Annex 1. Reconciliation with CNMV template as set out in Circular 5/2013
Sections of the CNMV template
Sections in this Report in free format
C.1.7 Explain the conclusions of the appointments committee regarding the verification of compliance with the policy aimed at promoting an appropriate composition of the board of directors. |
Section 5.2 Selection, appointment, re-election and removal of Directors (Subsection 5.2.1: Board selection, suitability and
diversity policy of the Board of Directors) |
C.1.8 Where applicable, explain why proprietary directors have been appointed at the behest of shareholders whose holding is less than 3% of the capital: |
Section 5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors |
C.1.9 Where applicable, indicate the powers and authority delegated by the board of directors, including as it relates to potential share issuances or buybacks, to directors or board committees: |
Section 5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors (Subsection 5.1.1: Profiles of Board members) and Section 6.3 Executive
Committee (Subsection 6.3.2: Functions of the Executive Committee) |
C.1.10 Where applicable, identify any members of the Board who hold positions as directors, representatives of directors or executives in other companies that belong to the same group as the listed Company: |
Section 5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors (Subsection Positions held by Directors at other Group
companies) |
C.1.11 Detail the director or director representative roles held by directors or representatives of members of the board of directors of the company in other companies, whether listed or not: |
Section 5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors (Subsection Positions held by Directors at other Group companies,
listed or otherwise) |
C.1.12 Indicate and, where applicable, explain whether the company has established any rules regarding the maximum number of company boards on which its directors may sit, identifying, where applicable, where such rules are
governed: |
Section 5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors (Subsection 5.1.2. Commitment in terms of time and dedication) |
C.1.13 Indicate the amounts of the following items relating to the total remuneration of the board of directors: |
Section 8 Directors Remuneration |
C.1.14 Identify the members of senior management who are not also executive directors, and indicate the total remuneration accrued in their favour throughout the financial year: |
Section 10 Senior Management and Section 10.2 Senior Management Remuneration |
C.1.15 Indicate whether there have been any amendments to the regulations of the board during the financial year: |
Section 5 Board of Directors |
C.1.16 Indicate the procedures for the selection, appointment, re-election and removal of directors. Provide details regarding the competent bodies, the procedures to be followed and the criteria to be used in each
procedure. |
Section 5.2 Selection, appointment, re-election and removal of Directors (Subsection 5.2.2 : Procedures for the selection,
appointment, re-election and removal of Board Members) |
C.1.17 Explain the extent to which the annual evaluation of the board has led to significant changes in its internal organisation and in the procedures applicable to its activities: |
Section 7 Annual assessment of the Board and its Committees |
C.1.18 For those financial years in which an external consultant assisted with the evaluation, provide details of any business relationships that the consultant or any entity in their group maintains with this company or any company in its
group. |
Section 7 Review of the Board and its Committees |
C.1.19 Indicate the circumstances under which directors are obliged to resign. |
Section 5.2 Selection, appointment, re-election and removal of Directors (Subsection 5.2.2 : Procedures for the selection,
appointment, re-election and removal of Board Members) |
C.1.20 Are supermajorities, other than those provided for by law, required for any type of decision? |
Section 5.4 Functioning of the Board (Subsection 5.4.2: Supervision and control model) |
C.1.21 Explain whether there are specific requirements, other than those relating to directors, to be appointed Chair of the board of directors. |
Section 5.2 Selection, appointment, re-election and removal of Directors (Subsection 5.2.2 : Procedures for the selection,
appointment, re-election and removal of Board Members) |
C.1.22 Indicate whether the bylaws or regulations of the board establish an age limit for directors: |
Section 5.2 Selection, appointment, re-election and removal of Directors (Subsection 5.2.2 : Procedures for the selection,
appointment, re-election and removal of Board Members) |
This English version is a translation of the original in
Spanish for information purposes only. In case of discrepancy the original in Spanish shall prevail. |