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AIM 20 March 2015 NOTICE 20/03/2015 7:00am NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM Frontier Mining Limited At the request of the...
Frontier Mining Ltd 11 March 2015 FRONTIER MINING LTD ("Frontier" or "the Company") RESULT OF GENERAL MEETING Frontier Mining Limited (AIM:FML...
Frontier Mining Ltd 03 March 2015 FRONTIER MINING LTD ("Frontier" or the "Company") Proposed Dealing Facility Further to the announcement of 17...
News) - Kazakhstan-focused copper production, exploration and development company Frontier Mining Ltd said Tuesday it ...
Frontier Mining Ltd 17 February 2015 FRONTIER MINING LTD ("Frontier" or "the Company") PROPOSED CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM AND...
News) - Frontier Mining Ltd shares plummeted on Friday after it said lower levels of production in the latter part of ...
Frontier Mining Ltd 23 January 2015 FRONTIER MINING LTD ("Frontier" or "the Company") Operations and Corporate Update Frontier Mining Limited...
Frontier Mining Ltd 29 December 2014 Frontier Mining Ltd ("Frontier Mining" or the "Company") Result of AGM Frontier Mining (AIM:FML), the AIM...
Frontier Mining Ltd 10 December 2014 10 December 2014 FRONTIER MINING LTD ("Frontier" or "the Company") Notice of General Meeting Frontier Mining...
News) - Frontier Mining Ltd Friday said production rose in the third quarter and it achieved higher average sales pric ...
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