RNS No 8083r
29 March 1999

                            Interim Report 1998/9                            


  Half  year  profit  on  ordinary  activities  before  taxation  of  #745,000
  compared with #404,000 for the corresponding period of last year.

  Net assets per share rose from #1.29 to #1.38, an increase of 7% since      
  30 June 1998.

  Annual dividend to be proposed of 3p per ordinary share.                    
Chairman's Statement

It  is with pleasure that I am able to report that for the six months ended 31
December 1998 a profit on ordinary activities before taxation of #745,000  was
achieved.   This  represented an increase of 84% over the profit  of  #404,000
recorded  for the corresponding period of last year.  There was no charge  for
taxation  due to the availability of tax losses and allowances.  Consequently,
profit  for the financial period amounted to #745,000 and earnings  per  share
were  8.3p compared with 4.3p last time.  Net assets per share rose by  7%  to
#1.38 per share.

Prior  to  exceptional items the improvement was even more marked.  Profit  on
ordinary  activities  before  exceptional  items  and  taxation  amounted   to
#1,143,000  compared  with  #259,000 last  year.   An  exceptional  charge  of
#398,000  was made in respect of the executive directors' triennial bonus
scheme, which becomes payable in the year 2000.  

The  Board's  strategy is to maintain a portfolio of  high  yielding
property producing recurring income whilst investing the balance of the
group's financial  resources  in property that provides the potential for
significant profits.  For the half  year, recurring income covered all but a
small proportion of the group's cost  base excluding the exceptional charge,
and property disposals contributed a  profit of #1,259,000.  The majority of
this profit arose on the disposal of a  retail  warehouse at Shirley Road,

The refurbishment of Premier House, Woking has now begun and is expected to be
completed by the late Autumn of this year.  Tenant demand is strong and rental
expectations  are rising.   The prospects  for  this  property continue to be
good  with  considerable  profit potential and containable risk.  Following
the completion of the comprehensive refurbishment of 26 Grosvenor Gardens,
London, SW1, the property was let to a single  tenant  at a rent of #180,000
per annum and has now been sold  subject to contract.  A decision was taken
not to refurbish the adjoining mews property, which  has  also been sold
subject to contract.  The disposal of the  property together with the mews is
expected to show a significant profit in the  second half of the year.

Other  activity of note included the acquisition for #1,060,000  of  11  &  12
Bunting  Close,  comprising  industrial units totalling  31,139  square  feet.
Subsequently,  half  of  the  property was sold for  #845,000  to  produce  an
attractive  profit  in  the  second half.  The  Albion  Complex,  Glasgow  was
recently acquired for #1,812,500.  The property is an industrial  complex
comprising  119,381 square feet and is let to a variety of  tenants  at  rents
totalling #237,396 to produce an initial yield of 12.4%.  There is one  vacant
unit  with an estimated rental value of #30,000, which when let will push  the
yield up to 14.1%.  The consideration was satisfied by #1,012,500 in cash  and
the  balance of #800,000 by a Redeemable Unsecured Convertible 6.5% Loan  Note
2004.   The  loan note is convertible into ordinary shares at #1.45 per  share
during  the first three years and for the final two years at the market  price
of the company's shares.

Other  steps taken to re-focus the company's portfolio include  the  recent
disposals  of  the Bell Centre for #1,960,000 to show a modest profit  in  the
second  half  and  the  sale  of the Redlands Centre  at  its  book  value  of
#2,050,000.  These disposals will provide additional resources for  investment
in higher yielding property.  Planning consent was not received at St George's
Court  for  the  proposed extension to the premises  and  use  as  a  Bar  Med
restaurant.  After receiving planning consent for Middleton Towers  to  be
used  as  a  short  term  prison, HM Prison Service have  indicated  that  the
facility  will  not  be required.  Alternative uses for  the  site  are  under

Agreement has been concluded with Bank of Scotland in relation to an  increase
in  the company's revolving credit facility limit to #20 million together with
an  increase in overdraft facilities to #2.5 million.  The pricing and certain
other  terms of these facilities have been favourably adjusted to reflect  the
continuing  strengthening of the group's financial position.  As a consequence
of  the  increased facilities, the company has substantial undrawn  facilities
available for investment in suitable projects.

A  circular  was  issued on 2 March 1999 to the holders of the 6%  Convertible
Redeemable  Unsecured Loan Stock notifying them of the company's intention  to
redeem  the  stock  on  30 April 1999.  The amount outstanding  of  #2,425,000
nominal will be redeemed out of existing bank facilities.  Further repurchases
of the company's ordinary shares have been made with a total of 305,000 shares
repurchased  since  1  July  1998 at an average  price  of  82p.   This  price
represents a substantial discount to the current net asset value per share  of

As  noted in my last report it is the Board's intention to pay a dividend when
it  is prudent to do so and, in particular, not until the remaining #2,425,000
of  the 6% Convertible Redeemable Unsecured Loan Stock has been redeemed.   As
that  loan stock will have been repaid by the year end and in light  of  these
good  interim results and the positive outlook for the year, the Board intends
to  pursue a progressive dividend policy commencing with an annual dividend
for the current year of 3p per ordinary share.

Ronald G Hooker CBE FEng
Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 31 December 1998

                           Six months   Six months        Year
                                ended        ended       ended
                          31 December  31 December     30 June
                                 1998         1997        1998
                         Note    #000         #000        #000                
Turnover                    2   2,107        2,882      11,348
Cost of sales                    (440)        (374)     (6,119)
Gross profit                    1,667        2,508       5,229
Administrative expenses     3  (1,039)        (646)     (1,363)
Operating profit                  628        1,862       3,866
Profit on disposal of         
investment properties           1,259            -         873
Profit on ordinary activities   
before interest                 1,887        1,862       4,739
Net interest payable           (1,142)      (1,603)     (3,101)
Gain arising on repurchase of                                 
6% convertible redeemable       
unsecured loan stock                -          145         165
Profit on ordinary activities    
before taxation                   745          404       1,803
Tax on profit on                 
ordinary activities                 -            -           -
Profit for the                  
financial period                 #745         #404      #1,803
Earnings per share          4    8.3p          4.3p       19.5p
Diluted earnings      
per share                   4    7.5p          4.2p       17.9p
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 December 1998                                                  
                         31 December   31 December     30 June
                                1998          1997        1998
                       Notes    #000          #000        #000                
Fixed assets                                                  
Investment properties      5  27,457        32,459      27,733
Other tangible fixed assets       47            74          47
                              27,504        32,533      27,780                
Current assets                                        
Property stocks               10,407        11,722      10,339
Debtors                    6   3,816         1,846       1,884
Cash at bank                     215           390         892

                              14,438        13,958      13,115                
Creditors: amounts                                    
falling due within
one year including         
convertible debt           7  (6,622)       (4,957)     (6,408)
Net current assets             7,816         9,001       6,707
Total assets less             
current liabilities           35,320        41,534      34,487
Creditors: amounts                                    
falling due after more
than one year including                                   
convertible debt           8 (22,793)      (31,514)    (22,479)
Provisions for                  
liabilities and charges         (219)         (153)       (219)
Net assets                   #12,308        #9,867     #11,789
Capital and reserves                                  
Called up share capital          889           916         916
Share premium account          2,541         2,541       2,541
Capital redemption reserve        51            24          24
Revaluation reserve            1,478         1,420       1,181
Special reserve                1,386         1,386       1,386
Other reserve                  1,562         1,046       1,562
Profit and loss account        4,401         2,534       4,179
Total equity                 
shareholders' funds          #12,308        #9,867     #11,789
Net asset value per share      #1.38         #1.08       #1.29                
Unaudited Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the six months ended 31 December 1998                                     
                          Six months    Six months        Year
                               ended         ended       ended
                         31 December   31 December     30 June   
                                1998          1997        1998
                                #000          #000        #000                
Profit for the                   
financial period                 745           404       1,803
Unrealised surplus on             
revaluation of properties          -             -           7
Total recognised gains and      
losses for the period           #745          #404      #1,810

Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 31 December 1998

                          Six months    Six months        Year
                               ended         ended       ended
                         31 December   31 December     30 June
                                1998          1997        1998
                                #000          #000        #000                
Total recognised gains and       
losses for the period            745           404       1,810
Issue of new ordinary shares       -             1           1                
Repurchase of ordinary shares   (226)         (189)       (189)
Negative goodwill on acquisition   -             -         516
Net addition to                  
shareholders' funds              519           216       2,138
Opening total equity          
shareholders' funds           11,789         9,651       9,651
Closing total equity         
shareholders' funds          #12,308        #9,867     #11,789
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 December 1998
                          Six months    Six months        Year      
                               ended         ended       ended
                         31 December   31 December     30 June
                                1998          1997        1998  
                                #000          #000        #000
Operating activities                                 
Operating profit                 628         1,862       3,866
Depreciation                      11            16          34
Profit on disposal of plant,      
vehicles and equipment            (2)            -          (2)
(Increase) decrease in           
property stocks                  (68)           55       1,968
(Increase) decrease in        
debtors                       (2,218)        1,467       1,585
Increase in creditors            755           180         326
Net cash (outflow) inflow                            
from operating activities       (894)        3,580       7,777
Net cash outflow from returns                        
on investments                
and servicing of finance      (1,105)       (1,635)     (3,166)
Taxation refund                  274             -           -
Net cash inflow (outflow)                            
from capital expenditure and   
financial investment           1,526          (560)      6,896
Net cash outflow from          
acquisitions and disposals         -             -          (8)
Net cash (outflow) inflow       
before financing                (199)        1,385      11,499
Net cash outflow from           
financing                       (478)       (1,350)    (10,962)
(Decrease) increase in cash    #(677)          #35        #537
Reconciliation of net cash flow                               
to movement in net debt
(Decrease) increase in cash     (677)           35         537
Cash outflow from                
reduction in debt                252         1,162      10,774
Change in net debt resulting    
from cash flows                 (425)        1,197      11,311
Loans acquired with a           
subsidiary                         -             -      (5,672)
Loans disposed of with             
a subsidiary                       -             -       3,732
Other non-cash changes            (4)          145         285
Movement in net debt during     
the period                      (429)        1,342       9,656
Net debt at the beginning of 
the period                   (24,479)      (34,135)    (34,135)               

Net debt at the end of the   
period                       (24,908)      (32,793)    (24,479)               
Notes to the Unaudited Interim Accounts
for the six months ended 31 December 1998

1.  Accounting policies
 The  accounting  policies  used in the  preparation  of  this
 interim  report are the same as those used in the preparation
 of the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 1998.
2.  Turnover                                          
                           Six months    Six months       Year 
                                ended         ended      ended
                          31 December   31 December    30 June 
                                 1998          1997       1998 
                                 #000          #000       #000
Rental income                   1,782         2,366      4,613
Property trading                  212           103      6,048
Other income                      113           413        687
Total                           2,107         2,882     11,348
3.  Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses include exceptional costs of #398,000 in relation to
the executive directors' triennial bonus scheme which becomes payable in the
year 2000.  At 31 December 1998 a further one and a half years remained to run
under the scheme.  No charge was made during the first year of the scheme as
no bonus was expected to become payable and so the charge for the current year
will be in respect of the first two years of the scheme. The amount charged to
the profit and loss account for the half year is equal to half of the amount
expected to be charged for the current year. 

4.  Earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

Earnings  per share is based on the profit for the  financial period  of
#745,000 (1997/8 interim: #404,000; 1997/8  final: #1,803,000)  divided  by 
the  weighted  average  number of ordinary  shares  in  issue during the
period of 8,961,933 (1997/8 interim: 9,355,087; 1997/8 final: 9,259,465).
Diluted earnings per share has been calculated by adjusting the profit for the
financial period and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
for the effects of the potential exercise of ordinary shares under option, the
executive directors' triennial bonus scheme and conversion rights attaching to
convertible debt.
5.  Investment properties
                                      Long        Short           
                     Freehold    leasehold    leasehold      Total
                         #000         #000         #000       #000
Cost or valuation:
At 1 July 1998         25,431        1,490          812     27,733
Additions               1,444            -          130      1,574
Disposals              (1,850)           -            -     (1,850)
At 31 December 1998    25,025        1,490          942     27,457
Net book value at 31 December 1998 comprises:
Historical net                                                                
book value             23,337        1,700          942     25,979
Unrealised valuation                                     
surpluses (deficits)    1,688         (210)           -      1,478
                       25,025        1,490          942     27,457
6.  Debtors                                            
                               31 December  31 December    30 June
                                      1998         1997       1998
                                      #000         #000       #000
Trade debtors                        3,604        1,367      1,396
Prepayments and accrued income         212          271        202
Corporation tax                          -          208        286
                                     3,816        1,846      1,884
7.  Creditors: amounts falling due within one year including
convertible debt
                               31 December  31 December    30 June
                                      1998         1997       1998
                                      #000         #000       #000
Bank and other loans (secured)         222        1,409        213
6% Convertible redeemable            
unsecured loan stock                 2,423            -      2,419
Convertible loan stock 2000             83           83         83
Convertible redeemable                 
unsecured loan note                      -          177        177
Trade creditors                      2,079        1,059      1,329
Rent in advance                        854        1,041        836
Social security and other taxes        325          539        702
Accruals and deferred income           636          649        649
                                     6,622        4,957      6,408
8.  Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
including convertible debt
                               31 December  31 December    30 June
                                      1998         1997       1998
                                      #000         #000       #000            
Repayable between one and two years:                         
Bank and other loans (secured)         231          830        221
6% Convertible redeemable              
unsecured loan stock                     -        2,489          -
Accruals and deferred income           398            -          -
Repayable between two and five years:                                    
Bank and other loans (secured)       5,766        8,720      6,781
Repayable after five years:                                   
Bank and other loans (secured)      16,398       19,475     15,477
                                    22,793       31,514     22,479
The financial information contained in this Interim Report does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985
and  has  been neither audited nor reviewed.  The statutory accounts  for  the
year ended 30 June 1998 have been reported on by the auditors and delivered to
the  Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

A  copy of this report has been sent to the holders of ordinary shares and  6%
convertible redeemable unsecured loan stock and, for information only, to  the
holders  of options under the share option scheme.  Members of the public  may
obtain a copy from the company's registered office, 199 Piccadilly, London W1V
Enquiries: Tom King, Creston plc
           Carl Fry, Creston plc
           Tel: 0171 823 6766                                         
           Fax: 0171 629 0005                                                 



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