RNS Number : 1016T

Henderson Global Trust PLC

23 March 2016



23 March 2016

Henderson Global Trust plc

Recommended Proposals for the Reconstruction and Winding-up proposals of Henderson Global Trust plc

On 1 February 2016, the board of directors (the "Board") of Henderson Global Trust plc (the "Company") announced that, following a strategic review, it had agreed, in principle, terms of a combination with Henderson International Income Trust plc ("HINT"), a global income investment trust, and in order to cater for those Shareholders who wish to retain exposure to a global growth strategy, the Company had also agreed, in principle, with the board of directors of The Bankers Investment Trust PLC ("BNKR") that BNKR would act as an alternative rollover option for Ordinary Shareholders (the "Proposals").

The Company is today sending a circular to Shareholders in connection with the Proposals (the "Circular").

The Proposals

The Board are putting forward proposals to Shareholders for the reconstruction and voluntary winding-up of the Company which will enable Ordinary Shareholders to roll over their investment into HINT and/or BNKR. Ordinary Shareholders may elect for a mixture of these options to suit their personal requirements. Ordinary Shareholders that make no Election will receive HINT Ordinary Shares.

Under the Proposals, the Company will be wound up on 22 April 2016 by means of a members' voluntary liquidation and its net assets transferred to HINT and BNKR, which will act as the successor vehicles to the Company. In this way, it is envisaged that UK resident Ordinary Shareholders will be given a tax-efficient rollover of their entitlements. Ordinary Shareholders will receive HINT Ordinary Shares and/or BNKR Ordinary Shares and HINT and BNKR will acquire the respective net assets of the Company.

In order to implement the Scheme, the undertaking, cash and other assets of the Company will be divided into three funds: the Liquidation Fund, the HINT Rollover Fund and the BNKR Rollover Fund. Following an allocation to the Liquidation Fund, the division of the remaining undertakings, cash and other assets will be made on the basis of the value attributable to Elections for the HINT Option and the value attributable to Elections for the BNKR Option as a proportion of the total value attributable to Elections.

The number of HINT Ordinary Shares and/or BNKR Ordinary Shares to be issued will be calculated by reference to the net asset value of the HINT Ordinary Shares as at 22 April 2016 and the net asset value of the BNKR Ordinary Shares as at 22 April 2016 plus a one per cent. premium.

Holders of the Preference Stock will receive their entitlements in cash under the winding-up of the Company.

Benefits of the Proposals

The Directors consider that the Proposals should have the following benefits for Ordinary Shareholders and holders of Preference Stock as compared to their current position, or under a liquidation:

(i) they enable Ordinary Shareholders to roll over their investments into HINT, a global income investment trust, with a consistent track record of delivering dividend growth which may be attractive to Ordinary Shareholders in the current market environment;

(ii) they enable Ordinary Shareholders to roll over their investments into BNKR a global growth investment trust with a strong long-term track record;

(iii) Shareholders will not suffer the full dealing costs that would be incurred on the realisation of the Company's portfolio in the event of a simple winding-up;

(iv) Ordinary Shareholders who may be subject to UK capital gains tax or corporation tax on chargeable gains should be able to roll over their investment into HINT and/or BNKR and thereby continue to receive investment returns without triggering an immediate liability to UK capital gains tax or corporation tax;

(v) the use of rollover vehicle(s) will enable Ordinary Shareholders to avoid dealing and other costs associated with a purchase of HINT Ordinary Shares and/or BNKR Ordinary Shares in the secondary market; and

(vi) they provide holders of the Preference Stock the ability to realise at par their investment in an illiquid stock with no fixed redemption date that has typically traded at a material discount to par.

Special Dividend

On 24 February 2016, the Company announced its fourth interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2016 which will be paid on 1 April 2016 to Ordinary Shareholders on the register on 4 March 2016. In relation to the period from 1 February 2016 to the Winding-up Date, the Directors have declared a special dividend of 2.5 pence per Ordinary Share, in order to ensure the Company meets the distributions requirements to maintain investment trust status. The special dividend will be paid on 19 April 2016 to Ordinary Shareholders who are on the Register as at 6.00 p.m. on 8 April 2016. The ex-dividend date is 7 April 2016.

It is not anticipated that there will be further dividends paid in relation to the year ending 31 January 2017 or for the period up to the liquidation of the Company.

Henderson International Income Trust plc

HINT is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales on 2 March 2011 with an investment objective of providing a high and rising level of dividends as well as capital appreciation over the long-term from a focused and internationally diversified portfolio of securities outside the UK.

In connection with the Proposals, HINT has agreed that in the event that HINT Ordinary Shares trade in excess of a 5 per cent. discount, on average, to the cum-income net asset value per HINT Ordinary Share over the 90 days from the Effective Date, it will, subject to obtaining any necessary shareholder approvals, seek to implement a limited buy back tender offer to all shareholders then in HINT for up to 20 per cent. of the number of HINT Ordinary Shares issued under the Proposals (i.e. those new shares in HINT issued pursuant to the Scheme). Any such tender offer will be at the net asset value per share of the HINT Ordinary Shares, adjusted to take into account the costs associated with implementing the tender offer, at the relevant time.

Furthermore, HINT has agreed with Henderson that conditional on the Proposals being implemented, the base management fee charged to HINT will be reduced from 0.75 per cent. of HINT's net asset value per annum to 0.65 per cent. of HINT's net asset value per annum from the Effective Date and will be reduced further to a rate of 0.60 per cent. of HINT's net asset value per annum in respect of those assets above GBP250 million.

Further details on HINT are set out in the Circular and the HINT Prospectus to be sent to Shareholders.

Appointment of Richard Hills and Aidan Lisser to the HINT Board

It is proposed that, subject to the Scheme being approved, Richard Hills and Aidan Lisser be appointed as a non-executive directors of HINT with effect from the Effective Date.

The Bankers Investment Trust PLC

BNKR is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales on 13 April 1888 with investment objectives of achieving long term asset growth in excess of the FTSE All-Share Index and regular dividend growth in excess of the increase in the Retail Prices Index.

Further details on BNKR are set out in the Circular and the BNKR Prospectus to be sent to Shareholders.

Conditions to the Scheme

The Scheme is conditional, among other things, upon:

(i) the passing of all Resolutions to be proposed at (a) the Ordinary Shareholders' Class Meeting and the First General Meeting and (b) the Second General Meeting (or at any adjournments thereof) and upon any conditions of such Resolutions being fulfilled;

   (ii)          the passing of the HINT Resolution; 
   (iii)          the passing of the BNKR Resolution; 

(iv) the admission of the HINT Ordinary Shares and the BNKR Ordinary Shares to be issued to Ordinary Shareholders pursuant to the Scheme to listing on the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange;

    (v)         the Directors resolving to proceed with the Scheme. 

In the event that condition (i)(a), (ii), (iii) or (iv) fails to be satisfied, the Second GM will be adjourned indefinitely and the Scheme will lapse.

Overseas Shareholders

The terms of the Proposals, as they relate to Restricted Shareholders, may be affected by laws of the relevant jurisdiction. Restricted Shareholders should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable legal requirements. Restricted Shareholders will not receive a Form of Election, the HINT Prospectus or the BNKR Prospectus.

It is the responsibility of Restricted Shareholders to satisfy themselves as to the full observance of the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in connection with the Proposals, including the obtaining of any governmental or other consents which may be required, compliance with necessary formalities and the payment of any issue, transfer or other taxes due to such jurisdiction.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 23, 2016 12:40 ET (16:40 GMT)

Any HINT Ordinary Shares or BNKR Ordinary Shares allotted to the Liquidators and which would otherwise be issued to a Restricted Shareholder pursuant to the Scheme will instead be issued to the Liquidators as nominees on behalf of such Restricted Shareholder who will arrange for such shares to be sold promptly by a market maker at the best price obtainable, in circumstances in which the Liquidators, HINT and/or BNKR acting reasonably consider that any such issue of HINT Ordinary Shares and/or BNKR Ordinary Shares to those Shareholders would or may involve a breach of the securities laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, or if the Liquidators, HINT and/or BNKR reasonably believe that the same may violate any applicable legal or regulatory requirements or may require HINT and/or BNKR to become subject to additional regulatory requirements (to which it would not be subject but for such issue) and the Liquidators, HINT and/or BNKR, as the case may be, have not been provided with evidence reasonably satisfactory to them that the relevant Restricted Shareholders are permitted to hold HINT Ordinary Shares and/or BNKR Ordinary Shares under any relevant securities laws or regulations of such overseas jurisdictions (or that HINT or BNKR would not be subject to any additional regulatory requirements to which it would not be subject but for such issue). The proceeds of such sales will be paid to relevant Restricted Shareholders entitled to them within 10 Business Days of the date of sale, save that entitlements of less than GBP5.00 per Restricted Shareholder will be retained by HINT for its own account.

Shareholder Meetings

The implementation of the Proposals will require a separate class meeting of Ordinary Shareholders and two General Meetings of the Company which have been convened for 2.00 p.m. on 15 April 2016 (the Ordinary Shareholders' Class Meeting), 2.15 p.m. on 15 April 2016 (the First General Meeting) and 2.30 p.m. on 22 April 2016 (the Second General Meeting). The notices convening these meetings are set out at the end of the Circular. The meetings will be held at 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE.

Expected Timetable

Ex-dividend date for special dividend to Ordinary Shareholders                                                 7 April 
Record date for special dividend to Ordinary Shareholders                                                      8 April 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy from Ordinary Shareholders for the            2.00 p.m. on 13 April 
Shareholders' Class Meeting 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy from Shareholders for First GM                2.15 p.m. on 13 April 
Latest time and date for receipt of the Forms of Election and/or TTE Instructions from           1.00 p.m. on 14 April 
Record Date for entitlement to the Scheme                                                        5.00 p.m. on 14 April 
 Ordinary Shareholders' Class Meeting                                                            2.00 p.m. on 15 April 
First GM                                                                                    2.15 p.m. on 15 April 2016 
Ordinary Shares disabled in CREST                                                                7.00 a.m. on 19 April 
Payment of special dividend                                                                                   19 April 
Reclassification of the Ordinary Shares                                                          8.00 a.m. on 20 April 
Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy from Shareholders for Second GM                        2.30 p.m. on 20 April 
Calculation Date                                                                         Close of business on 20 April 
Suspension of listing of Reclassified Shares and Company's Register closes                       7.30 a.m. on 21 April 
Second GM                                                                                   2.30 p.m. on 22 April 2016 
Effective Date and Transfer Agreements executed and implemented                                               25 April 
CREST accounts credited with new HINT Ordinary Shares and/or new BNKR Ordinary Shares                         26 April 
Cancellation of listing of Reclassified Shares                                                             by 29 April 
Certificates despatched in respect of new HINT Ordinary Shares and/or new BNKR Ordinary                      w/c 2 May 
on or as soon as practicable after 
Crest accounts credited/cheques despatched to holders of Preference Stock                                    w/c 2 May 

The times and dates set out in the expected timetable of events above and mentioned throughout this announcement may be adjusted by the Company, in which event details of the new times and dates will be notified, as requested, to the UK Listing Authority, the London Stock Exchange and, where appropriate, Shareholders.

All references to time in this announcement are to UK time.

This announcement does not contain all the information which is contained in the Circular and Shareholders should read the Circular and the HINT and BNKR Prospectuses to make an informed Election under the Proposals.

Defined terms used in this announcement have the meanings given in the Circular unless the context otherwise requires.


 Henderson Global Trust plc          +44 (0)7710 484 
  Richard Hills, Chairman             704 
 Henderson Global Investors 
  James de Sausmarez, 
  Director and Head of Investment    +44 (0)20 7818 
  Trusts                              3349 
 Winterflood Investment Trusts 
  Joe Winkley                        +44 (0)20 3100 
  Neil Langford                       0000 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 23, 2016 12:40 ET (16:40 GMT)

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