RNS No 8195k
18th December 1997

                        Crest Packaging plc
        Interim Results for the 26 Weeks to 25 October 1997

                                Interim      Interim
                                   1997         1996
 Turnover                        #30.7m       #24.7m
 Operating profit                #2.06m       #2.22m
 Pre-tax profit                   #1.8m        #2.2m
 Earnings per share                3.5p         4.0p
 Dividend per share              1.375p       1.375p

*    Difficult first half but good order levels

*    In Cartons, increased turnover to #11.4m reflects success of
     ongoing  investment  programme  and  partnerships  with  growing

*    Flexible Packaging still affected by strength of Sterling but
     order intake strong

*    Integration of Crest Chapman progressing well

*    Maintained dividend of 1.375p

Ian Tegner, Chairman, commented:

"The  ongoing  strength  of  sterling  continues  to  affect   our
business,  particularly in Flexible Packaging.   While  inevitably
there  have  been some changes in the sales mix  as  a  result  of
competitive  activity,  new business gains provide  the  sustained
organic growth required for our continued development".

For further information please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                                  01634 234444
Rodney Webb, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                      0171 583 4567
Susan Ellis/Louise Robson

                      Crest Packaging plc
      Interim Results for the 26 Weeks to 25 October 1997

Chairman's Statement


Group Turnover turnover increased in the 26 weeks to
25th  October  1997 over the same period last  year  to  #30.7
million  by  to  #30.7 million (1996: (1996:  #24.7  million).
This  increase  included  sales of #5.8  million  from  Crest
Chapman Ltd acquired on 30th April 1997.

As  with  many  other  organisations,  the  company  has  been
adversely  impacted by the strength of sterling,  particularly
in  Flexible  Packaging.  Operating Profit profit  reduced  by
7.7%  to  #2.06  million  (1996: #2.22  million)  including  a
contribution  of  #264,000  from  Crest  Chapman.  Before  the
contribution of Chapman this reduction was 23.619.1%.   Profit
after tax reduced by 15.7% to #to #1.404 million (1996: #1.62

The  interest charge of #235,000 (1996: #56,000) reflects  the
cost  of funding the Crest Chapman acquisition, the investment
in  full  period the new Cerutti gravure press installed  last
year  last year in Flexible Packaging and the installation in 
March  of another  Roland 700 line in Cartons, a total  
investment  in 1996/97 of of approximately #10 million.

Earnings  per  share reduced to 3.5p (1996:  4.0p).   The  tax
charge at 235% reflects the anticipated full year charge after
a  reduction  in the deferred tax provision arising  from  the
change in the Corporation Tax rate to 31% from 33%.

Gearing is a modest 32.6% with interest cover Operating Profit
approaching   nine   times,  providing   scope   for   further

The  Directors have declared a maintained interim dividend  of
1.375p  per share payable on 13 March 1998 to shareholders  on
the register on 13 February 1998.

Flexible Packaging

Turnover reduced to #13.5 million (1996: #14.6 million).   The
ongoing strength and volatility of sterling continues to cause
difficulties in all markets and has both squeezed margins  and
led  to  loss of hard won business in export markets.  Exports
accounted  for  18%  of  sales  compared  to  23%  previously.
Nevertheless  we have been successful in gaining new  business
in   the  UK.   Order  intake  remains  strong  with  capacity
available to fulfil demand.

Operating  profit  declined  to #1.010  million  (1996:  #1.23
million) reflecting the effects of currency movements and  the
full  period  depreciation charge of the new  Cerutti  gravure

Cartons (excluding Crest Chapman)

Turnover  increased  by 12.2% to #11.4  million  (1996:  #10.2
million).   This  reflecting the success of the  the  ongoing
investment programme in new machinery and , partnerships  with
growing  customers.  Our  and efficient high  quality  service
has   enabled   us  to  succeed  with  opening  new   business

Operating  profits reduced to #1.10 million (1996:  #1.28
million)  on increased competitive pressure.   While  the
margin  has  reduced  we believe  the  current  level  is

Crest Chapman

Following  the  acquisition of Crest  Chapman  in  April,
changes    in   management,   productivity   improvements
reductions  and  the  refocussing of  the  business  have
contributed to a significant dramatic improvement in  the

The  operating  profit  was #264,000  in  the  period  on
turnover   of  #5.8  million.   In  the  preceding   full
financial  year  the  company reported  a  period  loss
before interest of #9192,000.

Management Changes

Bert  Harman is retiring at the end of March  1998  after
thirty years with the Group.  He has played a major  role
in the successful development of Crest Flexible Packaging
and we wish him a long and happy retirement.

Rodney  Webb has decided to move to a part-time role  and
will  become  Executive Deputy Chairman concentrating  on
Group and strategic matters.

The  Board  has  concluded that we  should  gain  maximum
benefit from managing the two divisions in a more closely
co-ordinated way.  I am therefore pleased to announce the
following  management changes with effect from 1  January

* Roy  Cook  will become Managing Director  of  Crest
  Packaging  plc,  responsible  for  the  operations  and
  profitable  growth, organically and by acquisition,  of
  both the Flexible Packaging and Cartons divisions.

* Michael Kenny will become Deputy Managing Director,
  with ongoing responsibility for finance.  He also remains
  Company Secretary.

Current Trading

The  ongoing strength of sterling continues to affect our
business,  particularly  in  Flexible  Packaging.   While
inevitably there have been some changes in the sales  mix
as  a  result of competitive activity, new business gains
provide  the  sustained organic growth required  for  our
continued development.

Ian N Tegner                                18 December 1997

For further information please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                             01634 234444
Rodney Webb, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                 0171 583 4567
Susan Ellis/Louise Robson

                   Crest Packaging plc
              Group Profit and Loss Account
           for the 26 weeks to 25 October 1997

                                 Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                               26 Weeks to   26 Weeks to     Year to
                                25 October    26 October    30 April
                                      1997          1996        1997
                                     #'000         #'000       #'000
Flexible                            13,503        14,564      29,540
Cartons                             11,399        10,158      20,858
Crest Chapman                        5,809             -           -
                                  --------      --------    --------
                                    30,711        24,722      50,398
                                  --------      --------    --------
Segment profit                                                 
Flexible                             1,005         1,228       2,656
Cartons                              1,101         1,275       2,128
Crest Chapman                          264             -           -
Restructuring costs                      -             -        (350)
Common costs                          (311)         (285)       (590)
                                  --------      --------    --------
Operating profit                     2,059         2,218       3,844
Interest payable                      (235)          (56)        (40)
                                  --------      --------    --------
Profit  on ordinary activities        
  before taxation                    1,824         2,162       3,804
Taxation                              (420)         (540)       (694)
                                  --------      --------    --------
Profit  on ordinary activities       1,404         1,622       3,110
 after taxation                       (551)         (551)     (1,653)
                                  --------      --------    --------
Profit retained for the period         853         1,071       1,457
                                  ========      ========    ========
Basic earnings per share              3.5p          4.0p        7.8p
Dividends per share                 1.375p        1.375p      4.125p

                   Crest Packaging plc
                   Group Balance Sheet
                  as at 25 October 1997

                                Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                    as at         as at       as at
                               25 October    26 October    30 April
                                     1997          1996        1997
                                    #'000         #'000       #'000
Fixed Assets                       26,738        22,352      27,066
                                 --------      --------    --------           
Current Assets                                              
Stocks                              8,923         6,912       7,800
Debtors                            16,355        12,328      13,957
Cash at bank                            -           326           -
                                 --------      --------    --------
                                   25,278        19,566      21,757
Creditors due within one year  
Bank overdraft                     (4,666)            -      (2,116)
Other creditors                   (15,528)      (13,782)    (15,762)
                                 --------      --------    --------
                                  (20,194)      (13,782)    (17,878)
                                 --------      --------    --------
Net current assets                  5,084         5,784       3,879
                                 --------      --------    --------
Total assets less current   
  liabilities                      31,822        28,136      30,945
Obligations under finance leases   (2,547)         (984)     (2,749)

Provisions  for liabilities    
  and charges                      (5,846)       (5,338)     (5,749)          
                                 --------      --------    --------
                                   23,429        21,814      22,447
                                 ========      ========    ========           
Capital and reserves                                        
Called-up share capital             2,004         2,004       2,004
Reserves                           21,049        19,810      20,196
Capital reserves                      376             -         247
                                 --------      --------    --------
Total shareholders' funds          23,429        21,814      22,447
                                 ========      ========    ========           

                   Crest Packaging plc
                Group Cash Flow Statement
           for the 26 weeks to 25 October 1997

                                Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                              26 weeks to   26 weeks to     Year to
                               25 October    26 October    30 April
                                     1997          1996        1997
                                    #'000         #'000       #'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from       
  operating activities             (1,350)        2,956       7,200           
Returns on investments and                                      
  servicing of finance
Net interest received/(paid)           13           (46)        (87)
Interest paid on finance leases      (131)          (51)        (99)
                                 --------      --------    --------
                                     (118)          (97)       (186)
Net corporation tax received/(paid)   575           134        (773)
                                 --------      --------    --------
Capital expenditure and                                         
  financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets    (512)       (1,128)     (4,532)

Proceeds from sales of tangible      
  fixed assets                         17            15          72
                                 --------      --------    --------
                                     (495)       (1,113)     (4,460)
Acquisitions                          129             -      (3,800)
Equity dividends paid              (1,101)       (1,099)     (1,653)
                                 --------      --------    --------
Cash (outflow)/inflow before       
  financing                        (2,360)          781      (3,672)          
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from    
  finance leases                     (190)          (60)      1,951
                                 --------      --------    --------
(Decrease)/increase in cash in     
  the period                       (2,550)          721      (1,721)
                                 --------      --------    --------

Crest Packaging plc


1.  Basis of preparation

    The  interim financial information has been prepared  on
    the  basis  of the accounting policies set  out  in  the
    Group's  1997 Annual Report and Accounts.  The  taxation
    charge  for the 26 weeks ended 25 October 1997 has  been
    calculated  on the basis of the estimated effective  tax
    rate for the full year.

2.  Non-statutory accounts

    These  statements do not constitute financial statements
    within  the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies  Act
    1985.   The  comparative figures for the year  ended  30
    April  1997  are  an abridged statement of  the  Group's
    financial  statements for that period  which  have  been
    delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies and  on  which
    the  auditors made an unqualified report.  No  financial
    statements  will  be filed for the  26  weeks  ended  25
    October 1997.

3.  Reconciliation  of  operating  profit  to  net   cash
    (outflow)/inflow from operating activities

                                 Unaudited    Unaudited  Audited
                               26 weeks to  26 weeks to  Year to
                                25 October   26 October 30 April
                                      1997         1996     1997
                                     #'000        #'000    #'000
     Operating profit                1,824        2,218    3,844
     Depreciation charges            1,128          832    1,752
     (Gain)/loss on sales of           
     tangible fixed assets             (87)          34      (14)
     (Increase)/decrease in stocks  (1,123)        (419)   1,069
     (Increase)/decrease in debtors (2,949)        (895)     134
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors (143)       1,186      415
                                  --------     -------- --------

     Net cash (outflow)/inflow from  
     operating activities           (1,350)       2,956    7,200        

4.  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                 Unaudited    Unaudited  Audited
                               26 weeks to  26 weeks to  Year to
                                25 October   26 October 30 April
                                      1997         1996     1997
                                     #'000        #'000    #'000
     (Decrease)/increase in cash  
     in the period                  (2,550)         721   (1,721)        
     Cash outflow from decrease in   
     finance lease                     190           60      143
                                  --------     -------- --------
     Change in net debt resulting
     from cash flows                (2,360)         781   (1,578)
     New finance leases                  -            -   (2,094)
                                  --------     -------- --------              
     (Increase)/decrease in net
     borrowings                     (2,360)         781   (3,672
     Net borrowings brought forward (5,258)      (1,586)  (1,586)
                                  --------     -------- --------
     Net borrowings carried forward (7,618)        (805)  (5,258)
                                  --------     -------- --------
5.  Earnings per share

    The  earnings per share for the 26 weeks to  25  October
    1997,  the year ended 30 April 1997 and the 26 weeks  to
    26  October  1996  are  based on  the  weighted  average
    number of ordinary shares of 40,087,699, 40,079,998  and
    40,078,259 respectively.
6.  Interim Statement

    The  interim statement is being sent to shareholders and
    will  be  available at the company's registered  office,
    Courteney Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0RX.



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