# | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 거래량 | 가격 x 거래량 | 거래량 (%) | 업데이트됨 | |||||
0.1863 | Binance | 5189781 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | $ 962,369.11 | 1743311745 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_USDT | USDT | 1 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_USDT | 35.754118604 | 최근에 |
0.1862 | Coinbase | 2465481.3 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | US$ 456,626.24 | 1743311713 | ALGO/USD | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-USD | USD | 2 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-USD | 16.9855165018 | 최근에 |
0.25006 | Crypto.com | 1877725 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | US$ 462,982.25 | 1741219085 | ALGO/USD | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_USD | USD | 3 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_USD | 12.9362688629 | 24 일s 전 |
0.1864 | OKX | 1069189.62855 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | $ 198,444.76 | 1743311745 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/ALGO-USDT | USDT | 4 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/ALGO-USDT | 7.36600114519 | 최근에 |
0.25128 | Crypto.com | 843407 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | $ 207,595.74 | 1741219177 | ALGO/USDT | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_USDT | USDT | 5 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_USDT | 5.81050990581 | 24 일s 전 |
0.1862 | Kucoin | 822034.9119 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | $ 152,597.96 | 1743311591 | ALGO/USDT | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-USDT | USDT | 6 | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-USDT | 5.66327051888 | 최근에 |
2.24E-6 | Binance | 618213 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | BTC 1.38 | 1743311742 | ALGO/BTC | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_BTC | BTC | 7 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_BTC | 4.25907392327 | 최근에 |
0.1862 | DigiFinex | 585290 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | $ 108,327.74 | 1743311192 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/ALGO | USDT | 8 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/ALGO | 4.03225648207 | 9 분s 전 |
0.18661 | Gate.io | 231316.96 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | $ 42,891.48 | 1743310727 | ALGO/USDT | https://gate.io/trade/ALGO_USDT | USDT | 9 | https://gate.io/trade/ALGO_USDT | 1.59361908007 | 17 분s 전 |
0.1719 | Coinbase | 145765 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | € 24,982.67 | 1743311712 | ALGO/EUR | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-EUR | EUR | 10 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-EUR | 1.00422331854 | 최근에 |
0.18608 | Kraken | 120482.405421 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | US$ 22,264.61 | 1743311431 | ALGO/USD | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/USD | USD | 11 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/USD | 0.830043158489 | 5 분s 전 |
2.24E-6 | HitBTC | 101652.7 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | BTC 0.226680 | 1743311583 | ALGO/BTC | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-BTC | BTC | 12 | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-BTC | 0.70031908711 | 최근에 |
0.1859 | LATOKEN | 95592.86 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | $ 17,724.08 | 1743311741 | ALGO/USDT | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-USDT | USDT | 13 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-USDT | 0.658570844153 | 최근에 |
0.1438 | Coinbase | 80032 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | £ 11,388.47 | 1743311711 | ALGO/GBP | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-GBP | GBP | 14 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-GBP | 0.551366930535 | 최근에 |
0.1858 | HTX | 43782.64 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | $ 8,090.72 | 1743311187 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_usdt | USDT | 15 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_usdt | 0.301633094606 | 9 분s 전 |
2.77E-6 | Crypto.com | 42827 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | BTC 0.118741 | 1741219029 | ALGO/BTC | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_BTC | BTC | 16 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/ALGO_BTC | 0.295049374425 | 24 일s 전 |
0.186349 | EXMO | 36100.441604 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | $ 6,693.52 | 1743311651 | ALGO/USDT | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_USDT | USDT | 17 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_USDT | 0.248707887822 | 최근에 |
0.186 | LBank | 26807.51 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | $ 4,959.79 | 1743311696 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/algo/usdt | USDT | 18 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/algo/usdt | 0.184685806977 | 최근에 |
0.16846 | Bitvavo | 25576.592266 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | € 4,334.02 | 1743296398 | ALGO/EUR | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/ALGO-EUR | EUR | 19 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/ALGO-EUR | 0.176205607398 | 4 시간s 전 |
2.24E-6 | EXMO | 21832.6751284 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | BTC 0.048644 | 1743311405 | ALGO/BTC | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_BTC | BTC | 20 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_BTC | 0.150412523377 | 6 분s 전 |
2.24E-6 | LATOKEN | 20429.18 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | BTC 0.045423 | 1743310552 | ALGO/BTC | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-BTC | BTC | 21 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-BTC | 0.140743381022 | 20 분s 전 |
0.172666 | EXMO | 14754.265811 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | € 2,538.81 | 1743311652 | ALGO/EUR | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_EUR | EUR | 22 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=ALGO_EUR | 0.101647019348 | 최근에 |
0.18692 | Bitfinex | 12132.6612973 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | US$ 2,254.36 | 1743311741 | ALG/USD | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/ALG:USD | USD | 23 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/ALG:USD | 0.0835859183664 | 최근에 |
0.18613 | Bitstamp | 10172 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | US$ 1,893.31 | 1743311737 | ALGO/USD | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/usd | USD | 24 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/usd | 0.070078273908 | 최근에 |
2.23E-6 | Coinbase | 5815 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | BTC 0.012913 | 1743311711 | ALGO/BTC | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-BTC | BTC | 25 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ALGO-BTC | 0.0400614591796 | 최근에 |
0.17162 | Bitstamp | 5351.83430707 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | € 908.07 | 1743311746 | ALGO/EUR | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/eur | EUR | 26 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/eur | 0.0368705574598 | 최근에 |
0.0001016 | Kraken | 1826.82056925 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ETH 0.184686 | 1743311429 | ALGO/ETH | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/ETH | ETH | 27 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/ETH | 0.0125855713953 | 5 분s 전 |
0.00010126 | Kucoin | 1467.0474 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | ETH 0.148280 | 1743311591 | ALGO/ETH | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-ETH | ETH | 28 | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-ETH | 0.0101069749836 | 최근에 |
2.22E-6 | Kucoin | 358.2622 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | BTC 0.000798 | 1743311590 | ALGO/BTC | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-BTC | BTC | 29 | https://trade.kucoin.com/ALGO-BTC | 0.00246818684452 | 최근에 |
2.24E-6 | Upbit | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743309253 | ALGO/BTC | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.BTC-ALGO | BTC | 30 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.BTC-ALGO | 0 | 42 분s 전 |
3.51E-6 | OKX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743292928 | ALGO/BTC | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/ALGO-BTC | BTC | 31 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/ALGO-BTC | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
2.85E-6 | Bitstamp | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743292927 | ALGO/BTC | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/btc | BTC | 32 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/algo/btc | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
Kraken | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | $ - | ALGO/USDT | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/USDT | USDT | 33 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/ALGO/USDT | 0 | - | |||
0.4532 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1743292924 | ALGO/USD | https://cex.io/algo-usd | USD | 34 | https://cex.io/algo-usd | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
4.447E-5 | Binance | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1743292937 | ALGO/ETH | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_ETH | ETH | 35 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/ALGO_ETH | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
6.27E-6 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743292939 | ALGO/BTC | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_btc | BTC | 36 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_btc | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | $ - | ALGO/USDT | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-ALGO | USDT | 37 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-ALGO | 0 | - | |||
0.00010782 | HitBTC | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1743311675 | ALGO/ETH | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-ETH | ETH | 38 | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-ETH | 0 | 최근에 |
0.00013954 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1743311338 | ALGO/ETH | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_ETH | ETH | 39 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_ETH | 0 | 7 분s 전 |
1.911E-5 | LATOKEN | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1743292929 | ALGO/ETH | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-ETH | ETH | 40 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/ALGO-ETH | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
0.1689 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1743311339 | ALGO/USDT | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_USDT | USDT | 41 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_USDT | 0 | 7 분s 전 |
0.183957 | HitBTC | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1743292921 | ALGO/USD | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-USD | USD | 42 | https://hitbtc.com/ALGO-to-USD | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
2.178E-5 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743292927 | ALGO/BTC | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_BTC | BTC | 43 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/ALGO_BTC | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
SouthXchange | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/SOTX.png | BTC - | ALGO/BTC | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/ALGO/BTC | BTC | 44 | https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/ALGO/BTC | 0 | - | |||
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | US$ - | ALGO/USD | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-ALGO | USD | 45 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-ALGO | 0 | - | |||
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | BTC - | ALGO/BTC | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-ALGO | BTC | 46 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-ALGO | 0 | - | |||
9.6E-5 | HTX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1743292939 | ALGO/ETH | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_eth | ETH | 47 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/algo_eth | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
2.26E-6 | Bitfinex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1743292926 | ALG/BTC | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/ALG:BTC | BTC | 48 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/ALG:BTC | 0 | 5 시간s 전 |
Date | Price | 변동 | 변동 % | 저가 | 고가 | 평균 일일 거래량 | |
1 | 0.1878 | -0.0016 | -0.851970181044 | 0.1802 | 0.2185 | 15884631.2559 | CX |
4 | 0.2527 | -0.0665 | -26.3157894737 | 0.17406 | 0.3067 | 28853762.4791 | CX |
12 | 0.4085 | -0.2223 | -54.4186046512 | 0.17406 | 0.4966 | 41697049.7759 | CX |
26 | 0.1408 | 0.0454 | 32.2443181818 | 0.10579 | 0.6133 | 43583275.4332 | CX |
52 | 0.2677 | -0.0815 | -30.4445274561 | 0.0943 | 0.6133 | 27019506.5589 | CX |
156 | 0.9163 | -0.7301 | -79.679144385 | 0.08129 | 8 | 26820924.9828 | CX |
260 | 0.1446 | 0.0416 | 28.7690179806 | 0.08129 | 8 | 28241679.318 | CX |
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Should hit .30s after consolidation maybe summer or winter if Bitcoin rebounds after 30k
I bought in at .0876 around end of October Not selling no point for capital gains doesn’t make sense now
.1665 Sunday on that dip...Might load again for .30s then once Bitcoin hits 50k it will eventually retrace to 30k.... I will load up on Altcoins and go long
날짜 | 종가 | 변동 | 변동 % | 시가 | 고가 | 저가 | 거래량 |
No Results Found for the Dates Provided |