RNS Number : 2361I

Bullabulling Gold Limited

01 July 2013


 1 July 2013   AIM Code: BGL, ASX Code: BAB 


   --    Average life of mine C1 cash costs of US$843 per ounce 
   --    All in cash costs of US$930 per ounce 
   --    2.1 million ounces produced over a 12 year mine life 
   --    Further potential remains for extending mine life and reducing costs 

Bullabulling Gold Limited is pleased to report that the Company has completed an updated economic assessment of the Bullabulling Gold Project based on a revised open pit design and mining plan developed during the initial phase of the definitive feasibility study (DFS).

The new mine plan has delivered a substantial improvement in cash costs, extended mine life and increased gold production relative to the pre-feasibility study (PFS).

Gold production of 2.1 million ounces is forecast over a mine life of 12 years with average C1 cash costs of US$843 per ounce. State and private royalties total US$63 per ounce and sustaining capital amounts to US$24 per ounce, taking total all in cash costs to US$930 per ounce.

"We are very happy with the outcome of this work, which is in line with our expectations for a project of this scale", commented Bullabulling Managing Director, Brett Lambert. "It is also pleasing to note that the optimisation studies suggest the mine design can be adapted to suit a wide range of gold prices, with robust cash margins indicated at all levels.

We will now turn our attention to other areas of the project where there is potential to improve costs and deliver more gold, confident that attention to detail and focus on efficiency will continue to get results."

The mine plan is based on development of four open pits. Detailed pit designs were developed from a Gemcom Whittle(TM) pit optimisation that was run and financially evaluated at a gold price of A$1,500 per ounce, which equates to US$1,371 per ounce at the exchange rate at close of business on 28 June 2013 of 0.9138.

Total mining inventory within the pits is 89.3 million tonnes grading 0.84 g/t for 2.4 million ounces of contained gold, which correlates well with the corresponding Whittle optimisation results. Average strip ratio over the life of mine is 3.6 to 1.

Relocation of the highway and power transmission lines to enable amalgamation of the Phoenix, Edwards and Bonecrusher pits will be evaluated as part of the on-going DFS. This would extend mine life and increase gold production and is also expected to improve efficiency of the pit design. Relocation of this infrastructure would not need to take place until near mid-way through the scheduled mine life.

The PFS capital cost estimate for fixed plant and infrastructure of A$326 million has been retained for the current evaluation. However the next stage of DFS will review and refine this estimate and there is an expectation that construction costs may reduce as a result of the recent sharp downturn in construction activity within the Western Australian mining sector.

In the current study, pre-production capital expenditure of A$81.6 million has been allocated for procurement of the mining fleet to accommodate owner mining. A further A$10.5 million has been allowed for additional mining equipment as mining ramps up and pit depth increases. Mine establishment and pre-production mining expenses have been estimated at A$32.4 million.

Based on the above parameters, the project would generate net cash flow of $564.5 million over the scheduled mine life. Net present value at an 8% discount rate is A$166.0 million and internal rate of return is 15.2% before tax.

Mining equipment manufacturers have indicated a willingness to provide funding for the purchase of the fleet through a stand-alone facility that may enable the Company to receive the benefits of owner mining without material impact on funding of the core project. Dry hiring the fleet during the early years of the project will also be evaluated as a means of reducing pre-production capital requirements. This may also lift NPV and IRR.

Key project statistics are summarised in Table1 below.

 Table 1 - Key Project Statistics 
 Mineral Resources (excluding         Tonnage       Grade      Cont'd Gold 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Indicated Resource                    72.7Mt      0.97g/t      2,274,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Inferred Resource                     35.7Mt      1.10g/t      1,264,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total Resource                       108.4Mt      1.02g/t      3,538,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Mining Inventory                     Tonnage       Grade      Cont'd Gold 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Indicated Resource                     76.3Mt       0.82g/t      2,007,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Inferred Resource                      13.0Mt       0.97g/t     405,000 oz 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total Mining Inventory                 89.3Mt       0.84g/t      2,412,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Capital Costs                                                 Life of Mine 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Fixed Plant & Infrastructure                                      A$326.4M 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Establishment & Pre-production                                     A$32.4M 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Mobile Equipment - Pre-production                                  A$81.6M 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Mobile Equipment - Additions                                       A$10.5M 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Sustaining Capital                                                 A$54.4M 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Production Summary                               Years 1-3    Life of Mine 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Project Life                                      3 years       12 years 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Strip Ratio                                        4.4:1         3.6:1 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Annual Processing Rate                           7.5 Mtpa       7.5 Mtpa 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Processing Recovery                                87.0%         87.3% 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Gold Production                                 569,000 oz     2,106,000 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total Operating Costs                             A$21.39/t      A$21.79/t 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Project Economics                                Years 1-3    Life of Mine 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 Base Case Gold Price                            US$1,371/oz    US$1,371/oz 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 C1 Cash Costs                                     US$774/oz      US$843/oz 
-----------------------------------  ---------  ------------  ------------- 
 NPV at 8% discount (Pre-tax)                                         $166M 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 IRR (Pre-tax)                                                        15.2% 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Net Cash Flow (Pre-tax)                             -A$111M         A$565M 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 

Whilst the current mine plan has been designed to optimise value at a gold price of A$1,500 (US$1,371) per ounce, a series of optimisation runs were carried out at gold prices ranging from A$1,200 (US$1,097) per ounce to A$1,800 (US$1,645) per ounce. The results, summarised in Table 2 below, provide guidance on gold production and cash costs for mine plans based on alternative gold prices.

 Table 2: Bullabulling DFS Whittle Pit Optimisation Results 
 Optimisation   Tonnage     Grade    Mine Life   Contained   Recovered   Indicated 
  Gold Price                                        Gold        Gold      C1 Cash 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US$1,097/oz     50 Mt    0.92 g/t    7 years     1.5 Moz     1.3 Moz    US$716/oz 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US$1,234/oz     77 Mt    0.86 g/t   10 years     2.1 Moz     1.9 Moz    US$797/oz 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US$1,371/oz     92 Mt    0.85 g/t   12 years     2.5 Moz     2.2 Moz    US$843/oz 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US$1,508/oz    109 Mt    0.83 g/t   15 years     2.9 Moz     2.5 Moz    US$897/oz 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US$1,645/oz    120 Mt    0.81 g/t   16 years     3.1 Moz     2.8 Moz    US$936/oz 
-------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Factors that led to the improvement in economic performance relative to the PFS include:

-- Additional high grade resources in the Gryphon area resulting from drilling carried out in the March quarter (see release of 13 May 2013)

-- Reduced mining costs based on owner mining and the utilisation of larger excavators and trucks

   --    Amended pit slope designs to improve geotechnical stability and reduce waste stripping 

-- Amended waste rock stockpiling strategy to utilise dumps on both sides of the open pit resulting in reduced haulage distances

-- Allowance has been made to source a combination of locally generated power and power transmitted from the south-west grid

   --    Use of an alternative tailings storage facility design with reduced construction costs 

Whilst work to date has centered on improving the mine plan, the DFS will also evaluate opportunities to improve performance in other areas including:

   --    Additional metallurgical test work aimed at lifting plant gold recoveries 

-- Review of plant and infrastructure capital expenditure following marked fall in WA and global demand for mining/construction service providers

   --    Review of processing operating costs 

-- Relocation of infrastructure to enable the Phoenix, Dicksons and Bonecrusher pits to be combined to extend mine life and improve mining efficiency

   --    Inclusion of Gibraltar into the mining plan to extend mine life and lift average grade 

-- Further drilling to consolidate resources within or in close proximity to the current pit designs

This announcement, including figures, will be available on the Company's web site.

 Brett Lambert                    Westhouse Securities Limited 
  Bullabulling Gold Limited        (UK Broker & Nominated Adviser) 
  Level 2, 55 Carrington Street    Martin Davison/Jonathan Haines 
  Nedlands, WA, 6009, Australia    Tel: +44 20 7601 6100 
  Tel: +61 8 9386 4086 
-------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Neil Boom                        John Gardner / Rupert Dearden 
  Gresham PR Ltd (UK media)        MAGNUS Investor Relations. Corporate 
  Tel: +44 7866 805 108            Communication. (Australian Media) 
                                   Tel: +61 8 6160 4900 
                                   jgardner@magnus.net.au rdearden@magnus.net.au 
-------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 

For information, contact:

Competent Person Statements

The information in this report that relates to the Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based upon information compiled by Mr Trevor Pilcher, who is a full time employee of the Company and is a member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Pilcher has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and the activity in which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person under 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code). Mr Pilcher consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



Bullabulling (LSE:BGL)
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Bullabulling (LSE:BGL)
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