RNS Number : 1965G 
Ottoman Fund Limited (The) 
27 January 2010 
The Ottoman Fund Limited 
27 January 2010 
The Ottoman Fund Limited 
EGM to Approve Restructuring Proposals 
The Ottoman Fund Limited the ("Company") has today published a circular 
setting out restructuring proposals whereby the Company will terminate the 
manager, internalize Company management, and retain a new investment advisor. 
The Board's objectives in seeking shareholder approval for these proposals are 
to reduce operating costs and ultimately increase shareholder value. 
Summary of the Proposals 
  *  The Company will internalize the management of Company assets by terminating the 
  existing management agreement and assuming responsibility at the Board level for 
  Company management. This new structure once approved will result in immediate 
  and substantial savings through the elimination of "management" fees and the 
  implementation of incentive based compensation; 
  *  The Company will adopt a new investment policy emphasizing a managed realization 
  of asset value with shareholder returns delivered through returns of capital and 
  any new investment expenditures restricted to existing assets and only where 
  there is a clear prospect of increasing shareholder value; 
  *  The Company will retain Civitas as an advisor to the Board with a mandate and 
  incentive structure that focus on returning value to shareholders by way of a 
  return of capital through asset realizations. The Board selected Civitas after 
  an extensive search and believes that Civitas's personnel are best placed to 
  advise the Board in connection with the disposal of Company assets and other 
  matters. Civitas' compensation will primarily be based on realizations, rather 
  than as a percentage of assets under management or other compensation structure 
  irrelevant to shareholder returns; 
  *  The Company's Articles of Association will be amended where necessary to 
  facilitate these proposals; 
  *  The Company will be reclassified as a Listed Fund under Jersey law; 
  *  When implemented, these proposals will result in a significant financial saving 
  for the Company 
The proposals are conditional on shareholder approval at an extraordinary 
general meeting. A circular setting out the details of the proposals and 
incorporating a notice convening an extraordinary general meeting will be posted 
to shareholders today. The circular and form of proxy will also be available on 
the Company's website. 
John D. Chapman, Chairman of the Ottoman Fund commented: "After a lengthy 
process involving changes to our Board, regulatory approvals, and the selection 
of a new advisor, we have completed the structural changes at the Board level 
and regulatory approvals prerequisite to internalizing Company management. We 
now have in place a Board that includes representatives of several major 
shareholders and an advisor with the requisite expertise and incentive structure 
to create shareholder value. Our objective is the monetization of the Company's 
portfolio, and we have consequently announced the distribution of a substantial 
portion of the Company's excess cash. Notwithstanding this distribution, our 
capital structure remains robust with no debt and no foreseeable need to raise 
cash. We hope and expect that the implementation of the proposals outlined above 
will result in an efficient and cost effective structure for the realization of 
shareholder value though assets sales - but only at prices that reflect the full 
and fair value of our assets." 
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| Singer Capital Markets     Limited        | +44 (0)20 3205 7500              | 
| Roger Clarke                              |                                  | 
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| Herald Fund Services                      | +44 (0)1534 610 610              | 
| Michael Capraro                           |                                  | 
|                                           |                                  | 
The following information has been extracted without material adjustment from 
the Circular. 
1.    Background 
The Board announced on 1 November 2007, that the Company intended to realise its 
assets in a managed way over the following 18 to 24 months, returning proceeds 
to Shareholders. The Board instructed the Manager to proceed with this 
realisation strategy and on 2 July 2008, the Company announced that the Company 
had given notice to the Manager to terminate the Management Agreement with 
effect from 31 December 2008. The Management Agreement has been extended since 
then on a month to month basis at a reduced fee. 
Whilst units in the Alanya development have been sold since 31 December 2008, 
the bulk of the Company's assets are unsold. 
Following the Manager's termination, the Board considered a number of 
alternatives and interviewed numerous companies and individuals. Following the 
completion of this search, the Board chose to appoint Civitas to advise the 
board in connection with the NIAA Assets (Company assets other than Kazikili) of 
the Company. 
The Board has experience in Turkish assets and property investments. To the 
extent additional expertise is required, the Board will rely on Civitas in 
relation to the NIAA Assets. 
The Company entered into a New Investment Advisory Agreement with the New 
Investment Adviser on 2 December 2009. The Manager is not a party to the New 
Investment Advisory Agreement. 
The New Investment Adviser was appointed by the Company initially to work with 
the Board to conduct a review of the NIAA Assets. The New Investment Adviser has 
not been engaged by the Company to work with the Board to conduct a review of 
Kazikli. If the Internalisation is implemented, the New Investment Adviser will 
have a larger role as described in paragraph 4 of Part III of this Circular. 
On 22 January 2010, the Company received JFSC approval to internalise its 
management and reclassify as a Listed Fund, subject to the approval of the 
2.    The Proposed Restructuring 
It is proposed that the Company internalises its management by terminating the 
Management Agreement and taking over the majority of the day to day management 
of the Company. The remainder of the management role (essentially, a duty to 
monitor the investment management activities of the Directors) will be 
undertaken by the Administrator. 
The internalisation will result in consequential savings on operating costs for 
the Company, but the implementation of the restructuring is driven, in part, by 
compliance with the Listed Funds Guide and the requirements of the JFSC. The 
Company will need to reclassify from being an unclassified collective investment 
fund pursuant to the CIF Law, to a "Listed Fund", which is an unclassified 
collective investment fund in accordance with the Listed Fund Guide. The 
Internalisation is conditional upon Shareholder approval and the issue to the 
Company by the JFSC of a certificate in accordance with the Listed Fund Guide 
and the CIF Law. 
If the Internalisation is approved by Shareholders, the Company will terminate 
the Management Agreement. The Manager will cease to provide a management 
function to the Company and, in particular, the following will occur:- 
Changes to investment management and advisory function 
  *  The general duty to manage the Company's Assets and supervision of the 
  Administrator and the secretary will not be carried out by the Manager. These 
  functions will be undertaken by the Board. 
  *  The duty to provide investment advisory services to the Company and management 
  of the investment and reinvestment of the Assets of the Company will not be 
  carried out by the Manager. This includes the duty to acquire, oversee, arrange 
  financing for and manage the Company's investment properties. The termination of 
  the management function means that the Manager will not report to the Board 
  concerning the status of the property portfolio and will not be responsible for 
  organising contracts in respect of maintenance, cleaning, landscaping or service 
  installations for the underlying properties. Instead, these activities will be 
  carried out by the New Investment Adviser in relation to the NIAA Assets, in 
  conjunction with the Board who will carry out these functions in relation to all 
  the Assets of the Company. 
  *  At the same time, the Company proposes to terminate the appointment of the 
  Custodian. The Company does not intend to appoint a new custodian as these 
  functions are limited. The Company's real property assets are held through its 
  Turkish Subsidiaries, and it is proposed that the Administrator will hold the 
  share certificates to the Turkish Subsidiaries on behalf of the Company. Title 
  documents to the Company's real property will remain with the legal advisers to 
  the Company in Turkey with certified copies being held by the Administrator for 
  reconciliation purposes. 
New functions carried out by the Administrator 
  *  In accordance with the requirements of the Listed Fund Guide, the Administrator 
  will monitor the investment decisions of the Board to ensure that its decisions 
  are consistent with the investment policy of the Company as amended from time to 
Retirement of the Manager and Termination of Management Agreement 
  *  The Management Agreement will be terminated and cease to be of any further 
  effect, save that the Manager pursuant to a contract entered into between the 
  Company and the Manager may be entitled to certain fees in relation to sales of 
  Assets to persons introduced to the Company by the Manager. 
New functions carried out by the New Investment Adviser 
  *  If the Internalisation becomes effective, the New Investment Adviser will 
  provide services to the Company that will include advisory, management, 
  marketing, accounting and legal services in connection with the NIAA Assets of 
  the Company. If the Internalisation becomes effective, the New Investment 
  Manager will not be engaged to provide services to the Company in relation to 
  Kazikli. Further details of the New Investment Adviser and its contract with the 
  Company and details regarding Kazikli are set out in Part III. 
Copies of the New Investment Advisory Agreement and the Administration Agreement 
are on display during normal office hours on Business Days at the offices of the 
Administrator at 8 Hill Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9XB and will remain on 
display until the date of the EGM. 
3.      Proposed Changes to the Investment Policy 
The initial investment strategy of the Company was written in connection with 
its admission to AIM in the Company's admission document and no longer reflects 
the phase in the investment-divestment cycle in which the Company is operating. 
The Board does not currently intend to make any further acquisitions. 
The initially stated investment policy and criteria of the Company were 
generally only to be varied by way of ordinary resolution of the Shareholders. 
Accordingly, Shareholders are being asked to approve by ordinary resolution at 
the EGM a change in the Investment Policy such that the new policy is as 
"The Company shall only make investments in Turkey with a view to enabling a 
future sale of the Assets in whole or in part. To the extent investments have 
been or are made, the Company will actively manage those investments and seek to 
realise its assets in a managed way at an appropriate time, returning proceeds 
to Shareholders as and when it does. 
Save as set out above, there are no restrictions on the investments which the 
Company may make or the leverage it may employ (up to a value of no more than 
100% of the net asset value of the Company in relation to leverage) save as 
provided by the Listed Fund Guide and the Offering Document. 
Shareholder returns are expected to be delivered by way of return of capital on 
their Shares, whether by dividend, repurchase or otherwise." 
The Board is of the view that the New Investment Policy is in the best interests 
of the Shareholders, particularly in light of the current market conditions in 
Turkey and globally. 
4.      Proposed Reclassification of the Company to "Listed Fund" Status 
When the Company was incorporated in 2005, it was established as an 
"unclassified" fund in accordance with the CIF Law. The authorization process 
for the Company required the JFSC to review and approve the offering document, 
constitutional documents and material contracts of the Company. The regulatory 
requirements for the structure of the Company (as a closed ended unclassified 
collective investment fund pursuant to the CIF Law) were such that a Jersey 
based manager be appointed by the Company to perform an investment management 
role and carry out the administration of the Company (although this function was 
delegated to the Administrator). This provides the background to the appointment 
of the Manager and the nature of its current duties under the Management 
In January 2007, the JFSC issued the "Jersey Listed Funds Guide" which was 
re-issued in April 2008 and subsequently updated in January 2009. The purpose of 
the Listed Fund Guide was to enable a streamlined authorisation process for the 
establishment or reclassification of unclassified collective investment listed 
closed ended funds, provided that the fund complies with the requirements of the 
Listed Fund Guide. 
The regulatory approach to a Listed Fund differs from the approach in relation 
to unclassified funds, because it relies on certification by a Jersey based 
functionary that the relevant fund complies with the requirements of the Listed 
Fund Guide. In this case, the Administrator has provided the relevant 
confirmation to the JFSC in respect of the Company. 
In certain cases, the Listed Fund Guide enables collective investment funds to 
be established without a manager, provided that a Jersey based administrator is 
appointed. There is more flexibility regarding investment policy and borrowing 
powers, providing adequate disclosure is made with the offering document of the 
Company. There is a requirement for a majority of the directors of the 
investment fund to be independent of the manager or investment manager (if 
In summary, the reclassification of the Company to Listed Fund status provides a 
suitable regulatory framework within which the proposed Internalisation may be 
effected. The reclassification amounts to a change in the regulatory treatment 
of the Company and, other than as set out in the Proposals, the general 
characteristics of the Company (including the investment policy and objectives) 
will remain the same in all material respects. It is worth noting that the 
Company would probably not have been established as an ordinary unclassified 
collective investment fund today but either as a listed fund or an unregulated 
exchange traded fund. Unfortunately, it is not possible, for legal and 
regulatory reasons to convert an existing unclassified collective investment 
fund to an unregulated exchange traded fund. 
Further information in relation to the regulatory treatment of Listed Funds 
domiciled in Jersey may be found on the website of the JFSC at 
5.    Financial Impact of the Internalisation 
The Directors are of the view, that the financial saving on implementation of 
the Internalisation will be significant. 
6.    Tax 
The following is a high-level analysis of the Jersey and Turkish tax 
implications of the proposed restructuring for the Company and its subsidiary 
undertakings and is provided by the auditors of the Company. It is not intended 
to advise individual investors of their tax position, and individual investors 
should seek advice as to the impact on their affairs of the proposed 
restructuring. The information given below is based on current law and practice, 
and may be subject to change. 
Turkish tax position 
A change in the Company's regulatory status will not affect the liability of its 
Turkish subsidiaries to Turkish tax. Steps will be taken to ensure that the 
Company cannot be considered to be trading in Turkey through a permanent 
establishment, and therefore liable to Turkish tax. To minimise the risk of the 
Company attracting Turkish tax, the Board will ensure that, following the 
proposed reorganisation, decisions regarding the investment activities of the 
Company are made in Jersey, and sufficient records are kept to document this. 
Jersey tax position 
A change in the Company's regulatory status will not affect its liability to 
Jersey tax. The Company is liable to tax in Jersey at the standard rate of 0% on 
the basis that it is not a "financial services company" as defined in the Income 
Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended. It is the understanding of the auditors of 
the Company that the changes in the regulatory position and the activities of 
the Company will not bring it within the scope of a higher tax rate, and 
therefore the Company will be unaffected by the proposed restructuring. In 
addition, the auditors of the Company do not anticipate that the change in the 
Company's advisers will have an impact on its Jersey tax position. 
The directors of the Company intend to conduct the affairs of the Company in 
such a way that central management and control remains in Jersey and such that 
the Company will not be carrying out any trading activity that could cause a 
taxable permanent establishment to arise outside of Jersey. 
Recent concern, albeit unspecified, has reportedly been expressed by some 
members of the ECOFIN Code of Conduct group as to whether the current "Zero/Ten" 
income tax regimes in Jersey and the other crown dependencies are compliant with 
the spirit of the EU Code of Conduct for Business Taxation. Pending a review by 
the crown dependencies of their corporate tax regimes no formal objection has 
been raised by ECOFIN at this time. The outcome of these reviews cannot be 
pre-judged, however, Jersey's Minister for Treasury and Resources has announced 
plans to propose legislation to exempt companies, such as the Company, which are 
collective investment schemes from taxation in Jersey with effect from 1 January 
7.     Amendments to the Articles 
It is proposed that the Existing Articles are replaced in their entirety in 
order to remove: 
  *  the requirement for the Company to appoint a manager to manage the Company's 
  *  a provision requiring the Company to be wound up in the absence of a manager 
  being appointed for a period of six months or more; and 
  *  other non material amendments reflecting the absence of a manager. 
A copy of the New Articles and a black lined version showing the changes from 
the Existing Articles will be available on the Company's website, 
8.      Consequential Amendments to the Admission Document 
The Directors have resolved not to add to the expense of the Proposals by 
issuing a revised admission document. As such, assuming that the Proposals are 
approved, Shareholders should treat the Admission Document as having been 
amended in accordance with the detail and information provided in this Circular, 
taken together with the New Articles. 
The consequential amendments to the Admission Document are set out in Part III 
of this Circular. 
9.      Extraordinary General Meeting 
A notice convening the EGM to be held at 8 Hill Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 
9XB at 11 a.m. on 22 February 2010 to consider and, if thought fit, pass the 
Resolutions described below. 
All Shareholders are entitled to vote on the Resolutions to be proposed at the 
EGM. Resolutions 1 and 2 will be proposed as ordinary resolutions (which require 
votes in favour representing more than 50 per cent. of the votes cast) and 
Resolution 3 will be proposed as a composite special resolution (which require 
votes in favour representing at least two thirds of the votes cast). 
The quorum for the EGM is two members present in person or voting by proxy. Any 
Shareholder may appoint a proxy to attend and, on a poll, vote on the 
Resolutions on his behalf. 
The Resolutions which Shareholders are being asked to pass at the EGM provide 
for the following: 
Resolution 1 (Ordinary Resolution) seeks Shareholder approval to adopt the New 
Investment Policy. 
Resolution 2 (Ordinary Resolution) seeks Shareholder approval to the appointment 
of Eitan Milgram as a Director of the Company. 
Resolution 3 (Special Resolution) seeks Shareholder approval that:- 
(a)     the proposals described in this Circular and the reclassification of the 
regulatory status of the Company to "Listed Fund" status in accordance with the 
Listed Fund Guide be approved; 
(b)     the termination of the Manager and the Management Agreement be approved 
for all purposes under the Articles; 
(c)    any one director of the Company (or any two such directors, if required) 
be authorised to execute the required documentation in connection with the 
Proposals, together with all amendments as may be approved by such director or 
directors so authorised and executing such documents; and 
(d)    with effect from, and conditional upon, the issue to the Company by the 
JFSC of a certificate in accordance with the CIF Law, the Articles be replaced 
in their entirety by new articles of association in the form submitted to the 
meeting, and signed by the Chairman for the purposes of identification. 
10.     Recommendation 
The Directors consider the Proposals to be in the best interests of the Company 
and its Shareholders as a whole and, accordingly, unanimously recommend that 
Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Ottoman Fund (LSE:OTM)
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Ottoman Fund (LSE:OTM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Ottoman Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.