The Financial Statements give a true and fair view and have been prepared in accordance with the Law.

Corporate Governance Statement

The Company is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the "GFSC") as an authorised entity under the Authorised Closed Ended Investment Scheme Rules 2008 with the Preference Shares of its cells being listed on the CISE.

On 30 September 2011, the GFSC issued the Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance (the "Guernsey Code") which came into effect from 1 January 2012. As the Company is regulated by the GFSC as an authorised collective investment scheme it is subject to the Guernsey Code. The Board of directors previously voluntarily complied with the UK Corporate Governance Code published by the Financial Reporting Council (the "Code"). Adherence to the Code ensured that the Company was deemed to comply with the requirement of the Guernsey Code. However, to avoid unnecessarily reporting under two regimes, the Board of directors has elected to only report under the Guernsey Code

The Board are satisfied that the Company's governance practices throughout the year ended 31 October 2013 were in accordance with all the principles of the Guernsey Code and continue to be in compliance as at the date of this report.

The Company's directors place a high degree of importance on ensuring that high standards of corporate governance are maintained and resolved that a Board Governance review be conducted annually.

The Board is responsible for investment of the Company's assets, for and on behalf of each cell, and for monitoring the performance of the investments held by the Company for the account of each cell. The Board is also responsible for declarations of dividends out of the assets of individual cells where applicable. As all of the directors are non-executive, the day-to-day administration of the Company's affairs has been delegated to third-party service providers, including the Investment Manager, the Administrator and Secretary, the Registrar and the Custodian. Their appointment and performance of their duties remains subject to the overall supervision of the Board.

The Board meets at least four times a year to consider the business and affairs of the Company for the previous quarter. Between these quarterly meetings the Board meets to consider specific matters of a transactional nature and there is regular contact with the Secretary. During the reporting period the Board or committees thereof, met 25 times.

The directors are kept fully informed of investment and financial controls and any other matters that are relevant to the business of the Company and should be brought to the attention of the directors. The directors also have access to professional advice, where necessary in the furtherance of their duties, at the expense of the Company.

The Board has a breadth of experience relevant to the Company, and, whilst no separate nomination committee has been established, the directors believe that any changes to the Board's composition can be managed without undue disruption. If any new directors are appointed to the Board a full and tailored induction will be provided on joining the Board. The performance of the Board, and each director, is reviewed annually by the Board by way of a Performance Evaluation questionnaire.

Audit Committee

An Audit Committee has been established consisting of all four directors, of whom Mr Hunt and Mr Le Prevost are considered to be independent. Notwithstanding that Mr Le Prevost is a director of Anson Registrars Limited he is considered to be independent as he does not perform any executive functions in respect of the Company on behalf of that service provider. Mr Hunt is considered independent as he is not connected to any of the Company's service providers.

In the performance of its duties, the Audit Committee has regard to the Guidance on Audit Committees published by the Financial Reporting Council in 2010, as amended in 2012. The Audit Committee examines the effectiveness of the Company's internal control systems, the annual and half-yearly reports and Financial Statements, the auditors' remuneration and engagement, as well as the auditors' independence and any non-audit services provided by them. The Audit Committee receives compliance updates from the Secretary's compliance department and the external auditors on an on-going basis.

The Audit Committee meets at least twice annually, being before the Board meets to consider the Company's annual and half-yearly reports and financial statements. The Audit Committee operates within clearly defined terms of reference and provides a forum through which the Company's external auditors report to the Board. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are available from the Secretary upon request.

There is no internal audit function. As all of the directors are non-executive, and all of the Company's management and administration functions have been delegated to independent service providers, the Audit Committee does not deem it necessary for the Company to have an internal audit function but will review this requirement periodically.

Dividend Committees

The Company has established Dividend Committees, consisting of any one director or their alternate, for the purpose of declaring dividends payable out of each of BNP Paribas Enhanced Income, US Enhanced Income and UK Enhanced Income cells. All dividends declared and paid by these cells are in accordance with a fixed timetable, and calculated using a prescribed formula, as specified in the relevant Summary and Securities Note of each cell. Therefore, the Board has no discretion with regard to the level or timing of such dividends.

Internal Controls

The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board confirms that there is an on-going process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by the Company. This process has been in place for the reporting period under review, and up to the date of approval of this Annual Report and Financial Statements, and is regularly reviewed by the Board.

The internal control systems are designed to meet the Company's particular needs and the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly, the internal control systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and, by their nature, can only provide reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against misstatement and loss.

Collateral Arrangements

In accordance with the investment objectives and policies of each of the Company's cells, and the contracts entered into between the Company, on behalf of each cell, and the Investment Counterparty, BNP Paribas is required to provide collateral to meet its obligations under each Contract in the form of AAA rated G7 government bonds to the designated collateral accounts held in favour of the Company, acting on behalf of each cell. The collateral is valued on a weekly basis.

The amount of collateral which BNP Paribas is required to post in favour of each cell, for the tenure of the relevant Contract, is to the value of 100% of the indirect exposure to the credit risk of BNP Paribas of all preference share holders in the relevant cell (other than BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC) plus an additional 10% of the relevant cell's total exposure to the credit risk of BNP Paribas (up to a maximum of 100% of such total exposure). Should a default occur, the Company is able to uphold its rights under the restructuring deed between the Company, BNP Arbitrage SNC and BNP Paribas.

BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC has waived its rights to pari passu payment with other preference share holders of all redemption amounts where there is a default by BNP Paribas under the relevant swap contract, thereby subordinating its rights in favour of all other preference shareholders (on default by BNP Paribas).

Dialogue with Shareholders

The directors are always available to enter into dialogue with shareholders and the Company believes such communications to be important. BNP Paribas regularly meet with the Company's major shareholders and report to the Board of directors at least quarterly on those shareholders' views about the Company and any issues or concerns they might have. BNP Paribas can also be contacted by shareholders, both by telephone and e-mail, their contact details are contained within these Financial Statements.

Going Concern

Given the nature of the Company and its investments, the directors are satisfied that it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Financial Statements, and, after due consideration, the directors consider that the Company is able to continue for the foreseeable future.

By order of the Board

   John R Le Prevost                              Trevor P Hunt 
   Director                                               Director 

12 February 2014


On the invitation of the directors of the Company, the following commentary is provided by THEAM, the Investment Manager. Their commentary is provided as a source of useful information for shareholders of the Company but is not directly attributable to the Company.

Enhanced Property Recovery

Listing: Channel Islands Securities Exchange Authority

Launch date: 13 March 2008

Issue price at launch: 100 pence

NAV immediately following launch: 100 pence

Maturity date: 20 March 2014



Investment Objective

The EPR Shares allow investors to benefit from a possible recovery in the listed property market with an enhanced market timing mechanism. At maturity, if the EPRA Index finishes above its initial level, the fund will pay the greater of either 170% or the enhanced performance of the EPRA Index. If the EPRA Index closes below the initial level, the EPR Shares will track the EPRA Index.

Investment Performance

UK Enhanced In (LSE:UKE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 UK Enhanced In 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
UK Enhanced In (LSE:UKE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 UK Enhanced In 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.