RNS No 5809j
21st July 1998

                      Crest Packaging plc
     Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 1998

Crest  Packaging  plc  ("Crest"), the flexible  packaging  and
folding carton manufacturer, announces Preliminary Results for
the year ended 30 April 1998.

                                              1998        1997

Turnover                                    #60.9m      #50.4m
Operating profit before restructuring costs  #3.5m       #4.2m
Profit on ordinary activities before tax     #2.7m       #3.8m
Earnings per share                            5.5p        7.8p
Dividend per share  - final                 1.375p       2.75p
                    - total                  2.75p      4.125p

* Strong performance from Cartons division including first
  full year contribution from Crest Chapman

* Review  of  Flexible Packaging division to help  achieve
  levels  of  efficiency  needed to  compete  successfully  in
  difficult marketplace

* Ongoing strength of Sterling continues to affect Group

* Significant  investment in modern equipment  to  provide
  further capacity for growth

Ian Tegner, Chairman of Crest, commented:

"The  past  financial year has been a difficult  one  for  the
Group.  While Crest continues to make progress and expand, the
pressures   created   by  the  intensely  competitive   market
exacerbated by the current level of Sterling against  European
currencies remain considerable.

"The  restructured  management team  which  has  already  been
successful  in developing profitable expansion of the  Cartons
business is now concentrating on these challenges.  The recent
restructuring  in  Flexible  Packaging  is  one  step  towards
generating an acceptable rate of return on the assets employed
in the business".

For further information, please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Roy Cook, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Deputy Managing Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                   0171 583 4567
Louise Robson

                      Crest Packaging plc
     Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 1998
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


Following the acquisition of Crest Chapman on 30 April  1997,
the total  Group turnover has increased by
20.8%  to  #60.9 million from #50.4 million.  The  ongoing
business   excluding  Crest  Chapman,  however,  shows 
a decline of 2.1% to #49.3 million.

Within  the  Cartons division, turnover, including  the  first
full  year  contribution  from  Crest  Chapman,  increased  by
62.1%  to #33.8 million from #20.9 million.
The  ongoing  business increased by 6.6%  to  #22.2 million.
Turnover in Flexible Packaging has declined to #27.1 million
from  #29.5 million, a reduction of 8.3%.   

Operating  profit before restructuring costs was #3.5  million
compared to #4.2 million.  Operating margins in both divisions
reduced   from  the  previous  year's  levels  with   Flexible
Packaging  now 6.6% compared to 9.0% and Cartons'  ongoing
business reducing to 7.9% reducing from 10.2%.  After  the
integration  of  Crest Chapman,  Cartons combined  margin
was 6.9%.

The  main reasons behind the reduction in 
both  turnover  and  margins were the continuing  strength  of
Sterling in our pan-European markets leading to the loss  of
hard won business in export markets and the impact of  
integrating  Crest  Chapman.  In response to  these  pressures
there  has  been  a further restructuring  in  the  Flexible
Packaging division and a charge of #250,000 has been made
against  the  the profits in the year just ended.  This will 
result in savings of some #450,000 for the 1998/99 year.

The  interest charge of #562,000 compared to #40,000  reflects
the  acquisition  of  Crest  Chapman  and  the investment  in  
new equipment  in  both  Flexible  Packaging  and  Cartons  
during 1996/97  and  1997/98.

Profits  before tax reduced to #2.7 million compared  to  #3.8
million  and  after  tax  to #2.2 million  compared  to  #3.1
million.  The tax charge of 18.5% reflects the release of a
proportion of the deferred tax provision following  the
reduction  in  the Corporation  tax  rate  from  33%  to  31%.
A complete explanation of the tax  charge is  included in the 
Managing Director's Review.

Crest Chapman

The  acquisition of Crest Chapman from Rexam was completed  on
30  April 1997.  Refocusing of the business, with changes  in
management  and  improved  mix,  including  transfer  of  some
business   from   the  ongoing Cartons division, has improved 
efficiencies and productivity  and with realistic asset
values  this has  resulted in  a  significant improvement in 
performance.   An  operating profit  of #639,000 was achieved 
on third party turnover  of #11.6  million  in Crest's ownership. 
The  preceding  full financial year reported  a  loss  before
interest  of  #919,000 on  turnover of #12.7 million.


The  continued progress of the Cartons business supported the
decision to invest in a  further  new Roland 700 and ancillary 
equipment at a cost of  #2 million.  This  will  provide
further capacity  for the continued growth of the Cartons
division.  Following installation in March, Crest is the  only
carton converter with four Roland 700 machines in the  UK
and  is well established as a modern progressive supplier  to
the food industry.

The  Flexible  Packaging business has placed an  order  for  a
thermal  oxidiser  to  comply  with  the  obligations  on  VOC
emissions imposed by the Environmental Protection Act at a  cost  
of  #700,000.   In addition,  the business has been 
consolidating  production onto the new 10 unit Cerutti  gravure  
press commissioned  in 1996/97 and additional  investment
opportunities continue to be assessed in  order  to  drive greater
efficiencies and improve  quality within environmental obligations.

Financial Position

After the recent investments referred to  above,  the
level  of gearing remains  satisfactory at #7.8 million,
33.7%  (1997: #5.3 million, 23%) and the  business  has  a
solid base to continue to invest for the future.


Our  basic basic policy has been to seek cover  of
two  times for our dividends over a period of years  and  this
policy  has been maintained since flotation.  However  profits
have not improved over that period as we had hoped and we have
concluded  that we can no longer maintain the level  of  dividend  
which has been paid  for  the  last  three years.   In  view  
of the current level of profits  the  Board recommends  a  total  
dividend for  the  year  of  2.75p,  a reduction of 33% as as 
compared with previous years.

The  final dividend of 1.375p per share will be paid on  1
October 1998 to shareholders on the register on 7 September

The Board and Management

As  announced at the Interim Results in December, Bert  Harman
retired  at the end of March 1998 after thirty years with  the
Group.   He  played a major role in the successful development
of  the Flexible Packaging division and we  wish him a long 
and happy retirement.

From  1  January 1998 Rodney Webb moved to a  part-time  role 
as Deputy Chairman concentrating on Group and  strategic  
matters  and Roy Cook  became  Group  Managing Director.  
Michael Kenny  became  Deputy Managing Director and retained 
responsibility for Finance  and continues as Company Secretary.

All  management  and employees deserve our gratitude  for  the
vigour,  skill and effectiveness with which they have met  the
very considerable challenges of the past year.


We  continue to remain confident that our investment in modern
equipment  is the right strategy to reinforce our  well-earned
position in the marketplace.

The  past  financial  year has been a difficult  one  for  the
Group.    While  Crest  continues to make progress and expand, 
the pressures  created by  the intensely competitive market 
exacerbated by  the  current level of Sterling against European 
currencies remain considerable.

The restructured  management team,   which  has  already  been  
successful  in   developing profitable   expansion  of  the  
Cartons   business,   is   now concentrating  on  these  challenges.   
The recent  restructuring  in  Flexible  Packaging  is  one  step
towards  generating an acceptable rate of return on the assets 
employed in the business.

Ian Tegner


This   has  been  a  year  of  significant  change  for  Crest
Packaging,  involving the integration of a new  business  into
the  Group  with  the new issues presented in dealing  with  a
second site and my succession to the role of Managing Director
that has resulted in my making this report for the first time.

Acquiring  Crest  Chapman has proved to be a  very  successful
step  and the integration of the combined Cartons division  is
continuing.   Further opportunities to develop both  divisions
are  actively  considered  but  such  a  step  will  only   be
undertaken  where there is a clear rationale and justification
for  the investment that is expected to improve the return  on
assets of the overall Group.

Perhaps  one  of the most significant events for  the  overall
business  has been the continued growth in importance  of  the
Cartons  division to the Group.  For the first  time  in  many
years  the  sales turnover and profit of the Cartons  division
has exceeded that of Flexible Packaging.

The  Cartons  division  has  undertaken  one  of  the  largest
investment  programmes in this industry, in  relation  to  its
size,  and  is  now well placed as one of the  leading  carton
converters in the country.

An   assessment   of  the  strategic  potential   and   market
positioning  of the Flexible Packaging division  is  currently
being  undertaken  to include a reassessment  of  the  ongoing
investment  programme.  Notwithstanding this the  division  is
well equipped to produce more volume extremely efficiently and
meet the needs of the existing marketplace.

Flexible Packaging Division
Trading Review

The  strength of Sterling during the past year has meant  that
it  has not been possible to generate the desired returns from
the  pan-European  flexible packaging  market.   Against  that
background  turnover  reduced  to  #27.1  million  from  #29.5
million including a drop of #1.4 million in Flexible Packaging
export sales.

Divisional operating profit reduced to #1.8 million from  #2.7
million,  representing a return on sales of 6.6%  compared  to
9.0% achieved in the year to April 1997.

Following  my  appointment in January 1998  a  review  of  the
market  positioning,  asset base and  manning  levels  of  the
business  commenced.  A restructuring was finalised  with  the
workforce early in May which is one step towards achieving the
level of efficiency needed to continue to successfully compete
in this market.

Additional  investments are being considered  to  improve  the
productivity and responsiveness of the business to the demands
and  expectations  of the customer base in  a  cost  effective
manner.   Investments will continue to be made if  the  market
positioning  of the business and the financial returns  to  be
derived therefrom are anticipated to be satisfactory.

To meet the obligations of the Environmental Protection Act to
restrict the emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds into  the
atmosphere an oxidiser has been ordered and is expected to  be
installed before the end of 1998.  This is a similar  solution
to that adopted by most of the flexible packaging industry.

Cartons Division
Trading Review

The  Cartons  division  has continued to  grow  and  with  the
acquisition  of  Crest Chapman on 30 April 1997  turnover  has
increased  overall  to #33.8 million, an  increase  of  62.1%.
Profitability has also grown to #2.3 million from #2.1 million
including the contribution from Crest Chapman.

Return on sales was 6.9% compared to the exceptional return of
10.2% achieved in the year to April 1997.

The  division's  capacity  and flexibility  has  been  further
expanded   with  the  acquisition  of  Crest   Chapman.    The
successful  turnaround  of the business  previously  owned  by
Rexam  has given the Cartons division, with the benefit  of  a
second  site, the ability to service a substantially increased
level of business.

With  the  investment  in a fourth Roland  700  and  ancillary
equipment  commissioned in March 1998 production  can  now  be
allocated  in partnership with the customer base to  the  most
appropriate  location to optimise production efficiencies  and
customer service levels.

Further  investment  in these businesses  is  expected  to  be
modest  this  year  as the integration process  becomes  fully
completed  and the anticipated ongoing growth is  successfully

Crest Chapman

The  performance of this business continued to improve in  the
second  half  of  the  year producing an operating  profit  of
#639,000 on third party turnover of #11.6 million compared  to
#264,000 of #5.8 million in the first half.

In  the  full financial year prior to acquisition the business
achieved  sales  of  #12.7 million and  generated  a  loss  of
#919,000.   Part  of  this improvement has  been  achieved  by
improving  efficiency and reducing manpower.   The  number  of
people  employed in the business reduced to 124 at the end  of
the year from the initial 158 on acquisition.

This business is now integrated into the Cartons division  and
its  performance  is  included within  the  results  for  that


Asset Base

Investment during the year totalled #3.7 million including  #2
million  on  the fourth new Roland 700 litho printing  machine
and related cutting and creasing equipment, installed in March
and April 1998.  Other items acquired during the year included
a  new  pouchmaking  machine  and new  slitting  equipment  to
improve flexibility and capability.

The  acquisition of Crest Chapman from Rexam was completed  on
30  April  1997  at an initial cost of #4 million  for  assets
provisionally valued at #4.2 million.  A modest  reduction  of
#129,000  in  the acquisition cost was negotiated  with  Rexam
based on lower asset values at the time of completion than had
been  anticipated  and a restatement of the  fair  values  was
undertaken.   The  final asset values acquired  were  freehold
land and buildings of #0.8 million plant and machinery of #1.4
million and net current assets of #1.6 million totalling  #3.8
million.  The final cost of acquisition was also #3.8  million
resulting  in  the Capital Reserve of #247,000,  provisionally
created last year, being eliminated.

A  customer  of  that  business prior to the  acquisition  has
disputed the sums due from them included in the balance  sheet
at  that  time.   This has led to a legal claim  being  issued
against  that customer and Rexam for a sum in excess  of  #0.5
million.   The  final  value  of  the  assets  acquired   will
inevitably depend of the outcome of that claim.  Any variation
in  the  final sum received, together with related  costs  not
recovered  through  the claim, will be reflected  through  the
Profit and Loss account in future periods.


Net  debt in the year increased to #7.8 million, 33% from #5.3
million,  23%  at  April 1997 due to the  reduction  in  funds
generated   from  operations  and  the  continuing  investment
programme above.

The  interest charge rose to #562,000 from #40,000 in the year
to  April 1997.  In 1997 interest costs of #42,000 relating to
the  investment  in  the 10 unit Cerutti  gravure  press  were
capitalised in line with Group policy.  No such projects  were
in hand during the year to April 1998 and no capitalisation of
interest has occurred.  The increase in interest reflects  the
investment  of #3.8 million in acquiring Crest Chapman  on  30
April 1997 and the significant investment in new machinery  in
1996/97  and  1997/98  totalling #8.2 million,  including  the
commissioning in March and April 1998 of the fourth Roland 700
and related equipment.

New  finance leases of #1.8 million were entered into  in  the
year  to  run  over  a  7 year period and  Barclays  Bank  plc
implemented  an acceptance credit facility which was  utilised
to the extent of #2 million at the year end.

The main funding requirements are now met by finance leases on
specific  plant  and  machinery  and  a  variable  rate  group
overdraft and acceptance credit facility.  Alternative sources
are  regularly  assessed  and may be used  if  they  represent
beneficial terms.

Working Capital

Working capital in the businesses was temporarily extended due
to the dispute with a customer acquired from Rexam referred to
above,  extended credit provided to a customer who has made  a
product liability claim against Crest which is currently being
investigated   by   the   insurers   and   staff   recruitment
difficulties which have now been addressed.


The  tax  charge  is based on a current tax  charge  of  12.6%
reflecting the extensive investment programme undertaken  over
recent years.  This is the cash liability that the Group would
expect to pay to the Inland Revenue this year.  Adjustment for
current tax in prior years and a provision for deferred tax on
the  current  year's trading totalling 19.5%,  when  combined
with  the  current  tax liability, give a headline  charge  of

The  reduction  in  the  future  tax  rate  to  31%  allows  a
compensating  #367,000 release of the deferred  tax  provision
which  had  been previously reserved at 33% that  reduces  the
charge  in  the  year  to April 1998 to 18.5%.   A  further
#200,000 will be released when the tax rate falls to 30%.

Roy Cook
Managing Director

For further information, please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Roy Cook, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Deputy Managing Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                   0171 583 4567
Louise Robson

                      Crest Packaging plc
                 Group Profit and Loss Account
              For the Year Ended 30 April 1998
                                             1998      1997
                                            #'000     #'000
 - from continuing operations              49,322    50,398
 - from acquisitions                       11,573         -
                                          -------   -------
Total turnover                             60,895    50,398
Change  in stocks of finished goods      
  and work in progress                        413       670
Own work capitalised                           75       185
                                          -------   -------
                                           61,383    51,253
Other operating income                        281       216
                                          -------   -------
                                           61,664    51,469
                                          -------   -------            
Raw materials and consumables              31,737    27,597
Other external charges                      9,474     6,559
Staff costs                                14,685    11,367
Restructuring costs                           250       350
                                          -------   -------
Total staff costs                          14,935    11,717
Depreciation                                2,259     1,752
                                          -------   -------            
Operating profit                                      
 - from continuing operations               2,620     3,844
 - from acquisitions                          639         -
                                          -------   -------
Total operating profit                      3,259     3,844
Net interest payable                          562        40
                                          -------   -------
Profit  on  ordinary  activities    
  before taxation                           2,697     3,804
Taxation                                      500       694
                                          -------   -------
Profit  on  ordinary  activities       
  after taxation                            2,197     3,110
Dividends                                   1,102     1,653
                                          -------   -------
Profit retained for the year                1,095     1,457
                                          -------   -------            
Earnings per share                           5.5p      7.8p

                      Crest Packaging plc
                      Group Balance Sheet
                      As at 30 April 1998

                                            1998       1997
                                           #'000      #'000
Fixed assets:                                         
Tangible assets                           28,367     27,066
                                         -------    -------             
Current assets:                                       
Stocks                                     8,648      7,800
Debtors                                   15,088     13,957
                                         -------    -------
                                          23,736     21,757
Creditors:  amounts falling due    
  within one year                         18,803     17,878
                                         -------    -------             
Net current assets                         4,933      3,879
                                         -------    -------             
Total assets less current liabilities     33,300     30,945
Creditors:  amounts falling  due           
  after more than one year                 3,935      2,749
Provisions for liabilities and charges:               
Deferred tax                               6,070      5,749
                                         -------    -------
                                          23,295     22,447
                                         -------    -------
Capital and reserves:                                 
Called-up share capital                    2,004      2,004
Other reserves                                 -        247
Profit and loss account                   21,291     20,196
                                         -------    -------
Equity shareholders' funds                23,295     22,447
                                         -------    -------              

                      Crest Packaging plc
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
               For the Year Ended 30 April 1998
                                            1998      1997
                                           #'000     #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities  2,759     7,200
                                         -------   -------            
Returns on investments and servicing                
  of finance:
Net interest paid                           (182)      (87)
Interest paid on finance leases             (255)      (99)
                                         -------   -------
                                            (437)     (186)
Net corporation tax received/(paid)          145      (773)
                                         -------   -------             
Capital expenditure and financial              
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (1,888)   (4,532)
Proceeds from sales of tangible    
  fixed assets                               169        72
                                         -------   -------
                                          (1,719)   (4,460)
Acquisitions                                 129    (3,800)
Equity dividends paid                     (1,653)   (1,653)
                                         -------   -------             
Cash outflow before financing               (776)   (3,672)
Issue of ordinary shares                       -         -
Net cash inflows from finance leases        (388)    1,951
Issue of acceptance credits                2,000         -
                                         -------   -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year      836    (1,721)
                                         -------   -------             

Segmental analysis

   Manufacture and printing      Manufacture and
      of flexible packaging  printing of cartons    Total   Total
              1998     1997        1998     1997     1998    1997
             #'000    #'000       #'000    #'000    #'000   #'000

Sales to                                                
parties     27,078   29,540      33,817   20,858   60,895  50,398
            ------   ------      ------   ------   ------  ------
profit       1,780    2,656       2,327    2,128    4,107   4,784

Restructuring  costs                                 (250)   (350)            
Common costs                                         (598)   (590)
                                                   ------  ------
Operating profit                                    3,259   3,844

Net interest payable                                 (562)    (40)
                                                   ------  ------
Profit on  ordinary                        
activities before tax                               2,697   3,804
                                                   ------  ------      

Turnover arose wholly in the United Kingdom and               
comprises  sales in the following  geographical      1998    1997
                                                    #'000   #'000
By destination: 
United Kingdom                                     53,457  43,248
Other European countries                            4,586   5,513
Rest of the world                                   2,852   1,637
                                                   ------  ------       
                                                   60,895  50,398
                                                   ------  ------


1. The  final dividend will be paid on 1 October 1998  to
   shareholders on the register on  7 September 1998.

2. Earnings per share

   The  basic earnings per share is calculated by comparing the
   profit  after tax #2,197,000 to the weighted average  number
   of  ordinary  shares in issue during the year of  40,088,302
   (1997:  40,079,998)  and  is not materially  different  when
   calculated on a fully diluted basis.
3. The  figures  for  the  year ended  30  April  1998  are
   unaudited  and  do not constitute full accounts  within  the
   meaning of S.240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The figures for
   the year ended 30 April 1997 have been extracted from the full
   accounts for of that year which have been delivered  to  the
   Registrar  of Companies and on which the auditors issued  an
   unqualified report.

4. The  Annual  Report  and  Accounts  will  be  sent   to
   shareholders in due course.  Further copies will be available
   from  the  Company Secretary, Crest Packaging plc, Courteney
   Road, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0RX.



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