RNS No 6794r
27th February 1998


                                        Den Danske Bank     Den Danske Bank

Profit and Loss Account for             1997      1996      1997      1996 
the accounting year                     DKr m     DKr m     DKr m     DKr m

Interest income, etc.
Interest from credit institutions, etc   3,748     3,145     4,650     3,831
Interest on loans and advances, etc     17,741    14,643    12,272    10,564
Interest on bonds, etc                   7,104     6,892     6,604     6,594
Other interest income, etc                 244      -435       303      -369

Total                                   28,837    24,245    23,829    20,620

Interest expenses, etc.
Interest to credit institutions          6,525     6,009     6,380     5,854
Interest on deposits, etc                8,431     6,783     8,156     6,747
Interest on issued bonds, etc            4,814     3,404     1,587       905
Interest on subordinated debt, etc       1,205       786     1,183       786
Other interest expenses, etc                13        12         6         4

Total                                   20,988    16,994    17,312    14,296

Net interest income                      7,849     7,251     6,517     6,324

Dividends from shares, etc
and other holdings
Dividend from shares, etc                  151       127       145       124
Dividend from holdings in associate
undertakings and other signifcant holdings   -         -         -         -

Total                                      151       127       145       124

Fee and commission income, etc
Guarantee commission                       303       275       419       380
Fee and other commission income, etc     2,560     2,055     2,233     1,981

Total                                    2,863     2,330     2,652     2,361

Fees and commissions paid
Guarantee commission paid                    -         -         9         7
Fees and other commissions paid            429       313       381       302

Total                                      429       313       390       309

Net interest and fee income             10,434     9,395     8,924     8,500

Market value adjustments of securities
and foreign exchange income, etc
Market value adjustment of bonds, etc     -295       567      -238       524
Market value adjustment of shares, etc   2,796     1,466     2,745     1,431
Market value adjustment of mortgages, etc   78       140        70       136
Foreign exchange income                    530       330       469       316
Market value adjustment of derivative
financial instruments                     -887       -22      -945       -23
Adjustment for pooled pension fund
deposits                                -1,403      -747    -1,354      -722

Total                                      819     1,734       747     1,662

Other operating income                     287       190       195       160

Profit on financial operations          11,540    11,319     9,866    10,322

                                        Den Danske Bank
                                             Group            Den Danske Bank

                                       1997        1996      1997         1996
                                       DKr m       DKr m     DKr m        DKr m
   Staff costs, etc., and administrative
   Salaries and remuneration of Board of
   Directors, Executive Board and 
   Advisory Board                         43          28        18          17
   Staff costs
    Wages and salaries                 3,527       3,293     2,945       3,045
    Pension costs                        362         341       308         320
    Financial services employer tax, etc 356         293       287         281
   Other administrative expenses       1,258         920     1,237       1,001

   Total                               5,546       4,875     4,795       4,664

   Depreciation of tangiable aassets
   Depreciation of land and buildings     29          27        24          25
   Depreciation of machinery 
    and equipment                        457         407       386         338

   Total                                 486         434       410         363

   Other operating expenses              874         866     1,026         855

   Provisions for bad and doubtful 
   debts (net)                           614         637       547         581

   Value adjustments of holdings in associated
   and subsidiary undertakings, etc.
   Value adjustment of holdings in associated
   undertakings and other significant 
   holdings                               24         199        42         194
   Value adjustment of holdings in subsidiary
   undertakings                          782         690     1,459       1,281

   Total                                 806         889     1,501       1,475

   Profit on ordinary operations       4,826       5,396     4,589       5,304

3  Extraordinary income                   53          70        53          47
4  Extraordinary expenses                245         824       144         819

   Profit before taxation              4,634       4,642     4,498       4,532

   Taxation (minus denotes an income)
   Estimated tax charge on
   the profit for the year               379         391       275         280
   Deferred taxes                        147         596       119         600
   Adjustment to prior-year tax charge   -97           2       -97           2

   Total                                 429         989       297         882

   Net profit for the year             4,205       3,653     4,201       3,650

    Attributable to minority interests     4           3
    Attributable to shareholders of
    Den Danske Bank                    4,201       3,650

                                        Den Danske Bank
                                             Group            Den Danske Bank

                                       1997        1996      1997         1996
Note   Balance Sheet at December 31    DKr m       DKr m     DKr m        DKr m

   Cash in hand and demand deposits
   with central banks, etc.            2,662       7,879     2,555       7,877

   Treasury bills and other bills eligible
   for refinancing with central banks      -           -         -           -

6  Due from credit institutions, etc.
   Deposits at notice with
   central banks                      15,072       9,143    15,072       9,143
   Due from other credit institutions 40,908      52,248    69,211      74,590

   Total                              55,980      61,391    84,283      83,733

6  Loans and advances
   Overdraft facilities               38,090      33,025    35,696      33,302
5  Other loans and advances          252,649     199,475   166,013     136,229

   Total                             290,739     232,500   201,709     169,531

   Bonds, etc.
   Bonds, etc.                       121,880     107,193   113,831     104,222
   Own bonds, etc.                     3,067       2,909       697         628

   Total                             124,947     110,102   114,528     104,850

   Shares, etc.                       10,735       7,216    10,468       7,036

   Holdings in associated undertakings and
   other significant holdings
   Holdings in credit institutions         -          91         -          91
   Holdings in other institutions        758         678       610         512

   Total                                 758         769       610         603

   Holdings in subsidiary undertakings
   Holdings in credit institutions         -           -     5,221       3,644
   Holdings in other undertakings      8,515       7,978     9,347       8,811

   Total                               8,515       7,978    14,568      12,455

   Intangible assets                       -           -         -           -

   Tangible assets
   Land and buildings                  3,854       3,624     3,327       3,496
   Machinery and equipment, etc.         383         477       265         275

   Total                               4,237       4,101     3,592       3,771

   Own shares                            502         247       494         244

   Other assets                        2,189       2,026     1,681       1,527

   Prepayments and accrued income     25,494      17,545    25,217      17,514

9  Total assets                      526,758     451,754   459,705     409,186

                              DEN DANSKE BANK      
                                  GROUP                DEN DANSKE BANK

                              1997         1996        1997        1996
                              DKR          DKR         DKR         DKR
                               M            M           M           M


     Due to credit 
     institutions            4,488        5,392       4,488        5,392

     Due to other credit 
     institutions          134,062      125,247     135,844      126,118

     Total                 138,550      130,639     140,332      131,510

     Deposits on demand     88,908       71,331      76,407       69,561

     Deposits at notice      2,635        4,752       2,634        4,752

     Time deposits         100,984       89,535      99,689       88,334

     Special deposits      32,633        30,280      32,194       29,896

     Total                225,160       195,898     210,914      192,543

     Issued bonds, etc     78,603        53,986      27,557      15,495

     Other liabilities     11,591        12,032      10,048      11,507

     Accruals and deferred
     income                25,455        17,957      24,015      16,946

7   Provisions for costs

    Provisions for pensions and
    similar commitments      194            101         131         101

    Provisions for deferred 
    taxes                  1,086            926       1,000         881

    Other provisions 
    for costs                190            956         189         956

    Total                  1,470          1,983       1,320       1,938

    Subordinated debt     18,390         13,380      17,994      13,377

8   Shareholders' equity

    Share capital          5,293          5,293       5,293       5,293

    Non-distributable reserve relating
    to subsidiaries            -              -           -         293

    Revaluation reserve      200            202         200         202

    Profit brought forward
    Brought forward from
    prior years           18,794         17,602      18,784      17,596

    Brought from net profit
    for the year           3,252          2,782       3,248       2,486

    Total                 22,046         22,384      22,032      20,082

    Total shareholders' 
    equity                27,539         25,879      27,525      25,870

         Attributable to minority 
         interests            14              9

         Attributable to shareholders of
         Den Danske Bank  27,525         25,870

9   Total liabilities   526,758         451,754    459,705       409,186

                              DEN DANSKE BANK      
                                  GROUP                DEN DANSKE BANK

                              1997         1996        1997        1996
Note Off-balance              DKR          DKR         DKR         DKR
     sheet items               M            M           M           M

     Guarantees, etc.
     Guarantees             42,540        33,592     75,387      61,653

     Acceptances and 
     endorsements, etc.      8,447         7,585      8,436       7,585

     Total                  50,987        41,177     83,823      69,238

     Other commitments
     Forward purchases 
     of assets           2,070,402     1,949,926  2,058,654   1,943,535

     Irrevocable loan 
     commitments            88,667        61,983     85,671      61,077

     Other commitments         650         1,379        648       1,372

     Total              2,159,719      2,013,288  2,144.973   2,005,984

     Total off-balance
     sheet items        2,210,706      2,054,465  2,228,796   2,075.222

Movements in the capital of
Den Danske Bank in 1997         Non-   
(DKr m)                distributable                             Total
                            reserve    Revaluation    Profit     share-
               Share    relating to                   brought    holders' 
             capital   subsidiaries        reserve    forward     equity

of year        5,293            293            202      20,082    25,870

Appropriation from 
the amount to be 
allocated                                                3,248     3,248

Transfers                     -293                         293         -

Disposal of assets                              -2                    -2

Goodwill fully written off 
at the time of acquisition                              -1,591    -1,591

End of year  5,293               -             200      22,032    27,525

                              DEN DANSKE BANK      
                                  GROUP                DEN DANSKE BANK

                              1997         1996        1997        1996
                              DKR          DKR         DKR         DKR
                               M            M           M           M

Note   Notes

1      Fee and commission
       income, etc
       commission            303           275          419         380

       Securitics and 
       custody commission  1,189           835          961         784

       Commission from 
       business              218           215          217         215

       Remortgaging and 
       loan fees             422           329          398         320

       Other commission      731           676          657         662

       Total               2,863         2,330        2,652       2,361

2      Market value adjustments

       Market value adjustment 
       of derivate financial
       instruments comprise:

       Forward securities 
       transactions           22            24          -27          18

       Forward exchange 
       transactions          126           -25          124         -25

       Swap agreements      -803           243         -810         250

       Options               -72          -110          -73        -112

       Forward rate 
       agreements           -117           -26         -117         -26

       Other financial 
       derivaties            -41          -128          -42        -128

       Total                -887           -22         -945         -23

3      Extraordinary income

       Profit on sale 
       of property            18            36           18          36

       Profit on sale of 
       machinery and 
       equipment              7              8            7           7

       Reversal of amount 
       held in reserve in
       relation to one-year
       pension grants        25              -           25           -

       Reimbursed, labour 
       market tax             -             17            -           -

       Other extraordinary
       income                 3              9            3           4

       Total                 53             70           53          47

4      Extraordinary expenses

       Expenses and provisions 
       for early-retirement
       pensions, salaries 
       during period of notice and
       severance payments, 
       etc.                  72            265           66         265

       Amount held in reserve 
       in relation to one-year
       pension grants        -             200            -         200

       Provisions for costs and 
       investment related to
       information technology, 
       including Emu and Year 2000 
       IT preparations       -             100            -         100

       Write-down of property   75         174            7         174

       Loss on sale of 
       property                 16           2            4           2

       Leasehold improvements, 
       etc., fully written down
       in the frst year of 
       the lease                32          45           31          45

       Costs of increasing the 
       Banks capital base       34          24           34          25

       Contributions to deposit 
       protection funds         15           4            -           3 

       Other extraordinary 
       expenses                  1          10            2           5

       Total                   245         824          144         819

5      Other loans and advances

       Leased buildings      1,044         896            -           -

       Leased machinery 
       and equipment         5,489       4,758          247         146

       Other lease assets      140         130          140         130

       Total leases          6,673       5,784          387         276

       Mortgages credit 
       loans                47,730      37,033            -           -
       Other mortgages       1,497       1,201        1,468       1,191

       Other loans and 
       advances through 
       foreign units       120,588      89,568       88,092      69,345

       Other loans and 
       advances             76,161      65,889       76,066      65,417

       Total               252,649     199,475      166,013     136,229

                                   DEN DANSKE BANK           DEN DANSKE BANK

                                    1997         1996        1997         1996
                                   DKR M        DKR M       DKR M        DKR M

6  Loan, advances and guarantees 
   granted by Den Danske Bank Group

   Accumulated provisions at December 31
   Accumulated provisions against loans, 
   advances and guarantees        9,435        9,527

   Accumulated Provisions against amounts due
   from credit institutions, etc. 1,530          913
                                 ------       ------
   Total accumulated provisions  10,965       10,440
                                 ------       ------

    Accumulated provisions against loans, advances
    and guarantees as a percentage of loan advances
    and guarantees at December 31  3.21         3.48

Non-accrual loans and advances to cunmners and
non-accrual amounts due from credit hutitutions
at December 31                    3,302        2,950

7   Provisions for costs


    Value of unconditional pension 
    commitments                     194          101         131      101 
                                 ------       ------      ------   ------
    Deferred taxes                1,086          926       1,000      881
                                 ------       ------      ------   ------

Deferred taxes of Den Danske Bank relate to Danish taxation of the jointly
taxed companies including insurance Subsidiaries. Deferred taxes of Den Danske
Bank Group also comprise deferred foreign taxes as well as deferred taxes of
subsidiaries that are not jointly taxed with the Parent Company.

In previous years provisions for deferred taxes were posted at net present value
calculated on the basis of estimated payment dates. In line with the trend in
international accounting practice, the Group has chosen to change its method of
calculation to the effect that provisions for deferred taxes are made at the
applicable rate of corporation tax, irrespective of when the taxes are due.  The
change has led to a rise in provisions for deferred taxes of DKr250m. 

In addition to the provisions for deferred taxes in the Balance Sheet, further
deferred taxes of DKr383m relate to shares in subsidiaries held for less than
three years.

Other provisions for costs

Amount held in reserve in relation to one-year
pension grants                                    -       450      -       450

Provisions for costs and investment related to
information technology                           145      250     145      250

Provisions for early-retirement pensions, salaries
during period of notice, and severance payments,
etc.                                              45      256      44      256
                                                 ---      ---     ---      ---
Total                                            190      956     189      956
                                                 ---      ---     ---      ---

                                                   Den Danske        Den
                                                   Bank Group     Danske Bank

                                                  1997    1996    1997   1996
                                                  DKr m   DKr m   DKr m  DKr m

8   Capital base as percentage of risk-weighted
items (solvency ratio)

Capital base:
Core capital, less statutory deduction for own
shares                                           26,837  25,430  26,831  25,424
                                                 ------  ------  ------  ------
Eligible subordinated debt and revaluation 
reserve                                          16,192  11,728  16,192  11,728

Statutory deduction for subsidiary insurance
companies                                        -4,832  -4,568  -4,832  -4,568

Other statutory deductions                          -99    -121     -99    -121
                                                 ------  ------  ------  ------
Supplementary capital and subordinated loan
capital, less statutory deductions               11,261   7,039  11,261   7,039
                                                 ------  ------  ------  ------
Total capital base, including subordinated
loan capital, less statutory deductions          38,098  32,469  38,092  32,463
                                                 ------  ------  ------  ------
Weighted items not included in trading
portfolio                                       246,271 211,935 196,636 177,759

Weighted items below the line                    67,254  55,335  89,179  74,989

Weighted items with counterparty risk
not included in trading portfolio                   443     347     452     360

Weighted items with market risk, etc.            58,625  63,123  57,039  62,275 
                                                ------- ------- ------- -------

Total weighted items                            372,593 330,740 343,306 315,383 
                                                ------- ------- ------- -------

Solvency ratio (%)                                10.23    9.82   11.10   10.29
- based on core capital alone                      7.20    7.69    7.82    8.06

Solvency ratio according to the "haircut
method" (%)                                       10.64   10.25   11.71   10.86

The solvency ratio is subject to a 
statutory minimum requirement of (%)               8.00    8.00    8.00    8.00

9   Market value adjustment

Den Danske Bank Group continuously evaluates the hedging of the interest rate
risk on the Group's portfolio of fixed rate and liabilities.  The portfolio
of assets and the liabilities are hedged in full or in part by means of
derivative financial instruments so that, for each currency, the interest rate
risk an the hedged portfolio of assets and the liabilities corresponds to the
interest rate risk, for each currency, on the derivative financial instruments
employed for hedging them.

Under Danish accounting regulations, part of the Group's fixed rate assets
(loans and advances as well as unlisted securities) may not be revalued in the
Accounts to a market value in excess of cost. For some of these assets, the
interest rate risk has been hedged by derivative financial instrumennts. Under
Danish accounting regulations, value adjustment of the derivative financial
instruments employed for hedging these assets is not allowed. Therefore, the
Group did not at the end of 1997 expense DKr937m market value adjustment of
these derivative financial instruments, corresponding to the income which market
value adjustment of the assets hedged would have generated. At the end of 1996,
the corresponding amount was DKr1,202m.

The interest rate risk on the Group's fixed rate liabilities, which, under
Danish accounting regulations, are not value adjusted, is hedged by derivative
financial instruments in respect of long-term liabilities. The Group is not
allowed to make adjustment of these derivative financial instruments employed
for hedging purposes. Therefore, the Group did not at the end of 1997 carry to
income DKr1,053m market value adjustment of these derivative financial
instruments corresponding to the expenses which market value adjustment of the
liabilities hedged would have generated. At the end of 1996, the corresponding
amount was DKr900m.

                                                 DKr m
                              Purchase       Book       Market       Notional
                              price          value      value        amount
Den Danske Bank Group

Loans and advances            17,683         17,683     18,394       17,683     
Bonds                          9,900          9,900     10,126        9,870     
Total assets                  27,583         27,583     28,520       27,553

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -              -        937       27,229

Deposits                           -           3,005     3,223        3,005
Issued bonds, etc                  -           2,974     3,190        2,974
Subordinated debt                  -           8,526     9,145        8,526
Total liabilities                  -          14,505    15,558       14,505

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -              -      1,053       14,505

                                                 DKr m
                              Book       Market       Notional
                              value      value        amount
Den Danske Bank Group

Loans and advances            16,694     17,614       16,694     
Bonds                          9,105      9,387        9,520     
Total assets                  25,799     27,001       26,214

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -      1,202       25,584

Deposits                        4,645     4,983        4,645
Issued bonds, etc               2,855     3,062        2,855
Subordinated debt               4,863     5,218        4,863
Total liabilities              12,363    13,263       12,363

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -        900       12,382

Danske Kredit's fixed rate loans are covered through the issue of mortgage
credit bonds, which are not value adjusted.  In accordance with a ruling given
by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, fixed rate mortgage credit loans
are not value adjusted either.  Therefore fixed rate assets and liabilities
listed above do nor include fixed rate mortgage credit loans and mortgage credit
bonds issued.

                                                 DKr m
                              Purchase       Book       Market       Notional
                              price          value      value        amount
Den Danske Bank Group

Loans and advances            11,342         11,342     11,795       11,342     
Bonds                          9,900          9,900     10,126        9,870     
Total assets                  21,242         21,242     21,921       21,212

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -              -        680       20,888

Deposits                           -           3,005     3,223        3,005
Issued bonds, etc                  -           2,974     3,190        2,974
Subordinated debt                  -           8,526     9,145        8,526
Total liabilities                  -          14,505    15,558       14,505

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -              -      1,053       14,505

                                                 DKr m
                              Book       Market       Notional
                              value      value        amount
Den Danske Bank Group

Loans and advances            11,422     12,030       11,422     
Bonds                          9,105      9,387        9,520     
Total assets                  20,527     21,417       20,942

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                              -        890       20,527

Deposits                        4,645     4,983        4,645
Issued bonds, etc               2,855     3,062        2,855
Subordinated debt               4,863     5,218        4,863
Total liabilities              12,363    13,263       12,363

Derivative financial instruments
hedging interest rate risks
Swaps                               -       900       12,382

10. Contingent liabilities

Owing to its size and business volume Den Danske Bank Group is continually a 
party to various lawsuits.

Legal proceedings have, for intstance, been initiated against the Bank as a
result of the so-called tax stripping cases raised against certain customers
of the Bank. Moreover, some investors who subscribed for shares when Hafnia
Holding A/S carried out a share issue in July 1992 or who bought shares in the
summer of 1992 have brought actions for damages against the Bank, among others,
totalling DKr120m. The Bank has signed declarations lifting, for the future,
the time-bar applicable to claims in respect of the Hafnia issue for an
additional amount of DKr23m.

The outcome of the cases pending is not expected to have a material effect on
the financial position of Den Danske Bank Group.

The Group's pension commitments are covered by payments made to insurance
companies, pension funds, etc.  In a few cases, however, the Group may,
following an acruarial calculation, be ordered to make further payments. Certain
foreign pension commitments are not covered, but provisions are made on the
basis of an actuarial calculation.

The Bank is registered jointly with all significant Danish subsidiaries in
rclation to financial services employer tax and VAT for which it is jointly
and severally liable.

11. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Ratio System
    The ratio required by the Danish Financial Supervisory
    Authority from Den Danske Bank Group are shown below.

                                                            Den Danske Bank

                                                         1997           1996   
                                                           %              %

1.     Solvency and capital
1.1    Solvency ratio                                     10.23          9.82  
1.2    Solvency ratio based on core capital, tier 1        7.20          7.69
1.3    Supplementary capital utilisation ratio            60.34         46.12
1.4    Weighted items subject to market risk, etc./       15.73         19.09
       total weighted items  

2.     Earnings
2.1    Core earnings before provisions/shareholders'      16.79         16.19
       equity, beginning of year
2.2    Core earnings/shareholders' equity, beginning      14.42         13.44  
       of year
2.2.a  Core earnings (adjusted)/shareholders' equity,     12.97         14.85  
       beginning of year
2.3    Profit on ordinary operations/shareholders'        18.65         23.36
       equity, beginning of year
2.4    Operating expenses/operating income                61.38         62.28
2.4.a  Operating expenses/operating income (adjusted)     63.50         60.29

3.     Market risk
3.1    Interest rate risk/core capital less statutory      2.95          3.31  
3.2    Foreign exchange risk/core capital less              
       statutory deduction
       Exchange rate indicator 1/core capital less         7.51          5.41   
       statutory deduction
       Exchange rate indicator 2/core capital less         0.09          0.05 
       statutory deduction

4.     Liquidity
4.1    Loans and advances + provisions/deposits          133.10        123.24
4.2    Excess cover relative to the provisions of s.28 
       of the Danish Banking Act
       a. 15%                                            162.07        181.95
       b. 10%                                            152.60        167.84
5.     Buildings
5.1    Land and buildings/shareholders' equity            14.00         14.00
5.2    Properties of which the Bank has taken possession   0.59          0.65
       /shareholders' equity                           
5.3    Interests in property not used for credit           2.61          3.13
       institution activities/capital base         

6.     Credit risk
6.1.1  Outstanding amounts with reduced interest/loans     0.84          1.13
       and advances, guarantees and provisions*
6.1.2  Provisions against outstanding amounts with        77.70         86.54  
       reduced interest in relation to total outstanding
       amounts with reduced interest*
6.2.1  A-provisions/loans and advances, guarantees and     2.09          2.56
6.2.2  B-provisions/loans and advances, guarantees and     0.60          0.80  
6.2    Total provisions/loans and advances, guarantees     2.69          3.36  
       and provisions
6.3    Provisions, corporate customers/loans and advances  2.69          3.41
       guarantees and provisions, corporate customers*
6.4    Provisions, personal customers/loans and advances   5.24          6.12 
       guarantees and provisions, personal customers*
6.5    Provisions (net)/loans and advances, guarantees     0.02          0.12
       and provisions
6.6    Loans and advances/shareholders equity          1,055.73        898.42
6.7    Provisions taken earlier now written off/          92.51         93.58
       write-offs for the year
6.8    Write-offs for the year as % of provisions,         7.63          5.92
       beginning of year

* Ratios are calculated for Den Danske Bank - not for Den Danske Bank Group



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