RNS Number : 0471B

Intandem Films PLC

28 March 2013

INTANDEM FILMS PLC ("Intandem" or the "Company")

Half Yearly Results to 31 December 2012

Intandem Films plc ("Intandem" or the "Company"), the London based international film group, is pleased to announce its results for the six months to 31 December 2012.

Chief Executive Officer's Statement

The last six months have undoubtedly been a turbulent time at Intandem. However, I am delighted to be in the position to set out the revised strategy and the exciting slate of films we are already working on. The product line-up coupled with the fact that Intandem is now in the hands of experienced, financially driven business people, suggests a bright future.


Turnover for the period under review was GBP238,033 (2011: GBP158,525) and the loss before tax was GBP651,496 (2011: GBP369,942) with a loss per share of 0.44p (2011: loss per share of 0.29p). The loss increased mainly as a result of several expected projects not materialising through the turbulent period, which has resulted in the restructuring of the Company and the development of the new strategy.

The Board

Andrew Brown and Billy Hurman continue as executive directors along with myself as the new CEO on the Intandem Board. Andrew and Billy will continue their work at the coal face with a huge degree of increased responsibility and freedom to deliver. In the past, the impact that Billy and Andrew could make was hindered by a structure which curtailed their ability to exploit the knowledge and strong relationships they have built up over the last twenty years. We are already reaping the benefit of our new working practises.

New Strategy

Intandem will remain first and foremost an International Sales Company, creating revenue from Executive Producer fees and commissions via the exploitation of international rights. With our existing team reinvigorated we believe our potential to acquire quality product is significantly improved.

The new strategy for UK Distribution entails the Company raising funds, separately to the plc, to cover distribution costs of films we identify as having significant Box Office potential from the slate being worked on by International Sales. The Company will be able to make decisions on certain films further down the production chain and hence with a superior knowledge of the production credentials - i.e. cast, footage, etc.

This allows Intandem to have a flexible approach to the UK Distribution arena, which is high cost/high return. The existing UK Distribution team within Intandem will work on the Film Sales area, which allows us to maintain all our contacts with our Exhibition Partners to ensure that when we decide to release a film, the outlets are there.

New Revenue Streams

Aside from the UK Film Distribution revenue potential, we are also pursuing additional outlets for revenue creation.

The major film studios have seen a downturn on returns for their mid-budget film productions and have mooted their interest in having a third party sales company for some International rights which presents opportunities for Intandem to exploit.

We are also in a position to re-sell the rights to some of our Library titles, and we are currently refreshing and, in essence, re-launching these films for worldwide digital/VOD exploitation.

Films on Board

The exciting slate of films we have recently acquired includes 'Catweazle', a contemporary re-make of the much loved 1970's TV series, 'The Laureate' a classic period piece which proved popular with our customers at the recent Berlin film festival, 'Starbright' a big budget Sci-Fi Love story and 'Piper' which is re-telling the classic Pied Piper of Hamelin story.


There is no disguising the less than impressive recent financial performance of Intandem. The Board has taken action to halt the slide and reduce overheads in order to manage our limited working capital. With our reduced cash balance it is clear we need to raise funds in the next three months if Intandem is to remain a viable business. The continued support from our shareholders, since the change of CEO, has been very encouraging. We have a motivated and talented team, a clear business model, and we are putting into place people and practises that we believe will ensure the growth of the Company.

Robert Mitchell

Chief Executive Officer

28 March 2013


 Intandem Films plc 
  Robert Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer    +44 (0)20 7851 3800 
  Ed Frisby / Ben Thompson - Corporate 
  Stephen Norcross - Corporate Broking        +44 (0)20 7220 0500 
 Bishopsgate Communications 
  Nick Rome/Sam Allen/Matt Low 
  intandem@bishopsgatecommunications.com      +44 (0)20 7562 3350 



                                        As at 31/12/12  As at 31/12/11  As at 30/6/12 
                                Notes              GBP             GBP            GBP 
 Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                   22,865          12,184         10,058 
Financial assets                                   100             100            100 
                                                22,965          12,284         10,158 
Current Assets 
Trade receivables                              284,667         204,740        214,679 
Other current assets                           204,213         344,244        351,232 
Cash and cash equivalents                        8,656         185,583        515,245 
                                               497,536         734,567      1,081,156 
Total assets                                   520,501         746,851      1,091,314 
Equity and liabilities 
Equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent 
Share capital                                  146,715         126,715        146,715 
Share premium                                3,898,139       3,009,174      3,898,139 
Merger reserve                                 252,506         252,506        252,506 
Foreign exchange reserve                     (324,721)       (310,369)      (324,721) 
Retained earnings                          (4,123,915)     (2,914,970)    (3,507,912) 
                                             (151,276)         163,056        464,727 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred income                                  6,731          11,644          6,731 
                                                 6,731          11,644          6,731 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                       665,046         572,151        619,856 
Total liabilities                              671,777         583,795        626,587 
Total equity and liabilities                   520,501         746,851      1,091,314 



                                          6 months      6 months      Year ended 
                                           ended         ended 
                                              31/12/12      31/12/11      30/06/12 
                                  Notes            GBP           GBP           GBP 
Executive producer fees                        166,548             -             - 
Commissions & other income                      14,181        98,748        90,371 
Recoverable project costs                        57304        59,777       272,716 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
                                               238,033       158,525       363,087 
Cost of Sales 
 Recoverable expenses                         (57,304)      (59,777)     (272,716) 
Amortisation of film asset                           -             -             - 
Gross profit                                   180,729        98,748        90,371 
 Staff costs                                 (195,736)     (160,908)     (484,202) 
Depreciation                                   (6,253)       (3,462)       (7,503) 
Other external charges                       (629,510)     (304,330)     (725,415) 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Operating loss                               (650,770)     (369,952)   (1,126,749) 
Finance costs                                    (726)             -       (3,217) 
Income from investments                              -            10            21 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Loss before tax                              (651,496)     (369,942)   (1,129,945) 
Income tax expense                                   -             -             - 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Profit/(Loss) for the year from 
 continuing operations                       (651,496)     (369,942)   (1,129,945) 
Earnings per share 
Basic                                     (0.44 pence)  (0.29 pence)  (0.85 pence) 
Diluted                                   (0.44 pence)  (0.29 pence)  (0.85 pence) 



                                               6 months   6 months       Year 
                                                  ended      ended      ended 
                                               31/12/12   31/12/11   30/06/12 
                                       Note         GBP        GBP        GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash from (used in) operating 
 activities                                   (486,803)  (402,653)  (976,834) 
Interest paid                                     (726)          -    (3,217) 
Net cash (used in) operating 
 activities                                   (487,803)  (402,653)  (980,051) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of property, plant 
 and equipment                                 (19,060)      (401)    (2,317) 
Purchase of film assets                               -          -          - 
Investment in associated companies                    -          -          - 
Interest received                                     -         10         21 
Net cash from (used in) investing 
 activities                                    (19,060)      (391)    (2,296) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of new ordinary shares                          -    578,400  1,487,365 
Net proceeds on financing of                          -          -          - 
 film asset revenues 
Repayment of loan                                     -          -          - 
Issue of new loans                                    -          -          - 
Net cash from financing activities                    -    578,400  1,487,365 
Net increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                  (506,589)  (175,356)    505,018 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of period                            515,245     10,227     10,227 
Foreign exchange difference                           -          -          - 
 on consolidation 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 end of period                                    8,656    185,583    515,245 
Bank balances and cash                            8,656    185,583    515,245 


1. Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies are as set out in the June 2012 annual report.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and with those parts of the Companies Act, 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial reports have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates.

2. Status of financial information

The interim results for the 6 months ended 31 December 2012 and the 6 months ended 31 December 2011 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 428, Companies Act 2006. The figures for the year ended 30 June 2012 have been extracted from the audited annual accounts.

3. Earnings per share

   Earnings                               6 months     6 months 
                                             ended        ended    Year ended 
                                          31/12/12     31/12/11      30/06/12 
                                               GBP          GBP           GBP 
   Earnings for the purpose of 
    basic earnings per share (net 
    loss for the year)                   (651,496)    (369,942)   (1,129,945) 
   Earnings for the purpose of 
    diluted earnings per share           (651,496)    (369,942)   (1,129,945) 
   Number of shares                       6 months     6 months 
                                             ended        ended    Year ended 
                                          31/12/12     31/12/11      30/06/12 
   Weighted average number of 
    ordinary shares for the purposes 
    of basic earnings per share        146,715,000  126,715,000   132,003,534 
   Weighted average number of 
    ordinary shares for the purposes 
    of diluted earnings per share      146,715,000  126,715,000   132,003,534 

4. Share capital

                                      6 months   6 months 
                                         ended      ended    Year ended 
                                      31/12/12   31/12/11      30/06/12 
                                           GBP        GBP           GBP 
   Ordinary shares of GBP0.001 
    each                               200,000    200,000       200,000 
   Issued and fully paid: 
   Ordinary shares of GBP0.001 
    each                               146,715    126,715       146,715 
   Reported at beginning of period     146,715    117,075       117,075 
   Reported at period end              146,715    126,715       146,715 

5. Note to the cash flow statement

                                       6 months   6 months 
                                          ended      ended   Year ended 
                                       31/12/12   31/12/11     30/06/12 
                                            GBP        GBP          GBP 
   Loss for the year                  (651,496)  (369,942)  (1,129,945) 
   Adjustment for: 
    - Finance credits                       726       (10)        3,196 
    - Depreciation                        6,253      3,462        7,503 
    - Amortisation                            -          -            - 
    - Movements in foreign exchange 
     reserve                             35,493     48,803       34,451 
    - Other operating income                  -          -            - 
   Changes in working capital: 
   - Charge for share options 
    issued during the year                    -          -      167,062 
   - Increase in trade and other 
    receivables                          77,031   (14,608)     (31,535) 
   - Increase in trade and other 
    payables                             45,190   (70,358)     (27,566) 
   Cash from (used in) operations     (486,803)  (402,653)    (976,834) 

6. Financial assets

                                        6 months   6 months 
                                           ended      ended  Year ended 
                                        31/12/12   31/12/11    30/06/12 
                                             GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Available-for-sale financial 
   Beginning of the period                   100        100         100 
   Additions / (Disposals)                     -          -           - 
   Amortisation                                -          -           - 
   Movements due to foreign exchange           -          -           - 
   End of year                               100        100         100 

Available-for-sale financial assets include the following:

                                       6 months   6 months 
                                          ended      ended  Year ended 
                                       31/12/12   31/12/11    30/06/12 
                                            GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Unlisted securities: 
   Investment in Audley Films 
    Ltd                                     100        100         100 
   Investment in film library                 -          -           - 
   Investment in Radical Publishing           -          -           - 
                                            100        100         100 

Available-for-sale financial assets are denominated in the following currencies:

                           6 months   6 months 
                              ended      ended  Year ended 
                           31/12/12   31/12/11    30/06/12 
                                GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Pound                        100        100         100 
   United States Dollar           -          -           - 
                                100        100         100 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



Intandem Films (LSE:IFM)
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부터 12월(12) 2024 으로 1월(1) 2025 Intandem Films 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Intandem Films (LSE:IFM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 1월(1) 2024 으로 1월(1) 2025 Intandem Films 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.