Review of earnings (Continued)
Average Balance Sheet
Half Year Sept 2024 Half Year March 2024
$m $m % $m $m %
Interest earning assets
Loansa 739,728 22,862 6.2 725,592 21,598 6.0
Housingb 504,205 14,741 5.8 496,471 13,819 5.6
Personal 11,423 563 9.9 12,085 574 9.5
Business 224,100 7,558 6.7 217,036 7,205 6.6
Trading securities and financial assets measured
at FVIS 41,610 913 4.4 31,090 687 4.4
Investment securities 98,909 1,899 3.8 88,941 1,595 3.6
Other interest earning assetsc 95,155 2,129 4.5 119,085 2,664 4.5
Total interest earning assets and
interest incomea 975,402 27,803 5.7 964,708 26,544 5.5
Non-interest earning assets
Derivative financial instruments 16,625 16,947
All other assetsa,d 73,653 67,282
Total non-interest earning assetsa 90,278 84,229
Total assets 1,065,680 1,048,937
Interest bearing liabilities
Deposits and other borrowingsa 582,430 12,153 4.2 565,808 11,504 4.1
Certificates of deposit 47,847 1,169 4.9 49,931 1,217 4.9
Transactions 134,278 2,392 3.6 129,510 2,137 3.3
Savings 213,216 3,988 3.7 204,516 3,679 3.6
Term 187,089 4,604 4.9 181,851 4,471 4.9
Repurchase agreements 23,363 498 4.3 29,739 439 3.0
Loan capital 41,284 943 4.6 39,140 905 4.6
Other interest bearing liabilitiese 188,532 4,583 4.9 183,086 4,569 5.0
Total interest bearing liabilities and
interest expensea 835,609 18,177 4.4 817,773 17,417 4.3
Non-interest bearing liabilities
Deposits and other borrowingsa 130,326 132,938
Derivative financial instruments 20,618 22,208
All other liabilities 7,913 4,134
Total non-interest bearing liabilitiesa 158,857 159,280
Total liabilities 994,466 977,053
Shareholders' equity 71,145 71,841
NCI 69 43
Total equity 71,214 71,884
Total liabilities and equity 1,065,680 1,048,937
Australia 640,394 19,484 6.1 627,150 18,381 5.9
New Zealand 92,086 3,139 6.8 92,358 3,016 6.5
Other overseas 7,248 239 6.6 6,084 201 6.6
Deposits and other borrowingsa
Australia 499,623 10,069 4.0 479,763 9,344 3.9
New Zealand 64,508 1,606 5.0 65,632 1,614 4.9
Other overseas 18,299 478 5.2 20,413 546 5.3
a. Comparatives have been revised to conform with current period presentation.
b. Certain portions of loans are non-interest bearing and are presented below in All other assets. The non-interest bearing portion represents the
impact of mortgage offset deposits which are taken into consideration when calculating interest charged on loans.
c. Interest income includes net ineffectiveness on qualifying hedges.
d. Includes property and equipment, intangible assets, deferred tax assets, non-interest earning loans relating to mortgage offset accounts and
all other non-interest earning assets. Mortgage offset balances were $58,733 million in Second Half 2024 (First Half 2024: $55,324 million).
e. Interest expense includes the net impact of Treasury balance sheet management activities and the bank levy. |