Gold Fields to Extend Anti Retroviral Programme
01 4월 2003 - 8:01PM
UK Regulatory
Gold Fields to Extend Anti Retroviral Programme
Johannesburg, 1 April 2003: Gold Fields Limited (GFI) today announced that it
intended to extend its existing Wellness Management Programme to include Highly
Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) as a treatment option for all employees
living with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Gold Fields previously provided Antiretroviral Therapy on a limited basis to
prevent mother to child transmission (MTCT), and as post exposure prophylaxis
to rape victims and employees with occupational exposure to HIV.
In December 2001 Gold Fields signed a workplace policy agreement with all
representative Unions and Associations, creating a partnership to manage HIV/
AIDS in the Group. An Informed, Consented, Voluntary Counselling and Testing
(ICVCT) Programme as well as a Wellness Management Programme was developed in
terms of this agreement, and launched on 12 August 2002. It is intended for
HAART to be introduced on a pilot basis at all South African operations, as an
extension of this programme.
Ian Cockerill, Chief Executive Officer of Gold Fields, said: "A well
established ICVCT and Wellness Management Programme is a prerequisite for the
successful introduction of HAART. Our programme has now reached a level of
maturity and efficiency where we can confidently extend HAART in the knowledge
that we will be able to manage the process effectively and in the best interest
of our people. This is a timely and logical next step for us."
"The success of HAART is dependent on rigorous adherence to strict treatment
protocols in order to prevent mutation of the virus into resistant strains, and
to ensure optimal benefit to patients. We plan to engage with our employees and
their representative organisations to discuss an appropriate strategy and
protocols for the responsible introduction of HAART," said Cockerill.
Gold Fields has, since 1986, been at the forefront in the fight against HIV/
AIDS. Over the years the Company has taken the lead in the development of a
comprehensive range of best practice responses for both the prevention of
infection and the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. In addition Gold Fields
is engaged in a number of innovative initiatives aimed at developing new
therapies for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.
South Africa
Willie Jacobsz
Tel +27 11 644-2460
Fax +27 11 484-0639
North America
Cheryl A Martin
Tel +303 796-8683
Fax +303 796-8293