RNS No 0135h
7th July 1997

                  FIRSTBUS PLC ("FIRSTBUS")



*    FirstBus  announces that it has agreed the terms of an Offer  to  acquire
     the  whole  of the issued share capital of Citybus, which operates  local
     bus  services  in and around Southampton and Havant, at a total  cost  of
     approximately  #11.1  million  (including  net  debt  and   the   Special

*    The Offer is unanimously recommended by the directors of Citybus.

*    Irrevocable  undertakings to accept the Offer have been  given  by  those
     directors  of  Citybus  who  hold Citybus  shares  in  respect  of  their
     beneficial shareholdings, representing approximately 0.83 per cent of the
     Citybus  shares and, if the Resolution is passed, by the EBTs in  respect
     of  their shareholdings representing approximately 42.84 per cent of  the
     Citybus shares.

*    The  Offer values Citybus's capital at approximately #5.7 million  to  be
     satisfied  by  the payment of #5.7 million in cash or the  issue  of  new
     FirstBus shares.

*    In  addition  Citybus  proposes to pay a Special  Dividend  of  125p  per
     Citybus Share (net) if the Offer becomes wholly unconditional.

*    Citybus reported an operating profit of #0.7 million on turnover of #11.7
     million for the year ended 31st December 1996.

*    The  proposed acquisition of Citybus offers an attractive opportunity  to
     acquire  a profitable company with a progressive approach towards  public
     transport operating in Southampton and the surrounding areas.

*    The acquisition of Citybus is expected to enhance FirstBus's earnings per
     share for the year to 31st March 1998.

Commenting  on  the  transaction,  Moir Lockhead,  Group  Chief  Executive  of
FirstBus said:-

"I  am  delighted to have reached agreement with the board of Citybus  on  the
terms  of the Offer.  This acquisition represents further expansion and  focus
of  our operations in  major urban areas in line with our strategy and we look
forward  to  working  with the management team and employees  to  enhance  the

Commenting on the Offer for Citybus, Bill Greening, Chairman of Citybus said:-

"Citybus's  board  is  very  pleased  that  the  negotiations  with  FirstBus,
resulting in its offer to acquire Citybus's issued share capital, have been so
satisfactorily  concluded.   Given FirstBus's  leading  position  in  the  bus
industry  and  Citybus's  own  success in its  local  markets,  we  see  great
opportunities  for both companies in Citybus becoming a part of  the  FirstBus



Moir Lockhead (Group Chief Executive)        Tel:  0171 291 0500
Tony Osbaldiston (Group Finance Director)
Frances Gibson Smith (Investor Relations)


Bill Greening (Chairman)                Tel:  01703 584 321
Ian Phillips (Managing Director)

This  announcement, for which FirstBus is responsible, has  been  approved  by
Paull & Williamsons, Solicitors for the purpose of section 57 of the Financial
Services  Act 1986.  It does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase
any securities.

                       FirstBus plc ("FirstBus")
       Recommended Offer for the whole of the issued share capital
         in Southampton Citybus (1993) Limited ("Citybus")

The boards of FirstBus and Citybus announce that agreement has been reached on
the  terms of a recommended Offer to be made by FirstBus for all of the issued
ordinary shares in Citybus.

The  board  of Citybus will unanimously recommend shareholders to  accept  the
Offer,  as  those  of  the directors of Citybus who hold Citybus  shares  have
irrevocably  undertaken to do in respect of their own beneficial shareholdings
which represent approximately 0.83 per cent of the Citybus shares in issue, on
the terms set out below.

The  EBTs have irrevocably undertaken that, if the Resolution is passed,  they
will  accept  the  Offer  in  respect of their shareholding  which  represents
approximately 42.84 per cent of the Citybus shares in issue, on the terms  set
out below.

The Offer, together with the Special Dividend, values Citybus at approximately
#7.2  million.   In  addition,  FirstBus will  refinance  Citybus's  net  debt
obligations upon the Offer becoming unconditional.  On completion,  these  net
debt obligations in aggregate are not expected to exceed #3.9 million.

The Offer

The  Offer which will be made subject to the conditions referred to below will
be made on the basis of 471p for each Citybus share held.

In addition, if the Offer becomes wholly unconditional, Citybus intends to pay
on  13th  August 1997, a Special Dividend of 125p (net) per Citybus  share  to
each holder of Citybus shares on the register on 4th July 1997.

The Share Alternative

Citybus shareholders who prefer to receive new FirstBus shares for some or all
of  the consideration to which they would otherwise have become entitled under
the Offer can elect to receive those on the basis of 2.292 new FirstBus shares
for  each  Citybus  share and so in proportion for any other  number  of  such
shares held.

Assuming  that the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects,
and  assuming  that  the Share Alternative is taken up in full,  approximately
2.75  million  new FirstBus shares will be issued, representing  approximately
0.87  per  cent of the enlarged share capital of FirstBus.  These new FirstBus
shares will be credited as fully paid and will rank pari passu in all respects
with  the  existing  FirstBus  shares, including  the  right  to  receive  all
dividends  and distributions declared, made or paid on such shares  after  the
date  hereof.  The first dividend which the holders of the new FirstBus shares
will  be  entitled to receive will be the interim dividend for the year  ended
31st March 1998, which is expected to be paid in February 1998.

Financial Arrangements

FirstBus  will  finance the Offer from its own existing committed  facilities.
In addition, if the Offer becomes wholly unconditional then to the extent that
Citybus  is unable to finance the Special Dividend from its own cash resources
FirstBus  has undertaken to provide Citybus with the necessary cash  resources
to enable it to do so.

Conditions to the Offer

The  Offer  is  conditional, inter alia, upon 90 per cent  acceptance  by  the
shareholders of Citybus, the listing of the new FirstBus shares,  the  passing
of  the  Resolution at an extraordinary general meeting of Citybus  approving,
inter alia, amendments to the articles of association of Citybus to permit the
Offer to be accepted.

Full  details of the conditions to the Offer are set out in Appendix I to this

Information on FirstBus

Formed  in 1995, FirstBus is now the largest bus company in the United Kingdom
with  a  22  per cent market share.  It has mainly urban operations throughout
the  United Kingdom, employs more than 22,000 people and operates a  fleet  of
over   8,800   buses.   Its  strategy  is  to  increase  the  efficiency   and
profitability of its core business and to acquire operations in urban areas in
the United Kingdom and overseas.

The  FirstBus Group also has significant rail interests, having won the  Great
Eastern  Railway  franchise and acquired a 24.5 per  cent  interest  in  Great
Western and North Western Trains franchises.

The  board  of FirstBus believes that long-term growth will come from  organic
growth  based  on  the provision of good quality, reliable and  cost-effective
public  transport.   The  FirstBus Group is therefore committed  to  continued
investment and constant improvement in customer service.

Information on Citybus

Citybus  was  formed  in  1993  to effect the employee  buy-out  of  SCT  from
Southampton  City Council.  The Citybus Group operates local bus  services  in
Southampton  and the surrounding area and in the area of Havant.  The  Citybus
Group  has  approximately 440 employees running a fleet of 152 public  service
vehicles from its depot in Portswood, Southampton.

Citybus's trading subsidiary, SCT, operates the largest fleet of natural  gas-
powered buses in the United Kingdom, with a fleet of 16 vehicles.  Citybus  is
also  working  with Hampshire County Council in the development of  a  traffic
management  scheme which provides real-time bus information to  passengers  at
bus stops.  Over 40 stops in Southampton are already linked in to the scheme.

For  the  year  ended 31st December 1996, Citybus reported  audited  operating
profit  of #0.7 million and profit before taxation of #0.6 million on turnover
of #11.7 million.  As at 31st December 1996, Citybus's audited net assets were
#3.3 million.  Additional financial information is set out in  Appendix II  to
this announcement.

Reasons for the proposed acquisition

The  directors  of  FirstBus  expect the acquisition  of  Citybus  to  enhance
FirstBus's earnings per share for the year to 31st March 1998.  The other  key
benefits of the acquisition of Citybus are:-

-    an opportunity to enter the urban market in Southampton, a conurbation of
     some 200,000 people;

-    Citybus's progressive approach towards public transport; and

-    Citybus's   similar  views  on  employee  participation   through   share

Management and employees of Citybus

FirstBus will give certain binding commitments to Citybus employees on a range
of employment and pension issues including the following:-

*    existing  contracts  of employment and current terms  and  conditions  of
     employment will be honoured; and

*    for  a period of at least three years from the date of the Offer becoming
     unconditional there will be no compulsory redundancies among PSV drivers.

Subject to applicable legislation, Citybus Group employees will participate in
the  profit related share appropriation under the FirstBus ESOP in respect  of
the  year  beginning  1st  April 1997.  This FirstBus share  appropriation  to
Citybus Group employees is expected to take place in the summer of 1998.

Irrevocable undertakings

Irrevocable  undertakings to accept, or procure the acceptance of,  the  Offer
have  been  received from the directors of Citybus who hold Citybus shares  in
respect of their beneficial shareholdings, representing approximately 0.83 per
cent of issued Citybus shares and to cast, or procure the casting of the votes
attaching to those shares in favour of the Resolution.

Irrevocable undertakings have also been received from the EBTs to  accept  the
Offer,  if  the Resolution is passed, in respect of their shareholdings  which
comprise approximately 42.84 per cent of issued Citybus shares.  The EBTs have
also undertaken to vote in favour of the Resolution, if authorised to do so by
the  terms  of the Employee Ballot and to recommend employees to sanction  the
passing of the Resolution.


The  directors of Citybus consider that the acquisition of Citybus by FirstBus
is  in  the  best  interests  of  Citybus and  the  Citybus  shareholders  and
employees.   The directors of Citybus consider the terms of the  Offer  to  be
fair and reasonable.

Lyon  Pilcher, Registered Auditors, have advised the directors of Citybus that
they  consider the terms of the Offer to be fair and reasonable.  In providing
the  advice to the directors Lyon Pilcher have taken account of the directors'
commercial assessment of the Offer.

Accordingly,  the  directors  of  Citybus will unanimously  recommend  Citybus
shareholders  to accept the Offer and to vote in favour of the Resolution,  as
those  directors who have beneficial shareholdings in Citybus have  undertaken
to do.


The  Offer  Document  will be despatched to Citybus shareholders  as  soon  as
practicable.   Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange  for  the
new  FirstBus  shares to be admitted to the Official List of the London  Stock
Exchange and dealings are expected to commence on the day following the day on
which  the Offer is declared unconditional in all respects (other than listing
becoming effective).

The  definitions in Appendix III apply throughout this announcement unless the
context otherwise requires.

This  announcement, for which FirstBus is responsible, has  been  approved  by
Paull  &  Williamsons for the purpose of section 57 of the Financial  Services
Act  1986.   It  does not constitute an offer or invitation  to  purchase  any



Moir Lockhead (Group Chief Executive)   Tel:  0171 291 0500
Tony Osbaldiston (Group Finance Director)
Frances Gibson Smith (Investor Relations)


Bill Greening (Chairman)           Tel:  01703 584321
Ian Phillips (Managing Director)

                          APPENDIX I

FirstBus plc


Conditions of the Offer

The Offer is conditional on:

(a)  valid acceptances being received by 3.00 p.m. on 28th July 1997 (or  such
     later  time(s) and/or date(s) not being later than 5.00 pm on 29th August
     1997 without the approval of the board of Citybus as FirstBus may decide)
     in  respect of not less than 90 per cent in nominal value of the  Citybus
     shares  to  which  the  Offer relates; for this purpose,  the  expression
     "Citybus  shares to which the Offer relates" means the aggregate  of  (i)
     the  Citybus shares which have been allotted as at the date of the Offer;
     and  (ii) any Citybus shares allotted after the date of the Offer but  on
     or  before  28th July 1997 (or such later date or dates as FirstBus,  may
     decide), but excluding Citybus shares which at the date of the Offer  are
     held  by  FirstBus and/or its associates (within the meaning  of  section
     430E  of the Companies Act 1985) or which, at such date, FirstBus  and/or
     its associates have contracted to acquire, other than under a contract of
     the type referred to in section 428(5) of that Act;

(b)  the  London  Stock  Exchange announcing its  decision  to  admit  to  the
     Official List of the London Stock Exchange the new FirstBus shares to  be
     issued  under  the Share Alternative and the admission of  all  such  new
     FirstBus  shares becoming effective in accordance with the listing  rules
     made under Part IV of the Financial Services Act 1986;

(c)  clearances  being  obtained from the Board of Inland  Revenue,  in  terms
     satisfactory to Citybus, in respect of the Offer under section 707 of the
     Income  and  Corporation  Taxes Act 1988 and under  section  138  of  the
     Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

(d)  the   passing  at  an  extraordinary  general  meeting  of  the   Citybus
     shareholders  (or  at any adjournment thereof) of the Resolution  in  the
     form  of  those set out in the notice of meeting at the end of the  Offer
     Document or of a resolution in such other form as FirstBus and the  board
     of Citybus may agree;

(e)  save as disclosed in writing to FirstBus, there being no provision of any
     arrangement, agreement, licence or other instrument to which  any  member
     of  the  Citybus Group or any partnership, joint venture  or  company  in
     which any member of the Citybus Group is interested (an 'associate') is a
     party  or  by  or to which any such member or associate or any  of  their
     assets  may be bound or entitled or be subject, which would, or is likely
     to,  as a consequence of the making or implementation of the Offer or the
     proposed acquisition by FirstBus of the ordinary shares result in:

          (i)  any moneys borrowed by or other indebtedness of any such member
          or  associate  becoming  repayable  or  becoming  capable  of  being
          declared  repayable  immediately, or earlier than  the  maturity  or
          repayment  date  stated in such arrangement, agreement,  licence  or
          instrument; or

          (ii)  any  such arrangement, agreement, licence or other  instrument
          being  terminated  or modified, or any action  being  taken  or  any
          onerous obligation arising thereunder; or

          (iii)      the  business  of any such member  or  associate  or  the
          interests of any such members or associates in any other person  (or
          any  arrangements  relating  to such business  or  interests)  being
          terminated or modified or affected; or

          (iv)  any  such member or associate ceasing to be able to  carry  on
          business under any name under which it presently does so; or

          (v)  any assets of any such member or associate being or falling  to
          be  disposed of or charged otherwise than, in any such case, in  the
          ordinary course of business; or

          (vi) the creation of any mortgage, charge or other security interest
          over  the  whole or any material part of the business,  property  or
          assets  of  any  member of the Citybus Group, or any such  mortgage,
          charge  or  other  security  interest (whenever  arising  or  having
          arisen) becoming enforceable;

     which  in  any such case would be material and adverse in the context  of
     the Citybus Group taken as a whole;

(f)  save  as  disclosed  in writing to FirstBus or in Part  6  of  the  Offer
     Document, no member of the Citybus Group having since 31st December  1996
     without the prior consent of FirstBus:

          (i)    made  any  alteration  to  its  Memorandum  or  Articles   of

          (ii) issued or authorised or proposed the issue of additional shares
          of  any class, or securities convertible into, or rights warrants or
          options  to subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or convertible
          securities or any loan capital or redeemed, purchased or reduced any
          part of its share capital;

          (iii)     declared, paid or made or proposed to declare, pay or make
          any  dividend  or  other distribution, whether payable  in  cash  or
          otherwise (other than dividends payable by wholly owned subsidiaries
          of Citybus) except for the Special Dividend;

          (iv) authorised or proposed or announced an intention to propose any
          merger  or  demerger or acquisition or disposal of assets or  shares
          (other than in the ordinary course of business) which is or would be
          material in the context of the Citybus Group taken as a whole;

          (v)   issued  or  proposed  the issue of  any  debentures  or  other
          securities or, save in the ordinary course of business and, save for
          intra-group transactions, incurred or increased any indebtedness  or
          contingent  liability of an aggregate amount which is  or  would  be
          material in the context of the Citybus Group, taken as a whole;

          (vi)  disposed of or transferred, mortgaged or encumbered any assets
          or  any  right,  title or interest in any asset other  than  in  the
          ordinary  course  of  business and where  such  disposal,  transfer,
          mortgage  or encumbrance is or would be material in the  context  of
          the Citybus Group, taken as a whole;

          (vii)     entered into any reconstruction, amalgamation or scheme of

          (viii)     entered  into  any transaction,  commitment  or  contract
          (whether in respect of capital expenditure or otherwise) which is of
          a  long  term, onerous or unusual nature or is outside the  ordinary
          course  of  business and which is or is likely to  be  material  and
          adverse  in  the context of the Citybus Group taken as  a  whole  or
          which involves or is likely to involve an obligation of a nature  or
          magnitude  which is or is likely to be material and adverse  in  the
          context of the Citybus Group taken as a whole;

          (ix)  entered  into, or varied the terms of, any  service  agreement
          with any of the directors of Citybus or any of its subsidiaries; or

          (x)  entered into any contract, commitment or agreement with respect
          to  any  of the transactions or events referred to in this paragraph
          (f),  or  passed  any  resolution in general  meeting  to  sanction,
          approve or implement any such transaction or event;

(g)  save as disclosed in Part 6 of the Offer Document:

          (i)    no  litigation,  arbitration,  prosecution  or  other   legal
          proceedings  having  been  instituted  or  threatened  or  remaining
          outstanding  against or by any member of the Citybus Group  (whether
          as  plaintiff  or  defendant or otherwise)  which,  in  any  of  the
          foregoing  cases, are material in the context of the  Citybus  Group
          taken as a whole;

          (ii)  no contingent liability having arisen since 31st December 1996
          which,  if it became an actual liability, would be likely materially
          and adversely to affect the Citybus Group taken as a whole;

          (iii)      no person, firm or corporation having taken or threatened
          any  steps for the early repayment of any indebtedness by any member
          of  the  Citybus  Group  which (in each case)  would  be  likely  to
          materially  affect the business, profits or prospects of any  member
          of the Citybus Group or having taken any steps to appoint a receiver
          or  administrative receiver in respect of any member of the  Citybus

          (iv)  no  order  having been made or resolution passed  or  petition
          presented for the winding up or administration of any member of  the
          Citybus  Group  or  for the appointment of any  liquidator,  interim
          liquidator,    provisional   liquidator,   administrator,    interim
          administrator, judicial factor, interim judicial factor, manager  or
          trustee  in  respect  of any member of the Citybus  Group   nor  any
          voluntary arrangement having been made or proposed in respect of any
          member  of the Citybus Group under the provisions of Part I  of  the
          Insolvency Act 1986;

          (v)   no  steps having been taken which are likely to result in  the
          withdrawal,  cancellation, termination or material  modification  of
          any  licence  held  by  any member of the  Citybus  Group  which  is
          necessary for the proper carrying on of its business and where  such
          withdrawal, cancellation, termination or material modification would
          be likely to materially and adversely affect the Citybus Group taken
          as a whole; and

          (vi)  there having been no destruction or loss of or damage  to  any
          substantial  part of the assets of the Citybus Group  which  is  not
          adequately  covered  by  insurance and  which  would  be  likely  to
          materially  and adversely affect the business of the  Citybus  Group
          taken as a whole;

(h)  no   government   or  governmental,  quasi-governmental,  supra-national,
     statutory or regulatory body or trade agency, or professional association
     or  any  court  or  any  other person or body in any jurisdiction  having
     (prior  to  the  date  by  which all other  conditions  shall  have  been
     fulfilled  or waived) instituted, implemented or threatened  any  action,
     proceedings, suit, investigation or enquiry or made or proposed any order
     or  decision that would or is likely to adversely affect in any  material
     respect the Citybus Group taken as a whole;

(i)  FirstBus not having discovered that the financial or business information
     contained in the written information disclosed to FirstBus at any time by
     or  on  behalf  of  any member of the Citybus Group  or  by  any  of  the
     directors of Citybus either contains a material misrepresentation of fact
     or  omits  to state a fact whose omission makes the information contained
     therein  materially misleading or that any contingent liability disclosed
     in  such  information has crystallised in a manner which would materially
     and  adversely  affect  directly or indirectly the business,  profits  or
     prospects of the Citybus Group, taken as a whole; and

(j)  FirstBus  not  having discovered that the audited accounts for  the  year
     ended 31st December 1996 do not give a true and fair view of the state of
     affairs  of the Citybus Group and of the profit of the Citybus Group  for
     the financial year ended on that date.


FirstBus reserves the right to waive all or any of the conditions (other  than
conditions (b) and (d)), in whole or in part, save that condition (c) may only
be  varied by FirstBus with the consent of the directors of Citybus. The Offer
will  lapse unless it has become wholly unconditional by 5.00pm on 4th  August
1997  or such later time and date (not being later than 5.00pm on 29th  August
1997) without the approval of the board of Citybus as FirstBus may nominate.

Any  determination by FirstBus concerning the events described above shall  be
final  and binding.  The Offer will become unconditional in all respects  only
when  all  the  above condition are satisfied or waived.   FirstBus  will  not
invoke and shall not fail to waive any conditions to the Offer so as to  cause
the  Offer  to lapse unless there exist circumstances which give rise  to  the
right  to invoke the relevant condition which are of material significance  to
FirstBus in connection with the Offer.

                         APPENDIX II


1.   Three Year Statement of financial results

                                Years ended 31 December
                             1996          1995           1994
                   Notes     #000          #000           #000

Turnover                   11,729        11,270         10,952
Operating costs          (10,989)      (10,415)       (10,230)
                      ____________   ___________   ___________
Operating profit              740           855            722
Exceptional items  (i)         92             -            -
                       ___________  ___________  ___________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before interest    832           855            722
Net interest                (257)         (234)          (198)
                        ____________  ___________  ___________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation    575           621            524
Taxation                     (55)          (76)            -
                        ____________  ___________  ___________
                              520           545            524


(i)  Exceptional items:
     Profit on disposal of
     Red Ensign Coaches       92             -              -

(ii) Dividends

     No dividends were paid in any of the three years.

     Under  the  buy-out  agreement with Southampton  City  Council  dated  21
     December 1993, the Company was prohibited from paying any dividends until
     the total deferred consideration of #900,000 had been repaid.

2.   Balance sheet at 31 December 1996
                                                  #000    #000
Fixed assets
  Tangible assets                                        6,898
  Investments                                               25
Current assets
  Stocks                                           306
  Debtors                                        1,042
  Cash at bank and in hand                         603

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,420)
Net current liabilities                                  (469)
Total assets less current liabilities                    6,454
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than 
one year                                                (3,133)
Net assets                                               3,321

Capital and reserves
  Called up share capital - equity                      1,200
  Reserve arising on consolidation                        536
  Profit and loss account                               1,585
Equity shareholders' funds                              3,321

3.   Basis of preparation

The  financial information set out in this Appendix II has been extracted from
the audited statutory accounts of Citybus.

The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Act.  Statutory accounts dealing with
each of the financial years specified:

(a)  have been filed with the Registrar of Companies; and

(b)  have  received  an audit report by Lyon Pilcher which is unqualified  and
     does  not  contain  any statement of the nature referred  to  in  section
     237(2) or 237(3) of the Act.

                         APPENDIX III


The  following  definitions  apply throughout  this  announcement  unless  the
context requires otherwise:

'Act'                    Companies Act 1985 (as amended)

'Citybus' or             Southampton Citybus (1993) Limited
'the Company'

'Citybus Group'          Citybus and its subsidiary undertakings

'Citybus shareholders'   holders of Citybus shares

'Citybus shares' or      the ordinary shares of #1 each in the capital of

'EBTs'                   Southampton  City  Transport  (EBT  1)  Limited   and
                         Southampton  City  Transport  (EBT  2)   Limited   as
                         trustees  of  the Southampton Citybus (1993)  Limited
                         Employee's Share Schemes

'Employee Ballot'        the  Employee Ballot (as defined in the  Trust  Deeds
                         establishing the EBTs) to be concluded by  22nd  July
                         1997 in relation to the passing of the Resolution

'enlarged share capital' the  issued share capital of FirstBus after the issue
                         of new FirstBus shares under the Share Alternative

'FirstBus'               FirstBus plc

'FirstBus ESOP'          the FirstBus plc Employee Share Ownership Plan

'FirstBus Group'         FirstBus and its subsidiary undertakings

'FirstBus shares'        ordinary shares of 5p each in the capital of FirstBus

'London Stock Exchange'  London Stock Exchange Limited

'Lyon Pilcher'           Lyon  Pilcher, Registered Auditors, Park House,  102-
                         108 Above Bar, Southampton, SO14 7NH

'Offer'                  the  offer  to  acquire  all of  the  issued  Citybus
                         shares, details of which are set out in Parts 2 and 4
                         of the Offer Document

"Offer Document"         the document containing the Offer

'PST'                    the   Southampton  Citybus  Profit  Sharing   Scheme,
                         constituted  by  a  Trust Deed and  Rules  dated  4th
                         August 1995 between Citybus and W C Greening and W  M

'PSV'                    public service vehicle or passenger carrying vehicle

'relevant securities'    Citybus  shares  or  debentures, FirstBus  shares  or
                         debentures   and   all  investments  falling   within
                         paragraphs  4, 5 or 7 of Schedule 1 to the  Financial
                         Services  Act 1986 which relate to Citybus shares  or
                         debentures or FirstBus shares or debentures

'Resolution'             the  special  resolution, inter alia,  to  adopt  new
                         articles  of  association  to  be  proposed  at   the
                         extraordinary general meeting of Citybus to  be  held
                         on 30th July 1997

'SCT'                    Southampton City Transport Company Limited, a wholly-
                         owned subsidiary of Citybus

'Share Alternative'      the    alternative    whereby    accepting    Citybus
                         shareholders  may  choose  to  receive  new  FirstBus
                         shares   instead  of  some  or  all   of   the   cash
                         consideration due to them, details of which  are  set
                         out in Parts 2 and 4 of the Offer Document

'Special Dividend'       the  dividend of 125p (net) per Citybus share (which,
                         for  the  avoidance of doubt excludes the  associated
                         tax  credit of 31.25p per Citybus Share)  due  to  be
                         paid on 13th August 1997.


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