# | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 거래량 | 가격 x 거래량 | 거래량 (%) | 업데이트됨 | |||||
2.44 | Binance | 106092369 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | $ 256,382,844.19 | 1742046730 | XRP/USDT | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_USDT | USDT | 1 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_USDT | 46.6163754739 | 최근에 |
2.44 | Coinbase | 56789237.485 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | US$ 137,292,883.37 | 1742046730 | XRP/USD | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-USD | USD | 2 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-USD | 24.9528636454 | 최근에 |
2.44 | OKX | 17363913.1471 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | $ 41,960,068.67 | 1742046731 | XRP/USDT | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-USDT | USDT | 3 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-USDT | 7.62960335971 | 최근에 |
2.25 | Bitvavo | 8820836.9019 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | € 19,622,326.97 | 1742046731 | XRP/EUR | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/XRP-EUR | EUR | 4 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/XRP-EUR | 3.87582489569 | 최근에 |
2.51 | Crypto.com | 5584450 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | US$ 13,811,902.67 | 1741218415 | XRP/USD | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_USD | USD | 5 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_USD | 2.45377514395 | 10 일s 전 |
2.895E-5 | Binance | 4253290 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | BTC 122.08 | 1742046726 | XRP/BTC | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_BTC | BTC | 6 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_BTC | 1.86887111211 | 최근에 |
2.45 | Kraken | 3986106.90213 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | US$ 9,624,638.21 | 1742046278 | XRP/USD | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/USD | USD | 7 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/USD | 1.75147239882 | 8 분s 전 |
2.44 | Bitstamp | 3492562.67403 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | US$ 8,454,041.04 | 1742046732 | XRP/USD | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/usd | USD | 8 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/usd | 1.53461190954 | 최근에 |
2.45 | DigiFinex | 2776619 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | $ 6,702,425.16 | 1742046354 | XRP/USDT | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/XRP | USDT | 9 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/USDT/XRP | 1.22003038552 | 6 분s 전 |
2.25 | Bitstamp | 2360460.64753 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | € 5,255,114.65 | 1742046732 | XRP/EUR | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/eur | EUR | 10 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/eur | 1.03717280398 | 최근에 |
364.14 | bitFlyer | 2205632.40283 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITF.png | ¥ 794,070,622.48 | 1742046730 | XRP/JPY | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/XRP/JPY | JPY | 11 | https://cryptowat.ch/markets/bitflyer/XRP/JPY | 0.969142165614 | 최근에 |
2.45 | Bitfinex | 2163511.332 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | US$ 5,252,948.14 | 1742046728 | XRP/USD | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/XRP:USD | USD | 12 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/XRP:USD | 0.950634409856 | 최근에 |
2.25 | Coinbase | 1753166.29963 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | € 3,906,131.37 | 1742046731 | XRP/EUR | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-EUR | EUR | 13 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-EUR | 0.770331167659 | 최근에 |
2.45 | LBank | 1497007.69 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | $ 3,618,216.01 | 1742046728 | XRP/USDT | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/usdt | USDT | 14 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/usdt | 0.657776550963 | 최근에 |
2.898E-5 | DigiFinex | 1428293 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | BTC 40.85 | 1742046514 | XRP/BTC | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/BTC/XRP | BTC | 15 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/BTC/XRP | 0.627583712215 | 최근에 |
2.44 | Gate.io | 1408130.328 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | $ 3,394,758.54 | 1742045190 | XRP/USDT | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_USDT | USDT | 16 | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_USDT | 0.618724350346 | 26 분s 전 |
2.25 | Binance | 1013969 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | € 2,252,946.19 | 1742046730 | XRP/EUR | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_EUR | EUR | 17 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_EUR | 0.445532134577 | 최근에 |
2.44 | Kucoin | 952036.804198 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | $ 2,295,125.91 | 1742046703 | XRP/USDT | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-USDT | USDT | 18 | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-USDT | 0.418319484688 | 최근에 |
2.44 | Coinbase | 605437.518881 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | $ 1,463,205.98 | 1742046731 | XRP/USDT | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-USDT | USDT | 19 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-USDT | 0.266025756349 | 최근에 |
2.26 | Kraken | 587404.040066 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | € 1,305,107.10 | 1742046277 | XRP/EUR | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/EUR | EUR | 20 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/EUR | 0.258101949694 | 8 분s 전 |
0.0012646 | Binance | 534771 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | ETH 670.15 | 1742046730 | XRP/ETH | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_ETH | ETH | 21 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_ETH | 0.23497529524 | 최근에 |
0.00126707 | DigiFinex | 390519 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/DGFX.png | ETH 485.55 | 1742046501 | XRP/ETH | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/ETH/XRP | ETH | 22 | https://www.digifinex.com/en-ww/trade/ETH/XRP | 0.171591797839 | 최근에 |
2.44 | HTX | 326469.64079 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | $ 788,750.35 | 1742046730 | XRP/USDT | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/xrp_usdt | USDT | 23 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/xrp_usdt | 0.143448878551 | 최근에 |
2.902E-5 | Bitstamp | 224197.829463 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | BTC 6.46 | 1742046728 | XRP/BTC | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/btc | BTC | 24 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/btc | 0.0985112340991 | 최근에 |
2.36 | Gemini | 185672.941224 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GEMN.png | US$ 422,130.88 | 1741996089 | XRP/USD | https://gemini.com/?symbol=XRPUSD | USD | 25 | https://gemini.com/?symbol=XRPUSD | 0.0815836202454 | 14 시간s 전 |
2.44 | EXMO | 185627.183287 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | $ 448,277.96 | 1742046612 | XRP/USDT | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_USDT | USDT | 26 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_USDT | 0.0815635144714 | 최근에 |
2.894E-5 | Kucoin | 143219.4879 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | BTC 4.09 | 1742046696 | XRP/BTC | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-BTC | BTC | 27 | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-BTC | 0.0629298175359 | 최근에 |
1.9 | Bitstamp | 99253.8749754 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | £ 183,921.12 | 1742046729 | XRP/GBP | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/gbp | GBP | 28 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/gbp | 0.0436115806132 | 최근에 |
0.001266 | Kucoin | 94565.7415 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KUCN.png | ETH 119.22 | 1742046713 | XRP/ETH | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-ETH | ETH | 29 | https://trade.kucoin.com/XRP-ETH | 0.0415516417842 | 최근에 |
2.51 | Crypto.com | 47189 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | $ 117,732.70 | 1741208985 | XRP/USDT | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_USDT | USDT | 30 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_USDT | 0.0207345746256 | 10 일s 전 |
2.896E-5 | EXMO | 44327.6348459 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | BTC 1.27 | 1742046611 | XRP/BTC | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_BTC | BTC | 31 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_BTC | 0.0194773072684 | 최근에 |
2.902E-5 | Bitfinex | 38371.1836644 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BFNX.png | BTC 1.10 | 1742046730 | XRP/BTC | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/XRP:BTC | BTC | 32 | https://www.bitfinex.com/t/XRP:BTC | 0.0168600769493 | 최근에 |
0.001267 | Kraken | 37391.4901781 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ETH 47.19 | 1742046263 | XRP/ETH | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/ETH | ETH | 33 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/ETH | 0.0164296052779 | 8 분s 전 |
2.895E-5 | Upbit | 26295.313268 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | BTC 0.744770 | 1742046607 | XRP/BTC | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.BTC-XRP | BTC | 34 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.BTC-XRP | 0.0115540090966 | 최근에 |
0.001266 | EXMO | 18068.7256279 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | ETH 22.68 | 1742046613 | XRP/ETH | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_ETH | ETH | 35 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_ETH | 0.00793929390156 | 최근에 |
2.47 | EXMO | 14277.4664649 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | US$ 34,859.17 | 1742046674 | XRP/USD | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_USD | USD | 36 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_USD | 0.00627343647632 | 최근에 |
2.25 | EXMO | 10917.3 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | € 24,221.19 | 1742046610 | XRP/EUR | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_EUR | EUR | 37 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_EUR | 0.004796998698 | 최근에 |
2.901E-5 | Gate.io | 8857.72 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | BTC 0.254622 | 1742045937 | XRP/BTC | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_BTC | BTC | 38 | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_BTC | 0.00389203111642 | 13 분s 전 |
2.895E-5 | HitBTC | 5155.4 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | BTC 0.147936 | 1742046363 | XRP/BTC | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-BTC | BTC | 39 | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-BTC | 0.00226525304679 | 6 분s 전 |
2.761E-5 | Crypto.com | 4811 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CRTO.png | BTC 0.133974 | 1741218391 | XRP/BTC | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_BTC | BTC | 40 | https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/XRP_BTC | 0.00211392567174 | 10 일s 전 |
2.45 | Bitstamp | 4426.33746518 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BSTP.png | $ 10,640.16 | 1742046731 | XRP/USDT | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/usdt | USDT | 41 | https://www.bitstamp.net/markets/xrp/usdt | 0.00194490717095 | 최근에 |
1.93 | EXMO | 3186.2 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/EXMO.png | £ 6,079.65 | 1742046611 | XRP/GBP | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_GBP | GBP | 42 | https://exmo.com/en/trade#?pair=XRP_GBP | 0.00139999791629 | 최근에 |
2.44 | Upbit | 1507.38365929 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | $ 3,627.16 | 1742046632 | XRP/USDT | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-XRP | USDT | 43 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.USDT-XRP | 0.000662335692067 | 최근에 |
0.00126808 | HitBTC | 976.1 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | ETH 1.23 | 1742046069 | XRP/ETH | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-ETH | ETH | 44 | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-ETH | 0.000428892714235 | 11 분s 전 |
2.898E-5 | HTX | 625.58131538 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HUOB.png | BTC 0.018020 | 1742046729 | XRP/BTC | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/xrp_btc | BTC | 45 | https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/xrp_btc | 0.000274876824432 | 최근에 |
2.915E-5 | CEX.IO | 490.885583 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | BTC 0.014268 | 1742046729 | XRP/BTC | https://cex.io/xrp-btc | BTC | 46 | https://cex.io/xrp-btc | 0.000215692295945 | 최근에 |
2.2 | CEX.IO | 431.521345 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | € 949.29 | 1742046729 | XRP/EUR | https://cex.io/xrp-eur | EUR | 47 | https://cex.io/xrp-eur | 0.000189607991914 | 최근에 |
2.19 | LATOKEN | 15.9 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | $ 35.01 | 1742038846 | XRP/USDT | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-USDT | USDT | 48 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-USDT | 6.98636836014E-6 | 2 시간s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | US$ - | XRP/USD | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-XRP | USD | 49 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USD-XRP | 0 | - | |||
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | € - | XRP/EUR | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-XRP | EUR | 50 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=EUR-XRP | 0 | - | |||
1.357E-5 | LBank | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1741996945 | XRP/BTC | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/btc | BTC | 51 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/btc | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
0.000277 | LBank | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LBNK.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1741996945 | XRP/ETH | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/eth | ETH | 52 | https://www.lbank.info/exchange/xrp/eth | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | $ - | XRP/USDT | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-XRP | USDT | 53 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-XRP | 0 | - | |||
0.2221 | Coinbase | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1741996938 | XRP/GBP | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-GBP | GBP | 54 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-GBP | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
8.16E-6 | Coinbase | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GDAX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1741996938 | XRP/BTC | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-BTC | BTC | 55 | https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/XRP-BTC | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
Poloniex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/POLO.png | BTC - | XRP/BTC | https://poloniex.com/exchange#BTC_XRP | BTC | 56 | https://poloniex.com/exchange#BTC_XRP | 0 | - | |||
0.00172397 | Upbit | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/UPBT.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1741996954 | XRP/ETH | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.ETH-XRP | ETH | 57 | https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.ETH-XRP | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
8.92E-6 | OKX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1741996929 | XRP/BTC | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-BTC | BTC | 58 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-BTC | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
0.0001843 | OKX | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/OKEX.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1741996949 | XRP/ETH | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-ETH | ETH | 59 | https://www.okx.com/trade-spot/XRP-ETH | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
2.082E-5 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1742046477 | XRP/BTC | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_BTC | BTC | 60 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_BTC | 0 | 최근에 |
0.5257 | Binance | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BINA.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1741996937 | XRP/GBP | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_GBP | GBP | 61 | https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XRP_GBP | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
2.33 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1742046728 | XRP/USDT | https://cex.io/xrp-usdt | USDT | 62 | https://cex.io/xrp-usdt | 0 | 최근에 |
87.408 | Kraken | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | ¥ 0.00000000 | 1741996940 | XRP/JPY | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/JPY | JPY | 63 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/JPY | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
Kraken | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/KRKN.png | $ - | XRP/USDT | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/USDT | USDT | 64 | https://trade.kraken.com/markets/kraken/XRP/USDT | 0 | - | |||
2.34 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1742046730 | XRP/USD | https://cex.io/xrp-usd | USD | 65 | https://cex.io/xrp-usd | 0 | 최근에 |
1.81 | CEX.IO | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/CXIO.png | £ 0.00000000 | 1742046729 | XRP/GBP | https://cex.io/xrp-gbp | GBP | 66 | https://cex.io/xrp-gbp | 0 | 최근에 |
0.00028752 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1741996928 | XRP/ETH | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_ETH | ETH | 67 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_ETH | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
0.3507 | Bibox | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BIBX.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1742046479 | XRP/USDT | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_USDT | USDT | 68 | https://www.bibox.com/en/exchange/basic/XRP_USDT | 0 | 최근에 |
2.313E-5 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1740787320 | XRP/BTC | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/BTC | BTC | 69 | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/BTC | 0 | 15 일s 전 |
2.2 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | $ 0.00000000 | 1740787320 | XRP/USDT | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/USDT | USDT | 70 | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/USDT | 0 | 15 일s 전 |
0.0006711 | Tidex | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/TIDE.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1740787320 | XRP/ETH | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/ETH | ETH | 71 | https://tidex.com/exchange/XRP/ETH | 0 | 15 일s 전 |
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | BTC - | XRP/BTC | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-XRP | BTC | 72 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-XRP | 0 | - | |||
0.48041 | Gate.io | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/GATE.png | US$ 0.00000000 | 1741996929 | XRP/USD | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_USD | USD | 73 | https://gate.io/trade/XRP_USD | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
HitBTC | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/HITB.png | $ - | XRP/USDT | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-USDT | USDT | 74 | https://hitbtc.com/XRP-to-USDT | 0 | - | |||
0.0002514 | LATOKEN | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | ETH 0.00000000 | 1741996939 | XRP/ETH | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-ETH | ETH | 75 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-ETH | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
1.301E-5 | LATOKEN | 0 | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/LATK.png | BTC 0.00000000 | 1741996939 | XRP/BTC | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-BTC | BTC | 76 | https://exchange.latoken.com/exchange/XRP-BTC | 0 | 14 시간s 전 |
Bitvavo | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BITV.png | BTC - | XRP/BTC | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/XRP-BTC | BTC | 77 | https://account.bitvavo.com/markets/XRP-BTC | 0 | - | |||
Poloniex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/POLO.png | $ - | XRP/USDT | https://poloniex.com/exchange#USDT_XRP | USDT | 78 | https://poloniex.com/exchange#USDT_XRP | 0 | - | |||
Bittrex | /cdn/crypto/logos/exchanges/BTRX.png | ETH - | XRP/ETH | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=ETH-XRP | ETH | 79 | https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=ETH-XRP | 0 | - |
Date | Price | 변동 | 변동 % | 저가 | 고가 | 평균 일일 거래량 | |
1 | 2.38 | 0.06 | 2.52100840336 | 1.89 | 2.41 | 217186540.449 | CX |
4 | 2.74 | -0.3 | -10.9489051095 | 1.89 | 2.99 | 226664337.296 | CX |
12 | 2.28 | 0.16 | 7.01754385965 | 1.84 | 3.4 | 213079326.996 | CX |
26 | 0.5942 | 1.8458 | 310.636149445 | 0.4861 | 3.4 | 219991432.847 | CX |
52 | 0.67 | 1.77 | 264.179104478 | 0.38249 | 3.4 | 150527471.525 | CX |
156 | 0.77604 | 1.66396 | 214.41678264 | 0.28704 | 3.4 | 93604256.5643 | CX |
260 | 0.1447 | 2.2953 | 1586.24740843 | 0.127 | 3.4 | 90638941.0498 | CX |
XRP에 대해
Ripple aims to provide a global financial settlement solution. Ripple lowers the cost of settlement by enabling banks to transact directly, without correspondent banks, and with real-time certainty of settlement.
XRP 뉴스
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I think ur confused, there is no voting rights it’s a token. Ur shorts are getting soiled?
GEEWHIZ, Wonder what happens to all the existing shares if XRP did IPO; History lesson 101, WORTHLESS! Yet another way for the SEC to win! Sorry
I don't suspect we see 2.50 again till after the BR filing, all the other ETF filings are non events! Nice day
I knew this was going to happen !......It's EXACTLY what I was praying for ! It's a Miracle !
I have over tens years of knowledge on this topic! TRUE, ROBINHOOD is the best platform for trading XRP The other option is waiting for a yieldmax XRP ETF strategy https://www.yieldmaxetfs.com/distribution-schedule/
No wonder XRP has bounced...... Naturally = FRIDAY Meanwhile ; Crypto bumpkins soon to begin frothing at the mouth again. .
they did agree to that, but SEC appealed, they wanted more, so if true, it looks like the remaining SEC team either saw the reasoning, got pressured, or just glad GG the weasel is gone so they are not prodded to continue attacking Ripple for no good reason. Ripple is doing it in good faith, they...
they did agree to that, but SEC appealed, they wanted more, so if true, it looks like the remaining SEC team either saw the reasoning, got pressured, or just glad GG the weasel is gone so they are not prodded to continue attacking Ripple for no good reason. Ripple is doing it in good faith, they know they did no wrong, but this frees up ETFs galore, and much more.
날짜 | 종가 | 변동 | 변동 % | 시가 | 고가 | 저가 | 거래량 |
1741996200 | 2.36 | 0.11 | 4.89 | 2.25 | 2.39 | 2.24 | 137234190 |
1741909800 | 2.25 | 0.01 | 0.45 | 2.24 | 2.35 | 2.21 | 192413249 |
1741823400 | 2.24 | 0.07 | 3.23 | 2.17 | 2.28 | 2.13 | 236092966 |
1741737000 | 2.17 | 0.14 | 6.90 | 2.04 | 2.21 | 1.89 | 326545935 |
1741650600 | 2.03 | -0.1 | -4.69 | 2.14 | 2.26 | 1.99 | 315516670 |
1741564200 | 2.13 | -0.19 | -8.19 | 2.32 | 2.35 | 2.08 | 215856171 |
1741477800 | 2.32 | -0.06 | -2.52 | 2.38 | 2.41 | 2.3 | 96646599 |
1741391400 | 2.38 | -0.22 | -8.46 | 2.61 | 2.62 | 2.3 | 538812137 |
1741305000 | 2.6 | 0.1 | 4.00 | 2.5 | 2.65 | 2.47 | 205503978 |
1741218600 | 2.5 | 0.04 | 1.63 | 2.46 | 2.54 | 2.4 | 183446150 |
1741132200 | 2.46 | 0.07 | 2.93 | 2.37 | 2.54 | 2.21 | 372851062 |
1741045800 | 2.39 | -0.53 | -18.15 | 2.92 | 2.92 | 2.3 | 744848620 |
1740959400 | 2.92 | 0.73 | 33.33 | 2.19 | 2.99 | 2.17 | 417913995 |
1740873000 | 2.19 | 0.05 | 2.34 | 2.14 | 2.22 | 2.12 | 94234779 |
1740786600 | 2.14 | -0.05 | -2.28 | 2.2 | 2.2 | 1.95 | 278713847 |
1740700200 | 2.19 | 0 | 0.00 | 2.2 | 2.26 | 2.14 | 156530698 |
1740613800 | 2.19 | -0.14 | -6.01 | 2.32 | 2.33 | 2.15 | 205759838 |
1740527400 | 2.33 | 0.06 | 2.64 | 2.31 | 2.37 | 2.06 | 412032470 |
1740441000 | 2.27 | -0.31 | -12.02 | 2.58 | 2.61 | 2.23 | 234669787 |
1740354600 | 2.58 | 0 | 0.00 | 2.57 | 2.6 | 2.52 | 55302195 |
1740268200 | 2.58 | 0.01 | 0.39 | 2.56 | 2.61 | 2.55 | 52853596 |
1740181800 | 2.57 | -0.12 | -4.46 | 2.68 | 2.72 | 2.51 | 134017407 |
1740095400 | 2.69 | -0.05 | -1.82 | 2.74 | 2.75 | 2.67 | 111443148 |
1740009000 | 2.74 | 0.19 | 7.45 | 2.56 | 2.75 | 2.51 | 154660829 |
1739922600 | 2.55 | -0.11 | -4.14 | 2.66 | 2.67 | 2.47 | 171624190 |
1739836200 | 2.66 | -0.07 | -2.56 | 2.73 | 2.76 | 2.61 | 103707853 |
1739749800 | 2.73 | -0.03 | -1.09 | 2.76 | 2.81 | 2.69 | 83899752 |
1739663400 | 2.76 | 0.02 | 0.73 | 2.74 | 2.83 | 2.71 | 113469321 |
1739577000 | 2.74 | 0.19 | 7.45 | 2.55 | 2.84 | 2.53 | 247657649 |
1739490600 | 2.55 | 0.08 | 3.24 | 2.46 | 2.61 | 2.41 | 153305050 |
1739404200 | 2.47 | 0.05 | 2.07 | 2.41 | 2.5 | 2.33 | 138407322 |
1739317800 | 2.42 | 0 | 0.00 | 2.42 | 2.53 | 2.37 | 141571750 |
1739231400 | 2.42 | 0.03 | 1.26 | 2.4 | 2.47 | 2.32 | 116893086 |
1739145000 | 2.39 | -0.04 | -1.65 | 2.42 | 2.51 | 2.31 | 134029895 |
1739058600 | 2.43 | 0.04 | 1.67 | 2.39 | 2.44 | 2.35 | 80028699 |
1738972200 | 2.39 | 0.08 | 3.46 | 2.33 | 2.54 | 2.27 | 249690251 |
1738885800 | 2.31 | -0.07 | -2.94 | 2.39 | 2.47 | 2.28 | 196496686 |
1738799400 | 2.38 | -0.16 | -6.30 | 2.52 | 2.57 | 2.34 | 230863378 |
1738713000 | 2.54 | -0.15 | -5.58 | 2.71 | 2.8 | 2.42 | 381407533 |
1738626600 | 2.69 | 0.12 | 4.67 | 2.55 | 2.79 | 1.84 | 867994079 |
1738540200 | 2.57 | -0.33 | -11.38 | 2.89 | 2.96 | 2.47 | 394104492 |
1738453800 | 2.9 | -0.14 | -4.61 | 3.03 | 3.07 | 2.83 | 131381530 |
1738367400 | 3.04 | -0.1 | -3.18 | 3.13 | 3.13 | 3 | 104373860 |
1738281000 | 3.14 | 0.07 | 2.28 | 3.07 | 3.15 | 3.05 | 103135478 |
1738194600 | 3.07 | 0.01 | 0.33 | 3.05 | 3.14 | 2.9 | 155376645 |
1738108200 | 3.06 | 0.01 | 0.33 | 3.07 | 3.21 | 3 | 211355020 |
1738021800 | 3.05 | 0.02 | 0.66 | 3.22 | 3.22 | 2.65 | 369211837 |
1737935400 | 3.03 | -0.09 | -2.88 | 3.11 | 3.14 | 3.01 | 101918845 |
1737849000 | 3.12 | 0.02 | 0.65 | 3.11 | 3.14 | 3.08 | 74159441 |
1737762600 | 3.1 | -0.02 | -0.64 | 3.12 | 3.2 | 3.05 | 148755391 |
1737676200 | 3.12 | -0.05 | -1.58 | 3.17 | 3.19 | 3.04 | 170543615 |
1737589800 | 3.17 | 0 | 0.00 | 3.18 | 3.29 | 3.13 | 162486052 |
1737503400 | 3.17 | 0.07 | 2.26 | 3.09 | 3.24 | 3.01 | 195060091 |
1737417000 | 3.1 | 0.11 | 3.68 | 2.91 | 3.37 | 2.91 | 328989613 |
1737330600 | 2.99 | -0.29 | -8.84 | 3.25 | 3.29 | 2.83 | 285980756 |
1737244200 | 3.28 | -0.03 | -0.91 | 3.3 | 3.31 | 3.06 | 259635694 |
1737157800 | 3.31 | 0.07 | 2.16 | 3.26 | 3.35 | 3.17 | 313864585 |
1737071400 | 3.24 | 0.06 | 1.89 | 3.11 | 3.4 | 2.92 | 679281077 |
1736985000 | 3.18 | 0.52 | 19.55 | 2.65 | 3.2 | 2.65 | 557174061 |
1736898600 | 2.66 | 0.14 | 5.56 | 2.52 | 2.7 | 2.51 | 246569788 |
1736812200 | 2.52 | 0.02 | 0.80 | 2.55 | 2.56 | 2.33 | 238638987 |
1736725800 | 2.5 | -0.08 | -3.10 | 2.56 | 2.58 | 2.47 | 145460633 |
1736639400 | 2.58 | 0.24 | 10.26 | 2.35 | 2.6 | 2.32 | 234972963 |
1736553000 | 2.34 | 0.07 | 3.08 | 2.38 | 2.39 | 2.25 | 128157132 |
1736466600 | 2.27 | -0.11 | -4.62 | 2.37 | 2.4 | 2.23 | 163617674 |
1736380200 | 2.38 | 0.1 | 4.39 | 2.28 | 2.4 | 2.2 | 213684558 |
1736293800 | 2.28 | -0.14 | -5.79 | 2.42 | 2.47 | 2.26 | 195850156 |
1736207400 | 2.42 | 0.02 | 0.83 | 2.4 | 2.46 | 2.37 | 100506668 |
1736121000 | 2.4 | -0.02 | -0.83 | 2.41 | 2.43 | 2.33 | 87754945 |
1736034600 | 2.42 | -0.04 | -1.63 | 2.46 | 2.51 | 2.4 | 109439325 |
1735948200 | 2.46 | 0.05 | 2.07 | 2.4 | 2.48 | 2.39 | 155843118 |
1735861800 | 2.41 | 0.1 | 4.33 | 2.08 | 2.45 | 2.08 | 206598397 |
1735775400 | 2.31 | 0.23 | 11.06 | 2.09 | 2.35 | 2.08 | 229181031 |
1735689000 | 2.08 | 0.03 | 1.46 | 2.06 | 2.15 | 2.01 | 132585026 |
1735602600 | 2.05 | -0.05 | -2.38 | 2.08 | 2.15 | 1.99 | 191185624 |
1735516200 | 2.1 | -0.08 | -3.67 | 2.18 | 2.19 | 2.07 | 79849341 |
1735429800 | 2.18 | 0.04 | 1.87 | 2.14 | 2.2 | 2.13 | 65745325 |
1735343400 | 2.14 | -0.02 | -0.93 | 2.16 | 2.24 | 2.11 | 130490153 |
1735257000 | 2.16 | -0.14 | -6.09 | 2.31 | 2.31 | 2.13 | 130244464 |
1735170600 | 2.3 | -0.02 | -0.86 | 2.31 | 2.33 | 2.26 | 67348397 |
1735084200 | 2.32 | 0.07 | 3.11 | 2.26 | 2.35 | 2.21 | 128750361 |
1734997800 | 2.25 | 0.05 | 2.27 | 2.2 | 2.28 | 2.13 | 193984415 |
1734911400 | 2.2 | -0.03 | -1.35 | 2.22 | 2.29 | 2.16 | 136810255 |
1734825000 | 2.23 | -0.04 | -1.76 | 2.28 | 2.38 | 2.19 | 153659800 |
1734738600 | 2.27 | 0.01 | 0.44 | 2.24 | 2.35 | 1.95 | 389283890 |
1734652200 | 2.26 | -0.02 | -0.88 | 2.3 | 2.43 | 2.15 | 331785806 |
1734565800 | 2.28 | -0.28 | -10.94 | 2.56 | 2.59 | 2.25 | 322717429 |
1734479400 | 2.56 | 0.07 | 2.81 | 2.48 | 2.73 | 2.44 | 341209265 |
1734393000 | 2.49 | 0.03 | 1.22 | 2.45 | 2.59 | 2.33 | 250132519 |
1734306600 | 2.46 | 0.06 | 2.50 | 2.4 | 2.46 | 2.37 | 169311972 |
1734220200 | 2.4 | -0.02 | -0.83 | 2.41 | 2.53 | 2.35 | 190184907 |