RNS No 1995b
30th March 1998

                        Creston Land & Estates plc
                          Interim Report 1997/8


Half  year  profit  on  ordinary  activities  before  taxation  of  #404,000
compared with #169,000 for the corresponding period of last year.

Net assets per share of 10.77 pence.

Rent roll of #4.2 million and portfolio value of #44.3 million at the  half
year end.

Good  progress  made on several important projects with  the  potential  for
significant future profits.

Following the half year end:

-Creska  Limited  acquired for #1, but with the  fair  value  of  its  net
 assets  in  excess  of  #500,000.  Of Creska Limited's  portfolio  of  six
 properties,  three  properties were disposed of shortly after  acquisition
 for a total of #3.425 million.

-Brighouse  Court, Gloucester sold for #4.65 million to produce  a  useful
 trading profit.

-9-11 Grosvenor Gardens acquired for #3.275 million.

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report that for the six months ended 31 December 1997 a profit
on  ordinary activities before taxation of #404,000 was achieved compared with
#169,000  for the corresponding period of last year.  There was no charge  for
taxation  due to the availability of tax losses and allowances.  Earnings  per
share  amounted to 0.43 pence compared with 0.19 pence last time.  Net  assets
per share rose to 10.77 pence.

The  half  year has been a period of considerable activity with good  progress
being made on several important projects.  The benefit of this activity is not
yet reflected in the group's results, but, as explained below, should begin to
contribute in the second half of this year and in the next financial year.

Following  the lease surrender last year by the tenant of the retail warehouse
at  Shirley  Road, Southampton, part of the premises has been let  to  Fitness
First Plc for a period of 25 years and the remainder is under offer to a major
covenant  for  a  period  of 20 years.  On completion of  this  letting,  this
property  would produce an annual rental income of #260,000 and would  show  a
significant surplus over book value.

Steps  have been taken to enhance the value of St George's Court, New  Malden.
Options  to require the existing restaurant tenants to surrender their  leases
have  been obtained and an agreement for a 35 year lease, which is subject  to
receiving planning permission, is expected to be exchanged shortly with SFI
Plc for a  Bar  Med restaurant.  Upon this letting proceeding, significant
additional value  would be created after deducting the costs of the

Plans  for  the  redevelopment  of  Premier  House,  Woking  have  progressed.
Negotiations are under way to acquire the adjoining site, which, if
successful, would  enable a new 42,000 sq ft office building to be constructed
conditional on  receiving planning permission.  This project will not impact 
the  current financial  year, but if it proceeds it would lead to an
attractive enhancement in value in the medium term.

Following  interest  by  H  M Prison Service, a public  enquiry  was  held  to
consider  the  use  of Middleton Towers, Morecambe, a former  Pontins  holiday
camp, as a category C prison.  The outcome is expected to be announced in  the
near  future and, if positive, should lead to the premises being let  to  H  M
Prison Service.

The proposed increased leisure facilities at Dougalston Golf Course progressed
satisfactorily with the local council indicating that they are minded to grant
planning permission subject to a section 75 agreement.  The main terms of this
agreement have been settled and the period within which the application may be
called  in  by  the Secretary of State for Scotland will expire shortly.  The
property  has  been  sold  subject to receiving  planning  permission  and  if
completed the transaction would produce a worthwhile contribution.

During  the  half  year  the leasehold interest in 26  Grosvenor  Gardens  was
purchased  and  it  was  subsequently decided to  carry  out  a  comprehensive
refurbishment. The work is now well under way and is expected to be  finished
early  in the summer.  Demand for office space in the area has increased  with
improved  rental levels, leading to the prospect of a significant  enhancement
in  value.  In  order to benefit further from these higher rental  levels,  a
neighbouring property, 9-11 Grosvenor Gardens, was recently acquired.  This
property  consists of 16,500 sq ft of office space, with two  mews  buildings,
and is let to a single tenant on a short lease.

Following the half year end, Creska Limited ("Creska") was acquired for #1  in
cash, although the directors consider the fair value of Creska's net assets to
be  in excess of #500,000.  This will lead to a corresponding increase in  the
group's  net  assets  at  the year end.  As planned,  three  of  Creska's  six
properties have been sold and the remaining properties in Hammersmith,  Durham
and  Mansfield  are being retained as they possess the potential  for  further
enhancement in value.

Brighouse Court, Gloucester was sold subsequent to the half year end for #4.65
million  to  produce  a  useful trading profit for  the  second  half.   Other
disposals  currently under negotiation include Royal Mint Street,  London  E1,
The  Redlands Centre, Coulsdon, Surrey and Springhill, Glasgow, all  of  which
are under offer.

As  already announced to the London Stock Exchange, the opportunity  has  been
taken   to  repurchase  #575,000  nominal  of  the  company's  6%  convertible
redeemable  unsecured loan stock and 2,374,809 ordinary shares.  In  the  half
year this led to a gain of #145,000 on repurchase of the loan stock.

The  outlook  for the property sector remains positive with better  levels  of
demand  from  occupiers and greater potential for rental growth.   Short  term
interest  rates  may  have  peaked  and medium  to  long  term  rates  are  at
attractively low levels.  As explained above there are several projects  under
way  that  individually  have the potential to create  significant  additional
value for the group.  With the high level of activity reported above the board
is confident of the outlook for the year as a whole.

Ronald G Hooker CBE FEng
30 March 1998

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                                     Six months   Six months         Year
                                          ended        ended        ended
                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                Notes      #000         #000         #000

Turnover                            1     2,882        2,394        5,952

Cost of sales                              (374)        (200)        (587)
Gross profit                              2,508        2,194        5,365

Administrative expenses                    (646)        (735)      (1,541)
Operating profit                          1,862        1,459        3,824

Profit on disposal of
investment properties                         -            -          424

Profit on ordinary activities
before interest                           1,862        1,459        4,248

Net interest payable                     (1,603)      (1,290)      (2,591)

Gain arising on repurchase of 6% 
convertible redeemable unsecured
loan stock                                  145            -            -

Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                             404          169        1,657

Tax on profit on ordinary activities          -            -            -

Profit for the financial period            #404         #169       #1,657

Dividends                                     -            -            -

Earnings per share                  2      0.43p        0.19p         1.8p

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 December 1997

                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                Notes      #000         #000         #000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                     3    32,533       28,889       29,345     

Current assets
Property stocks                          11,722       15,624       14,421
Debtors                             4     1,846        1,845        3,313
Cash at bank                                390           94          355
                                         13,958       17,563       18,089

Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year including convertible debt 5    (4,957)      (6,354)      (4,178)

Net current assets                        9,001       11,209       13,911

Total assets less current liabilities    41,534       40,098       43,256

Creditors:  amounts falling due after
more than one year including
convertible debt                    6   (31,514)     (32,088)     (33,452)

Provisions for liabilities and charges     (153)      (1,058)        (153)

Net assets                               #9,867       #6,952       #9,651

Capital and reserves    
Called up share capital                     916          940          940
Share premium account                     2,541        3,924        2,540
Capital redemption reserve                   24            -            -
Revaluation reserve                       1,420          349        1,420
Special reserve                           1,386        1,386        1,386
Other reserve                             1,046         (339)       1,046
Profit and loss account                   2,534          692        2,319

Total equity shareholders' funds         #9,867       #6,952       #9,651

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                                     Six months   Six months         Year
                                          ended        ended        ended
                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

Net cash inflow (outflow) from
operating activities                      3,580       (7,067)      (4,286)

Net cash outflow from returns on   
investments and servicing of finance     (1,635)      (1,073)      (3,815)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of property                       (598)         (30)      (3,296)
Sale of property                             40        1,100        4,519
Other                                        (2)           -          (29)

Net cash (outflow) inflow from capital
expenditure and financial investment       (560)       1,070        1,194

Net cash outflow from acquisitions
and disposals                                 -         (357)         (42)

Net cash inflow (outflow) before
financing                                 1,385       (7,427)      (6,949)

Issue of share capital                        1          300          301
Purchase of own shares                     (189)           -            -
New bank loans                                -        7,111       22,192
Repayment of bank loans                    (812)      (1,896)     (16,373)
Repurchase of 6% convertible
redeemable unsecured loan stock            (350)           -            -

Net cash (outflow) inflow from
financing                                (1,350)       5,515        6,120

Increase (decrease) in cash                 #35      #(1,912)       #(829)

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
inflow (outflow) from operating activities
Operating profit                          1,862        1,459        3,824
Depreciation                                 16           13           42
Profit on disposal of plant, vehicles
and equipment                                 -          (15)          (8)
Decrease (increase) in property stocks       55       (7,993)      (6,887)
Decrease (increase) in debtors            1,467          534         (657)
Increase (decrease) in creditors            180       (1,065)        (600)

Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating
activities                               #3,580      #(7,067)     #(4,286)

Unaudited Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                                     Six months   Six months         Year
                                          ended        ended        ended
                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

Profit for the financial period             404          169        1,657

Transfer of deferred fees to
revaluation reserve                           -           -         1,000
Unrealised surplus on revaluation
of properties                                 -           -           210

Total recognised gains and losses
for the period                             #404         #169       #2,867

Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                                     Six months   Six months         Year
                                          ended        ended        ended
                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

Total recognised gains and losses
for the period                              404          169        2,867

Share issues net of expenses                  1        1,831        1,832

Purchase at 7.95p per share and subsequent
cancellation of 2,374,809 of own shares    (189)           -            -

Goodwill on acquisition eliminated            -         (293)        (293)

Net addition to shareholders' funds         216        1,707        4,406

Opening total equity shareholders' funds  9,651        5,245        5,245

Closing total equity shareholders' funds #9,867       #6,952       #9,651

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Results
for the six months ended 31 December 1997

1 Turnover
                                     Six months   Six months         Year
                                          ended        ended        ended
                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

  Rental income                           2,366        2,077        4,719
  Property trading                          103            -          731
  Other income                              413          317          502

                                          2,882        2,394        5,952

2 Earnings per share

  Earnings per share is based on the profit for the financial period of       
  #404,000 (1996/7 interim: #169,000; 1996/7 final: #1,657,000) divided by the
  weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 93,550,866  
  (1996/7 interim: 90,194,460; 1996/7 final: 92,077,423).
3 Tangible assets
                                     properties        Other        Total
                                           #000         #000         #000

  Cost or valuation:
  At 1 July 1997                         29,257          301       29,558
  Additions                                 598            2          600
  Transfer from trading stock             2,644            -        2,644
  Disposals                                 (40)          (6)         (46)

  At 31 December 1997                    32,459          297       32,756

  At 1 July 1997                              -          213          213
  Charge for the period                       -           16           16
  Disposals                                   -           (6)          (6)

  At 31 December 1997                         -          223          223

  Net book value:
  At 31 December 1997                    32,459           74       32,533

  At 30 June 1997                        29,257           88       29,345

4 Debtors

                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

  Trade debtors                           1,367        1,605        2,831
  Other debtors                               -           53           29
  Prepayments and accrued income            271          187          245
  Corporation tax                           208            -          208

                                          1,846        1,845        3,313

5 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year including convertible debt

                                    31 December  31 December      30 June
                                           1997         1996         1997
                                           #000         #000         #000

  Bank and other loans (secured)          1,409        1,953          955
  Convertible loan stock 2000                83          314           83
  Convertible redeemable unsecured
  loan note                                 177            -            -
  Trade creditors                         1,059          470          896
  Rent in advance                         1,041          982        1,016
  Social security and other taxes           539        1,811          577
  Accruals and deferred income              649          824          651

                                          4,957        6,354        4,178

6 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year including           
  convertible debt

                                    31 December   31 December     30 June
                                           1997          1996        1997
                                           #000          #000        #000

  Repayable between one and two years:
  6% Convertible redeemable unsecured
  loan stock                              2,489             -       2,983
  Convertible redeemable unsecured
  loan note                                   -           177         177
  Bank and other loans (secured)            830        11,198       1,823
  Repayable between two and five years:
  6% Convertible redeemable unsecured
  loan stock                                  -         2,978           -
  Bank and other loans (secured)          8,720         6,049       5,423
  Repayable after five years:
  Bank and other loans (secured)         19,475        11,686      23,046

                                         31,514        32,088      33,452

The  financial  information contained in this Interim Report does  not 
constitute statutory  accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies  Act  1985. The  statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 1997
have been reported  on  by the  auditors  and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors'  report was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

A  copy  of  this  report will be sent to the holders of ordinary  shares  and
6% convertible  redeemable  unsecured loan stock and, for information  only, 
to the holders  of  options under the share option scheme.  Members  of  the 
public  may obtain  a  copy  from  the  company's registered  office,  26 
Grosvenor  Gardens, Belgravia, London SW1W 0DH.

Enquiries:     Carl Fry, Creston
               Tel:    0171 823 6766
               Fax:    0171 629 0005                            



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