RNS No 8278p
23rd March 1998
                  Amco Corporation Plc
 Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 31 December 1997


*     Turnover  from continuing operations  increased  by
      4.8% to #152 million (1996: #145 million)

*     Profit before tax from continuing operations up 20%
      to #4.8 million (1996: #4.0 million)

*     Earnings per share increased by 5.1% to 20.6  pence
     (1996: 19.6 pence)

*     Final  dividend  increased to 4.5 pence  per  share
     (1996: 4.0 pence)

*     Total  dividend for the year increased by 16.7%  to
      7.0 pence

*     Concentration   on   building   and   construction
      contracting produces significantly improved result

*     Strong  performance  from  Tolent  -  turnover  and
      margins significantly improved

Stuart Gordon, Chairman, commented: "The emphasis on  our
building  and  construction activities will  continue  in
1998.   Trading conditions in the UK construction  market
continue  to  improve  and forward order  books  for  our
building and structural steel businesses are strong."


Amco  Corporation Plc                        01709 828 218 
Stuart Gordon, Chairman

Square Mile Communications                   0171 583 4567
Kevin Smith

                  Amco Corporation Plc
 Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 31 December 1997

                  Chairman's Statement


The  Group  continued  to  make good  progress  in  1997,
increasing  profits before tax from continuing operations
by 20% to #4.8 million (1996: #4.0 million).

During the year we began to see significant benefits from
the  re-positioning of the Group, particularly  from  the
increased  emphasis  on  our  building  and  construction
businesses  which followed the acquisition of the  Tolent
Group in late 1995.

Tolent   and   our   two  structural  steel   businesses,
Billington   and  Modern  Engineering,  enjoyed   buoyant
trading  as  the  UK  construction  market  continued  to
benefit   from   favourable  economic  conditions.    The
uncertainty  surrounding  the  UK  coal  mining  industry
continued   to   affect   our   underground   engineering
businesses  but as the emphasis of the Group's activities
has  shifted towards the building and construction market
the overall impact was much reduced.

The   only  disappointment  during  the  year   was   the
difficulties we experienced with the Bendicar project  in
the  USA.   As  I reported at the interim stage  we  have
closed Dosco's US operations and the Bendicar project has
been suspended pending the outcome of engineering studies
carried  out  in the UK.  We do not expect to  incur  any
further costs in relation to our US operations.

Financial Summary

Turnover from continuing operations increased by 4.8%  to
#152.0  million (1996: #145 million).  The  #1.1  million
loss on discontinued operations relates to the closure of
the  Dosco's US business.  Allowing for the impact of the
Bendicar  write-off profit before tax  was  unchanged  at
#3.7 million.

Interest  cover increased to 9.5 times from 5.4 times  in
1996.  A reduced tax charge of 21% contributed to a  5.1%
increase in earnings per share to 20.6 pence (1996:  19.6

The  Group  was  ungeared at 31 December 1997,  with  net
funds  representing  12.4% of  net  assets  (capital  and
reserves).   However, this figure included an exceptional
advance  payment  of  #3.4 million -  without  this  item
gearing would have been 7.7% (31 December 1996: 14%).

Net  assets  at  31 December 1997 were  #1.20  pence  per


I  am pleased to announce an increased final dividend  of
4.5 pence per share (1996: 4.0 pence), making a total for
the  year  of 7.0 pence, an increase of 16.7% over  1996.
The  final  dividend  will be paid  on  1  July  1998  to
shareholders on the register on 19 June 1998.

Operational Highlights

Conditions  in  the UK construction market  continued  to
improve  during  the  year  and Tolent  experienced  much
improved  levels of activity.  Turnover and margins  were
significantly  increased.  Major contracts  completed  in
1997  included a further ground development contract  for
Durham  County  Cricket Club, a major  business  park  at
Tameside  in  Greater Manchester, interior fit-out  works
for  Goldman  Sachs offices in the City of London  and  a
teaching facility for the University of Sheffield.

During  the  year Amalgamated Construction  continued  to
diversify its customer base, successfully establishing  a
specialist  contracting operation to  service  the  rail,
water and energy markets.

Our  structural steelwork businesses also benefited  from
an  upturn in activity and Billington, Modern Engineering
and  Hollybank  were  able  to report  very  satisfactory
results.   Two major projects were completed at  Heathrow
and   Manchester   airports  and  Billington's   Barnsley
facility was expanded during the year.

Dosco Overseas Engineering, our UK based manufacturer  of
tunnelling  machinery, experienced some  margin  pressure
but  was  successful in winning significant  orders  from
South Korea and China.


On  behalf of my Board colleagues I would like  to  thank
our  subsidiary  company directors and  all  the  Group's
employees for their efforts in 1997.


The  emphasis on our building and construction activities
will  continue  in 1998.  Trading conditions  in  the  UK
construction market continue to improve and forward order
books  for  our building and structural steel  businesses
are strong.

We  anticipate that the uncertainty in the UK  coalmining
industry will continue and we have taken steps to  reduce
the  Group's  overall  exposure  to  these  markets.   In
particular,  we  are  increasingly seeking  international
opportunities  in the mineral exploration and  extraction
industry.  We have recently formed a 50:50 joint  venture
company  in  Zambia  in partnership with  an  established
local  underground  contractor to  pursue  the  potential
opportunities   available  in  the  recently   privatised
Zambian copper mining industry.

We  are  seeking powers at the Annual General Meeting  to
enable us to buy back shares in the Company.  This should
enhance earnings per share.

Stuart N. Gordon

                Chief Executive's Report

The  Amco  Group  operates  in  traditional  construction
markets   but  many  of  its  core  activities   are   in
specialised  niche areas of the marketplace which  allows
its subsidiaries to concentrate on delivering quality and
value   for   money  for  its  customers.   Increasingly,
partnering  arrangements  are  being  sought  with  major
clients in order to improve the service provided  and  to
avoid  the  traditional  adversarial  approach  prevalent
throughout the construction industry.

In  1997 the Group significantly improved the performance
of  the  majority  of  its construction  businesses.   In
particular  we  continued to realise  benefits  from  our
ongoing   concentration   on   construction   activities,
particularly  from building and structural steel.   Group
trading  is  sub-divided into two distinct  categories  -
traditional   construction  contracting  and   specialist
contracting  including  mining  and  associated  sectors.
Many  of  the companies within the Group execute work  in
both  categories.  Over the last few years  the  emphasis
has moved toward the traditional construction businesses.

Building and Civil Engineering contracting activities are
carried   out   by   Tolent   Construction,   Amalgamated
Construction, Billington Structures, Modern  Engineering,
Amco  Ground  Engineering, Amco Orebit, Amco Engineering,
Dosco Overseas Engineering, Amco Plastics and Fibaflo.

Specialist  Contracting  is carried  out  by  Amalgamated
Construction,   Hollybank  Engineering,  Dosco   Overseas
Engineering, Amco Engineering and Amco Plastics.

Building and Civil Engineering Contracting

During the year the Group's principal building and  civil
engineering subsidiary, Tolent Construction,  reaped  the
benefit   from  the  contract  management  and  financial
reporting  controls implemented since its acquisition  by
Amco  in  the  autumn  of 1995.  The Company  achieved  a
significant  improvement in both turnover and  margin  by
developing  its  relationship with existing  clients  and
carefully  selecting new contracts.  In partnership  with
two  of  its  sister companies, Tolent Homes  and  Tolent
(Yorkshire)  Developments,  the  Company  has  secured  a
number  of  development contracts and this is  viewed  by
management as an activity where consistent returns can be
achieved in the coming year.

Major  contracts  carried out during  1997  included  the
completion  of the second phase of Durham County  Cricket
Club's  ground development at Chester-le-Street, a  major
business park at Tameside in Greater Manchester, fit  out
work  for  Goldman  Sachs in the City  of  London  and  a
teaching  facility for Sheffield University on  reclaimed
mine workings in South Yorkshire.

The  order  book  is presently looking extremely  healthy
with  a  number  of  significant  contracts  having  been
secured  in  late 1997 and early 1998.  Contracts  to  be
undertaken  during 1998 include a prestigious development
on   the   Quayside   in   Newcastle-upon-Tyne,   student
accommodation for Sunderland University, land reclamation
in  West  Yorkshire, a business park  at  Park  Royal  in
London  and  further  office  refurbishment  for  Goldman

Amalgamated    Construction   increased    its    general
construction   activities  during  1997  and   has   been
successful  in  securing larger, long-term contracts  for
1998  that  should  enable the Company  to  continue  its
strategy  of  diversification away from  its  traditional
underground   contracting  markets.   The   Company   has
established itself in the rail, water and energy  markets
and  further  growth in the utility sector is anticipated
during the coming year.

Billington  Structures  and Modern Engineering  (Bristol)
are   the   Group's  two  general  structural   steelwork
contractors  and both have achieved growth  in  a  market
that  continues  to operate on extremely  tight  margins.
The Group sanctioned major capital expenditure during the
year  allowing  Billington  Structures  to  increase  its
efficiency, by extending its present fabrication facility
in Wombwell, Barnsley, and by the acquisition of state of
the art production machinery.  During 1997 #1,050,000 was
expended  and  a further #700,000 has been earmarked  for
further  capital  expenditure in  1998.   Management  are
aware that efficiency gains are the key to improving  the
quality of the company's earnings.

During  the  year  the  companies undertook  projects  at
Heathrow  and  Manchester Airports, together  with  their
traditional  supermarket,  leisure  complex  and  factory
contracts.    The  order  books  into   1998   are   very
encouraging with a major out of town shopping development
contract commencing in the spring.

Amco  Ground Engineering had an extremely good first half
but  found that opportunities in the United Kingdom  were
extremely  limited towards the end of the year  and  this
downturn in available work has continued into 1998.   The
contraction  of  the  UK market has led  to  the  Company
increasingly  looking  overseas for exploration  drilling
opportunities  through its sister  company  Amco  Orebit.
During the year an important contract was carried out  in
the  copper belt of the Democratic Republic of  Congo  on
the   Tenke   Fungurume  project  and  further   overseas
opportunities in developing countries are being  actively

Amco   Engineering  provides  mechanical  and  electrical
engineering services and during 1997 signed a partnership
agreement  with British Airports Authority for electronic
vehicle  tracking  and  identification  systems.    Dosco
Overseas  Engineering produces material handling systems,
primarily  for  export.  These are  large  pipe  conveyor
systems that enclose the material as it is transported to
prevent  leakage.  Sales in 1997 included an installation
for  a  power station in the Czech Republic and  the  1998
order  book included pipe conveyors for Poland and Chile.
Amco  Plastics and Fibaflo produce plastic and  composite
products for a range of industries.

Specialist Contracting

Amalgamated   Construction  has   historically   provided
tunnelling and contracting services to the UK coal mining
industry.  With the ongoing rationalisation of the mining
industry  the Company has striven, with notable  success,
to  diversify its client and industry base.  However,  by
maintaining its quality of workmanship and by  increasing
efficiencies   the  Company  managed  to   maintain   its
competitive position.

Hollybank  Engineering is engaged in the manufacture  and
supply  of  underground steelwork, primarily  to  the  UK
mining  industry.   The  reduction  in  development  work
within   the  coalfields  has  reduced  demand  for   the
Company's products.

Dosco  Overseas  Engineering  manufactures  and  provides
maintenance  for  tunnelling  equipment  for  the   civil
engineering and mineral extraction markets.  The trial of
the  TTM 100 machine for the underground system in Seoul,
South Korea was successful and a sale was achieved in the
spring  of 1997.  In addition, orders were received  from
China   and  Poland  for  LH1300  roadheaders   for   the
coalmining industry.

Amco  Engineering  and Amco Plastics continue  to  supply
specialist  services to the underground construction  and
mining   markets.   Amco  Plastics  supplied  over   five
kilometres  of ventilation ducting for the  Madrid  Metro
extension in 1997 and a similar order from New Zealand is
currently being processed.

Henry Schmill


Amco Corporation Plc                        01709 828 218
Stuart Gordon, Chairman

Square Mile Communications                  0171 583 4567
Kevin Smith

Note to editors:
Amco  Corporation Plc is a group of companies engaged  in
building  and construction, structural steelwork,  ground
and  mining engineering and manufacturing.  Headquartered
in  Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the Group  employs  some
2,000 personnel at 50 sites in the UK.  Amco's shares are
listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London
Stock Exchange.

                 AMCO CORPORATION Plc
 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
                    31 December 1997
                                1997                 1996
                          #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000
  Continuing operations           149,853               142,038
   operations                       1,237                 6,337
                                 --------              --------
                                  151,090               148,375
  Increase in work in             
   progress                           564                 2,478
  Own work capitalised              1,035                   911
                                 --------              --------
                                  152,689               151,764
Raw materials and           
  consumables            49,023               47,991 
Other external changes   40,256               34,760   
                       --------             -------- 
                                  (89,279)              (82,751)
                                 --------              --------
                                   63,410                69,013
Staff costs              48,488               54,884    
Depreciation              2,144                1,760     
Other operating charges   8,780                8,344     
                       --------             --------
                                  (59,412)              (64,988)
                                 --------              --------
                                    3,998                 4,025
Other operating income                164                   253
                                 --------              --------
Operating profit/(loss)                                 
  Continuing operations   5,225                4,856     
   operations            (1,063)                (578)
                       --------             --------  
                                    4,162                4,278
Profit on disposal of                                   
  businesses                            -                  328
Net interest                         (436)                (856)               
                                    --------            --------
Profit on ordinary                                      
  before taxation                   3,726                3,750
Taxation on profit on                                   
  ordinary activities                (790)                (956)
                                 --------             --------
Profit on ordinary                                      
  after taxation                    2,936                2,794
Dividends                            (997)                (855)
                                 --------             --------
Profit for the                                          
  financial year                     
  transferred to
  reserves                          1,939                1,939
                                 ========             ========
Earnings per share                   20.6p               19.6p
                                 ========             ========

                  AMCO CORPORATION Plc
     Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 1997
                                1997                 1996
                          #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000
Fixed Assets                                            
  Tangible assets                  18,955                16,908
  Investments                       1,021                   914
                                 --------               -------
                                   19,976                17,822
Current assets                                          
  Stock and work in          
   progress              12,886                11,731
  Amounts recoverable          
   on contracts           6,223                 6,147
  Debtors                16,293                15,671    
  Cash at bank and in         
   hand                  11,013                 7,134
                       --------               -------
                         46,415                40,683    
Creditors: amounts                                      
  falling due within       
  one year              (44,700)              (38,395)
                       --------               -------
Net current assets                  1,715                 2,288
                                 --------               -------
Total assets less                  
  current liabilities              21,691                20,110
Creditors: amounts                                      
  falling due after                             
  more than one year    (4,461)                (4,776)
Provisions for               
  liabilities and 
  charges                 (159)                  (202)  
                      --------                -------        
                                   (4,620)               (4,978)
                                 --------               -------               
                                   17,701                15,132
                                 ========               =======               
Capital and reserves                                    
  Called up share                  
   capital                          1,425                 1,425
  Share premium                     1,864                 1,864
  Capital reserve                   2,128                 2,128
  Profit and loss                                
   account                         11,654                 9,715             
                                 --------               -------
  Shareholders' funds              17,071                15,132
                                 ========               =======

                  AMCO CORPORATION Plc
   Consolidated Cashflow statement for the year ended
                    31 December 1997
                                 1997                  1996
                           #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000
Net cash inflow from            
  operating activities              10,457                13,232
Returns on investments                                    
and servicing of finance                   
  Interest received          389                   268       
  Interest paid             (673)               (1,059)   
  Finance lease interest          
    paid                    (152)                  (65)
                         -------               -------
  Net cash outflow from                                   
  returns on investments 
  and servicing of finance            (436)                 (856)

Taxation                              (710)                  553
Capital expenditure and                                   
  financial investment                                      

  Purchase of tangible                                    
    fixed assets          (2,402)               (2,716)
  Sale of tangible fixed          
    assets                   523                 1,306
  Employee Share                                          
  Ownership Plan
     - purchase of             
       shares               (220)                 (216)
     - disposal of              
       shares                113                   123 
                         -------               -------
  Net cash outflow from                                   
  capital expenditure and        
  financial investment              (1,986)               (1,503)
Acquisitions and disposals
  Sale of subsidiary                                      
   undertakings                -                   328
                         -------               -------
  Net cashflow from                                       
   acquisitions and                    
   disposals                             -                   328
Equity dividends paid                 (926)                 (784)
                                   -------                -------
Net cashflow before                 
financing                            6,399                10,970
  Bank loans repaid       (1,530)               (5,416)   
  Capital element of           
   finance lease rentals  (1,051)                 (557)
                         -------               -------
Net cashflow from                   
financing                           (2,581)               (5,973)
                                   -------               -------
Increase in cash                     3,818                 4,997       
                                   =======               =======             


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