RNS No 8267h
1st May 1998


                             First Quarter 1998   First Quarter 1997
                                 # millions            # millions

 Turnover                           7,072                 7,179         -1%
  - continuing operations           7,072                 6,551         +8%
  - discontinued operations                                 628

 Operating Profit                     719                   526        +36%   
   - continuing operations            719                   437        +64%
   - discontinued operations                                 89       

 Operating Profit                                          
  - continuing operations
    before exceptional items          708                   503        +41%

 Pre-Tax Profit                       754                   482        +56%

 Net Profit 
  - constant exchange rates           460                   287        +60%
  - current exchange rates            426                   296        +44%

    Earnings per share               5.67p                 3.94p       +44%

Sales, expressed at constant exchange rates, decreased by 1% over the
corresponding period last year. Excluding the disposal of Speciality
Chemicals, sales in continuing operations rose by 8%.  Operating profit was
36% higher than last year and before exceptional items the increase was 20%. 
For the continuing operations the increase in operating profit before
exceptional items was 41%.  Sales and profits were boosted by the fact that
this quarter, for reporting purposes, was six days longer than the
corresponding quarter last year.  This benefit will reverse in the fourth

Europe:  sales unchanged due to disposals and pruning of non-priority
categories.  All corporate categories made good progress; particularly strong
performance in home and personal care. Higher margins and strong profit growth
reflected benefit of restructuring and portfolio management.

North America: sales grew 8% despite disposals.  Foods business had much
better quarter; good growth achieved in home and mass personal care. Operating
profit doubled and margins improved substantially.

Africa & Middle East: sales up 21% with growth in all categories.  Good
performances in South Africa, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt and Arabia.  Profits grew
strongly.  High commodity prices boosted sales and profits from plantations.

Asia & Pacific: sales increased 22%, partly through price increases due to
higher costs caused by sharp currency devaluation.  First signs of slowdown in
consumption late in quarter.  Continued investment to defend market positions.
Sales and results increased strongly in India.

Latin America: sales increase of 15% partly reflects benefit from 1997
acquisitions.  In Brazil,  Kibon made strong contribution to sales and profits
and there was good growth in home and personal care. Good performance in
Chile, Colombia and Mexico.  Portfolio changes in 1997 helped strong margin
and profit growth. 

                             UNILEVER RESULTS
                            First Quarter 1998

The directors of Unilever announce the Group's unaudited results for the
first quarter of 1998.

First Quarter

Financial Results

At   constant  rates  of  exchange,  sales  decreased  by  1%   over   the
corresponding  period  last  year; excluding the  disposal  of  Speciality
Chemicals, sales in continuing operations rose by 8%. Operating profit was
36%  higher  than last year and before exceptional items the increase  was
20%. For the continuing operations the increase in operating profit before
exceptional  items  was  41%.  The  positive  swing  in  interest   costs,
reflecting  the  strong cash position, resulted in an increase  in  profit
before tax of 56%.  Net profit increased by 60%.

At exchange rates current for each quarter, net profit increased by 44% in
sterling and 45% in US dollars, reflecting the relative strength of  these
currencies, and increased by  60% in guilders.

Sales  and  profits  were  boosted by the  fact  that  this  quarter,  for
reporting  purposes,  was six days longer than the  corresponding  quarter
last year. This benefit will reverse in the fourth quarter.

Business Performance

The  following  commentary  on  the  regions  deals  with  the  continuing
businesses, and is based on operating profit before exceptional items,  at
constant rates of exchange.

In  Europe,  sales were unchanged due to the impact of business  disposals
and  the  continuing  pruning of non-priority  categories.  All  corporate
categories  made good progress, with a particularly strong performance  in
home  and  personal care.  The benefits from restructuring  and  portfolio
management are reflected in higher margins and the strong profit growth.

In  North  America, sales grew by 8% despite disposals. Our foods business
had  a much better quarter compared to a slow start last year, and we also
achieved  good  growth  in  our  home and  mass  personal  care  business.
Operating profit doubled and margins improved substantially.

In  Africa and Middle East, sales were up 21%, with growth coming from all
categories.  There were good performances in South Africa, Cote  d'Ivoire,
Egypt and Arabia, and profits grew strongly.  Higher commodity prices also
boosted sales and profits from plantations.

In  Asia  &  Pacific,  sales increased by 22%. This partly  follows  price
increases in a number of East Asian countries reflecting higher costs as a
consequence of sharp currency devaluation. Late in the quarter we saw  the
first  signs of a slowdown in consumption. However, we continue to  invest
to  defend our market positions through an active marketing program. India
had another good quarter and sales and results increased strongly.

In Latin America, the sales increase of 15% reflects, in part, the benefit
from   acquisitions  made  in  1997.  In  Brazil,  Kibon  made  a   strong
contribution to sales and profits; we also had very satisfactory growth in
our  established  home  and  personal care  categories.  There  were  good
performances  in  Chile,  Colombia and Mexico. The  significant  portfolio
changes made in 1997 also helped the strong margin and profit growth.


In the profit and loss account given below, the results in both years have
been translated at constant exchange rates, being the annual average
exchange rates for 1997.  This reporting convention facilitates
comparisons since the impact of exchange rate fluctuations is eliminated.

# millions                                First Quarter
                                        1998    1997  Incr./(Decr)
TURNOVER                               7,072   7,179      (1)%
Continuing operations                  7,072   6,551       8 %
Discontinued operations                    -     628       - %
OPERATING PROFIT                         719     526      36 %
Continuing operations                    719     437      64 %
Discontinued operations                    -      89       - %
Operating profit BEI  - Continuing       708     503      41 %

Income from fixed investments              5       4          
Interest (net)                            30     (48)          
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                   754     482      56 %
Taxation                                (269)   (184)          
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION                    485     298      62 %
Minority Interests                       (25)    (11)          
NET PROFIT AT CONSTANT 1997              460     287      60 %
EXCHANGE RATES                                                
NET PROFIT AT EXCHANGE RATES             426     296      44 %
CURRENT IN EACH PERIOD                                        

COMBINED EARNINGS PER SHARE                                   
-per 1.25p of ordinary capital         5.67p   3.94p      44 %



The undernoted analysis provides supplementary information on the
consolidated results for comparative purposes only.  The results shown
exclude the exceptional items taken in operating profit.

         # millions                       First Quarter
         at constant rates of           1998     1997 Incr./
         exchange                                     (Decr.)
         Operating Profit                708      592     20%
         Operating Profit -              708      503     41%
         Continuing operations *                             
         Profit before tax               743      548     36%
         Taxation                      (264)    (209)     26%
         Net Profit                      454      328     39%

* Continuing operations excludes the results of the Chemicals Businesses
sold to Imperial Chemical Industries on
8th July, 1997

# millions                         First Quarter
                                      1998    1997
Europe                               3,154   3,146
North America                        1,409   1,299
Africa and Middle East                 400     330
Asia and Pacific                     1,226   1,005
Latin America                          883     771
Sub-total                            7,072   6,551
Discontinued Operations                  -     628
TURNOVER                             7,072   7,179
Operating  profit - before
exceptional items
Europe                                 316     263
North America                          105      53
Africa and Middle East                  38      27
Asia and Pacific *                     136      82
Latin America                          113      78
Sub-total                              708     503
Discontinued Operations                  -      89
Exceptional Items                       11    (66)
OPERATING PROFIT                       719     526
Operating margin - before                %       %
exceptional items
Europe                                10.0     8.4
North America                          7.4     4.1
Africa and Middle East                 9.5     8.3
Asia and Pacific                      11.1     8.2
Latin America                         12.8    10.2
Sub-total                             10.0     7.7
Discontinued Operations                  -    14.2
OPERATING MARGIN BEI                  10.0     8.3
OPERATING MARGIN                      10.2     7.3

* Note: At current average rates of exchange for the first quarter, 1998
operating profit for those countries in South East Asia which have
experienced significant currency devaluation, reduces by approximately #30

The results for Turkey formerly reported under the Africa and Middle East
region are reported within Europe from 1.1.1998.  Results for 1997 have
been restated on the same basis.


Acquisitions and Discontinued Operations

In the first three months of 1998 the effect on turnover and operating
profit of acquisitions made in the period was #2.7 million and #0.1
million respectively.  In 1997, the speciality chemicals businesses were
discontinued as at the 8th July 1997.

Net debt and gearing

Net funds, at closing rates of exchange, were #3,189 million at the end of
the first quarter compared to a net debt of #1,905 million at the same
time last year.   This improvement mainly reflects the impact of the
disposal of the chemicals businesses in 1997.

Exchange Rates

The results for the quarter and the comparative figures for 1997 have been
translated at constant average rates of exchange, being the annual average
rates for 1997.   For our reporting currencies these were #1 = Fl. 3.18 =
US $1.64.   In addition, the results and earnings per share have been
translated at rates current in each period.   These are based on #1 = Fl.
3.38 = US $1.65 for first quarter 1998 and #1 = Fl. 3.03 = US $ 1.63 for
first quarter 1997.

Change in Accounting Standards

With effect from 1.1.98 the UK Standard FRS 10 on Goodwill is being
adopted.  Goodwill on acquisitions after this date will be capitalised on
the Group Balance Sheet and amortised in operating profit over periods of
up to 20 years.  Previously goodwill was written off to reserves on
acquisition.  Goodwill will be amortised in results from the quarter
following the quarter in which it is acquired.  There is, therefore, no
impact for this change in Q1 1998.  Goodwill on acquisitions prior to
1.1.98 will not be capitalised nor will prior year results be restated for
this change.


The results  for the second quarter and first half year of 1998 will be
announced on Friday 7 August 1998.   This announcement will include
interim balance sheet and cash flow information.

1 May 1998

Enquiries:     Unilever Press Office  0171 822 6805
E-Mail:        press-office.london@unilever.com
Internet:      http://www.unilever.com



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