RNS No 4829r
19th October 1998


I  am  pleased  to report that the group has enjoyed another successful  year.
Net  asset  value per share, which the board regards as the principal  measure
of financial performance, increased by 25% from 10.27 pence to 12.87 pence.

Profit  before  taxation on ordinary activities amounted  to  #1,803,000,   an
increase of 9% compared with the previous year.  There was again no charge for
taxation   owing   to   the  availability  of  tax  losses   and   allowances.
Consequently,  profit  for  the  financial year  amounted  to  #1,803,000  and
earnings  per  share were 1.95 pence compared with 1.8 pence for the  previous

In  light  of these good results, particular consideration has been  given  to
whether  a  dividend should be proposed. The board decided that  it  would  be
prudent  not to pay dividends until the remaining #2,425,000 of the  company's
6%  convertible redeemable unsecured loan stock has been redeemed  early  next
year.  The board's intent is to return to the dividend list, but only when  it
is prudent and in the company's best interests to do so.

During  the year the board's strategy has remained unchanged.  The  group  has
maintained  a  portfolio  of  high  yielding  property  intended  to   produce
sufficient  net rental and other income to fund overheads and  interest.   The
balance  of its financial resources have been used for other investments  that
provide  potential for significant dealing profits. By this process the  group
has assembled projects that provide the basis for sustaining meaningful growth
in profits and in net asset value per share. The progress on these projects is
described in the Operating Review.

The  group's  financial  base has strengthened during the  year.  Gearing  has
fallen  to  208%  from  354% and the overall cost  of  bank  and  other  debt,
excluding convertible securities, has fallen from 9.95% to 9.57%. Much of  the
group's  debt  continues to comprise medium term facilities, mainly  at  fixed
rates, which provide a measure of stability to the group's base cash flow.

Of concern to the board over recent months has been the high discount to net
asset value per share at which the company's shares have traded.  In response,
advantage has  been  taken  of two opportunities to  repurchase  a  total  of
4,724,809 ordinary shares through the market at an average price of 8.22 pence
per share, representing a discount of 36% compared with net assets per share
at  the year end of 12.87 pence. Such purchases are regulated by the company's
articles  of  association and, in the interests of the remaining shareholders,
it  is the board's intention, should suitable opportunities arise, to  make 
further market purchases whilst a significant discount to net asset value per
share remains.

The  board  is  also concerned by the poor liquidity in the company's  shares,
which affects most small capitalisation stocks.  With the aim of encouraging a
more  active  market  with  a reduced dealing spread,  a  one  for  ten  share
consolidation  is  proposed.  A circular will be sent to  shareholders  on  27
October  1998  setting  out further information.  A resolution  will  also  be
proposed  at the annual general meeting to change the name of the  company  to
Creston plc, the name by which the company is most commonly known.

Looking  ahead  to  the  current  year, the board  remains  confident  of  the
company's  prospects  despite the poor outlook for the UK  economy.   Property
values are likely to be pulled in opposite directions, but the negative effect
of  reduced tenant demand and the absence of rental growth should be offset by
the  impact of progressively lower short and medium term interest rates.   The
basis  for  the  board's  confidence, however,  stems  from  current  projects
underway  that provide the basis for sustained growth in profits  and  in  net
asset value per share.

I  would  like to record the board's appreciation for the considerable efforts
of all employees,  particularly those based in the London office where working
conditions for part of the year were far from perfect.



During  the  year activity continued at a high level and with  growth  in  net
asset  value  per  share  of  25%  the  financial  results  were  good.   This
performance  underlines  the strength of the group's strategy  over  the  last
three  years, which is set out in the Chairman's Statement.  One of  the  main
reasons  for  our  success is that we have focused on  projects  that  provide
profit  opportunities across all sectors of the property  market  rather  than
limiting ourselves to a market niche where competition for investments may  be
intense and reduce the potential returns.

Market  conditions  during the year were more in favour of property  disposals
rather   than   purchases.   During  the  year  property  disposals   totalled
#18,726,000   whereas   property  acquisitions  totalled   #10,545,000.    The
favourable  conditions allowed us to realise assets at attractive prices  that
possessed little further potential for above average growth and enabled us  to
re-shape our portfolio away from property that could be vulnerable in a poorer
market.   The  resulting net release of funds has primarily  been  applied  in
reducing gearing, although this now provides the scope to raise fresh funds as
and when new opportunities arise.

Following  a  lengthy  delay,  the disposal  of  Dougalston  Golf  Course  was
completed  and  provided  an important contribution to  the  group's  results.
Approximately 80 acres of land were retained from the sale at a book value  of
#200,000.   We  believe that about 30 acres of this land is suitable  for  low
density  residential development in the medium term with  the  possibility  of
substantial gain.

Several other properties were sold during the year, each of which produced  an
attractive trading profit.  These properties were Brighouse Court, Gloucester,
approximately  seven  acres  of land at Springhill,  Glasgow  and  Houndsmill,
Basingstoke. A further seven acres of land remain at Springhill, which may  be
sold  this year.  The Industrial Centre, Maidstone, was also sold as its value
could  unduly suffer in a poorer market.  A small amount of land was  retained
from this disposal that has potential for residential use.

Creska  Limited was acquired during the year for #1 in cash, whereas the  fair
value of its net assets on acquisition was greater by #516,000, leading  to  a
corresponding  increase  in  the group's net assets.   Following  acquisition,
three  of  Creska  Limited's portfolio of six properties  were  sold,  leaving
properties  in  Hammersmith, Durham and Mansfield that possess  potential  for
further  enhancement in value. In particular, Hammersmith, which  consists  of
20,400  square  feet of offices, should benefit from the significantly  higher
rents  being  achieved  in  the  area once the outstanding  rent  review  with
Hammersmith & Fulham London Borough Council, the property's major tenant,  has
been settled.  An option has been granted over Mansfield that would result  in
a useful profit should the option be exercised.

Excellent  progress has been achieved with the retail warehouse acquired  last
year at Shirley Road, Southampton. Following the reverse premium received last
year  on  the  lease  surrender by MFI, the premises have now  been  relet  to
produce  an  annual  rental income of #260,000. The upper  floor  was  let  to
Fitness  First  plc for a period of 25 years and the remainder let  after  the
year  end  on a 20 year lease to the Post Office.  The property, which  has  a
current  book  value  of  #1,800,000, should show a  considerable  surplus  on
disposal or revaluation in the current year.

The  leasehold  interest  in 26 Grosvenor Gardens, London  SW1  was  purchased
during  the  year.   The  property,  excluding  the  mews  cottage,  has  been
comprehensively  refurbished to a high specification to provide  approximately
6,000  square  feet  of  office space.  It is now being  marketed  for  either
letting or sale of the leasehold interest.  In light of the demand for  office
space  in  this  area,  rental  levels for the best  space  have  improved  to
approximately  #33 per square foot, leading to the prospect of  a  significant
enhancement in value.  An application has been submitted for change of use  of
the  mews  cottage from office to residential.  To take further  advantage  of
rental  growth in the area,  two further properties at 9/11 Grosvenor Gardens,
were  acquired and since the year end the mews building of 7 Grosvenor Gardens
was also purchased.  9/11 Grosvenor Gardens consists of 16,500 square feet  of
office space and two mews buildings.

Steps  are being taken to enhance the value of the ground floor units  at  St.
George's  Court, New Malden. Vacant possession of two of the three restaurants
has  been  obtained along with an option enabling us to require the tenant  of
the  third unit to surrender their lease.  A conditional agreement  for  a  35
year  lease has been exchanged with SFI plc subject to planning for a Bar  Med
restaurant.   Planning permission was initially declined, but  an  appeal  has
been made that has a good prospect of succeeding.  If consent is received, the
property, which also includes 13,500 square feet of offices let to Hays  on  a
long lease, would show an attractive enhancement in value.

A  decision  has  been  taken  to carry out a comprehensive  refurbishment  of
Premier  House, Woking to provide 32,000 square feet of offices alongside  the
existing  ground floor retail space currently let on a long lease  at  #80,000
per  annum.  This property will be refurbished at a cost in the region  of  #2
million  to  give a completed cost of about #3.6 million. With  strong  tenant
demand and current rental expectations of at least #16 per square foot for the
office  space,  this  investment provides considerable profit  potential  with
containable risk.

Following interest by HM Prison Service, a public inquiry was held to consider
the  use  of  Middleton  Towers  as a category  C  prison.   The  outcome  was
successful  with consent being granted for a short term facility.   HM  Prison
Service  are  currently considering their requirements,  which  should  become
clear over the next few months.

With  the rise in property values last year and the deteriorating outlook  for
the  UK  economy,  we  have acquired and will continue to acquire property
only on  a selective basis  where  above  average  potential  future value can
be demonstrated.  In light of the projects currently in hand we are, as
reported in  the  Chairman's  Statement, confident of the  group's  prospects 
for  the current year.

Managing Director


The  group's  principal  financial objective is to increase  consistently  net
asset  value  per  share  which rose by 25% last  year  following  substantial
increases  in  the  previous two years. The purpose of the  group's  financial
policies  is  to set a framework within which further growth can  be  achieved
with an acceptable level of risk.

As  noted in the Chairman's Statement, it is an important part of the  group's
strategy   to  maintain  a  portfolio  of  high  yielding  property  producing
sufficient net rental and other income to fund overheads and interest. Looking
ahead  it  continues to be a priority to build a recurring  surplus,  although
during  the  year progress towards this end was constrained by  a  significant
proportion of the group's time and resources being committed to projects  with
modest running yields, but high potential profitability.

Gearing  fell  considerably during the year, though mainly  in  the  last  few
months.   At  the  year  end net debt represented 208% of shareholders'  funds
compared with 354% at the end of the previous year.  This reduction was mainly
due  to  a  higher  level  of property disposals than  acquisitions,  although
increased shareholders' funds was also a factor. Whilst the fall in gearing is
welcome,  higher future levels of gearing would not be ruled out  so  long  as
above  average  financial returns can be achieved on the assets acquired  with
only modest risk.

Following  the refinancing in March 1997 of a large part of the  group's  debt
with Bank of Scotland under a #17 million revolving credit facility, the group
is  now  in  discussions  to increase the size of the facility  on  acceptable
pricing  terms.  The principal advantage of this facility is that  it  enables
the  group  to  react rapidly to acquisition opportunities by eliminating  the
need to negotiate new facilities for each transaction.

The  average  cost  of bank and other debt, excluding convertible  securities,
fell to 9.57% at the year end from 9.95% at the end of the previous year.  The
main  reason for this was the disposal of a subsidiary company with long  term
debt  of #3,731,835 at an average interest rate of 13.40%.  The group now  has
only  one long term facility that is at a high fixed interest rate, comprising
a  loan  of  #2,862,425 at a fixed interest rate of 13.13% repayable quarterly
over  the  period to 1 January 2011.  The balance sheet includes a substantial
provision to reduce the effective rate of this facility to bring it into  line
with  the  cost of the group's bank debt.  Looking ahead it is our  view  that
interest  rates, particularly those at the short end, are likely to fall  over
the  next  year and any new borrowings for the time being will be at  variable

The  company's  outstanding #2,425,000 of 6% convertible redeemable  unsecured
loan stock is due for redemption in March 1999.  During the year, #575,000 was
repurchased  leading  to a gain of #165,000.  A letter will  be  sent  to  the
holders  of  the  loan  stock early in 1999 notifying them  of  the  company's
proposals for redemption.

At  the  year end the group's investment property portfolio was valued by  the
directors.  As a result a small surplus of #7,000 arose.

Finance Director

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 30 June

                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Turnover                                             11,348   5,952
Existing activities                                  10,774   5,952
Acquisitions                                            574       -
Cost of sales                                       (6,119)   (587)
Gross profit                                          5,229   5,365
Existing activities                                   5,099   5,365
Acquisitions                                            130       -
Administrative expenses                             (1,363) (1,541)
Operating profit                                      3,866   3,824
Existing activities                                   3,733   3,824
Acquisitions                                            133       -
Profit on disposal of investment properties             873     424

Profit on ordinary activities before interest         4,739   4,248
Net interest payable                                (2,936) (2,591)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation         1,803   1,657
Existing activities                                   1,786   1,657
Acquisitions                                             17       -
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                      -       -
Profit for the financial year                        #1,803  #1,657
Earnings per share                                     1.9p    1.8p
Fully diluted earnings per share                       1.8p    1.6p
Dividends                                                 -       -
Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 June

                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Fixed assets                                                   
Investment properties                                27,733  29,257
Other tangible fixed assets                              47      88
                                                     27,780  29,345           
Current assets                                                 
Stocks                                               10,339  14,421           
Debtors                                               1,884   3,313
Cash at bank and in hand                                892     355
                                                     13,115  18,089
Creditors: amounts falling due within                       
one year including convertible debt                 (6,408) (4,178)
Net current assets                                    6,707  13,911
Total assets less current liabilities                34,487  43,256
Creditors: amounts falling due after more                      
than one year including convertible debt           (22,479)(33,452)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                (219)   (153)
Net assets                                          #11,789  #9,651
Capital and reserves                                           
Called up share capital                                 916     940
Share premium account                                 2,541   2,540
Revaluation reserve                                   1,181   1,420
Special reserve                                       1,386   1,386
Other reserve                                         1,562   1,046
Capital redemption reserve                               24       -
Profit and loss account                               4,179   2,319
Total equity shareholders' funds                    #11,789  #9,651
Net asset value per share                             12.9p   10.3p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 30 June

                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Profit for the financial year                         1,803   1,657
Transfer of deferred fees to the
revaluation reserve                                       -   1,000
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of
properties                                                7     210
Total recognised gains and losses for the year       #1,810  #2,867
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds                     
for the year ended 30 June                               
                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Total recognised gains and losses for the year        1,810   2,867
Issue of new ordinary shares                              1   1,832
Repurchase of ordinary shares                         (189)       -
Negative (positive) goodwill on acquisition             516   (293)

Net addition to shareholders' funds                   2,138   4,406
Opening total equity shareholders' funds              9,651   5,245
Closing total equity shareholders' funds            #11,789  #9,651
Historical Cost Profits and Losses                             
for the year ended 30 June                                     
                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Reported profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                       1,803   1,657
Realisation of property revaluation
surplus of previous years                               246      52
Difference between historical cost depreciation                       
charge and the depreciation charge for the year
based on the revalued amount                              -       2
Historical cost profit on ordinary          
activities before taxation                            2,049   1,711           
Historical cost profit for the year                  #2,049  #1,711

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 June
                                                       1998    1997
                                                       #000    #000
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities   7,777 (4,286)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                     
Interest received                                        55     103
Interest paid                                       (3,221) (3,918)
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                (3,166) (3,815)
Taxation                                                  -       -
Capital expenditure and financial investment                     
Purchase of property                                (1,070) (3,296)
Purchase of plant, vehicles and equipment              (23)    (45)
Sale of property                                      7,957   4,519
Sales of plant, vehicles and equipment                   32      16

Net cash inflow from capital expenditure                        
and financial investment                              6,896   1,194
Acquisitions and disposals                                     
Purchase of a subsidiary undertaking:                          
  Cash, including costs of acquisition                    - (1,159)
  Share issue expenses written off to other reserve       -    (80)
  Cash at bank acquired with subsidiary                  66   1,197
Cash balance forgone net of sale proceeds
on disposal of subsidiary                               (74)      -
Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals        (8)    (42)
Net cash inflow (outflow) before financing           11,499 (6,949)
Issue of share capital for cash consideration             1     301
Purchase of own shares                                (189)       -
New medium term loans                                     -  22,192
Repayment of bank loans                            (10,367)(16,373)
Repurchase of 6% convertible redeemable
unsecured loan stock                                  (407)       -
Net cash (outflow) inflow from financing           (10,962)   6,120
Increase (decrease) in cash                            #537  #(829)

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 1998 or 1997.  The
financial information for the year ended 30 June 1997 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 1998
will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the
directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

The announcement is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated
in the previous year's financial statements.  There have been no changes to
these accounting policies.

The audit report on the full financial statements has yet to be signed.  The
announcement was approved by the directors on 16 October 1998.



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