translations

            Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the
rates of exchange ruling on the transaction date.  Monetary items denominated in
foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance
sheet date.  Gains or losses arising on translations are credited to or charged
against income.

            Financial statements of foreign operations are restated in US
Dollars by translating monetary balances at rates of exchange ruling at the
balance sheet date, non-monetary balances and components of equity at historic
rates and income statement items at an average rate for the period.  These
translation differences are taken to income for the period.

1.6       Exploration, evaluation and development expenditure

            Development expenditure in respect of minerals, exploration and
evaluation expenditure is charged to the profit and loss account as incurred
except where :

*            the expenditure is directly attributable to a particular project;

*            it is expected that the expenditure will be recouped by future
exploitation or sale; or

*            exploration and evaluation activities have identified a mineral
resource but these activities have not reached a stage which permits a
reasonable assessment of the existence of commercially recoverable reserves.

in which case the expenditure is capitalised.

Administrative costs and exploration costs not directly attributable to a
particular project are expensed in the period in which they are incurred.

Intangible assets are tested for impairment annually either individually or at
the cash generating unit level.  Useful lives are also examined on an annual
basis and adjustments, where applicable, are made on a prospective basis.



Year ended 31 December 2006

1.7       Financial instruments

            Financial instruments carried on the balance sheet include cash
resources and borrowings, other financial assets, receivables and payables.
Financial instruments are initially measured at cost, which includes transaction
costs and are generally carried at their estimated fair values.

            Trade and other receivables are stated at cost less a provision for
doubtful debts.

            Cash and cash equivalents and interest bearing liabilities are
measured at fair value.

                                             Group              Group             Company            Company
                                              USD                USD                USD                USD
                                             2006               2005               2006               2005
2.     Plant and equipment


       Appliances                                26 103                  -                  -                  -
       Computer equipment                       135 592             33 966             10 043              7 480
       Furniture and fittings                    78 450             68 321                  -                  -
       Motor vehicles                           665 924            125 000                  -                  -
       Equipment                                341 139            219 510                  -                  -
       Earthmoving equipment                  2 795 391                  -
       Sampling equipment                     2 361 233                  -
       Equipment in progress                                     1 871 750                  -                  -

         Earthmoving equipment                        -          1 483 932                  -                  -
         Equipment                              363 004            139 864                  -                  -
         Sampling equipment                     451 353            247 954                  -                  -

                                              7 218 189          2 318 547             10 043              7 480

       Accumulated depreciation

       Appliances                                 8 288                  -
       Computer equipment                        34 452              5 753              3 496                728
       Furniture and fittings                    23 737              5 742                  -                  -
       Motor vehicles                           131 571             18 750                  -                  -
       Equipment                                114 566             40 813                  -                  -
       Earthmoving equipment                    465 899                  -                  -                  -
       Sampling equipment                       143 537                  -                  -                  -
       Equipment in progress                          -                  -                  -                  -

                                                922 050             71 058              3 496                728



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                             Group              Group             Company            Company
                                              USD                USD                USD                USD
                                             2006               2005               2006               2005

       Carrying amount at end of year

       Appliances                                17 815                  -                  -                  -
       Computer equipment                       101 139             28 213              6 546              6 752
       Furniture and fittings                    54 713             62 579                  -                  -
       Motor vehicles                           534 353            106 250                  -                  -
       Equipment                                226 573            178 697                  -                  -
       Earthmoving equipment                  2 329 492                  -                  -
       Sampling equipment                     2 018 891                  -                  -
       Equipment in progress                    814 357          1 871 750                  -                  -

         Earthmoving equipment                        -          1 483 932                  -                  -
         Equipment                              363 004            139 864                  -                  -
         Sampling equipment                     451 353            247 954                  -                  -

                                              6 296 139          2 247 489              6 546              6 752

       Movements for the year

       Carrying amount at beginning of        2 247 489                  -              6 752                  -

       Appliances                                     -                  -                  -                  -
       Computer equipment                        28 213                  -              6 752                  -
       Furniture and fittings                    62 579                  -                  -                  -
       Motor vehicles                           106 250                  -                  -                  -
       Equipment                                178 697                  -                  -                  -
       Earthmoving equipment                          -                  -                  -                  -
       Sampling equipment                                                -                  -                  -
       Equipment in progress                  1 871 750                  -                  -                  -

       Additions                              4 899 642          2 318 547              2 563              7 480

       Appliances                                26 103                  -                  -                  -
       Computer equipment                       101 626             33 966              2 563              7 480
       Furniture and fittings                    10 129             68 321                  -                  -
       Motor vehicles                           540 924            125 000                  -                  -
       Equipment                                121 629            219 510                  -                  -
       Earthmoving equipment                   1370 401                  -                  -                  -
        Sampling equipment                    1 914 473                  -                  -                  -
       Equipment in progress                    814 357          1 871 750                  -                  -
         Earthmoving equipment                        -          1 483 932                  -                  -
         Equipment                              363 004            139 864                  -                  -
         Sampling equipment                     451 353            247 954                  -                  -



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                          Group             Group              Company            Company
                                           USD               USD                 USD                USD
                                           2006              2005                2006               2005

       Depreciation for year                 850 992            71 058                2 769               728

       Appliances                              8 288                 -                    -                 -
       Computer equipment                     28 699             5 753                    -                 -
       Furniture and fittings                 17 995             5 742                2 769               728
       Motor vehicles                        112 821            18 750                    -                 -
       Equipment                              73 753            40 813                    -                 -
       Earthmoving equipment                 465 899                 -                    -                 -
       Sampling equipment                    143 537                 -                    -                 -
       Equipment in progress                       -                 -                    -                 -

       Carrying amount at end of year      6 296 139         2 247 489                6 546             6 752

3.     Intangible asset

       The intangible asset comprises amounts relating to exploration, 
       evaluation and development capitalised in respect of Project Luangue.

       The exploration and evaluation activities have identified a kimberlitic 
       resource but activities have not reached a stage which permits a 
       reasonable assessment of the existence of a commercially viable

       Included in intangible asset is US$100,000 in respect of a payment to 
       acquire the entire share capital of Frannor Investments and Financing 
       (Pty) Limited, a company incorporated in South Africa ("FIFL SA").

                                                               Group                               Company
                                                                USD                                  USD

       At the time of the acquisition,                            497 067                                      -
       FIFL SA had not traded and its
       only assets were the rights to
       a 40, 0% interest in the
       alluvial concession and a 39,0%
       interest in the kimberlite
       concession of Project Luangue
       in Angola.



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                                                Group                                Company
                                                                 USD                                   USD
4.     Loan receivable


       Frannor Investments and Finance                                   -                            14 613 384

       The above loan is unsecured,
       interest free and has no fixed
       repayment terms.

5.     Investments in subsidiaries                    %

       Frannor Investments and Finance              100                  -                                   100
       Limited, at cost

       Frannor Investments and                      100                  -                                    15
       Financing (Pty) Ltd, at cost

                                                                         -                                   115

                                                  Group              Group            Company            Company
                                                    USD                USD                USD                USD
                                                   2006               2005               2006               2005

6.     Cash and cash equivalents

       Cash and cash equivalents              5 518 003         13 933 431          4 924 786         12 983 203

       Cash and cash equivalents are
       held in the following

       Pound Sterling                        #1 659 751         #7 533 427         #1 517 925         #7 533 427
       US Dollars                            $2 186 441           $869 104         $2 013 928            $22 427
       South African Rands                     R672 288           R630 000                  -                  -

7.     Share capital


       250,000,000 shares of USD 0,0006         150 000            150 000            150 000            150 000
       cents each


       54,924,831 shares of USD 0,0006           32 955             32 955             32 955             32 955



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                            Group              Group             Company           Company
                                             USD                USD                USD               USD
                                            2006               2005               2006              2005

8.     Share premium

       Share premium                        20 515 841         21 424 408         20 515 841       21 424 408

       Share issue expenses                          -          (908 567)                  -        (908 567)

                                            20 515 841         20 515 841         20 515 841       20 515 841

       During 2005 the following
       commissions paid to W H Ireland
       on the issue of shares were
       written off to the share
       premium account :

       - June 2005 placing                           -            145 818                  -          145 818
       - November 2005 placing                       -            762 749                  -          762 749

                                                     -            908 567                  -          908 567

9.     Interest bearing liability

       Afgem Limited                                 -             26 541                  -                -

       The loan is unsecured, bears
       interest at the average 12
       month USD Libor rate over the
       period of the loan plus 2,0%.

10.    Loss before taxation

       Loss before taxation is stated
       after charging :

       Administration fees                     199 667            223 925            199 667             223 925
       Audit fees                               22 499             11 150              3 625              11 150
       Camp supplies                           582 918            139 406                  -                   -
       Consulting and listing fees             274 101            726 975            274 101             692 606
       Depreciation                            850 992             71 058              2 769                 728
       Directors' emoluments -                 313 346            267 000            313 346             267 000
       Security                                185 869            181 534                  -                   -
       Travel - local and                      332 119            428 404            107 006               7 043



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                            Salaries            Bonus             Total             Total
                                               USD               USD               USD               USD
                                                                                  2006              2005
11.    Directors' emoluments

       Executive directors                       252 354                 -           252 354           246 000
       Non-executive directors                    61 992                 -            61 992            21 000

                                                 314 346                 -           314 346           267 000

                                                   Group             Group           Company           Company
                                                     USD               USD               USD               USD
                                                    2006              2005              2006              2005

12.    Note to the cash flow statement

       Cash absorbed by operations

       Gain for the period                   (4 186 282)       (4 313 760)           442 521       (1 536 853)
       Consulting and listing fees                     -           285 000                 -           285 000
       Depreciation                              850 990            71 058             2 768               728
       Net interest received                   (297 648)          (37 312)         (297 648)          (72 657)
       Share option expense                       25 614            79 716            25 614            79 716

                                             (3 607 326)       (3 915 298)           173 255       (1 244 066)

       Working capital changes                 (179 547)           247 174         (134 303)           119 324

       Trade and other receivables             (277 456)          (46 401)          (70 403)                 -
       Trade and other payables                   97 909           293 575          (63 900)           119 324

                                             (3 786 873)       (3 668 124)            38 952       (1 124 742)

13.       Financial risk management

            Foreign currency risk

            The Company undertakes certain transactions denominated in foreign
currencies which therefore have exposure to exchange fluctuations.

            Interest rate risk

            The Company is exposed to interest rate risk as it borrows funds.
This risk is managed by utilising an appropriate mix between fixed and floating
rate borrowings and placing funds on short term deposit.



Year ended 31 December 2006

Credit risk

            Credit risk relates to potential exposure on trade receivables,
loans and bank and call deposits.

            At the balance sheet date, the Company did not consider there to be
any significant concentration of credit risk which has not been adequately
provided for.

            Liquidity risk

            The Company manages liquidity risk by monitoring forecast cash flows
and ensuring that adequate cash resources and unutilised borrowing facilities
are maintained.

14.       Commitments

            Concession Spending Requirements

            The company is required to spend the following amounts to comply
with Concession Spending Requirements laid down by the Angolan Government.

*   Alluvial    -        USD 1.2 million on operating expenditure
                -        USD 1.8 million on capital expenditure

*   Kimberlite  -        USD 6.0 million to be split between operating and 
                         capital expenditure

In order to comply with the Concession Spending Requirements, the above amounts
should be incurred over the three years following the grant of the initial
concession in April 2005.

To date USD 13.6 million has been expended on the concession area.  The spend
requirements on the Alluvial areas have been fulfilled with the balance of the
expenditure being apportioned to the Alluvial and Kimberlite areas.

15.       Share options

            The company established a share option plan that entitles directors,
senior employees and consultants the opportunity to purchase shares in the
company.  In accordance with the plan, options are exercisable over a period of
3 years and vest as follows:

Year 1              -           20% of total share options granted

Year 2              -           30% of total share options granted

Year 3              -           50% of total share options granted



Year ended 31 December 2006

The terms and conditions of the share option plan are as follows:

       Grant date                 Number of share          Vesting conditions          Contractual life

11 August 2005                        350 000             3 years of service               10 years
24 August 2005                        350 000             3 years of service               10 years
16 November 2005                      750 000             3 years of service               10 years
18 September 2006                    1 275 000            3 years of service               10 years
20 November 2006                      200 000             3 years of service               10 years

The options granted on 16 November 2005 are subject to the following conditions:

10% to be allotted on the signing of an employment contract within the Group

10% to be allotted on the establishment of an alluvial bulk sampling programme

15% to be allotted on the establishment of a kimberlite exploration programme

15% to be allotted on a 50% upliftment in the Xceldiam share price from the 45
pence listing price

20% to be allotted on the awarding of an alluvial mining permit

30% to be allotted on the date that an economically viable kimberlite is proven

A further bonus tranche of 750,000 is available subject on the confirmation of
an economically viable Kimberlite.

Included in the allotments above are share options granted to the directors of
the Company as follows:

T George (Chief Executive Officer)

An allocation of 250,000 share options in the Company at the private placing
price that took place on 11 August 2005 of 20 pence per share, which shall vest
3 years after the date of completion of the initial private placing of
22,500,000 shares by the Company.

An allocation of 250,000 share options in the Company at the private placing
price that took place on 24 August 2005 of 30 pence per share in accordance with
the normal share scheme of the Company.

An allocation of 300,000 share options in the Company on 16 November 2005 as
part of the options granted as detailed above.

An allocation of 400,000 share options in the Company on 18 September 2006 as
part of the options granted as detailed above.



Year ended 31 December 2006

R Kaplan (Chief Financial Officer)

An allocation of 100,000 share options in the Company at the private placing
price that took place on 11 August 2005 of 20 pence per share, which shall vest
3 years after the date of completion of the initial private placing of
22,500,000 shares by the Company.

An allocation of 100,000 share options in the Company at the price placing price
that took place on 24 August 2005 of 30 pence per share in accordance with the
normal share scheme of the company.

An allocation of 250,000 share options in the Company on 16 November 2005 as
part of the options granted as detailed above.

An allocation of 250,000 share options in the Company on 18 September 2006 as
part of the options granted as detailed above.

An allocation of 375 000 share options to the non-executive directors in the
Company on 18 September 2006 as part of the options granted as detailed above.

The above share options shall fall within the total of the overall share option
scheme of 10% of issued share capital.

            The number and average weighted exercise price of share options are
as follows:

                                                          Weighted average                Number of Options
                                                           exercise price

       Outstanding at the beginning of the year                         0,65                        1 900 000
       Forfeited during the year                                        0,88                          450 000
       Exercised during the year                                           -                                -
       Granted during the year                                          0,65                        1 475 000

       Outstanding at the end of the year                               0,65                        2 925 000

       Exercisable at the end of the year                                  -                          440 000

            The options outstanding as at 31 December 2006 have an exercise
price in the range of $0.39 cents to $0.88 cents and a weighted average
contractual life of 9.18 years.  The fair value of services received in return
for the share options granted are measured by reference to the fair value of
share options granted.  The estimate of the fair value of the share options
granted is calculated using the Black-Scholes model.



Year ended 31 December 2006

                                                         2006                                 2005
        Fair value of share options and

        Fair value at measurement date      $0.09 cents - $0.40 cents            $0.13 cents - $0.47 cents
        Share price                         $0.36 cents                          $0.45 cents
        Exercise price                      $0,39 cents - $0.88 cents            $0,38 cents - $0.77 cents
        Expected volatility                 35%                                  35%
        Expected dividends                  -                                    -
        Risk free interest rate             7,50%                                7,50%
        Option life                         1 - 3 years                          1 - 3 years

       Share options are granted under a 3 year service condition.

16.       Related party transaction

a)         4,250,000 shares in the Company were issued at par and US$100,000 was
paid to E A B Booyse and F R Booyse for the claims, being a 40% interest in the
Alluvial prospecting contract and a 39% interest in the kimberlite prospecting
contract relating to the Luangue Concession in Angola, and 100% of the issued
share capital in Frannor Investments and Financing (Pty) Limited.

b)         The Company has entered into a consultancy services agreement with
effect from 1 March 2005 with Amari Management Services (Pty) Ltd ("Amari"), a
company in which two non-executive directors of the company are beneficial
owners.  Under this agreement, Amari had agreed to provide the following
services at a monthly fee based on usage, these services being terminable on six
months written notice:

-        Logistical expertise and personnel;

-        Human resources expertise and personnel;

-        Corporate affairs resources and personnel;

-        Administration services and personnel;

-        Information technology services and personnel; and

-        Office space and associated facilities management services.

17.       Commitments

            During the year the Group has entered into various contracts for
machinery and equipment to begin the drilling phase of the prospecting

            At balance sheet date the following commitments existed for work
contracted for but not yet delivered.

       Kimberlite processing plant                                                                     225 676
       RC Drill Rig                                                                                    423 754

                                                                                                       649 430

Annual Report and Accounts

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006
will be posted to shareholders by 30 June 2007 and will be available, free of
charge, from the offices of the Company's Nominated Adviser, WH Ireland Limited,
11 St James's Square, Manchester, M2 6WH  for a period of 14 days from the date
of their posting.  The Company's Annual General Meeting will be convened in due
course by further notice to all shareholders.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Xceldiam (LSE:XLD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Xceldiam 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Xceldiam (LSE:XLD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Xceldiam 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.