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idge, England-based financial technology firm - Raises gross proceeds of GBP1.3 million through issuing 12.5 million s ...
Fiinu PLC on Wednesday saw its share price multiply after announcing its first white-label deal with a UK bank. The ...
The following is a round-up of earnings for London-listed companies, issued on Tuesday and not separately reported by ...
idge, England-based digital bank and creator of Plugin Overdraft - Notes the nearly 50% increase to its share price on ...
Fiinu PLC shares rose on Friday, as the company said it remains focused on raising capital ahead of a UK banking lice ...
rley, England-based digital bank - On Friday, reports funding challenges have continued over the summer and, whilst th ...
Fiinu PLC on Thursday said its pretax loss widened in its latest half year, and that it continues to seek additional ...
Fiinu PLC on Wednesday said its subsidiary Fiinu 2 Ltd has had its restricted UK banking licence withdrawn, while it ...
idge, England-based digital bank that offers short-term credit to consumers via an arranged overdraft - Posts loss of ...
Fiinu PLC shares fell on Friday, after it confirmed that it has withdrawn its banking licence due to a lack of fundin ...
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