RNS Number : 0293D 
Greencore Group PLC 
25 November 2009 

for the year ended 25 September 2009 
Greencore Group plc, a leading international convenience food and ingredient 
producer, today issues the following preliminary statement of results for the 
year ended 25 September 2009. 
  *  Group sales of EUR1,103.8m, a decrease of 0.8% in continuing businesses on a 
  constant currency basis 
  *  Group operating profit2 of EUR72.9m, an increase of 7.9% in continuing businesses 
  on a constant currency basis 
  *  13% decline in average EUR/GBP exchange rate versus FY08 impacted translation of 
  operating profit by EUR9.1m 
  *  Adjusted EPS3 of 17.4c in line with FY08 on a constant currency basis 
  *  Net exceptional loss of EUR25.2m on discontinued activities and restructuring 
  initiatives, substantially non cash 
  *  Final dividend of 4.5 cent per share (FY08: 8.21 cent) resulting in total 
  dividend for the year of 7.5 cent per share (FY08: 13.51 cent per share) 
  *  Successful refinancing completed of EUR410m of banking facilities 
  *  Comparable net debt of EUR283.8m in line with the amount of EUR283.4m at the end of 
Recovery in Convenience Foods Division 
  *  Sales in continuing businesses of EUR794.4m ahead of FY08 by 2.2% on a constant 
  currency basis 
  *  Operating profit2 in continuing businesses increased by 14.1% on a constant 
  currency basis 
  *  Continued progress in the US with fourth quarter sales ahead of the same period 
  in FY08 by 46% on a constant currency basis 
  *  Restoration of operating margin with a 50 bps increase to 5.8% 
Resilient performance in Ingredients 
  *  Sales in continuing businesses decreased by 8.2% on a constant currency basis 
  *  Operating profit2 in continuing businesses decreased by 1.5% on a constant 
  currency basis 
  *  Disposal during the year of Drummonds grain trading business 
Commenting on the results, Patrick Coveney, Group chief executive said: 
"This has been a year of real achievement in the face of considerable headwinds. 
Most importantly, we have driven significant performance improvement in our core 
convenience foods business - performance that improved with each passing 
quarter. In addition, we successfully re-financed our Group, reshaped our 
business portfolio and have embedded a new leadership team at all levels. While 
of course there remains a lot to be done, our strategy is clear and we are 
encouraged by the progress that we are making in all areas." 
(1) Continuing business comparisons exclude Drummonds in the Ingredients and 
Related property division and frozen desserts in the Convenience Foods division. 
Both of these businesses were discontinued during the first half of FY09 but 
have not been classified as discontinued operations in the preliminary 
(2) Before exceptional items and acquisition related amortisation. 
(3) Before exceptional items, pension finance items, acquisition related 
amortisation, FX on inter-company and certain external loan balances and the 
movement in the fair value of all derivative financial instruments and related 
debt adjustments. 
A presentation of the results will be made to analysts and institutional 
investors at 9.00am on Wednesday 25 November 2009 at Greencore Group plc., 2 
Northwood Avenue, Northwood Business Park, Santry, Dublin 9. 
This presentation can be accessed live through the following channels: 
  *  Webcast - details on  www.greencore.com 
  *  Conference call 
Ireland number: +353 (0) 1 436 0959 
UK number: +44 (0) 203 037 9148 
The participant code is 'Greencore' in both cases 
Replay of the presentation will be available on www.greencore.com. It will also 
be available through a conference call replay facility which will be available 
for one week - to dial into the replay, the Ireland number is +353 (0) 1 486 
4035; the UK number is +44 (0) 208 196 1998. The replay pass code is 271009#. 
For further information, please contact 
| Patrick Coveney            | Chief Executive Officer  | Tel: +353 (0) 1      | 
|                            |                          | 6051045              | 
| Geoff Doherty              | Chief Financial Officer  | Tel: +353 (0) 1      | 
|                            |                          | 6051018              | 
| Eoin Tonge                 | Group Capital Markets    | Tel: +353 (0) 1      | 
|                            | Director                 | 6051017              | 
| Billy Murphy or Anne Marie | Drury Communications     | Tel: +353 (0) 1 260  | 
| Curran                     |                          | 5000                 | 
| Elizabeth Rous or Rob      | Powerscourt              | Tel: + 44  (0) 207   | 
| Greening                   |                          | 250 1446             | 
Greencore Group 
  *  A leading international producer of convenience food with operations in the UK, 
  the US and the Netherlands 
  *  Strong market leadership positions in the UK convenience food market across 
  sandwiches, chilled prepared meals, chilled soups and sauces, ambient sauces & 
  pickles, cakes & desserts, bottled water and Yorkshire puddings 
  *  Extending presence outside the UK with fast-growing convenience food businesses 
  in the US, The Netherlands and Ireland 
  *  An established ingredients supplier with leading market positions in malt 
  production for the brewing and distilling industries in Ireland, the UK and 
The Group delivered a good performance overall against the backdrop of a 
challenging consumer environment which was particularly evident in the first 
quarter of the year. Adjusted EPS of 17.4 cent was in line with FY08 on a 
constant currency basis but was down by 14.3% on the comparative amount for last 
year of 20.3 cent after the impact of currency translation. The EUR/GBP exchange 
rate impacted the translation of the Group results year on year with a 13% 
decrease in the average exchange rate compared to FY08. The Convenience Foods 
division delivered strong constant currency operating profit growth of 14.1% on 
continuing businesses with Ingredients and Related Property behind by 1.5% on 
the same basis. Group operating profit on continuing businesses was ahead by 
7.9% on a constant currency basis, representing a decrease of 3.9% after the 
impact of currency translation.Bank interest payable for the year was higher by 
5.2% on FY08 on a constant currency basis due in the main to higher interest 
costs associated with the Group's bank debt refinancing in April 2009. 
Convenience Foods 
The Convenience Foods division which accounted for 64% of Group operating profit 
in FY09 (60% in FY08) delivered a strong performance in the year, particularly 
in the second half.  Operating profit in continuing businesses of EUR46.4m 
increased by 14.1% on a constant currency basis and was in line with FY08 after 
the impact of currency translation.  Sales in continuing businesses of EUR794.4m 
increased by 2.2% on FY08 on a constant currency basis, a decrease of 9.4% after 
the impact of currency translation. The operating margin increased by 50 bps to 
5.8% reflecting, in the main, cost saving initiatives in the division and the 
benefits of restructuring initiatives undertaken, primarily, in the second half 
of FY08 at the Group's prepared meals, ambient grocery and water businesses. The 
trend highlighted at half year of greater consistency in weekly performance in 
the period between January and March 2009 continued through the second half. The 
momentum in our US business continued in FY09 with its contribution to Group 
operating profit almost doubling in the year, albeit from a small base. 
Ingredients & Related Property 
The Ingredients and Related Property division delivered a resilient performance 
overall against the backdrop, in particular, of weaker malt demand from the 
Group's brewing and distilling customers. Operating profits in continuing 
businesses decreased by 1.5% on a constant currency basis representing a 
decrease of 10.6% to EUR26.9m after the impact of currency translation. Sales in 
continuing businesses of EUR304.6m were down 8.2% on a constant currency basis, a 
decrease of 13.8% after the impact of currency translation. The key driver of 
the divisional performance, Malt, delivered a constant currency operating profit 
lower than in FY08, a very strong year, with deliveries 14% down due to weaker 
brewing and distilling demand. The adverse impact of this volume decline was 
partially offset by more favourable energy pricing in particular. 
Notwithstanding the decline in Malt earnings year-on-year FY09 represented a 
very good year in a historical context. 
Finance, Treasury and Taxation 
As reported previously, the Group in April 2009 secured a new three year bank 
debt facility of EUR360m which fully refinanced the Group's previous syndicated 
banking facility of EUR336m. In addition, a new bi-lateral facility of EUR50m was 
concluded in August 2009 with a maturity of August 2011. On that basis all 2010 
maturities have either been fully refinanced or repaid. The Group's bank 
interest charge of EUR28.4m reduced by 2.8% during the period reflecting, in the 
main, the favourable impact of the EUR/GBP exchange rate on the sterling 
denominated portion of the Group's interest expense which offset the higher cost 
of the refinanced facilities in the second half of the year.  The significant 
reduction in global interest rates resulted in a non-cash mark to market loss of 
EUR20.9m in our fixed rate debt instruments. This does not relate to the cash 
interest charge for FY09 but to the impact of marking to market the fixed 
interest contracts in place at the end of the year which will unwind in the next 
three years. The Group's comparable net debt position was EUR283.8m, a reduction 
of EUR48.8m on the position at the end of March 2009. A net cash inflow from 
pre-exceptional operating activities of EUR93.8m was recorded compared to EUR83.0m 
in FY08.  The Group's effective tax rate of 16%, including the tax impact 
associated with pension finance items, was in line with FY08. 
As highlighted in our interim results statement, the Board resolved in May 2009 
to rebase the dividend to reflect a payout policy of a ratio in the range of 
40-50% of adjusted EPS.  This reflects the desire of the Board to adopt a 
prudent approach in the current environment that balances payout to shareholders 
with medium-term capital needs. In accordance with this policy a final dividend 
of 4.50 cent per share is proposed (FY08 final dividend 8.21 cent per share). 
The Group recorded significant progress in its Convenience Foods division in 
FY09, albeit against a weak comparative period in FY08. Our UK business 
performed well after a weak first quarter with most categories delivering good 
earnings growth year on year. Our US business continued to make headway almost 
doubling its contribution to Group operating profit year on year. In Ingredients 
& Related Property, particularly in Malt, the consumer environment was 
challenging with weak brewing and distilling demand. 
The Group has made a good start to FY10 with a continuation of an improving 
performance in UK Convenience Foods and progress in the US offsetting a weaker 
performance in Malt and higher finance costs. The higher finance costs reflect 
the effect of the Group's refinancing in April 2009 with FY10 reflecting a full 
year effect of the associated increase in the Group's interest charge. The 
average EUR/GBP exchange rate was 0.88 in FY09 and is likely to have a less 
material year on year impact on the translation of earnings in FY10 than was the 
case in FY09.  Notwithstanding the recent evidence of recovery in our key UK and 
US markets we take nothing for granted in an environment where consumer 
sentiment is both fragile and reactive. However, the combination of our core 
private label offering and our well invested facilities position us favourably 
to significantly progress the Group over the coming years. 
Taking account of all of the above, and at this early stage in the year, the 
Group is on track to deliver modest earnings growth in FY10. 
Convenience Foods 
|                    |         FY09 |          FY08 |       Change |     Constant | 
|                    |          EUR'm |           EUR'm |              |     Currency | 
|                    |              |               |              |       change | 
| Turnover           |        794.4 |         877.1 |        -9.4% |        +2.2% | 
| Operating profit   |         46.4 |          46.2 |        +0.4% |       +14.1% | 
| Operating margin   |         5.8% |          5.3% |              |              | 
The above table excludes the discontinued frozen desserts business. 
The Convenience Foods division recorded a strong performance in FY09, 
particularly in the second half.  In the first quarter of FY09 divisional 
earnings declined year on year but growth was recorded on a constant currency 
basis in each successive quarter of the year. Constant currency operating profit 
for the year grew by 14.1%. A significant element of this growth is attributable 
to the operational improvements in our ambient grocery, prepared meals and water 
businesses. Specifically, in prepared meals, the Group closed one of its 
facilities in the first quarter, with the associated restructuring charge taken 
in FY08, and has benefited from operational efficiencies through the second half 
of FY09. In addition, a series of restructuring initiatives were undertaken at 
water, significantly improving its operating performance in FY09. 
The flight to value was a key consumer theme during the year. The combination of 
our private label offering and low cost leadership has positioned us well for 
this. During FY09 we eliminated the equivalent of 2% of sales from our cost base 
through our lean manufacturing and cost reduction programmes with a particular 
focus on overheads.Additionally, the capacity environment in the UK is improving 
somewhat through a combination of factory closures by larger players as well as 
smaller, poorly capitalised players, exiting the industry.  Our agenda to 
recover our operating margin progressed during the year with a 50 bps increase 
in the divisional operating margin to 5.8%.  Finally, FY09 also marked a year of 
real progress for our emerging US business with development of existing 
customers together with the addition of new customers and categories and the 
opening of our second, albeit smaller, manufacturing facility. 
Food to Go 
Food to go is our largest category business comprising fresh sandwiches, salads 
and sushi.  During the first quarter of FY09 a significant downturn occurred in 
the food to go market with consumers, for example, opting temporarily to make 
more of their own sandwiches. However, the decline was short lived with 
consumers returning to the sandwich fixture over time. Despite a food to go 
market decline of 3.9% in the first quarter we grew our overall sales by 2.4% 
for the year in FY09. There has been a significant mix change with consumers 
buying cheaper lines rather than giving up the convenience of a pre packaged 
food-to-go offering. Sandwich volumes were broadly flat year on year with salads 
and sushi gaining food to go share, and driving category growth, with growth 
levels of 30% and 31% respectively. We remain the No. 1 player in the UK with a 
26% market share, growing or holding share across all customers. 
Prepared Meals 
Our prepared meals business comprises the chilled ready meals and quiche 
categories and represented 20% of Convenience food sales in FY09. Our chilled 
ready meals business had a good year with consumers returning to the category 
combined with operating efficiencies due to restructuring initiatives 
undertaken, primarily in FY08. Greencore is the UK's largest producer of chilled 
Italian ready meals manufacturing 5 of the top 10 selling lines in the market. 
The category has been re-energised in 2009 as retailers attempt to bring 
consumers back to ready meals in an era where consumers are eating out less. An 
overall market decline of 0.4% was recorded in the year but the twelve week data 
to 4 October 2009 showed growth of 5.1%. As well as market recovery our business 
recorded significant operational improvements in the year by reducing SKUs by 
20% as well as efficiency gains associated with the closure of one of our 
Sheffield meal facilities in FY08. Greencore is also the market leader in 
UK quiche holding a 45% market share and producing 5 of the top 10 quiche lines 
in the market. The quiche market has suffered somewhat in the current consumer 
environment with the market contracting by 4.3% in the year. We offset the 
impact of this decline by increasing our share of trade with two significant 
customers. Notwithstanding the progress in our prepared meals business during 
the year it still earns a lower than average portfolio return on capital, 
although this is improving. 
Our grocery business comprises ambient cooking sauces, pickles and salad 
dressings. Our business recorded an improved performance in FY09 reflecting a 
consumer move from brand to private label combined with an increase in 'at home' 
dining. Additionally, a 7% increase in evening meals made from 'scratch' 
supported demand for stir in cooking sauces.  The business completely refocused 
its offering during the year by exiting trade with poor returns.  Operationally 
the business made significant progress as a result of this simplification agenda 
reducing its SKU count by 350. Niche and poorly performing categories such as 
sandwich spread, sweet pickle and sweet spreads were exited and selected 
tertiary brands discontinued. Co-pack volumes for branded customers decreased 
during the year, albeit these volumes carry the lowest margins in the category. 
Overall category sales increased by 0.9% year-on-year with strong cooking sauce 
volumes partially offset by trade we exited in the year.   Our Selby 
manufacturing facility is Europe's largest cooking sauce facility which 
underpins its position as the lowest cost producer in the industry. 
Cakes and Desserts 
Our cakes & desserts business, which comprises 10.3% of convenience sales, had a 
challenging year.  Whilst consumers are still willing to spend in indulgent 
categories they are doing so with less frequency than before. In addition, a 
significantly higher volume is being sold on promotion as retailers seek to 
attract the consumer. Our overall category sales were adverse on FY08 by 5.1% 
with a reduced gross margin reflecting the higher promotional mix. 
Chilled Sauces and Soups 
We are the UK's number one chilled sauce manufacturer with a 34% market 
share and a complementary position in chilled soup. The category recorded a 
strong sales performance in FY09 with sales increasing by 7.7% driven by higher 
soup volumes. We increased our soup business by 31% in the year. However, a 
higher promotional mix resulted in a reduced margin in the year albeit with 
comparatively fewer promotions in the last quarter. In the core sauces category 
the economic climate saw some consumers switching into ambient from chilled for 
pasta sauces although this trend levelled off towards the end of FY09. In 
addition, a significant relaunch of JS Italian Sauces in the summer supported a 
good chilled sauce sales performance in the fourth quarter. 
Frozen Foods 
Our frozen foods business comprises frozen Yorkshire puddings following the 
Group's decision to exit its sub-scale position in frozen desserts in December 
2008. Our Yorkshire pudding business had a good year recording modest sales 
growth during the year. The sales outturn reflected a good performance with 
retail customers who benefited from consumers choosing to eat more often at home 
than in prior years.  Additionally, our foodservice customers who represent the 
larger chains grew volume during the year at the expense of smaller independents 
that we do not trade with. 
Foodservice Desserts - Ministry of Cake 
We are the number one supplier to the UK foodservice desserts trade with a 
market share of c. 20%. We recorded sales growth of c. 8% with our customers 
representing the larger value players who are performing well in the current 
market. In addition, we continue to display adaptability, essential in 
foodservice, in an environment where the consumer is changing their tastes and 
preferences with more frequency than before. By way of example we won a "Special 
Recognition Award" from Pizza Hut UK for launching a new line, 'Sicilian Lemon 
Tarts', within two weeks of being briefed of a general requirement. 
Our water business recorded a good recovery from the pre-exceptional trading 
loss of EUR4.0m in FY08. A programme of initiatives was executed to reduce costs 
and to eliminate loss making trade. The bottled water market itself has been 
impacted significantly by the consumer downturn with volumes adverse by 7% year 
on year.  The benefit of the operational improvements more than offset the 
impact of weaker demand. The Water business represents 3.6% of divisional sales 
and maintained its number one market position in UK private label bottled water. 
 Subsequent to year end the Group announced that it had reached an agreement to 
sell its water business for a consideration of up to EUR19.6m. EUR5.0m of the 
proceeds is contingent upon the future performance of the business with 
completion of the disposal expected to occur on, or before, 30 April 2010. 
US Convenience Foods 
FY09 was a year of significant progress building on the platform acquired in 
FY08. Our US business recorded a strong year with its contribution to Group 
operating profit almost doubling in FY09 versus FY08. It exited FY09 on a strong 
trajectory with fourth quarter sales increasing by 46% on the comparable period 
for FY08. Of particular note, and a strong driver of the growth, has been the 
sales performance in chilled sandwiches. This is business which started from a 
zero base in April 2009 and now comprises 26% of our US sales.  During the year 
we opened a new satellite facility in Cincinnati which gives us a platform for 
growth in the mid western US. We launched our partnership with Weight Watchers 
during the year and are currently selling to four large retailers and are listed 
in 1000 stores with further listings planned. 
Continental Convenience Foods 
Our Continental business had a challenging year with sales decreasing by 6.1% on 
FY08. The Dutch chilled foods market is down 5% year on year and this has been 
compounded by a weaker airlines market, a significant sandwich channel. 
Notwithstanding the weaker sales performance the business has delivered a solid 
operating profit for the year. We have strong market positions in The 
Netherlands in sandwiches, chilled sauces and chilled pizza with market shares 
of 45%, 75% and 92% respectively. 
Ingredients and Related Property 
|                    |         FY09 |          FY08 |       Change |     Constant | 
|                    |          EUR'm |           EUR'm |              |     Currency | 
|                    |              |               |              |       change | 
| Sales              |        304.6 |         353.5 |       -13.8% |        -8.2% | 
| Operating profit   |         26.9 |          30.1 |       -10.6% |        -1.5% | 
| Operating margin   |         8.8% |          8.5% |              |              | 
The above table excludes Drummonds 
The Ingredients & Related Property division delivered a resilient performance 
overall in the context of a very challenging market in Malt due to weaker UK 
brewing and distilling demand. Sales and operating profit in continuing 
businesses declined by 8.2% and 1.5% respectively on a constant currency basis. 
These measures showed year on year decreases of 13.8% and 10.6% after the impact 
of currency translation. 
As highlighted previously the global malt market has deteriorated in the past 
year. Overall, malt deliveries were down by 14% in FY09 over FY08. In the third 
quarter a slight recovery was experienced versus the volume shortfalls seen in 
the first half.  However, in the fourth quarter the market weakened further.  A 
key driver of the weakness in malt demand has been the decline in UK beer sales 
which are adverse by 8% year on year which has been compounded by destocking by 
brewers and distillers.  Our business has been significantly insulated from the 
full impact of these volume shortfalls in FY09 because of our policy of forward 
selling and entering into long term agreements with customers as well as more 
favourable energy pricing. Against this backdrop we are cautious about the 
prospects for malt demand in FY10. However, a combination of committed forward 
contracts, the level of potentially unrepeatable destocking which took place in 
FY09 and favourable energy forward contracts should provide a good level of 
support to the operating result for FY10. 
Our edible oils business, Trilby Trading, had a challenging year with overall 
tonnage significantly adverse on FY08 reflecting weakened demand from Irish food 
and snack manufacturers. Our Premier Molasses business had a good year with 
molasses volumes holding up well year on year. Our associate molasses business 
in Northern Ireland was weaker in FY09 than in FY08 reflecting the combined 
impact of a 13% decrease in the EUR/GBP exchange rate and additional capacity in 
the Northern Irish market.  As previously reported, in December 2008 we made a 
decision to exit the Drummonds agri-trading business in Ireland. This was the 
result of lower than acceptable returns on capital being achieved in an industry 
which is likely to face significant challenges in the coming years. This 
disposal although cash positive together with the EUR3.0m of costs associated with 
the very poor 2008 Irish harvest resulted in an exceptional accounting loss of 
EUR15.5m in the division which was recorded in the first half. 
On 17 November, the Board announced that it was exploring a number of 
unsolicited approaches it had received in respect of the Group's malt business, 
in the recent past, from international ingredient companies with large-scale 
malting businesses. At this stage there can be no certainty that a transaction 
will be forthcoming. 
The outlook for Irish property is poor in the medium term with an excess supply 
of zoned land and a weak bank lending environment. We continue to remediate both 
our Carlow and Mallow sites and are 'land banking' the properties for the 
foreseeable future. The prospects for our Littlehampton site in the UK are 
somewhat more positive, with house prices no longer on a deflationary track and 
recent evidence of a recovery in transactions. The consortium, of which we own 
68%, is on track to lodge a planning application for 1,800 residential units 
before the end of 2009 with a planning decision expected before the end of 2010. 
  *  Overview 
In headline terms, the strengthening of the euro against sterling has had a 
significant translation impact on the results when compared to the same period 
last year. The average EUR/GBP exchange rate was 0.764 in FY08 compared to 0.88 
in FY09, impacting translation of our sterling results negatively by 13% in the 
period.  Constant currency calculations are made by re-stating FY09 financial 
information at the average rate for FY08.  Approximately 80% of operating 
profits are sterling denominated.  Operating profit2 in the year of EUR72.9m was 
5.7% behind FY08 after the impact of currency translation. On a constant 
currency basis operating profit was 6.1% ahead. Group sales of EUR1.10 billion 
were behind FY08 on a constant currency basis by 6.3% and 15.6% behind after the 
impact of currency translation. Profit before tax, exceptional items, pension 
financing and market to market items was EUR43.4m compared to EUR50.0m in FY08 with 
currency, in particular, having an impact year on year. 
  *  Capital Structure 
The Group employs a combination of debt and equity to fund its operations. At 
the end of FY09 the total capital employed in the Group was EUR496.3m (FY08: 
EUR545.6m).  Capital employed is defined as the sum of the book value of 
shareholders equity plus comparable net debt but excluding land subject to 
remediation and pension scheme assets or deficits.  The Group's primary source 
of incremental capital, outside of the capital markets, is its cash flow from 
operations which was EUR93.8m, before exceptional items, during FY09. The Group 
funds its acquisition activity from a combination of cash flow and available 
headroom within committed bank facilities. All acquisitions are made within 
internally prescribed group net debt to EBITDA targets both on acquisition and 
within 18 months of acquisition. 
As at 25 September 2009 the Group's comparable net debt was EUR283.8m represented 
2.8 times EBITDA, comfortably within the Group's key debt covenant.  At 
September 2009 the Group had committed facilities of EUR615.0m with maturity dates 
between 2010 and October 2015.  EUR416.8m of our facilities are provided by a 
group of international banks with the remainder being private placement notes. 
Subsequent to year end the Group repaid EUR49.3m of scheduled 2010 maturities and 
has facilities in place to fully repay the remaining 2010 maturities of EUR36.1m. 
  *   Financing 
The Group's net finance charge in FY09 was EUR47.7m (EUR22.6m in FY08). The change 
in the fair value of derivatives and related debt adjustments was a non cash 
prospective charge of EUR20.9m at the end of September 2009 (EUR3.8m at the end of 
September 2008) reflecting, in the main, the significant reduction in interest 
rates and the associated impact of marking to market on the Group's fixed 
interest rate swaps. The non cash pension financing credit of EUR1.1m was 
significantly less than the credit in FY08 of EUR9.1m reflecting the reduction in 
interest rates and the lower expected returns on pension assets.The bank 
interest charge of EUR28.4m reduced by 2.8% on the charge in FY08 reflecting 
the net favourable impact of the EUR/GBP exchange rate on the sterling 
denominated portion of the Group's interest expense offsetting a higher interest 
margin subsequent to the Group's refinancing. 
  *  Taxation 
The Group's effective tax rate in FY09 was 16% including the tax impact 
associated with pension finance items, which is the same as the full year 
effective tax percentage in FY08.  The amount of cash taxation continues to be 
well below the tax charge reflecting the availability of losses forward and 
other reliefs. 
  *  Exceptional items 
An exceptional charge, after a related tax credit of EUR2.1m, of EUR25.2m was 
recorded in FY09. The gross charge is a composite item which primarily comprises 
a loss on the disposal of Drummonds (our former grain trading business) and the 
EUR3.0m of costs associated with the adverse Irish grain harvest which in 
aggregate was EUR15.5m, a restructuring charge in Convenience Foods of EUR12.1m 
largely due to the exit from frozen desserts, a gain of EUR3.6m on the settlement 
of a malt property damage insurance claim and a loss of EUR3.8m on the settlement 
of a legal case against the Group's former sugar business. 
  *  Earnings per share 3 
Adjusted earnings per share for FY09 were 17.4 cent which is in line with the 
restated FY08 comparative on a constant currency basis.  Adjusted earnings per 
share in FY09 were 14.3% behind FY08 after the impact of currency translation. 
This is based on a weighted average number of ordinary shares of 202.7 million 
for the year (FY08 200.7m). The adjusted earnings per share calculation is 
stated before exceptional items, fair value items, intercompany foreign 
exchange, pension finance items and amortisation of intangibles. 
  *  Pensions 
The fair value of total plan assets relating to the Group's defined benefit 
pension schemes (excluding associates) decreased to EUR347.1m at September 2009 
from EUR386.6m at September 2008. The present value of the total pension 
liabilities for these schemes decreased to EUR447.0m from EUR454.7m over the same 
period. This is reflected in an increase in the net pension deficit (before 
related deferred tax) to EUR99.9m at September 2009 (from a net pension deficit of 
EUR68.1m at September 2008).  The Group is closing, to future accrual, its two 
principal schemes which comprise 87% of the Group's defined benefit obligations 
with effect from 31 December 2009. The Group's remaining defined benefit schemes 
will be closed to future accrual in FY10 following consultation with trustees 
and employees. In addition, discussions are underway with the trustee boards on 
revised funding plans for the Group's two principal schemes. Whilst these 
discussions are not yet complete the period in which to recover deficits is 
likely to be extended beyond what has been the norm up until recently. The 
Group's pension policy with effect from 1 January 2010 is that future service 
for current employees and new entrants will be under defined contribution 
pension arrangements. 
  *  Cash Flow and Net Debt 
Net debt (excluding the impact of marking to market all derivative financial 
instruments and related debt) at 25 September 2009 was EUR283.8m, in line with 
last year's EUR283.4m.   The Group made deferred consideration and minority 
interest acquisition payments during the year of EUR4.9m.  A net cash inflow (pre 
exceptional items) from operating activities of EUR93.8m was recorded compared to 
an inflow of EUR83.0m in FY08. Working capital increased in the period by EUR3.0m 
due in the main to higher levels in Malt which offset a normalised working 
capital benefit of EUR9.4m associated with the timing of the Drummonds disposal. 
The total cash outflow in the year in respect of current and prior year 
exceptional charges was EUR21.2m. Of this EUR10.3m related to exceptional charges 
recorded in FY08. Additionally, the exceptional cash flow excludes the Drummonds 
normalised working capital benefit referred to above.  Finally, the translation 
of the GBP component of the Group's net debt positively impacted net debt at 
September 2009 by EUR23.4m. 
  *  Financial control and risk 
The water cost concealment issue in FY08 led the Group to conduct a thorough 
review of its control environment and material Group risks. As a result of this 
review, we implemented a new set of financial control procedures, performance 
measures and monitoring controls to significantly improve the control 
environment of the Group. We widened the definition of what is meant by control 
to all functions of the business rather than examining and monitoring through 
the finance function in isolation. An element of compensation for our senior 
business leaders is directly connected to the maintenance of a strong control 
environment. In addition, we established a Risk Management Group (RMG) to 
identify and monitor key Group risks supported by a programme of work approved 
by, and reporting periodically to, the Board's Audit committee.  During FY09 the 
Group's financial control environment was subjected to further review by the 
Group's finance function with a particular focus on hiring additional finance 
talent to ensure the improved financial control environment is maintained. 
Additionally, individual businesses are measured against each other internally 
and there is continual measuring of all key controls. 
  *  Key Performance Indicators 
The Group uses a set of headline key performance indicators to measure the 
performance of its operations. Although separate measures, the relationship 
between all four is also monitored. In addition, other performance indicators 
are measured at individual business unit level. 
Return on capital employed 
Capital is defined as the sum of the book value of shareholders' equity plus 
comparable net debt but excluding land subject to remediation and pension scheme 
assets or deficits with the returns measure expressed as operating profit2 
including share of associates. The Group's return on capital in FY09 was 14.8% 
Sales Growth 
Group sales on a constant currency basis decreased by 0.8% in FY09 (excluding 
Frozen Desserts and the Drummonds grain trading business). In our Convenience 
Foods business the Group measures weekly sales growth. In FY09 we recorded 2.2% 
growth on a constant currency basis (excluding Frozen Desserts). In the 
Ingredients & Related Property division we track monthly sales. In FY09 we 
recorded an 8.2% sales decline on a constant currency basis (excluding 
Operating Margin 
The Group's pre-exceptional operating margin in FY09 was 6.6% compared to 5.9% 
in FY08. In Convenience Foods the operating margin was 5.8% compared to 5.3% in 
Free Cash flow 
The Group's free cash measure is net cash flow from operating activities before 
exceptional items adjusted for replacement capital expenditure. Group free cash 
was EUR84.4m in FY09 or 116% of Group operating profit of EUR72.9m. 
year ended 25 September 2009 
|                       |    |                 2009                  |                 2008                  | 
|                 |          |       Pre - | Exceptional |     Total |       Pre - | Exceptional |     Total | 
|                 | Notes    | exceptional |      Note 3 |           | exceptional |      Note 3 |           | 
|                       |    |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |     EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |       EUR'000 |     EUR'000 | 
| Continuing operations |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Revenue               | 2  |   1,103,800 |           - | 1,103,800 |   1,308,097 |           - | 1,308,097 | 
| Cost of sales         |    |   (742,521) |     (4,388) | (746,909) |   (947,221) |           - | (947,221) | 
| Gross profit          |    |     361,279 |     (4,388) |   356,891 |     360,876 |           - |   360,876 | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Operating costs, net  |    |   (288,352) |    (19,563) | (307,915) |   (283,571) |    (13,586) | (297,157) | 
| Group operating       | 2  |      72,927 |    (23,951) |    48,976 |      77,305 |    (13,586) |    63,719 | 
| profit/(loss) before  |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| acquisition related   |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| intangibles           |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Amortisation of       |    |     (2,101) |           - |   (2,101) |       (672) |           - |     (672) | 
| acquisition related   |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| intangibles           |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Group operating       | 2  |      70,826 |    (23,951) |    46,875 |      76,633 |    (13,586) |    63,047 | 
| profit/(loss)         |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Finance income        | 6  |      32,711 |           - |    32,711 |      43,167 |           - |    43,167 | 
| Finance costs         | 6  |    (80,429) |           - |  (80,429) |    (65,788) |           - |  (65,788) | 
| Share of profit of    |    |         437 |           - |       437 |       1,329 |           - |     1,329 | 
| associates after tax  |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Profit/(loss) before  |    |      23,545 |    (23,951) |     (406) |      55,341 |    (13,586) |    41,755 | 
| taxation              |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Taxation              |    |     (6,724) |       2,136 |   (4,588) |     (9,189) |       3,854 |   (5,335) | 
| Result for the period |    |      16,821 |    (21,815) |   (4,994) |      46,152 |     (9,732) |    36,420 | 
| from continuing       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Discontinued          |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Result from           |    |           - |     (3,415) |   (3,415) |           - |      18,892 |    18,892 | 
| discontinued          |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Result for the        |    |      16,821 |    (25,230) |   (8,409) |      46,152 |       9,160 |    55,312 | 
| financial period      |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Attributable to:      |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Equity shareholders   |    |      15,332 |    (25,230) |   (9,898) |      44,249 |       9,160 |    53,409 | 
| Minority interests    |    |       1,489 |           - |     1,489 |       1,903 |          -  |     1,903 | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |      16,821 |    (25,230) |   (8,409) |      46,152 |       9,160 |    55,312 | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Basic (loss)/earnings | 5  |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| per share (cent)      |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Continuing            |    |             |             |     (3.2) |             |             |      17.2 | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Diluted               | 5  |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| (loss)/earnings per   |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| share (cent)          |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Continuing            |    |             |             |     (3.2) |             |             |      17.1 | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
|                       |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Adjusted basic        | 5  |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| earnings per share    |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| (cent)                |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
| Continuing            |    |             |             |      17.4 |             |             |      20.3 | 
| operations            |    |             |             |           |             |             |           | 
at 25 September 2009 
|                                                          |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                          |     EUR'000 |     EUR'000 | 
| ASSETS                                                   |           |           | 
| Non-current assets                                       |           |           | 
| Intangible assets                                        |   404,305 |   402,986 | 
| Property, plant and equipment                            |   319,233 |   367,388 | 
| Investment property                                      |       710 |       808 | 
| Investment in associates                                 |       638 |     1,244 | 
| Retirement benefit assets                                |         - |       866 | 
| Derivative financial instruments                         |    16,358 |         - | 
| Deferred tax assets                                      |    42,993 |    35,722 | 
| Total non-current assets                                 |   784,237 |   809,014 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Current assets                                           |           |           | 
| Inventories                                              |    82,369 |   125,160 | 
| Trade and other receivables                              |    95,562 |   138,834 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                                |    43,933 |   139,040 | 
| Available for sale financial assets                      |         - |        23 | 
| Total current assets                                     |   221,864 |   403,057 | 
| Total assets                                             | 1,006,101 | 1,212,071 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| EQUITY                                                   |           |           | 
| Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of   |           |           | 
| the Company                                              |           |           | 
| Share capital                                            |   131,250 |   129,641 | 
| Share premium                                            |   119,623 |   118,961 | 
| Reserves                                                 |  (82,156) |   (9,364) | 
|                                                          |   168,717 |   239,238 | 
| Minority interest in equity                              |     3,591 |     4,816 | 
| Total equity                                             |   172,308 |   244,054 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| LIABILITIES                                              |           |           | 
| Non-current liabilities                                  |           |           | 
| Borrowings                                               |   343,769 |   407,500 | 
| Derivative financial instruments                         |         - |    15,346 | 
| Retirement benefit obligations                           |    99,859 |    68,956 | 
| Other payables                                           |     6,924 |    10,148 | 
| Provisions for liabilities                               |     6,188 |    11,831 | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                                 |    47,648 |    51,183 | 
| Government grants                                        |     1,096 |     1,047 | 
| Total non-current liabilities                            |   505,484 |   566,011 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Current liabilities                                      |           |           | 
| Borrowings                                               |        21 |        69 | 
| Derivative financial instruments                         |    27,237 |     5,286 | 
| Trade and other payables                                 |   262,845 |   356,953 | 
| Provisions for liabilities                               |    11,288 |    12,601 | 
| Income taxes payable                                     |    26,918 |    27,097 | 
| Total current liabilities                                |   328,309 |   402,006 | 
| Total liabilities                                        |   833,793 |   968,017 | 
| Total equity and liabilities                             | 1,006,101 | 1,212,071 | 
year ended 25 September 2009 
|                                                          |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                          |    EUR'000  |    EUR'000  | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| (Loss)/profit before taxation                            |     (406) |    41,755 | 
| Finance income                                           |  (32,711) |  (43,167) | 
| Finance costs                                            |    80,429 |    65,788 | 
| Share of profit of associates (after tax)                |     (437) |   (1,329) | 
| Exceptional items - continuing                           |    23,951 |    13,586 | 
| Operating profit - continuing (pre-exceptional)          |    70,826 |    76,633 | 
| Depreciation                                             |    26,774 |    26,716 | 
| Amortisation of intangibles                              |     3,544 |     1,710 | 
| Employee share option expense                            |       910 |       319 | 
| Amortisation of government grants                        |     (116) |      (88) | 
| Difference between pension charge and cash contributions |   (8,455) |   (6,379) | 
| Changes in working capital                               |   (2,966) |  (14,243) | 
| Other movements                                          |    3,235  |   (1,678) | 
| Net cash inflow from operating activities before         |   93,752  |    82,990 | 
| exceptional items                                        |           |           | 
| Cash (outflow)/inflow related to exceptional items       | (21,210)  |    73,187 | 
| Interest paid                                            | (30,304)  |  (33,327) | 
| Tax paid                                                 |    (367)  |     (470) | 
| Net cash inflow from operating activities                |   41,871  |   122,380 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Cash flow from investing activities                      |           |           | 
| Dividends received from associates                       |      901  |       531 | 
| Purchase of property, plant and equipment                | (33,908)  |  (43,667) | 
| Purchase of intangible assets                            |  (6,795)  |   (1,144) | 
| Acquisition of undertakings and purchase of minority     |  (4,940)  |  (48,555) | 
| interest                                                 |           |           | 
| Disposal of undertakings & investment in associate       |    2,944  |     1,311 | 
| Interest received                                        |    2,548  |     2,690 | 
| Government grants received/(repaid)                      |      159  |      (25) | 
| Net cash outflow from investing activities               | (39,091)  |  (88,859) | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Cash flow from financing activities                      |           |           | 
| Proceeds from issue of shares                            |        -  |       281 | 
| Ordinary shares purchased - own shares                   |        -  |     (800) | 
| (Decrease)/increase in borrowings                        | (57,104)  |    19,870 | 
| Decrease in finance lease liabilities                    |     (60)  |      (38) | 
| Dividends paid to equity holders of the Company          | (24,998)  |  (16,633) | 
| Dividends paid to minority interests                     |  (1,530)  |   (1,273) | 
| Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities      | (83,692)  |     1,407 | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash & cash equivalents       | (80,912)  |    34,928 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Reconciliation of opening to closing cash and cash       |           |           | 
| equivalents                                              |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year           |  139,040  |   117,949 | 
| Translation adjustment                                   | (14,195)  |  (13,837) | 
| (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents         | (80,912)  |    34,928 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 |   43,933  |   139,040 | 
year ended 25 September 2009 
|                                                          |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                          |     EUR'000 |     EUR'000 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Items of income and expense taken directly within equity |           |           | 
| Currency translation differences                         |   (5,391) |   (2,522) | 
| Hedge of net investment in foreign currency subsidiary   |       679 |   (2,280) | 
| Actuarial loss on Group defined benefit pension schemes  |  (49,431) |  (64,704) | 
| Deferred tax on Group defined benefit pension schemes    |    13,218 |     7,746 | 
| Fair value of available for sale financial assets        |         - |       347 | 
| Cash flow hedges:                                        |           |           | 
| Loss taken to equity                                     |   (1,691) |   (2,141) | 
| Transferred to profit or loss for the period             |     1,594 |        98 | 
| Deferred tax on cash flow hedge                          |      (65) |       570 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Net expense recognised directly within equity            |  (41,087) |  (62,886) | 
| Group result for the financial period                    |   (8,409) |    55,312 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Total recognised income and expense for the financial    |  (49,496) |   (7,574) | 
| period                                                   |           |           | 
| Restatement                                              |           |  (12,318) | 
| Total recognised income and expense                      |           |  (19,892) | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Attributable to:                                         |           |           | 
| Equity shareholders                                      |  (50,985) |  (21,795) | 
| Minority Interests                                       |     1,489 |     1,903 | 
|                                                          |           |           | 
| Total recognised income and expense for the financial    |  (49,496) |  (19,892) | 
| period                                                   |           |           | 
year ended 25 September 2009 
1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Information under IFRS 
The financial information presented in this preliminary announcement has 
been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial 
Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations adopted by the 
European Union (EU), and the requirements of Listing Rule 6.7 of the Irish Stock 
The financial information, which is presented in euro and rounded to the nearest 
thousand (unless otherwise stated), has been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, as modified by the measurement at fair value of certain financial 
assets and financial liabilities, including share options at grant date, 
available for sale investments and derivative financial instruments. The 
carrying values of recognised assets and liabilities that are hedged are 
adjusted to record the changes in the fair values attributable to the risks 
being hedged. Full details of the Group's accounting policies will be included 
in the 2009 annual report which will be distributed in January 2010. The 
accounting policies are consistent with those applied in the Group Financial 
Statements for the year ended 26 September 2008. 
2. Segmental Reporting 
The Group's primary reporting segment is by class of business. The Group has two 
primary reporting segments: (i) Convenience Foods and (ii) Ingredients & Related 
| Continuing         |  Convenience Foods   |   Ingredients & Related    |          Total           | 
| Operations         |                      |          Property          |                          | 
|                    |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
|                    |    2009 |  |    2008 |  |    2009 |  |    2008 |  |      2009 |  |      2008 | 
|                    |   EUR'000 |  |   EUR'000 |  |   EUR'000 |  |   EUR'000 |  |     EUR'000 |  |     EUR'000 | 
|                    |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| Revenue            | 794,404 |  | 893,989 |  | 309,396 |  | 414,108 |  | 1,103,800 |  | 1,308,097 | 
| Operating Profit   | 46,354  |  | 46,166  |  | 26,573  |  |  31,139 |  | 72,927    |  |    77,305 | 
| (pre-exceptional   |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| and amortisation)  |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| Amortisation of    | (2,101) |  |   (672) |  |       - |  |       - |  | (2,101)   |  |     (672) | 
| acquisition        |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| related intangible |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| assets             |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
| Operating profit   |  44,253 |  |  45,494 |  | 26,573  |  |  31,139 |  | 70,826    |  |    76,633 | 
| (pre-exceptional)  |         |  |         |  |         |  |         |  |           |  |           | 
3. Exceptional Items 
Exceptional items are those that, in management's judgment, need to be disclosed 
by virtue of their nature or amount. Such items are included within the income 
statement caption to which they relate and are separately disclosed in the notes 
to the Group Financial Statements. 
The Group reports the following exceptional items: 
|                                                 |     |                       2009 |                    2008 | 
|                                                 |     |                      EUR'000 |                   EUR'000 | 
| Continuing operations                           |     |                            |                         | 
|          Convenience Foods                      |(a)  |                   (12,062) |                (12,449) | 
|          Ingredients & Related Property         |(b)  |                   (15,469) |                      -  | 
|          Insurance settlement                   |(c)  |                      3,580 |                      -  | 
|          Water Investigation and associated     |(a)  |                         -  |                 (1,137) | 
|          Group financial review                 |     |                            |                         | 
|                                                 |     |                   (23,951) |                (13,586) | 
| Taxation on exceptional items                   |     |                      2,136 |                   3,854 | 
| Total continuing operations                     |     |                   (21,815) |                 (9,732) | 
|                                                 |     |                            |                         | 
| Discontinued operations (net of tax)            |     |                            |                         | 
| Exit from sugar processing                      |(d)  |                        417 |                 18,892  | 
|   Legal settlement and related costs            |(e)  |                    (3,832) |                      -  | 
| Total discontinued operations                   |     |                    (3,415) |                 18,892  | 
| Total exceptional (loss)/gain                   |     |                   (25,230) |                  9,160  | 
(a) Convenience Foods 
During 2008, the Group undertook a detailed strategic review of production 
facilities. As a consequence of that review, it was decided that one ready meal 
facility at Kiveton and the frozen desserts facility at Huddersfield should be 
closed.  Additionally, the Group embarked on a restructuring program which 
resulted in head count reductions at both business units and in central 
functions. The total cost of these initiatives was EUR12.4m (EUR8.9m net of 
In 2009, the Group completed its review of the frozen desserts category and 
concluded that it should exit from this category, due to its tertiary market 
position. As a result the facility at Crosshills was closed. The Group also 
completed its restructuring program, resulting in further head count reductions 
at business units. Additionally the Group intends to exit from certain leased 
facilities as a result of which a provision for onerous lease obligations has 
been recognised. The total cost of this restructuring, which comprised 
principally asset write-offs and redundancy costs, was EUR12.1m (EUR8.7m net of 
In 2008, the Group undertook an investigation into the deliberate concealment of 
cost in the water business. The cost of the water Investigation along with 
related business restructuring and review costs was EUR1.1m (EUR0.8m net of tax). 
(b) Ingredients & Related Property 
During the year, the Group determined that it would either close or sell off its 
grain trading business at Drummonds. As a result of this decision, provisions of 
EUR12.3m were recognised to write assets down to fair value less costs to sell. 
The Group disposed of Drummonds on 26 June 2009 and a loss of EUR0.3m was 
recognised on the disposal. Additionally, the Group has taken a charge of EUR3.0m 
related to grain/barley stocks associated with the poor harvest quality arising 
as a result of the extreme adverse 2008 weather conditions experienced during 
the harvest period. 
(c) Insurance settlement 
During the year, the Group settled an insurance claim in relation to an incident 
at its malting facility at Ghlin, Belgium in 2008 resulting in the recognition 
of an exceptional gain of EUR3.6m (EUR2.4m net of tax) being the excess over 
previously anticipated receipts. 
(d) Exit from sugar processing 
The Group exited its sugar processing business in 2006. The Group continues to 
sell off assets and remediate the former sugar processing sites. A net gain of 
EUR0.4m arose on the disposal of previously impaired assets. In the prior year, a 
gain of EUR2.0m was recognised on the disposal of previously impaired assets and a 
gain of EUR16.9m arose on the resolution of the allocation of restructuring aid 
under the Council Regulations (EC) No. 320/2006 (as amended in September 2007). 
(e) Legal settlement and related costs 
The Group settled an historical outstanding claim relating back to its previous 
sugar activities and recognised an exceptional charge of EUR3.8m in respect of 
both settlement and legal costs. 
4. Dividends 
|                                                              |   2009 |     2008 | 
|                                                              |  EUR'000 |    EUR'000 | 
| Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders during |        |          | 
| the year:                                                    |        |          | 
| Equity dividends on ordinary shares:                         |        |          | 
| Final dividend of 8.21c for the year ended 26 September 2008 | 16,574 |  16,404  | 
| (2007: 8.21c)                                                |        |          | 
| Interim dividend of 3.00c for the year ended 25 September    |  6,143 |   10,691 | 
| 2009 (2008: 5.30c)                                           |        |          | 
|                                                              | 22,717 |   27,095 | 
|                                                              |        |          | 
| Proposed for approval at AGM:                                |        |          | 
| Equity dividends on ordinary shares:                         |        |          | 
| Final dividend of 4.5c for the year ended 26 September 2009  |  9,199 |   16,574 | 
| (2008: 8.21c)                                                |        |          | 
This proposed dividend is subject to approval by the shareholders at the annual 
general meeting and has not been included as a liability in the balance sheet of 
the Group as at 25 September 2009, in accordance with IAS 10 'Events after the 
Balance Sheet Date'. 
This proposed final dividend will be payable on 1 April 2010 to shareholders on 
the Register of Members at 4 December 2009. 
5. Earnings per Ordinary Share 
Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit 
attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue during the period, excluding ordinary shares purchased 
by the Company which are held as treasury shares and own shares purchased in 
respect of the deferred bonus share awards. The adjusted figures for basic and 
diluted earnings per ordinary share are after the elimination of exceptional 
items, effect of foreign exchange (FX) on inter-company balances and external 
loans where hedge accounting is not applied, the movement in fair value of all 
derivative financial instruments and related debt adjustments, the amortisation 
of acquisition related intangible assets, and pension financing costs and 
income. The Group changed the basis of measurement of adjusted earnings per 
share in 2009 to exclude the effect of pension financing costs and income. The 
comparative adjusted earnings per share numerator has been adjusted to reflect 
this change. 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |             |         as | 
|                                                      |             |   restated | 
|                                                      |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
| (Loss)/profit attributable to equity holders of the  |     (9,898) |     53,409 | 
| Company                                              |             |            | 
| Exceptional items                                    |      25,230 |    (9,160) | 
| Fair value of derivative financial instruments and   |      20,923 |      3,755 | 
| related debt adjustments where hedge accounting is   |             |            | 
| not applied                                          |             |            | 
| FX on inter-company balances and external loans      |       (928) |      (337) | 
| where hedge accounting is not applied                |             |            | 
| Amortisation of acquisition related intangible       |       1,471 |        607 | 
| assets (net of tax)                                  |             |            | 
| Pension financing (net of tax)                       |     (1,614) |    (7,619) | 
| Numerator for adjusted earnings per share            |      35,184 |     40,655 | 
| calculation                                          |             |            | 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |             |         as | 
|                                                      |             |   restated | 
|                                                      |        Cent |      Cent  | 
| Basic (loss)/earnings per share                      |             |            | 
|   Continuing operations                              |       (3.2) |       17.2 | 
| Discontinued operations                              |       (1.7) |        9.4 | 
|                                                      |       (4.9) |       26.6 | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
| Adjusted basic earnings per ordinary share           |        17.4 |       20.3 | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
| Denominator for earnings per share and adjusted      |             |            | 
| earnings per share calculation                       |             |            | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue  |     202,716 |    200,695 | 
| during the year (thousands)                          |             |            | 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all 
dilutive potential ordinary shares. Employee share options, which are 
performance based, are treated as contingently issuable shares, because their 
issue is not contingent upon satisfaction of specified performance conditions in 
addition to the passage of time. These contingently issuable ordinary shares are 
excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per ordinary share where the 
conditions governing exercisability have not been satisfied as at the end of the 
reporting period. Options over 6,114,678 (2008: 5,648,807) shares were excluded 
from the diluted EPS calculation as they were either anti dilutive or 
contingently issuable ordinary shares which had not satisfied the performance 
conditions attaching at the end of the reporting period. 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |        Cent |       Cent | 
| Diluted (loss)/earnings per ordinary share           |             |            | 
|   Continuing operations                              |       (3.2) |       17.1 | 
| Discontinued operations                              |       (1.7) |        9.4 | 
|                                                      |       (4.9) |       26.5 | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
| Adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share         |        17.3 |       20.2 | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
A reconciliation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares used for the 
purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share amounts is as follows: 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
| Denominator for diluted earnings per share and       |             |            | 
| adjusted diluted earnings per share calculation      |             |            | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue  |     202,716 |    200,695 | 
| during the year (thousands)                          |             |            | 
| Dilutive effect of share options (thousands)         |         248 |        729 | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares for       |     202,964 |    201,424 | 
| diluted earnings per share (thousands)               |             |            | 
6. Comparable Net Debt and Financing 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
| Net Debt                                             |             |            | 
| Current assets                                       |             |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                            |      43,933 |   139,040  | 
| Current liabilities                                  |             |            | 
| Borrowings                                           |        (21) |       (69) | 
| Non-current liabilities                              |             |            | 
| Borrowings before fair value adjustment              |   (327,707) |  (422,378) | 
| Comparable net debt                                  |   (283,795) |  (283,407) | 
| Borrowings - fair value hedge adjustment             |    (16,062) |     14,878 | 
| (non-current liabilities)                            |             |            | 
| Total cash, cash equivalents and borrowings          |   (299,857) |  (268,529) | 
Comparable net debt is a non-IFRS measure used by the Group as a key performance 
During the year, the Group concluded a refinancing of existing bank borrowings 
which resulted in the repayment of existing facilities totalling EUR257.6m on 15 
April 2009 and the draw down of EUR261.5m of new facilities on the same date. 
|                                                      |        2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |       EUR'000 |      EUR'000 | 
| Finance (Costs)/Income                               |             |            | 
| Net finance costs on interest bearing cash, cash     |    (28,359) |   (29,177) | 
| equivalents & borrowings and available for sale      |             |            | 
| financial assets                                     |             |            | 
| Net pension financing credit                         |       1,076 |      9,070 | 
| Fair value of derivative financial instruments and   |    (20,923) |    (3,755) | 
| related debt adjustments where hedge accounting is   |             |            | 
| not applied                                          |             |            | 
| Foreign exchange gain                                |         928 |        337 | 
| Increase in the present value of the EU receivable   |           - |      1,522 | 
| Increase in the present value of provisions held     |       (440) |      (618) | 
|                                                      |    (47,718) |   (22,621) | 
|                                                      |             |            | 
| Analysed as:                                         |             |            | 
| Finance income                                       |      32,711 |     43,167 | 
| Finance costs                                        |    (80,429) |   (65,788) | 
|                                                      |    (47,718) |   (22,621) | 
7. Information 
The financial information in this unaudited preliminary announcement for the 
years ended 25 September 2009 and 26 September 2008 are not the statutory 
accounts of the Company. The statutory financial statements of the Company for 
the year ended 26 September 2008, to which an unqualified audit opinion was 
attached, were annexed to the annual return of the Company and filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial statements of the Company for 
the year ended 25 September 2009 will, together with the auditor's report 
thereon, be filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
The annual report and accounts will be circulated to shareholders on 11 January 
2010, prior to the annual general meeting to be held on 11 February 2010 in the 
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood Park, Santry Demense, Santry, Dublin 9. 
By order of the Board, CM Bergin, Company Secretary, 25 November 2009, Greencore 
Group plc, 2 Northwood Avenue, Santry, Dublin 9, Ireland. 
* * * 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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