RNS No 9130a
11th December 1998


           28th successive annual dividend increase
*    Warner  Estate, the UK property investor, announces  that
     pro  forma NAV per share increased by 15% to 319p  (1997:
     278p)  at  30  September 1998 on  the  basis,  which  the
     Directors consider shows a fairer view, that share of NAV
     rather than market capitalisation is used for stockmarket
     property  investments,  notably  the  long-standing   13%
     holding  in  Bradford Property Trust,  the  UK's  largest
     listed residential property company.

*    The  audited  NAV  per  share  shows  301p  (1997:  308p)
     reflecting the fall in stockmarket values.

*    After  purchases and sales, the total value of investment
     property rose to #158.2 million from #141.5 million.  The
     residential valuation produced a surplus of 25%  and  the
     commercial 6%.

*    Dividends per share are increased to 13.2p (1997: 12.9p),
     representing  Warner  Estate's  28th  successive   annual
     dividend increase.

*    Total  rents  receivable were #15.1 million (1997:  #15.7
     million),  mainly  reflecting the  reduction  in  trading
     stock, but voids and overenting both reduced.

*    Reflecting  reduced trading activity, pre-tax profit  was
     #9.1 million (1997: #9.7 million) on a revenue basis  and
     #10.4  million  (1997: #12.3 million)  including  capital

*    Philip Warner, Executive Chairman, stated "The Group aims
     to  maximise  total  return for  shareholders  through  a
     strategy  of  expansion  and  active  management  of  its
     property  investment  portfolio, controlled  exposure  to
     trading and development and sound management of risk  and
     borrowing.   Although  a slowing UK  economy  and  global
     uncertainty  have  brought  uneasiness  to  the  property
     market we will continue to implement our strategy and  to
     take  advantage  of  opportunities  such  uneasiness  may


Warner Estate Holdings PLC
  Philip Warner (Executive Chairman)             0171-493 6480
  Peter Collins (Finance Director)               0171-493 6480
  Andrew Batty/Jim Neill (Joint Property
   Directors)                                    0171-487 3312

Bankside Consultants Limited                     0171-220 7477
  Charles Ponsonby

                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I  am  pleased  to report that pro forma net asset  value  per
share has increased by 15 per cent to 319p (1997: 278p).  This
is  a new presentation of our net asset value which eliminates
the  effects  of  stock  market  fluctuations  and  shows  the
relevant value of other property businesses in which  we  have
invested.    The  balance  sheet  shows  301p   (1997:   308p)
reflecting   the  fall  in  stock  market  values.    However,
excluding property shares, net asset value per share rose from
191p to 219p, also an increase of 15 per cent.

Pre-tax  profits were #10.4 million (1997: #12.3 million)  and
earnings  per  share 15.46p (1997: 19.15p).  In revenue  terms
(which  exclude profits and losses on sale of, and  provisions
against,  fixed  assets)  pre-tax profits  were  #9.1  million
(1997:  #9.7  million) and earnings per  share  13.51p  (1997:

The Board recommends a further rise in dividends per share  to
13.2p   representing  the  Company's  28th  successive  annual
increase.   The  dividend  is covered  1.0  times  by  revenue
earnings and 1.2 times by total earnings.


Total  rents  receivable  fell from  #15.7  million  to  #15.1
million,  mainly  reflecting the reduction in  trading  stock.
Residential  rents maintained last year's level  with  18  per
cent rental growth countering the effect of sales.  Rents from
commercial investments fell slightly due to purchases yielding
less  than  sales  as the Group improved the  quality  of  the
portfolio.   While  the level of void properties,  at  14  per
cent,  has risen from last year with a potential of almost  #1
million  to be added to gross rents.  A significant proportion
of this figure (#0.3 million) is due to specific situations at
Ellesmere  Port, Hemel Hempstead and Vere Street,  London  W1,
where  property  is  to be refurbished  or  redeveloped.   The
estimated levels of over-renting and reversionary rents are 11
per  cent  and  7  per cent respectively of  gross  commercial
investment rents receivable.

Turnover  from  property trading was lower at  #18.3  million,
compared  to  #24.7  million last year, as  a  consequence  of
market  conditions  and our decision to  retain  our  site  at
Watford for development.


Operating profit, excluding joint ventures and associate,  was
lower  at  #11.7  million (1997: #13.4 million)  mainly  as  a
result of reduced trading activity referred to above.


The  year  saw considerable activity from this aspect  of  our
strategy  and  a  useful contribution to profit.   In  October
1997, Six Acre Investments Ltd purchased a shopping centre  in
Sale,  Greater  Manchester  for #15  million  with  scope  for
management  to  add  value.  In January and May,  Consolidated
Estates  Ltd  and  Manordome  Ltd  purchased  three  West  End
properties  for  #3.6  million with a view  to  refurbishment.
Warrington  Industrial  Investments Ltd  sold  its  industrial
estates at a profit and reinvested part of the proceeds  in  a
retail  investment  in  Canterbury with  potential  for  lease
restructuring.  We have agreed to increase our  investment  in
Trade Centre Developments Ltd, which was formed to develop the
trade  counter equivalent of small retail parks, in  order  to
accelerate  that company's expansion as suitable opportunities
arise.   At the year end we reorganised our relationship  with
Midland    Commercial   Properties   Ltd,   terminating    the
partnerships  and taking a 50 per cent share  in  the  company
with  the  objective  of  sharing its expertise  in  the  West


The contribution from Merivale Moore plc included #0.4 million
of exceptional profit.


Residential properties and joint ventures provided this profit
with  commercial properties showing a small loss as the  Group
disposed of investments in the course of improving the quality
of the portfolio.


Dividend  income  has again risen, to #2.7 million  from  #2.5
million, derived mainly from the shareholdings in The Bradford
Property Trust PLC and East Surrey Holdings plc.  In addition,
the year saw a welcome first dividend from Ashquay Group Plc.


FRS9,   Associates  and  Joint  Ventures,  has   altered   the
presentation of this figure and last year's has been re-stated
accordingly.  Interest payable increased by 4.0  per  cent  to
#8.4  million, reflecting higher interest rates and  increased
borrowing.  Interest of #0.1 million was capitalised following
the  reclassification of the site at Watford for  development.
Interest  payable  was  covered 2.2  times  by  profit  before
interest and tax (1997: 2.5 times).


Revenue  profits chargeable to corporation tax at the standard
rate,  after  adjustment  for  depreciation  and  disallowable
items,  are reduced by capital allowances.  With a low  charge
on  capital profits because of indexation and dividend  income
charged  at 20 per cent, the effective tax rate was  24.0  per
cent  (1997: 19.9 per cent with the benefit of a prior  year's
adjustment on capital allowances).


It  is  our  policy to revalue substantially all  the  Group's
commercial investment properties externally each year.   These
have  again  been valued by Healey & Baker with the  remainder
and  the  residential properties being valued by two  suitably
qualified  officers of the Group.  After purchases and  sales,
the  total  value of investment properties rose  from  #141.45
million to #158.2 million.  The residential valuation produced
a surplus of 25 per cent and the commercial 6 per cent.

In  keeping with our strategy of active management to  improve
the  quality of the commercial portfolio, we made sales of  16
properties for #10.3 million and acquisitions of 12 properties
for  #12.3 million during the year.  As at the year  end,  the
yield on the portfolio was 8.9 per cent and on each sector 8.3
per  cent  for retail, 9.1 per cent for offices and  11.5  per
cent  for industrial.  24 per cent of the leases have over  15
years  unexpired, a further 24 per cent have  over  ten  years
unexpired  and  a  further 17 per cent have  over  five  years


During  the  year, the value of our investment in East  Surrey
Holdings  plc increased from #7.7 million to #8.6 million.   I
have already referred to our holdings of property shares under
"Financial Overview" above.  We consider that the fluctuations
in  stock  market values between 1997 and 1998 illustrate  and
fully  justify our reasons for showing a pro forma  net  asset
value using the net asset values of the property businesses in
which  we  hold shares.  Part of our strategy is to invest  in
complementary property companies and it is the  value  of  the
business, not the share price at a particular moment, which is
relevant.   The  value of our share of those  businesses,  The
Bradford Property Trust PLC and Ashquay Group Plc based on the
underlying  net asset value, increased by 16.1 per  cent  from
#44.2 million to #51.3 million.

During  the  year,  we  acquired a  10  per  cent  holding  in
Stockbourne plc, a listed property asset manager and leveraged


Our  level  of  stock fell during the year  for  two  reasons.
Firstly,  market  conditions made it more  difficult  to  find
value.   However,  we  did make acquisitions  totalling  #10.5
million  of  mainly  retail and industrial  property  and  our
strategy of controlled exposure to trading continues to make a
useful  contribution  from both profit  on  sales  and  rental
income.  Secondly, putting long term potential ahead of  short
term  profit,  we  transferred our  site  at  Watford  to  the
investment   portfolio  for  development.   Discussions   with
adjoining owners are well advanced and we are optimistic  that
construction  of  75,000  sq  ft of  retail  warehousing  will
commence during first half of 1999.

Stock  values  are  stated  at  the  lower  of  cost  and  net
realisable value, #20.3 million against #31.0 million  at  the
previous year end.  Although some fell slightly below cost and
have  been  written down, we are confident  that  the  overall
value is greater than that shown in the balance sheet.


New  reporting requirements - The accounts have been  prepared
incorporating the requirements of FRS 9 through to FRS 14  and
the  1997 figures restated accordingly.  FRS 9 and FRS 13 have
the  greatest impact on the Group's accounts.  FRS 9  requires
disclosure  and incorporation within the accounts of  the  key
elements  of  profit  and  loss  and  the  gross  assets   and
liabilities  of  joint ventures.  FRS 13,  which  is  not  yet
mandatory,  requires  disclosure  of  the  Group's  policy  on
financial  risk and of information on its funding and  hedging
lines.  This includes a requirement to disclose the fair value
of fixed rate debt taking account of current rates.  As at the
year end, such a valuation would reduce the Group's assets  by
#11.3  million,  22p  per share, representing  a  7  per  cent
reduction in pro forma net assets.

Debt  -  Net  borrowings increased during  the  year  by  #6.6
million  to #82.9 million and gearing from 49 to 54  per  cent
largely due to the fall in stock exchange values.  On the  pro
forma  basis gearing was 51 per cent.  At the year end 53  per
cent of debt was fixed (1997: 58 per cent), at an average rate
of 9.3 per cent for 12 years.  Since the year end rates on the
floating balance have fallen substantially.

Facilities  -  At  the  year  end  the  Group  had  unutilised
borrowing facilities available of #28 million.


The  Group  aims  to  maximise total return  for  shareholders
through a strategy of:

-    expansion   and   active  management  of   its   property
     investment portfolio;

-    controlled exposure to trading and development; and

-    sound management of risk and borrowing.

The  year end purchase of 15 properties for #11.5 million from
Legal  &  General typifies our approach to active  management.
Seven properties with an average lot size of #1 million,  rack
rented to good covenants with average unexpired lease terms in
excess  of  12  years  are being retained  in  the  investment
portfolio.  The balance, yielding in excess of 10 per cent, is
for sale, one property having already been sold at 15 per cent
above  book  cost.  Similar opportunities will be pursued  and
further disposals of non core properties will be made  with  a
view to improving quality and increasing the average lot size.
While  this  may  initially reduce  current  income  from  the
investment  portfolio,  we expect  the  strategy  to  lead  to
increasing total returns with a greater emphasis on net  asset
value  per  share than hitherto.  The quality of the  earnings
stream should improve and revenue will be supplemented by both
trading and an increasing margin between rental income and the
costs of borrowing.

Our  residential  property investments in Walthamstow,  London
E17  performed  well.   We sell them as  they  become  vacant,
retaining  our presence in the residential sector through  our
share of the business of The Bradford Property Trust PLC.

Although  a  slowing  UK economy and global  uncertainty  have
brought uneasiness to the property market we will continue  to
implement  our strategy and to take advantage of opportunities
such uneasiness may present.


The  Board  recommends a final dividend  per  share  of  8.90p
(1997:  8.75p), making a total for the year of  13.20p  (1997:
12.90).  If approved at the Annual General Meeting, the  final
dividend will be paid on 9 April 1999 to shareholders  on  the
register at the close of business on 5 March 1999.



Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
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부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
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부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.