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AIM 23 July 2020 NOTICE 23/07/2020 7:00am NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM - XLON Pursuant to AIM Rule 1 the following...
G 30 June 2020 WALCOM GROUP LIMITED ("Walcom" or "the Company") Board Change Walcom announces that Mr. Franky Wong and Mr...
Walcom Group Ltd - Board Change PR Newswire London, June 30 30 June 2020 WALCOM GROUP LIMITED (“Walcom” or “the Company”) Board Change Walcom...
- China-focused animal feeds - Shares suspended from trading on AIM as Allenby Capital Ltd resigns as nominated adviso ...
AIM 22 June 2020 NOTICE 22/06/2020 1:13pm TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF TRADING ON AIM WALCOM GROUP LIMITED Trading on AIM for the under-mentioned...
Walcom Group Ltd - Resignation of Nominated Adviser and Broker PR Newswire London, June 22 The information contained within this announcement is...
G The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market...
Walcom Group Ltd - Company update PR Newswire London, June 22 The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to...
Walcom Group Ltd warned on Monday that it could sink to liquidation on Friday, with the animal feed firm yet to recei ...
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