RNS Number:2231P
Ashpol PLC
22 July 2005

Unaudited consolidated profit & loss account
for the period ended 24 March 2005

                                                                    Period ended             Period ended
                                                                        24 March              23 November
                                                            Note            2005                     2004
                                                                           #'000                    #'000

Rental income                                                              3,537                   13,816

Property outgoings                                                         (133)                    (494)               
Gross profit                                                               3,404                   13,322

Administrative expenses                                                    (299)                    (821)               
Operating profit                                                           3,105                   12,501

Profit on disposals of fixed assets                                        4,488                    1,016

Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertaking                               1,507                        -

Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation                 9,100                   13,517

Interest receivable                                                          352                    1,010

Interest payable                                                         (2,688)                 (10,271)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                              6,764                    4,256

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                    1           (1,510)                  (1,657)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                               5,254                    2,599
Dividends                                                                   (35)                 (20,137)

Retained profit/(loss) for the year                                        5,219                 (17,538)

All amounts relate to continuing activities.
All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.

Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
at 24 March 2005
                                                                            24 March            23 November
                                                                                2005                   2004
                                                                               #'000                  #'000

Fixed assets -investment properties                             3             94,675                115,523

Current assets

Debtors                                                                       11,897                    717

Cash at bank                                                                  23,234                  7,566

                                                                              35,131                  8,283

Creditors falling due within one year                                        (8,525)                (7,791)

Net current assets                                                            26,606                    492

Total assets less current liabilities                                        121,281                116,015

Creditors falling due after one year                                        (75,000)               (75,000)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                                         (974)                  (927)

                                                                              45,307                 40,088
Net assets

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital - equity                                               7,378                  7,378
                        - non-equity                                          40,632                 40,632

                                                                              48,010                 48,010

Share premium account                                                          7,069                  7,069

Capital redemption reserve                                                        42                     42

Profit and loss account                                                      (9,814)               (15,033)

Total shareholders' funds                                                     45,307                 40,088

Unaudited consolidated summarised cash flow statement
for the period ended 24 March 2005
                                                           Period ended            Period ended
                                                               24 March             23 November
                                                                   2005                    2004
                                                                  #'000                   #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                        13,442                  29,095

Returns on investment and servicing of finance                  (3,703)                 (7,026)

Taxation                                                          (640)                   (378)

Capital expenditure and financial investment                      6,569                   4,977

Equity dividends paid                                                 -                (20,000)

Cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing         15,668                   6,668

Management of liquid resources                                  (8,860)                 (4,400)

Increase in cash                                                  6,808                   2,268

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
flow from operating activities

                                                           Period ended            Period ended
                                                               24 March             23 November
                                                                   2005                    2004
                                                                  #'000                   #'000

Operating profit                                                  3,105                  12,501

Decrease in debtors                                               9,094                  16,093

Increase in creditors                                             1,243                     501

Net cash inflow from operating activities                        13,442                  29,095

Notes to the preliminary announcement

The financial information contained in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985.

The preliminary results for the period ended 24 March 2005 have been prepared
using accounting policies unchanged from those set out in the company's 23
November 2004 statutory financial statements, which were for the period 15
August 2003 to that date. Full audited accounts for the period ended 24 March
2005 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and shareholders in due
course. The financial information for the year ended 23 November 2004 is
extracted from the audited financial statements to that date which have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those statutory
accounts was qualified as a result of non-compliance with SSAP 19. The audit
report also contained a statement under S237(3) of the Act regarding the
presentation of certain payments as a dividend. The auditors' report on the
statutory accounts for the period ended 24 March 2005 is expected to refer to
the same matters.

1.         Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                 Period ended            Period ended
                                                                         24 March             23 November
                                                                             2005                    2004
                                                                            #'000                   #'000

Current tax - current tax on profit for the period                          1,463                   1,020
Current tax - adjustment to prior year items                                    -                     367

Deferred tax - origination of timing differences                               47                     270
                                                                            1,510                   1,657

2.        Dividends                                                  Period ended            Period ended
                                                                         24 March             23 November
                                                                             2005                    2004
                                                                            #'000                   #'000

10% Cumulative Preference Shares - paid (non-equity)                           35                     137
Ordinary shares - paid (equity)                                                 -                  20,000
                                                                               35                  20,137

3.         Fixed assets - investment properties
Balance at 23 November 2004                                               115,523
Additions                                                                   2,484
Disposals                                                                (23,332)
Balance at 24 March 2005                                                   94,675

4.         Net debt
                                                                     Period ended            Period ended
                                                                         24 March             23 November
                                                                             2005                    2004
                                                                            #'000                   #'000
Repayable as follows:
After more than five years                                               (75,000)                (75,000)
Liquid resources                                                           13,260                   4,400

Cash                                                                        9,974                   3,166

Net debt                                                                 (51,766)                (67,434)

5.         Company Information

Directors                                              K D McGrath
                                                       L Noe
                                                       M P Sheppard
                                                       I Smith

Secretary                                              A M Jacobs

Registered Office                                      5 Wigmore Street
                                                       W1U 1PB

Registered Number                                      104394

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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