RNS Number:4514H
AuIron Energy Ld
25 July 2001

25 July 2001

                        Wall Street Reporter Interview
                             Edited, Agreed Text

WSR Introduction:

AuIron Energy Limited, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, is a diversified
resources group whose primary focus is the South Australian Steel and Energy
Project (SASE).  The Group is developing the commercial application of the
AusIron smelting technology to produce 2.5 million metric tonnes of pig iron
per annum using coal and iron ore from the Group's resources in South
Australia.  The Group's UK focus is the Ballymoney Power Project for the
possible development of a major electricity generation facility and mine on
the Group's 660 million-tonne lignite (brown coal) resource in Northern

URL: www.auironenergy.com.au.  E-mail: auiron@auironenergy.com.au.  Phone:
+61-2-935 72044.  Fax: +61-2-936 81313.

Neill F. Arthur, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, spoke with Wall
Street Reporter Magazine.

WSR:       I understand that there has been a very strong interest in AuIron
           from a company called Capital Group.  Could you tell us about that
           relationship and the core business of your company?

AUY:       One of the reasons for the interview is the recent investment by
           Capital Group from the United States.  Capital, of course, is one of 
           the world's largest fund managers.  The fact that it has become one  
           of our largest shareholders is of great significance and obviously   
           also a vote of confidence in the assets and management of AuIron.    
           Capital is actually one of the largest foreign investors in Australia
           and it has substantial positions in great companies like BHP-        
           Billiton, Fosters Brewing and SouthCorp, just to name a few.  These  
           are obviously high quality, long term exciting businesses.  They
           are growing companies in the real economy and we're very pleased to  
           be in that same category.  AuIron has just been included in the new  
           global materials fund manager index put out jointly by Morgan Stanley
           and Standard & Poor's and we're one of only 30 Australian companies  
           in that index.

WSR:       There is a tremendous focus right now on the energy sector.  Given
           the landscape, how is AuIron Energy positioned to take advantage of  
           the market opportunity?

AUY:       We have two great energy assets.  We have almost 16 billion tonnes
           of coal in South Australia, all low ash content steaming coal for    
           power generation use, and we have the UK's biggest coal deposit at   
           Ballymoney in Northern Ireland.  In Northern Ireland we have almost  
           700 million tonnes of very low sulphur content lignite or brown coal.

           So, with our company an investor actually gets two legs up in terms  
           of value adding to energy: first, a very competitive position in     
           owning part of tremendously large coal assets (equivalent to over 5  
           tonnes of coal per issued share) and secondly, based on both of those
           coal assets, we have two very large value adding projects.  So AuIron
           investors will get both sides of the equation.

WSR:       What are some of the value added opportunities and services that
           AuIron Energy brings to the marketplace today?

AUY:       In Australia the main project is what we call the SASE (South
           Australian Steel & Energy) Project.  Ultimately, this will be a      
           billion-dollar investment.  The intention of this project is to use  
           our own coal and our own iron ore; we've got a billion tonnes of iron
           ore as well.  We will be processing those directly, using leading    
           edge direct smelting technology to produce high quality pig iron for 
           the world steel industry.  Pig iron is the intermediate key raw      
           material for making steel, especially in electric arc furnaces, and  
           that's basically the only profitable part of the world steel
           industry.  The technology is Australian-owned.

           We have built a $20 million demonstration plant in South Australia   
           which has been successfully operating since November of last year.   
           We are close to finalising the planned operating periods of that     
           plant.  So by the end of this year, we will be completing a          
           feasibility study for the commercial plant and we expect to be in    
           operation in 2004 to produce 2.5 million tons a year of pig iron.

           Just to give you some indications of values, the current price in the
           United States for pig iron is approximately $120 a tonne in a recent 
           tender with Nucor.  We expect that our cash operating costs will be  
           less than half of that figure.  Many people believe that we will     
           actually become the world's lowest cost producer.  So that's an      
           indication of the potential value that AuIron investors would get    
           simply through that project.

           But there is actually more to the South Australian project than that.

           The technology that we're planning to use will co-generate           
           substantial amounts of cheap electricity from smelter waste heat.    
           The South Australian electricity market has much in common with      
           California.  The power industry is in one heck of a mess due to      
           regulatory disadvantages, shall we say, and so with AuIron being able
           to co-generate surplus electric power at virtually zero marginal cost
           from waste heat is a tremendous potential upside for our project.    
           So, we're looking forward to crystallizing that value for our
           shareholders when we finalize the feasibility study later this year.

           In South Australia, because we have so much coal, we are also looking
           at developing substantial markets for steaming coal itself, both for 
           local and overseas power stations.  To that end, we've recently      
           completed a trial coal mine and we've extracted bulk samples ready   
           for power station testing as well as testing in the SASE smelter.

WSR:       You've been telling us about a brand new technology platform that's
           going to revolutionize existing platforms.  In addition to that,     
           could you discuss the cost structure of AuIron Energy, one that is   
           very efficient and gives you a great competitive advantage?

AUY:       The cost structure for our business and our projects derives from
           some important key advantages that one has for projects in Australia.

           Firstly, I suppose the Aussie dollar is only about half the value of 
           a U.S. dollar.  Secondly, our major coal and iron ore assets can be  
           mined extremely cheaply.  Thirdly, the technology we're planning     
           using will have a capital cost that is probably less than one quarter
           of the capital cost of the traditional iron and steel industry.  So, 
           we have a tremendous advantage, not only in operating costs but also 
           in capital costs.

           Finally, in terms of management of the company, it's a conscious     
           policy that we try to employ and retain the very best people we can  
           find and the rest of our workforce and assistance is basically       
           contracted employees and consultants.  So, we endeavor to keep our   
           overhead costs to an absolute minimum.  Again, looking after         
           shareholders' interests.

WSR:       Tell us about your background, some of the key players in your
           management team and the overall structure of your board of directors?

AUY:       Starting with the board of directors, the non-executive chairman is
           Alfred L. Paton.  He was formerly chairman of ABN Amro Hoare Govett  
           in Australia, a major European banking equity group.  He was also    
           chairman and managing director of Placer Pacific in Australia and a  
           member of the Placer Dome Canada board.  He has an outstanding       
           background in both mining and finance over a long period of time.    
           Louis A. Clinton, the non-executive deputy chairman, will be of      
           particular interest to American investors because he is actually an  
           American.  He was originally chief financial officer of Freeport-    
           McMoRan and was with Freeport for 35 years.  For his last eight years
           with Freeport he was president and CEO of Freeport-McMoRan Pacific   
           and put together $4 billion worth of project financing for the major 
           Grasberg & Ertzberg copper and gold projects in Indonesia which are  
           the world's largest gold and copper projects.  We also have the      
           former legal counsel for Rio Tinto in Australia on our board, as a   
           non-executive director, as well as several other key people from the 
           mining and finance industry.

           In terms of management, I've been with the company 14 years.  I've   
           put together the two major projects that the company now has.  I was 
           appointed chief executive about three years ago and we've driven the 
           company forward quite significantly in that time.  My background is  
           that I'm a chemical engineer by training.  I spent 20 years with a   
           blue chip company in Australia called CSR and was involved in the    
           running, acquisitions and mergers of a number of resources businesses
           particularly in the iron ore and coal industry and other energy      
           infrastructure matters.  I was then headhunted and appointed
           chief executive officer of the Coal Corporation of the State of      
           Victoria.  I set that up and ran it for the Victorian government for 
           three years before joining AuIron Energy.  I was retained by McKinsey
           in the early 1990's to advise the German government on the           
           privatization of the East German coal mining and power industry after
           the wall came down.  My principal background has been in mining,     
           finance and corporate strategy over a long period of time.
           My senior staff team includes: Ian Mutton, who was general legal     
           counsel for the blue chip CSR in Australia.  The guy running our pig 
           iron project, Greg Hawkins, has 30 years experience in the iron ore  
           and steel industry in Australia and North America.  The man running  
           our Northern Ireland mining and power project, Walter McClay, has 20 
           years experience in the power industry, has been to Harvard and was a
           director of one of the United Kingdom power utilities.  Our CFO is   
           Joe Fontana - 14 years experience in the mining/finance industry. Our
           Corporate Affairs man is Graham Haddow, formerly 2IC in the South    
           Australian Government Mines and Energy Department.

           So you can see that we've actually targeted and retained the best    
           possible people we can find.

WSR:       What are some of the strategies to enhance and bolster the growth
           of your company and increase its intrinsic value?

AUY:       We are driving forward to complete the feasibility study for the
           pig iron project in South Australia.  That study should be finished  
           by the end of the year, so we should be starting construction of the 
           billion-dollar project in the first half of next year with full      
           production within two years after that.

           In Northern Ireland, with our Ballymoney Coal Project and Power      
           Station Project, we have recently advertised for the appointment of  
           financial advisers and have had responses from 13 major banks and    
           financial institutions keen to join the project.  We expect that over
           the next months we'll be requesting proposals from power station     
           partners to join the project, and we'll be pushing forward to        
           complete the feasibility studies and apply for planning permission   
           for the mine and power station there.  In Northern Ireland and the
           Republic of Ireland, there is basically another California-type power
           crisis coming and we are very well placed to become the lowest cost  
           generator of power for the whole of the island of Ireland.

           So, in South Australia and Northern Ireland we expect to become the  
           lowest cost producer and that obviously means a great deal in terms  
           of intrinsic value coming through for AuIron shareholders.

           That's not only our own conclusion because we've had two major       
           broking research reports produced by Salomon Smith Barney            
           (Citigroup), one in July last year and one in January of this year.  
           Both of those reports, the first one of which was 110 pages, pointed 
           to the significant upside in both AuIron share value and future      
           profit and dividend growth.

WSR:       As we move forward what are some of the exciting near-term
           milestones you see for AuIron?

AUY:       We expect to announce over the next couple of months the successful
           completion of the operations of the pig iron demonstration plant.  We
           expect to have several announcements about who are the participants  
           in the pig iron projects that we believe we can undertake in this    
           region; we expect also to have some announcements about the          
           development strategy of the Ballymoney Northern Ireland project.

           Recently, we completed a fully underwritten rights issue and the fact
           that that was done by Old Mutual Securities of the UK at a premium to
           the then market price and has been fully subscribed, I think is an   
           indication of the great deal of interest in the company's projects   
           and value going forward. 

          I neglected to mention at the start of the interview, that we, in     
          fact, already have a trading facility in New York on the over the     
          counter Bulletin Board section and our code there is ARONF.  That     
          wasn't organized by us but by another party in the United States.  So 
          there is some trading that takes place already in the United States.


Yamana Gold (LSE:AUY)
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부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Yamana Gold 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Yamana Gold (LSE:AUY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Yamana Gold 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.