A separate convocation and agenda with explanatory notes has been prepared and published for the Luxembourg
EGM that will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 09:30 CET in Luxembourg. We urge you to also review the information regarding the Luxembourg EGM and submit your votes timely for the EGM and the Luxembourg EGM.
This convocation (including agenda and explanatory notes) and the other relevant meeting documents, including the Shareholder Circular, the Conversion
Proposal (including Aegon S.A.s draft articles of association) and the Board Report, each dated June 30, 2023, the Hybrid Meeting of Shareholders Manual and FAQ, as well as the Companys Policy regarding a Hybrid Meeting of Shareholders
are available on Aegons corporate website (www.aegon.com/egm) as of August 17, 2023.
Record Date
Recognized as persons entitled to take part in the EGM are those who hold shares of Aegon N.V. on the Record Date, Friday, September 1, 2023, following the
processing of all additions and withdrawals as at the Record Date. This applies by analogy to pledgees and usufructuaries of shares holding the right to attend General Meetings of Shareholders of Aegon N.V. At the EGM, no shareholder rights can be
exercised by the holder of shares acquired after September 1, 2023
Mandatory registration of intention to participate in the EGM
Shareholders holding their shares in a securities account under the Dutch giro system, who wish to participate in the EGM, are required to register by
notifying their intended participation to ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands (ABN AMRO), which is possible from Sunday, September 3, 2023, until Friday, September 22, 2023, at the latest. This registration can be made through
the ABN AMRO website (www.abnamro.com/evoting) or through the shareholders bank or stockbroker (intermediary) within the meaning of the Dutch Securities Transactions Act (Wet Giraal Effectenverkeer) by submitting a statement from
the shareholders intermediary regarding ones ownership of shares on the Record Date as stated above. Upon registration via ABN AMRO, shareholders will be requested to choose whether they attend the meeting in person, virtually, or
alternatively, grant a proxy to vote without attending the meeting as referred to below.
Holders of New York Registry Shares, or holders of New York
Registry Shares through a custodian, broker or other agent, and who wish to attend the meeting in person, should call Citibank, N.A., Aegons U.S. Shareholder Security Agent at 1-888-756- 1769, which is possible until Friday, September 22, 2023
10:00 a.m. New York time at the latest.
Shareholders registered in the Companys register of shareholders will receive a letter containing
information on how to notify their participation. They are required to inform Aegon N.V. in writing of their intention to participate in the EGM by Friday, September 22, 2023, at the latest.
Shareholders with vested Aegon shares from incentive plans will receive an e-mail containing information on how to notify their participation. These
shareholders must first register via www.abnamro.com/evoting in order to participate in the meeting and to exercise their
voting rights. Upon registration via ABN AMRO, shareholders will be requested to choose whether they attend the meeting in person or alternatively, grant a proxy to vote without attending the meeting as referred to below.
Voting without attending the EGM in person or virtually
Shareholders holding their shares in a securities account and shareholders with vested Aegon shares from incentive plans who have registered with ABN AMRO as
outlined above have two manners to vote without attending the meeting:
1. |
Shareholders can vote through the e-voting system of ABN AMRO (www.abnamro.com/evoting) which entails a voting
instruction to Mr. R.H. Kleipool, civil law notary at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V. or his substitute (the Notary). The deadline for voting through the e-voting system of ABN AMRO is Friday, September 22, 2023, 23:59 CET
2. |
Shareholders may grant a written proxy (with or without a voting instruction) to the Company Secretary or the
Notary, as their representative, by using the power of attorney. The power of attorney, as published on the corporate website, must have been received by the Company Secretary (bieke.debruyne@aegon.com) before Friday, September 22, 2023, 18:00 CET
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