RNS Number : 7218Y
  Bulgarian Land Development PLC
  10 July 2008

    10 July 2008

    Bulgarian Land Development plc
(the "Company")
    Posting of 2007 Report & Accounts
    As announced on 27 June 2008 the publication and release of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 31
December 2007 were delayed after the Company's auditors advised the Directors in mid-June 2008, just prior to formal approval of the draft
2007 financial statements (and after the unaudited preliminary results had been published), that they had changed their view regarding the
Company's accounting treatment of changes in the discounted value of deferred payments to the vendors of land, where those payments are a
percentage of the ultimate sale proceeds of completed units. Although the auditors did not disagree with the accounting treatment used in
the audited 2006 financial statements; in the unaudited half year financial statements to 30 June 2007 and in the unaudited preliminary
statement of the financial results for the year ended 31 December 2007, they stated that they now believed that a different accounting
treatment should be applied. As a consequence the Company, in accordance with the AIM Rules, requested the temporary suspension of all of its Ordinary Shares pending the publication of its audited
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 as the Annual Report and Accounts could not be published by 30 June 2008.

    Previously the Company had discounted the future liabilities back from their anticipated payment date to the balance sheet date(s) to
arrive at the "fair value" to record them as a liability. As at December 2006, there was a matching entry in inventory. As at 30 June 2007
and 31 December 2007, the future liability was again discounted, this time over a shorter period. The resultant extra fair value liability
was added to creditors and the matching entry was again entered in inventory. It was the inventory entry that the auditors questioned and
the calculation of the future liability. 

    The Company has now agreed with the Auditors the treatment of the changes in the deferred payments in question. The Directors concluded,
in the light of advice received about the relevant International Accounting Standards, that the variations of the discount associated with
the change in the financial liability should have been charged to the Income Statement, rather than added to the cost of inventory. The
effect of variations arising from the translation of these liabilities into the Group's presentational currency (Sterling) are dealt with
within the foreign currency translation reserve. The Directors also have reviewed and altered the discount method used.

    The Group emphasises that this change has no impact on cash or the profitability of the related property developments over their

    This change means that sums which - but for the impact of the relevant International Accounting Standards - would have been treated as
part of the cost of development are now not treated as part of inventory. As a result, when the development is completed, reported profits
will be enhanced as there will be no charge for this element of the cost of land.

    To this extent, the new accounting treatment represents a timing difference with what was charged in earlier years being recovered in
later years.

    The Board considers it will be helpful to investors to report figures before and after the effect of this change which affects the
Income Statement and also the balance sheet.

    The table below sets out the impact of the accounting changes mentioned

                                 Impact on 2007 Income statement  Impact on 2006 Income statement
 Retained loss before the                             (�300,000)                        (�1.065m)
 Retained loss after the                               (�1.719m)                        (�1.540m)
 Variance � and %                     (�1.419m)             474%      (�475,000)              45%
 Earnings per share before the                           (0.81p)                          (4.26p)
 Earnings per share after the                            (4.65p)                          (6.16p)
 Variance pence and %                  (3.84p)              474%         (1.90p)              45%

                                      Impact on total       Impact on total
                                  equity (net assets)   equity (net assets)
                                    as at 31 December     as at 31 December
                                                 2007                  2006
 Net assets before the changes               �35.696m              �20.474m
 Net assets after the changes                �31.836m              �19.999m
 Variance � and %                �3.860m               �475,000            
                                                  11%                    2%
 Net book value per share                      89.25p                 81.9p
 before the changes
 Net book value per share after                 78.5p                 80.0p
 the changes
 Variance pence and %            10.75p                1.9p                
                                                  12%                    2%
 Revalued net asset value per                    130p                  103p
 share before the changes
 Revalued net asset value per                    119p                  101p
 share after the changes
 Variance pence and %            11p                     2p              2%

    No adjustment is needed to the net present value calculations in the unaudited preliminary statement already issued for the accounting
change as it is a non-cash item; net present value is a measure of discounted cash flows.

    Attention is also drawn to the table below showing possible impacts on future financial statements from different types of change in
assessing the future carrying value of deferred land payables. 

    The Directors consider that the factors which can affect the changes in the deferred land payables and their impact on the financial
statements include the following:  

 Affecting factor                    Impact on Income       Impact on total        Impact on 2006        Impact on 2007
                                            statement   equity (net assets)    restated financial  financial statements
 Unwinding of the discount as    Charge to the Income    Reduction in total    � 475,000 debit on    �2.5m debit on the
 the period reduces from the                Statement                equity  the Income Statement  Income Statement and
 anticipated date of payment to                                              and reduction in net      reduction in net
 the balance sheet date from                                                               equity                equity
 one financial period to the
 Increase in expected sales      Charge to the Income    Reduction in total   � Nil on the Income   � Nil on the Income
 value, leading to an increase              Statement                equity     Statement and net     Statement and net
 in the potential liability                                                                equity                equity
 Improvement in planning         Charge to the Income    Reduction in total   � Nil on the Income   � Nil on the Income
 permission, leading to an                  Statement                equity     Statement and net     Statement and net
 increase in expected sales                                                                equity                equity
 value, and thus to an increase
 in the potential liability
 Delay in project timetable,     Credit to the Income     Increase in total   � Nil on the Income   �1.1m credit on the
 leading to a delay in the                  Statement                equity     Statement and net  Income Statement and
 expected payment date of the                                                              equity       addition to net
 actual liability and thus a                                                                                     equity
 reduction in the value of the
 discounted potential liability
 Exchange rate changes                           None          Weakening in   � nil in net equity  �1.966m reduction in
                                                       Sterling will mean a                                  net equity
                                                          decrease in total
                                                           Strengthening in
                                                         Sterling will mean
                                                         an increase in net
 Opposite events * e.g.(a) a                                                                                           
 decrease in expected sales
 value or (b) a shortening in
 the expected development
 period * will have an opposite
 impact to that stated above
 Total effect on the Income                                                        �475,000 debit           �1.4m debit
 Total effect on net equity                                                    �475,000 reduction       �3.4m reduction

    The effect of these changes on the previously published 2006 comparative financial statements is as follows. Previously reported
inventory balances of �31.6m have been increased to �32.5m by �922,000 to take account of the new discount method. Previously reported
deferred land payables of �19.9m have been increased to �21.3m by �922,000 to take account of the new discount method and by a �475,000
finance charge for 2006. Group reserves have been reduced by �475,000.

    In the unaudited preliminary announcement of the financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2007, deferred land payables had
increased by �4.064m during 2007 as result of the discounting being over a shorter period. The other side of this entry was to recognise
this same amount as inventory.

    The effect on the 2007 financial statements has been a net �1.4m finance charge and a �2m charge to foreign exchange translation
reserve, meaning a total debit to group reserves of �3.4m. Over the two years, the effect has been to reduce group reserves by �3.9m

    Copies of the altered Income Statement, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Cash Flow Statement
are annexed

    The Annual Report and Accounts have now been finalised and are available from the Company's website http://www.bld.bg/en/ and are in the
process of printing and will be posted as soon as practicable.

    - Ends -

    For further information, please contact:

 Bulgarian Land Development
 John Dodwell                                Finance Director  020 7067 0700

 Weber Shandwick Financial                                     020 7067 0700
 Terry Garrett 
 Nick Dibden
 James White

 Collins Stewart Europe Limited                                020 7523 8350
 Hugh Field / Helen Goldsmith/James Cassley


    Editors' note 
    BLD, the Bulgarian residential and commercial development company, was admitted to the AIM market in March 2006, following a share
placing which raised gross proceeds of �23m at 100p per share. In March 2007 an additional placing raised �15m. BLD only operates in
Bulgaria which is where its full time management is based.


    Consolidated Income Statement
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                                  see note 4)
                                           Year ended             Period from
                                            31 December         17 March 2006
                                                   2007        to 31 December
                                                  Group                 Group
                                  Notes           �'000                 �'000

 Revenue                                            115                     -
 Administrative expenses                        (2,231)               (1,522)
 Analysed as:
 Other administrative expenses                  (2,231)               (1,282)
 Share based payment charge                           -                 (240)
 Operating loss                                 (2,116)               (1,522)

 Finance income, being:
 Bank and other interest                            967                   340
 Gain on exchange                                   962                   152
 Finance income                                   1,929                   492
 Finance costs
 Net imputed interest on                        (1,419)                 (475)
 deferred land payables

 Loss before tax                                (1,606)               (1,505)
 Income tax expense                               (113)                  (35)
 Retained loss for the period                   (1,719)               (1,540)

 Basic and diluted loss per
 share attributable to
 the equity holders during the        3
 period (expressed as pence per
 Basic loss per share                            (4.65)                (6.16)
 Diluted loss per share                          (4.65)                (6.16)

      Consolidated Balance Sheet
    As at 31 December 2007

                                                  see note 4):
                                            2007          2006
                                           �'000         �'000
 Property, plant and equipment               129           100
 Total non-current assets                    129           100
 Inventories                              34,906        32,522
 Trade and other receivables               1,832           913
 Cash and cash equivalents                24,137        10,174
 Total current assets                     60,875        43,609
 Total assets                             61,004        43,709
 Issued share capital                        400           250
 Share premium reserve                    35,280        20,939
 Foreign currency translation reserve      (825)           110
 Retained earnings                       (3,019)       (1,300)
 Total equity                             31,836        19,999
 Non current liabilities               
 Deferred tax liabilities                     21             -
 Deferred land payables                   24,663        21,278
 Total non current liabilities            24,684        21,278
 Current liabilities                   
 Trade and other payables                  2,354         2,432
 Bank loans                                2,130             -
 Total current liabilities                 4,484         2,432
 Total liabilities                        29,168        23,710
 Total equity & liabilities               61,004        43,709

      Company Balance Sheet
    As at 31 December 2007

                                        2007    2006
                                       �'000   �'000
 Investment in subsidiaries              175     175
 Total non-current assets                175     175
 Intragroup receivables               16,615  14,645
 Trade and other receivables              13     457
 Cash and cash equivalents            20,885   6,223
 Total current assets                 37,513  21,325
 Total assets                         37,688  21,500
 Issued share capital                    400     250
 Share premium reserve                35,280  20,939
 Retained earnings                     1,611      63
 Total equity                         37,291  21,252
 Liabilities - current liabilities  
 Trade and other payables                397     248
 Total current liabilities               397     248
 Total liabilities                       397     248
 Total equity & liabilities           37,688  21,500

      Statements of Changes in Equity
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                               Foreign currency 
                                    Share    Share  Retained        translation 
                                  capital  premium   earnings            Reserve    Total
                                    �'000    �'000      �'000              �'000    �'000
 Balance at 1 January 2007            250   20,939    (1,300)                110   19,999
 Retained loss for the period           -        -    (1,719)                  -  (1,719)
 Translation into presentation
   Translation of other net             -        -          -              1,031    1,031

   Variation arising from               -        -          -            (1,966)  (1,966)
 restatement of brought
   forward deferred land
 payables at the exchange
   rate ruling at the end of
 the financial period
 Total recognised income and            -        -    (1,719)              (935)  (2,654)
 expense for the
 Shares issued in the period          150   14,850          -                  -   15,000
 Share issue expenses                   -    (509)          -                  -    (509)
 Balance as at 31 December 2007       400   35,280    (3,019)              (825)   31,836

 For the period from
 incorporation on 17 March
   2006 to 31 December 2006
 (Re-stated: see
   note 4)
 On incorporation                       -        -          -                  -        -
 Retained loss for the period           -        -    (1,540)                 -   (1,540)
 Translation into presentation          -        -          -                110      110
 Total recognised income and            -        -    (1,540)                110  (1,430)
 expense for the
 Shares issued in the period          250   23,033          -                  -   23,283
 Share issue expenses                   -  (2,094)          -                  -  (2,094)
 Recognition of share based             -        -        240                  -      240
 payment charge
 Balance as at 31 December 2006       250   20,939    (1,300)                110   19,999

                                                               Foreign currency 
                                    Share    Share  Retained        translation 
                                  capital  premium   earnings            Reserve    Total
                                    �'000    �'000      �'000              �'000    �'000
 Balance at 1 January 2007            250   20,939         68                  -   21,257
 Retained profit for the period         -        -      1,543                 -     1,543
 Total recognised income and            -        -      1,543                  -    1,543
 expense for the
 Shares issued in the period          150   14,850         -                   -   15,000
 Share issue expenses                   -    (509)          -                  -    (509)
 Balance as at 31 December 2007       400   35,280      1,611                  -   37,291

 For the period from
 incorporation on 17 March 
    2006 to 31 December 2006
 On incorporation                       -        -          -                  -        -
 Retained loss for the period           -        -      (177)                  -    (177)
 Total recognised income and            -        -      (177)                  -    (177)
 expense for the
 Shares issued in the period          250   23,033          -                  -   23,283
 Share issue expenses                   -  (2,094)          -                  -  (2,094)
 Recognition of share based             -        -        240                  -      240
 payment charge
 Balance as at 31 December 2006       250   20,939         63                  -   21,252
      Cash Flow Statements
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                 Year ended 31 December 2007         Period from 17 March 2006 to
                                                                                           31 December 2006

                                                     Company                 Group               Company    Group 
                                                       �'000                �'000                  �'000     �'000
 Operating activities
 Profit/(loss) for the period                          1,543               (1,719)                 (177)   (1,540)
 Adjustments for:
   Share based payment charge                              -                     -                   240       240
   Depreciation                                            -                    40                     -        14
   Finance income                                    (1,787)                 (967)                 (839)     (492)
   Taxation                                               91                   113                    35        35
 Operating loss before changes                         (153)               (2,533)                 (741)   (1,743)
 in working capital

 Increase in intragroup                              (1,970)                     -              (14,645)         -
 (Increase)/decrease in trade                            444                 (919)                 (457)     (913)
 and other receivables
 Increase/(decrease) in trade                             64                 (260)                   213     2,397
 and other payables
 Increase in deferred land                                 -                 1,419                     -    21,278
 Increase in inventories                                   -               (2,384)                     -  (32,522)
 Cash used in operations                             (1,615)               (4,677)              (15,630)  (11,503)

 Investing activities
 Interest received                                     1,786                   967                   839       492
 Investment in subsidiary                                  -                     -                 (175)         -
 Acquisition of property, plant                            -                  (69)                     -     (114)
 and equipment
 Cash flows used in investing                          1,786                   898                   664       378

 Financing activities
 Proceeds from the issue of                           15,000                15,000                23,283    23,283
 ordinary share capital
 Share issue expenses                                  (509)                 (509)               (2,094)   (2,094)
 Bank loans                                                -                 2,130                     -         -
 Cash flows generated from                            14,491                16,621                21,189    21,189
 financing activities

 Net increase in cash and cash                        14,662                12,842                 6,223    10,064
 Effect of exchange                                        -                 1,121                     -       110
 fluctuations on cash held
 Cash and cash equivalents at                          6,223                10,174                     -         -
 31 December 2006
 Cash and cash equivalents at                         20,885                24,137                 6,223    10,174
 31 December 2007


    Notes to the Financial Information given above
    1. Accounting basis

    Bulgarian Land Development plc (the "Company") is a company incorporated and domiciled in the Isle of Man for the purpose of investing
in the residential and commercial development property market in Bulgaria. The Company's registered office is 14 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle
of Man.

    The financial information contained within announcement does not constitute the Group's or Company's statutory financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2007. The financial statements, on which the auditors will issue their audit opinion, is available from the
Company's registered office.

    The comparatives information contained in this preliminary announcement above do not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the
period ended 31 December 2006. The figures for the period ended 31 December 2006 are extracted from the audited Group financial statements
("the financial statements") but have been restated as indicated above. A copy of the 2006 financial statements, on which the auditors
issued an unqualified report (and did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without
qualifying their report) is available on the Company's website. The results for the period ended 31 December 2006 were prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies set out in the financial statements.

    2. Significant accounting policies

    The financial information contained within this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards.

    3. Basic Loss and Diluted Loss per share

    Basic loss per share has been calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the Company by the average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period after taking into account the issue of 15 million shares on 14 March 2007. This gives a weighted
average number of 37,000,000 shares. Basic loss per share for the periods ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2006 has been calculated by
dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the Company by the relevant number of shares in issue for the periods. There are no
dilutive shares, share options or similar instruments in existence which might affect the calculation and therefore the diluted earnings per
share are the same as basic earnings per share.

                                                                 2007     2006
 Group loss attributable to equity holders of the Company                     
 After charge for inputed interest on deferred land payables  (1,719)  (1,540)
 Weighted number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)       37,000   25,000
 Basic loss per share (p per share)                            (4.65)   (6.16)
 Diluted loss per share (p per share)                          (4.65)   (6.16)
 Before imputed interest on deferred land payables,                           
 Group loss attributable to equity holders of the Company       (300)  (1,065)
 was (�000)
 Basic loss per share was (p per share)                        (0.81)   (4.26)
 Diluted loss per share was (p per share)                      (0.81)   (4.26)

    4. Correction of accounting error

    The Directors have reviewed the accounting treatment of two separate contracts under which the Group has acquired land for development.
In each contract, part of the agreed acquisition consideration is in the form of deferred payments in cash to the vendors of land, with
those payments being a percentage of the ultimate sale proceeds of completed units.

    At the date of the respective transactions, the Directors estimated the total deferred land payables (before discounting to fair value)
to be �28.140m (at the exchange rate as at 31 December 2006: �30.741m at the exchange rate ruling at 31 December 2007). The fair value of
these future payables was in the 2006 financial statements discounted over the period back from the date of anticipated payment to the
balance sheet date using a pre tax rate of 11% pa, resulting in an initial carrying value of �19.881m being incorporated in the 2006
financial statements, the other side of this entry being recognised as the cost of inventory acquired.. No adjustment was made to deferred
land payables over the period from the date of the transactions to the balance sheet date

    The Directors have concluded that the effect of the discount associated with the change in the financial liability should have been
charged to the Income Statement, rather than added to the cost of inventory as was effectively done in the 2006 financial statements.

    The Directors also have reviewed and altered the discount method used.

    The effect of these errors on the 2006 comparatives is as follows. Previously reported inventory balances of �31.600m have been
increased to �32.522m by �922,000 to take account of the new discount method. Previously reported deferred land payables of �19.881m have
been increased to �21.278m by �922,000 to take account of the new discount method and by �475,000 by a charge for finance for 2006.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Bulgarian Land Development (LSE:BLD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Bulgarian Land Development 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Bulgarian Land Development (LSE:BLD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Bulgarian Land Development 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.