RNS Number:0960S
TransCanada Pipelines Ld
01 March 2007


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                    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   Form 40-F



(X)   annual report pursuant to section 13(a) OR 15 (d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006

                         Commission File Number 1-8887

                         TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED
             (Exact Name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

                             4922, 4923, 4924, 5172
    (Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code Number (if applicable))

                                 Not Applicable
            (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number (if applicable))

                     TransCanada Tower, 450 - 1 Street S.W.
                       Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 5H1
                                 (403) 920-2000
   (Address and telephone number of Registrant's principal executive offices)

                  CT Corporation, Suite 2610, 520 Pike Street
           Seattle, Washington, 98101; (206) 622-4511; 1-800-456-4511
 (Name, address (including zip code) and telephone number (including area code)
                   of agent for service in the United States)

          Securities registered pursuant to section 12(b) of the Act:
                   Title of each class                                Name of each exchange on which registered
           8.25% Preferred Securities due 2047                                 New York Stock Exchange

      Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:    None
 Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d)
                              of the Act:    None

For annual reports, indicate by check mark the information filed with this Form:
                ( X )Annual Information Form                               ( X ) Audited annual financial statements

Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer's classes of
capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual

  At December 31, 2006, 4,000,000 Cumulative Redeemable First Preferred Shares
                                    Series U
      and 4,000,000 Cumulative Redeemable First Preferred Shares Series Y
                          were issued and outstanding
  All of the Registrant's common shares are owned by TransCanada Corporation.

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant by filing the information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(the "Exchange Act"). If "Yes" is marked, indicate the file number assigned to
the Registrant in connection with such Rule.
              Yes                                                             No           X

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the preceding 12
months (or such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such
reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
                Yes           X                                              No


    Audited Annual Financial Statements

        For consolidated audited financial statements, including the report of
independent chartered accountants with respect thereto, see pages 70 through 110
of the TransCanada PipeLines Limited ("TCPL") 2006 Management's Discussion and
Analysis and Audited Consolidated Financial Statements included herein. See the
related supplementary note entitled "Reconciliation to United States GAAP" for a
reconciliation of the differences between Canadian and United States generally
accepted accounting principles, including the auditors' report attached as
document 13.4.
    Management's Discussion & Analysis

        For management's discussion and analysis, see pages 2 through 69 of
TCPL's 2006 Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited Consolidated
Financial Statements included herein.

        For the purposes of this Report, only pages 2 through 69 and 70 through
110 of the TCPL 2006 Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited
Consolidated Financial Statements shall be deemed incorporated herein by
reference and filed, and the balance of such 2006 Management's Discussion and
Analysis and Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, except as otherwise
specifically incorporated by reference in the TCPL Annual Information Form,
shall be deemed not filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as part of
this Report under the Exchange Act.
    Management's Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

        For information on management's internal control over financial
reporting, see "Report of Management" included in TCPL's consolidated audited
financial statements on page 70, the section entitled "Management's Annual
Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting" under the heading "Controls
and Procedures" in Management's Discussion and Analysis on page 62 of TCPL's
Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited Consolidated Financial
Statements, and Management's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
filed as document 13.5.

        Management's assessment of the effectiveness of TCPL's internal control
over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006 has been audited by TCPL's
independent auditors, KPMG LLP, a registered public accounting firm, as stated
in their audit report on management's assessment. KPMG LLP has issued a report
on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of December
 31, 2006 filed as document 13.6.


        The Registrant undertakes to make available, in person or by telephone,
representatives to respond to inquiries made by the staff of the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"), and to furnish promptly, when
requested to do so by the Commission staff, information relating to: the
securities registered pursuant to Form 40-F; the securities in relation to which
the obligation to file an Annual Report on Form 40-F arises; or transactions in
said securities.


        For information on disclosure controls and procedures, see "Controls and
Procedures" in Management's Discussion and Analysis on page 62 of TCPL's 2006
Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited Consolidated Financial


        The Registrant's board of directors has determined that it has at least
one audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee. Mr. Harry
G. Schaefer has been designated an audit committee financial expert and is
independent, as that term is defined by the New York Stock Exchange's listing
standards applicable to the Registrant. The Commission has indicated that the
designation of Mr. Schaefer as an audit committee financial expert does not make
Mr. Schaefer an "expert" for any purpose, impose any duties, obligations or
liability on Mr. Schaefer that are greater than those imposed on members of the
audit committee and board of directors who do not carry this designation or
affect the duties, obligations or liability of any other member of the audit

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

        The Registrant has adopted codes of business ethics for its employees,
its President and Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and
Controller and its directors. The Registrant's codes are available on its
website at www.transcanada.com. There has been no waiver of the codes granted
during the 2006 fiscal year.


        The aggregate fees for professional services rendered by KPMG LLP for
the TransCanada group of companies for the 2006 and 2005 fiscal years are shown
in the table below:
Fees in millions of Canadian dollars                                                               2006         2005
Audit Fees                                                                                       $    4.94    $    3.15

Audit-Related Fees                                                                                    0.07         0.11

Tax Fees                                                                                              0.22         0.12

All Other Fees                                                                                        0.07         0.14

Total                                                                                            $    5.30    $    3.52

        The nature of each category of fees is described below.

Audit Fees

        Audit fees were incurred for professional services rendered by the
auditors for the audit of the TransCanada group of companies' annual financial
statements or services provided in connection with statutory and regulatory
filings or engagements, the review of interim consolidated financial statements
and information contained in various prospectuses and other offering documents.

Audit-Related Fees

        Audit-related fees were incurred for the audit of the financial
statements of the Registrant's certain pension plans.

Tax Fees

        Tax fees were primarily incurred for tax compliance and tax advice.
These services consisted of: tax compliance including the review of Canadian and
US income tax returns and tax items and tax services related to domestic and
international taxation including income tax, capital tax and Goods and Services

All Other Fees

        Fees disclosed in the table above under the item "all other fees" were
incurred for services other than the audit fees, audit-related fees and tax fees
described above. These services consisted of advice with regards to compliance
with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

        TCPL's Audit Committee has adopted a pre-approval policy with respect to
permitted non-audit services. Under the policy, the Audit Committee has granted
pre-approval for specified non-audit services. For engagements of $25,000 CDN or
less which are not within the annual pre-approved limit approval by the Audit
Committee is not required, and for engagements between $25,000 CDN and $100,000
CDN, approval of the Audit Committee Chair is required, and the Audit Committee
is to be informed of the engagement at the next scheduled Audit Committee
meeting. For all engagements of $100,000 CDN or more, pre-approval of the Audit
Committee is required. In all cases, regardless of dollar amount involved, where
there is a potential for conflict of interest involving the external auditor on
an engagement, the Audit Committee Chair must pre-approve the assignment.

        To date, TCPL has not approved any non-audit services on the basis of
the de-minimis exemptions. All non-audit services have been pre-approved by the
Audit Committee in accordance with the pre-approval policy described above.

                         OFF-BALANCE SHEET ARRANGEMENTS

        The Registrant has no off-balance sheet arrangements, as defined in this
Form, other than the guarantees described in Note 22 of the Notes to the Audited
Consolidated Financial Statements attached to this Form 40-F and incorporated
herein by reference.


        For information on Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations, see
"Management's Discussion and Analysis - Contractual Obligations", which is
incorporated herein by reference on page 52 of TCPL's 2006 Management's
Discussion and Analysis and Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.


        The Registrant has a separately-designated standing Audit Committee. The
members of the Audit Committee are:
Chair:          H.G. Schaefer
Members:        D.H. Burney
                K.E. Benson
                P. Gauthier
                P.L. Joskow
                J.A. MacNaughton

                          FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION

        This document, documents incorporated herein by reference, and other
reports and filings made with the securities regulatory authorities contain
certain information that is forward-looking and is subject to important risks
and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "expect", "may", "should",
"estimate", "project", "outlook", "forecast" or other similar words are used to
identify such forward looking information. All forward-looking statements are
based on TCPL's beliefs and assumptions based on information available at the
time such statements were made. The results or events predicted in this
information may differ from actual results or events. Factors which could cause
actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include,
among other things, the ability of TCPL to successfully implement its strategic
initiatives and whether such strategic initiatives will yield the expected
benefits, the availability and price of energy commodities, regulatory
decisions, changes in environmental and other laws and regulations, competitive
factors in the pipeline and energy industry sectors, construction and completion
of capital projects, access to capital markets, interest and currency exchange
rates, technological developments and the current economic conditions in North
America. By its nature, such forward-looking information is subject to various
risks and uncertainties, including those material risks discussed herein, in
TCPL's Annual Information Form filed as document 13.1 hereto and in TCPL's
Management's Discussion and Analysis filed as document 13.2 hereto, which could
cause TCPL's actual results and experience to differ materially from the
anticipated results or other expectations expressed. The material assumptions in
making these forward-looking statements are disclosed in TCPL's Management's
Discussion and Analysis, filed as document 13.2 hereto, under the headings "TCPL
Overview", "TCPL's Strategy", "Outlook", "Pipelines - Opportunities and
Developments", "Pipelines - Outlook", "Energy - Opportunities and Developments"
and "Energy - Outlook". Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
this forward-looking information, which is given as of the date it is expressed
in this document or otherwise, and TCPL undertakes no obligation to update
publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


        Pursuant to the requirements of the Exchange Act, the Registrant
certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 40-F and has
duly caused this Annual Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereto duly authorized, in the City of Calgary, Province of Alberta, Canada.
                                              TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED

                                              Per: /s/  GREGORY A. LOHNES       GREGORY A. LOHNES
                                                   Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer

                                                   Date: February 28, 2007

    Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2006.

    Management's Discussion and Analysis (included on pages 2 through 69 of
    TCPL's 2006 Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited Consolidated
    Financial Statements).

    2006 Consolidated Audited Financial Statements (included on pages 70 through
    110 of TCPL's 2006 Management's Discussion and Analysis and Audited
    Consolidated Financial Statements).

    Related supplementary note entitled "Reconciliation to United States GAAP"
    and the auditors' report thereon.

    Management's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.

    Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Management's
    Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.

    Comments by Auditors for United States Readers on Canada - United States
    Reporting Difference.

    Consent of KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants.

    Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the
    Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the
    Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    Certification of Chief Executive Officer regarding Periodic Report
    containing Financial Statements.

    Certification of Chief Financial Officer regarding Periodic Report
    containing Financial Statements.


                         TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED

                            ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM

                                                               February 22, 2007

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                     i
PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION                                                                                          ii
FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION                                                                                          ii
TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED                                                                                         1
   Corporate Structure                                                                                                1
   Significant Subsidiaries                                                                                           2
GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUSINESS                                                                                   2
   Developments in the Pipelines Business                                                                             2
   Developments in the Energy Business                                                                                4
   Recent Developments                                                                                                7
BUSINESS OF TCPL                                                                                                      7
   Pipelines Business                                                                                                 8
   Regulation                                                                                                        10
   Energy Business                                                                                                   11
   Other Interests                                                                                                   12
HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT                                                                                       12
LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AND REGULATORY ACTIONS                                                                             13
TRANSFER AGENT AND REGISTRAR                                                                                         13
INTEREST OF EXPERTS                                                                                                  13
RISK FACTORS                                                                                                         14
DIVIDENDS                                                                                                            14
DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE                                                                                     14
DEBT                                                                                                                 15
CREDIT RATINGS                                                                                                       16
MARKET FOR SECURITIES                                                                                                17
DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS                                                                                               19
   Directors                                                                                                         19
   Officers                                                                                                          21
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                                                                                 22
   Compliance with Canadian Governance Guidelines                                                                    22
   Audit Committee                                                                                                   22
   Other Board Committees                                                                                            24
   Conflicts of Interest                                                                                             25
INDEBTEDNESS OF DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS                                                                     25
SECURITIES OWNED BY DIRECTORS                                                                                        25
COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS                                                                                            26
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND OTHER INFORMATION                                                                         29
   Report on Executive Compensation                                                                                  29
   Performance Graph                                                                                                 41
   Remuneration of Executive Officers of TCPL                                                                        41
   Executive Compensation                                                                                            41
   Equity Compensation Plan Information                                                                              47
   Pension and Retirement Benefits for Executives                                                                    49
   Supplemental Disclosure - Total Compensation Awards                                                               54
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                                                               56
GLOSSARY                                                                                                             57
SCHEDULE "A"   Metric Conversion Table                                                                              A-1
SCHEDULE "B"    Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices                                                        B-1
SCHEDULE "C"    Charter of The Board of Directors                                                                   C-1
SCHEDULE "D"   Description of Board Committees and Their Charters                                                   D-1
SCHEDULE "E"    Charter of the Audit Committee                                                                      E-1

                                          TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED        i


Unless otherwise noted, the information contained in this Annual Information
Form ("AIF") for TransCanada PipeLines Limited ("TCPL") is given at or for the
year ended December 31, 2006 ("Year End"). Amounts are expressed in Canadian
dollars unless otherwise indicated. Financial information is presented in
accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

 Unless the context indicates otherwise, a reference in this AIF to "TCPL" or
the "Company" includes TCPL's parent, TransCanada Corporation ("TransCanada")
and the subsidiaries of TCPL through which its various business operations are
conducted and a reference to "TransCanada" includes TransCanada Corporation and
the subsidiaries of TransCanada Corporation, including TCPL. Where TCPL is
referred to with respect to actions that occurred prior to its 2003 plan of
arrangement with TransCanada, which is described below under the heading
"TransCanada PipeLines Limited - Corporate Structure", these actions were taken
by TCPL or its subsidiaries. The term "subsidiary", when referred to in this
AIF, with reference to TCPL means direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries
of, and entities controlled by, TransCanada or TCPL, as applicable.

 TCPL's Management's Discussion and Analysis dated February 22, 2007 ("MD&A")
and TCPL's Audited Consolidated Financial Statements dated February 22, 2007 are
incorporated by reference into this AIF and can be found on SEDAR at
www.sedar.com under TCPL's profile.

 Information relating to metric conversion can be found at Schedule "A" to this


This AIF, the documents incorporated by reference into this AIF, and other
reports and filings made with the securities regulatory authorities contain
certain information that is forward-looking and is subject to important risks
and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "expect", "may", "should",
"estimate", "project", "outlook", "forecast" or other similar words are used to
identify such forward looking information. All forward-looking statements are
based on TCPL's beliefs and assumptions based on information available at the
time such statements were made. The results or events predicted in this
information may differ from actual results or events. Factors which could cause
actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include,
among other things, the ability of TCPL to successfully implement its strategic
initiatives and whether such strategic initiatives will yield the expected
benefits, the availability and price of energy commodities, regulatory
decisions, changes in environmental and other laws and regulations, competitive
factors in the pipeline and energy industry sectors, construction and completion
of capital projects, access to capital markets, interest and currency exchange
rates, technological developments and the current economic conditions in North
America. By its nature, such forward-looking information is subject to various
risks and uncertainties, including those material risks discussed in this AIF
under "Risk Factors" and in the MD&A under "Pipelines - Business Risks" and
"Energy - Business Risks", which could cause TCPL's actual results and
experience to differ materially from the anticipated results or other
expectations expressed. The material assumptions in making these forward-looking
statements are disclosed in the MD&A under the headings "TCPL Overview", "TCPL's
Strategy", "Outlook", "Pipelines - Opportunities and Developments", "Pipelines -
 Outlook", "Energy - Opportunities and Developments" and "Energy - Outlook".
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking
information, which is given as of the date it is expressed in this AIF or
otherwise, and TCPL undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any
forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise, except as required by law.



Corporate Structure

TCPL's head office and registered office are located at 450 - 1st Street S.W.,
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 5H1.

 TCPL is a Canadian public company. Significant dates and events are set forth
Date                          Event
March 21, 1951                Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament as Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited.
April 19, 1972                Continued under the Canada Corporations Act by Letters Patent, which included the
                              alteration of its capital and change of name to TransCanada PipeLines Limited.
June 1, 1979                  Continued under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
July 2, 1998                  Certificate of Arrangement issued in connection with the Plan of Arrangement with NOVA
                              Corporation ("NOVA") under which the companies merged and then split off the commodity
                              chemicals business carried on by NOVA into a separate public company.
January 1, 1999               Certificate of Amalgamation issued reflecting TCPL's vertical short form amalgamation
                              with a wholly-owned subsidiary, Alberta Natural Gas Company Ltd.
January 1, 2000               Certificate of Amalgamation issued reflecting TCPL's vertical short form amalgamation
                              with a wholly-owned subsidiary, NOVA Gas International Ltd.
May 4, 2001                   Restated TransCanada PipeLines Limited Articles of Incorporation filed.
June 20, 2002                 Restated TransCanada PipeLines Limited By-Laws filed.
May 15, 2003                  Certificate of Arrangement issued in connection with the plan of arrangement with
                              TransCanada. TransCanada was incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the Canada
                              Business Corporations Act on February 25, 2003. The arrangement was approved by TCPL
                              common shareholders on April 25, 2003 and following court approval, Articles of
                              Arrangement were filed making the arrangement effective May 15, 2003. The common
                              shareholders of TCPL exchanged each of their TCPL common shares for one common share of
                              TransCanada. The debt securities and preferred shares of TCPL remained obligations and
                              securities of TCPL. TCPL continues to hold the assets it held prior to the arrangement
                              and continues to carry on business as the principal operating subsidiary of the
                              TransCanada group of entities.

 At Year End, TCPL had approximately 2,350 employees, substantially all of whom
were employed in Canada and the United States.

                                                 TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 1

Significant Subsidiaries

TCPL's significant subsidiaries(1) at Year End and the jurisdiction under which
each subsidiary was incorporated are noted below. TCPL owns, directly or
indirectly, 100 per cent of the voting shares of each of these subsidiaries.

    Excludes certain of TCPL's subsidiaries where:

    the total assets of the subsidiary do not exceed ten per cent of the
    consolidated assets of TCPL at Year End;

    the sales and operating revenues of the subsidiary do not exceed ten per
    cent of the consolidated sales and operating revenues of TCPL for the year
    ended December 31, 2006;

    the aggregate assets of all the excluded subsidiaries do not exceed 20 per
    cent of the consolidated assets of TCPL at Year End; and

    the aggregate sales and operating revenues of all the excluded subsidiaries
    do not exceed 20 per cent of the consolidated sales and operating revenues
    of TCPL for the year ended December 31, 2006.


The general development of TCPL's business during the last three financial
years, and the significant acquisitions, dispositions, events or conditions
which have had an influence on that development, are described below.

 Effective June 1, 2006, TCPL revised the composition and names of its
reportable business segments to Pipelines and Energy. Pipelines is principally
comprised of the company's pipelines in Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Energy includes the company's power operations, natural gas storage business and
liquefied natural gas ("LNG") projects in Canada and the United States.

Developments in the Pipelines Business

TransCanada's strategy in pipelines is focused on both growing its North
American natural gas transmission network and maximizing the long-term value of
its existing pipeline assets. Summarized below are significant developments that
have occurred in TCPL's pipelines business over the last three years.


    Pipeline Developments
        January 2006. TCPL secured firm, long-term contracts for the Keystone
        oil pipeline project totalling 340,000 barrels per day with durations
        averaging 18 years;


        April 2006. TC PipeLines, LP, an affiliate of TCPL, acquired an
        additional 20 per cent general partnership interest in Northern Border
        Pipeline Company ("NBPL") for approximately US$307 million which brings
        the total general partnership interest in NBPL to 50 per cent. TC
        PipeLines, LP also indirectly assumed approximately US$122 million of
        the debt of NBPL. TCPL expects to become the operator of NBPL in April
        2007. TCPL is the parent company of TC PipeLines GP, Inc., the general
        partner of TC PipeLines, LP;

        April 2006. TCPL sold its 17.5 per cent general partner interest in
        Northern Border Partners, L.P. for approximately US$29.5 million;

        December 2006. The 130 km Tamazunchale pipeline in east central Mexico
        went into commercial service;

        December 2006. TC PipeLines, LP acquired 49 per cent of Sierra Pacific
        Resources' 50 per cent interest in Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company
        ("Tuscarora"), with an option to acquire the remaining one per cent
        interest for US$100 million, plus US$37 million of assumed debt, subject
        to certain post closing adjustments. TC PipeLines, LP now holds a 99 per
         cent interest in Tuscarora and TCPL indirectly holds a one per cent
        ownership interest. A subsidiary of TCPL became the operator of

        December 2006. TransCanada entered into a purchase and sale agreement
        with El Paso Corporation pursuant to which TransCanada agreed to acquire
        American Natural Resources Company and ANR Storage Company
        (collectively, "ANR"). TransCanada also agreed to purchase an additional
        3.55 per cent interest in Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited
        Partnership ("Great Lakes") from El Paso Corporation. The total purchase
        price is approximately US$3.4 billion and includes approximately US$488
        million of assumed debt. The acquisition includes an approximately
        17,000-kilometre pipeline system and 230 billion cubic feet ("Bcf") of
        storage capacity in the United States. The acquisition closed on
        February 22, 2007, as discussed under "General Development of the
        Business - Recent Developments" in this AIF;

        December 2006. TC PipeLines, LP agreed to acquire a 46.45 per cent
        interest in Great Lakes from El Paso Corporation for a purchase price of
        US$962 million which includes the assumption of approximately US$212
        million of assumed debt, subject to certain post closing adjustments.
        The acquisition closed on February 22, 2007, as discussed under "General
        Development of the Business - Recent Developments" in this AIF;

        TCPL continued to invest in the Canadian Mainline and the Alberta

        TCPL continued funding of the Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline
        Limited Partnership for its participation in the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline
        Project; and

        TCPL continued discussions relating to the proposed Alaska Highway
        Pipeline Project.

    Regulatory Matters
        February 2006. TCPL filed an application with the U.S. Federal Energy
        Regulatory Commission ("FERC") for a certificate for a two-phase
        expansion of its existing natural gas pipeline in southern California,
        the North Baja system ("North Baja System") and the construction of a
        new lateral pipeline in California's Imperial Valley;

        April 2006. The National Energy Board ("NEB") approved a negotiated
        settlement of the 2006 Canadian Mainline tolls which included a deemed
        common equity ratio of 36 per cent and incentives for managing cost
        through fixing certain components of the revenue requirement;

        June 2006. TCPL filed an application with the NEB seeking approval to
        transfer a portion of TCPL's Canadian Mainline natural gas transmission
        facilities to the Keystone oil pipeline project for the purposes of
        transporting crude oil from Alberta to refining centres in the U.S.
        Midwest, which was approved by the NEB in February, 2007. Additionally,
        in December 2006, TCPL filed an application with the NEB for approval to
        construct and operate the Canadian portion of the Keystone oil pipeline,
        which is anticipated to be in service in late 2009; and

        June 2006. TransCanada filed a rate case with the FERC requesting a
        number of tariff changes including an increase in rates for certain
        services on the Gas Transmission Northwest system ("Gas Transmission

                                                 TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 3

        System"). Further information relating to the Gas Transmission Northwest
        System can be found in this AIF under "Business of TCPL - Regulation".

 Further information about these developments can be found in this AIF under
"General Development of the Business - Recent Developments" and in the MD&A
under the heading "TCPL's Strategy - Pipelines" and "Pipelines - Opportunities
and Developments".


    Pipeline Developments
        February 2005, TCPL announced the Keystone oil pipeline project, a
        US$2.1 billion oil pipeline project to transport approximately 435,000
        barrels per day of heavy crude oil from Alberta to Illinois;

        March 2005. TCPL sold 3,574,200 common units of TC PipeLines, LP for
        $153 million;

        TCPL continued discussions relating to the proposed Alaska Highway
        Pipeline Project;

        June 2005. TCPL acquired an additional interest in the Iroquois Gas
        Transmission System L.P. ("Iroquois System") for US$13.6 million. The
        acquisition increased TCPL's ownership interest from 40.96 per cent to
        44.48 per cent;

        June 2005. TCPL commenced construction of the Tamazunchale Pipeline in
        east-central Mexico which went into service in December 2006; and

        TCPL continued funding of the Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline
        Limited Partnership for its participation in the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline

Regulatory Matters

        March 2005. TCPL reached a settlement with shippers and other interested
        parties regarding the annual revenue requirements of its Alberta System
        for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. The settlement was approved by
        regulators; and

        May 2005. TCPL received the NEB's decision on the Canadian Mainline 2004
        Tolls and Tariff Application (Phase II), approving an increase in the
        deemed common equity component of TCPL's Canadian Mainline System's
        capital structure from 33 per cent to 36 per cent effective January 1,


    Pipeline Developments
        November 2004. TCPL acquired the Gas Transmission Northwest System and
        the North Baja System from National Energy & Gas Transmission, Inc. for
        US$1.7 billion, including approximately US$0.5 billion of assumed debt.

Developments in the Energy Business

In the past three years, TCPL has grown its energy business and, in particular,
has increased its power generation capacity from facilities it owns, operates
and/or controls, including those under construction or in development, from
approximately 5,700 megawatts ("MW") in 2004 to approximately 7,700 MW at Year
End. Summarized below are significant developments that have occurred in TCPL's
energy business over the last three years.


    Energy Developments
        TCPL continued construction of the Cartier wind energy project ("Cartier
        Wind Energy Project"), of which 62 per cent is owned by TCPL. The first
        of six proposed wind farm projects was commercial in late 2006 and
        construction commenced on the second which is expected to be in service
        in late 2007. The other phases of the Cartier Wind Energy Project will
        continue, subject to future appropriations and approvals, through 2012
        at five


        different locations in the Gaspe region of Quebec and capacity is
        expected to total 740 MW when all phases are complete. Once completed,
        the entire output of the Cartier Wind Energy Project will be supplied to
        Hydro-Quebec Distribution under 20-year power purchase contracts;
        September 2006. Portlands Energy Centre L.P., 50 per cent owned by TCPL,
        signed a 20-year Accelerated Clean Energy Supply ("ACES") contract with
        the Ontario Power Authority for Portlands Energy Centre ("PEC"), a 550
        MW high-efficiency, combined-cycle natural gas generation plant is being
        constructed in downtown Toronto. The capital cost of PEC is estimated to
        be approximately $730 million. PEC is expected to be operational in
        simple-cycle mode and delivering 340 MW of electricity beginning June
        2008, and is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2009,
        delivering up to 550 MW of power under the ACES contract;

        September 2006. Construction of the 550 MW Becancour cogeneration plant
        near Trois Rivieres, Quebec, was completed and placed in commercial
        service providing power to Hydro-Quebec Distribution;

        November 2006. TCPL was awarded a 20-year Clean Energy Supply contract
        by the Ontario Power Authority to build, own and operate a 683 MW
        natural gas-fired power plant near the Town of Halton Hills, Ontario.
        TCPL expects to invest approximately $670 million in the Halton Hills
        Generating Station, which is anticipated to be in service in the second
        quarter of 2010;

        December 2006. The Edson gas storage facility was placed in service; and

        TCPL continued work on the restart and refurbishment project at Bruce A
        nuclear power generation facility in Ontario. The first unit is expected
        to be online in late 2009, subject to approval by the Canadian Nuclear
        Safety Commission.

Regulatory Matters
    January 2006. TCPL, on behalf of the Broadwater Energy project, filed an
    application with the FERC for approval of the LNG regasification project to
    be located in Long Island Sound, New York. The United States Coast Guard
    issued a report which determined that the waterways associated with the
    project are suitable if additional measures are implemented to manage the
    safety and security risks associated with the project. Broadwater's
    application to the New York Department of State for a determination that the
    project is consistent with New York's coastal zone policies was deemed
    complete by the state in November of 2006. Also in November, the FERC issued
    a statement which concludes that with strict adherence to federal and state
    permit requirements and regulations, and Broadwater's proposed mitigation
    measures and the FERC's recommendations, the Broadwater project will not
    result in significant impacts to the environment; and

    December 2006. A public hearing on the Cacouna Energy LNG facility in
    Cacouna, Quebec (the "Cacouna Energy Project") was held in May and June of
    2006 and in December 2006 the Minister of the Environment for Quebec and the
    federal Minister of the Environment, jointly released the report of the
    Joint Commission on the Cacouna Energy Project. The report has several
    recommendations and opinions but overall, in management's view, appears to
    be favourable to the project. TCPL continues to work towards gaining
    regulatory approval and provided the necessary approvals are obtained, the
    facility is anticipated to be in service sometime in 2010.

 Further information about each of these energy developments can be found in the
MD&A under the heading "TCPL's Strategy - Energy" and "Energy - Opportunities
and Developments".


    Energy Developments
        February 2005. TCPL advanced the 740 MW Cartier Wind Energy Project with
        the signing of long term electricity supply contracts;

        April 2005. TCPL acquired the hydroelectric power generation assets from
        USGen New England, Inc. for approximately US$503 million;

                                                 TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 5

        September 2005. TCPL sold all of its interests in TransCanada Power,
        L.P. ("Power LP") to EPCOR Utilities Inc. for net proceeds of $523

        October 2005. Bruce Power A L.P. ("Bruce A") entered into agreements
        with the Ontario Power Authority to restart units 1 and 2, extend the
        operating life of unit 3 and replace the generators on unit 4 at Bruce
        A. The capital program for the restart and refurbishment work is
        expected to total approximately $4.25 billion with TransCanada's share
        expected to be approximately $2.125 billion;

        December 2005. TCPL sold its approximate 11 per cent interest in P.T.
        Paiton Energy Company to subsidiaries of The Tokyo Electric Power
        Company, resulting in gross proceeds of US$103 million;

        December 2005. TCPL acquired the remaining rights and obligations of the
        756-megawatt Sheerness Power Purchase Arrangement ("PPA") from the
        Alberta Balancing Pool for $585 million;

        TCPL commenced construction of a natural gas storage facility located
        near Edson, Alberta; and

        Ocean State Power successfully restructured its long-term natural gas
        fuel supply contracts with its supplier.

    Regulatory Matters
        TCPL continued working toward gaining regulatory approval for its two
        LNG projects: Cacouna in Quebec and the Broadwater Energy project,
        offshore of New York State in Long Island Sound.


    Energy Developments
        April 2004. TCPL received approval from the Quebec government to develop
        the 550 MW natural gas-fired Becancour cogeneration plant located at an
        industrial park near Trois-Rivieres, Quebec ("Becancour Plant") and
        which will supply its entire power output to Hydro-Quebec Distribution
        under 20 year power purchase contracts. Construction of the 550 MW
        Becancour Plant began in the third quarter of 2004;

        April 2004. TCPL sold its ManChief and Curtis Palmer power plants to
        Power LP for approximately US$403 million, excluding closing

        September 2004. TCPL and Petro-Canada signed a memorandum of
        understanding for the development of the Cacouna Energy Project. The
        proposed facility will be capable of receiving, storing and regasifying
        imported LNG with an average annual send out capacity of approximately
        500 million cubic feet per day of natural gas. The proposed facility
        requires regulatory and other approvals from federal, provincial and
        municipal governments and regulators;

        October 2004. The Cartier Wind Energy Project, of which 62 per cent is
        owned by TCPL, was awarded six wind energy projects by Hydro-Quebec
        Distribution, representing a total of 740 MW in the Gaspe region of
        Quebec. The six proposed projects are distributed throughout the
        Gaspesie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine region and the Regional County
        Municipality of Matane;

        November 2004. TCPL and Shell US Gas & Power LLC ("Shell") announced
        plans to jointly develop an offshore LNG regasification terminal,
        Broadwater Energy, in the New York State waters of Long Island Sound.
        The proposed floating storage and regasification unit will be capable of
        receiving, storing and regasifying imported LNG with an average send out
        capacity of approximately one Bcf per day of natural gas. TCPL owns 50
        per cent of Broadwater Energy LLC, which will own and operate the
        facility, while Shell will contract for the facility's entire
        regasification capacity and supply the LNG. The proposed Broadwater
        Energy LNG facility required regulatory approval from federal and state
        governments before construction could begin;

        Construction of the 165 MW MacKay River power plant located in Alberta
        was completed in 2003 and the plant was put into commercial service in
        2004; and

        Construction of the 90 MW Grandview natural gas-fired cogeneration power
        plant on the site of the Irving Oil refinery in Saint John, New
        Brunswick ("Grandview Plant") was completed by the end of 2004 and was
        commissioned in January 2005. Under a 20-year tolling arrangement, a
        subsidiary of Irving Oil Limited will


        provide fuel to the Grandview Plant and has contracted for 100 per cent
        of the Grandview Plant's heat and electricity output.

Recent Developments

On February 22, 2007, TransCanada closed its acquisitions of ANR and an
additional 3.55 per cent interest in Great Lakes from El Paso Corporation for
approximately US$3.4 billion, and includes approximately US$488 million of
assumed long-term debt. The acquisition of ANR was partially financed through a
public offering of subscription receipts by TransCanada, resulting in proceeds
of approximately $1.5 billion. For further information see "General Development
of the Business - Developments in the Pipelines Business" in this AIF.

 In February 2007, TC PipeLines, LP completed a private placement offering of
17,356,086 units at a price of US$34.57 per unit. TransCanada acquired 50 per
cent of the units for US$300 million, increasing its total ownership to 32.1 per
cent. TransCanada also invested an additional approximately $12 million to
maintain its general partnership ownership interest in TC PipeLines, LP. The
total private placement resulted in gross proceeds of approximately US$612
million which were used to partially finance TC PipeLines, LP's acquisition of
its 46.45 per cent interest in Great Lakes.

 TCPL received NEB approval on February 9, 2007, to transfer a section of the
Canadian Mainline natural gas transmission facilities to the Keystone oil
pipeline project to transport crude oil from Alberta to refining centres in the
U.S. Midwest. TCPL continues to proceed with applications for U.S. regulatory
approvals at federal and state levels. Construction of the Keystone pipeline is
expected to begin in early 2008, with commercial operations scheduled to
commence in the fourth quarter of 2009. In addition, TCPL announced in January
2007 the start of a binding Open Season for an expansion and extension of the
propsed Keystone oil pipeline. The purpose of the Open Season is to obtain
binding commitments to support the expansion of the proposed Keystone pipeline
from approximately 435,000 barrels per day to 590,000 barrels per day and the
construction of the 468 km extension of the United States portion of the
pipeline. The US$700 million expansion and extension project is targetted to be
in-service in the fourth quarter of 2010.

 In February 2007, TCPL received approval from the NEB to integrate the B.C.
system into the Foothills system in southern B.C. An agreement between the
Company and shippers on the B.C. system includes a sharing mechanism for
anticipated cost savings through increased administrative efficiencies arising
from the integration of the two systems.

 In January 2007, TCPL received a procedural order from the FERC establishing a
timeline for Gas Transmission Northwest System's rate case proceeding. The
comprehensive filing requests a number of tariff changes, including increased
rates for transportation services. The hearing into this rate case is scheduled
to commence on October 31, 2007. For further information see this AIF under
"Business of TCPL - Regulation".


TCPL is a leading North American energy infrastructure company focused on
pipelines and energy. At Year End, Pipelines accounted for approximately 53 per
cent of revenues and 71 per cent of TCPL's total assets and the Energy business
accounted for approximately 47 per cent of revenues and 25 per cent of TCPL's
total assets. The following is a description of each of TCPL's two main areas of

                                                 TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 7

 The following table shows TCPL's revenues from operations by segment,
classified geographically, for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005.
Revenues From Operations(millions of dollars)                                                    2006           2005(4)
    Canada - Domestic Deliveries                                                                2,390             2,281
    Canada - Export Deliveries(1)                                                                 971             1,159
    United States                                                                                 629               553
                                                                                                3,990             3,993
    Canada - Domestic Deliveries                                                                2,566             1,218
    Canada - Export Deliveries(1)                                                                   1                 1
    United States                                                                                 963               912
                                                                                                3,530             2,131
Total Revenues(3)                                                                               7,520             6,124
    Export deliveries include pipeline revenues attributable to deliveries to
    U.S. pipelines and power deliveries to U.S. markets.

    Revenues include sales of natural gas.

    Revenues are attributed to countries based on country of origin of product
    or service.

    Effective June 1, 2006, TCPL revised the composition and names of its
    reportable business segments to Pipelines and Energy. The financial
    reporting of these segments was aligned to reflect the internal
    organizational structure of the Company. Pipelines principally comprises the
    Company's pipelines in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Energy includes the
    Company's power operations, natural gas storage business and liquefied
    natural gas projects in Canada and the U.S. The segmented information has
    been retroactively reclassified to reflect the changes in reportable
    segments. These changes had no impact on consolidated net income.

Pipelines Business

TCPL has substantial Canadian and U.S. natural gas pipeline and related
holdings, including:


        a natural gas transmission system running from the Alberta border east
        to delivery points in eastern Canada and at various U.S. border points
        ("Canadian Mainline");

        a natural gas transmission system throughout the province of Alberta
        ("Alberta System");

        a natural gas transmission system in southeastern B.C., southern Alberta
        and southwestern Saskatchewan (the "B.C. and Foothills Systems");

        a 121 km natural gas transmission pipeline and related facilities which
        supply natural gas to the oil sands region of northern Alberta and a 27
        km natural gas pipeline which supplies natural gas to a petrochemical
        complex at Joffre, Alberta; and

        a 50 per cent interest in Trans Quebec & Maritimes Pipeline Inc. ("TQM")
        which operates a natural gas transmission system in southeastern Quebec
        (the "TQM System").

United States

        effective February 22, 2007, TransCanada owns the ANR system (the "ANR
        System") a natural gas transmission system which extends approximately
        17,000 km from producing fields in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and the
        Gulf of Mexico to markets in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and


        the Gas Transmission Northwest System, a natural gas transmission system
        running from northwestern Idaho, through Washington and Oregon to the
        California border;

        the North Baja System, a natural gas transmission system which extends
        from southwestern Arizona to a point near Ogilby, California on the
        California/Mexico border;

        effective February 22, 2007, a 68.5 per cent effective ownership
        interest in the Great Lakes Gas Transmission system ("Great Lakes
        System") which is located in the north central U.S., roughly parallel to
        the Canada-U.S. Border. Of this interest, 53.55 per cent is held
        directly by TransCanada and the remainder is held through TransCanada's
        interest in TC PipeLines, LP;

        a 44.5 per cent interest in the Iroquois System which runs southwards
        down through the eastern part of the State of New York terminating at
        points in Long Island and New York City;

        a 61.7 per cent interest in the Portland Natural Gas Transmission system
        ("Portland System") which runs through Maine and New Hampshire into

        effective February 22, 2007, a 16.1 per cent effective ownership
        interest, held through TC PipeLines, LP, in the NBPL system ("NBPL
        System") which is located in the upper midwestern portion of the U.S.;

        effective February 22, 2007, a 32.8 per cent effective ownership
        interest in the Tuscarora system ("Tuscarora System") which runs from
        Oregon eastwards to the upper portion of Nevada. One per cent of this
        interest is held directly through a subsidiary of TCPL and the remainder
        is held through TCPL's interest in TC PipeLines, LP.

 As at February 22, 2007 TCPL holds a 32.1 per cent interest in TC PipeLines,
LP, a publicly held limited partnership of which a subsidiary of TCPL acts as
the general partner. The remaining interest of TC PipeLines, LP is widely held
by the public. At Year End, TC PipeLines, LP also held a 50 per cent interest in
NBPL and a 99 per cent interest in Tuscarora. Additionally, as at February 22,
2007, TC PipeLines, LP owns the remaining 46.45 per cent in Great Lakes.


TCPL also has the following natural gas pipeline and related holdings in Mexico
and South America:

        a 46.5 per cent interest in the TransGas system which runs from
        Mariquita in central Colombia to Cali in southwest Colombia;

        a 30 per cent interest in the Gas Pacifico pipeline which extends from
        Loma de la Lata, Argentina to Concepcion, Chile;

        a 30 per cent interest in INNERGY Holdings S.A. which is an industrial
        natural gas marketing and distribution company based in Concepcion,
        Chile; and

        a 100 per cent interest in the Tamazunchale pipeline, which extends from
        the Pemex Gas facilities near Naranjos, Veracruz, Mexico to an
        electricity generation station near Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi,

 Further information about TCPL's pipeline holdings, developments and
opportunities and significant regulatory developments which relate to pipelines
can be found in the MD&A under the headings "Pipelines - Opportunities and
Developments", and "Pipelines - Financial Analysis".

 In addition, information about the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Project and the
Alaska Highway Pipeline Project can be found in the MD&A under the headings
"Pipelines - Opportunities and Developments - Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Project"
and "Pipelines - Opportunities and Developments - Alaska Highway Pipeline
Project", respectively.

                                                 TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 9




Under the terms of the National Energy Board Act (Canada), the Canadian Mainline
and B.C. and Foothills Systems are regulated by the NEB. The NEB sets tolls
which provide TCPL the opportunity to recover projected costs of transporting
natural gas, including the return on the Canadian Mainline's and B.C. and
Foothills System's average investment base. In addition, new facilities are
approved by the NEB before construction begins and the NEB regulates the
operation of the Canadian Mainline and B.C. and Foothills Systems. Net earnings
of the Canadian Mainline and B.C. and Foothills Systems may be affected by
changes in investment base, the allowed return on equity, the level of deemed
common equity and any incentive earnings.


The Alberta System is regulated by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
("EUB") primarily under the provisions of the Gas Utilities Act ("GUA") and the
Pipeline Act. Under the GUA, the Alberta System rates, tolls and other charges,
and terms and conditions of services are subject to approval by the EUB. Under
the provisions of the Pipeline Act, the EUB oversees various matters including
the economic, orderly and efficient development of pipeline facilities, the
operation and abandonment of the facilities and certain related pollution and
environmental conservation issues. In addition to requirements under the
Pipeline Act, the construction and operation of natural gas pipelines in Alberta
are subject to certain provisions of other provincial legislation such as the
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

United States

TCPL's wholly-owned and partially owned U.S. pipelines, including ANR System,
Gas Transmission Northwest System, Great Lakes System, Iroquois System, Portland
System, NBPL System, North Baja System and Tuscarora System, are 'natural gas
companies' operating under the provisions of the Natural Gas Act of 1938 and the
Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, and are subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC.
The Natural Gas Act of 1938 grants the FERC authority over the construction and
operation of pipelines and related facilities. The FERC also has authority to
regulate rates for natural gas transportation and interstate commerce.


Rates and tariffs of the Gas Transmission Northwest System and the North Baja
System have been approved by the FERC. These two systems operate under fixed
rate models, whereby rates for various service types have been approved by the
FERC and under which each of the two systems is permitted to discount or
negotiate rates on a non-discriminatory basis. Currently effective rates for
mainline capacity on the Gas Transmission Northwest System went into effect on
January 1, 2007, following Gas Transmission Northwest System's filing of a
general rate case in June 2006 under Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938.
Gas Transmission Northwest System's current rates were accepted for filing by
the FERC, subject to refund. Refunds, with interest, may be due following
approval of final rates by the FERC. Gas Transmission Northwest System's
previously effective rates, which remained in effect through December 31, 2006,
were established through a 1994 rate proceeding which culminated in a settlement
that was approved by the FERC in 1996. Rates for capacity on the North Baja
System were established in the FERC's initial order certificating construction
and operations of its system.


In 2003, the Portland System received final approval from the FERC of its
general rate case under the Natural Gas Act of 1938. The Portland System is
required to file a general rate case under the Natural Gas Act of 1938 with a
proposed effective date of April 1, 2008.


Energy Business

The Energy segment of TCPL's business includes the acquisition, development,
construction, ownership and operation of electrical power generation plants, the
purchase and marketing of electricity, the provision of electricity account
services to energy and industrial customers, and the development, construction,
ownership and operation of natural gas storage and LNG facilities in Canada and
the United States.

 The electrical power generation plants and power supply that TCPL owns,
operates and/or controls, including those under development or in construction,
in the aggregate, represent approximately 7,700 MW of power generation capacity.
Power plants and power supply in Canada account for approximately 85 per cent of
this total, and power plants in the United States account for the balance, being
approximately 15 per cent.

 TCPL owns and operates:

        natural gas-fired cogeneration plants in Alberta at Carseland (80 MW),
        Redwater (40 MW), Bear Creek (80 MW) and MacKay River (165 MW);

        the natural gas-fired cogeneration plant (90 MW) near Saint John, New
        Brunswick (Grandview);

        a waste-heat fuelled power plant at the Cancarb facility in Medicine
        Hat, Alberta (27 MW) (Cancarb);

        a natural gas-fired, combined-cycle plant in Burrillville, Rhode Island
        (560 MW) (Ocean State Power);

        hydroelectric generation assets in New Hampshire, Vermont and
        Massachusetts (567 MW) (TC Hydro);

        a natural gas-fired cogeneration plant near Trois-Rivieres, Quebec (550
        MW) (Becancour); and

        a natural gas storage facility near Edson, Alberta (Edson).

 TCPL has long-term power purchase arrangements in place for:

        100 per cent of the production of the Sundance A (560 MW) and a 50 per
        cent interest, through a partnership, of the production of the Sundance
        B (353 MW of 706 MW) power facilities near Wabamun, Alberta; and

        756 MW of the production from the Sheerness facility near Hanna,

 TCPL has:

        a 60 per cent interest in CrossAlta Gas Storage Services Ltd., an
        underground natural gas storage facility located near Crossfield,

        a long-term natural gas storage lease with a third party located in
        Alberta; and

        a 62 per cent interest in the Baie-des-Sables Cartier Wind Energy
        Project in the Gaspe region of Quebec (68 MW of a total 109.5 MW).

 TCPL owns, but does not operate:

        a 48.7 per cent partnership interest in the Bruce A nuclear power
        generation facility in Ontario (730.5 MW of a total of 1,500 MW that is
        currently in operation. Another 1,500 MW, of which 730.5 MW are
        attributable to TCPL, will be generated from two other units currently
        under refurbishment with restart expected to begin in late 2009 or early

        a 31.6 per cent partnership interest in the Bruce B nuclear power
        generation facilities in Ontario (1,011 MW of a total of 3,200 MW that
        is in operation); and

        a 16.7 per cent interest in Huron Wind L.P. whose assets are located at
        the Bruce site (2 MW of a total of 9 MW that is in operation).

 TCPL owns the following facilities which are under construction or development:

        a 62 per cent interest in the Cartier Wind Energy Project which is
        expected to construct five additional wind energy projects in the Gaspe
        region of Quebec over the period 2007 to 2012 (391 MW of a total of 630
        MW) subject to future appropriations and approvals;

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 11

        a 50 per cent interest in the Portlands Energy Centre, a 550 MW natural
        gas-fired power plant located in the Portlands area of Toronto, which is
        expected to be in commercial service in the second quarter of 2009;

        the 683 MW Halton Hills natural gas-fired power plant located near the
        Town of Halton Hills, Ontario, which is anticipated to be in service in
        the second quarter of 2010;

        a joint venture with Shell on the Broadwater LNG project located
        offshore of New York State in Long Island Sound, a facility when
        completed that would be capable of receiving, storing and regasifying
        imported LNG with an average send out capacity of approximately one
        billion cubic feet per day of natural gas; and

        a joint venture with Petro-Canada on the Cancouna LNG project located in
        Quebec at Gros Cacouna harbour on the St. Lawrence River, a facility
        when completed that would be capable of receiving, storing and
        regasifying imported LNG with an average send out capacity of
        approximately 500 million cubic feet per day of natural gas.

 Further information about TCPL's energy holdings and significant developments
and opportunities relating to energy can be found in the MD&A under the headings
"Energy - Financial Analysis" and "Energy - Opportunities and Developments".

Other Interests

Cancarb Limited

TCPL owns Cancarb Limited, a world scale thermal carbon black manufacturing
facility located in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

TransCanada Turbines

TCPL owns a 50 per cent interest in TransCanada Turbines Ltd., a repair and
overhaul business for aero-derivative industrial gas turbines. This business
operates primarily out of facilities in Calgary, Alberta, with offices in
Bakersfield, California; East Windsor, Connecticut; and Liverpool, England.

TransCanada Calibrations

TCPL owns an 80 per cent interest in TransCanada Calibrations Ltd., a gas meter
calibration business certified by Measurement Canada, located at Ile des Chenes,


TCPL is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees,
contractors, the public and to the protection of the environment. Health, safety
and environment ("HS&E") is a priority in all of TCPL's operations. The HS&E
Committee of TCPL's Board of Directors ("Board") monitors conformance with the
TCPL HS&E corporate policy through regular reporting provided by TCPL's
department of Community, Safety & Environment. TCPL's senior executives are also
committed to ensuring TCPL is in conformance with its policies and regulated
requirements and is an industry leader. Senior executives are regularly advised
of all important operational issues and initiatives relating to HS&E by way of
formal reporting processes. TCPL's HS&E management system and performance are
assessed by an independent outside firm every three years or more often if the
HS&E Committee requests it. The most recent assessment was conducted in November
 2006 by Det Norsk Veritas. These assessments involve senior executive and
employee interviews, review of policies, procedures, objectives, performance
measurement and reporting.

 TCPL's HS&E management system is modeled to the elements of the International
Organization for Standardization's (ISO) standard for environmental management
systems, ISO 14001. The HS&E management system facilitates the focus of
resources on the areas of significant risk to the organization's HS&E business
activities. The system highlights opportunities for improvement, enables TCPL to
work towards defined HS&E expectations and objectives, and provides a
competitive business advantage. Independent third party assessments, internal
management system assessments and work place and facility planned inspections
are used to evaluate the implementation effectiveness of the HS&E programs,
processes and procedures, and confirms TCPL's compliance with regulatory


 TCPL employs full-time staff dedicated to HS&E matters, and incorporates HS&E
policies and principles into the planning, development, construction and
operation of all its projects. Environmental protection requirements have not
had a material impact on the capital expenditures of TCPL to date. However,
there can be no assurance that such requirements will not have a material impact
on TCPL's financial or operating results in future years. Such requirements can
be dependent on a variety of factors including the regulatory environment in
which TCPL operates.


Climate change remains a serious issue for TCPL. The change of government in
Canada in early 2006 resulted in a shift of focus from meeting environmental
regulation targets to a broader emphasis on clean air as well as greenhouse gas
emissions. The government of Canada released the Clean Air Act on October 19,
2006. At this time, however, the policy framework for the new regulations has
not been released by the federal government and detailed sectoral targets and
timeframes as well as compliance options have not been set. At a provincial
level, the Quebec government has passed legislation for a hydrocarbon royalty on
industrial greenhouse gas emitters. The details as to how the royalty will be
applied have not yet been determined but it is expected these details will be
set in the coming year. In Alberta, the government has indicated it will
continue with its own plan for implementing regulations to manage greenhouse gas
emissions. It is yet to be determined how this effort will tie into a federal

 In the United States, state level initiatives are under way to limit greenhouse
gas emissions, particularly in the north-eastern United States and California.
Details have not been finalized and the impact to TCPL's United States based
assets is uncertain.

 Despite this uncertainty, TCPL continues with its programs to manage greenhouse
gas emissions from its assets, and to evaluate new processes and technologies
that result in improved efficiencies and lower greenhouse gas emissions rates.
In addition, TCPL remains involved in policy discussions in those jurisdictions
where policy development is under way and where the Company has operations.


The Canadian Alliance of Pipeline Landowners' Association (CAPLA) and two
individual landowners commenced an action in 2003 under Ontario's Class
Proceedings Act, 1992, against TCPL and Enbridge Inc. for damages of $500
million alleged to arise from the creation of a control zone within 30 metres of
the pipeline pursuant to Section 112 of the National Energy Board Act. On
November 20, 2006, the Ontario Superior Court granted the motion of TCPL and
Enbridge Inc. for a dismissal of the case. CAPLA has now appealed the decision.
TCPL continues to believe the claim is without merit and will vigorously defend
the action. TCPL has made no provision for any potential liability. Any
liability, if any, would be dealt with through the regulatory process.

 TCPL and its subsidiaries are subject to various other legal proceedings and
actions arising in the normal course of business. While the final outcome of
such legal proceedings and actions cannot be predicted with certainty, it is the
opinion of TCPL's management that the resolution of such proceedings and actions
will not have a material impact on TCPL's consolidated financial position or
results of operations.


TCPL's transfer agent and registrar is Computershare Trust Company of Canada
with transfer facilities in the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg,
Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.


Our auditors, KPMG LLP, have confirmed that they are independent within the
meaning of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Alberta.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 13


A discussion of the Company's risk factors can be found in the MD&A for the year
ended December 31, 2006, which is incorporated by reference, under the headings
"Pipelines - Opportunities and Developments", "Pipelines - Business Risks",
"Energy - Opportunities and Developments", "Energy - Business Risks" and "Risks
and Risk Management".


All of TCPL's common shares are held by TransCanada and as a result, any
dividends declared by TCPL on its common shares are paid to TransCanada. TCPL's
Board of Directors has not adopted a formal dividend policy. The Board reviews
the financial performance of TCPL quarterly and makes a determination of the
appropriate level of dividends to be declared on its common shares in the
following quarter. Provisions of various trust indentures and credit
arrangements to which TCPL is a party, restrict TCPL's ability to declare and
pay dividends to TransCanada and preferred shareholders under certain
circumstances and, if such restrictions apply, they may, in turn, have an impact
on TransCanada's ability to declare and pay dividends on its common and
preferred shares. In the opinion of TCPL management, such provisions do not
currently restrict or alter TCPL's ability to declare or pay dividends.

 The dividends declared per common share during the past three completed
financial years are set forth in the following table.
                                                                              2006              2005              2004
Dividends declared on common shares(1)                                       $1.28             $1.23             $1.17
Dividends declared on preferred shares, Series U                             $2.80             $2.80             $2.80
Dividends declared on preferred shares, Series Y                             $2.80             $2.80             $2.80
    Effective May 15, 2003, TCPL dividends have been declared in an amount equal
    to the aggregate dividend paid by TransCanada. The amounts presented reflect
    the aggregate amount divided by the total outstanding common shares of TCPL.


Share Capital

TCPL's authorized share capital consists of an unlimited number of common
shares, of which 483,344,109 were issued and outstanding at Year End, and an
unlimited number of first preferred shares and second preferred shares, issuable
in series. There were 4,000,000 Series U and 4,000,000 Series Y first preferred
shares issued and outstanding at Year End. The following is a description of the
material characteristics of each of these classes of shares.

Common Shares

As the holder of all of TCPL's common shares, TransCanada holds all the voting
rights in those common shares.

First Preferred Shares, Series U

Subject to certain limitations, the Board may, from time to time, issue first
preferred shares in one or more series and determine for any such series, its
designation, number of shares and respective rights, privileges, restrictions
and conditions. The first preferred shares as a class, have, among others,
provisions to the following effect.

 The holders of the first preferred shares, Series U are entitled to receive as
and when declared by the Board, fixed cumulative preferential cash dividends at
an annual rate of $2.80 per share, payable quarterly.

 The first preferred shares of each series shall rank on a parity with the first
preferred shares of every other series, and shall be entitled to preference over
the common shares and any other shares ranking junior to the first preferred
shares with respect to the payment of dividends, the repayment of capital and
the distribution of assets to TCPL in the event of a liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of TCPL.


 TCPL is entitled to purchase for cancellation, some or all of the first
preferred shares, Series U outstanding at the lowest price which such shares are
obtainable, in the opinion of the Board, but not exceeding $50.00 per share plus
costs of purchase. Furthermore, TCPL may redeem, on or after October 15, 2013,
some or all of the first preferred shares, Series U upon payment for each share
at $50.00 per share.

 Except as provided by the Canada Business Corporations Act or as referred to
below, the holders of the first preferred shares will not have any voting rights
nor will they be entitled to receive notice of or to attend shareholders'
meetings unless and until TCPL fails to pay, in the aggregate, six quarterly
dividends on the first preferred shares, Series U.

 The provisions attaching to the first preferred shares as a class may be
modified, amended or varied only with the approval of the holders of the first
preferred shares as a class. Any such approval to be given by the holders of the
first preferred shares may be given by the affirmative vote of the holders of
not less than 662/3 per cent of the first preferred shares represented and voted
at a meeting or adjourned meeting of such holders.

First Preferred Shares, Series Y

The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the first
preferred shares, Series Y are substantially identical to those attaching to the
first preferred shares, Series U except that the first preferred shares, Series
Y are redeemable by TCPL after March 5, 2014.


The following table sets out the issuances by TCPL of senior unsecured notes
with terms to maturity in excess of one year, during the 12 months ended
December 31, 2006.
Date Issued                                                                 Issue Price per                  Aggregate
                                                                           $1,000 Principal                Issue Price
                                                                            Amount of Notes
January 13, 2006                                                                    $999.55               $299,865,000
March 20, 2006                                                                    US$997.21             US$498,605,000
October 3, 2006                                                                     $999.76               $399,904,000

 There are no provisions associated with this debt that entitle debt holders to
voting rights. From time to time, TCPL issues commercial paper for terms not
exceeding nine months.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 15


The following table sets out the credit ratings assigned to those outstanding
classes of securities of TCPL:
Overall                                                                       DBRS           Moody's               S&P
Senior Secured Debt
   First Mortgage Bonds                                                          A                A2                 A
Senior Unsecured Debt
   Debentures                                                                    A                A2                A-
   Medium-term Notes                                                             A                A2                A-
Subordinated Debt                                                           A (low )              A3              BBB+
Junior Subordinated Debt                                                     Pfd-2                A3               BBB
Preferred Shares                                                        Pfd-2 (low )            Baa1               BBB
Commercial Paper                                                          R-1 (low )             P-1                 -
Trend/Rating Outlook                                                     Stable(1)            Stable          Negative
    At February 22, 2007, the DBRS rating was confirmed as stable. At December
    31, 2006, the rating was under review. Discussed further in the DBRS section

 Credit ratings are intended to provide investors with an independent measure of
credit quality of an issue of securities. Credit ratings are not recommendations
to purchase, hold or sell securities and do not address the market price or
suitability of a specific security for a particular investor. There is no
assurance that any rating will remain in effect for any given period of time or
that any rating will not be revised or withdrawn entirely by a rating agency in
the future if, in its judgment, circumstances so warrant. A description of the
rating agencies' credit ratings listed in the table above is set out below.

Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS)

DBRS has different rating scales for short and long-term debt and preferred
shares. "High" or "low" grades are used to indicate the relative standing within
a rating category. The absence of either a "high" or "low" designation indicates
the rating is in the "middle" of the category. The R-1 (low) rating assigned to
TCPL's short-term debt is the third highest of ten rating categories and
indicates satisfactory credit quality. The overall strength and outlook for key
liquidity, debt and profitability ratios is not normally as favourable as with
higher rating categories, but these considerations are still respectable. Any
qualifying negative factors that exist are considered manageable, and the entity
is normally of sufficient size to have some influence in its industry. The A
ratings assigned to TCPL's senior secured and senior unsecured debt and the A
(low) rating assigned to its subordinated debt are the third highest of ten
categories for long-term debt. Long-term debt rated A is of satisfactory credit
quality. Protection of interest and principal is still substantial, but the
degree of strength is less than that of AA rated entities. While a respectable
rating, entities in the A category are considered to be more susceptible to
adverse economic conditions and have greater cyclical tendencies than higher
rated entities. The Pfd-2 and Pfd-2 (low) ratings assigned to TCPL's junior
subordinated debt and preferred shares are the second highest of six rating
categories for preferred shares. Preferred shares rated Pfd-2 are of
satisfactory credit quality. Protection of dividends and principal is still
substantial; however, earnings, the balance sheet and coverage ratios are not as
strong as Pfd-1 rated companies.

 Subsequent to TransCanada's December 22, 2006 announcement of its plans to
acquire ANR, DBRS put TCPL's rating under review with developing implications.
On February 22, 2007, DBRS confirmed the rating of TCPL with a stable trend and
subsequently removed TCPL's rating from under review.


Moody's Investor Services (Moody's)

Moody's has different rating scales for short and long-term obligations.
Numerical modifiers 1, 2 and 3 are applied to each rating classification, with 1
 being the highest and 3 being the lowest. The P-1 rating assigned to TCPL's
short-term debt is the highest of four rating categories and indicates a
superior ability to repay short-term debt obligations. The A2 ratings assigned
to TCPL's senior secured and senior unsecured debt and the A3 ratings assigned
to its subordinated debt and junior subordinated debt are the third highest of
nine rating categories for long-term obligations. Obligations rated A are
considered upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk. The Baa1
rating assigned to TCPL's preferred shares is the fourth highest of nine rating
categories for long-term obligations. Obligations rated Baa are subject to
moderate credit risk, are considered medium-grade, and as such, may possess
certain speculative characteristics.

Standard & Poor's (S&P)

S&P has different rating scales for short and long-term obligations. Ratings may
be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show the relative
standing within a particular rating category. The A and A- ratings assigned to
TCPL's senior secured and senior unsecured debt, respectively, are the third
highest of ten rating categories for long-term obligations. An A rating
indicates the obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitment is strong;
however, the obligation is somewhat susceptible to the adverse effects of
changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher
rated categories. The BBB+ rating assigned to TCPL's subordinated debt and the
BBB ratings assigned to its junior subordinated debt and preferred shares are
the fourth highest of ten rating categories for long-term obligations. An
obligation rated BBB exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse
economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a
weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the


TransCanada holds all the common shares of TCPL and these are not listed on a
public market. TransCanada's common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock
Exchange ("TSX") and the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"). The following table
sets forth the reported monthly high and low closing prices and monthly trading
volumes of the common shares of TransCanada on the TSX for the period indicated:

Common Shares (TRP)
Month                                                                         High               Low             Volume
                                                                               ($)               ($)             Traded
December 2006                                                                40.77             38.95         20,122,013
November 2006                                                                39.14             36.50         21,499,249
October 2006                                                                 36.34             33.95         19,350,398
September 2006                                                               35.97             34.65         22,209,089
August 2006                                                                  36.35             34.86         22,367,872
July 2006                                                                    34.75             31.70         17,073,298
June 2006                                                                    34.50             31.55         23,121,387
May 2006                                                                     33.50             30.94         30,019,492
April 2006                                                                   34.73             33.02         20,961,283
March 2006                                                                   35.38             33.67         25,708,683
February 2006                                                                35.25             34.57         21,932,670
January 2006                                                                 37.01             34.75         24,218,158

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 17

 In addition, the following securities of TCPL are listed:

TCPL's Cumulative Redeemable First Preferred Shares,
Series U (TCA.PR.X) and Series Y (TCA.PR.Y), which are listed on the TSX
                                                Series U                                      Series Y
Month                                  High            Low         Volume            High            Low         Volume
                                        ($)            ($)         Traded             ($)            ($)         Traded
December 2006                         55.75          53.55        247,895           55.70          53.85         24,486
November 2006                         55.75          54.66         45,230           55.65          54.60         37,280
October 2006                          55.25          53.80         72,586           55.30          53.75         93,736
September 2006                        53.70          52.80         28,346           54.50          52.70         37,876
August 2006                           53.00          52.25         27,981           53.40          52.25         76,794
July 2006                             52.90          51.65         28,901           52.49          51.72        150,491
June 2006                             53.00          51.32         31,406           53.25          51.55         41,185
May 2006                              52.50          51.10         36,962           52.15          51.27         46,570
April 2006                            53.50          51.45         38,063           53.50          51.28         34,017
March 2006                            54.10          53.30         43,092           54.45          53.55         40,666
February 2006                         55.19          53.87         46,321           55.00          54.00         37,332
January 2006                          54.25          53.41         32,091           54.85          53.75         24,292

TCPL's 8.25% preferred securities due 2047, which are listed on the NYSE (TCAPr)
Month                                                                         High               Low            Volume
                                                                               ($)               ($)            Traded
December 2006                                                                26.35             25.68           106,700
November 2006                                                                26.15             25.66           120,400
October 2006                                                                 26.20             25.76            99,500
September 2006                                                               26.16             25.55           104,800
August 2006                                                                  26.06             25.59            77,000
July 2006                                                                    25.73             25.46           133,800
June 2006                                                                    26.25             25.31           153,500
May 2006                                                                     25.49             25.31           136,000
April 2006                                                                   25.40             25.21           136,700
March 2006                                                                   26.03             25.19           225,300
February 2006                                                                25.90             25.70            97,500
January 2006                                                                 25.89             25.60           127,000


 In addition, TCPL's 16.50% First Mortgage Pipe Line Bonds due 2007, are listed
on the London Stock Exchange; however, this issue is thinly traded and accounts
for approximately $50 million or less than one per cent of TCPL's consolidated
capital structure.


As of February 22, 2007, the directors and officers of TransCanada as a group
beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, have exercisable options to own, or
exercised control or direction over, 1,676,238 common shares of TransCanada
which constitutes less than one per cent of TransCanada's common shares and less
than one per cent of the voting securities of any of its subsidiaries or
affiliates. TransCanada collects this information from its directors and
officers but otherwise has no direct knowledge of individual holdings of its


Set forth below are the names of the thirteen directors who served on TCPL's
Board at Year End, together with their jurisdictions of residence, all positions
and offices held by them with TransCanada and its significant affiliates, their
principal occupations or employment during the past five years and the year from
which each director has continually served as a director of TransCanada.
Positions and offices held with TransCanada are also held by such person at
Name and                      Principal Occupation During the Five Preceding Years
Place of Residence                                                                                       Director Since
Kevin E. Benson(1)            President and Chief Executive Officer, Laidlaw International,                        2005
Wheaton, Illinois             Inc. (transportation services) since June 2003, and Laidlaw,
United States                 Inc. from September 2002 to June 2003. President and Chief
                              Executive Officer, The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
                              from December 2001 until September 2002. Director, Laidlaw
                              International, Inc.
Derek H. Burney, O.C.         Senior strategic advisor at Ogilvy Renault LLP (law firm).                           2005
Ottawa, Ontario               President and Chief Executive Officer, CAE Inc. (technology)
Canada                        from October 1999 to August 2004. Lead director at Quebecor
                              World Inc. (communications and media) from April 2003 to
                              November 2005. Chairman, CanWest Global Communications Corp. and
                              Lead Director, Shell Canada Limited.
Wendy K. Dobson               Professor, Rotman School of Management and Director, Institute                       1992
Uxbridge, Ontario             for International Business, University of Toronto (education).
Canada                        Vice Chair, Canadian Public Accountability Board. Director,
                              Toronto-Dominion Bank.
E. Linn Draper                Corporate Director. Chairman, President and Chief Executive                          2005
Lampasas, Texas               Officer of Columbus, Ohio-based American Electric Power Co.,
United States                 Inc. from April 1993 to April 2004. Director, Alliance Data
                              Systems Corporation, Lead Director, Alpha Natural Resources,
                              Inc., Chair of NorthWestern Corporation and Director,
                              Temple-Inland Inc.
The Hon. Paule Gauthier,      Senior Partner, Desjardins Ducharme LLP (law firm). Director,                        2002
P.C., O.C., O.Q., Q.C.        Cossette Communication Group Inc., Institut Quebecois des Hautes
Quebec, Quebec                Etudes Internationales, Laval University, Metro Inc., RBC Dexia
Canada                        Investor Services Trust, Rothmans Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 19

Kerry L. Hawkins              Corporate Director. President, Cargill Limited (agricultural)                        1996
Winnipeg, Manitoba            from September 1982 to December 2005. Director, NOVA Chemicals
Canada                        Corporation and Shell Canada Limited.
S. Barry Jackson              Corporate Director. Chair of the Board, TransCanada since April                      2002
Calgary, Alberta              2005. Chair of Resolute Energy Inc. (oil and gas) from January
Canada                        2002 to April 2005 and Chair of Deer Creek Energy Limited (oil
                              and gas) from April 2001 to September 2005. Director, Cordero
                              Energy Inc. and Nexen Inc.
Paul L. Joskow                Professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of                       2004
Brookline, Massachusetts      Technology (MIT) (education). Director of the MIT Center for
United States                 Energy and Environmental Policy Research. Director, National
                              Grid PLC and Putnam Mutual Funds.
Harold N. Kvisle              President and Chief Executive Officer, TransCanada since May                         2001
Calgary, Alberta              2003 and TCPL since May 2001. Director, Bank of Montreal and
Canada                        PrimeWest Energy Inc. Chair of the Mount Royal College Board of
John A. MacNaughton, C.M.     Corporate Director. Chairman of the Canadian Trading and                             2006
Toronto, Ontario              Quotation System Inc. Founding President and Chief Executive
Canada                        Officer of the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board from 1999
                              to 2005. Director, Nortel Networks Corporation.
David P. O'Brien(2)           Corporate Director. Chair, EnCana Corporation (oil and gas)                          2001
Calgary, Alberta              since April 2002 and Chair, Royal Bank of Canada since February
Canada                        2004. Chair and Chief Executive Officer of PanCanadian Energy
                              Corporation (oil and gas) from October 2001 to April 2002.
                              Director, Focus Energy Trust, Molson Coors Brewing Company, and
                              C.D. Howe Institute. Chancellor, Concordia University.
Harry G. Schaefer, F.C.A.     President, Schaefer & Associates (business advisory services).                       1987
Calgary, Alberta              Vice-Chair of the Board, TransCanada since May 2003 and TCPL
Canada                        since June 1998. Director, Agrium Inc. and Trustee of Fording
                              Canadian Coal Trust.
D. Michael G. Stewart         Principal of the privately held Ballinacurra Group of Investment                     2006
Calgary, Alberta              Companies since March 2002. A number of senior executive
Canada                        positions with Westcoast Energy Inc. (energy infrastructure,
                              services and utilities) including Executive Vice-President,
                              Business Development from September 1993 to March 2002. Director
                              Canadian Energy Services Inc. and Pengrowth Corporation.
    Mr. Benson was President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Airlines
    International Ltd. from July 1996 to February 2000. Canadian Airlines
    International Ltd. filed for protection under the Companies' Creditors
    Arrangement Act (Canada) and applicable bankruptcy protection statutes in
    the United States on March 24, 2000.

    Mr. O'Brien was a director of Air Canada on April 1, 2003 when Air Canada
    filed for protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
    (Canada). Mr. O'Brien resigned as a director from Air Canada in November

 TransCanada will hold its annual meeting of common shareholders on Friday,
April 27, 2007, and subject to the election of the thirteen nominees proposed
for election to TransCanada's board, these directors will be elected by the sole


shareholder of TCPL as directors of TCPL on that date. Each director holds
office until TCPL's next annual meeting or until his or her successor is earlier
elected or appointed.

 Mr. Stewart was elected to the Board on April 28, 2006 and Mr. MacNaughton was
appointed to the Board on June 14, 2006. In addition, Mr. Schaefer will retire
effective April 27, 2007 and Mr. W.T. Stephens has been selected as a new
nominee for election. Mr. Stephens previously served on the Board from 2000 to


All of the executive officers and corporate officers of TransCanada reside in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Current positions and offices held with TransCanada
are also held by such person at TCPL. As of the date hereof, the officers of
TransCanada, their present positions within TransCanada and their principal
occupations during the five preceding years are as follows:

Executive Officers
Name                          Present Position Held                   Principal Occupation During the Five Preceding
Harold N. Kvisle              President and Chief Executive           President and Chief Executive Officer.
Russell K. Girling            President, Pipelines                    Executive Vice-President, Corporate Development
                                                                      and Chief Financial Officer, March 2003 to June
                                                                      2006. Prior to March 2003, Executive
                                                                      Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer.
Gregory A. Lohnes             Executive Vice-President and Chief      Prior to June 2006, President and Chief Executive
                              Financial Officer                       Officer of Great Lakes Gas Transmission Company.
Dennis J. McConaghy           Executive Vice-President,               Prior to June 2006, Executive Vice-President, Gas
                              Pipeline Strategy and Development       Development.
Sean McMaster(1)              Executive Vice-President, Corporate     Executive Vice-President, General Counsel and
                              and General Counsel and Chief           Chief Compliance Officer from October 2006 to
                              Compliance Officer                      January 2007. Prior to October 2006, General
                                                                      Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer. Prior
                                                                      thereto, General Counsel since June 2006.
                                                                      Vice-President, Transactions, Power Division,
                                                                      TCPL from April 2003 to June 2006. President,
                                                                      TransCanada Power Services Ltd., general partner
                                                                      of TransCanada Power LP, from June 2003 to August
                                                                      2005. Prior to June 2003, Vice-President, Power
                                                                      Services Ltd.
Alexander J. Pourbaix         President, Energy                       Executive Vice-President, Power March 2003 to
                                                                      June 2006. Prior to March 2003, Executive
                                                                      Vice-President, Power Development.
Sarah E. Raiss                Executive Vice-President, Corporate     Executive Vice-President, Corporate Services.
Donald M. Wishart             Executive Vice-President, Operations    Prior to March 2003, Senior Vice-President, Field
                              and Engineering                         Operations.
    Mr. McMaster was appointed Executive Vice-President, General Counsel and
    Chief Compliance Officer on October 30, 2006.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 21

Corporate Officers
Name                          Present Position Held                   Principal Occupation During the Five Preceding
Ronald L. Cook                Vice-President, Taxation                Prior to April 2002, Director, Taxation.
Donald J. DeGrandis           Corporate Secretary                     Prior to June 2006, Associate General Counsel,
Garry E. Lamb                 Vice-President, Risk Management         Vice-President, Risk Management.
Donald R. Marchand            Vice-President, Finance and             Vice-President, Finance and Treasurer.
G. Glenn Menuz                Vice President and Controller           Prior to June 2006, Assistant Controller.


The Board and the members of TCPL's management are committed to the highest
standards of corporate governance. TCPL's corporate governance practices comply
with the governance rules of the Canadian Securities Administrators ("CSA"),
those of the NYSE applicable to foreign issuers and of the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC"), and those mandated by the United States
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 ("SOX"). As a non-U.S. company, TCPL is not required
to comply with most of the NYSE corporate governance listing standards; however,
except as summarized on its website at www.transcanada.com, the governance
practices followed are in compliance with the NYSE standards for U.S. companies
in all significant respects. TCPL is in compliance with the CSA's Multilateral
Instrument 52-110 pertaining to audit committees. TCPL is also in compliance
with the CSA's National Policy 58-201, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and
National Instrument 58-101, Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices
(collectively, the "Canadian Governance Guidelines"). In 2005, the Canadian
Governance Guidelines came into effect and for purposes of the TSX replaced the
TSX Corporate Governance Guidelines. Further information about TCPL's corporate
governance can be found on TransCanada's website under the heading "Corporate

Compliance with Canadian Governance Guidelines

The "Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices" addressing disclosure in
accordance with the Canadian Governance Guidelines is attached to this AIF at
Schedule "B". It has been approved by the Governance Committee and the Board.

Audit Committee

TCPL has an Audit Committee which is responsible for assisting the Board in
overseeing the integrity of TCPL's financial statements and compliance with
legal and regulatory requirements and in ensuring the independence and
performance of TCPL's internal and external auditors. The members of the Audit
Committee at Year End were Harry G. Schaefer (Chair), Kevin E. Benson, Derek H.
Burney, Paule Gauthier, Paul L. Joskow and John A. MacNaughton. Mr. Jackson is a
non-voting member of the Audit Committee.

 The Board believes that the composition of the Audit Committee reflects a high
level of financial literacy and expertise. Each member of the Audit Committee
has been determined by the Board to be "independent" and "financially literate"
within the meaning of the definitions under Canadian and U.S. securities laws
and the NYSE rules. In addition, the Board has determined that Mr. Schaefer is
an "Audit Committee Financial Expert" as that term is defined under U.S.
securities laws. The Board has made these determinations based on the education
and breadth and depth of experience of each member of the Audit Committee. The
following is a description of the education and experience,


apart from their respective roles as directors of TCPL, of each member of the
Audit Committee that is relevant to the performance of his or her
responsibilities as a member of the Audit Committee:

 Mr. Schaefer earned a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta, is a
Chartered Accountant and is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants. He serves on and has served on the boards of several public
companies and other organizations, including as Chairman of the Alberta Chapter
of the Institute of Corporate Directors, and on the audit committees of certain
of those boards. Mr. Schaefer has also held several executive positions with
public companies. He is currently Chair of the Audit Committee and of the audit
committees of two other public companies.

 Mr. Benson earned a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Witwatersrand
(South Africa) and was a member of the South African Society of Chartered
Accountants. Mr. Benson is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Laidlaw
International, Inc. In prior years, he has held several executive positions
including one as President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Airlines
International Ltd. and has served on other public company boards.

 Mr. Burney earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Master of Arts from Queen's
University. He is currently a senior strategic advisor at Ogilvy Renault LLP.
Mr. Burney previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer of CAE
Inc. and as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bell Canada International
Inc. Mr. Burney is the lead director at Shell Canada Limited and the Chairman of
CanWest Global Communications Corp. He has served on one other organization's
audit committee.

 Mme. Gauthier earned a Bachelor of Arts from the College Jesus-Marie de
Sillery, a Bachelor of Laws from Laval University and a Master of Laws in
Business Law (Intellectual Property) from Laval-University. She has served on
the boards of several public companies and other organizations and on the audit
committees of certain of those boards.

 Mr. Joskow earned a Bachelor of Arts with Distinction in Economics from Cornell
University, a Masters of Philosophy in Economics from Yale University, and Ph.D.
in Economics from Yale University. He is currently a Professor, Department of
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has served on the boards of
several public companies and other organizations and on the audit committees of
certain of those boards.

 Mr. MacNaughton earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of
Western Ontario. Mr. MacNaughton is currently the Chairman of Canadian Trading
and Quotation System Inc. In prior years, he has held several executive
positions including founding President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board and President of Nesbitt Burns Inc. He is
currently the Chair of an audit committee of one other public company.

 The Charter of the Audit Committee can be found in Schedule "E" of this AIF and
on TransCanada's website under the Corporate Governance - Board Committees page,
at the link specified above under the heading "Corporate Governance".

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

TCPL's Audit Committee has adopted a pre-approval policy with respect to
permitted non-audit services. Under the policy, the Audit Committee has granted
pre-approval for specified non-audit services. For engagements of $25,000 or
less which are not within the annual pre-approved limit, approval by the Audit
Committee is not required, and for engagements between $25,000 and $100,000,
approval of the Audit Committee Chair is required, and the Audit Committee is to
be informed of the engagement at the next scheduled Audit Committee meeting. For
all engagements of $100,000 or more, pre-approval of the Audit Committee is
required. In all cases, regardless of the dollar amount involved, where there is
a potential for conflict of interest involving the external auditor to arise on
an engagement, the Audit Committee Chair must pre-approve the assignment.

 To date, TCPL has not approved any non-audit services on the basis of the
de-minimis exemptions. All non-audit services have been pre-approved by the
Audit Committee in accordance with the pre-approval policy described above.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 23

External Auditor Service Fees

The aggregate fees for external auditor services rendered by the External
Auditor for the TransCanada group of companies for the 2006 and 2005 fiscal
years, are shown in the table below:
Fee Category                     2006        2005    Description of Fee Category
                            (millions of dollars)
Audit Fees                       4.94        3.15    Aggregate fees for audit services rendered by TCPL's External
                                                     Auditor for the audit of TransCanada's annual financial
                                                     statements or services provided in connection with statutory and
                                                     regulatory filings or engagements, the review of interim
                                                     consolidated financial statements and information contained in
                                                     various prospectuses and other offering documents.
Audit Related Fees               0.07        0.11    Aggregate fees for assurance and related services rendered by
                                                     TCPL's External Auditor that are reasonably related to
                                                     performance of the audit or review of TransCanada's financial
                                                     statements and are not reported as Audit Fees. The nature of
                                                     services comprising these fees related to the audit of the
                                                     financial statements of TCPL's certain pension plans.
Tax Fees                         0.22        0.12    Aggregate fees rendered by TCPL's External Auditor for primarily
                                                     tax compliance and tax advice. The nature of these services
                                                     consisted of: tax compliance including the review of Canadian and
                                                     U.S. income tax returns; and tax items and tax services related
                                                     to domestic and international taxation including income tax,
                                                     capital tax and Goods and Services Tax.
All Other Fees                   0.07        0.14    Aggregate fees for products and services other than those
                                                     reported in this table above rendered by TCPL's External Auditor.
                                                     The nature of these services consisted of advice with respect to
                                                     TCPL's compliance with SOX.
Total                            5.30        3.52

Other Board Committees

In addition to the Audit Committee, TCPL has three other Board committees: the
Governance Committee, the Health, Safety and Environment Committee and the Human
Resources Committee. Mr. Jackson, the Chair of the Board, sits on each of
Board's committees as a non-voting member. The voting members of each of these
committees, as of Year End, are identified below:
Governance Committee                  Health, Safety & Environment Committee            Human Resources Committee

Chair:        W.K. Dobson             Chair:        E.L. Draper                         Chair:        K.L. Hawkins
Members:      D.H. Burney             Members:      P. Gauthier                         Members:      W.K. Dobson
              P.L. Joskow                           K.L. Hawkins                                      E.L. Draper
              D.P. O'Brien                          D.M.G. Stewart                                    D.P. O'Brien
              H.G. Schaefer                         J.A. MacNaughton

 The charters of the Governance Committee, the Health, Safety & Environment
Committee and the Human Resources Committee can be found on TransCanada's
website under the Corporate Governance - Board Committees page at the link
specified below.

 Further information about TCPL's Board committees and corporate governance can
be found in Schedule "D" attached to this AIF or on TransCanada's website
located at: http://www.transcanada.com/company/board_committees.html.


Conflicts of Interest

Directors and officers of TCPL and its subsidiaries are required to disclose the
existence of existing or potential conflicts in accordance with TCPL policies
governing directors and officers and in accordance with the Canada Business
Corporations Act. Although some of the directors sit on boards or may be
otherwise associated with companies that ship natural gas on TCPL's pipeline
systems, TCPL as a common carrier in Canada cannot, under its tariff, deny
transportation service to a credit-worthy shipper. Further, due to the
specialized nature of the industry, TCPL believes that it is important for its
Board to be composed of qualified and knowledgeable directors, so some of them
must come from oil and gas producers and shippers; the Governance Committee
closely monitors relationships among directors to ensure that business
associations do not affect the Board's performance. In a circumstance where a
director declares an interest in any material contract or material transaction
being considered at a meeting, the director generally absents himself or herself
from the meeting during the consideration of the matter, and does not vote on
the matter.


As at the date hereof and since the beginning of the most recently completed
financial year, no executive officer, director, or former executive officer or
director of TCPL or its subsidiaries, no proposed nominee as a director of TCPL,
or any associate of any such director, executive officer or proposed nominee has
been indebted to TCPL or any of its subsidiaries. There is no indebtedness of
any such person to another entity that is the subject of a guarantee, support
agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding
provided by TCPL or any of its subsidiaries.


The following table sets out the number of each class of securities of
TransCanada or any of its affiliates beneficially owned, directly or indirectly,
or over which control or direction is exercised and the number of deferred share
units credited to each director, as of February 22, 2007.
Director                                                                    Securities                   Deferred Share
                                                                                Owned,                         Units(2)
                                                                         Controlled or
K. Benson                                                                        3,000                            7,857
D. Burney                                                                        1,000                            7,310
W. Dobson                                                                        3,000                           29,584
E.L. Draper                                                                          0                            7,647
P. Gauthier                                                                      1,000                           21,314
K. Hawkins                                                                       3,898 (3)                       32,875
S.B. Jackson                                                                    39,000                           13,931
P.L. Joskow                                                                      5,000                           10,423
H. Kvisle                                                                      607,516 (4)                            0
J. MacNaughton                                                                  30,000                            3,464
D. O'Brien                                                                      18,771                           21,314
H. Schaefer                                                                     23,214 (5)                       20,208
D.M.G. Stewart                                                                   7,500 (6)                        3,026

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 25

    The information as to shares beneficially owned or over which control or
    direction is exercised, not being within the knowledge of TransCanada, has
    been furnished by each of the nominees. Except as indicated in these notes,
    the nominees have sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the
    securities listed above. As to each class of shares of TransCanada, its
    subsidiaries and affiliates, the percentage of outstanding shares
    beneficially owned by any one director or nominee or by all directors and
    officers of TransCanada as a group does not exceed 1% of the class

    The value of a deferred share unit is tied to the value of TransCanada's
    common shares. A deferred share unit is a bookkeeping entry, equivalent to
    the value of a TransCanada common share, and does not entitle the holder to
    voting or other shareholder rights, other than the accrual of additional
    deferred share units for the value of dividends. A director cannot redeem
    deferred share units until the director ceases to be a member of the Board.
    Canadian directors can then redeem their units for cash or shares while U.S.
     directors can only redeem their units for cash. Mr. Kvisle is an employee
    of TransCanada and participates is the ESU program; he does not participate
    in the DSU program.

    The shares listed include 2,500 shares held by Mr. Hawkins' wife.

    Securities owned, controlled or directed include common shares that Mr.
    Kvisle has a right to acquire through the exercise of stock options that are
    vested under the Stock Option Plan, which is described elsewhere in this
    AIF. Directors as such do not participate in the Stock Option Plan. Mr.
    Kvisle, as an employee of TransCanada, has the right to acquire 474,500
    common shares under vested stock options, which amount is included in this

    The shares listed do not include 700 common shares held by Mr. Schaefer's
    wife and 5,500 common shares held by a company controlled by Mr. Schaefer's
    wife. Mr. Schaefer disclaims beneficial ownership of, or control or
    direction over, such shares.

    The shares listed include 500 shares held by Mr. Stewart's wife.


Unless as otherwise defined in the following sections, all capitalized terms
used from herein shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in TransCanada's
Management Proxy Circular (the "Proxy Circular"), dated February 22, 2007.

 TransCanada's directors also serve as directors of TCPL. An aggregate fee is
paid for serving on the Boards of TransCanada and TCPL. Since TransCanada does
not hold any assets directly, other than the common shares of TCPL and
receivables from certain of TransCanada's subsidiaries, all directors' costs are
assumed by TCPL according to a management services agreement between the two
companies. The meetings of the boards and committees of TransCanada and TCPL run

Minimum Share Ownership Guidelines

The Board believes that directors can more effectively represent the interests
of shareholders if they have a significant investment in the common shares of
TransCanada, or their economic equivalent. As a result, TransCanada requires
each director (other than Mr. Kvisle who is subject to executive share ownership
guidelines) to acquire and hold a minimum number of common shares, or their
economic equivalent, equal in value to five times the director's annual cash
retainer fee. Directors have a maximum of five years to reach this level of
ownership. The level of ownership can be achieved by direct purchase of common
shares, by participation in the TransCanada Dividend Reinvestment Plan or by
means of directing cash retainer fees (or any other fees subsequent to January
1, 2007) into, or otherwise acquiring deferred share units ("DSUs") under, the
Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors (1998) (the "DSU Plan"), described
under the heading "Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors" below.

 All of the current directors have achieved the minimum share ownership.


Board and Committee Remuneration

TCPL's director compensation practices are designed to reflect the size and
complexity of TCPL and to reinforce the emphasis TCPL places on shareholder
value by linking a portion of directors' compensation to the value of
TransCanada's common shares. The market competitiveness of director compensation
is assessed against the Comparator Group (as defined under the heading
"Executive Compensation and Other Information - Report on Executive
Compensation") and a general industry sample of Canadian companies of similar
size and scope to TCPL.

 For the financial year ended December 31, 2006, each director who was not an
employee of TCPL, other than the Chair, was paid in quarterly installments in
arrears as follows:
Retainer fee                                  $30,000 per annum
Committee retainer fee                        $3,000 per annum
Committee Chair retainer fee                  $4,000 per annum
Board and Committee attendance fee            $1,500 per meeting
Committee Chair attendance fee                $1,500 per meeting

 The Chair, who was paid none of the directors' fees outlined above, was paid a
retainer fee of $300,000 per annum in respect of his duties as Chair, $3,000 per
chaired Board meeting, and was reimbursed for certain office and other expenses.
Half of Mr. Jackson's retainer fee for acting as Chair was paid in DSUs. The
Vice-Chair was paid a retainer fee of $12,000 per annum in respect of his duties
as Vice-Chair, in addition to his other director's fees as outlined above. Each
committee chair is entitled to claim a per diem for time spent on committee
activities outside of the committee meetings. Additionally, directors other than
the Chair and the CEO receive, in respect of their service as directors, an
annual grant of units under the DSU Plan, see "Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee
Directors" below for details on this plan. Fees are paid quarterly and are
pro-rated from the date of the director's appointment to the Board and the
relevant committees.

 TCPL pays a travel fee of $1,500 per meeting for which round trip travel time
exceeds three hours, and reimburses the directors for out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in attending such meetings.

 Directors who are U.S. residents are paid the same amounts as outlined above in
U.S. dollars.

Fees Paid to Directors in 2006

The following table sets out the total fees paid in cash and the value of the
DSUs awarded or credited for each non-employee director in 2006 as at the date
of the grant, unless otherwise stated. Mr. Kvisle, as an employee of TCPL,
receives no cash fees or DSUs as a director.

 Directors generally direct their retainer fee to be paid in DSUs until the
minimum share ownership guideline is reached, and are always entitled to direct
their retainer fee (and, subsequent to January 1, 2007, any other fees) to be
paid in DSUs. In 2006, K.E. Benson, D.H. Burney, E.L. Draper, P. Gauthier, K.L.
Hawkins, J.A. MacNaughton and D.P. O'Brien received their retainer fees in DSUs
and half of Mr. Jackson's retainer fee for acting as Chair was paid in DSUs. For

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 27

further information on the DSU Plan, see the description under the heading
"Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors" below.

Name        Board   Committee   Committee        Board    Committee   Travel   Strategic     Total      Total      Total
         Retainer    Retainer       Chair   Attendance   Attendance      Fee      Issues      Fees   Value of   Cash and
              Fee         Fee    Retainer          Fee          Fee                  and   Paid in       DSUs   Value of
                                      Fee                                      Strategic      Cash   Credited       DSUs
                                                                                Planning                  (2)   Credited
Baldwin   $15,000      $3,000      $2,000       $4,500       $6,000       $0      $1,500   $32,000         $0    $32,000
Benson(5)  30,000       3,000         N/A       15,000        9,000   13,500       4,500    45,000    136,290    181,290
Burney     30,000       5,250         N/A       12,000        6,000   10,500       4,500    38,250    136,290    174,540
Dobson(3)  30,000       6,000       4,000       16,500       12,000    9,000       6,000    83,500    106,290    189,790
Draper(3)  30,000       6,000       3,000       16,500       15,000   12,000       6,000    58,500    136,290    194,790
Gauthier(3)30,000       6,000         N/A       16,500       16,500   10,500       6,000    55,500    136,290    191,790
Hawkins    30,000       6,000       4,000       15,000       16,500   10,500       6,000    58,000    136,290    194,290
Jackson   300,000         N/A         N/A       33,000        1,500    4,500       4,500   193,500    150,000    343,500
Joskow(5)  30,000       6,000         N/A       16,500       12,000   10,500       6,000    81,000    106,290    187,290
J.A.       22,500       4,500         N/A       10,500        6,000    4,500       1,500    33,264    122,526    155,790
O'Brien    30,000       6,000         N/A       13,500        4,500    1,500       1,500    27,000    136,290    163,290
Schaefer   42,000       6,000       4,000       16,500       21,000    3,000       6,000    98,500    106,290    204,790
Stewart    22,500       2,250         N/A       12,000        3,000    6,000       3,000    48,750    106,290    155,040

    Fees are aggregate amounts respecting duties performed on both TransCanada
    and TCPL Boards.

    Total DSUs credited includes the amount of the retainer fee elected to be
    received in DSUs and the grant of 3,000 DSUs made in September 2006 which
    had an initial cash value of approximately $35.43 per DSU.

    The committee chair retainer fee amount includes per diem fees paid in
    addition to the committee retainer fee in respect of duties performed and
    meetings held in preparation for committee meetings. Mme. Gauthier chaired
    one meeting of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee in Mr. Baldwin's

    Mr. Baldwin retired from the Board on April 28, 2006.

    U.S. directors are paid or credited these amounts, including DSU
    equivalents, based on U.S. dollars.

    The committee attendance fee includes the amount of $1,500 for a Health,
    Safety and Environment Committee off-site facility visit.

    Mr. Jackson's Board attendance fee includes the fee of $3,000 in respect of
    each Board meeting chaired. Half of Mr. Jackson's retainer fee for acting as
    Chair was paid in DSUs.

    Mr. Schaefer's retainer fee amount includes the fee of $12,000 in respect of
    duties performed as Vice-Chair.

Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors

The Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors (1998) was established in 1998
and was last amended and restated effective January 1, 2007. Prior to the
January 1, 2007 amendment, the DSU Plan allowed eligible Board members, on a
quarterly basis, to direct their annual directors' retainer fee or, at the
discretion of the Governance Committee, other Board-related fees, to acquire
units representing the right to acquire common shares or their cash equivalent.
Subsequent to January 1, 2007, Board members are permitted to elect to receive
any portion of their fees in DSUs. The DSU Plan also allows the Governance
Committee to grant units as additional directors' compensation. In September
2006, a grant of 3,000 DSUs was made to each director other than the Chair and
the CEO.


 Initially the value of a DSU is equal to the market value of a common share at
the time the directors are credited with the units. Thus each grant of 3,000
DSUs in September 2006 had an initial cash value of approximately $106,290. The
value of a DSU, when redeemed, is equivalent to the market value of a common
share at the time the redemption takes place. In addition, at the time dividends
are declared and paid on the common shares, each DSU accrues an amount equal to
such dividends, which amount is then reinvested in additional DSUs at a price
equal to the then market value of a common share. DSUs cannot be redeemed until
the director ceases to be a member of the Board. Canadian directors may redeem
for cash or common shares at their option. U.S. directors may only redeem for

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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