RNS Number : 0875O

G3 Exploration Limited

30 September 2019

30 Sep 2019

G3 Exploration LTD.

("G3E", "G3 Exploration" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2019

Financial and Operational highlights


-- Disposition plan concluded and being implemented on the Producing assets to focus on Exploration.

-- Progress Overall Development Plan work program for GDG-GCZ asset.


Financial: Continued stable EBITDA generation from Producing Green Dragon Gas Assets

-- Reported revenue includes assets held for sale within Green Dragon Gas (GDG).

-- Revenue of US$11.0m (2018: US$13.7m).

-- EBITDA of GDG of US$7.2m (2018: US$8.7m) at a constant 65% margin.

-- Cash generated from group total operating activities during the period of US$0.5m (2018: cash used US$0.2m).

-- Net loss for the period of US$7.0m (2018: net loss of US$6.3m), primarily due to interest charges.


Recapitalize balance sheet and drive development Program

G3 Exploration

-- Conclude evolution to exploration and development business.

-- GDG divesture and dividend in specie.

-- Repay two bond creditors from the GDG proceeds.

-- Progress ODP plan for GDG-GSS asset.

-- Deliver first gas in Guizhou Block (GGZ).


While our challenges continue, I am pleased to report continued operational progress across our two producing commercial blocks in Shanxi as well as our six exploration blocks in Anhui, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Shanxi.

Our focus as a Group continues to be on resurrecting the balance sheet through the sale of the producing assets through a dividend in specie of our wholly owned subsidiary Green Dragon Gas ("GDG"). The trade sale processes led by Citibank and Credit Suisse during the period concluded with a viable alternative on selling one of the fields but with an unknown timing to close due to conditions beyond the potential buyers control.

GDG has engaged an experienced bank and advisors to conclude a Reserve Based Loan ("RBL") of up to $250m, which has become a viable option to it following the approval of the Overall Development Plan ("ODP"). The proceeds from the RBL are expected to be sufficient to pay the intergroup loan to G3E enabling the dividend in specie to be concluded. Once independent, GDG maintains its plan to proceed onto a public listing.

Upon receipt of loan repayment proceeds from GDG, the Company expects to have successfully restructured its balance sheet, should be debt free and can proceed onto its exploration focused business plan. G3 Exploration shall in turn use these receipts to settle its outstanding debt, including to its Nordic Bond holders and Convertible Bond holders.

G3E has invested approximately $270m in its exploration portfolio which has a 2P value of over $816m. We are eager to focus on this portfolio and systematically migrate this portfolio into commercial production and thereafter farm-outs or sales. Each of these transactions should provide the shareholders a dividend. Our current portfolio in China provides a solid five year backlog of projects. The most advanced of these, the Guizhou exploration block (GGZ), is expected to commence test gas sales before the end of this year.

GDG Jincheng, Shanxi based team has worked closely with CNPC-PetroChina on progressing the GCZ production block to further development. The block continued its commercial gas sales while the collaborative Joint Operating Team concluded its Overall Development Plan. The plan approved by the Chinese government, permits the drilling of 147 wells by yearend 2020, of which 32 wells have been completed. We are pleased to see 99 wells now selling gas with the most recent daily gas production of 5.88 MMCF or 2.15 BCFPY. The implementation of the ODP has successfully reversed the filed decline as anticipated.

The GSS block met its objective of increasing gas sales from the 588 gas sales wells. The CNOOC-CUBCM team increased with gas sales well from 354 to 482 of the total 1,128 wells drilled which resulted in an exit gas sales rate of 2.98 BCFPY. This was complemented by our own operated wells which maintained a 1.49 BCFPY exit gas sales rate. This provides for GSS attaining a gas sales rate of 4.47 BCFPY. Cumulative gas sales in the first half year is 1.72 BCF and we expect gas sales to continue increasing as the balance of the drilled wells are placed on line and from the resulting de-watering of the basin which will assist gas flow.

In addition to the GSS producing block, the CNOOC/CUCBM partnership spreads across five exploration blocks namely; GSN, GFC, GPX, GQY-A and GQY-B. Our exploration team has been in advanced discussions with our partner on the next two year exploration plan for each of the blocks. We expect the parties to conclude such plan and begin implementation before yearend.

On 25 September 2019, the Nordic Bond Trustee called a Bond Holders informational conference on 30 September 2019. The Bond Trustee intends to provide Bondholders with information on the current status of the Bond and to allow its recently appointed receivers to the Company's subsidiary Greka Gas China Ltd., to provide an update on the restructuring options currently being considered with the Company.

We look forward to a full repayment of all our bonds in the near future which has been an operational distraction for almost two years. Once completed, we can get back on track with our long-term objectives. Thereafter, I look forward to monetizing the value which we have developed over the past two decades in our producing assets, developing our exploration assets and committing to incremental geographies where our deep knowledge in CBM is of accretive value to our shareholders.

Randeep S. Grewal

Founder & Chairman

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Six months ended 30 June 2019

                                               Six months ended 30         Six months ended 30            Year ended 
                                                         June 2019                   June 2018      31 December 2018 
                                Notes                      US$'000                     US$'000               US$'000 
                                                         Unaudited                   Unaudited               Audited 
  Continuing operations 
  Revenue                         3                              -                           -                     - 
  Cost of sales                   3                              -                           -                     - 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
  Gross profit                                                   -                           -                     - 
  Other income                    4                              -                           7                    19 
  Selling and distribution                                       -                           -                     - 
  Administrative expenses         3                        (1,106)                     (1,649)               (2,446) 
  Profit from operations                                   (1,106)                     (1,642)               (2,427) 
  Finance income                  4                             11                       1,618                 1,189 
  Finance costs                 13, 14                    (10,063)                    (10,822)              (19,759) 
  Profit (loss) before 
   income tax                                             (11,158)                    (10,846)              (20,997) 
  Income tax /credit                                             -                          24                    48 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
   (Loss) for the period 
    from continuing 
    operations                                            (11,158)                    (10,822)              (20,949) 
  Discontinued operations 
  Gain/(loss) for the period 
   from discontinued 
   operations                     5                          4,152                       4,484                10,248 
 Gain from Disposal                                              -                           -                 1,545 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
  Profit/(loss) for the 
   period attributable to 
   owners of the company                                   (7,006)                     (6,338)               (9,156) 
  Other comprehensive 
  expense, net of tax: 
  Items that may be 
  reclassified to profit or 
  Exchange gains arising on 
   translation of 
   discontinued foreign 
   Loss for the year from 
   continuing operations 
   Items that will or may be 
   reclassified to profit or 
   loss:                                                         -                           -                    67 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
                                                           (7,006)                     (6,338)               (9,089) 
   Exchange differences 
    arising on 
    translating foreign 
    operations                                             (6,494)                    (13,795)              (27,844) 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
  Total comprehensive 
   for the period 
   attributable to owners of 
   the company                                            (13,500)                    (20,133)              (36,933) 
                                        ==========================  ==========================  ==================== 
 Basic and diluted 
  earnings/(loss) per share 
  from continuing operations 
  (US$)                            6                       (0.072)                     (0.069)               (0.134) 
 Basic and diluted 
  earnings/(loss) per share 
  from discontinued 
  operations (US$)                 6                         0.027                       0.029                 0.076 
                                        --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------- 
  Basic and diluted 
   earnings/(loss) per share 
   (US$)                          6                        (0.045)                     (0.040)               (0.058) 
                                        ==========================  ==========================  ==================== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 30 June 2019

                                                      As at            As at 
                                               30 June 2019      31 December 
                                    Notes           US$'000          US$'000 
                                                  Unaudited          Audited 
  Non-current assets 
  Property, plant and equipment       8                  23               23 
  Gas exploration and appraisal 
   assets                             9             575,935          579,112 
  Deferred tax asset                 17                 347              348 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
                                                    576,305          579,483 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
  Current assets 
  Trade and other receivables        10              10,094           10,387 
  Restricted cash                                         -            1,000 
  Cash and cash equivalents          11                  91              305 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
                                                     10,185           11,692 
  Assets of disposal group 
   classified as held-for-sale        5             391,763          389,506 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
                                                    401,948          401,198 
  Total assets                                      978,253          980,681 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
                                                   As at            As at 
                                                 30 June      31 December 
                                                    2019             2018 
                                      Notes      US$'000          US$'000 
                                               Unaudited          Audited 
  Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables             12          7,984            7,783 
  Convertible notes                    13         61,547           58,739 
  Bonds                                14        117,155          110,083 
  Current tax liabilities                              -                - 
                                             -----------  --------------- 
                                                 186,686          176,605 
  Liabilities of disposal group 
   as held-for-sale                     5         49,497           48,308 
                                                 236,183          224,913 
  Non-current liabilities 
  Deferred tax liability               17        118,409          118,641 
  Share buyback option liability       13          2,314            2,280 
                                                 120,723          120,921 
                                             -----------  --------------- 
  Total liabilities                              356,906          345,834 
                                             -----------  --------------- 
  Total net assets                               621,347          634,847 
                                             ===========  =============== 
  Capital and reserves 
  Share capital                        16             16               16 
  Share premium                        16        808,981          808,981 
  Share redemption reserve             16        (8,255)          (8,255) 
  Convertible note equity reserve      16          2,851            2,851 
  Foreign exchange reserve             16          4,043           10,537 
  Retained deficit                     16      (186,289)        (179,283) 
                                             -----------  --------------- 
  Total equity attributable 
   to owners of the parent                       621,347          634,847 
                                             ===========  =============== 
  Total equity                                   621,347          634,847 
                                             ===========  =============== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Six months ended 30 June 2019

                                                 Share    Convertible         Share based               Foreign                          Equity attributable 
                        Share      Share    redemption    note equity             payment              exchange              Retained              to owners 
                      capital    premium       reserve        reserve             reserve               reserve               deficit          of the parent 
                      US$'000    US$'000       US$'000        US$'000             US$'000               US$'000               US$'000                US$'000 
                    ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
  At 1 January 
   2018                    16    808,981       (8,255)          2,851                   -                38,381             (170,194)                671,780 
      Loss for the 
       period               -          -             -              -                   -                     -               (6,338)                (6,338) 
   operations               -          -             -              -                   -              (13,795)                     -               (13,795) 
                    ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
   income for the 
   period                   -          -             -              -                   -              (13,795)               (6,338)               (20,133) 
 Transfer to                -          -             -              -                   -                     -                     -                      - 
  At 30 June 2018          16    808,981       (8,255)          2,851                   -                24,586             (176,532)                651,647 
                    ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
  At 1 January 
   2019                    16    808,981       (8,255)          2,851                   -                10,537             (179,283)                634,847 
  Loss for the 
   period                   -          -             -              -                   -                     -               (7,006)                (7,006) 
   operations               -          -             -              -                                   (6,494)                                      (6,494) 
   income for the 
   period                   -          -             -              -                   -               (6,494)               (7,006)               (13,500) 
 Transfer to                -          -             -              -                   -                     -                     -                      - 
  At 30 June 2019          16    808,981       (8,255)          2,851                   -                 4,043             (186,289)                621,347 
                    =========  =========  ============  =============  ==================  ====================  ====================  ===================== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Six months ended 30 June 2019

                                                Six months    Six months                     Year ended 
                                                  ended 30      ended 30                    31 December 
                                                 June 2019     June 2018                           2018 
                                                   US$'000       US$'000                        US$'000 
                                       Notes     Unaudited     Unaudited                        Audited 
  Cash flows used in continuing 
   operating activities 
  (Loss)/profit after tax                3        (11,158)      (10,822)                       (20,949) 
  Adjustments for: 
  Depreciation                                           -            11                             10 
  Other income and finance 
   income                                4            (11)       (1,618)                        (1,189) 
  Finance costs                          14         10,063        10,822                         19,759 
  Accelerated finance charge                             -             -                              - 
  Taxation                                               -          (24)                           (48) 
  Cash used in from operating 
   activities before changes 
   working capital                                 (1,106)       (1,631)                        (2,417) 
  Movement in inventory                                  -             -                              - 
  Movement in trade and other 
   receivables                                     (2,904)         (197)                        (2,221) 
  Movement in trade and other 
   payables                                            201         (709)                        (2,412) 
                                              ------------  ------------  ----------------------------- 
  Net cash generated from 
   operations                                      (3,809)       (2,537)                        (7,050) 
  Income tax                                             -             -                              - 
                                              ------------  ------------  ----------------------------- 
  Net cash used in 
   continuing operating activities                 (3,809)       (2,537)                        (7,050) 
  Net cash used in 
   discontinued operating 
   activities                             5          4,268         2,307                         10,426 
                                              ------------  ------------  ----------------------------- 
  Net cash used in 
   operating activities                                459         (230)                          3,376 
                                              ------------  ------------  ----------------------------- 
                                             Six months       Six months      Year ended 
                                               ended 30            ended     31 December 
                                              June 2019     30 June 2018            2018 
                                                US$'000          US$'000         US$'000 
                                    Notes     Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited 
  Investing activities 
  Payments for purchase 
   of property, 
   Plant and equipment                 8              -            (273)               - 
  Payments for exploration 
   activities                                     (230)                -         (2,963) 
  Interest received                                   -                -               - 
  Received refund of deposit                        337                -               - 
  Net cash used in continuing 
   investing activities                             107            (273)         (2,963) 
  Net cash used in discontinued 
   investing activities                5          (771)          (1,503)         (3,118) 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Net cash used in 
   investing activities                           (664)          (1,776)         (6,081) 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Financing activities 
  Interest paid                                       -                -               - 
  Repayment received from 
   Investing in                                       -            2,583 
   discontinued operations                                                             - 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Net cash used in continuing 
   financing activities                               -            2,583               - 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Net cash used in discontinued 
   financing activities               5               -          (2,583)               - 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Net cash used in 
   financing activities                               -                -               - 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Net decrease in cash 
   and cash equivalents                           (205)          (2,006)         (2,705) 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at beginning of period                           305            3,175           3,175 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                                    100            1,169             470 
  Effect of foreign exchange 
   rate changes                                      21             (33)              21 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the end of period                             121            1,136             491 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Attributable to continuing 
   activities                        11              91            1,087             305 
                                           ------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Attributable to discontinued 
   activities                         5              30               49             186 
                                           ============  ===============  ============== 

Notes to Condensed Interim Financial Statements


The condensed financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2018 is unaudited and does not constitute a set of statutory financial statements. The consolidated unaudited interim financial information set out in this report represents the consolidated financial statements of G3E Ltd. and its subsidiary companies (together referred to as the 'Group'). The condensed consolidated financial information should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS"). The comparative financial information for the full year ended 31 December 2018 presented here is not the Group's full annual accounts for that period but has been derived from the annual financial statements for that period. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and includes reference to a matter to which the auditors drew attention by way of material uncertainty related to going concern paragraph on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern without qualifying their report. The condensed consolidated financial information has not been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditors.


All accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, except as described below.

None of the new standards or amendments to standards and interpretations applicable during the period has had a material impact on the financial position or performance of the Group. The Group has not early adopted any standard, interpretation or amendment that was issued but is not yet effective.

In preparing these condensed consolidated financial statements, the Group has adopted all the applicable extant accounting standards issued by the IASB and all the applicable extant interpretations issued by the IFRIC and adopted by the EU up to 30 June 2019.

The following accounting standards, amendments and interpretations, which had no significant impact on these condensed consolidated financial statements, became effective in the current reporting period as adopted by the EU through the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group ('EFRAG'):


On 1 January 2019, the Group adopted IFRS 16 'Leases' using the 'modified retrospective approach', which did not result in a classification or measurement adjustment to retained earnings on transition or a restatement of comparative information. The standard changes the identification of leases and how they will be recognised, measured and disclosed by lessees, requiring the recognition of a right-of-use asset and liability for the future lease payments on the balance sheet. The standard requires the right-of-use asset to be depreciated over the duration of the lease term and shown within operating profit in the income statement, with the interest cost associated with the financing of the asset included within interest expense. In applying the transition requirements and provisions of the new standard, the Group reviewed its lease contracts, which mainly relate to leased office buildings, and the right-of-use asset and related liability was found to be immaterial. The standard does not apply to leases to explore for or use natural resources, such as mining licences and rights.

The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases which have low value, or short-term leases with a duration of 12 months or less. The payments associated with such leases are charged directly to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

In assessing the application of IFRS 16, the Group considered the following practical expedients:

-- The previous determination of whether a contract is, or contains, a lease pursuant to IAS 17 'Leases' and IFRIC 4 'Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease' has been maintained for existing contracts;

-- Right-of-use assets or lease liabilities for leases where the lease term ends within 12 months of the date of initial application have not been recognised;

-- Initial direct costs from right-of-use assets have been excluded; and

-- Hindsight was used when assessing the lease term.

   2.1     Basis of preparation and going concern 

The Company has a convertible loan note liability of $61.5 million, which is due for repayment on 31 December 2020. On 14 November 2018 an extension to the one-time early redemption option was agreed with the note holder such that it is now exercisable at any time up to 20 November 2019, and would require early repayment of the whole amount due no earlier than 20 November 2019. The option to require early repayment is at the note holder's sole discretion, which has been exercised due to the Nordic Bondholder Trustee's recent action. Further details of the terms of the instrument are included in note 13.

The Company has a bond liability of $117.2 million, which was due for repayment in November 2017. The bond has not been repaid, and the due date has passed. The Bond Trustee representing a majority of the outstanding bond, are in ongoing discussions with the Company regarding amongst other things negotiating the repayment of the outstanding bond amount. As announced by the Company on 25 September 2019, the Bond Trustee has called a Bond Holders informational conference on 30 September 2019. The bond Trustee intends to provide Bondholders with information on the current status of the Bond and to allow its recently appointed receivers to the Company's subsidiary Greka Gas China Ltd., to provide an update on the restructuring options currently being considered with the Company. Further details of the terms of the instrument are included in note 14.

The Company also has other payables due to third parties of approximately $13.0 million (2018: $12.9 million), due immediately. The Company is managing these payables through continuing negotiation with suppliers.

The Company also has certain capital expenditure requirements in some of its exploration blocks during the exploration period. Further details are included in note 19.

In considering the appropriateness of the going concern basis, the Board gave consideration to the following:

On 29 March 2019, the Company has announced its intention to declare a dividend in-specie for its discontinued upstream operation, Green Dragon Gas (GDG). G3E shareholders on the register as of the effective date 29 March 2019 will receive a direct interest in GDG.

GDG has engaged an experienced bank and advisors to conclude a Reserve Based Loan ("RBL") of up to $250m, which has become a viable option to it following the approval of the Overall Development Plan ("ODP"). The proceeds from the RBL are expected to be sufficient to pay the intergroup loan to G3E enabling the dividend in specie to be concluded. Once independent, GDG maintains its plan to proceed onto a public listing.

Upon receipt of loan repayment proceeds from GDG, the Company expects to have successfully restructured its balance sheet, should be debt free and can proceed onto its exploration focused business plan. G3 Exploration shall in turn use these receipts to settle its outstanding debt, including to its Nordic Bond holders and Convertible Bond holders.

The Company notes that discussions continue with the Bondholders and Note Holder. The receivers appointed by the Nordic Bondholder Trustee will provide an update on the restructuring options currently being considered with the Company.

The Company expects to use the proceeds from the repayment of intergroup loan to G3E to repay all of the Company's debts. Based on the above, the Company expects to be able to meet its liabilities as they fall due for a period not less than one year.

However, as at the date of this report, there can be no certainty that the RBL of GDG will be successful, there can also be no certainty on the course of action to be taken by the Bondholders and Note Holder.

Notwithstanding the discussions regarding the GDG RBL, the Directors, in accordance with Financial Reporting Council guidance in this area, conclude that at this time there is material uncertainty that such finance can be procured and failure to do so might cast significant doubt upon the Group's ability to continue as a going concern and that the Group may therefore be unable to realise their assets and discharge their liabilities in the normal course of business. These Financial Statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group was unable to continue as a going concern.


The Group's reportable segments are as set out below. The operating results of each of these segments are regularly reviewed by the Group's chief operating decision-makers in order to make decisions about the allocation of resources and assess their performance.

During the period, the revenue of US$11.0 million (30 June 2018: US$13.7 million) was recognised by the upstream discontinued business. The average RMB/USD exchange rate for the period is 1.3% lower compared to the equivalent period in the prior year. The average RMB/USD exchange rate for the period ended 30 June 2019, and used for translating income statement RMB transactions for the purposes of this financial information was 6.7714 as compared to 6.8610 in the equivalent period of the prior year.

For the period ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

                      Upstream        Upstream      Downstream    Corporate    Sub-total    Eliminations    Consolidated 
                    continuing    discontinued    discontinued 
                    operations      operations       operation 
                         (G3E)           (GDG)           (GGD)        (G3E) 
                       US$'000         US$'000         US$'000      US$'000      US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
  Segment                                                    - 
  Sales to 
   customers                 -          10,988               -            -       10,988        (10,988)               - 
  Inter-segment              -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                             -          10,988               -            -       10,988        (10,988)               - 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Depreciation               -         (3,048)               -            -      (3,048)           3,048               - 
  Amortisation               -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
  Impairment                 -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                  ------------  --------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
   operation                 -           4,151               -      (1,106)        3,045         (4,151)         (1,106) 
  Finance income             -               1               -           11           12             (1)              11 
  Finance cost               -               -               -     (10,063)     (10,063)                        (10,063) 
  Income tax                 -               -               -            -            -                               - 
   for the 
   period                    -           4,152               -     (11,158)      (7,006)         (4,152)        (11,158) 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Assets               126,269         391,763               -      460,221      978,253       (391,763)         586,490 
  Liabilities          163,624          49,497               -      143,785      356,906        (49,497)         307,409 
  PPE additions              -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
   additions             1,585           7,251               -            -        8,836         (7,251)           1,585 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 

For the period ended 30 June 2018 (unaudited)

                      Upstream        Upstream      Downstream    Corporate    Sub-total    Eliminations    Consolidated 
                    continuing    discontinued    discontinued 
                    operations      operations       operation 
                         (G3E)           (GDG)           (GGD)        (G3E) 
                       US$'000         US$'000         US$'000      US$'000      US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
  Sales to 
   customers                 -          13,727           1,525            -       15,252        (15,252)               - 
  Inter-segment              -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                             -          13,727           1,525            -       15,252        (15,252)               - 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Depreciation               -         (3,353)           (158)         (11)      (3,522)           3,511            (11) 
  Amortisation               -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
  Impairment                 -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                  ------------  --------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
   operation                 -           5,327           (715)      (1,642)        2,970         (4,612)         (1,642) 
  Finance income             -               1               -        1,618        1,619             (1)           1,618 
  Finance cost               -               -           (129)     (10,822)     (10,951)             129        (10,822) 
  Income tax                24               -               -            -           24               -              24 
   the period               24           5,328           (844)     (10,846)      (6,338)         (4,484)        (10,822) 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Assets               121,360         369,416           2,613      503,494      996,883       (372,029)         624,854 
  Liabilities          135,360          47,391           2,613      159,872      345,236        (50,004)         295,232 
  PPE additions            273             156               -            -          429           (156)             273 
   additions                 -           1,503               -            -        1,503         (1,503)               - 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 

For the year ended 31 December 2018 (audited)

                      Upstream        Upstream      Downstream    Corporate    Sub-total    Eliminations    Consolidated 
                    continuing    discontinued    discontinued 
                    operations      operations       operation 
                         (G3E)           (GDG)           (GGD)        (G3E) 
                       US$'000         US$'000         US$'000      US$'000      US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
  Sales to 
   customers                 -          25,508           3,108            -       28,616        (28,616)               - 
  Inter-segment              -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                             -          25,508           3,108            -       28,616        (28,616)               - 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Depreciation               -         (6,513)           (330)         (10)      (6,853)           6,843            (10) 
  Amortisation               -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
  Impairment                 -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
                  ------------  --------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
   operation                 -           9,799         (1,178)      (2,427)        6,194         (8,621)         (2,427) 
  Finance income             -               -               1        1,189        1,190             (1)           1,189 
  Finance cost               -               2               4     (19,759)     (19,753)             (6)        (19,759) 
  Income tax                48           1,627             (7)            -        1,668         (1,620)              48 
   the year                 48          11,428         (1,180)     (20,997)     (10,701)        (10,248)        (20,949) 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
  Assets               109,985         389,506               -      481,190      980,681       (389,506)         591,175 
  Liabilities          118,846          48,308               -      178,680      345,834        (48,308)         297,526 
  PPE additions              -               -               -            -            -               -               - 
   additions             1,650          10,525               -            -       12,175        (10,525)           1,650 
                  ============  ==============  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============== 
                                           Six months ended 30    Six months ended 30            Year ended 
                                                     June 2019              June 2018      31 December 2018 
                                                       US$'000                US$'000               US$'000 
                                                     Unaudited              Unaudited               Audited 
  Revaluation of share buyback option                        -                  1,618                 1,189 
  Others                                                    11                      7                     - 
                                         ---------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                                            11                  1,625                 1,189 
                                         =====================  =====================  ==================== 

The assets and liabilities relating to the carve-out of the producing blocks (GSS & GCZ) of Greka Energy (International) B.V., a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, have been presented as held for sale following the board decision to monetise GDG with a declaration of dividend in-specie. Management expects GSS & GCZ blocks to be sold within the next 12 months.

   (a)   Assets of disposal group classified as held-for-sale 
                                    Note       As at            As at       As at 
                                             30 June     30 June 2019     30 June 
                                                2019                         2019 
                                            Upstream       Downstream    Subtotal 
                                               group            group 
                                             US$'000          US$'000     US$'000 
  Property, plant and equipment     8        134,298                -     134,298 
  Gas exploration and appraisal 
   assets                           9        237,700                -     237,700 
  Deferred tax asset                17         5,739                -       5,739 
  Trade and other receivables                 13,996                -      13,996 
  Cash and cash equivalents                       30                -          30 
================================  ======  ==========  ===============  ========== 
                                             391,763                -     391,763 
                                    Note           As at           As at           As at 
                                             31 December     31 December     31 December 
                                                    2018            2018            2018 
                                                Upstream      Downstream        Subtotal 
                                                   group           group 
                                                 US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
  Property, plant and equipment      8           132,947               -         132,947 
  Gas exploration and appraisal 
   assets                            9           236,601               -         236,601 
  Deferred tax asset                 17            5,742               -           5,742 
  Trade and other receivables                     14,030               -          14,030 
  Cash and cash equivalents                          186               -             186 
================================  ======  ==============  ==============  ============== 
                                                 389,506               -         389,506 
   (b)   Liabilities of disposal group classified as held-for-sale 
                               Note            As at            As at       As at 
                                        30 June 2019     30 June 2019     30 June 
                                            Upstream       Downstream    Subtotal 
                                               group            group 
                                             US$'000          US$'000     US$'000 
  Trade and other payables                    20,377                -      20,377 
  Deferred tax liabilities     17             29,120                -      29,120 
  Current tax liabilities                          -                -           - 
===========================  ======  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                                              49,497                -      49,497 
                               Note           As at           As at           As at 
                                        31 December     31 December     31 December 
                                               2018            2018            2018 
                                           Upstream      Downstream        Subtotal 
                                              group           group 
                                            US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
  Trade and other payables                   19,188               -          19,188 
  Deferred tax liabilities     17            29,120               -          29,120 
  Current tax liabilities                         -               -               - 
===========================  ======  ==============  ==============  ============== 
                                             48,308               -          48,308 
   (c)    Analysis of the results of discontinued operations is as follows: 
                                              As at            As at       As at 
                                            30 June     30 June 2019     30 June 
                                               2019                         2019 
                                   Note    Upstream       Downstream    Subtotal 
                                              group            group 
                                            US$'000          US$'000     US$'000 
  Revenue:                         3         10,988                -      10,988 
                                         ----------  ---------------  ---------- 
  Profit/(loss) from operation     3          4,151                -       4,151 
  Finance income                   3              1                -           1 
  Finance cost                     3              -                -           - 
  Income tax                       3              -                -           - 
-------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------------  ---------- 
  Gain/(Loss)after tax of 
   discontinued operations 
   attributable to owners of 
   the company                                4,152                -       4,152 
===============================  ======  ==========  ===============  ========== 
                                              As at            As at       As at 
                                            30 June     30 June 2018     30 June 
                                               2018                         2018 
                                   Note    Upstream       Downstream    Subtotal 
                                              group            group 
                                            US$'000          US$'000     US$'000 
  Revenue:                         3         13,727            1,525      15,252 
                                         ----------  ---------------  ---------- 
  Profit/(loss) from operation     3          5,327            (715)       4,612 
  Finance income                   3              1                -           1 
  Finance cost                     3              -            (129)       (129) 
  Income tax                       3              -                -           - 
-------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------------  ---------- 
  Gain/(Loss)after tax of 
   discontinued operations 
   attributable to owners of 
   the company                                5,328            (844)       4,484 
===============================  ======  ==========  ===============  ========== 
   (d)   Cash flow from/(used in) discontinued operations: 
                                                  As at         As at       As at 
                                           30 June 2019       30 June     30 June 
                                                                 2019        2019 
                                                US$'000       US$'000     US$'000 
                                         Upstream group    Downstream    Subtotal 
  Net cash used in operating 
   activities                                     4,268             -       4,268 
  Net cash generated from investing 
   activities                                     (771)             -       (771) 
  Net cash generated from financing                                 -           - 
====================================   ================  ============  ========== 
  Net cash inflow/(outflow)                       3,497             -       3,497 
                                                  As at         As at            As at 
                                           30 June 2018       30 June     30 June 2018 
                                                US$'000       US$'000          US$'000 
                                         Upstream group    Downstream         Subtotal 
  Net cash used in operating 
   activities                                     2,879         (572)            2,307 
  Net cash generated from investing 
   activities                                   (1,503)             -          (1,503) 
  Net cash generated from financing 
   activities                                   (2,583)             -          (2,583) 
=====================================  ================  ============  =============== 
  Net cash inflow/(outflow)                     (1,207)         (572)          (1,779) 

The calculation of basic and diluted profit/(loss) per share attributable to the owners of the Company is based on the following data:

                                        Six months     Six months 
                                             ended          ended      Year ended 
                                           30 June        30 June     31 December 
                                              2019           2018            2018 
                                           US$'000        US$'000         US$'000 
                                         Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited 
  Loss for the period attributable 
   to the owners of the 
   Company used in basic and 
   diluted earnings/(loss) per 
   share from: 
   Continuing operations                  (11,158)       (10,822)        (20,949) 
                                     =============  =============  ============== 
    Discontinued operations                  4,152          4,484          11,793 
                                     =============  =============  ============== 
    Continuing and discontinued 
    operations                             (7,006)        (6,338)         (9,089) 
                                     =============  =============  ============== 
  Weighted average number of 
   ordinary shares 
   for the basic and diluted 
   loss/earnings per share             156,072,289    156,072,289     156,072,289 
                                     =============  =============  ============== 
 Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share from 
  continuing operations (US$)                            (0.072)    (0.069)    (0.134) 
 Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share from 
  discontinued operations (US$)                            0.027      0.029      0.076 
  Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share (US$)      (0.045)    (0.040)    (0.058) 

Profit/(loss) per share is based on the loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company of divided by the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the corresponding period.

No separate calculation of diluted profit/(loss) per share has been presented as, at the date of this financial information, no options, warrants or other instruments that could have a dilutive effect on the share capital of the Company were outstanding.

   7       DIVIDS 

The directors do not recommend the payment of an interim dividend during the period ended 30 June 2019 and year ended 31 December 2018.

                                           Building                                               Fixtures, 
                                                and       Construction                             fittings 
                       Gas assets        structures        in progress     Motor vehicles     and equipment      Total 
                          US$'000           US$'000            US$'000            US$'000           US$'000    US$'000 
  At 1 January 
   2018                         -                 -                  -                  -               603        603 
  Additions                     -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  Disposals                     -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  Transferred to 
  classified as 
  for sale (note 
  5)                            -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
   differences                  -                 -                  -                  -              (30)       (30) 
  Balance as at 
   December 2018                -                 -                  -                  -               573        573 
  differences                   -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  At 30 June 
   2019                         -                 -                  -                  -               573        573 
  At 1 January 
   2018                         -                 -                  -                  -               570        570 
  Provided for 
   year                         -                 -                  -                  -                10         10 
  Impairments                   -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  Transferred to                -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  classified as 
  for sale (note 
   differences                  -                 -                  -                  -              (30)       (30) 
  Balance as at 
   December 2018                -                 -                  -                  -               550        550 
  Provided for 
  period                        -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  differences                   -                 -                  -                  -                 -          - 
  At 30 June 
   2019                         -                 -                  -                  -               550        550 
                  ===============  ================  =================  =================  ================  ========= 
  Net book value 
  At 30 June 
   (unaudited)                  -                 -                  -                  -                23         23 
                  ===============  ================  =================  =================  ================  ========= 
    At 31 
    (audited)                   -                 -                  -                  -                23         23 
                  ===============  ================  =================  =================  ================  ========= 
  Cost                                   US$'000 
  At 1 January 2018                      617,900 
  Additions                                1,650 
  Capitalisation of internal 
   costs                                   2,446 
  Classified as held for sale                  - 
   (note 5) 
  Exchange differences                  (42,884) 
    At 31 December 2018 (audited)        579,112 
  Additions                                1,585 
  Capitalisation of internal 
   costs                                     826 
  Exchange differences                   (5,588) 
    At 30 June 2019 (unaudited)          575,935 
                                           As at           As at 
                                         30 June     31 December 
                                            2019            2018 
                                         US$'000         US$'000 
                                       Unaudited         Audited 
  Trade receivables                            -               - 
  Prepayments                                  -               - 
  Other receivables                        2,865           3,163 
  Amount due from related parties          7,229           7,224 
                                     -----------  -------------- 
                                          10,094          10,387 
                                     ===========  ============== 

An analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents is as follows:

                                  As at           As at 
                                30 June     31 December 
                                   2019            2018 
                                US$'000         US$'000 
                              Unaudited         Audited 
                            -----------  -------------- 
  Cash and bank balances             91             305 
                            ===========  ============== 
                                          As at           As at 
                                        30 June     31 December 
                                           2019            2018 
                                        US$'000         US$'000 
                                      Unaudited         Audited 
  Trade payables                          7,028           7,273 
  Amounts due to related parties            956             510 
                                    -----------  -------------- 
                                          7,984           7,783 
                                    ===========  ============== 
                                      As at           As at 
                                    30 June     31 December 
                                       2019            2018 
                                    US$'000         US$'000 
                                  Unaudited         Audited 
  Brought forward from prior 
   year                              58,739          53,132 
  Accrued interest                    2,808           5,607 
                                     61,547          58,739 
                                ===========  ============== 

As at 30 June 2019, the Company had one (31 December 2018: one) convertible note in issue repayable within 1 year.

Convertible note issued 2014

US$50 million 7% coupon convertible note due 2017

On 2 June 2014, the Company issued a three-year convertible note having a face value of US$50,000,000 with a maturity date of 1 June 2017. The note bears interest at 7% per annum, payable on a semi-annual basis. At the Maturity Date, the total sum of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the convertible note and the accrued interest shall become payable, unless previously converted or redeemed.

The convertible note can be converted into Ordinary Shares of the Company at the note holder's option at any time prior to the Maturity Date at US$9.34 per share.

Convertible note amendment

US$50 million 10% coupon convertible note due 2020

In December 2016, the Company reached agreement with the note holder to extend the maturity of the US$50 million convertible note entered into in June 2014. Under the agreement, the note remains unsecured, has a revised coupon of 10% and a maturity date extended to 31 December 2020. The Company issued an option for the note holder to require (one-time) early repayment on the original maturity date, the option being exercisable at the discretion of the note holder by 28 April 2017. The conversion price of the note was amended to US$2.83 per share representing a 25% premium over the 13 December 2016 closing price.

During the year ended 31 December 2017, the company reached agreement with the note holder to extend the period during which the put option is exercisable to 20 November 2018. On 14 November 2018, the company reached another agreement with the note holder to extend the period during which the put option is exercisable to 20 November 2019.

At final maturity of the note, the note holder has the right to require the Company to purchase all of its shareholdings up to a maximum limit of 10,775,578 shares or 6.69% of the entire issued share capital of the Company at a price based on the 90 day VWAP calculated as of 31 December 2020 and to be settled prior to 30 April 2021. See the share buyback option liability below.

*Share buyback option liability

                                As at           As at 
                              30 June     31 December 
                                 2019            2018 
                              US$'000         US$'000 
                            Unaudited         Audited 
  Brought forward from 
   prior year                   2,280           3,469 
  Revaluation of share 
   buyback option                  34         (1,189) 
                          -----------  -------------- 
                                2,314           2,280 
                          ===========  ============== 
   (a)   Accounting for convertible notes 

On initial recognition, the fair value of the liability component of the convertible loan note was determined using the prevailing market interest rate of similar debts without conversion option and early redemption options. For the note issued during 2014, the rate considered to be comparable was 10%. The loan note is subsequently carried at amortised cost.

The equity element arising from the conversion option of their convertible notes, being the residual value at initial recognition, is presented in the equity heading "convertible note equity reserve", as disclosed in note 16 to the financial statements.

On the amendment of the convertible note, the original financial liability was extinguished and the convertible reserve was transferred to retained earnings through reserves. The fair value of the liability component of the amended convertible loan was determined using the prevailing market interest rate of similar debts without conversion option and early redemption options. the rate considered to be comparable was 12%. The loan note is subsequently carried at amortised cost.

The equity element arising from the conversion option of the convertible notes, being the residual value at initial recognition, is presented in the equity heading "convertible note equity reserve", as disclosed in note 16 to the financial statements.

The terms of the convertible note include a clause whereby if another loan held by the Company becomes in default then the convertible note would also be in default. Subsequent to the balance sheet date, the Bond Trustee of the Company's public corporate bond (note 14) has called a Bond Holders informational conference on 30 September 2019. As a result, the convertible note is now due.


On 8 December 2014, G3 Exploration issued a public corporate bond (the "Bond") in the amount of US$88,000,000. The bond was issued at a discount of 2.5% and is senior secured three-year paper due on 20 November 2017. The Bond carries a 10% coupon payable semi-annually and also carries a redemption premium of 2% at maturity. In the event that any amount due under this Bond Agreement or any Finance Document is not made on the relevant due date, the unpaid amount shall bear a further penalty interest from the due date at an interest rate equivalent 5% per annum. The Bond is secured by a pledge over the shares of Greka Gas China, a wholly-owned subsidiary of G3 Exploration. The bond was initially recorded at fair value and is subsequently carried at amortised cost. Issue fees of US$1,893,000 were offset against the principal amount of the bond and will be amortised as part of the effective interest rate charge to the maturity date. The redemption premium is amortised as part of the effective interest rate charge to the maturity date. The following table summarises the movements in the bond:

                                      As at           As at 
                                    30 June     31 December 
                                       2019            2018 
                                    US$'000         US$'000 
                                  Unaudited         Audited 
  Brought forward from prior 
   year                             110,083          95,932 
  Accrued interest                    7,072          14,151 
  Interest payment                        -               - 
                                -----------  -------------- 
                                    117,155         110,083 
                                ===========  ============== 

The bond was disclosed as a current liability at the year end of 2018 as it was due on November 2017 and was therefore overdue.

As announced by the Company on 25 September 2019, the Bond Trustee has called a Bond Holders informational conference on 30 September 2019. The Bond Trustee intends to provide Bondholders with information on the current status of the Bond and to allow its recently appointed receivers to the Company's subsidiary Greka Gas China Ltd., to provide an update on the restructuring options currently being considered with the Company.

   15     PROVISIONS 

The cost recovery provision accounted for in upstream discontinued operations (note 5) also includes US$13,000,000 (2018: US$13,000,000) in respect of exploration costs incurred by CUCBM prior to the PSC period. The Group has an option to increase its participating interest in the GSS Block from its current 60% to 70% by investing two installments of US$6,500,000, one prior to 31 December 2017, and the second prior to 31 December 2018. The amount is unsecured and does not bear interest. Discounting is considered to be immaterial. See note 19 for more information.

                                      Authorised           Issued and fully paid 
                                      Number                     Number 
                                   of shares       US$        of shares       US$ 
  At 1 January 2018, 31 
   December 2018 and 30 June 
   2019 ordinary shares of 
   US$0.0001 each                500,000,000    50,000      156,072,289    15,607 
                               =============  ========  ===============  ======== 

Nature and purpose of reserves

   (i)          Share premium 

The amount relates to subscription for or issue of shares in excess of nominal value. The application of the share premium account is governed by the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands.

   (ii)         Share redemption reserve 

The amount represents the initial value of the liability in respect of the option the company has granted to buy back shares.

   (iii)        Convertible note equity reserve 

The amount represents the value of the unexercised equity component of the convertible note issued by the Company recognised in accordance with the Group's accounting policy.

   (iv)         Share based payment reserve 

The amount relates to the fair value of the share options that have been expensed through the income statement less amounts, if any, that have been transferred to the retained earnings/deficit upon exercise.

   (v)          Foreign exchange reserve 

The amount represents gains/losses arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operation the functional currency of which is different from the presentation currency of the Group.

   (vi)         Retained deficit 

The amount represents cumulative net gains and losses recognised in consolidated profit or loss less any amounts reflected directly in other reserves.


(a) Deferred tax assets

  At 1 January 2018                                317 
  Additions                                         48 
  Exchange differences                            (17) 
  Classified as held for sale (note 5)               - 
  At 31 December 2018 - audited                    348 
  Movement in classified as held for sale 
   (note 5)                                          - 
  Exchange differences                             (1) 
  At 30 June 2019 (unaudited)                      347 

(b) Deferred tax liabilities

  At 1 January 2018                            124,137 
  Reversal of temporary difference 
  Exchange differences                         (5,496) 
  Classified as held for sale (note 5)               - 
  At 31 December 2018 - audited                118,641 
  Movement in classified as held for sale 
   (note 5)                                          - 
  Reversal of temporary difference                   - 
  Exchange differences                           (232) 
  At 30 June 2019 (unaudited)                  118,409 
                                                 As at           As at 
                                               30 June     31 December 
                                                  2019            2018 
                                               US$'000         US$'000 
                                             Unaudited         Audited 
  Recognised deferred tax (liabilities) 
   and assets at PRC rate of 25% 
  Deferred tax assets and liabilities 
   are attributable to the following: 
  Fair value adjustments in exploration 
   and evaluation assets                       118,409         118,641 
                                           ===========  ============== 
  Tax losses - overseas                            347             348 
                                           ===========  ============== 
  Unrecognised deferred tax assets 
  Deferred tax assets have not 
   been recognised in respect of 
   the following: 
  Tax losses - overseas                              -               - 
                                           ===========  ============== 
  Potential unrecognised tax benefit                 -               - 
   at PRC rate of 25% 
                                           ===========  ============== 

The deductible temporary timing differences do not expire under current tax legislation. PRC tax losses expire after five years. Deferred tax assets have not been recognised in respect of the full value of these items because at this point in the Groups development it is not virtually certain that future taxable profits will be available against which the Group companies can utilise the benefits of these tax losses in the near future. The Group has not offset deferred tax assets and liabilities across different jurisdictions.


The principal subsidiaries of the Company, all of which have been included in these consolidated financial statements, are as follows:

                                                                    As at 30 June             As at 31 December 
                                                                     2019                      2018 
                                                                     Percentage                Percentage 
                                                                     of ownership              of ownership 
                                                                     interest held             interest held 
  Name                  Place of           Principal activities     Directly    Indirectly    Directly    Indirectly 
  Greka Gas China 
   Limited              Cayman Islands     Investment holding       100%        -             100%        - 
  Greka Energy                              development and 
   (International)      Amsterdam,          production of 
   B.V.                  Netherlands        coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 
  GDGF Ltd.             British Virgin     Investment holding       -           100%          -           - 
                                            development and 
                        British Virgin      production of 
  Greka GSN Ltd.         Islands            coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 
  Greka Integrated      British Virgin 
   Products Ltd.         Islands           Investment holding       -           100%          -           100% 
                                            development and 
                        British Virgin      production of 
  Greka GFC Ltd.         Islands            coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 
                                            development and 
                        British Virgin      production of 
  Greka GQY Ltd.         Islands            coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 
  Greka Exploration 
   and Production 
   Ltd.                 Cayman Islands     Investment holding       -           100%          -           100% 
                                            development and 
                        British Virgin      production of 
  Greka GPX Ltd.         Islands            coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 
                                            development and 
  Greka Guizhou         British Virgin      production of 
   E&P Ltd.              Islands            coal bed methane        -           100%          -           100% 

The Group currently operates under six (2018: six) production sharing contracts ("PSCs") for the exploration and development of CBM gas in the PRC.


On 8 January 2003, the Group entered into four PSCs with CUCBM to explore, develop and produce coal bed methane in five blocks comprising Shizhuang South ("GSS"), Chengzhuang ("GCZ"), Shizhuang North ("GSN"), Qinyuan ("GQY") and Panxie East ("GPX"). GSS, GCZ, GSN and GQY are located in Shanxi Province with Panxie East located in Anhui Province.

In 2003, the Group also obtained the rights as foreign contractor related to the Fengcheng ("GFC") PSC. This PSC, dated 13 August 1999, was originally entered between Saba Petroleum Inc. as foreign contractor and CUCBM. Saba Petroleum Inc. was a related company of the Group by way of the common controlling shareholder, Mr. Randeep S. Grewal. The GFC block is located in Jiangxi Province.

Under the terms of these five PSCs the Group, as operator, agreed to provide funds and apply its technology and managerial experience and to cooperate with CUCBM to explore, develop and produce coal bed methane from the licence areas. CUCBM as a state-owned enterprise is eligible to apply for the exclusive rights for the exploitation of coal bed methane in the areas as defined in the contracts.

The PSCs provide that all costs incurred in the exploration stage shall be borne by the Group. The terms of the PSCs require the Group to cooperate with the state partner to submit the Overall Development Plan to the relevant authorities. Upon approval of the ODP by the Chinese authorities, the PSC operations are determined to have entered the development stage. However, as detailed in note 3 in circumstances when the approval of ODP is delayed other factors, including the substantive nature of operations and cash generation, may be considered to determine whether the development stage has been reached regardless of formal ODP approval.

Where it is determined that an asset is in the development stage based on facts and circumstances then the associated investment balance is reclassified from the exploration and appraisal category to the property, plant and equipment category of fixed assets. The responsibility for procuring approval of the ODP lies with the State partner. Once formally in the development stage the cost sharing mechanisms within the PSCs become effective and development and operating costs are borne by the partners in accordance with their respective equity interests in the relevant PSCs. Once production commences the cost recovery mechanism within the PSCs provides that the proceeds of production output (after deduction of value-added tax and any royalty payable to the Chinese tax authority) are allocated as follows:

-- firstly towards operating costs recovery in the proportion above mentioned (the "Sharing Proportion");

   --            secondly to exploration cost recovery solely by the Group; and 
   --            thirdly to development cost recovery (including deemed interest as appropriate). 

Any unallocated revenue after cost recovery is allocated to the partners in accordance with their equity participation in the PSC after calculating a final royalty payable to the Chinese Authorities. The final royalty is based on a sliding scale from 0% to the maximum payable of 15% and calculated over total block production.

The five PSCs each have a term of 30 years, with a production period of not more than 20 consecutive years commencing on a date determined by the Joint Management Committee but aligned with the approval date of ODP. The JMC is established in accordance with the PSC between the Group and CUCBM to oversee the operations in the contracted area. Currently five of the six blocks covered by these five production sharing contracts are formally in the exploration stage based on the Chinese requirement for ODP approval before transition to development. In 2015, the assets associated with area 4 within the GSS block were reclassified as property, plant and equipment due to the substantive nature of the production operations and associated cash generation from this area.

PSCs held with PetroChina (CNPC)

Chengzhuang block ("GCZ")

In August 2014, the Group finalised and signed the Cooperation Agreement with PetroChina in respect of the GCZ block in accordance with a memorandum of understanding previously entered in December 2013. GZC lies within the GSS licence area and prior to the Cooperation agreement was governed by the GSS PSC. The Cooperation Agreement reaffirms the rights of the Group contained in the PSC over the GCZ block. The Cooperation agreement confirms the Group's 47% participating interest in the block and defines the term of the agreement as running from March 2010 to March 2033.

The Cooperation Agreement confirmed the Group's contribution to cumulative capital expenditure and its share of net revenue. The Cooperation Agreement also confirmed the Group's entitlement to its share of the downstream infrastructure assets in place, including the gas gathering station, together with the Group's funding obligation for those assets. The Group recorded US$10,900,000 within property, plant and equipment in respect of its 47% share in these assets in 2014 based on the final agreement of the costs associated with the downstream infrastructure. The Group also elected to settle its obligation for all historic amounts due to PetroChina through its share of future production.

In 2015 PetroChina achieved cost recovery in respect of its historic investment in the GCZ block. Following cost recovery by PetroChina the Group is receiving its proportion of revenue in cash each month. As a result, the billing arrangements for GCZ have moved to a full joint operations basis where the Group receives its share of revenue on the conclusion of each month and is separately cash-called for its share of opex and capex on a month-ahead basis. Cash calls are reconciled to actual expenditure quarterly.

On 7th of September 2018, NDRC has approved the ODP, consistent with its policy to accelerate CBM development in China, boost green energy supply, and improve coal mine safety production and to reduce CO2 emissions. This final NDRC approval facilitates the permits for the Company and its partner to further develop the acreage.

The following table summarises the Group's share of the capital expenditure and net revenues arising from the GCZ block for the current period and prior year.

                                               30 June    31 December 
                                                  2019           2018 
                                               US$'000        US$'000 
                                             Unaudited        Audited 
  Capital expenditure                            1,199              - 
                                          ============  ============= 
    Revenue and other income                     4,123         10,566 
  Total operational costs and expenses         (2,329)        (4,958) 
                                          ------------  ------------- 
    Net Profit                                   1,794          5,608 
                                          ============  ============= 
  Amount due from/(to) PetroChina 
  Opening balance                                4,150          3,935 
  Capital expenditure for GCZ block              1,199              - 
  Share of profit for GCZ block                  1,173          7,341 
  Cash received                                (2,900)        (7,126) 
                                          ------------  ------------- 
    Closing balance                              3,622          4,150 
                                          ============  ============= 

The balance due from PetroChina is included within trade and other receivables, is unsecured and interest free.

PetroChina is a subsidiary of state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), headquartered in Dongcheng District, Beijing.

PSCs held with CUCBM (CNOOC)

On 31 March 2014, and following the identification of unauthorised drilling activities across several of the Group's blocks by CUCBM, the Group entered a Framework Agreement CUCBM the purpose of which was to amend and clarify the rights of both the Group and CUCBM in relation to the PSCs jointly held between the parties. Under the terms of the Framework agreement, the Group's percentage share in the relevant blocks were updated and confirmed as follows:

   PSC                             G3E share   CUCBM share 

Shizhuang South 60% 40% G3E share increasing to 70% on payment of US$13,000,000 to CUCBM

   Shizhuang North                50%                   50% 
   Quinyuan Area A                10%                   90% 
   Quinyuan Area B                60%                   40% 
   Fengcheng                         49%*                   51% 
   Panxie East                       60%*                   40% 
   *           Unchanged. 

The Framework Agreement reaffirmed the status of the PSC's. Notwithstanding the terms of the PSC, CUCBM undertook significant unauthorised exploration work within the licence area incurring gross expenditure of US$611,300,000 related to the drilling of wells and the establishment of certain infrastructure across the PSC blocks.

In prior year a provision for a potential liability to CUCBM was recognised on the basis of there being a dispute over the historic wells drilled by CUCBM. The provision represented the best estimate of the Group's obligation to settle its share of the costs of the disputed wells.

Upon finalisation of the Supplemental Agreements in 2017, the original dispute that arose is now settled, and the outcome is that CUCBM will recover its historic costs through potential future production. As described in the accounting policies, the Group's oil and gas assets are accounted for as joint operations and the Group therefore accounts for its share of income and expenditure. As such, it is no longer appropriate for the Group to recognise CUCBM's historic costs. As the disputed wells are no longer subject to a settlement obligation, it is deemed appropriate to reduce the provision to $nil. The original recognition of the provision had no impact on the income statement and therefore the reversal of the provision also has no impact on the income statement, and is recognised as a reduction to the Group's exploration assets. The change in provision represents a change in accounting estimate as a result of the Supplemental Agreements executed in 2017.

$13 million has been reclassified to payables due to management's intention to exercise the option to obtain a higher share rate.

Shizhuang South PSC

During the year, CUCBM has invested an additional $6.9 million in the block.

Shizhuang North PSC

Under the terms of the Framework Agreement, the Group agreed to reduce its interest in the GSN Block by 10% in return for CUCBM providing the Group with a carried interest of US$100,000,000 related to exploration and development expenditure across the block. The terms are confirmed by the parties in the supplementary agreements signed in September 2017. No gain in respect of the committed future expenditure as compared to the 10% interest in the Group's existing assets has been recognised under the Group's accounting policy.

Fengcheng PSC

According to the Supplementary Agreement signed between the Group and CNOOC-CUCBM in September 2017, the Group had to undertake $8.9 million of capital expenditure by certain dates specified in the Supplementary Agreement.

Panxie PSC

According to the Supplementary Agreement signed between the Group and CNOOC-CUCBM in September 2017, the Group had to undertake $4.2 million of capital expenditure by certain dates specified in the Supplementary Agreement.

Qinyuan PSC

According to the Supplementary Agreement signed between the Group and CNOOC-CUCBM in September 2017, the Group had to undertake $11.7 million of capital expenditure by certain dates specified in the Supplementary Agreement.

In accordance with the terms of the Supplementary Agreements, if the Group does not complete the capital expenditure before the due dates then the Group may be required to do the following:

- Make certain payment to CNOOC-CUCBM for any unfulfilled balance of the capital expenditure and

   -       relinquish a proportion of the relevant Block to CNOOC-CUCBM. 

The Group awaits CNOOC-CUCBM to conclude the assignments pursuant to the internal restructuring of the exploration Blocks into separate wholly owned entities. The planned exploration expenditures under the Fengcheng PSC, Panxie PSC, and Qinyuan PSC supplementary agreements with CNOOC-CUCBM have not been completed. Following the completion of such assignments, the separate entities of each PSC plan to commence and complete the planned exploration program and related capital expenditures.

Management is confident that CNOOC-CUCBM will conclude the assignments and extend the due dates to enable the Group to complete the capital expenditures. Therefore, Management expects that none of the Group's exploration Blocks will be relinquished and no material cash will be payable by the Group.

CUCBM is wholly-owned by China National Offshore Oil Corp and is headquartered in Dongcheng District, Beijing.

Baotian-Qingshan block ('GGZ')

In addition, Greka Guizhou E&P Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company, is party to a PSC with PetroChina to explore for and develop coal bed methane resources in Guizhou Province. The Group is entitled to earn a 60% interest in GGZ by funding up to US$8,000,000 in respect of an exploration pilot programme and has provided a performance bond against this commitment in the amount of US$ nil (31 December 2018: US$1,000,000). At 30 June 2019, the cumulative net investment made by the Group in GGZ was US$36,649,000 (31 December 2018: US$36,566,000), of which US$83,000 was invested in the six months ended 30 June 2019.

PetroChina is a subsidiary of state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), headquartered in Dongcheng District, Beijing.


Save as disclosed in notes 10, 12 and 18, there were no other related party transactions that are required to be disclosed. Transactions between the company and its subsidiary undertakings, which are related parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. The related party transactions of the Group during the period include the following:

As at 30 June 2019, the Group had the following balances due to/from its related parties under common control:

-- Net prepayment to the Greka Drilling Limited group of US$6,865,000 (2018: US$6,860,000).

-- Net payable to the Greka Engineering and Technology group of US$956,000 (2018: US$510,000).

   --            Net receivable from Gremex Ltd. of $364,000 (2018: $364,000). 

During the period, the Group has incurred drilling and related services costs of US$520,000 (2018: US$560,000) on services provided by wholly-owned subsidiaries of Greka Drilling Limited. The Group has also incurred infrastructure services costs of US$3,230,000 (2018: US$3,470,000) from wholly-owned subsidiaries of Greka Engineering and Technology Limited. During the period, the Group has sold gas of US$6,865,051 (2018: US$6,390,000) to a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greka Engineering and Technology Limited for Pipeline Gas.

The Group has entered a master service contract with Greka Drilling Ltd, a company under common management and control, regarding the provision of drilling services to the Group. There is no minimum expenditure committed in the contract within the next 12 months.

Subsidiary companies

Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties of the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. Details of transactions between the Group and other related parties are described above.

Ultimate controlling party

   --      The ultimate controlling party is Mr. Randeep S. Grewal. 

At the reporting dates, the Group had commitments, as lessee, for future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating lease in respect of land and buildings which fall due as follows:

                                      As at      Year ended 
                               30 June 2019     31 December 
                                    USD'000         USD'000 
                                  Unaudited         Audited 
  No Later than 1 year                  283             324 
  Later than 1 year and 
   no later than 5 years                453             262 
--------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                        736             586 
 =========================  ===============  ============== 
                                                                                 As at           Year ended 
                                                                          30 June 2019     31 December 2018 
                                                                               USD'000              USD'000 
                                                                             Unaudited              Audited 
  Capital expenditure contracted but not provided for in respect of 
   -additions to exploration costs and appraisal assets                         18,747               18,747 
  -acquisition of property, plant and equipment                                 24,427               25,626 
                                                                                43,174               44,373 

The Group is required to undertake certain discretionary capital expenditures upon signing supplementary agreements with CUCBM on certain blocks, details of which are disclosed in note 19.

For disclosure of discretionary commitments under the CUCBM supplementary agreement, see note 19.

  Financial Assets                         As at           Year ended 
                                    30 June 2019     31 December 2018 
                                         USD'000              USD'000 
                                       Unaudited              Audited 
  Loans and receivable: 
  Trade and other receivables             10,094               10,387 
  Restricted Cash                              -                1,000 
  Cash and cash equivalents                   91                  305 
  Total financial assets                  10,185               11,692 
  Financial Liabilities                         As at           Year ended 
                                         30 June 2019     31 December 2018 
                                              USD'000              USD'000 
                                            Unaudited              Audited 
  At amortised cost: 
  Trade and other payables                      7,984                7,783 
  Convertible notes                            61,547               58,739 
  Bonds                                       117,155              110,083 
  Share buyback option liabilities              2,314                2,280 
  Total financial liabilities                 189,000              178,885 

The carrying value of the financial asset and liabilities is approximately equal to their fair value at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018.

Interest rate risk

The Group's income and operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates. The Group's bond and convertible loan note bear fixed interest. The Group has not entered into any cash flow interest rate hedging contracts or any other derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes. However, the management closely monitors its exposure to future cash flow as a result of changes in market interest rates, and will consider hedging such changes should the need arise.

The interest rate profile of the Group's financial assets at each year end was as follows:

                                                        As at           Year ended 
                                                 30 June 2019     31 December 2018 
                                                      USD'000              USD'000 
                                                    Unaudited              Audited 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
  USD      Non-interest bearing                             2                  133 
  USD      Floating rate                                   31                  148 
  GBP      Non-interest bearing                             1                    7 
  GBP      Floating rate                                    3                    3 
  CAD      Floating rate                                    1                    - 
  RMB      Non-interest bearing                            52                    - 
  RMB      Floating rate                                    6                  186 
  HKD      Non-interest bearing                            24                   13 
  HKD      Floating rate                                    1                    1 
  Other financial assets 
  USD     Non-interest bearing      3,146       404 
  RMB     Non-interest bearing      6,423    10,133 
  HKD     Non-interest bearing        494       654 
  GBP     Non-interest bearing          1        10 
                                   10,185    11,692 

The weighted average interest rate earned during the year was 0.15% (2018: 0.20%) on floating rate US dollar cash balances, 0.03% (2018: 0.05%) on floating rate GBP balances and 0.45% (2018: 0.52%) on floating rate RMB balances. At the year end, the Group had cash on short-term deposit for periods of between over-night and one week.

The interest rate profile of the Group's financial liabilities at each year end was as follows:

                                                                                          As at           Year ended 
                                                                                   30 June 2019     31 December 2018 
                                                                                        USD'000              USD'000 
                                                                                      Unaudited              Audited 
  Loans and borrowings, convertible notes and bonds financial liability 
  USD            Fixed rate                                                             178,702              168,822 
  Other financial liabilities 
  USD            Non-interest bearing                                                     3,745                1,063 
  RMB            Non-interest bearing                                                     6,494                7,960 
  GBP            Non-interest bearing                                                        49                  974 
  HKD            Non-interest bearing                                                        10                   23 
  EOR            Non-interest bearing                                                                              2 
  NOK            Non-interest bearing                                                                             40 
                                                                                         10,298               10,062 

The interest rates payable during the year was 10% (2018: 9%) on US dollars convertible notes and 12% (2018: 10%) on US dollars bonds. If all interest rates had been 50 basis points higher/lower, with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit would have been US$nil (2018: US$nil) higher/lower and there will be no impact on other components of equity.

Foreign currency risk

While the Group continually monitors its exposure to movements in currency rates, it does not utilise hedging instruments to protect against currency risks. The main currency exposure risk to the Group has been in relation to the trade payable and other payables denominated in RMB. The Directors consider the foreign currency exposure to be limited. Receivables are generated in RMB, operational cash balances are held in RMB, revenues and future revenues from certain subsidiary operations will be generated in RMB.

  As at 30 June 2019            In NOK      In CAD     In USD     In RMB     In GBP     IN HKD    Total in 
   (Unaudited)                                                                                         USD 
                               US$'000     US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000     US$'000 
  Financial Assets 
  Trade and other 
   receivables                       -           -        793      6,370      1,337      1,594      10,094 
  Restricted cash                    -           -          -          -          -          -           - 
  Cash and cash 
   equivalents                       -           -          -         53         13         25          91 
                                     -           -        793      6,423      1,350      1,619      10,185 
  Financial Assets 
  Trade and other 
   payables                         -            -      3,536      4,438          -         10         7,984 
  Convertible notes 
   and bonds                        -            -    178,702          -          -          -       178,702 
   liabilities                      -            -      2,314          -          -          -         2,314 
              -                                  -    184,552      4,438          -         10       189,000 
  As at 31 December        In NOK     In CAD     In USD     In RMB     In GBP     IN HKD    Total in USD 
  2018 (Audited) 
                          US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000         US$'000 
  Financial Assets 
  Trade and other 
   receivables                  -          -      3,527      6,860          -          -          10,387 
  Restricted cash               -          -      1,000          -          -          -           1,000 
  Cash and cash 
   equivalents                  -          -        261         17          -         27             305 
                                -          -      4,788      6,877          -         27          11,692 
   Financial Liabilities 
  Trade and other 
   payables                    49          -      1,538        510      5,686          -             7,783 
  Convertible notes and 
   bonds                        -          -    168,822          -          -          -           168,822 
  Derivative financial 
   liabilities                  -          -      2,280          -          -          -             2,280 
                               49               172,640        510      5,686          -           178,885 

The above RMB cash, trade and other receivables, trade and other payables and other financial liabilities balances are denominated in a currency other than US dollars. A 3% decrease in the US dollar/RMB exchange rate would result in reported profits for the year ended 30 June 2019 being US$223,000 (31 December 2018: 265,000) higher or lower respectively.

Liquidity risk

The liquidity risk of each group entity is managed centrally by the group treasury function. The investment budgets and work plans are set by the operating teams in the PRC and agreed by the Board annually in advance, enabling the Group's cash requirements to be anticipated. Where facilities of group entities need to be increased, approval must be sought from the Board. Further disclosures on liquidity risk and going concern are included in note 2.

All surplus cash is held centrally to maximise the returns on deposits through economies of scale while required cash will be remitted to the PRC based on monthly cash-call basis.

The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities at the reporting dates based on contractual undiscounted payments are summarised below:

                                 Six months    Within one 
                   Six months        to one       to five      Over five    Undiscounted                      Carrying 
                      or less          year         years          years        payments    Adjustments        balance 
                      US$'000       US$'000       US$'000        US$'000         US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
  At 30 June 
  Trade and 
   payables             7,984             -             -              -           7,984                         7,984 
   notes and 
   bonds                9,822       168,880             -              -         178,702                       178,702 
   liabilities              -             -         4,400              -           4,400        (2,086)          2,314 
                       17,806       168,880         4,400              -         191,086        (2,086)        189,000 
                   Six months    Six months    Within one      Over five    Undiscounted    Adjustments       Carrying 
                      or less        to one       to five          years        payments                       balance 
                                       year         years 
                      US$'000       US$'000       US$'000        US$'000         US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
  At 31 
  Trade and 
   payables             7,783             -             -              -           7,783              -          7,783 
   notes and 
   bonds                    -       188,580             -              -         188,580       (19,758)        168,822 
   liabilities              -             -         2,732              -           2,732          (452)          2,280 
                        7,783       188,580         2,732              -         199,095       (20,210)        178,885 


(i) Undiscounted payments are drawn up based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. They include both principal and interest cash outflows.

(ii) In the period ended 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, the adjustment to the convertible notes and bonds represents the impact of the unamortised transaction costs and future interest.

(iii) Carrying balance represents the balance per consolidated statement of financial position at the end of each reporting period.

Credit risk

The Group's maximum exposure to credit risk by class of individual financial instrument is shown below:

                                    30 June 2019 (Unaudited)      31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                      Carrying        Maximum        Carrying         Maximum 
                                         value                          value 
                                         value       exposure           value        exposure 
  Current asset                       USD$'000       USD$'000        USD$'000        USD$'000 
  Trade and other receivables           10,094         10,094          10,387          10,387 
  Restricted cash                            -              -           1,000           1,000 
  Cash and cash equivalents                 91             91             305             305 
                                        10,185         10,185          11,692          11,692 

None of trade and other receivables, including the amount due from related parties, had been impaired. Trade and other receivables are predominantly non-interest bearing. The Group does not hold any collateral as security and the Group does not hold any significant provision in the impairment account for trade and other receivables as they mainly relate to customers with no default history. The Group has current receivables of due from related parties of US$7,229,000 (2018: US$7,224,000), the recovery of which is dependent on the future profits of the related parties. The Group expects to fully recover its receivable based on the profit forecasts of the related parties.

Capital risk management

The Group's objectives when managing capital are to ensure the ability of the entities in the Group to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for equity holders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain the capital structure, the Group considers the macro economic conditions, prevailing borrowing rates in the market and adequacy of cash flows generated from operations and may adjust the amount of dividends paid or payable to equity holders, raise funding through capital market, adjust the amount of other borrowings as necessary. No changes were made to the objectives or policies during the year/period.

The Group monitors capital on the basis of the debt-to-equity ratio. This ratio is calculated as net debts divided by equity attributable to the Company's equity holders. Net debt includes current and non-current liabilities less cash and cash equivalents, as shown in the consolidated statements of financial position. Equity includes equity attributable to equity holders of the Company. Debt-to-equity ratios at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018 are as follows:

                                  Period ended    Year ended 31 December 2018 
                                  30 June 2019 
                                       USD'000                        USD'000 
                                     Unaudited                        Audited 
  Current liabilities                  186,686                        176,605 
  Non-current liabilities              120,723                        120,921 
  Cash and cash equivalents               (91)                          (305) 
  Net debt                             307,318                        297,221 
  Equity                               621,347                        634,847 
  Debt-to-equity ratio                    0.49                           0.47 

Fair Value

The carrying amounts of significant financial assets and liabilities approximate their respective fair values as at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018.

The carrying values of cash and bank balances, trade and other receivables, and trade and other payables approximate their respective fair values because of their short maturities. The carrying amounts of other liabilities approximate their fair value as the effect of discounting is immaterial. The carrying amounts of loan and borrowings and convertible notes approximate their fair values because the effective interest rates of the debts are approximate to the prevailing market interest rates at the reporting dates for similar borrowings available to the Group.


As announced by the Company on 25 September 2019, the Bond Trustee (note 14) has called a Bond Holders informational conference on 30 September 2019. See note 14 for more information.

There is no other subsequent event after the balance sheet date which requires disclosure in the financial statements.


We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

(a) the Condensed Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union, and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and

(b) The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules (DTR 4.2.7 R and 4.2.8 R).

On behalf of the Board

Randeep S. Grewal

Founder & Chairman

30 September 2019



Randeep S. Grewal

Executive Director, Chairman and CEO

Bryan Smart

Non-Executive Director

Wayne Roberts

Non-Executive Director

Zhao Li Guo

Non-Executive Director

Gong Da Bing

Non-Executive Director


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2019 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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