RNS Number : 8605R

Semper Fortis Esports PLC

31 October 2023

31 October 2023


("Semper" or the "Company")


Semper Fortis Esports PLC (AQSE: SEMP), announces its unaudited half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 July 2023 and provides an update on post-period events.


   --      Loss before tax of GBP0.25m (H1 2022: GBP0.46m). 
   --      Cash at bank as of 31 July 2023 GBP0.16m (H1 2022: GBP0.63m). 


   --      No active operating business during the period. 

-- Raised GBP100,000 before expenses through a subscription for an aggregate of 100m new ordinary shares.

-- Investment of GBP250,000 made in convertible loan notes of GBP1 each in GL Membership Limited.


-- Continuing due diligence on GL Membership Limited as the Company explores the opportunity to acquire the entire issued share capital of GL Membership Limited by way of a reverse takeover transaction.

Keith Harris, Chairman, said : " We are excited at the potential acquisition of GL Membership Limited, a business that is undergoing rapid expansion and growth in the subscription model space. Our initial view is there is considerable upside potential in this early-stage investment and we will make further announcements in due course when our due diligence has concluded."

For more information, please contact:

   Semper Fortis Esports plc 
    Max Deeley, Finance Director                            https://semperfortisesports.com 
   Novum Securities Limited 
    AQSE Corporate Adviser and Broker                        + 44 20 7399 9400 
   David Coffman / George Duxberry - Corporate Finance 
    Colin Rowbury - Corporate Broking 

Interim Management Report


The Company has no active operating business and has significantly reduced its overheads to a minimum in order to conserve its cash position.

On 22 March 2023 Jassem Osseiran stepped down as a director of the Company. The Board would like to thank Jassem for his hard work during his time with the Company.

During April 2023 the Company raised GBP100,000 before expenses through a subscription for an aggregate of 100,000,000 new ordinary shares of 0.01 pence par value each at a price of 0.1 pence per share.

On 16 May 2023 the Company agreed to subscribe for GBP250,000 of Convertible Loan Notes of GBP1 each in GL Membership Limited (trading as Good Life+ "Good Life+").

The Convertible Loan Notes have been secured against the assets of Good Life+ and the funding will assist Good Life's rapid expansion and growth in the subscription model space.


The Company has commenced due diligence on GL Membership Limited as it considers the opportunity to acquire the entire issued share capital of Good Life+ by way of a reverse takeover transaction under the AQSE Access Growth Market Rules ("Reverse Takeover").

Should the Convertible Loan Notes convert, the subscription price at conversion is expected to be at a discount to the price per ordinary share to be paid for Good Life+ on completion of a Reverse Takeover.

Good Life+ offers a subscription based monthly membership that gives members access to daily, luxury prize draws whilst simultaneously providing access to thousands of discounts and deals. The membership base has seen significant growth and has more than doubled since November 2022 and now has over 18,000 active members.

Max Deeley

Finance Director

31 October 2023


                                                                Unaudited          U naudited          Audited 
                                                                      Six   S ix months ended 
                                                             months ended                                 Year 
                                                      Note   31 July 2023        31 July 2022  31 January 2023 
                                                                      GBP                 GBP              GBP 
 Revenue                                                                -              55,824          100,977 
 Administrative expenses                               3        (253,283)           (511,629)        (679,286) 
                                                            -------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Loss before income tax                                         (253,283)           (455,805)        (578,309) 
 Income tax                                                             -                   -                - 
 Loss for the period a nd total comprehensive loss              (253,283)           (455,805)        (578,309) 
                                                            =============  ==================  =============== 
 Earnings per share attributable to equity owners 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share                  4          (0.001)             (0.001)          (0.001) 
                                                            -------------  ------------------  --------------- 


                                          Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited 
                                              As at         As at             As at 
                                           3 1 July       31 July   31 January 2023 
                                               2023          2022 
                                  Note          GBP           GBP               GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Investments                       5        250,000             -                 - 
 Current assets 
 Other receivables                           57,179        97,543            46,086 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  161,138       634,502           527,879 
 Other assets                                     -             -             1,432 
                                        -----------  ------------  ---------------- 
                                            218,317       732,045           575,397 
                                        -----------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Total assets                               468,317       732,045           575,397 
                                        ===========  ============  ================ 
 Equity attributable to owners 
 Share capital                     6         86,550        76,550            76,550 
 Share premium                            2,577,410     2,487,410         2,487,410 
 Share based payments reserve               153,142       156,327           157,598 
 Investment in own shares                  (56,747)      (56,747)          (56,747) 
 Retained earnings                      (2,401,309)   (2,029,978)       (2,152,482) 
                                            359,046       633,562           512,329 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                   109,271        98,483            63,068 
 Total equity and liabilities               468,317       732,405           575,397 
                                        ===========  ============  ================ 


                                              Share based 
                                           payments reserve 
                      Share       Share                         Retained      Investment in 
                      capital    premium                         earnings       own shares        Total 
                       GBP         GBP            GBP              GBP             GBP             GBP 
 At 1 February 
  2023                 76,550   2,487,410            157,598   (2,152,482)           (56,747)      512,329 
  loss for the 
  period                    -           -                  -     (253,283)                  -    (253,283) 
 Shares issued in 
  period               10,000      90,000                  -             -                  -      100,000 
 Forfeiture of 
  share options             -           -            (4,456)         4,456                  -            - 
 At 31 July 2023       86,550   2,577,410            153,142   (2,401,309)           (56,747)      359,046 
                    =========  ==========  =================  ============  =================  =========== 
                                             Share based 
                      Share       Share    payments reserve    Retained      Investment in 
                      capital    premium                        earnings       own shares         Total 
                       GBP         GBP           GBP              GBP                 GBP           GBP 
 At 1 February 
  2022                 76,550   2,487,410           155,077   (1,574,173)                  -     1,144,864 
  loss for the 
  period                    -           -                 -     (455,805)                  -     (455,805) 
 Share based 
  payments                  -           -             1,250             -                  -         1,250 
 Shares owned by 
  Employee Benefit 
  Trust                     -           -                 -                         (56,747)      (56,747) 
 At 31 July 2022       76,550   2,487,410           156,327   (2,029,978)           (56,747)       633,562 
                    =========  ==========  ================  ============  =================  ============ 
                                             Share based 
                      Share       Share    payments reserve    Retained      Investment in 
                      capital    premium                        earnings       own shares         Total 
                       GBP         GBP           GBP              GBP                 GBP           GBP 
 At 1 February 
  2022                 76,550   2,487,410           155,077   (1,574,173)                  -     1,144,864 
  loss for the 
  period                    -           -                 -     (578,309)                  -     (578,309) 
 Share based 
  payments                  -           -             2,521             -                  -         2,521 
 Shares owned by 
  Employee Benefit 
  Trust                     -           -                 -             -           (56,747)      (56,747) 
 At 31 January 
  2023                 76,550   2,487,410           157,598   (2,152,482)           (56,747)       512,329 
                    =========  ==========  ================  ============  =================  ============ 


                                                         Unaudited           Unaudited     Audited 
                                                        Six months                            Year 
                                                             ended   S ix months ended       ended 
                                                           31 July             31 July  31 January 
                                                              2023                2022        2023 
                                                               GBP                 GBP         GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss before income tax                                  (253,283)           (455,805)   (578,309) 
 Share based payments                                            -               1,250       2,521 
 Fair value loss on other assets                                 -                   -      32,649 
 Movement in working capital 
 Decrease/(Increase) in receivables                        (9,661)              10,079      61,536 
 Increase/(Decrease) in payables                            46,203           (192,693)   (228,108) 
                                                        ----------  ------------------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from operating activities                 (216,741)           (637,169)   (709,711) 
                                                        ----------  ------------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of other assets                                        -                   -    (34,081) 
 Purchase of investments                                 (250,000)                   -           - 
 Purchase of own shares                                          -            (56,747)    (56,747) 
 N et cash flows from investing activities               (250,000)            (56,747)    (90,828) 
                                                        ----------  ------------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Issue of ordinary shares                            6     100,000                   -           - 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                  100,000                   -           - 
                                                        ----------  ------------------  ---------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents               (366,741)           (693,916)   (800,539) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period          527,879           1,328,418   1,328,418 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                161,138             634,502     527,879 
                                                        ==========  ==================  ========== 

The accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the six months ended 31 July 2023

   1.          Basis of preparation 

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and Interpretations (collectively IFRSs), as adopted by the UK.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with accounting policies that are consistent with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2023.

The unaudited results for the six months ended 31 July 2023 do not constitute statutory accounts for that period under 435 of the Companies Act 2006 and have not been reviewed by the Company's auditor

. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2023 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The auditors' report on the accounts for 31 January 2023 was unqualified but was modified to include a material uncertainty related to going concern. It did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

   2.          Changes in significant accounting policies 

The accounting policies applied in these interim financial statements are the same as those applied in the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 January 2023.

   3.          Operating expenses by nature 
                              Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited 
                             Six months    Six months        Year 
                                  ended         ended       ended 
                                31 July       31 July  31 January 
                                   2023          2022        2023 
 Directors' Remuneration         79,134       125,563     191,066 
 Salaries                             -             -       8,000 
 Professional fees              166,928       157,090     234,696 
 Esports team costs                   -       157,727     179,488 
 Share based payments                 -         1,250       2,521 
 Fair value adjustment                -                    32,649 
 Sundry expenses                  7,221        69,999      30,866 
                                253,283       511,629     679,286 
                            -----------  ------------  ---------- 
   4.            Earnings per share 

The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue.

The loss attributable to equity holders and weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of calculating diluted earnings per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary share. The weighted average number of shares excludes shares held by an Employee Benefit Trust and has been adjusted for the issue/purchase of shares during the period.

                                                                       Unaudited     Unaudited          Audited 
                                                                      Six months    Six months             year 
                                                                           ended         ended            ended 
                                                                         31 July       31 July 
                                                                            2023          2022  31 January 2023 
                                                                             GBP           GBP              GBP 
 Loss for the year / period attributable to equity holders (GBP)       (253,283)     (455,805)        (578,309) 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue                          467,433,502   387,637,922      415,499,800 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share (GBP)                              (0.001)       (0.001)          (0.001) 
                                                                    ============  ============  =============== 
   5.   Investments 

In the period, the Company made an investment of GBP250,000 in convertible loan notes ("CLNs") of GBP1 each in GL Membership Limited (trading as "Good Life+").

The CLN has been secured against the assets of Good Life+.

   6.   Share capital 

On 28 April 2023, the Company raised GBP100,000 before expenses through a subscription for an aggregate of 100,000,000 new ordinary shares of 0.01 pence par value at a price of 0.1 pence per share.

The issued share capital as at 31 July 2023 was 515,499,800 of 0.01 pence each ordinary shares (31 July 2022: 415,499,800; 31 January 2023: 415,499,800) and 35,000 of GBP1.00 each redeemable deferred shares (31 July 2022: 35,000; 31 January 2023: 35,000).

The ordinary shares have full voting, dividend and capital distribution (including on winding up) rights.

The redeemable deferred shares hold no voting rights or rights to receive dividends.

In March 2022 an Employee Benefit Trust established by the Company acquired 41,000,000 Ordinary Shares and 12,587 Redeemable Preference Shares. This has been included as part of Other Reserves within equity.

   7.   Share based payments 

On 26 April 2021, the Company granted options over 12,464,994 ordinary shares at an exercise price of GBP0.031 and a vesting period of 2 to 4 years. One of the directors left the company on 6 December 2021, resulting in 8,309,996 options lapsing, with one of the other directors leaving on 22 March 2023 resulting in the remaining 4,154,998 options lapsing. At 31 July 2023, there are no options outstanding.

The charge for share based payments in the six months ended 31 July 2023 was GBPnil (31 July 2022: GBP1,250; 31 January 2022: GBP2,521).

58,000,000 warrants were outstanding at 31 July 2023 (31 January 2023: 58,000,000; 31 July 2022: 58,000,000) with a weighted average exercise price of GBP0.007 per share and a weighted average remaining life of 2.38 years.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 31, 2023 05:23 ET (09:23 GMT)

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